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Longer serving the National Interest you need people in the military or the bureaucracy or both who are willing to see the regime change otherwise they would be able to put down a popular revolt that did not have support at higher levels. But you had to stand. Out all over them when i saw. That i dont know right now but there are guys that you know that are four doors down and a kid and. Im going to let them but i dont touch them then you cut them and kick and. I dont lose a child with a trifle that it no. Longer works and i want to show its also. Good for the toefl but choice i knew for years and hey i think the time in syria has said. From the shiites our civil someone else for that in africa will fuck around with mr hate for jim and then i hope that our freedom in your class. Do some promise that im down that story after you know just to dump on the anger on the most of it on minute to some pinned on that beat me and i dont think this is. If a man asked mr dont submit all around instead of used to beat it sounds like i was at the fair asked miss out to down to spit. Or lick it on to find new found skill angles going to pull together is going to get is my boy so but im not a hammer in her studio if. So the meds are valid mourner suited up able to scold me for okaying its miles from. Last on here Look Building but when things go. Going to from a it appears not and so most of the bit on the studio. Just like denmark and finland not only offers Free Education to european students but also allocates a universe of ground to each through dish student three hundred euros a month for six years. This way the students tease his or her time at university as an experience of freedom and learning a way to shape a critical mind and apprehend the world here its important its called the student experience. They are in love with the us the for us to them no matter internet from. Their. Mix on manic or. Shall not the whole of their quest for to wonder number have or fur at twelve can ask op us in from paid. Tank a feat oak tank. Mere danger and im a forty four and i said here that the lesson from to. That. You know the one that made me have a heart was that we got the drama for the money when it had to. Have us thought us a good laugh at the end of this because you know they are hard to stomach now and then. If a child is. But theres something to behold i told you on the us thing. A little to no time to solve the moment. Or soon the most of all sales will come to market so now this i think were going to mount some say i dont have to do flawless you know fine here no p. O. V. So. The moment you know you know fussing with a good thing bearing in an. Attempt to empty our mothers army at me and decide this is the good news whats the chance in front of the c. E. O. Via. The most i could give me a finance im going to go to the senate call them and you can survive you say on the surface to. Get some effort on timber stuff different stuff how the more the still loom the hormone yourself or more how do you hold about. If you know what hes good in six months is a so thats where the moments come from doing the show in the. Investigation from we call murder the tallest. Thing as a special stimulus i just read this book if i must because i saw. Your picture of your teacher about. It when i meant to call certain kind of offering not only. Yeah the size. For most of the fourth year because i live it and it just about the next minute i think oaks of the store how are you so think ill see over your total how this been going on not just when i was thank you because thats what ill do you congressman i still have some famous coconut stuff out there as they go out there but see it at the end of this week some of my holiday ill do anything new on sunday some of the most infamous getting numb takes on the scenes with us any time to your point that three hundred to some your thank you for time means that i bought it out in the middle of the on the stand because i think. This. Like what happens elsewhere the jewish unfeeling crease hasnt deterred young english students from enrolling. In one thousand nine hundred eight just before the introduction of tuition fees there were eight hundred thousand students in english universities. There are now two point three million the cost to access knowledge hasnt deterred them so why stop there. Dave vice chancellor is already making noises about the cap behavior still to live thousand pounds a year. Many are saying that we need to move to an american style system where its much much more expensive its not a nine thousand pounds cap it will be much much more but i think what were witnessing im in a cross the Public Sector an equation on Public Sector within the United Kingdom within the u. K. Its probably the third phase of competition and privatized market times ation since since the Second World War and thats what weve seen in terms of Higher Education its a slow creep and when you start to introduce that you get the leadership of universities stop thinking necessarily about the education that they are providing or about the public good and start importing the behaviors of what they see as a competitive environment elsewhere within the private sector. Manchester so students weve got many different universities here mentions so much reporting University University or so forth northwest through college of music manchester articulate and me and so on our total student population is about one hundred thirty thousand students which is pretty much one third of the city our campus year it is almost as big as mentions for city center. The division of communications and marketing communicates everything thats good about the university both internally and text and its developing and its also professionalizing the Higher Education sector is probably like behind the commercial sector for some time but its catching up very fast our university has its very own starbucks if youre into starbucks if youre into like taking selfies with your starbucks cup and everything this is pretty much the place to go if you go to subway youre going to get a free cookie if you go to mcdonalds youre going to get a free mic for ian so. On. The citys pretty much made for students so make great use of the student fees have increased from three thousand pounds to nine thousand pounds that does mean that students want better value for money they want more and marketing and help and communicate what what the benefits of an organization are so we always have many many different people coming over we had some professors from many Different Countries we have also movie directors and everything if you want to make a good impression stuff you can get a job offers in Higher Education in the u. K. Traditionally like historically communications and marketing have been very much a support function what were seeing now is a transformation where were moving from a supporting role to a leadership role. And thats the feeling that as has come very very quickly over the last few years that its not just about education anymore its also about running a business many universities are now businesses and the vice chancellors are also chief executives and they make no theyre not shy in saying this they have to make money they have to make a profit and startlingly what we found is that over a period of five years vice chancellors salaries had increased by on average somewhere in the region of twenty six percent whereas in the same period for your main gate lecturers those people are actually providing the service to the students so they are a drop in real terms by twelve percent on this is a clear normally and you have to ask yourself the questions of why is this happening. Reform this is the only system similar to all those worldwide could support paying education rely on an essential concept an economic theory born in the sixtys. And it rose to. At the end of the ninetys. The human capital. But capital you must acquire say the third quasi there. And i need you disposed us took the good bit also the good is also a very noisy. A. Q. R. Dont. You know that bt lost all of the reform as you have a thriller for mr and you just other courses they acquired this week at the dollar because on their it will cost you pause. The songs. You give that is that the name they are both new and so it all clichy cimon the more they are learning remember the fiance left pharmacy also give either a pause a Larger Society yet or cover bottle to come visit you that is. Also happening in what you fear models at regime like an exhaust not blue green valley or economic is are they going to meet at a sausage d. C. Printed if you jump so that your course you pause desire may lead you just reviled who thought proceed you know says it you do killers are the top receiver you cannot be a share. In the to eat the bush plan to eat. Is. Influenced by the english tidal wave in two thousand and six germany also raised this curation feel authorizing universities to charge one thousand euros per year that certainly within a few years all the lender of federal states slowly abandon this policy to return to an entirely free system. Deutch of this for not only has it. Its business as for johnson belongs im a bridge too long how does midget buck does the owner visited if i had to go to when he visited i thought. But that wouldnt just the first mover be im up for it if youre on the factor for now up to him to be at odds with. So in other words order to him and door slammed by to him to be on fire fighter and you dont count. This double as many action scene can thus. Skips us given im normally connotation when he visited and get. Business after Business Model to tighten daughter leading to it skips esquus in that benzine. Xen they just wouldnt be on z. But sun misson and. We visit if its must believe university of manchester is into us. In the states your want the foreigner to make your tea couldnt for cedar fair become. Decent in the states yawn and placed. Despite some resistance the english model is spreading throughout europe. It applies theories elaborated by Large International instances mostly by the world bank and the o. E. C. D. From now on the knowledge market is the new doctrine universities are expected to become a Strategic Force in wealth production. They must become Like Companies and industries they must promote applied research they must favor employee ability they must produce a qualified workforce consistent with companies designers. Mogs does these took to it a bit of affinity swoosh nearly as yet duffy going if its there ill speak im going to go and see if you can be moved. Good idea in technician that i can titian. Traineeships in an intern eamonn warty human voice defensive underwater. To be daft isnt a name is not my us could be didnt win does it cover just after to give it the it could in under who surely neema its pretty easy of does he didnt bust you into name and boy or doesnt it in the guys or the indian engineer isnt shafton is easy d. To employ ability id for absolute feeding different or and up is in dolphin does a division of the word to get out into the need to identify. Theres british im glad im a bit calmer more the first did when you visited furtive books always been the ones institutes you one this is a first class in. These i want to see is the of recently by month so im finished first did the stuff belong to the team for. You then you dont. See the daleks try to get a court to get. What they need not through only ten tests. Let alone. Said. Claiming to know. That. You speak french. Most. Young children have worked in bolivia for generations almost three quarters of a million are doing so today. This culture led to the development of the libyas new liberal and highly controversial childrens code in two thousand and fourteen which gave children as young as ten the right to work under certain circumstances one doesnt is to miss. These only. Eat well. In the end. From the things years. But there are hundreds of thousands of children in bolivia operating completely outside the local. Mining work is strictly forbidden by the children but its never enforced and that means the school boy minus here continue risking their lives for the money they need to survive on. Its something that is very important. Not to be only a common market. As we say to be a community of their. Views of process as if you were is saw here to power that from moscow prides to dominate. The their way to be answerable to communities it is so. Prescribe medication is widespread on the u. S. Market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything was just my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. To commit suicide what or who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do you know we were being responsible and what are the real side effects why he. Was terminally alter what i did was done on a cocktail of legal drugs. Just because somethings legal doesnt mean its. Breaking news here on r. T. International the turkish president says ann curry as ground operation against the kurds in syria is on the way. The war on terror is no longer americas top defense policy priority instead the u. S. Will focus on a global power play with russia and china which are its main threats on the world stage as according to the secretary of defense james mattis. As transparent as his second year in office the u. S. Government and. The shutdown over a funding bill will take a look back at the highs and lows of the president s tenure so far. And a new rather low as a witch hunt against communism appears on the right we tell the story of a student whos been bashed for saying in the media that communism never actually failed. A warm welcome its three pm here in moscow and youre watching r. T. International with me nicky aaron now we start this hour with breaking news the turkish president says and korea has started its military operation in syria on the ground the defacto operation was launched yesterday after the turkish army opened cross border fire on the kurdish held afrin region it was provoked after the u. S. Military commander announced plans to create a border force with kurds in Northern Syria a move which left ankara raging later the secretary of state trying to clarify the situation saying the u. S. Had no intention of creating such a force there but his words havent been enough to stop the military operation. The internal situation has been misplaced treat mr scribed some people misspoke were not creating a Border Security forces. The coalition is working jointly with the Syrian Democratic forces to establish and train the new syrian Border Security force. Forget the war on terror its russia and china that are now americas biggest threat thats what the u. S. Defense secretary james mattis spelt out as he unveiled the countrys new Foreign Policy priorities. Picks up the story. Trumps new defense doctrine can probably be summed up in just three words bring it on if you challenge it will be your longest and your worst day the war on terror is now secondary the priority is the new great game of good lobel proportions Great Power Competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of u. S. National security the logic here is that technological and hard power gap between the us and the competition is narrowing and washington simply cant let that happen it cannot expect success by the tomorrows conflicts with yesterdays weapons or equipment. Investments in space and cyber Space Nuclear Deterrent Forces Missile Defense advanced autonomy a systems and resilient an agile logistic will provide our high quality troops what they need to win. I. That is a new arms race or race is a Nuclear Arms Race at me races side by race space to what has that ever made the world a safer place sure we can have competition and all of that internationally but we should be working more cooperatively with each other because last time i heard the cold war was over what im really concerned about is that were going to be seen. Draining i drain resources to something we really really dont need already theyre talking about a hypersonic fighter who needs it that really requires billions upon billions of dollars of research and development and again its really aimed at keeping the Defense Industry in business its been said that budget cuts have done more damage to the u. S. Military than anything else they say is an attempt to undo that damage but these are out of Business Plans remember the f. Thirty five or the colombia class submarines lethal weapons at least when it comes to destroying budgets but then the fool you know it winds up for you know it Winston Churchill it once said the only thing harder than fighting with the allies is fighting without them the growing economic strength of todays democracies and partners dictates they must now see. Up and do more making everyone else pays this much is part of the planets all the fancy toys europeans especially havent been all that enthusiastic about spending fortunes in defense understandably but then theres a new domain to fight in the cyber world this is a wild west right now as you know people in their bedrooms can be doing things that are causing your bank account dire problems at this point an urgent challenge and the u. S. Is going to overhaul and boost the cyber forces giving them greater capability to deal with the random guys in their bedrooms i think weve got some serious challenges ahead we dont have the resources for the kind of spending that they want to do and i think we need to be a great deal more concerned about how do we find our resources are going to be allocated and we need to be meeting immediate threats and thats terrorism. First year in the white house is being mocked by a government wide shutdown as off of the Republican Controlled Senate refused to approve a bill to fund the government for salivating to try abandoning a Migration Program known as the dca demand that the Republican Leadership do the job they are paid to do today they put politics above the National Security everyone thinks of themselves as a leader in that building is going to have to look at themselves in the marriage and ask are they really being true to the ideals of this country democrats hold or local citizens hostage over their breakfast. We have a divider in chief in the white house this is behavior the structure just loses not legislate. But this is just the latest example of how bumpy the first twelve months for the president have been kind of moping takes a look at how trying to tenure has unfolded so. When trouble is sworn in a year ago emotions were running high on all sides. Ok. The us media described it as a Pivotal Moment in American History youre not having a terrible terrible dream also youre not dead and you havent gone to hell it will be very bad americans and others will now die washington d. C. The establishment is terrified and they should be they call that the trump revolution trump promised to completely overhaul u. S. Foreign and Economic Policy he promised a brave new world that was cheered by his supporters and dreaded by his detractors as a distro be an apocalypse so a year on where are we well with all this America First rhetoric you might have thought that would have met with less interference in other countries well thats not exactly how it played out tonight i ordered a targeted military strike we are so proud of our military that it was another successful event we have many options for venezuela including a possible military option if necessary on the home front from promised a new level of protectionism against mexico and china but the usa is increasingly buying more foreign goods and producing less of its own the trade deficit with mexico is up by eleven percent the trade deficit with china is up by seven percent unemployment is low but so are wages there is record amounts of Household Debt in the United States right now and Retail Stores are closing across the country and heres one thing that didnt change between trump and previous administrations during the election trump talked about Getting Along Better with russia and his detractors called him a kremlin puppet but now one year later things between washington and moscow are about the same as they were before bad for their action by the. Congress to put these sanctions in place from the way they do thats the decision they made that made it a very overwhelming. Except we may be at an all time low in terms of the relationship with russia this is built for a long period of time now trump promised to drain the swamp of corruption we are going to drill. Washington d. C. But it looks like that swamp is still here and deeper than ever policy stay the same our Foreign Policy is the same the Monetary Policy in the Federal Reserve is the same spending as the same deficits are still rising so there has not been any significant changes in the direction of our country which i had been hoping for is that he has perpetuated so many of our deeply flawed policies especially in Foreign Policy Foreign Policy is a little bit more confusing i am very pleased hes at least made an honest effort that hes reduced the amount of regulations and i think thats one of the reasons weve had an economic boost. And that is that is good and hes made an effort to reduce taxes thats from perfect but lower taxes less regulation is good and the marketplace is reflecting that oh and dont forget about that wall were going to build the world we have no choice we have no choice. Yeah hows that going we have some wonderful. Prototypes that have been put up now despite the president s ambitious timetable for construction it remains unclear when the wall might actually go up on the surface donald trump looks like a president like no other is allowed for

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