Part in every day Crypto Currency Exchange operations and gains the owner eight percent for each shands action the latest chinese bit main mining machine at twenty three hundred dollars will produce you around twenty five dollars worth of bitcoin daily r m c s two miners in the works the sixteen hundred dollars sunrise Bitcoin Miner that has more mining power than that mains machine thats producing thirty to forty percent more daily revenue and the multicell alternative coin miner that will be a breakthrough for the worlds Mining Machinery but speak with himself and get the latest on the progress so you had a tough launch some deadlines were blown but everyone is eager to see the miner whats the progress so far the progress is good the sunrise mine is ready and as we speak were beginning mass production of the factory while the multicell should be ready by august twenty eighth multicell is a microprocessor which routes deep into the soviet past when the multi. Processing philosophy was created it was used for in Space Communication and it is still used what it is is basically a ciphering technology for Communication Channels using Minimal Energy consumption and at the same time being extremely failsafe because several cells allow the processor to keep working even if one or two cells have malfunctioned in orbit or experience when we did the mathematical equations of experiments the results were sounding as they were radically better and higher than for example the usual alternative coing to mining through video cards by our calculations one multicelled will produce up to four thousand dollars in revenue a day and thats where we got the idea to do an i. C. A. O. For the production of such unique products whats your take on the future of crypto in russia i think the russian government overall sees cryptocurrency is something positive there ins and outs that have yet to be established steps are being taken to govern cryptocurrency but overall the drift im getting is that even with future laws in place russia will be a very habitable country for cryptocurrency it is really mind boggling a machine that will produce four thousand dollars a day is that even possible while its wait and see you can watch the full episode of our tease on our you tube channel stay tuned meanwhile a canadian based on has filed an alternative fuels for cryptocurrency mining he is recycling the heat generated through bit acquired mining for agricultural use the waste heat generated from over one hundred Bitcoin Mining computers is being recycled to grow edible plants and maintain fish tank temperatures and currently around eight hundred arctic char being raised in the warehouse the founder of the Food Technology explains how recycling waste heat can bring economic benefits to the local community. Recycling that waste heat from data centers or Bitcoin Miners thats going to have a huge Economic Impact to your wallet whether its from strawberries or even nutraceuticals from growing very specific plants under tight environmental conditions the benefit is going to be felt by everyone what we do know is that the Digital Economy has a huge ecological footprint whether youre searching on amazon or on facebook even doing a Google Search thats equivalent to driving a car fifty kilometers thats a big Carbon Footprint now we can take that waste heat and then converted into facilities where were growing food and that food addresses real humanitarian needs like Food Security and being able to have Fresh Produce throughout the year we might have a shot still to come here at all the International Court of last the hour here in moscow a debate is suddenly heating up in the United States over what to do with the children all the Illegal Immigrants thats in the mix of your world headlines and a. Good politicians to you should. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So what you want to be for us and she. Has some want to thats. Actually going to be for us thats what before three of them or if you get. Interested always in the water use it. For shit. Manufacture consent to public wealth. When the ruling class is reject. The final. Nor middle of the room. Thanks for joining us here on out see russia is getting ready for president ial elections the incumbent lie to me and putin is running for what would be his fourth term two parties the socially conservative and the more liberal leaning of fielding the same candidates as last time around respectively Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Grigory Yavlinsky are also some new faces Russias Communist Party is now represented by a powerful dean and known as the strawberry thanks to his collective farms and then theres x. T. V. Host. Who says that a vote for her is a vote against everyone. On a boy caught up with. I want to show people russia that there is another point of view this is the goal of my complaint i know you cant win on the elections where only putin always wins putting himself on many occasions that russia needs more competition both political but he never gives it i didnt know all the facts you are so subtle i dont hear forty two years im just a little blonde girl you know coming from going to shows and how to balance with me. Ive never said that a president should be you know one field expert. Of the only good way for us is along the way i know that many people want to foster change but change only have those as a revolution i am against. I want to educate people i want to bring them truth and i want together all their problems to make them federal its the same old russian paternalism waiting for the officials to fix the problem dont you think that you are essentially playing the very same kremlin tactic no im not i am the change people want to see. Why to the United States now the bait over what to do with the children of Illegal Immigrants who grew up in the country known as dreamers while the debate is heating up an article in the New York Times has triggered a backlash for proposing a compromise between liberals and the Trump Administration on this issue the author of the piece suggested that trumps Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller should be included in negotiations on immigration as he represents the views of a wide spectrum of society is an advocate of increased restrictions on immigration and the idea prompted people to take to twitter to brand the New York Times a white supremacist paper this is a town but i am a sahm to normalise this regime groups politicians fascism and nazis is insane and must be stopped still furious at the New York Times for normalising white supremacist Steven Miller New York Times do you have any distance you left i guess printing this mash notes to white supremacist on hole course memorial day is the answer to that question shame on you profound and utter shame on you. New york times is not a white supremacist paper the multiple nonsupport faces constant pro trompe are and praise for me long today of all days is not exceptional john griffin a conservative commentator in texas thinks that its difficult to reach a compromise when both the far right and the far left dictating terms you have bad eggs in each administration i dont think steve miller is a bad egg i think hes gotten an unfair rap like many of the members of the tribe of ministration because of how intensely the radical left hate trump and how intensely the far right are determined to defend anything and everything about this administration there is a core sense of what it means to be an american rights for workers low unemployment in our respective the individuals all these things go out the window on the extreme left and on the extreme right when we allow those two polls to dictate the discussion and thats whats happening on immigration and we can go a different direction if wed only seen. Well in iraq locals lifted a u. S. Led Coalition Air strike reportedly hit civilians and local police instead of terrorists the incident took place on saturday reports suggest at least eight people were killed and twenty injured i heres what i witness is hard to say. We have to say that when we write by car to find People Killed or wounded the officer carried a wounded woman and laid her down in the car after that same car was hit by a missile they were killed fifteen seconds later they opened fire on the people and their houses with a machine gun shortly after this a missile hit a police car and officers were killed. Iraqi officials have confirmed they did call for a u. S. Led air strike but insists they asked for a target a terrorist cell the u. S. Military also says thats exactly how things did unfold adding though that an investigation is now underway Iraqi Security forces conducted a raid and apprehended a high value dash leader during extraction of the dash later a dash member reportedly initiated an exchange of ground fire and iraqi leaders called for Coalition Air support several people were killed and wounded during the exchange and the incident is under investigation by iraqi and coalition officials the coalition operates by permission and in direct coordination with the government of iraq and its Security Forces so with an Investigation Underway the head of Iraqi Security and Defense Committee called on the government to adopt measures that will restrain the u. S. Led coalitions actions in iraq. So often much anticipation from football fans english club leeds united on vale day new bad show need to floods of criticism at the club quickly caved into the outcry and is now letting supporters choose the clubs new badge and a public vote. Ice drop outs are what ill tell you more of your wednesday world headlines every step. The release the memo moment is upon us republicans are billing it as some kind of Silver Bullet revealing political corruption at the highest levels of the department of justice and f. B. I. The democrats on the other hand and their supporters in the liberal media call it a distraction finally the public will decide. About your sudden passing ive only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last turn. Up to you as we all knew it would i tell you im sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. I remember when we first met my life turned on each. But then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some marshawn to view those that didnt like to question our arc and i secretly promised. To never be like its one does not need a funeral the same as one enters the mind its consumed with death this was just. A speech as there were no other takers. Claimed that Mainstream Media has met its make. A scene years ago i traveled across the United States exploring americas deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better luck with their iron i guess they are and hurting when i buy my babies says my book was published in the year two thousand more than half a million americans have been killed by firearms in the us i point out is thought to me as i did this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was interesting to see who actually got here. And i decided to return to the subject to track down each gun owner who id met and photographed those years ago i dont know this but we are not. Im after a time you were going on the ground is dropping you officials close an extraordinary session in brussels to discuss Donald Trumps plans to got aid for vital u. N. Programs in palestine coming up in the show stories of may arrives in beijing today tory groan the u. K. Lord select Committee Member will fly welcomes the government giving off its backside to forge new clothes for exit opportunities in the communist peoples republic and what is the u. K. s role in this months massive civilian death toll in afghan. The stunt we speak to form an e. U. Political advisor in afghanistan will give edwards about the catastrophic legacy of decades of anglo u. S. War there plus in the headlines if you want to find a secret u. S. Military base just follow the dog out and the man from the feds whos run out of time all the civil war coming up at todays going underground but first who are the black hat and who are the white hats the u. S. And u. K. Intelligence agencies and governments want us to be against and for thousands have been killed in the conflict between british backed kiev forces and those living in donetsk in the hands following the nato backed coup detat in ukraine in twenty fourteen and just hours before the pope appealed for peace in the Eastern Ukraine there has been renewed fighting in recent days one journalist who has tried to eliminate the real foundations of nato powers defacto backing fascism in europes largest country is ball perry he died on saturday after a series of strokes and the founder of Consortium News was always clear about ukraine being one of the front lines of what know him chomsky calls the manufacture of consent ive been to a journalist in the city since one nine hundred seventy seven. I worked for the so should press the newsweek and public broadcasting from online as well as starting Consortium News dot com and as an investigative web site. And i have to say that in all these years i cant think of a time when there has been a group thing as single minded as the one weve seen over the past year or so regarding the ukraine crisis when accepting the i. M. F. Stone medal for journalism at Harvard Perry was clear that after the pentagon papers and watergate successive u. S. Administrations devise a strategy to combat socalled vietnam syndrome using black hatted villains to cajole a war weary us public and so wars would kill maim or displace. Millions across the middle east let alone us backed contra death squads attempts in the koran to exterminate the sandinistas black hats and white hats much of these same techniques used. These. Continues to the present everybodys everybody now saying was good were seeing it with. Over and over and over again were saying well yeah there are problems. There. It turned out it was much easier for black white because why that sort of easy. Part was used. But it was easier to demonize. Than it was to. Angels in the manichean world given to us by elite media some stories are decontextualized for instance this month mass slaughter in afghanistan catalyzed over decades by nato nations and their backing for islamism the white hats which you dont need become blackouts when morphed into al qaeda after nine eleven today on the last day of january twenty eighth the black hat communists of china will become white hats because u. K. Minority government needed to resume his flying there to find out more on why shes going to beijing im joined now by britains former tory shadow paymaster general lord flight lord flight welcome back to why has it taken Prime Minister to raise him a so long since the referendum to actually visit china and Start Talking about trade when i put it the other way around and i say that brics it has stimulated her. To actually get on their bikes go out there meet the people and get some trade going hasnt occurred briefly the superpower of the century i think shes had quite a lot on her plate as you will obviously be aware but i think. The key point is that. Its a sort of huge stimulant to the city and other parts of the british economy to actually get out there and see what business they can do what we dont obviously gossip like other programs like individuals particularly you have already written about something pretty concrete suggestions are going for china style or short term visas visa free transit why are we not hearing this from the front bench but help. Them actually rather agree i think is simply crackpot that we we havent put it into practice you just as lonely figure in the lets talk about china can do it we can do it. All i would say im constructive and i hope that my having raised it will get it done is it because they just dont understand how business is done i think that theyve got lots of things on their minds you said what about Hong Kong Style new visa requirements for a short visit so that british you can do it and you can do it a number of different ways its obviously needed and i hope it will be something that comes out of the china visit is the real reason why actual concrete proposals suggestions like that coming from you a member of to all of the delegated powers Regulatory Reform committee in the middle of the reason why we dont getting this kind of information is i spent forty years in commerce i went all through china in seventy seven million so about a mouth so my history of commerce is perhaps a little wider than some of the some cable why david davis liam fox these are people that arguably understand the point of bricks in the first place and that should be part of the liam fox agenda i mean david davis is doing a specific different job but im sure it will be part of the fox agenda is the reason were not hearing about it is because Philip Hammond and resume remain oh i dont think so and i dont actually think the reason is really i remain a ham and i think he is but i dont think she is just free trade need a treaty at all i understand the point youre making which is just gay. Dont trade in to an extent in a lot of areas you can and its interesting that america gets all of the socialist of stuff to the you about the Single Market because its wholesale not retail goods and if we ended up going to be a route we could simply. Say whatever we want to call do that but i think the the basic underlying point to your question is that while its free trade it still needs to be healthily policed and you dont want treat cheating going on and therefore you need some rules ok because to some the issues of sovereignty issues of free trade they dont seem to be discussed much at the moment it all seems to be about. Various elements of britain trying to get some kind of deal with norway canada deal i mean sure it is basically issues that are behind granted even there that i do well its the other way around which is that while we are a member of the there are various countries that we actually cant do free trade with because the the were bound by the rules and theyre actually preventing us getting on them and free trade with a number of Different Countries i think there is going to be huge scope to increase Economic Activity with other parts of the world as a result of brics it now i know youve been been very optimistic about the city of london in the post brics a future for britain what did you make of this kind of revelation that the city will promised some sort of paper by the government by david davis as to what would happen to the city of london now because not even a date for c. E. O. s of a bailed out city of london getting a position paper audit youll find that nearly all businesses of any size sit here. Doing their own homework and employing their own experts to set out what the options are provided to leave the country and then also to all actually to actually how they should structure their business i mean the comment i particularly make to you is that when at the time of the referendum i was doing about fifteen different city seminars and things and im not surprisingly the organizations that j. P. Morgans were in they remain kept everything small them that was in the bricks at camp and they are being squeezed out of the Single Market quite deliberately because they cant afford the overhead costs of the regulation j. P. Morgan and others who you can say would remain exactly they can run the ever theyve got a nice. Ok well were going to have jeremy call been much about saving the bailed out citi everything there is a very strange relationship give anything from the labor party to all the things along. And imposition of his as regards sovereignty to leave the European Union how do you know that there isnt a great secret breaks it unsaid unsaid memo going around the city must not be allowed to zero tariffs its coming from brussels as part of the brics and to go she ations after all these big banks all want to remain what the city will get is not yet clear and i certainly accept that my expectation is that it will ultimately be based on arrangements that pretty similar and theres a lot of regulation in place for that to be the case already the christmas regulations you will get taught one way talk the other way the french will say you know were not going to wait in the city have Single Market privileges i might add actually if you look at the citys business in the you completely misunderstanding i mean the Single Market is only relevant to retail the Fund Management industry everyone is already set up with luxembourg funds anyway its certain aspects of banking but not particularly Institutional Banking and some aspects of insurance but its quite a small proportion of the total amount of city business where it is wholesale just like America Today we trade with the e. U. Just as america trades with the ok well either way were going to hear much from as i said from the cold and from bench we also hear quite a lot about the European Court of human rights however. Find that surprising given that the left wing position believe it or appear in convention on human rights as people must enjoy their property because corey is exactly one of the first people to be. Nationalized yeah my point is that b. Is that the court of justice we didnt struggle to have our own democracy for a thousand years of executing a monarch to be told what to do by european institutional majesty is what i should say this is no main. Reason the main reason for right so youre saying basically im saying must get through i want you are i want talk to i dont see it as appropriate for the u. K. To be bound by the findings of those courts we need our own courts to do that job David Cameron of course announced recently that hes made his biggest career move and its a chinese one billion dollar fund do you think hell be helping drazen mailed a visit to china today will it be the other way around because apparently there were problems and its fun to know i would actually think that he will help. You know that people go i mean i think hes a very decent guy as a matter of fact and i think he also is a great believer in the National Interest and i think he will do all he can to help around to help the country but how hes looking to raise a may negotiate with Leaders Within the Chinese Communist party if some people reporting that overeating please point to be a correct decision major is a major delayed that Chinese Investment into that and its being accused of not fully endorsing the belgian silk Road Initiative nothing two hundred billion dollars of Infrastructure Projects in europe and africa by the chinese going his body and then she is appearing in beijing trying to say look i think im a mean bluntly they can talk about it and she can tell them what we can afford and what we cant afford i mean my perception is that the u. K. Has supported that project where america hasnt particularly we dont have bottomless pockets. In terms of the point. It certainly i think needed some looking at it from the chinese perspective as well i think that you are doing what the media is doing trying to stir up negatives the whole time hide the good news and. But i want to say this that the brits have been educated by the british media to think that trump was a complete and had to be removed as soon as possible having actually seen him on t. V. Over the weekend they suddenly realize that hes already achieved a great deal and that hes got some enormous positives and i actually think that he and the reason may have the ability to have a pawnshop somewhat analogous to reagan and thatcher well just finally and briefly how quickly do you think the british media youre told you know well just swing around to realizing what chinas going to be one of the big allies of brics it britain well i think. The bad and i think youre right i think its on its way already basically and everyone news the chinese economy is huge and its going to be a major is a major potential market for a single stupid and i think everyone will be extremely pleased that the reason my governments going to go to its backside marketing interesting u. K. Product thank you after the break well ask former your advisor in kabul. If the recent spate of islamist atrocities in the Afghan Capital can be connected to u. S. President. On u. S. Escalation im going to use the council in britain creating a benchmark for hiding the whole mess the grammys are dumped. On the walls of new zealand told us it will go to them going underground. Mines will you know if you dont. Teach. What can you not through only ten. You. Said. Im going to

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