To be poorly we could go to my garden. And most excuse. Me to me and my probably. Very warm welcome youre watching R T International with me becky and its great to have you with us our top story this hour the International Olympic committee has stated that russias Sports Movement is cleared of any wrongdoing in the latest anti doping scandal the i. O. C. However says it will support tough sanctions on russian all foresees which have been accused of manipulating anti doping databases this comes after a World Antidoping Agency committee this tuesday recommended a 4 year ban be applied to russia for all major sporting events if youre trying to gave us the details earlier. So just a day after the World Antidoping Agency came out with their accommodation for a 4 year ban on the russian side consisting of many elements the International Olympic Committee Said that it would support the toughest measures against those responsible for the manipulations with the databases but they pointed out that they believe the russian athletes and also the Russian National Olympic Committee had nothing to do with these manipulations we note that the report proves that any manipulation of the data is the sole responsibility of the russian authorities at the same time we also know the report finds that the Sports Movement has not been involved in any of this manipulation and that the report does not indicate any wrongdoing by the Sports Movement in this regard in particular the russian Olympic Committee or its members at that seems to be a word thats repeated manipulation manipulations what are the i. O. C. And wada talking about when theyre saying manipulations theyre talking about this long process of russia getting its house in order after the infamous doping scandal and allegations of state sponsored doping in order for the Russian National Antidoping Agency to regain its International Status to get back its International Recognition the russian authorities had to meet certain requirements and a very important requirement was that they were supposed to hand over the database of the moscow antidoping laborde tree from the previous years. The handover did happen with a slight delay although initially the International Authorities were happy with that but then they decided to investigate and a team of Forensic Experts hired by the wall and take Building Agency found that this database was somehow manipulated some. The elements of the database were either raced or modified and as a result of this a group of water officials came out with this commendation for the made World Antidoping Agency Decision Makers what they want is the toughest punishment for russia and we do remember how as a result of the doping scandal for instance during the winter Olympic Games and 20000. 00 in south korea the russian team had to compete under a neutral flag they werent allowed to be called team russia so now these sanctions are in place the same story will happen in tokyo during the summer Olympic Games but that is not it because that ban could be extended to 4 years and other 4 years sanctions could fall for instance a ban on all russian officials to be present at major sporting events possibly russia will be barred from hosting top class competitions and you know theres a lot in there being 2020 anything about that theres a long list we know that he has dark was supposed to hold some of the matches of the euro 2020 and then theres also the ice hockey World Championships the volleyball World Championships the way for Champions League final and so on and so forth so all that is now in jeopardy the reaction from the russian side has been coming in the minister of sports is saying that russia has been fulfilling all the requirements providing all the answers his side is still ready to cooperate however they will appeal any punishment that they see as unfair because i want to say that we conscientiously fulfilled all our obligations provided all the necessary information and questions. Have been discussing the case with wada but unfortunately the position has not been heard if the Russian Anti Doping Agency would dispute the decision the case will go to court will the evidence will be examined. And a witness is an expert again we also heard from the russian most senior diplomat Sergei Lavrov who said that russia is ready to play by the rules which it has done before however they want to make sure that these rules are fair and that theyre the same for everyone. There are some people who want to put russia in the position of a defendant accused of everything in this world thats why we will fight for the necessity you fear dialogue can be that only one or 2 for instance china and russia are guilty of everything and violating everything but the others follow the rules established by themselves without consulting anyone and make the others respect these rules now i just want to go back to why the International Olympic Committee Statement is crucial they will not be the ones will be making the final decision the i. O. C. Has to accept any verdict that comes out of the water or the court of arbitration for sport if an appeal is filed by russia however the i. O. C. Does still have a significant influence on the World Antidoping Agency because of their way to the worlds main Olympic Sports Organization and also because of the many connections in the world of sport so the final decision will be made by waters executive board which will convene on december the 9th so well be waiting for what comes out of that. To the u. K. Where parents have been banned from protesting against the equality clause is being taught at a Primary School in the city of birmingham and thought the Court Dismissed concerns that the lessons were inappropriate for Young Children and exclusion zones also been set up around the School Starting at with daschle has the story. Well this has been an ongoing case for quite some time now concerning parents who are fundamentally. In opposition to l g p t classes being taught at schools and of course those teaching them now after months of months of uproar an outrage from petitions to protest today the high court has ruled a parent ban on protests outside the school and burning and they have suggested the school is promoting homosexuality when it is not parents misunderstood and misrepresented that is being taught in the school so what is making these parents so angry well a majority of the parents are from the Muslim Community and for them these classes are a step too far not to mention of course the kids that are being taught these such lessons are of quite a young age even at times as young as 4 or 5 and as a result the parents have taken them out of the schools but its not just this calling question thats at the forefront of the protests other schools across barely and have also seen parents in uproar and outrage saying that the classes go against their religious beliefs across britain there are conservative religious communities who believe that. A father or a mother missing in a family is detrimental to the childs will be. And. Lifestyle encourages that its a very fluid sexual relationship. And lifestyle and the conservative religious community. Pushing that lifestyle is not acceptable and this is not teaching equality and this is more often argue its become an ideological battle not one of equality. We respect. As human beings. They deserve respect and tolerance for the 6 reality but would be quite. Conduce. 6 you ality and believe on children. Reduce likud to back room but the no outsiders program merely promotes equality it includes discussions about diverse relationships saying its ok to be gay and sharing and displaying same sex couples sharing they do exist now its been particularly portrayed 30 childrens books where we see cartoons displaying to moms or dads even fairy tales or love stories between love between a king falling in love with another king but for many parents they say that a ban on the protests is a step in the wrong direction for them its against their freedom of expression to go against the program but for the teachers involved in the program they say its in the right direction a step for inclusion and diversity but interestingly as of next year in september these sex ed classes that also include diversity of relationships and so on they will become compulsory so of course the debate is far from over. Bearing for their health and demanding transparency protesters have gathered in the french city of ruins likely 2 months after a fire and gulf the chemical factory in the area of course likely goes down of his therefore its now eagle residents that are clearly worried. Indeed right now walking with a crowd over it looks like a 100 maybe a bit more cant really see all the way to the end of this call them through on and indeed there are concerned people. Really the whole society spectrum is here there are young people there are elderly there are equal activists there are anti capitalist to discern boy this march to create. The goods of these people speaking and there are simply concerned citizens and all of them are indeed demanding transparency from the government and from lubrizol the company the Chemical Plant the world of the released all these chemicals into into the atmosphere as a. 2 months ago. Now this rally started with an installation it featured mannequins wearing gas masks and the with the bags of money now that all of these just metaphors are just made a fool as to what people what people reported what they felt right after the fire because they many of them many of the locals complained about the Burning Sensation in the throat for instance or about feeling nauseous after the release of the chemicals just simply because of breathing the contaminated and theyre accusing the government of failing to release the air samples they which were taken right after the fire and the governments position on loop results position has been that while there was no Immediate Health threat that all of those effects would cause and that there was no Environmental Impact but people here are not buying this theyre saying theyre demanding a more indepth look into this whole thing in fact i talked to some of these some of the participants of this demonstration. Really really angry about the low here and i want. The people who can put that in my garden must pay and missed its cues. To me and my community. So people are concerned about the health but it wasnt just about that local businesses local farmers suffered immensely for instance some 1800 farmers who were were banned from harvesting their own crop by the french government because all of that well because because of the fears of contamination even before that balance some farmers who were out of reach. Of this contaminated cloud still local shops refused to buy their produce simply out of fears that there might be something wrong with it now lubrizol which is by the way owned by the american billionaire warren buffet has promised to reimburse to help financially those farmers but again very few people at least here you wont follow find anyone whos at this rally i mean who is satisfied by that response and i should also mention that this plant it is well it has been problematic it has been problematic. Before it has it had had problems for instance in 2013 and the most notable the most notable case there was an accident and the cameras leave plants leaked some chemicals into the air as well and those chemicals they produced a very foul stench which could be felt as far as at the shores of britain so you can clearly see why people here are demanding more transparency and they would want an indepth look as to whats going on that lubrizol plant in davao thank you for that update i think correspondent it goes down of live from rwanda still to come this news now its a feast of the power for this back protesting in hong kong after the chinese territory the embattled leader come to terms with the wait and election route drawn back after this quick break. You know worlds big partners new law and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Look at your dollar bill that says a Federal Reserve no no if you look that up it best to be here itll tell you its a debt debt is a no right theyre not creating this start has nothing to do with money its created is formaldehyde its monetary formaldehyde and theyre trying to theyre complaining that the corpse isnt great and they just are failing to acknowledge that the Global Economy died in 2008 stop. Fighting international to hong kong now where the chinese territories embattled need to has acknowledged the weekends election rounds when antigovernment candidates secured a landslide can rely on ses it may have reflected on happiness with all parties. Gulf coast people who felt that the government has not handled competently the the legislative exercise and is tough some off and we have started a public dialogue with the community but unfortunately with the unstable and vironment and a chaotic situation i could not do more of that sort of engagement i hope that the environment will allow me to do it now but on sundays record turnout opposition candidates swept up 90 percent of district. I think the win is largely symbolic because councils deal mostly with local issues that have little political leverage but they do have the days following pitched battles with offices and weekends vote came 6 months into a violent anti beijing protest campaign which some u. S. Politicians decided as a response to terry and pressure. For the last few years beijing is increased its interventions in hong kong and engaged in actions to curtail the rights and liberties. Of its people we can see china dream trampling the most basic human rights of its own citizens. However in bolivia similar violent unrest in the tough government response has been described by the us as a democratic transition despite the selfappointed right wing leaders having been accused of sustained abuses against protesters soundscapes haider breaks down washingtons approach to both hong kong and bolivia. Sticks stones on the road can bones amidst the increasing violence hong kong took the weekend off to head to the polls and the results were overwhelming a landslide victory for those who have made it their mission to wrest themselves from beijings grip a victory apparently not just for the city but for the whole walled those desperate since china have finally been put in their place communist china should take a close look and reconsider their current posture or turn to me in human rights belong to hong kong the monumental defeat of bric communist china lawmakers sends a powerful message to beijing keep your 3rd terran regime on the mainland so they say beijing needs to keep it all for terry and tendencies out of hong kong others the same tendencies that saw an armed policeman industriously tidying up rubbish after another night of flames and fury over the ones that saw almost 3000000. 00 people free meat cost votes and what was a rack court turn out of over 71 percent or maybe those that lead both the chinese and hong kong authorities to gracefully accept defeat the government will listen to the opinions of members of the public come blee and seriously reflect and of irish of no shoes no matter what happens hong kong is a part of china. Which leaves previous accusations of beijings disregard for its peoples freedom the Chinese Government should respect their right to speak out somewhat knol unfortunate but when youve got a beer in your bonnet about a rising power that set to eclipse you both economically and technologically perhaps it doesnt really matter but what is happening in the home is the. Worst critic will the United States to smear this commitment china and the reason is we try to. Spin. Success will go. Down with the corporate world whatever each of those are diverse to go intimidate or try to be all the Economic Growth as we see the whole of the sanctions a great war or that it really is the South China Sea or hong kong situation over 19000 kilometers away bolivia has been restless too and theres also been some significant shuffling of power. Was. Offering himself up as political sacrifice in a bid to calm the protests the democratically elected president evo morales stepped down and fled pass rising from obscurity to fill the void came to me and i knew as a 52 year old lawyer and senator whose name didnt really ring any bells even and bolivia why would it they didnt vote for her in fact no one voted for how she came to power because the street people who constitution have the right to take the reigns that is the president the Vice President and the head of the senate one forced to move on out and what many are describing as a coup but apparently to some thats just mere detail we call on all bolivians to support the bolivian Transitional Government as a gods the democratic transition through electoral reforms and to new free and Fair Elections as soon as possible and as the west praises bolivia for throwing off its socialist chuckles and turning its face towards the democratic sun lets see how that liberty is shaping up. It seems that when the shoe fits terry and as a man democracy can actually be used interchangeably and there is a double in the principle asian between bolivia. We dont see the hunger mainly the rioters are attacking police during the public property and they are being supported by the us in bolivia they are dying fine think of dying for democracy they are being smeared the situation is big on that reported and actually. The rim socalled government. Is hailed as a government which is trying to reach peaceful solution of the well between the 2 sides. Some news from around the world for you now a shift over u. S. Policy on settlements as anger of palestinian communities across the west bank led to clashes erupted between youths in a number of locations with the Israeli Defense forces using tear gas and rubber bullets listed in protesters burned effigies of u. S. President Donald Trump Trump in this latest escalation thousands were protesting washingtons apparent change of tune on israeli settlements in the disputed territory according to u. S. Secretary of state mark pompei o israeli settlements will no longer be considered illegal International Community has been quick to condemn that move. And now the new sounds of people have marched through chiles capital and a call for womens rights to be protected the mass rally in front of your go with held on the International Day for the elimination of violence against women it also joined a wider protest against the countrys president Sebastian Pinera police used to be a water cannon to disperse some of the demonstrators that was triggered a month ago by a proposed metro fare hike and filled by frustration with perceived rising inequality. Or thank you for joining us here on r. T. International were back in 30 minutes with the latest headlines well see that. One almost sure seems wrong. Why dont we just dont call. Me. Yet to shape our disdain atika. And it gets really equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Or some want to. Have to try to be for us this is what the 43 of them or cant be good. Interested always in the waters in the. First city. This is a story about what happens austria stray bullets kills a young girl in the streets. What happens to her family and daughters in florida the mother daughter is very innocent and terry it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pen this than him and what happens in court. Shocked shocked as far as society we feel. We dont know children just for the. End of this trial unfortunately you. Will still not know all children. This is a blue bus broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our Global Economy in the 21st century and to say ok here in washington heres what coming up today a phase one trade deal between the u. S. And china could be on the horizon. But we have heard before havent we well Jeffrey Tucker the editorial director at the American Institute for Economic Research joins us to discuss the possibility and what this is doing to market londons transportation regulator has stressed over. The top rate and the legal journalist molly barrows hopped in the drivers seat to tell us what this means for the writing and more chinese law change companies are issuing their own cryptocurrency rather than focusing on general block applications cryptocurrency analyst one joins us to break down why this might be an issue with a packed show today so lets dive right in. A series of high profile mergers and acquisitions leads our global report today Brokerage Firm Charles Schwab announced on monday their official intent to buy rival t. D. Ameritrade in all stock deal worth 26000000000. 00 t. D. Ameritrade stockholders will receive 10837. 00 shares in schwab for every share in t. D. Held this would be a 17 percent premium over the stocks 30 day average price which was prior to the mitchell reports of the deal late last week since those report to the stock has shot up 16 percent with a 5 percent bump on monday alone schwab witnessed an 8 percent spike on the news as well. Now were going to transition from the finance world to the world of high fashion louis baton Moet Hennessy has announced a deal to buy tiffany and company for a 16200000000. 00 confirming the purchase that has been in the works for a few weeks l b m h will make the acquisition by an all cash deal pricing tiffany at 135. 00 per share a lot of the purchase say the acquisition of tiffany will strengthen the mh is position in jewelry and further increase their presence in the United States on the news stock and typically is up more than 6 percent while the m h is up a mere 1. 5 percent and were going to move into big pharma now swiss drug maker novartis will take over the Medicines Company in an effort to secure a cholesterol lowering injection called include the deal puts them in a position to better compete with their rivals nov artists will pay a 9700000000. 00 or 85. 00 per share for the transaction now the Medicines Company shareholders will receive a 24 percent premium over fridays Closing Price after the deal was made public the Medicines Company stock spiked more than 20 percent with no virus Holding Steady up just half a percent and lastly well its not all good news here in the story Hewlett Packard on sunday again rebuffed xerox attempts to acquire the company for 33000000000. 00 and refused to open their books to the copy machine giant h. P. Contends the offer significantly undervalued their company and expressed uncertainty as to whether xerox could raise the money for the purchase last week xerox said that if h. P. Was unwilling to hold talks they would look at the possibility of a hostile takeover. Acquire

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