The coronavirus global death toll topped 182000 the number of infections at more than 2600000 director of the centers of Disease Control and prevention Robert Redfield warned a 2nd wave of the coven 19 could be much worse considering that it would likely hit next winter at the start of the flu season will the u. S. Have nearly 900000 infections and a total death toll of more than 45000 this comes as white house. Advisor dr Deborah Burkes warned americans that to prepare for even more deaths we will continue to see mortality and among our american citizens particularly in the cities as they begin to move past because. Well it turns out the 1st american lives lost to coven 19 came earlier than originally thought will Health Officials in california said tissue samples taken during autopsies showed that 2 people tested positive for the virus just weeks before this was at the start of february on tuesday the u. S. Senate approved a new 484. 00 trillion 1000000000. 00 stimulus package for a Small Businesses this while President Donald Trump and treasury secretary Steven Menuhin said they would ask some businesses who received relief funds to return them meanwhile the state of missouri is suing china for not doing enough to stop the spread of the outbreak Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson game shuang rejected the claim. It is purely malicious vexatious litigation which violates the basic legal principles according to the principle of southern equality in International Law southern actions taken by a Chinese Governments at all levels in terms of Epidemic Prevention and control are not subject to the jurisdiction of the u. S. Courts when meanwhile the food and Drug Administration authorized the 1st in home test kit for the code in 19 sold by lab corp the test cost 101000 dollars and it is expected to be available to consumers in most states within weeks while mexicos Health Ministry confirmed a jump in the countrys cases to more than 700. 00 now totaling more than 9500. 00 with a death toll of 857. 00 and the country rejected an outright lockdown in a country where half of the population lives in poverty meanwhile sweden a country that did not impose a lockdown amid the outbreak aimed to slow the spread of the virus by allowing exposure to it so essentially they were building herd immunity while protecting the elderly the countrys chief epidemiologist said herd immunity could be reached in stockholm within weeks well india is also looking to attempt to herd immunity on its younger population but for more numbers and information on the coronavirus be sure to check out our portable da t. V. App and look for the section tracking coronavirus. A short term story in the market remains oil or oil remains low as it lead to a dow decline of over 1000. 00 points in just the last 2 sessions but lets bring in much of a trip to discuss kristie we are getting a slight rebound today whats happening with oil. Well the u. S. Oil industry is cutting production by 900000. 00 barrels a day which is the biggest one month decline since the financial crisis and analysts suspect that this might only just be the beginning and that more cuts are needed around the world of storage runs out but after 2 days in steep losses the market stage a turnaround on the back. Oil as a rebound in light of the cuts the june contract is up about 20 percent today and the company ministration is also considering offering federal stimulus to oil and Gas Producers in exchange for government ownership stakes similar to the deal that they proposed to airlines earlier this year now nothing has been finalized yet as it remains one of the several possible options however this pop seems to be a bit premature as capacity only has about 3 months to go before its filled as demand also faster than production is declining so as reuters reported the hunt is on to find storage dozens of oil tanker vessels have been booked in recent days in order to store crude bring offshore storage to a record high traders are also getting quite creative to renting and storing crude and fuel in an unused rail cars in northeastern u. S. Or unused pipelines so at this pace we should expect at the negative prices once again in the near term month especially as we get closer to x. Ray and thats what were saying yesterday that were expected see these negative numbers in the next month or 2 but kristie we talked a little bit about the u. S. O. On tuesday right the popular e. T. F. That is undergoing some massive restructuring and order to avoid this liquidation whats the latest there. Well you have yes so there are very popular retail e. T. F. That tugboat said is doomed to fail we mention that yesterday and theyre changing a structure yet again in order to deal with this historic mullah to lety and to keep from blowing up so as the retail trade as the inexperienced investors who got burned in this oil trade exit out of the basket us now trying desperately to retain investors after is pretty much 80 percent growth this year is now i think you doing a one for a reverse share split that will go into effect after close on april 28th now this is by all means entirely cosmetic dressing not really improving any of us fundamental as its trying to avoid additional losses this is really unfortunate because it was designed to attract the casual investor who really doesnt understand the complexities of the futures market and so as a result it basically suckered in more than 5000000000. 00 in assets from these Retail Investors and basically made a prize all that value in about a week many have now dubbed the retail killer most certainly a very complex issue especially if youre not familiar with it thank you for that explanation kristie but for more we want to bring in a shawn hyman of the logical investor shawn thank you for being with us today were starting to see some High Profile Companies move toward bankruptcy we saw victoria secrets 24 hour fitness at Neiman Marcus at cetera but the real story is really the hundreds of thousands of Small Businesses that are suffering the Restaurant Industry which is largely independent employees employs about 11000000 workers and about a 3rd of arent going to reopen again are we underestimating how severe this downturn will be because even as lockdowns get left and many of these jobs are gone for good. Yeah absolutely some of those jobs wont come back some of the jobs there wont be demand for because the the demand from the customer side will be listening you know restaurants maybe youve got to pull out some tables in your restaurant and maybe only fill half of the capacity that you could before things of that sort some people who could go to restaurants movie theaters whatever maybe they do maybe they dont so theres you know even once you kind of flip the switch and allow the economy to come back its still going to be tepid probably it at 1st to what it should be and some of these jobs wont come back and then theres a spillover effect from those who you know they waltzer their incomes what they would have spent on you know further affects other people in the job losses there so its kind of a domino effect there especially like youre saying if these jobs dont come back i mean 11000000 people thats a lot of workers but seana earnings week continues as we are continuing to get more data points on just how the economy is actually doing we have some big homebuilders reporting today as well as casino giant las vegas fans what are we hearing out what are we hearing out of them. So its been kind of mixed but i would say this this Quarterly Report the problem with it is earlier on in the quarter you know all these Home Builders and casinos you know were do it would doing better and then the coronavirus of course is affected or more in the latter part of the quarter so it is going to be a muddy reporting i think more importantly were Going Forward i think its going to possibly be worse for them than it was in the past just due to coronavirus and the effects of it so i think all these casino stocks and all the homebuilders still have another leg down to go in their stock prices and i think theyre going to look in there once for a little longer before things really truly get back up speed well as speaking of casinos we know nevada is home at last vegas to several casinos reno as well i do want to ask you this nevada mayor wants to reopen businesses sooner rather than later theres talk of steve one who said that they wanted when casinos to open by mid may now we know casinos are filled with germs do you see that happening. It could happen but but even still its like what you know youre probably going to have to unplug every 2 you know one or bandit so to speak you know between so that youve got people staggered in and maybe only open up so many card tables and things like that where youve still got some sort of social distancing around so even then when they you know ramp back up its still going to be tad bit compared to full swing what they could normally do in regular time so its still going to affect them for a pretty good bit well kristie i want to turn it over to you the markets also getting a little bit of a boost on talks of the stimulus what should we expect there. Well on wednesday we had the 484000000000 dollar relief package passed and focused on Small Businesses hospitals and testing now is moving over to the house where proof will hopefully by thursday so while this was about another 350000000000. 00 into the program in order to help keep Small Businesses afloat more than 22000000. 00 americans are still filing for unemployment already and as you just mentioned with casinos thats not expected pick up because you know they reopened who do you expect to go attendees because you know most of them are primarily driven by mass market traffic and right now with unemployment so high you really dont need a man picking up at this point so this stimulus package is basically just a bandaid its a little too little too late and fails to address other immediate album such as a collapsing state budget now part 2 the care package is really going to be where the meat is and thats going to be forth packages that will potentially include more direct payments potentially egg extended Unemployment Insurance and now theres also the talk of an infrastructure bill which is the kind of recovery component of the entire relief bill that would be focused on rebuilding and getting jobs back to the people on a huge problem there was a Small Businesses who arent seeing a lot of these loans were President Trump and and treasury secretary minucci are now going to be asking these businesses to return those funds so interesting how this is all really playing out now kristie i boom bust cohost and sean hyman a lot of logical investor thank you both for your time. Thank you thank you. So only days after apple and google announced a landmark agreement to Work Together to create a Contact Tracing out for the corona virus one country is already asking the companies to go further in terms of violating privacy of users with that country france has become the 1st country to call publicly for the tech giants to weaken that privacy protections around digital Contact Tracing this after its government admitted that its current plans when it work without changes to smartphone operating systems will frances digital minister jericho told Bloomberg News that were asking apple to lift the technical hurdle to. Allow us to develop a sovereign European Health solution that will be tied our Health System well joining us now to discuss is bill thats cohost of internal fence line than a lot of privacy that weve been talking about lately but lets start with the technical part what specifically is france saying that apple really needs to do here yes so essentially what france is saying is that right now when you use a con trick of the Contact Tracing app that france is trying to use the problem is if you have an i phone and you have that app on and then you switch to Something Else so now you move over to your instagram or you go to facebook or you just turn off the phone all of a sudden the abstemious running it stops tracing it was subsoil though we knew thats part of apples operating system currently and so what france are saying is hey apple what we need you to do is we need you to change your operating system for us so that this Contact Tracing app and tracking app can actually track the user when their phone is off it can track the user when theyre on some other kind of application where theyre not actively using it essentially turning your phone into 247 surveillance that is what france is asking people to do so lets try if everybody at all times right well randy wants to decoy by may 11th thats just around the corner without using the special measures that apple and google have put in place why is this such a problem for apple and google to just conform to what france is offering and do it well its a couple of problems number one remember that when apple google announced that they would be doing this the very 1st thing they said about it was they said it would be an opt in program only so if you want this app on your phone when you download it onto your phone if you want to opt in the information then you opt in you are not required to be a part of this what essentially france is saying is dont make it opt in they wanted on every smartphone in france they want everyone to be required to have it if you have an apple or google phone well thats a problem the other problem is is that whatever apple does and google does in one country they have to do it in every country you cant just isolate the phones in one key. Tree for your operating system and say this is the french operating system and so you cant just say well were going to go ahead and violate privacy laws that would be a violation in other countries just because france is telling you to do it here lastly whats really interesting about this era is that france is the country that keeps wanting to be higher taxes against apple one against google because they say that those companies are violating user privacy and remember the e. U. Keeps fighting google and facebook for violating user privacy so while the sudden today no no longer think user privacy is important pretty ironic especially like you said theyve been fined not only by france but other members of the European Union as well and still sometimes facing some some investigations right i mean google and apple really just who knows how theyll work this out but a little bit ironic here talking about privacy again with whom both cohost ben swan thank you for that report. There are things. Time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return well take a look at the state of the Global Economy with professor richard wolf and what a potentially huge coverage could look like as we go to break here the numbers that the. Math guys are financial Survival Guide liquid assets not those that you can convert into caste point is really. To keep in mind no as if im into a place to watch guys or board. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallowness. The coronavirus pandemic has impacted all countries around the world both rich and even developed all the world has been completely disrupted with global shutdowns some countries begin to cautiously ease their restrictions with so much information of the one 900. 00 still unknown its nearly impossible to project the Recovery Time well the International Monetary fund predicted that the Global Economy could shrink by 3 percent and that full recovery wont be reached until the end of 2021 well joining us now is host of economic update and author of understanding socialism professor Richard Wolffe professor thank you for joining us today lets start with this question what might happen economically if more data shows and comes out that it shows theres a lower than expected death rate from the coronavirus. Well frankly at this point the uncertainties in the confused information is so global in scope that i dont think theres any way to answer any of this kind of question there are lots of theories that the virus could come in waves which means we wont be out of the woods for any definitely the time the economic breakdown is now so complicated in a world that has more on supply chains than weve ever seen before a greater level of indebtedness leading economies that these kinds of predictions theyre really not possible and it isnt all that helpful for people to start doing that because it implies a level of knowledge and control that i wish we had but im on this the telling you we dont extremely complicated situation as you said professor because a lot unknown but economists are speculating a that the u. S. Will likely see a u. Shaped recovery what will that look like in terms of if that if it happens lets just say that it does recover in a u. Turn shape what happens to local businesses and general unemployment numbers how long could this bottom of a you potentially last. Thats always the question you know the idea of a u. Shape was developed because people understood that up until then we had talked about a v. Shaped in which the economy tumbles down and then quickly comes back or the famous or infamous ls shape where it goes down and never comes back while somewhere between those 2 extremes is the us yeah but the usual doesnt tell you how long the little part of it at the bottom of the you will last and there again i hate to frustrate folks but there really is no way to know the one thing we can be sure of is that the longer this lasts the more difficult it will be put to chile for Small Businesses to recover even if they get along all right even if they can help with the payroll we are talking about a situation that is crumbling this system in part because nobody particularly the government is doing anything during the day time to build the basis for recovery and that in the long run is the biggest criticism of whats happened well professor lets look at some numbers here at china as the economy shrank by fixed point 8 percent in the 1st quarter right thats at the all time worst record could this be setting some light on what the rest of the economy is up throughout the world are going to look like. Yes because the chinese had in general been ahead of the curve here on managing the coal did randy gene the shut down locked down in rule on managing the the minimum zation of this thread to the rest of the country given all of that and given that the crisis hit there well for the World Economy stopped why from china 0 situation is probably Something Better than what we can expect here in the United States and in western europe and a cut of 6 percent in china us even if we dont do worse than that in the west is still an economic crunch on a scale that the only comparable thing and this is what we have to face is the Great Depression of the 1930 s. Thats what were looking at and lets remember that started in october of 1929 and wasnt really old merc until 1941 a good 112118 half years on the fact that oil is also crumbling is not helping anyone markets theres a lot playing and to the economy right now the coven 19 just because we dont have a lot of information yet we have to follow where this goes and not only hope for the best and thats all we can really do for now but professor Richard Wolfe thank you so much for your year and fire and put on your expertise. Thank you very much ladies. Thank you. Now as the world that works to fight against the pandemic caused by copa 19 World Leaders are also honing in on local economies but the path to resurgence may not be an easy one all this while the u. S. And parts of europe are scrutinizing china theyre saying that their technology is not for sale r. T. Correspondent dan lothian with the details natasha. Yes there are you know countries like germany and sweden and they say that theyre concerned companies weakened by this pandemic will be an easy target for china and so now there is a heightened alert going on and some are saying that china is on the hunt for bargains well germany and other governments are looking to secure their home corporations worried by a possible economic attack by china germanys cabinet approving legislation making it easier for authorities to prevent foreign takeovers of strategically important companies. In germany in europe we must be able to better guarantee our supply in important sectors which is why we will decide very promptly in the federal government on how we can bring the production of medical equipment more strongly back to europe and to germany. Spain italy and australia echoing those same concerns spanish Prime Minister pager sanchez saying quote we are going to block Foreign Companies from taking control of strategic Spanish Companies by taking advantage of these share price collapse well china has already made heavy investments in italy after the United Kingdom and germany italy is one of the top percipient of Chinese Foreign direct investments and 2019 the Chinese Investment in italy reached 17400000000. 00 since the year 2000 with the peak of the investment in 20142015 Australias Home Affairs minister saying he thinks there will be a reset about how the world interacts with china we do want more. Transparency china can have their economy grow to lift people out of poverty thats a wonderful thing but when youve got a communist party that doesnt have the transparency that other comparable economies have then that is a problem and when you see their involvement in foreign interference when you see their involvement in saw all of these aspects to all i think be looked at again. As china ships medical supplies to other countries swedens foreign minister says while she walked into the gesture she believes there are intentions behind the generosity at the same time you should not be then say that there is snow in the political. Which you are doing and i also think that the d. C. C. The countries are you seeing dependent to move forward with their own political agendas and i think in china its happening in many other countries. British lawmakers say the government should prevent the removal of tech giants Imagination Technologies to china john sawyer is the former chief of Britains Secret Intelligence Service emphasizing those same concerns and leaders in india are also aware of the countrys economic slowdown has weakened home grown corporations and now the ministry of commerce said saturday that any entity based in or tied to a country which shares a border with india would need government approval before investing in and any Indian Company and now many countries say that theyre being so vigilant in protecting their entities because of what happened during the 20082009 recession now during that financial crisis we know that china did heavily in vast in the west however it wasnt as lucrative for china as maybe they thought because Many Companies still did end up going under reporting for boom bust and sweets are tea. Party correspondent cautious we thank you but thats the time when you can catch a boom bust on the man on the brand new portable t. V. Up available on smartphones through google play and the on. By searching part of the t. V. Or stream us by your t. V. By downloading the portable t. V. App on apple t. V. And online as part of all that he has always checked out on you tube dot com slash boom bust r. T. And it will feel like time. Least. The world is driven by a dream shaped by the phone person with those words. No dares thinks. We dare to ask. Tough for a lackluster primary democrats and their media friends have decided on joe biden as their Party Nominee is hell left alone will the progressive fall in line what is joe offering voters in will the d. N. C. Experienced buyers for the last november. Has changed Many American lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs talk to people who are chronic pain patients and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them on the remedy be said to. Price at the. Grocery dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and all study actually suggests that the long term effects might not just be. The benefit actually that it might be causing long to. File my patents on your own this is americas lawyer the roll out of the corona virus stimulus package could not have been worse with working class americans struggling and navigate the system and Small Businesses watching their money go to large corporations tonight well talk about the major flaws of this bailout package and well tell you why people who need the money most are getting shut out completely also tonight a court ruling is essentially given our Government Free rein to tap into consumer data in the name of National Security and later in the show a lawsuit alleges that a concerted effort within the Chinese Government to withhold critical information about the coronavirus directly endangered the livelihood of americas Small Businesses dont go anywhere americas war starts right now. Millions of americans are struggling to get their stimulus checks but even if they can get through the i. R. S. Website they could still have banks steal their money join me to talk about this is fair and cousins editor the National Trial where the magazine this this story i guess its no surprise right this whole living the whole nature of this legislation was to put money in the hands of people so they could eat so they could pay their rent now we see the threat of banks saying what well the banks are saying hey you have Overdraft Fees from a couple years ago oh youre youre behind on this payment that you know this debt that we hold for you were going to steal your money and the worst part about this is not just the fact that the banks are doing this its that this was intentional this was intentionally put into this piece of legislation because they wrote in a provision congress did as part of the stimulus package here that the federal govern

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