Ready, get set, go! Let the crab cake wars begin
Though there's nothing like hot and spicy crabs piled on newspaper surrounded by pitchers of beer, the crab cake is waaayyy more portable and requires a lot less effort to consume. BOB YESBEK PHOTO
Bob Yesbek
April 30, 2021
Every morning, I pour myself a cup of cold-brew coffee. I add a polite squirt of Monin Dark Chocolate, a splash of half & half, and then pad into my office to gaze into the murky horrors of the unknown. In other words, I read my email.
My various email boxes get around 150 hits every day. Of course, there are always the crazies (refer to my “send to trash” column from a few months ago), but the great majority of people are kind enough to share their thoughts about our local eateries. Though I grouse about it (to get a laugh), it affords me a pretty good cross-section of the local zeitgeist, i.e., the prevailing mood that suggests what’s “in” or what’s not quite so “in.” One thing I can be sure of: Crab cakes will always be “in.”