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Got 1100000. 00 in damages along our coast stretches from south to North Carolina for hurricanes stay over the bahamas something that has never been seen before or thousands of people are missing and the fact that our country were only allowed these people that are trying to escape pale to come in is just shows you what our nation is today why do you think were not hearing more about the destruction in the bahamas now that you mention it a former british colony and people are arguably more interested in that all trump believing it was going to hit alabama again door in our president has a stretch of this imaginations but i think one of the reasons why were not hearing too much is that the harness its because i dont think is doing a good job is keeping it at bay our news its saturated with our president all across the works so yes kind of hard to focus in on on the promise when we have a president who is more focused on his selves were talking about mothers with sick babies were talking about School Teachers were talking about students were talking about children that have been kicked out boats because our president says there are too many bad people on those boats even though theyre most of us use the promise as our vacation destination is a spot that we go to where we share family memories but they cant we go to escape the hill that theyre living to over there but as you know president obama of course deported 3000000 people from the United States and now the d. N. C. Is banning a Climate Change debate as your party and is it making it difficult for your body to campaign or is this just another attempt at destroying Bernie Sanders who used to work with how i will say that d. N. C. Would do everything in their power to take down any progress specially since they all see more and things that is making a hard for young people to get out here actually run as the money king is that the d. N. C. Make sure its specially the triple c. Make sure that you have to meet a current tyria raising funds before they even Pay Attention to your race or you have to mobilize a certain number of people are you have to develop their virus and station yourselves but we like to tell our freedom here in the United States but Climate Change is freedom to our world it is freedom our health is freedom our hope is freedom is not just the word is not just a word that we can just sprout round and i think the seeds for getting but we still have several president ial candidates still taking money from the fossil fuel industry yet there joe biden who is caught. At a fossil fuel fundraiser is still touted as the favorite to lead your party into the 20 tony president ial Campaign Even is better than burgers its new york joe biden i was one of those people beginning of the year i was waiting for joe biden to announce because i was on the board anybody who works under president obama should be our next president of the United States but actually being a candidate and being a bernie bro campaigning its a different story he doesnt speak to the American People anymore he doesnt he doesnt see a city more at times of spin i have eaten dinner with the Vice President and he uses the same line over its basically everyone loves him thats not telling us what we can do to help change our country were looking at civil. Or d among ourselves one of the things about the d. N. C. Is they care about seat the when it comes to their voters they care about the majority more than they care about the issues and one of the thats what were running for us where we see a lot of democratic socialists and democratic progress thats out there running these fights to break down the Democratic Leaders because we love our party but we feel like it should go into a mom im more progressive its. Instead of a more moderate that because moderations just hasnt worked in america but the past 150 years its time for us to overhaul our entire political system and change it and thats the only way we can see change in our own party so why does the d. N. C. Still think like that we know from wiki leaks how the d. N. C. Tried to destroy Bernie Sanders and we know that trump certainly doesnt go over the safe angle and he wins so why would they still be. Caution about being progressive or or socialist its our southern democrats its my area democrats is the ones that you find in the southeast. Where a majority of africanamericans or joe biden even said so in order to an africanamerican transforming killing is to get rid of donald trump but as we told the Vice President is that treats women was already being killed when obama was in office so it has nothing to do it donald trump in a lot of these issues dont donald trump it just putting a i didnt sensation on these issues where we are now paying more attention to it because its him when some of these issues are already in place and didnt see its been blinded over the past 20 plus years because were still coming out the obama effect especially in my community in the should not be there in my opinion we need to have to bernie effect trump. Has fired his pro Israel National security adviser you probably know when youre working to organize for when he signed his how popular the and he wore to. It was trump arguably was one on an antiwar take it do you think trump understands the popularity of being against a war on iran or any other country just as presumably you do on the doorstep i dont think trump understands anything or think you understand what hes. Going to morning when it tweet comes out so i think our president s a dangerous president im not going to lie hes a racist hes a dictator and the sec now that were looking into going into a war with iran and our own party is not saying anything about it and were focusing on the wrong issues here our party is allowing this to happen the d. N. C. Yes they are allowing this to happen just as much as the g. O. P. Is allowed to happen weve been calling for impeachment on the president the United States for the past 2 years and still Nothing Happened done its time for change white has probably deny trump a dictator or indeed a racist but a larger value thank you well as progressive candidates in the u. S. Wage war in the name of the Green New Deal here in the u. K. The shouting that a polymer doggedly means even less will be done save the 10s of thousands of die prematurely every year because of talks of air pollution but thanks to a new website we can all find out how a chance is a premature death and even how it could destroy the Housing Market joining me is the creator of address pollution dot org humphrey mills humphrey welcome to going underground the pollution where i live is greatly exceeds legal limit. And im going to die were all going to die its a question of what we can do to minimize the risk of things between them that are going to do us harm i guess and the point of the tool that weve created is to show people and so 1st lets make this invisible problem visible to people london is an incredibly polluted city and more importantly give people very valuable information that in some cases can save lives people who might be considering buying a property with a young family they might want to go and check the pollution rating of the property they think youre buying youre taking these levels of the premature death and you actually tried to bring it also to the idea of that great idea of capitalism property itself anyone to give buying a house is in danger of buying buying a pup because you explain if i buy flat or that i own it it says clearly. 20 percent the price should be lowered because of the lethality of the pollution around it we did some independent research on londoners who own houses and least we asked them questions like if you found out that a property was in breach of the World Health Organization legal limit which is 400. 00 micrograms per cubic meter of motion dockside would you want every fund as you might do if you suddenly found out that there was asbestosis in the building we also know that the air pollution is carcinogenic there when i say levels of this and because there has not been one single government funded Awareness Campaign on this issue it its not a consideration to people when theyre thinking about buying houses because its an invisible project problem for a lot of people. Namely u. K. Government a lot of the council is on to me about it they just kind of getting away with not doing anything about this were giving them another reason to want to do something about this this toxic problem that is affecting all of us and i know that you so youll make the lead visible visible but i dont know youve been talking about the fact that usually the. This is the job of government yeah but in fact the government has shut down the kind of institution that might be then i guess about this ality it has c. O. I. Which Central Office of information was shut down and in december 2011 it was the Government Agency that commissioned all those old awareness ads like the green cross code maybe you share a tea cup the basics did it was shut down after the Coalition Government came in in 2011 on the basis of the liberal democrat conservative government yeah lets shut down our source of Government Shutdown is a source of good information to you know to people on the basis that it was too costly wasteful and it didnt fit with the new liberal kind of doctrine which is reduce government and stop the meddling in Public Affairs but what we found is that now there in information environment is just flooded with quote you know commercial and corporate interests and some of it is a minister of the johnson government britain is batting new diesel and petrol vehicles for 2040 address may 24th and its very late we have a Climate Crisis 1st of all 2040 is well past the 12 years the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has given us to to do something about this problem which is over alliance on fossil fuels and this pollution thing which is is the same problem you know pollution is the same its all about were burning petrol and diesel Boris Johnson himself while palm just shut down when he was mayor of london he was accused of burying a reporter and talks of care and loss in a way deprived schools hes got form i think in kind of denying the evidence and denying stats i think when someone confronted him with the fact that Oxford Street was the most. Polluted street on the planet in terms of like notched and knocks gases his response was basically said it wasnt true. And it was found to be true it was it was tested it was found to be the most polluted city on the on earth and so when it comes to you know asking for facts and evidence on this issue. I wouldnt go to Boris Johnson to ask for you know for a clear a clear understanding of how problematic talks is to you is what weve done as an organization as we talk to scientists and look at what what theyre saying Royal College of physicians who wrote reports in 2016 called every breath we take which states that its costing h. S. One in 20000000000 which is about 50 years and your budget in related health costs finally then but if one doesnt go to fossil fuel sponsored cultural events joins the Global Climate strike which right now all you can do is go to your website and just realize youre going to know ive not been in atlanta to go and check your writing there we should demand change and thats exactly what this website is designed to do. You can sign our petition to bring the band the petrol diesel band forward. To 2030 which a big one would be u. K. Government shifting all subsidies of the oil industry which is about 10000000000. 00 pounds per year on to Clean Energy Clean transport changing the infrastructure in every city across the country so we can all get around. Without polluting the air and without breathing this toxic stuff because it is killing us come from mills thank you thank you very much after the break we asked Extinction Rebellion of even greater fund inspired global protests can stand up to the power of multinational fossil fuel companies all the more coming to the going underground. Financial survival guide. Looking forward to your magic town. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. As a report. Almost tells the rise early but if she warned you probably didnt i do the dishes at the bottom or those jeans. Speech that she me read to you. About that. In the news i mean that is without infringing ball. A lot of people see sawing in as if i try to cut out the bill for the most called. The. Cabinet foundation doing this in. English 38 people who knew. Him would include him. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race off and spearing Dramatic Development the only really im going to do is east i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Welcome back in the files off we heard from those fighting Climate Change in the u. S. And u. K. That is around the world right now the Global Climate strike encourages people to leave work and to march against the system prioritizing profits over people joining me is jim jones from Extinction Rebellion one of the organizations leading the charge to thanks for coming on so what is this week long strike action for the environment so its lots of different organizations who are all encouraging people to walk out of the jobs to work out schools. To make their voices heard influence policymakers to take some action which has been completely lacking for decades now to really engage with the climate and ecological. Urgency were in now and the rebellion a part of this you must have noticed that in Mainstream Media a lot of the coverage is rather that there are children being exploited in this in these days of action for the environment and whether theres a whole debate ongoing with the children should be involved i know you have as a teacher particularly think its important to children are involved yeah absolutely the rebellion and the movement separate organizations thats the student led student organize group and they are incredible but they do it because they they care and its theyre not in any way influenced by by adults or any other organizations. With an Extinction Rebellion and as a teacher and i coordinate the educational aspect of what we do we think its the most urgent thing is at least the very least we should tell students the reality of whats happening in schools and then let them decide what they want to do about that at the moment you can go through the whole school into the National Curriculum 10000 lessons you know you 10 of those lessons you might hear about Climate Change even mentioned so it is a complete absence of meaningful education thats happening you mean a teacher who took a group of students to see an art gallery sponsored by b. P. Wouldnt be told about b b. What they would look at both so as not on the National Curriculum thats that wouldnt have to happen yeah they would be going to they were going to be peace pointed out gallery i dont know what that teaches children i think that gives them the perfect message of dissonance about the fact that we are running into a good thing so you argue for b. Peace with absolutely no absolute you know i go to you also about the importance of education in terms of you just said 16 to 17 year olds with the youth groups they dont have the vote absolutely they also campaigning for votes at 16 like the British Labor but i think they probably should yeah but there are so many things we need to change about society there are so many systemic thing problems about the way we operate but children who are going to theyve contrary at least to this problem and theyre going to suffer. Most because theyre the ones who are going to be growing up in their young adult lives to experience the things were already seeing happening now around the world they need to have some way of expressing their voice and this is how theyre doing it one of the most influential near liberal think tanks arguably selfstyled. Jewel but they have got laws change they claim your group Extinction Rebellion has a subversive agenda its rooted in political extremism eco socialism and capitalist environmentalist so the 1st thing sais policy exchange is a is a think tank you have they dont declare their funding so we can guess where their funding comes from comes we can assume from big business you have a vested interest in not changing the system we need system change the i. P. C. C. Has said we need radical change across the board so of course these people are going to be saying whatever they can to undermine our organization were a nonpolitical Movement People within the organization do have political views but we are one of our key messages is that we are beyond policy probably beyond politics off the demand is going to Citizens Assembly so we our democracy is at the root of everything that were doing real democracy not voting up to a vote every 5 years after being fed lies from a biased media thats not democracy democracy is active engagement thats what were concerned via mentalism can be procapitalist. It could be i mean again thats that thats where it becomes a political conversation were not saying that we have all the answers i personally think that the current form of capitalism is a really big part of the problem thats whats killing the planet and we need to change that were not saying that we havent come up with a political manifesto for what we want the future to be like thats not just a little part of the problem and what brought of the problem was with occupy and other movements or is that an asset so you can bring your ideas number of people to your demonstrations the difference between us and occupy is that we have 3 specific demands the 1st one is to tell the truth and thats a big part of why i care about as a teacher that we inform that the government needs to inform the public and use the media to inform the public use the Education System to inform the public of the reality of climate breakdown was our 2nd demand is that we want. Radical reductions in in our mission so we we say 2025 to be at net 0 most people would say are only 6 years away its impossible in the 2nd world war in 6 years we we completely transformed our whole Global Economy we turned into a war machine michael mann whos a leading climate scientist at Penn State University he said we need that kind of effort is what we need now so its difficult but its not impossible and thats what we need to achieve and our 3rd demand as i mentioned before is a Citizens Assembly so having a large group of people from the general public to come in to learn about the crisis and then inform the government about what they want to do is work in ireland with the abortion and gay rights gay marriage issues and it could work if you see the government would say we are the 1st country here in britain to declare a claim an emergency and im sure if you spoke to a fully disgraced defense secretary Gavin Williamson but now runs out of education hed say that when you deface the department saying tell the truth the government are telling the truth ok so there is going to there is a commitment to 0 percent here yet so to missions how difficult is it to declare an emergency or make a commitment i mean its its the easiest thing in the world it takes no effort it takes no political commitment really you just Say Something right its the easiest easiest possible thing they can do to try and make it look like theyre taking action at the same time as them declaring an emergency and making commitments about 2050 which is whats that 30 more years of continuing basis as usual at the same time as doing that there sanctioning a 3rd heathrow a 3rd runway at heathrow which will destroy any of those targets theyre continuing to subsidise fossil fuels and theyre not making any real structural policy changes at the moment so we want action not words she being a teacher yourself you must be aware that if you are it school youre 16 or 17 youre going to be thinking well theres future employment and so on difficult for Extinction Rebellion to even talk about i didnt know until because the c. E. O. Is more. Will is short term profit for shareholders even if it does destroy the planet its inherent i dont think its inherent or i went to an event recently where we went to listen to leaders from the indigenous communities around the world for 10000 years people have been living sustainably listening to working in nature and i mean is c. E. O. s of Big Companies right so this is c. E. O. s of Big Companies who might have a problem but we can we can change the system so that theyre not the people who lead that lead the world and the students who are growing up in this economy in this system theyre beginning to realize now that what were promising them through the system that we have now through the current Education System that is just an empty promise because that future isnt there theyre not going to grow up in a world where you can continue to have endless material growth endless burning of fossil fuels they know that thats not that future is gone and theyre asking for Something Different and thats why theyre walking out of school would give members a big signal rebellion think about the fact that debate on television here a lot of it is about plastic bags and Plastic Straws more than arguably c. E. O. s priorities so most people find it really really difficult to gauge this from because its too big and it requires change and we are i think we have become especially we are inherently conservative is humans we as we get older we get more comfortable with our lifestyle and the way we live and when somebody comes along and says the reality is this all has to change people dont like it its completely understandable. But the plastics and those things which are a big problem but they are complete destruction really from the fact that we are facing were not heading for 1. 52 degrees were heading 4345678910 degrees and once you emotionally engage that reality you realize that getting your shopping in a paper bag is just what was on the titanic i think is the little another the iconic better than were given or been arrested yet loads of members of Extinction Rebellion have how concerned are you about undercover policing there has been and. It was an inquiry announcement razor made 4 years ago real problems about the with the inquiry the boss resigned in ill health were not sure where its at do you see people you think are Undercover Police when you were demonstrations you know at the start of every meeting that whenever we have a large meeting with lots of people we say everybodys welcome every part everybody every Undercover Police person in the room is welcome and they really are and most of what we do is open you know we know terrorists were not doing anything secretive all of our planning is completely open so the police have no problem have a policy exchange as you want to break that of law ok so you certainly get and i would invite them to come on the cover or not to one of our meetings and actually see what we do is the problem with secret police if you have meetings that they can skew the debates when youre talking about policy youre going to have people there going look it is about Plastic Straws more than a huge net 0 targets weve agreed to or we would welcome their input. And yet the police in general i think they understand as individuals they know because they know that when there are food crises which theyre already across europe in america went through their Food Shortages which are going to happen sooner or later theyre going to be the ones who are going to deal with angry hungry people they know that and they understand the problem and they as individuals i think mostly are supportive of what were doing and when this week of action is over more plans for october absolutely some of the 7th of october will be on the streets of london again for 2 weeks so people need to take some time off work come down get involved is the place to be this is this is action this is being alive this is getting involved its facing reality and its necessary and thats what we base all of our action on this and given were coming up to an imminent general election perhaps will your people be lobbying all these different different Political Parties and how much can the Extinction Rebellion lobby versus the millions some say tens of millions so thats why we want you to try lobbying in the traditional way and i think you know that lobbying in the traditional way with a. The power within the parameters of our existing political system is its a fools game it doesnt work thats why were doing Something Different and were encouraging people to join and do Something Different which is to actively step on to the street and say i am not going to work within this system anymore and were going to be disruptive and were going to cause noise and fuss and were getting it was a tension im going to keep doing it until all 3 demands are met and thats the only plan and its the only plan that we see is viable now because doing things within the traditional paradigms just hasnt worked and good people have been working really hard but it hasnt worked so theres and you think there is more power in that than i dont know fossil fuel companies sponsoring debates and they have a certain kind of power they have a certain kind of power but already now in this week there was a headline on the front page of the Financial Times acknowledging that the current model of capitalism that we have now is broken around the world people know this arguably the japanese manager dad is saying now we have to try to save capitalism in response to what the u. K. A Financial Times was was you know martin wolf a big article about this so even people within the financial the existing Financial System they know that there that this is this is unsustainable and the general public know that even more and we just need a Critical Mass of people to join us and express their views in a much more radical powerful active way than has ever been done before and if they do that weve got a good chance to judge thank you thank you thats over the show will be back on wednesday when the head of an imminent u. K. General election the leader of western europes largest socialist movement addresses his Party Conference still that he would like to have social media dont forget to subscribe to our you tube channel. The tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news. The problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been only implemented for inside venezuela things are different were going to announce sanctions against a troll to venezuela so if you. Have a supplemental. That outputs. Data to see on the patent. The moment the focus of the who story isnt new makes him cold in Henry Kissinger to tell him not be tolerated in latin america. An alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. Economy scream so wants now making the economy of venezuela screed. The big pain years in the process started 10 years and i think its time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format here is what ive been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts fight it out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option 25. 00 text birds. One red rose another suggestion geopolitical jeopardy parity no political cookout where we will literally wrote the elites. Late night show its a rare form of these days and its cheap all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner. To leave me with one of my girls i can do this candle after politics gone wild like music. Ok crosstalk is not about hype its about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. Peter if you want to change something why dont we get rid of the gotye no that is too much. The weeks top stories here on t. V. The u. S. Sends extra troops to the middle east and slaps new sanctions on iran accusing the country of bombing saudi oil refineries. Hong kong is gripped by street brawls and vandalism as on rust continues for a 16th weekend. And the israeli prime ministers bid for a new term is dealt a major blow as arab parties back his rival to form a new government

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