Some spectators whether they recognise team rushes. It will take a long while for russian athletes journalists like myself that i can tell you first sure to forget the acronym oh a r after chang twenty eight thing well just before the winter games a group of russian designers thought they could take advantage of the International Olympic committees language sanctioned. I put one of those on myself and decided to walk around near the olympic park a little bit. What kind of team did people with this kind of sweatshirt support im sure. Its a limb take it half really believe he can for the russian north korea are doing north korea russia the russians the food we see here because they do that if you lose a limb and then something of a limp think athletes of russia what would you chant if you wore annoy our team supporter oh oh oh oh oh oh oh weve come from really full on. Bush. Own. Leg some people say a russian animal can make a sound like that bear the russian bear Siberian Tiger i fear long. Fear will make it sound like its hungry. For gold medals well judging by the first few days of the Winter Olympics the russian fans have chosen to stick to the more traditional chants and symbols. I know youre trying to go archie and chang right after the break we speak exclusively to a former interpreter for the u. K. Armed forces whos in an uphill battle to receive asylum stay with us. The protocol is hard coded to dismantle the world as we know it and those who try to get their way will be destroyed by it but those who want to come on board like a friendly regulator thats ok. A bit wary though you know its the classic Good Cop Bad Cop scenario you know when regular anyone comes with the gift you have to be a little leery. Just coming up to a quarter of an hour into the Program Welcome back the British Government is again being accused of turning its back on interpreters who helped the military in afghanistan many have received Death Threats from the taliban say they cant remain in their home loved spoke exclusively to enough to an interpreter whos facing his final bid for asylum in the u. K. Only to give me the most is where. They told me that you have to leave the country so theyre going to send me. I would typically become abdul barry was a front line in ten percent with British Forces in afghanistan from two thousand and eight to two thousand and ten. I know that if i join the British Forces so close for me but i have to cross our country was. The situation in our country was very bad so i have to help the International Forces to protect other countries so they came to my country to protect us so why should i not hopeless but working with u. K. Troops made abdul its hard for local Taliban Forces that was a phone call from my from my father and a letter put in my door so you know that your son is working for the infidels so tell him to leave the job otherwise he will be slapped on the threats soon turned to violence the taliban raided on my family my father and my mom and my dad so on that time when that happened he was completely angry and all the problems happened to me just because of you creating problems for us with his and his familys lives in danger abdul was forced to flee and of time to go and see this for protection or Something Like ali tice was for me one choice to leave the country he came to britain illegally through cali and applied for asylum on the very first day since then the home office has rejected his initial application and his appeal the government says its safe to return to kabul where he says his life is in danger that was until. I was and justice. When i heard i helped the British Forces in a very risky time at the moment. So i need help but this still ignoring me. As an Asylum Seeker cant work and this is the modest accommodation that the government provides for him he also gets thirty five pounds a week in Living Expenses and he has the constant threat of deportation looming over. Him there are around a thousand afghan interpreters that worked with British Forces around four hundred of them have been given u. K. Beezus which means abdul is one of around six hundred who havent qualified the system has been described as unfair and a lot of a low sherry that abduls best friend how it managed to win applied for his visa while still in afghanistan and after a two year wait he was brought over to the u. K. Under the governments official afghan interpreter scheme do you feel guilty sometimes that you got the visa and abdul didnt buy one visa for a very good purpose or do spend time over the taleban is under seventy per cent not going to see your move forward will be able to be searching for people. That they were would. Call me. But not before so. If you want to get back in afghanistan abdul was a professional boxer he cant compete in the u. K. Because he doesnt have a work permit but he can still train since i came here he can do nothing to staying at home going out sometimes they keep him busy with my turnings your gold market woman if you will be. Told you very. Cover charge. For the work. Youll be all right but i have a full. View of the rubbish. For which you would go to people who would trust the rules. And you. Would need a buffer if you were all abdul can do now is wait for his final appeal against deportation to be considered to by the home office. Yes the problem taffeta in afghanistan. Are the same because there was a big musical about and i have a very bad depression my depression is getting worse so my life but nothing could happen to me. See Greater Manchester will officially be u. K. Government says it investigates every claim of intimidation and considers all cases on an individual basis. Six top intelligence chiefs from americas security organizations are warning u. S. Citizens to stay away from chinese smartphones and that includes and while away after concerns were raised about the countries in which the phones are produced provides the capacity to maliciously modify or steal information provides the capacity to conduct undetected espionage raise your hand if you would recommend that private american citizens use one way or z. T. Products or services. Not of your generation thank you for that bruns just mention there theyre some of the biggest brands worldwide zedd t. E. s market share puts the company in eighth place while away is in the top three along with some sun and apple and the chinese brand is investing massively to break the believe of the market leaders while away has huge stars advertising its phones like football icon the Actress Scarlett Johansson and henry cavill who played superman in the latest movies. Well its not only chinese phone manufacturers suspected of spying on their owners last week a conversation between two f. B. I. Officials was leaked in which he expressed concern about apples ability to provide previous see or read that conversation was from two years ago another time when the f. B. I. Was at loggerheads with apple that was over the tech giant not providing software to access the devices of alleged terror suspects so lets discuss some of this join Tech Consultant tom cheese right to the program tom always good to have your company is this all done to prevent c. And security concerns or are we seeing washington looking to through its barking behind American Made products its hard to know this isnt the first time the American Government has gone after huawei particularly on the grounds that its ownership and the involvement of former Chinese Government members in its ownership and operation present a threat to American National security they previously block the deal for huawei to invest in American Companies and the russian concerns about the British National phone network as well which contains huge number of components from how reasonable are the claims made by u. S. Intelligence chiefs given that while way. They use of course the operating system which is made by google in the United States. If your test for reasonable is whether or not there is any evidence at all that has been made public then the deeply unreasonable we have seen no evidence that any information is being sent from these phones back to china or that theyre doing anything that the manufacturers of other phones dont do and intil they demonstrate that its its really going to be down to the word of these intelligence chiefs and thats quite damaging to a brand as you say is investing huge amounts of money in trying to break the u. S. Market theyve already blocked a big deal with a t n t there. How do you think Foreign Companies and also china itself is going to react to this how do you see this playing out. I think if you put the shoe on the other foot if you like if much of the Chinese Government said that a lot of american manufacturers couldnt be trusted i think wed have an absolute outcry and so i think there will be attention for tat. Maybe not the actual sort of blocks on imports but you may get statements from the Chinese Government about American Brands about whether or not they can be trusted is probably going to carry on for a little while yet but maybe in statements rather than actual evidence well thats the thing in terms of actual measures do you think very going to be put in place as such if you will against chinese elektra mix. You know anythings possible in trumps america we just dont know but given the size of the trade relationship between the two i think theyd have to be very cautious about damaging that seriously electronics in one of the year the biggest markets going back and forth intellectual property and this huge contractual tires between chinese manufacturers and American Network providers so it would be incredibly difficult to translate these sort of statements into legal restrictions just touching upon what you said there last month u. S. Carrier a t. N. T. Suddenly pulled out of a deal with weiwei could there be a connection here. Oh absolutely i think theyve actually attributed back to statements from the u. S. Government they would not look. On such a deal putting large numbers a chinese made into the hands of American Consumers tom thanks so much for joining us and give us an insight into what could be happening here tom chief strike tech consulted great to have your company and now is all the news for now ill be back in just over half an hours time but more global news life from moscow stay with our to international. International recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos and to kiss it to you like you know. This isnt my cup of tea is going local suddenly all maybe. The only palestinian gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i dont think some of those who. Wish to. Do this. And the desire to this lady of the muscle that you have im going to compete in the gaza machine to do more in the middle. But theres almost. Everybody im stephen bob. Taft hollywood guy the suspect every proud american first of all im just george bush and r. V. This is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different i was abraham lincoln. In your windows with all the drama happening in our country. Im shooting the road have some fun meet Everyday Americans calmly and closely start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people which. I played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money just kill you narrowness and spending stupid and twenty million album fly a. Book its an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so well paul chimes with. The thinks its going to. Put politicians to do something. They put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. Most somewhat want to listen. To going to be press was like them before three in the morning can people go im interested always in the lines about how. Serious question. Greetings and salutations if the economy is the beating heart of a nation than infrastructures spains bones and muscle this week u. S. President donald trump and his administration introduced his massive one point five trillion dollar infrastructure plan to the country and reviews are out shall we say. Downright diabolical according to the New York Times trumps plan puts little emphasis on how much an infrastructure proposal benefits the public and more on finding private investors and other outside sources of money elliot sklar a professor of urban planning and International Affairs at Columbia University told the times that instead of the Public Sector deciding on public needs and Public Priorities the projects that are most attractive to private investors are the ones that will go to the head of the line so in the competition for federal infrastructure funding it appears that trumps planted that a former developer is essentially putting private companies and other developers at the head of the line while putting the actual needs of society all the way to the back as professor scar elaborates private investors will become the tail that will wake the dog because theyll want projects that will give returns in two thousand and seventeen the American Society of Civil Engineers annual infrastructure report card has given the United States of america a d. Plus d. Plus the infrastructure problems within the United States are becoming quite legendary especially for a country with such a great history of infrastructure marvels from the railroad empires of the eighteen hundreds to the construction of the hoover dam but you see this is what happens when a country puts the military Industrial Complex on a financial pedestal and its politicians make decisions based on short term cheap applause rather than long term hard honest vision its time for the big ideas and the big risks once again it is time to start watching the hawks. But if you think that thats. What they like you know that i got. It. We think so. Well as were on the watch of the harks i am tired robot and on top of the wallace joining us from los angeles is the one and only sean stone always a pleasure sean. So i want to first let me just quickly go over this and say look the bedroom government according to trumps plan will be proved providing about two hundred billion of the one point five trillion in funding the administration is essentially laying its hopes to structure funding in a way that offers incentives to you know state governments and local governments and private companies that will make up all that difference so let me start mass your tab first with trump promising infrastructure throughout his campaign thats all we heard a lot of times on the rebuild americas infrastructure which i think all three of us can agree is a good thing to get onboard with tell that youve been a long champion of rebuilding infrastructure what are your thoughts on the plan can he do it well i dont think its a plan to actually get it done i mean funding is a major problem now already and what doesnt make sense is that youre looking at. Someone pushing through a whole bunch of spending which we need to do and what this plan does this reverse it so theres even less less money coming from the federal government theres less money going into you know the highway fund there is less money going and theyve actually swapped it is going from instead of you know federal government be able to pay eighty percent its only going to pay about twenty percent and are going to have to fill the rest in with private industry and you said that is just one pay a big pay it bad idea private industry that if theyre not going make money its not going to happen it isnt it isnt i dont know i think republicans are a little they dont like to spend money they dont like to do all that stuff they say they dont yet they dont like to spend money if they dont this is why weve waited ten. Years to get the started were still waiting you know one of things i want to ask sean you covered infrastructure part of infrastructure in your documentary a century of where were you talked about how infrastructure is really a public good can you kind of expand. Well absolutely in the documentary we elaborate on the notion that its basically integral to dark to our nation going back to. The hamiltons report on manufacturers and how basically america as a republic like a major aspect of our revolution was actually about the idea of being able to manufacture refine our goods for ourselves in order to actually have manufacturing and industry you have to have infrastructure thats how markets can thrive and grow you know markets dont just the free Market Concept doesnt take into account well what roads are going to get you to the market in the first place and allow and what are the currency for example currency is part of that right as far as infrastructure is concerned all these things that we dont think of whether its water Power Internet all these are different aspects of of our economy and if if we dont have published some aspect of pop some level of public good basically you can allow for increasing inflation increasing privatization which allows for inflation so youre paying more for the basic necessities of life as opposed to putting it into the actual economy itself where you want to you know basically find goods manufactured provide things that people can purchase those take a look at the clip from your from the central war. Back in Seventeen Seventy six while the nations adam smith made the point that literally the wealth of nations is what they manufacture the example that he used in the book was a tree limb on the ground truly on the ground has no Intrinsic Value but if you apply human labor to it and turn into an axe handle it youve got something that now has value and will have value presumably for several generations it becomes part of the wealth of the nation for over one hundred years the whole idea of industrial capitalism in the west was the government that was going to invest in infrastructure and provide the. Social services freely road Education Public Health and the idea was that Government Spending on infrastructure would lower the cost of living and doing business and make countries more competitive infrastructure might seem like the abstract but really its basic things like roads and bridges but also for high tech structure like our you know connection wireless or broadband those kinds of the things and what it does the next people to share of the income that we put into infrastructure has gone down starkly and so now the studies show that the quality of our industry on whether its roads whether its broadband is on par with less developed countries. And thats the sad case and you know it feels to me like every single election season either its not brought up one it is brought up whether its old or whether george bush or now donald trump theyve all promised us all were they all promised us do infrastructure but it seems like every time that political promises broken or like you know maybe a quarter or its all smoke and mirrors which many are calling kind of trumps plan or privatization i want to ask you this how does like why do we feel like we keep getting lied to why are politicians continuing to lie to us or just breaking promises at least about infrastructure well one thing about. That i can head on is that. The problem is politicians its Infrastructure Projects take a long time you know a bridge takes five six seven eight ten years from start to finish any project with roads takes two three four five years from start to finish those politicians by the time that the project is done theyre out of office they dont get credit for it and over the years ive talked to a lot of people and thats been the story that a lot of publishers and i want to do it because they wont be there to see it through and show your thoughts. On whats interesting i mean certainly thats i think one aspect of it. On the whole though because we talk about the documentary as well just then the. Notion of wealth has not been considered in it infrastructure in this country but probably since the Second World War at that point we were still constructing dams and electrification under f. D. R. And eisenhower building the highways but it was also there was a certain amount at that time period of building the nation and the strength of the nation for like military purposes you know the highway system was for military connection right so that we could be able to connect the cities and have tanks and all kinds of preparation so now that were going into a place where we still spend almost a trillion dollars on defense and its always you know defensive its also the corporate splurge the finance its about wall street thats how we think of wealth in this country i dont think the people are sophisticated enough to really aged care and also understand the really correlation between wealth and infrastructure thats a good point exists politicians its always a very shortsighted thing its like its like other goods that you guys are both perfect kind of politicians is very what gets me elected next year and theyre not having the understanding of how actually these things are all intertwined and how they how they actually can build that you know can truly build the country out because you know theyre blind and they live in a bubble you know and no drums big part of his plan is privatized they shouldnt really kind of they say its not and they kind of say well were states and cities but really when it comes down to it a lot of it has to do with you know building you know roads that eventually will be toll roads i mean private you know private companies handle that kind of thing which is ultimately very dangerous oh absolutely i mean we already have nothing against Foreign Investment but we have Foreign Countries theres a Spanish Company that runs toll roads here so its only what happens is you have a foreign country owning the right to take money for a road and their needs are going to be a bottom line of private companies in the is there going to be i need to pay this we need to make money or whats the point of investing investors want return and if those roads dont serve returns which eventually people are just going to use a different road are going to avoid tolls as much as humanly possible yeah sean i know you guys talked about the danger of privatization in century award. Yeah exactly i mean its its dangerous in so far as especially comes to repairs in particular but things like water like roads that are not going to say make make the charge as much as a train system might for example or a power plant and i think thats the danger is privatization chooses basically where they want to put money so youll see what we say that such are for regarding privatization he added if you look at road systems if you look at the Train Network you get anything that has a Network Effect the market doesnt figure out how to do those things on its own be needed right of way across property lines they need to generate revenue for the whole country not in a way that a private business can easily absorb so in those cases government should be more entrepreneurial because no private entity has the muscle all or the scale to do it because for the country every dollar we put in in this investment is going to generate two or three or ten dollars over a turn alternately we have to remember that government has always played a role in infrastructure developing United States article one section eight of the Us Constitution congress was ordered to construct all the postal roads which was you know the seven hundred ninety version of the internet it wasnt left up to the free market it was put into the u. S. Constitution because it was seen as such a central. Government function for the nation seven hundred ninety one George Washington asked Alexander Hamilton to come up with a plan to make america prosperous and he came up with his plan an eleven point plan on manufacturers and one part of it was tariffs and things like that you know to protect the mastic manufacturing another part was incentives but another part was infrastructure and he said you know weve got to build a National Infrastructure to be able to to facilitate

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