After 10 am in San Francisco 3 pm in sao paulo 9 at night here in moscow this thursday january 16th welcome to our to International Community. Russia has a new Prime Minister lawmakers approved. Of the sea early thursday with president putin then signing off on the appointment. Well it only took this country what was it slightly more than 24 hours to come from the point when the president proposed to tweak some elements of russias constitution which by the way didnt automatically mean that the cabinet would have to step down to a moving towards the point when the russian state duma approved the name of the countrys new Prime Minister that is mikhail so the result was 383. 00 votes in favor about 40 abstentions and 0 votes again so this is the kind of backing the and coming Prime Minister is getting which is very important obviously in his position and clearly we were listening to his speech right before the vote which was obviously filled with quite a few promises so here are some of them. Used to produce them i can do up to ensure you that all members of the new government will carry personal responsibility for achieving National Goals i know that some talks in this room can even an intensive and i believe its very important that the government feels that it would always be questioned him on it it remains open and constructive critics help us improve and do the members of Parliament Give us regional feedback you know what they think what people talk about how they sense the situations and whether they think that there are changes needed for the past. Just to look at the background of mr mr astin a little bit i can tell you that he was in charge of the Russian Federal Tax Authority for about a decade he rarely appeared on t. V. So when on wednesday the now former Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev i can tell you that theres really no other way to put it shocked the country shocked the world by saying that his government was stepping down only a few hours after the russian leader delivered his annual state of the nation address pundits were calling out different names and. I can tell you that in most cases wasnt even on the list but then again boom the name. Came out of the kremlin so you cant help wondering what are the reasons for this appointment why so much trust well i can tell you that the new Prime Minister while he was working in the federal Tax Authority managed to accomplish a mission that seemed absolutely impossible at one point to get rid of a very painful state of bureaucracy and russias taxes i can tell you that previously to pay taxes or to deal with some problems russians have to stand in line fill out hundreds of papers they say that at this point now it can all be done through smartphones or tablets p. C. s you name it well then a matter of minutes and people say that this is really the achievement of me and in fact spoke to our t. A few years ago about exactly that about the digital izing the paper work in russia and how its important for the development of the country he was talking about the Younger Generation that will shape the future of the nation its important that the young generation whose form of whose future taxpayers to morrow use the friendly user interface which is suitable for the as we know the last resort just shows us the young generation now not using p. C. Computers so the mobile phones mobile applications and then social networks so basically we should exit the street with new stations to com we should come to the such is social networks and make sure that its friendly interface for them so basically this is the maybe main reason why we collaborate can be the commissioners to make sure that we saw recent codecs piers because between service and confuse cool. Parp over the next administration servicing part this now more and more coming clearly there will be something for d the audience outside this country to point out russias new pm is fluent in english that is something that we hadnt seen for a very long while now before the vote in the Upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament began i managed to catch up with some of russias most senior lawmakers and i asked them why they are about to support the candidacy of me. Was thinking about efficiency. If you look at the different ministries in said russia the tax collection is one of the biggest it is all. In the. Everything about every payment officially made it is said russians they created the most. Useful and usable. Government it has a ph d. In economics he writes books on economics he writes textbooks he teaches at the Financial University in moscow so here is an intellectual. Very more than that intellectual of more than a bureaucrat who can. Have a very systematic view on issues because he is actually. At the university was systems and functional of the systems so. I think its a good choice he has a i think a very quick. To mind you know which i think is still supporting for a politician. In developed an efficient tax service one of the most efficient departments in the country hes a strong leader tax Service Management is being done correctly both in terms of leadership im cutting edge technology. For the 1st time the Prime Minister has proven business capability hes shown that with these work in the tax service and if you policies will ministries in the same way it would boost National Income and streamline expenditure is an engineer you bring strong accurate in the sciences and Innovative Technology ideas politically is neither left nor right nor centrist we really have a specialist coming into power. Another major shake up in russian politics this week saw the government resign that was in response to Vladimir Putin suggesting amendments to the constitution effectively diminishing the president s powers while posting the list of parliament. But it. The amendments i suggested yesterday do not affect the fundamental basis of the constitution further in russias development as a lot of state goal is also to enhance the effectiveness of the countrys institutions to strengthen the role of Civil Society and to enable the Political Parties in the regions to make decisions vital to the countrys development our Senior Correspondent explains more now about the landmark moves on the reaction they received in the west. Tried splay in this lead to boom and power as the office of president the media accuses of it seizing more power who control over russia but when putin gives up that power and hands it over at the parliament at his own expense it is also because he seizing more control over russia 1st to discover this syndrome i name it paranoid putin a friend here and theres a real epidemic. Paranoid putin a for any aside he is what he actually proposed to guaranteed that new president ever wields as much power as he did including putin himself hes got 4 more years in office. This is unprecedented in a quarter of a century every constitutional amendment was designed to empower the president for example increase the president ial term from 4 years to 6 years or give the president the power to appoint prosecutors and now he turns it all upside down it used to be that putin appointed the problem. Ministers Parliament Rubber stamp that now parliament appoints heads of government and putin rubber stamp set with no power object 30 witnesses that you according to the constitution of the Russian Federation hes the president needs only the state dumas consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet his deputies and all the ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian governments chairman and at the chairman suggestion all the deputy Prime Ministers and federal ministers will have to be appointed by the president without the right to reject any candidates this is of course all subject to a popular vote if these passes russia will be a changed country with a very different future russia is changing into a new face of democracy freedom and now this 1st. Time when the president limits his old power and this is something in the later controlled country is not know it at all a president limits its own power and once to let the people decide on the new constitution. At the pave the way the government handed in its resignation its worth mentioning it wasnt all that popular that failed on a number of fronts and meachem event if the now caretaker Prime Minister said himself its time for something new you have all heard the address of the russian president Vladimir Putin as president he outlined the major priorities of our work for the upcoming year but he also outlined a number of fundamental changes to the constitution of the Russian Federation these changes when they take place and this will be done after discussions and as was said they will significantly alter a number of past the constitution and change the balance of power if theres one thing we know about putin its that we dont know him he loves the surprise and there was no warning not even rule is that the country was about to be turned on its head we now have a new Prime Minister we heil michoud in an unknown quantity hes largely stayed out of the spotlight for the past decade ahead in the federal tax agency and i must say he did wonders teaching russians to pay their taxes fact some would argue hes done too good a job it is now clear putin hangs up the gloves in 2024 he will run for another term times change so does russia it is revolutionary change from this distance i would say that it gives more power to the parliament but it downgrades the importance of the Prime Ministership of the stability of russias leadership quality which is not a separate issue has been one of the most positive aspects of World Governance in the 21st century. Right to another headline stories this hour the turkish president has announced the deployment of more troops to libya he ses to ensure. The stability of the u. N. Bought government on dates capital tripoli theyll join a deployment already sent by earlier this month during a meeting with the German Foreign minister general huffed are from libyas rival Administration Reportedly said hes ready to abide by the current ceasefire arties middle east correspondent paula sleeper brings us more. Well it certainly seems as if things are heading in the right direction that meeting in moscow was applauded by the International Community is a step in the right direction in terms of bringing about a lasting Peace Agreement in libya as youve mentioned weve just heard from the German Foreign minister that highly for have tyler who is the commander of the Libyan National army has agreed to a cease fire with the forces of the government of National Accord now that is the u. N. Backed government that sits in tripoli this followed an earlier and by the turkish president air the one in which he said he was starting to send turkish troops to libya to assist the government of National Accord there there are already Turkish Forces in libya but they they are primarily to train the forces in tripoli and everyone is saying that this is all part and parcel of a much Bigger Picture they are agreements between the 2 countries to this effect and that it will help bring the long term stability in libya take a listen we are starting to send our soldiers to ensure religious my government survival and stability in libya starting with the idea that turkeys security lies outside of its borders we will continue to mobilize our capabilities now all of this comes just days ahead of a meeting that has been planned in the german capital for this weekend and due to attend that meeting our leaders from turkey from russia as well as from britain italy and germany the focus of the meeting will be a follow on from the summit that was held in moscow again a further step in trying to entrenched and bring about a long term security and stability in libya. From so has been brought to a standstill once again trade unions on Public Sector workers are piling the pressure on french president among your macaw over his proposed Pension Reforms Mass Transportation strikes parlous and other major cities across the country on thursday but while ago she ations between the government and the unions drago on some monitors the phone the funny side of recent events. Piece of footage isnt working quite no lets give it another go lets reload that and see what charlottes up to in france. As a strike continues in fronts weve brought you the anger weve brought you discontentment weve even port you the violence the other thing is quite interesting about protests like this all the time is that really brings the color if you just look behind me you can get a sense of just some of these banners that are out today people are spending tireless hours creating these banners to try and get them for a moment say on t. V. Or social networks to try and get their voices of course were going to speak to the ballot hes got this sad very nice sorry i didnt translate into nice english basically saying my god loves to professors particularly at the age of 64 i rather think he mailed reference to the fact he married his schoolteacher i hes a brand would be fair to funk i. Was retired 62 like everyone else but if this reform the past there will go up to 64 or even moving from cases this is meant as a wink toward the a president whose wife is a teacher. So its not just the placards that we see at these protests we also see other flags that are regular currencies like this one for change evora and the flag of the palestinian territories over there all the sort of color that adds to almost every protest that we come to in front of just spotted what looks like quite a nice cargo placard here in paris its a train lets have a chat to the person behind this. Expect watch. Have been on strike for 42 days we Railway Workers are striking against americans pension reform michel i think were witnessing some sort of humorous show here weve got some. The huge looks like the son of Margaret Thatcher and mr mack cole that hairstyle is in dispute really that of Margaret Thatcher if you take it with what looked like to be pearls on the is around. For me no protest in paris is complete until we have met this gentleman this is john baptist and every protest hes out with a new so i mean in this distinctive coloring buzzers a straw man 1st a straw poll joining the fight for social justice the environment democracy democracy everything is going wrong this is a democratic emergency the politicians are not performing their duties and acting to help the people both on the simple message is to do more humorous messages it seems you can pretty much find anything on a plaque out at a protest in front and from everybody weve spoken to it seems that the reason why people are really keen to get their protest band is out here in sharing is to make sure that they seen in the crowds show that you can ski aussie in paris just approaching 20 minutes into the hour were going to a short break now but you were 1st of big news stories right after that stay with us. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Theory Dramatic Development only mostly. I dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Money printing leads to the stock market going higher which makes anyone think there are geniuses and the like and lets see our strategy of bombing innocent people make such a crack at the money and then the fed accommodates of course because we do so for National Security and the stock market its an all time high that everyone gets really smart thinking oh my genius of making so much more People Killed personally the school submersible jerk. And the stock market goes higher thats the cycle that were in now its called genocide for profit its called america. Ok now a story to bring you know new reports reveal about the u. K. Fail to notify other e. U. Countries about 75000 crimes committed by their nationals in britain according to the Guardian Newspaper the home office then a party tried to cover up the mistake which was caused by a computer error to. The historical daily activity files received from the home office are going to be sent out to countries as there is a Reputational Risk to the u k. Well the Police Computer system error was not noticed for 5 years men from 2012 to 27 foreign nationals convicted of crimes in the u. K. Were able to return home without their own countries being aware of their records the home office has said it is working to rectify the situation and meant kirk told us that the scandal will prove to be highly damaging for both the u. K. And its european partners. It is lovely its the britain thing but its bad for the e. U. Bad for our citizens but its new clearly you have these convictions covered up by some Civil Servants replication is why should you count parts share information with the u. K. If the u. K. Cannot be relied upon to share information promptly and officially its very serious because its put us in a very weak position because its really the 2 year period from once who served notice we could leave. We should have been more than ample time to come to a Long Term Agreement but because we had some Civil Servants that didnt do the job properly and so now weve got the really silly position weve endangered many people here for the acts of maybe a few people and its totally unacceptable both for the u. K. And the e. U. Donald trump threatened to impose a 25 percent tara on european carmakers if germany france on the u. K. Didnt accuse tehran of violating the 2015 meter deal that has been confirmed by germanys defense minister those countries complied with the request on tuesday runs foreign minister zarif said this in response. Appeasement confirmed you are a trio sold out remnants joined comprehensive plan a fraction to avoid new tram tariffs it wont work my friends youre only what hes up tight remember your High School Bully if you want to sell your intergroup to go it hat but do not assume high moral legal ground you dont have it. Some cutting remarks while iran has this missed moves by the european signatories to trigger the socalled dispute mechanism over its alleged noncompliance with the deal they have a 30 day period to resolve the problem after which it will be referred to the Un Security Council who has the power to reinstate sanctions on tehran heres a quick reminder of what led to such a fragile situation between the parties the nuclear deal officially named the joint a comprehensive plan of action was signed in 2015 by iran and major world powers the agreement was to see tehran limit its Nuclear Activities in exchange for the easing of sanctions but Washington Post died in 2018 on swiftly imposed economic penalties then began scaling back its compliance which accelerated after the us assassinated to runs the most powerful general. Well thats 2 full. Professor of Political Communications out to ron University Good to see you again will this is a clear example of the u. S. Trying to dictate the Foreign Policy of other countries through economic pressure are these are allies of the u. S. We should remember as well is this even legal philosophy why wont the e. U. Stand up to washington. It is not legal in International Law they have very important concept called sovereignty european governments are sovereign governments last time i checked and the us pulling them to accept their failed Foreign Policy the United States wanted to overthrow the iranian government have not been able to do that u. S. Wanted to get more concessions out of iran not getting more concessions losing the kind of sessions they got and theres an infinite agreement and from what we know and the experience that the u. S. Had in the last couple of weeks attacking iran attacking iran in general as well have consequences militarily so the military option is not really a good option for the United States so they have failed the u. S. Has failed and the european governments seem to be following the United States off the cliff yeah ill not the European Countries involved claimed they wanted to save the nuclear deal but do you think that theyre playing a double game as it were. You know they have this Good Cop Bad Cop scenario the europeans acting like the good cop and theyre. Not following that anymore following the United States and if they were really interested in saving they correctly meant they would do their part to follow their doom and they have not done so the u. S. Officially got out of there given one and half years ago. Europeans have also gotten out of the agreement on officially but not doing what theyre supposed to do under the agreement the other side of the con of course is that if tiran was serious about a compromise surely it wouldnt keep enriching uranium beyond the limits set by the 2015 deal your take on that you know that doesnt have a lot of options to show its satisfaction with whats going on the Nuclear Agreement was a multilateral meant and iran can not follow. Unilaterally so you don will have to do things on the. Other side may not like and this may be a message that you dont bill continue to do so if the europeans take the case to the United Nations i think you know it will officially get out of the need to. Actually get out of n. P. T. So were not looking forward to that but thats what the United States and thats what the europeans have done and they have followed the u. S. In that we have about 30 seconds for and i just wanted to ask is there any real chance the deal could be saved maybe with a new group of members leaving the u. S. To one side what do you think. I dont think maybe in january of next year if trump is out and you get someone like sanders in the white house theres a chance for that but theyre wise i think that i can see is that for thanks to your time as always on the program as a professor of Political Communications out to run your city. Were set for some more great programs here in moments that im back in 30 with all your latest global news updates line from a party because hes. Somebody. I know. I know. I. Work. On a space flight you literally leave all your problems behind you fly high and above everyone and everything and then you see any and all borderlines on earth disappear you see that our planet is not as were taught in schools with Different Countries marked in different colors separate from one another you see that our planet earth is just another will be a Big International space station on a mission in the vastness of space just like the i s s. Welcome to the alex salmond show where we present a program on the constitutional future of this weekend and despite a last

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