Her story with on t. V. Broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our International Im john thomas really glad to have you with. Us a Democratic Senators are urging the trumpet ministration to impose additional sanctions on russia following reports alleging that country is meddling in the 2020 president ial election a letter from Congressional Democrats was presenting sensually calling for more sanctions to be imposed on russia in response to allegations of russia trying to interfere in the 2020 president ial election which will take place in november heres some of what was included in the letter. We urge you to immediately draw upon the reported conclusions of the Intelligence Community to identify and target for sanctions all those determined to be responsible for ongoing elections interference including president putin the government of the Russian Federation any russian actors determined to be directly responsible and those acting on their behalf or providing material or Financial Support for their efforts now as you heard the letter even called for directly sanctioning the russian head of state russian president Vladimir Putin now we know that these new allegations about the upcoming election are can be traced back to Shelby Pearson now Shelby Pearson is a an Intelligence Community figure in the United States who is basically at this point the top Election Security official and she testified before the u. S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee about allegations that russia is somehow planning to meddle in the 2020 vote for the purpose of making sure that donald trump is reelected now donald trump in response to her testimony said he did not buy that this was trumps response to allegations that russia is trying to help him win the white house for another term did you see that i see these ponies these that do nothing 3. They said today that cotton wants to be sure that trump gets elected here we go these people are crazy now much of shelbys claim has been disputed and debunked by other figures in the u. S. Intelligence community furthermore in the aftermath of this claim from Shelby Pearson that russia is meddling for the purpose of reelecting trump we now have allegations that russia is meddling for the purpose of electing a u. S. Senator Bernie Sanders from vermont so russia is at this point being accused of taking 2 different sides in the upcoming vote however russia has been very adamant that this is simply not true the russian. Government officials have been very adamant that they are not trying to interfere in the u. S. Voting process take a listen to what has been said in response to these allegations in u. S. Media and from u. S. Officials which these are just the usual paranoid claims which unfortunately we will be hearing more off as the u. S. Elections approach. Of course have nothing to do with the truth. Now in 2016 there were widespread allegations of russian meddling russian collusion in the us election process those allegations continued after the election there was a long investigation and much of what had initially been said was debunked the facts simply didnt add up it wasnt true but regardless of everything the United States has been through and all the allegations that have been hurled and debunked in the last 4 years it seems like now as the 2020 vote approaches and in november once again the United States will be going to the polls to determine who will be president it seems that allegations about russia will once again be surfacing and that this will be once again part of the election process in determining who will be the president of the United States for the following 4 years Russias Embassy in washington has just reacted to the move saying that the anti russian element in u. S. Politics has led to the unprecedented degradation of bilateral relations political analyst Alexander Bruno thinks that blaming russia is convenient both for republicans and democrats. Amount of blaming russia is convenient for both parties because that way they can avoid speaking about real problems and real issues and policy none of the parties are speaking about policy in fact. Put any. Blame for whatever outcome in the election on russia thats the only logical reason that i could come up for these stories to be. Resurfacing again after they failed so flat so badly over the past 3 years of this story. That weve had. Monday marks the start of an historic extradition hearing in london which will decide whether the founder of wiki leaks julian or songe is handed over to the United States the whistleblower who is currently in belmarsh prison is wanted in the u. S. On espionage and hacking charges and could face a sentence of up to 175 years arties dear tutor has more. The u. K. System starts to decide whether june in march will indeed be extradited to the u. S. On their request when i came here this morning they were huge of journalists and protesters here apparently this court has never seen so many people before so they are finding it a little bit hard to handle now didnt assault his father has spoken out hes spoken of his torture and says that it will happen to all journalists if this extradition is a successful torture of julian the witness for the new mills of you know other nations read to. All of those records are available that hes going. To journalists publish in public life if this extradition this political extradition julian the son his successor weve heard from the british point of view the those who are having to speak up and think about allowing this extradition they spoken a lot about the official secrets the 911 and 989 official secrets which isnt generally only used on spies it bans the disclosure of classified information passed to target foreign spies and traitors and its also used against journalists there have been reports that the government wants to revamp that legislation you can hear from the wiki leaks editor in chief Kristinn Hrafnsson and hes been speaking to the media during the breaks of this process what we heard this morning oh youre more of the same the same thing weve been hearing for 10 years we 1st heard it in july 2010 reporting lives at risk and now 10 years later there is no evidence of such and on the contrary to the country under one official was forced to admit in the modern trial of 2030. But nobody had to be physically harmed because of the server revelations in 202011 now in 2020 they are in for a lot of able to produce a single evidence of that hard still they go on day one of this hearing is going to go on for another week and im sure well be here to tell you exactly what goes on. It has certainly been a long and taxing legal saga for joining us on short he sounds good taylor looks at how the wiki leaks founder has found himself closer than ever to extradition. Hero or enemy number one you decide either way judy in the song has become a name and a face recognized all over the wild and not for the Death Penalty so if im not for the Death Penalty want to do it illegally shoot the son of a. Terrorist he should be treated as an enemy combatant was her 6 own was wiki leaks walks like a Hostile Intelligence Service and talks like a Hostile Intelligence Service but i do find even surely im not sure. We define a dome or sacred rights the 48 year old australian put a target on his back when he leaked 8 of classified u. S. Documents nang bad views of power at the very highest levels with the u. S. Justice department hot on his heels as some sort of saddam in londons Ecuadorian Embassy the 7 nong that he is before suddenly and unceremoniously being dragged out by british police. Or iran or a stab in the back and perhaps coincidence that aquittal is bank account had just been credited with a 4200000000 dollar learn from the i. M. F. Where the u. S. Has huge sway so from the full walls of the embassy to the 4 walls of a jail cell as someone who was taken to Londons Belmarsh prison and handed an exceptional sentence in britain bio violations seldom need to prison sentences theyre generally subject only to fines assigned by contrast was sentenced in summary proceedings to 50 weeks in a maximum security prison clearly a disproportionate penalty that had only a single Purpose Holding a century long enough for the us to prepare the espionage case against him he and his lawyer had just 15 minutes. Path of the trial which itself also just lost it 15 minutes betrayed by feeling let down by the legal system a songe now claimed his fundamental human rights were under attack he was put in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day at the u. N. And Rights Groups were in disbelief and some feared for more than just his freedom we have real concerns on the evidence currently available mr stan she could die in prison the medical situation is there or by urgent there is no time to lose against this backdrop is it surprising those suspicions swaddling around the extradition trial especially given the u. S. U. K. Treaty clearly states no citizen can be extradited the political purposes which many tame at the says and while washington says this case is strictly about National Security it seems Queen Elizabeth the 2nd didnt get the memo. I must tell you however that is a constitutional sovereign majesty acts on the advice of him ministers and remain strictly nonpolitical at all times this is therefore not a mess that you wish the queen would intervene if the u. K. Kowtows to its allies request might be dealt not just a life sentence without parole but even the Death Penalty if washington decides to out on the charges in the future thats if it finds a willing jury which apparently wont be a problem. His sons will receive a trial by jury in alexandria virginia the natori is Espionage Court where the u. S. Tries all National Security cases the choice of location is not by coincidence the cases are always tried in front of the same judge behind closed doors and on the strength of classified evidence nobody has ever been acquitted in a case like. That is a prearranged affair a show trial to make an example of julian a son the point is to intimidate other journalists global outcry human rights the law or the right to a fat trial turns out there all week adversaries in the face of a government who will fight tooth and nail to keep a lid on its secrets meanwhile the family of harry done a british 19 year old who was killed in a Road Accident last august are calling for a songes extradition to be blocked they say the u. S. 1st needs to hand over and coolest the woman suspected of taking her sons life she is the wife of an american diplomat and has admitted that she was driving on the wrong side of the road she left the u. K. Shortly after the tragic incident claiming diplomatic immunity and despite requests from the British Government washington says it will not agree to her extradition the lawyer for the family has accused the u. S. Of rank hypocrisy. Last america is. Protecting her harbor the person whos accused of killing her and jun they have no business calling pretty extradition anybody from the United Kingdom it is it is it is but i can find it where its just discussed in congress here the cases are completely different but the over arching principle of the reciprocity girlfriends all extradition cases if the United States is going to rip up the extradition treaty between the u. S. New case as its done here then you know the United Kingdom needs to stand up to it up and both countries need to abide by the extradition treaty so you know we are very clear working you know doing our best work with the u. K. Government and to make sure that the decision that the United States has made its not actually good this is not accepted but we are in the middle of a diplomatic standoff its one of the darkest moments. In the u. S. U. K. Relationship. And a stunning woman says she has had to flee to russia to protect her daughters and she is claiming asylum after her husband was acquitted of sexually abusing at their children heres her story. Its a bit of my older daughter started scratching her face i would ask her how do you scratching yourself you should hurt yourself and she would reply oh mom i feel guilty about what dad did to us then we went to psychologist after several sessions she told me the girls are telling the truth about what they want to its a classic reaction an offense or a sin has taken her 2 daughters to russia to keep them away from their norwegian father she accuses him of molesting the girls something he strongly denies according to her it started back in 2012 in norway when the girls were aged one and 2 but. When our younger daughter was born he offered to be their older daughter i need something from the bathroom so iraq turn without knocking i opened the door they were not washing the not even in the bath they were just standing there naked and i went on to describe the horrific details of that incident who is from a star india obtained a story in passports for the girls and took them to her homeland but the husband hired a lawyer filed for custody and won the right to see the children for a week every 2 months and it was legally unable to prevent him from taking the children to norway there were by years after the 1st trips the children would come back and tell me would be naked with dad or where we slept naked with dad in the same bed sometimes the older one would wake up screaming at us for a long time i could in the to myself what was happening and make 2016 he once again brought the children back from a weeklong stay there i saw a very strange scene when we were saying good bye i asked my daughter whether they played like that when they are in norway and my youngest one said yes. After that and a went to the store and police and the criminal case was opened she says a gynecologist examined the girls and found evidence suggested will abuse the father was then arrested and charged on a visit to the psychologist who gave some advice on how to get the truth from her own daughter although that was a soviet of all the psychologists said i needed to talk to her in the home environment and when she started talking it was a nightmare. She told me that her dad tickled their it that it was painful but later at the trial they accused me of teaching my children what to tell the investigators and social workers despite the girls testimony the court said there was insufficient evidence to convict your stain fencer us an idea so he was acquitted he then sued his wife and in 2018 managed to win custody of the children mr finster us and denies all the allegations against him my father was accused of doing something to a 1314 year old started using it as leverage but my father was like that and i have to be like that im a launched a legal appeal and turned to human Rights Groups for help but she was unable to overturn the ruling in january this year your son finster austin was due to take the girls to norway so on a decides to flee to russia taking the girls with their now being looked after while on his asylum claim is being processed. Police in the central german town of vulcan madisons say around 30 people including children have been injured after a car plowed into a carnival procession the driver has been detained on the authorities are investigating the incident are his parole of course. Well the chief of police in frying 1st is confirmed 30 people were injured 7 of those seriously including children after a car plowed into a carnival goes attending the rose and month excel abrasions in central germany the frank 1st Attorney Generals Office have taken over the investigation they are describing it as looking deliberate at the moment but of as far as theyre concerned it doesnt appear to be either a political or extremist act a 29 year old man understood to be from the folks martin area was arrested at the see all Carnival Events in the region have been canceled because of this eyewitnesses describe the car having accelerated into the crowd and traveled some 30 meters thats why so many people it would seem have been injured police had to protect the suspect as he was being taken into custody from angry members of that crowd who were trying to get to him to find out exactly what was behind this incident that as they say according to the chief of police of frankfurt has left 30 people injured 7 of those seriously after a car crashed into carnival goes in the central german city of. The german chancellors christian democrats have suffered a devastating blow in state elections in hamburg with support for the party plunging to a meager 11. 2 percent the c. D. U. Finished in a distant 3rd place behind the social democrats and giving the greens. And the greens excuse me leaving its leaders in disarray. Its. Called what i will get straight to the book and not beat around the bush it is a day for the german c. D. U. Its a historically bad Election Results for the c. D. U. In hamburg. With Popular Support for the c. D. U. Slipping german media has a mockingly dubbed the party the Chaotic Demoralized Union arguing that it is suffering its deepest crisis in 2 decades the unions woes have been compounded further by this months announcement that its leader. Will resign once a replacement has been found once seen as a handpicked successor for the chancellorship the move has raised doubts about the political course being charted by both the party and the country we asked a political commentator Stephen Meissner just how dire the situation is for germanys christian democrats. Its looking pitch black for the c. D. U. Basically seems to have missed out on their exit time and the whole game is starting to fall apart right before very eyes shes in the process of destroying the city here its i would place this whole disaster basically firmly on her shoulders shes not left enough time for a successor to really move in and fill her boots and take over the place themselves again some experience and place them selves in a position to be able to fight and win an election in 2021 so shes just not left enough room for people and shes missed her exit point basically shes really missed it. The number of coronavirus patients located far from the deadly epicenter in china has suddenly spiked italy put emergency measures in place over the weekend with 150 reported cases and 4 deaths it is europes 1st major outbreak while iran has the highest number of deaths outside china with officials there raising the number to 12 earlier on monday and the authorities in italy cancelled a carnival in venice major sporting events were postponed as well as entire towns and communities were put on lockdown in asia cases of infected patients surged in south korea on monday with another 161. 00 people confirmed sick taking the total there to almost 800. 00 the government has also temporarily shut down religious movements and even a cult whose members make up a sizeable number of the known infections meanwhile the u. S. Is accusing russia of spreading alarm and coronavirus link to conspiracy theories by spreading disinformation about coronavirus. Once again choosing to threaten Public Safety by destruction from the Global Response. The u. S. State department alleges that thousands of fake social media accounts are pushing what it calls russian talking points some of the posts apparently claim for instance that the virus is an american biological weapon and is being used to inflict political and economic damage on china the misinformation is said to be undermining the Global Response to the demick arties done quarter reports. Foreign meddling support for donald trump and sowing discord the saga continues youd think by now the u. S. State department would have burned through its reasons to blame russia for everything under the sun but with the coronavirus epidemic in full swing it looks like theyre just Getting Started russias intent is to sow discord and undermine u. S. Institutions and alliances from within including through convincing coercive malign influence campaigns moscow says washington is just stirring up trouble and that could be the case but were not even allowed to investigate the accusations officials are clinging to the details of the classified report kept secret by the state Departments Global Engagement Center and apparently accuses russia of using fake social media accounts to spread conspiracy theories about americas involvement in spreading the coronavirus but if we compare the secret reports charges against russia to what moscow was actually doing we see 2 very different pictures. If its conspiracy theories american officials are looking for they might find them closer to home they are the ones publicly casting doubt on the official information coming out of china while some of them were later retracted allegations that the virus came from a chinese Bio Weapons Lab were quick to emerge stateside just a few miles away from the food market is chinas only biosafety level 4 Super Laboratory research of human Infectious Diseases you have lived consistently about this virus if you give me a Senior Administration official told me that the United States does not have quote high confidence in the information coming out of china. At this point the World Health Organization has called for all sides to think twice before making accusations and the chinese envoy to the u. S. Has warned of the damage inaccurate information can cause the 29000 and covert outbreak and response has been accompanied by a massive info demick an overabundance of information some accurate and some not that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it so very harmful its very dangerous to stir up suspicion rumors and spread them among the people forwarded this to a crowd panicked friend. Racial discrimination as you know phobia there might be a lot of confusion and mudslinging but at least u. S. Officials are trying to look on the bright side of this worldwide epidemic the fact is the does give businesses there yet another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chain so i think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to north america this is a wake up call for an issue that has been latent for many years but is critical to us economic and National Security we cannot necessarily depend another countrys even close elyse to supply us with needed items from face masks to vaccines and while washington continues to accuse russia of undermining the countrys institutions they seem to be doing a good job of that already russia serves a very important purpose. And american politics these days rather than add a lot of the its own problems and trying to figure out how the you know how they arose and how to fix them americans find it much easier to blame someone else and that target is usually russia the us just the Us Intelligence agencies feel that they they can only benefit if they attack russian accused russia of various malign activities but i believe i dont believe russia has any any desire or any interest in spreading this information about the coronavirus because. If you spread this information that causes that that allows the the disease to spread all the more rapidly and russia is vulnerable as well so why would russia want to burn down its own house. The Israeli Defense forces say Palestinian Militants in the occupied gaza strip have fired multiple rockets into southern israel and this comes after the defense minister said tel aviv had plans to radically resolve the long standing crisis. Preparing a plan to fundamentally change the situation in the gaza strip i really understand the situation of the people in the south they deserve peace and security well it certainly seems as if a school ation is on the cards we have heard from the israel Defense Forces home front come on that all roads all schools and the train line along the israel gaza border are closed until further notice now this follows a deadly night of telling a tree airstrikes conducted by the israeli army on several locations in northern gaza and on the syrian capital damascus now the Israeli Army Says that these included sites belonging to the Palestinian Islamic jihad group and amongst them were weapons facilities and training sites it also says that 4 people were injured however we hearing from Islamic Jihad that 2 people have been killed and it has vowed to avenge those deaths zionist aggression against a mosque just on the murder of 2 of our members as a result of the bombing is something that must be stopped and will not go unnoticed well this is comes after the american president Donald Trumps socalled deal of the century which was supposed to see a long lasting peace between israelis and palestinians but has been slammed as the slap of the same by the palestinians one of this coming just a week before israel holds its 3rd parliamentary election in a year the country is in a political deadlock now at the same time the americans have recognized israeli sovereignty of the Golan Heights and also put in place plans for israeli annexation of the west bank all of this is being seen here by many as attempts by the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to win political points. For those of remaining ill be back with headlines in about 30 minutes there was this is our international. The chrono virus now has proven this point because even though all supply alone supply lines are choked and deliveries of critical parts are not happening stocks are still stable or going higher because its. Cheap money right its all cheap money that cheap money is is created out of nothing to create the simulation going. Seemed wrong. When old rules just dont hold. Any you get to shape out just to become educated and in gains from an equal betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground

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