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Every allegation of war crimes leveled against u. K. Soldiers in iraq citing a lack of evidence. Good morning for russia wednesday the 3rd of june 2020 lives and from arties world news h. Q. Here in moscow its over now in this take 3 of those headlines just a in a lot more detail and 1st the big news is again in from america overnight curfews and threats of a military clampdown have done little to quell the bitter anger being felt across america right now which is witnessed 8 days of protests over the Police Killing of george floyd in minneapolis the states Human Rights Department says it is now set to investigate Police Conduct over the past 10 years nationwide huge crowds ignored the stay home orders to continue venting their fury of a Police Brutality while in some areas soldiers tried to reestablish order. A security cordon has been erected outside the white house in washington where 1600 extra troops have been deployed adding to the riot control squads and other military personnel already on the streets thousands are risking arrest for defying curfew orders and in philadelphia offices using tear gas against demonstrators who blocked a highway. A new york city store is a racing to secure themselves from looting which is already seen several retailers targeted with wooden holdings and smashed windows along the streets of usually prestigious shopping districts some are going further like this liquor store in the state of illinois where stuff themselves caleb open explains this morning why looting risks erupting into something more dangerous than. Heres one thing the protests against Police Brutality. However by night the protests take a much more violent war. Lyndall ism moving and a tax on Business Owners many see this as an extreme expression of economic inequality obert. By looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men and women are tying the looting of america has been going on for over 40 years and the copra saw the ultra rich though some Business Owners are even willing to stand with the looters also properties are always can be replace but loss of life so no definitely upset with the looting i dont think that looting is necessary. But i definitely feel like something needs to be done you know to kind of protect everybody says large scale looting 250 buildings have been damaged in minnesota alone prompted members of george boyds family home. Not just our stuff. That they dont know but i dont know why i have not asked if i was tough time getting this guy off the. Job. Was enough of the by once breeds violence is the riots keep going the Police Response is gone as far as ramming cars and routes amid this chaos Business Owners that decided to take their own security into their own hands in the most american way. Oh. You right now you do. You think im going to i would you know not have the authority as have been openly suggesting store owners protect themselves with nuns and if you try to break into their homes to still to set fires im highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns armed vigilante groups are now patrolling the streets this is how you take your neighborhood back cops are out here the 2nd risers you know were ready for the rush these are police saying we are all here they are 15 we are protecting our neighborhood are you doing all of this a recipe for civil conflict across america of course not everyone is out for themselves this is taken out of sort of russian restaurant in San Diego California where locals lined up to defend the premises the onus among those who felt the need to be armed in the current circumstances in fact he told me through his experience. 1st of all d on saturday we experienced heavy looting in the city of san diego it wasnt in our neighborhood but it was a neighborhood mess of which just pretty close to us just maybe 6 miles outside of the downtown city limits where you know the the protests started peacefully and then they started burning buildings i am a little city and it pains me to see this easy to see. Young american young and young black lives being lost or something stupid like this could have been the war that and the fact that you know people are looking doesnt help the cost thats thats just my personal experience my personal opinion you know that there could be. Could be better ways to go about this and then robbing Small Businesses because these people have nothing to do with it. When it sounds like theyre only burning large corporations or banks. Theyre breaking into a Small Businesses small Jewelry Stores and these people already. Probably have no money at 2 months are on the wires and now that people could lose their entire savings and become almost. A worrying time limited attention the chaos in certainty on the streets right now of course there is implements of light as well been reported to you one protest from california running up to a Police Officer and given him a hug Everybody Needs a similar seems to in kentucky while in philadelphia several offices knelt in front of demonstrators weve seen that more and more to and cheered and applauded but so welcome. I. Know one new york congressman is true feelings about the unrest has gone viral after being a wittingly caught by a socalled hot mike were talking veteran democrat representative elliot angle who was recorded saying he couldnt care about the Police Brutality and rest if he didnt have a primary to fight before interest upcoming election challenge which ill 2nd clip when. Viral and so is political challenges a race to condemn his remarks and a link to backtrack to must be said insisting he does deeply about the situation little call to next this morning looking at the blurred lines then between political compassion and exploitation during nation defining events. Long ago the us fought a bloody civil war that broke the chains of africanamerican bondage but over 150 years later and the country is once again divided by race with growing fears that another great civil conflict could take place and the politicians are already drawing their camps on the one side trump is beating the drum of war and is ordering the military to step in i am mobilizing all available federal resources civilian and military to stop the rioting and looting to end the destruction and arson and to protect the rights of law abiding americans and as the president who wants to be known for restoring law and order he also wants the naysayers to know that god will be voting for trump in 2020. 5. Years or 3 thats right good is electoral rival joe biden finally awoke from his long media silence and recently went down to the protests in delaware to show his support for them and his campaign of course the only way to bed this crane is to turn all that anguish to purpose and as president i will help lead this conversation and more importantly i will listen by the support was echoed in an op ed by his old boss former president barack obama he added though that people need to participate in elections to fix the problem. Eventually aspirations have to be translated into specific laws and institutional practices and in a democracy that only happens when we elect government officials who are responsive to our demands the waves of protests across the country represent a genuine and legitimate frustration over a decades long failure to Reform Police practices and the broader criminal Justice System in the United States right and obama was that responsible government official. We cant forget that it was under the Obama Administration that we saw the rise of black lives matter for 8 years the United States had a black president and Police Brutality is still as bad as it ever was you can even argue that some are even more outraged about it now. The democrats and the republicans have picked their sides and so to have the countrys tech giants both twitter and instagram change their logos in honor of black lives matter you tube and other companies have made politicized tweets to show their support with all these different political interests all trying to wrangle the social unrest to their advantage you have to wonder who will come out on top and at what cost. So the truck that ministration the obama by this recession did better thats not really saying thank you very much thats not saying much at all many of us were very disappointed with the Obama Administration and as for mr feith when he was in the u. S. Senate he was in many ways according to the New York Times the set of this criminal Justice System that has led to this catastrophe like him in a particular being and trust me its unclear what will be the impact of these joint 1st one we would like to see. But i would like to think that we are serving to discredit mr trump. Who has fought for quite is typical in a horrendous way. More signs of the times of rising graffiti across the United States where riot is a sprayed police cars windows and pavements the tag a see a big what you can see here is a derogatory acronym aimed at the police now the next slogan too is also trend that its another day of the authorities by the protesters all to americas rick sanchez says Stretch Police forces are really up against it right now. American politicians whether theyre mayors or councilmen or senators or local officials or state officials or federal officials cannot get elected unless they say in their stump speech i will give you 10 more Police Officers for your city the next one i will give you 20 more Police Officers and im going to give them bigger guns and im going to give them more cars the days of when Young Children in america had people who help them not become criminals have given way to a society where we almost encourage them to become criminals so then we can arrest them because after we arrest them we create another job not only do we have now more cops but now we can hire Correctional Officers the number of Correctional Officers the number of cops in america continues to go up and you know whats interesting you almost cant even put this on cops i know its an easy week to feel horrible about Police Officers and be very critical of them but we put those people in that situation right we told them all we want you to do is go out there and arrest people america has turned into a militarization zone a police state and weve done it with each politician who we voted for who decided to take them into School Budgets all over the world all over our country and shrink them down to almost nothing so they can create more space for more guns and more cops and more cop cars why in the hell in the United States of america are our Police Officers wearing camouflage around us and an Army Uniforms as if we were the enemy and thats a big part of the problem this were the enemy and theyre the authority. Rick sanchez the straightly is calling for an investigation into the rough handling of a journalist in washington d. C. While covering the riots there a correspondent cameron was seen being assaulted while reporting life there it is. Right. Now there. Was a fire and thinking oh oh. The press freedom watch told the committee to protect journalists in fact says there have been at least 125 violations against reporters during 3 days of the protests it also calculates around 20 journalists have been arrested another media watchdog estimates that around 90 incidents of involved attacks d including to pepper spray and rubber bullets in the some cases indeed of suspected that news crews a big deliberately target says. It. Was a. Case thats the way it is that it should just like to. Start a bed. For the last show you heard there was an american journalist press should probably get her that she was working for the Russian News Agency sputnik and the other whites who described how officers opened fire despite knowing she was there to report on events. Well the man has actually just like yes its sad. And tragic and crass and i was holding it right or in it after and yelled and press and they start shooting me with a variety of stinger and i have been. On my side on my torso and on my back and i also got hit with a rubber ball in my and then this did not hesitate to use their right shields down to the ground but they also pushed me to the ground and i slid along after all and had a lot of operations on my side they were very well aware that i was and this is a clear targeting of journalists many administrations United States government you know. About other countries that other countries dont have free press we are also concerned about the threats of violence against journalists which have a Chilling Effect on press freedom especially when they are not investigated or prosecuted we call for an immediate end to threats and for violence against journalists hope the rest of the world will follow our press freedoms and the great things we do in the United States what i as a clique variance from yesterday is that the us is all too willing and incredibly willing to forget that violence upon journalists here and to try to silence journalists here am i start again if i have members of the past experiencing the same thing away from us shows theres been solidarity demonstration the from australia to argentina while in europe rallies have been taking place in britain italy sweden greece and the netherlands most of it peaceful but one rally in paris descended into violence. Following a ban on gatherings right now because a pandemic nonetheless thousands still turned out to tell a tea party French Police is in memory too of a young black french with a damaged or a who died in Police Detention in 26. 00 teams skirmishes broke out swat officers responded with tear gas projectiles and pepper spray. 82 half minutes past the hour good morning from moscow me kevin 0 in thank you for watching up ahead this the Program Continues after the break british soldiers likely to escape trial over suspected war crimes in iraq we report on as independent investigators draw most of the allegations. Rage and destruction fear and despair how has the United States found it so in such a state of turmoil growing income inequality systemic racism or at least 60. What is the difference between a protest and riot is it accurate to say the us has become. The world is driven by shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. My good morning the number of deaths in britain from corona virus could be worse than the headline figures suggest by may the 22nd the Government Statistics Office put the number at just over 40000 but when figures from Health Authorities and local governments around the u. K. Are ready then the number jumps to over 50000 fatalities the u. K. Governments long been under scrutiny over its handling of the pandemic not least the high rowing toll the outbreak taken on care homes for the elderly almost 15000 residents are known to have died from covert 19 which is roughly a 3rd of all deaths in britain we spoke to Charlie Williams who lost his father to the disease at one facility in england. I asked him several challenges this crew in the largest. In the 100 we was told theres not were not fathers Health Deteriorates it a let it off family and we were told suspects it covered no one taking us bonds 1st and we can same they said we cant because its now transformed the 1st floor twice lation unit and then now received in patients from the hospital we were absolutely shocked of hearing this we was never informed of this whole lisa comey habits s. He said they cant test him which we found dark they said no i will test them moment but we insisted he must be tested with be tested immediately and eventually monday a green frame to be tested a few hours later my father died a one day april 20th. Age was a tragedy there couldnt man a care where vanity williams died says it did follow all the official covered 1950 guidance Charley Williams though describes his fathers case as just one element of a Major National scandal and says the government should act fast. You know we have no doubt its government is responsible all over negligent manslaughter of my father we have no doubt this is love we have to stop an official complaints and. Dress to follow those complaints through this is only a small part of the National Scandal here in the u. K. Where out of monks has sanctioned all those homes staked him. Isnt not being tested. And done we have no doubt this is how law farther. Or call it lightly my father being this is something that has to be so to my father we are stunned as is many of the families. Most contact me now. In other news today british soldiers are unlikely to face legal action for alleged crimes during the Iraq Campaign more than a 1000 cases are being looked at by the u. K. s independent prosecuting authority but its chief has told the b. B. C. That all except one of being dropped citing a lack of evidence and michelle e a team of investigators was set by the u. K. Government to examine more than 3000 allegations of british war crimes in iraq which included murder and torture the group in operation for 7 years before a key solicitor was sacked for misconduct on the team was shut down meantime the War Crimes Court in the hague opened its preliminary examination and concluded the allegations did have real grounds by that time though british troops in iraq had repeatedly come under scrutiny. But. The British Government wants protection for former soldiers and veterans against historical allegations in fact the bill proposed 2 months ago would effectively put a 5 year limit on bringing prosecutions over british troops actions abroad beyond that only exceptional cases would then be considered for investigation political analyst Chris Bambery believe serious war crimes shouldnt there have any deadlines on reaching trial. Being there is considerable. Material for those in iraq itself where it really is spelt that the occupation was itself a week all the iraqi stock at the hands of the Occupying Forces british and american and then themselves the thats the way it was the United States of course is not prepared to let its citizens and its Service Personnel face prosecution and sort of void it towards a way by bringing in this 5 year limit i think britain is big a good dose of the rule of the United States and i would be concerned that thats the divergence and station of peers of other european major one partners in other countries around the world serious allegations or war crimes can take a long time to surface or indeed the identification clue if the war crimes are serious there should not be a limited period of time in which they are pursued and who is does not fit with united nations. I love the way some of the worlds top headlines is shaping up this wednesday the 3rd of june reporting from moscow im kevin though in work or so lybrel social media and as the day progresses so are other anchors and stooges around the world on the t. V. Side of things for you so from them and for me thank you for choosing auti international. We go to work so you stay home. Seems wrong. Why dont we all just dont all. Get to shape out just to come out to kill and in detroit equals betrayal. When something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. No t. V. No crow. No shots. Faction. No arrests. Which your thirst for action. Greetings and sally you taishan. Mark of the day on your calendars my friends monday on the very 1st day of june 2020 the us president bird believe declared war on the citizens of the United States of america or at least those citizens who do not support one Donald Trumps vision for america whatever that twisted necrotic self and intelligent vision actually is the brand name and sheep emerged from his white house bunker on monday after tweeting tough and hiding out most of the weekend after thousands of thousands of black lives matter activists took to the streets of washington d. C. To protest the murder of george florida and the harassment unwarranted incarceration and killing of thousands upon thousands of black and brown citizens by u. S. Law enforcement over the years standing in the rose garden our chickenhawk in cheapie declare that if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them. You know that want to be tough guy up there trying to act like he actually knows what hes doing but lets find out what does trumps law and order look like well apparently my friends it starts by deploying chemical weapons and state state sanctioned violence on Peaceful Protesters in front of the white house just so once again our chickenhawk in cheap along with members of his family and his administration could stand off quickly in front of St Johns Episcopal Church with a bible in hand for a campaign boto up when asked if the bible was actually his old trumpery he said quote well you know hey its a bible Church Officials were not told of the plan in fact the bishop of the ep a pisky pulled diocese of washington wasnt even given a Courtesy Call after witnessing this p. R. Stunt she told the media quote he did not pray he did not mention george void he did not mention the agony of people who have been subjected to this kind of horrific expression of racism and White Supremacy for hundreds of years he has done the opposite of that and if or rather when the president deploys the us military inside the United States to keep his version of peace many are now asking is that even legal or was it another one of those protections the democrats and republicans in Congress Gave away in their post 911 war on

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