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We are tuning in from around the world this hour welcome to our 2 international my names you know neal good to have your company. The International Olympic committee stated russias Sports Movement is clear off any wrongdoing in the latest doping scandal the i. O. C. However did say it will support tough sanctions on russian authorities which have been accused of manipulating anti doping data bases well this all comes after the world. Committee this choose they recommended a 4 year bond be applied to russia for all major sporting events and go give me more of the details earlier. So just a day after the World Antidoping Agency came out with their accommodation for a 4 year ban. And on the russian side consisting of many elements the International Olympic Committee Said that it would support the toughest measures against those responsible for the manipulations with the databases but they pointed out that they believe the russian athletes and also the Russian National Olympic Committee had nothing to do with these manipulations we note that the report proves that any manipulation of the data is the sole responsibility of the russian authorities at the same time we also know that the report finds that the Sports Movement has not been involved in any of this manipulation and the report does not indicate any wrongdoing by the Sports Movement in this regard in particular the russian Olympic Committee or its members and that seems to be a word thats repeated manipulation manipulations what are the i. O. C. And wada talking about when theyre saying manipulations theyre talking about this long process of russia getting its house in order after the infamous doping scandal and allegations of state sponsored doping in order for the Russian National Antidoping Agency to regain its International Status to get back its International Recognition the russian authorities had to meet certain requirements and a very important requirement was that they were supposed to hand over the database of the moscow antidoping laborde tree from the previous years. The handover did happen with a slight delay although initially the International Authorities were happy with that but then they decided to investigate and a team of Forensic Experts hired by the World Antidoping Agency found that this database was somehow manipulated some of the elements of the database were either raced or modified and as a result of this a group of water officials. Came out with this commendation for the made World Antidoping Agency Decision Makers what they want is the toughest punishment for russia and we do remember how as a result of the doping scandal for instance during the winter Olympic Games and 20 teams in south korea the russian team had to compete under a neutral flag they werent allowed to be called team russia so now these sanctions are in place the same story will happen in tokyo during the summer Olympic Games but that is not it because that ban could be extended to 4 years and other 4 year sanctions could fall for instance a ban on all russian officials to be present at major sporting events possibly russia will be barred from hosting top class competitions and you know theres a lot in there of being 2020 anything about that theres a long list of we know that he does joerg was supposed to host some of the matches of the euro 2020 and then theres also the ice hockey World Championships the volleyball World Championships the way for Champions League final and so on and so forth so all that is now in jeopardy the reaction from the russian side has been coming in the minister of sports is saying that russia has been fulfilling all the requirements providing all the answers his side is still ready to cooperate however they will appeal any punishment that they see as unfair because i want to say that we. Provided all the necessary information and questions. Have been discussing the case with wada but unfortunately the position has not been heard if the Russian Anti Doping Agency would dispute the decision the case will go to court with all the evidence will be examined and a witness is an expert heard again we also heard from the russian most senior diplomat sorry. Who said that russia is ready to play by the rules which it has done before however they want to make sure that these rules are fair and that theyre the same for everyone. There are some people who want to put russia in the position of a defendant accused of everything in this world thats why we will fight for the necessity of fear dialogue which can be the only one or 2 for instance china and russia are guilty of everything and violating everything but the others follow the rules established by themselves without consulting anyone and make the governments respect these rules now i just want to go back to why the International Olympic committees statement is crucial they will not be the ones will be making the final decision the i. O. C. Has to accept any verdict that comes out of wada or the court of arbitration for sports if an appeal is filed by russia however the i. O. C. Does still have a significant influence on the World Antidoping Agency because of their way to the worlds main big Sports Organization and also because of the many connections in the world of sport so the final decision will be made by waters executive board which will convene on december the 9th so well be waiting for what comes out of that. Ok moving the program on the to the u. K. Where parents have been banned from protesting against the l g t a quality classes being taught a Primary School in the city of birmingham after a Court Dismissed concerns that the lessons were inappropriate for Young Children on exclusion zones also being set up around the school. Has the story. Well this has been an ongoing case for quite some time now concerning parents who are fundamentally in opposition to l g b t classes being taught at schools and of course those teaching them now often months of months of poor an outrage from petitions to protest today the high court has ruled a permanent ban on protests outside the school and they have suggested the school is promoting homosexuality when it is not parents misunderstood and misrepresented to it is being taught in the school so what is making these parents so angry well a majority of the parents are from the Muslim Community and for them these classes are a step too far not to mention of course the kids being taught these such lessons are of quite a young age even at times as young as 4 or 5 and as a result the parents have taken them out of the schools but its not just this school in question thats at the forefront of the protests other schools across bernie and have also seen parents in uproar and outrage saying that the classes go against their religious beliefs they should learn about the after old age not right now because if you get your parents teach your kids to stick with boys and boys who. Was a leader with a like you because you have to obviously. You cant scream if youre going to religion and whatnot and thats what theyre doing its 99 percent muslim its not about the muslim but the Jewish Community the other communities the Christian Communities theyre all have issues around the way things have been going but the no outsiders program merely promotes equality it includes discussions about diverse relationships saying its ok to be gay and showing and displaying same sex couples showing they do exist now its been particularly portrayed 30 childrens books where we see cartoons displaying 2 moms or 2 dads even fairy tales or love stories between love between a king falling in love with a nother king but for many parents they say that a ban on the protests is a step. In the wrong direction for them its against their freedom of expression to go against the program but for the teachers involved in the program they say its in the right direction a step for inclusion and diversity but interestingly as of next year in september these sex ed classes that also include diversity of relationships and so on they will become compulsory so of course the debate is far from over. Live on the program known as a mirror image of the birmingham per and. Youre welcome to the program youre also one of less than a handful of people directly mentioned in the injunction whats your overriding emotion about the ruling 100 don which stated that the contents of the classes were misinterpreted. But i think the judge who is for you to identify what the conflict is between the parents and the and the school. And his findings are all one sided. This is and this whole whole issue has been inflamed by a radical secular. Influential lobby in politics in specially in Birmingham City council a labor led council if you look at the current manifesto it is pushing. Education in every school irrespective of the choose background and you would find across britain there are conservative religious communities who believe that. A father or a mother missing in a family is detrimental to the childs wellbeing and an l g b t lifestyle encourages that its a very fluid sexual relationship its only and lifestyle and therefore conservative religious community pushing that sort of her lifestyle is not acceptable ok we have turned it only us not sure if youll let me just say though because i want to point out that youre not a parent yourself you dont have children at the school where does your concern come from in this particular case that. Well look ive been ive been involved in about 10 schools in birmingham. And in other areas in in the u. K. The this concern is the. Amongst a very large number of. Community members across britain so. My involvement initially started from my own school in burma and then i was asked to help Parking School with there was with the whole of this this issue started up from was was inflamed by this. Not taking into consideration the parents concerns not engaging with the parents in the same thing has happened and park school and this is more of an idea its become an ideological battle not one of equality we we respect. As human beings they deserve respect and tolerance for their sexuality but what they cant what the state can do is force that 6 year ality and that belief on or on children who come from merely just background new regulations for teaching relationships and Sex Education theyre going to be ruled by much more than they are this year and 2020 are you will you protest that as well. Well you know this campaign is in fact growing more and more parents are concerned about the governments regulations it released this year in february with the are going to make it compulsory in september 2020 now i am going to have great difficulty in implementing. Content throughout schools in britain because this is a contentious policy and this been. There failed to engage perience and the fact has been no engagement in developing this plot policy did you feel you went to buy that the right way there were reports of lee using light speakers during school time children were scared teachers had to take off work because of their nerves do you believe it was the right way to try and bring about your point. Well you know the. Parents were in despair and this is why they protested they spoke to they wrote letters to the school the sign. Missions but they simply were not heard and the local Government City Council should have engaged to the parents and try to resolve the conflict so that it was a win win situation where both parents were happy and. The policies in terms of quality teaching were being met as well ok a mere thank you for the community to do that thank you very much for your time and your thoughts. Of the parent for. This news hour a day of peace on its part to protesting in hong kong the chinese territories and bob leader comes to terms with the weekends election right after the shortest of bricks. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Theory Dramatic Development the only really exists i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and. Look at your dollar bill that says the Federal Reserve no no if you look that up in the best of pedia itll tell you its debt debt is a no right theyre not creating this stock has nothing to do with money its created is formaldehyde its monetary formaldehyde and theyre trying to theyre complaining that the corpses of grain and they just are failing to acknowledge that the Global Economy died in 2000 army will stop. 17 minutes past the hour welcome back and lets start with hong kong with the chinese territories and. Knowledge that weekend election rights were empty Government Security lines like. It may have reflected on helping us with the authority. People who felt that the government has not handled competently the. Legislative exercise and some off and we have started public dialogue with the community but unfortunately with the unstable and vironment and a chaotic situation i could not do more of that sort of i hope that the environment will allow me to do it now were following sundays record turnout opposition candidate swept up 90 percent of District Council seats the when it should be pointed out is largely symbolic because pretty much elsewhere in the World Councils deal mostly with local issues political leverage but they do actually have a say in choosing hong kongs next leader after a brief election lol the protests resume in hong kong people place to go easy on the dozens of protesters have barricaded themselves in the Polytechnic University campus you met or heard about this theyve been there now 9 days following pitched battles with officers their weekends vote came 6 months into the violence beijing protest u. S. Politicians described as a response to authoritarian. For the last few years beijing is increased its interventions in hong kong and gauged. The rights. And liberties. Of its people we can see trying to trample on the most basic human right. Its of its own citizens. If you will just bird those words in mine because i want to bring you to believe similar violent unrest tough government response as well but it was met described by the u. S. As a democratic transition thats despite this selfappointed right wing leaders choose the sustained abuses against protesters Saskia Taylor has been looking into washingtons approach to both hong kong and bolivia. Sticks stones on the road can bones amidst the increasing violence hong kong took the weekend off to head to the polls and the results were overwhelming a landslide victory for those who have made it their mission to wrest themselves from beijings grip a victory apparently not just for the city but for the whole walled those despots in china have finally been put in their place communist china should take a close look and reconsider their current posture or ptolemy in human rights belong to hong kong the monumental defeat of bric communist china lawmakers sends a powerful message to beijing keep your 3rd terran regime on the mainland so they say beijing needs to keep it all for terry and tendencies out of hong kong others the same tendencies that saw an armed policeman industriously tidying up rubbish after another night of flames and fury all the ones that saw almost 3000000. 00 people free me cost the votes and what was a rack court turnout of over 71 percent or maybe those that led both the chinese and hong kong authorities to gracefully accept defeat the government will listen to the opinions of members of the public come bully and seriously reflect no shoes no matter what happens hong kong is a part of china. Which leaves previous accusations of beijings disregard for its peoples freedom the Chinese Government should respect their right to speak out somewhat knol unfortunate but when youve got a beer in your bonnet about a rising power that set to eclipse you both economically and technologically perhaps it doesnt really matter but what is happening in hong kong is the. Worst critic will the United States to smear. And china and the reason is that china is actually still. Success will come from the band little corporate world whatever a child alerts of the worst you could be a new intimidate a child of beat or the economic throne to susi knowledge the sanctions a great war or they dont live to South China Sea or hong kong the situation over 19000 kilometers away bolivia has been restless too and theres also been some significant shuffling of power. The. Was. Offering himself up as political sacrifice in a bid to calm the protests the democratically elected president evo morales stepped down and fled pass rising from obscurity to fill the void came to me and i knew as a 52 year old lawyer and senator whose name didnt really rang any bells even in bolivia why would it they didnt vote for her in fact no one voted for her she came to power because the street people who constitutionally have the right to take the reigns that is the president the Vice President and the head of the senate one forced to move on out and what many are describing as a coup but apparently to some thats just mere detail we call on all bolivians to support the bolivian Transitional Government as a gods the democratic transition through electoral reforms and to new free and Fair Elections as soon as possible and as the west praises bolivia for throwing off its socialist chuckles and turning its face towards the democratic sun lets see how that liberty is shaping up. It seems that when the shoe fits terry and as a man democracy can actually be used interchangeably and there is a totally different situation between bolivia and hong kong we dont see in hong kong mainly the rioters are attacking police during the public property and theyre being supported by the worst in bolivia and theyre dying fine think of dying for democracy theyre being smeared the situation is big on that reported and actually. There him so there is a government. Is hailed as a government which is trying to reach peaceful solution. Between the 2 sides. Lets bring you know to the. European country albania where rescue teams are continuing to work on covering victims from the worst earthquake to hit the country in decades this story my pictures right now the death toll we believe has risen to 14 thats coming from officials there hundreds more injured in a series of. Which hit near the capital. Reaching as high as 6. 4 in magnitude and were looking here at the extent really of the damage to buildings heavy machinery you can see that right now. Being used by the Emergency Services in the search for survivors i think theyre trying to dig in this 1st amount of rubble to get underneath the apartment block its still unknown how many people actually remain trapped beneath as Prime Minister has called for citizens to remain calm and to stand by another. Green protests continue to gain speed in germany the same literally be said for the situation in berlin today up to 5000 tractors of entered the capital city in a slow moving rally by farmers against government regulations culture this take a look the protests have been ongoing for the past month or so new policies are too restrictive and hinder their chances of competing with foreign producers be included tight shirt restrictions on the use of pesticides herbicides fertilizers which pollute groundwater the demonstrations. Well the big coal really is for great sure inclusion in Decision Making to create regulations that both protect the environment keep the industry competitive. All right that is our last 4 but next the financial headline. Its brought to life in the way only mexico the latest cars report begins in moments. Ok. Thank. You. Feel. You are. I am max geyser this is the kaiser reported over that movie the 6th sense and the big line the money line was i see dead people this is going to make more sense but 1st we need to talk to stacy well certainly we do have a zombie economy thanks to the never ending parade of free money from the fed and the growing pile of debt because you know this past week we saw the global debt pile hit over 250 trillion 255 chilean to be exact its probably up another trillion or 2 by the time this airs so the fact is we have a lot of debt in this piling up stock markets are hitting all time new highs some even Yahoo Finance is starting to connect the pieces that maybe all this debt and all this free money is driving the stock markets but even your own powell and testimony he said the debt is growing faster than the economy its a simple as that in nominal terms and that is by definition unsustainable ultimately you will have to get it to where the debt is not growing faster than the economy and its growing faster in the United States by a pretty pretty significant margin so as you say its growing faster than g. D. P. Is growing faster than g. D. P. It takes 3. 00 of debt to induce one dollar g. D. P. Growth. You know it reminds me of the story about the martin who is pumping formaldehyde into the corpse and saying that no matter how much formaldehyde i pump into this corpse it breathing doesnt get any better and then of course the obvious observation would be well its a corpse the corpse is dead. It doesnt matter how much formaldehyde you pump and so in the case of the Global Economy and in the u. S. Economy in 2008 it died there was this credit crunch as you recall and the solution was to pump formaldehyde in the what is called money but its not money like gold its money its debt its debt right all the quantitative easing all the money printing all the bailouts debt with interest costs associated with it and that interest cost now is approaching

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