New chairs please do said the major now since our last consultation of the commentators Political Drama in the u. K. Has finally reached the surreal stage this is the woman of the moment to cheer on a charity i say the Supreme Court on tuesday this is vice given to her majesty the queen was on lawful his position is untenable and he should have the guts for wants to do the decent thing and resign the government attempted a poor going against parliament and ended up facing a Parliamentary Committee against the government with the commons once again seizing control of legislation to relight a no would you break that Boris Johnson spangle a dominant cummings leaves us not pledging trap for the opposition who probably refused to walk into it leaving the Prime Minister hi im try when parliament resumed early this month he had a bare majority now after a purge of a year to files it is in a minority of over 40 now johnson has become the 1st ever. U. K. Prime ministers to lead her majesty the queen herself into illegality his position as Prime Minister now behind by a trade however as this weeks conference is made clear the Opposition Labor Party is also still full of the wool bricks it in contrast levels of the s. N. P. Should have a spring in their step but can they really stop breaks at the thought of the seams the pull to be done except for the Prime Minister to buckle down and actually try and pull off a european deal if intends to meet the hard how low in debt like it is either do a deal or dive in the last ditch even for a high wire politician like Boris Johnson this would hardly seem the moment to risk defying the courts by ignoring parliamentary legislation survival itself will be difficult enough without jumping headlong into the void all these little parties technics resulted product resuming unexpectedly yesterday with the m. P. Who kicked off the Court Proceedings leading the debate answered by the attorney general whose legal advice to Boris Johnson landed the Prime Minister in this supremely court suit if anyone could tell us what happens next it is our commentators alex is joined by peter oborne and lend it or pay. Im joined by our top political pundits ball again great city and web opec a born again remain of peter obama. Guys lestrange or you did not forecast that the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and the unanimous decision was going to declare the Prime Minister under queens actions unlawful whenever you think you. Were could have predicted probably the most momentous day in modern Political Legal history something since Something Like the 688. 00 revolution its something which we will be studied for centuries to come itll be in every legal textbook it will be every poster to tional work and i have to say personally watching it i was so emotionally affected in the way of only once been affected in that way before was the lord hutton inquiry when the what happened stood up and cleared John Scarlett the j. I. C. Guy tony blair from anything wrong in theyd be killed in the iraq war. Was fought on the ground then and i almost on the ground here while i agree its as the mentors design its a Different Reasons i think this is as big a travesty as what happened in the iraq review youre right maybe i am a born again press a tear but this is about politics where being told by the courts that the Prime Minister hasnt got the right to decide when to paroch government even leaving aside the bricks of the building of Government Force that limits are eroding parliament and thats the key because the courts of surely up held parliamentary so ok youre right but really i just think theyve upheld a new precedent one which says that just as we are meant to have fixed term parliaments knuckles that really mean anything at all so were also the Prime Minister has to go cap in hand to parliament to ask permission to probe so to me this is a terrible week for democracy and after. That you can ask what else needs to go to court before the Prime Minister or the government can act you are so wrong as a liberal democrat you should feel ashamed of yourself for saying that making that kind of statement if you i followed every word of that suit the Supreme Court debate as it were discussion and what it was was a discussion about what comes 1st parliamentary democracy or the executive legitimately or all the executive and britain it was very clear you read if you listen to the panics brilliant constitutional muster class we are a parliamentary democracy and the legislature is in charge and the executive does what its told what while we cant see this at the moment well look back at this time and observe that this was the time when the executive began to lose power i dont know whether stands up but it doesnt end up in a more democratic system because i intervene as the referee of it no your divisions reflect the divisions in the country perhaps who are the winners and the looser speaker who is a maelstrom these Court Judgments as big winners and who is looking like a total loser the biggest loser is is the Prime Minister Boris Johnson who advised the queen to perogue parliament and she did what she was asked Queen Victoria was not amused but Queen Elizabeth the circuit will be absolutely furious. That we come on to the matter of mr mr johnsons cabinet jacob riis mark is an honorable man he went out more as a privy councillor to tell the queen to do this is he going to its astonishing to me that hes had the audacity not to resign the 66 years on the throne and Queen Elizabeth queen of scots could was with the 2nd of the United Kingdom and no one has a Prime Minister whos led into unlawfulness you cant really say the forest. And deliberately miss that the queen the Supreme Court in scotland said exactly that the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom said that didnt need to go into the because the judgment stood in italy ok i dont think he did it on purpose but thats a moot point the fundamental issue for me is that theres almost no way out for bars to escape the promise he made that we would leave on the 31st of october he has to try to do that and if you plays clever here i think you could line him self up with what is definitely a junk bond risky strategy for a general election but a strategy that could actually propel him into majority and thats because this only works against Boris Johnson if the country is against him my feeling is this is causing the rage amongst the bracks it community which is far more motivating then the comfortable smugness of the remaining people but when youve been a member was a fierce critic of potus johnson but unusually youve always believed that he actually wants to do a deal would this be the impetus if he cant get an election the only thing left is to do a deal with the johnson story of free choices of the moment to a parliament as returns he will kill a baby the orders of parliament go on the 19th of october and then ordered by parliament he will then deliver this request for an extension that would be the ultimate humiliation he cant do that politically or he can refuse that request in which case he would quit as Prime Minister. Or he will go all out for a deal my view that he will go all out for a deal all the more so because now hes in number 10 hes seeing the warnings from the Civil Service about the calamity of no deal its an absolute nightmare mr bob johnson those that ive had reports ive spoken to senior Civil Servants i mean go viz goes white. With fear now they know that if they go for no deal its going to cause utter chaos so your for good all that sort of deal but you think you go all out for an election but how does it get to the election when the opposition has im dying going on a highway well lets agree with peter that he could get a deal and that deal isnt defined although parliament has to approve it of course he could make a very simple a one page deal theoretically fulfills that condition now the election point i think is the big gambit here and i feel that the opposition parties have got themselves into a mess here the lib dems who are riding high to an extent almost level pegging with the labor party because theres so clearly remain they say they want an election they want a not so keen but boris needs to clear the stance and is actually a much stronger position than is being implied here if you have the brecks party vote to the conservative party but its in the fortys even touching just of the 50 percent now this is difficult and unpalatable for many people in the conservatives but faraz has made clear that he would do sub deal with boras if he doesnt do a big deal with the European Union so actually if we are delayed after 31st of october he can appeal to the country and can jeremy couldnt really walk away from the next opportunity for a general election how damaging it could be for labor i dont think he can well lively so far joins us after the break for some more fireworks from our political pundits. When they get a major straight multi 100000000000. 00 trillion dollar Venture Capital unicorns are all going bust and the colossal sale out is being celtic in every corner of the Global Economy and thats why smart countries are buying all. This is a story about one. Happens austria stray bullets kills a young girl in the streets. What happens to her family and daughters in florida the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery in meaning messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court b b b. Shot after shot as far off society we feel. We dont know chills just for the. End of this trial unfortunately you. Will still not know what childress. Boltons appointment send tremors around washington to the least among those who are out of government and many of those in government because it is a long track record of being a very strong polemical bursary man who understands how to make the government work but very much polarization it was stopped various times arguing for invading iran for invading north korea etc and this was very much not what the president wanted to go so why he pointed theres a bit of. Welcome back lets get back into this discussion of the audition. To be greatly to bleep greatly to blame in this situation as Dominic Cummings the number one villain of the piece well mr cummings is one of the most an appetizing figure has ever. To play any role in number 10 downing street it was a great mistake by Boris Johnson to appoint this out of control bully who has behaved in an appalling way and it does obviously given dreadful advice to the Prime Minister surely you cant believe a meal it vies are for from the actions of the Prime Minister i mean george not just appointed them he followed his if a exactly said the person who made the decision people who were calling for dummy cummings to go a basically use him as an air raid shelter is a way of not calling for his relationship to go medieval courts you didnt call for the removal of the moderate you settle get release by the visors yes you could dominate behavior as well. Mr cummings and they got me to have a happier face as far as im concerned for this man who is wage singlehanded war everything is decent to say i want to defenseless against i want one of the fence to sit on its behalf 2 words short memories we had Peter Mandelson we had Alastair Campbell we had andy cools and i think he went to prison plus written about the mole yeah and you know very well coming is hasnt actually committed a criminal offense he may behave in a classic a way a but this seems to characterize senior advisors in the Prime Ministers office and heres the other danger youre making assumptions about how this plays out but if im right and Boris Johnson gets in the lecture grounds because the country on balance thinks this isnt fair then actually coming to come out so i want to use it well i should say that since before listing the whole the these dreadful special advisors they arent here to defend themselves in my view of the world estimable people and of course come on this program any time to have the say that i want to look at the state of the past is in this remarkable interrupted card for the season but lets just have a word 1st whatever our views on the matter of these 2 remarkable women from north and so over the border john kerry the m. P. Q. C. For the s. And p. And of course the miller who both brought successful court cases before them of no pulled off again what about their. Procedurally they have played a blinder whether id like what theyve done or not they saw an opportunity particularly up there north of the border before it even became obvious to us and played the cards perfectly and i didnt ever followed that up im still surprised by what happened but i got to credit the fact that she knew how it worked because i got there is only did i say more than be much more generous than you i think joe nocera and gina miller and themselves a footnote each of them in british history looking back over the whole sweep because they they they made a massive import and packed on the constitutional legal political world we live in that admirable women in their heroes and id say the same also i think late justice they did one of the point i think what weve seen of the last 2 days is a blizzard of hatred aimed at the Supreme Court judges that remain as that out of touch that metropolitan they know that lets me say jacob riis mob its an arrogance Boris Johnson eats an arrogant lady states educated a woman elderly a northerner now this is a real person with real experience in life unlike these arrogant old etonians ruling this out when i was one so my offer came on real communication skills i want to go through d very clearly as very clearly very suspect that no you must agree that leave the heels of males the sahara one of the our yes but to Start Talking about the state or grammar of private School Background simply illustrates how divided and distracted the whole debate is peter who is highly really appalling and remain a here loves what happened because he loves the outcome im not so keen because i dont like the outcome but objectively speaking is not what we think that matters its what the country thinks and i think pete is in for a rude awakening that all the lead but you werent you were once of a minute as well so lets hope youre. A lot when you were mean when you work part of the liberal democrat firmament i mean they must be walking on air flow in the not i was a remainer but im also a democrat not hasnt changed my frustration is theres a river referendum and nobody said oh well best of 3 and were heading down that path lib dems in fairness totally consistent have been for 3 years theyve actually become more militant and they remain they want to now say if joe sensor becomes Prime Minister she probably wont but if she did they wouldnt even have a referendum they simply junk remain so theres somewhere for remain as to go but i just dont think that fits comfortably with those of us who thought we had one referendum and democrats and liberals would respect the outcome last the guys who had a great record as a paddle over the summer didnt predict the Supreme Court then who did but just about Everything Else to predict as i want to shorts freeze weather breaks. Yes to breck set probably delayed leading to a general election which Boris Johnson can win as long as he does a deal with Nigel Farage Peter i think that mr johnson will strike a deal with europe and i think he will probably take britain on a deal which looks almost identical or is almost identical to the one he trashed i. E. Mrs mays deal bitter over well before but thank you so much for that we turn to the north for the bottle and we talked to ruth long standing columnist from broadcaster the she think that scotland will emerge as the big political story the sort of. Rufe welcome to the alex salmond thank you tell us about the boat john of charities americans something that this is the the 2nd major Court Victory that she has won over the u. K. Government in the most dramatic terms what is behind the imagines of this formidable woman well of course shes in her own re a formidable lawyer even though when shes sitting in the house of commons as a scottish m. P. Mean ever used to color her rate on are born learned friend as is the custom but she is in fact a very learned friend and and she said it and absolutely cracking job shes a very good performer shes very articulate shes very determined and you take your only apparel i was very interested where she came out of the Supreme Court on tuesday immediately moved the spot way on to bottles johnsons continuation as Prime Minister or not as the case may be moving from the legal side to the political but no intervening step whatsoever that was pretty impressive it was and it was and its also very pertinent because here in scotland there arrival of Boris Johnson in number 10 has meant that the case for independence has gathered some momentum and indeed the s. N. P. Pulling is gathered some momentum and it was generally thought that he was going to be a very unpopular figure and that of course has proved to be still but the events of choose to have magnified that greatly and ill be very interested to knew if Boris Johnson is still a factor the next election because i remain unconvinced that he can he can stay on i suppose you could argue that her majesty after 66 years of her distinguished reign as no bin laden to illegality by her Prime Minister the that is a unexpected cleaned of events. It is and its something of a world 1st but lets remember that all this is happening against a backdrop of preview window for previous Prime Ministers say David Cameron having let slip that to him he. Her majesty the queen to give some indication for views on independence in the last Scottish Independence referendum 5 years ago so shes been dragged into politics by and not by one Prime Minister a conservative Prime Minister but in fact by 2 though of course Boris Johnsons behavior is much more egregious as i think i may have had the better part of that last last story if i think you did but i think we really did its not an argument from some people that in a way thats great Court Victory and by joanna chatty rather contradicts the s. N. P. Arent with doesnt that indicate the scottish institutions in this case the court of session the Supreme Court of scotland as actually been respected by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom part scotland should be a bit more comfortable in the United Kingdom well i dont i dont take that from a cold i mean lets lets remember the Supreme Court of course has judges on it sitting on it from scotland and there is an argument i think for there being a Supreme School court in scotland without having any recourse to a Supreme Court in the u. K. But thats something that would have to wait for eddie if and when scott becomes an independent nation there was a distinction between the 2 judgements of course that the court of session and of chambers said that the Prime Ministers more troops were under suspicion whereas the Supreme Court in the u. K. And the estimable leader here will say that the only matter what the Prime Ministers mortals were taught what was at the cat from the a difference of emphasis between the courts of scotland and south of the border well there was a slate difference in that regard but nevertheless i mean in some ways the Supreme Court judgment of shoes he was even more robust than anything that was said by the 3 judges at the court of session some came before because she read it quite clear a lady he was. That not only was johnsons action not only with the unlawful but in fact him parliament wasnt proved to toll and please hurry back to work folks and that was i think a step further than even the Scottish Court went so i think the other thing to bear in mind is that it was the high court in london which said as you rightly see the High Court London said it wasnt a matter for the courts the court of session in scotland and indeed lead to healing the Supreme Court of the u. K. Big to differ and i think this is what has triggered in anybodys language a serious constitutional crisis so im going to give us a to protect when have no for brets and when life for the United Kingdom are moving into 2 us month of the deadline of halloween looming wheres brax are going to be and where scotland going to be well to take these in the order that youve posed them makes the situation in westminster as i understand it is that the legislation that was passed by parliament when it took or control of the agenda in the u. K. The legislation that was passed was specifically passed to outlaw any suggestion that the 31st of 2 were dead lane could stay in place if no deal had been made in other words new do you had to be off the team but i expect in the next few days and the next week or so that you harden up and i expect Boris Johnson to be fleeced if hes still there to be faced with the prospect of either getting i do you can get through parliament all going back for an extension or throwing in the towel reporter youre one of the most experienced analysts and scotland in your estimation as the going to be a bracks others are going to be scottish on the panel well i have i dont know whether theres going to be a breakthrough i really do and i think probably the smart money no is and boris pulling some kind of deal over the hat some kind of deal that will be dressed up to look different from todays amuse me as do you but will probably be much the same with some fiddling around the irish backstop i think thats what might happen he might get with it so far isnt. It is concerned i happen to think that the stones have been laying to you got briggs it which is very important scotland it booted 62 percent to remain you get Boris Johnson who is very unpopular in scotland and youve got the go up in the pools between the 2 for years a beautiful new consistently narrowing so as you will tell the 1st flush of use but i would expect to be living in an independent country before all 4 of my pitch refreshment for glasgow thank you very much indeed thank you in the drama of the last month its been easy to lose sight of an underlying trained the Prime Minister has lost every battle lost his parliamentary majority lost in the Supreme Court to scotland to another the u. K. But still leads in every opinion poll hence his previous anxiety for an early election however an election on his timing and on his terms no longer appears within history which therefore in order to cling to office this seems the full choice but to buckle down and try to resurrect reason is once despised to deal with a few cosmetic changes to the irish back stroke even then the Prime Ministers short term survival cannot be assured for the problem it is thought to provoke now rampant the only other options asking for an extension to the holiday inn deadline or resigning as Prime Minister forthwith are even less palatable and whats more we tested a very limit his remaining poor strength however we are now moving through the Conference Season out into the month of the projects that failed to do more former u. K. Prime minister Howard Wolfson once said that a week was a long time and politics in the back seat drama this coming month will be an eternity. Next week we turn from the houses of parliament to those who have no house a tall home the still stalks the land we talk to some of the people in the capital city of london who are offering practical help but for now from alex and me and all the show its goodbye and we hope to see you oh next. You know world a big part of new things a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Tell the guys you live but if she won you cross the ballot and i did that you should be sure that there was more of those g. s new speech to see me we didnt you blew true season. Has ended by that time of when you guys you hear something on the news i mean guys are that infants involved. A lot of people see sawing as if i said that too could be chargeable side most called tell me truth she simple as a little strange as if i choose. And they found him by his. Ear and she if you folks. I dont dazedly nice of. A english lady a threat he knew somebody who saw a new sunni neighborhood in. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race and his on off and spearing Dramatic Development only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical thought im time to sit down and talk. To you while you. Are. Just dismissed. As long as its ukraines president refuse accusations he was pressured by donald trump into investigating an election. Of the u. S. Leader after a summary of the phone call between them is released republicans and democrats see vents very differently. This phone call is not an Impeachable Offense resident abuse the powers of his office still wants kids to investigate the alleged corrupt activities of former us Vice President joe biden is that he now claims goes well beyond ukraine we look into the allegations also big focus on whats happening in britain to british m. P. s back in parliament for its suspension

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