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For pm a no good afternoon from russia saturday the 6th of june 2020 live from arties world news h. Q. In moscow its kevin owen here to take you through the headlines for the next 30 minutes. Major demonstrations over the death of george floyd are expected over the weekend in the u. S. Capitol police are warning that saturdays protests could prove to be the largest ever seen in washington americas biggest race protests in half a century show little sign of abating but 1st we said the raid seems to have turned into a more peaceful calls for justice and reform. Towards america right. Yes. Around 50 people have been arrested after police march is returning home. In Brooklyn New York friday night police apparently 1st told the protests is that if they had stayed on the sidewalk they would be allowed to pass through officers would then sing containing a group of methodist kettling before arresting them one by one among those detained was Health Care Worker courtney taylor. Let everyone know we were taught that if we work out of that work we would be able. We want them if that were what they thought they liked and they lock everybody up why why. Well. And if that were not looking. Well working on our website it. In new york state an entire Police Crowd Control units reported to quit after 2 officers were suspended without pay they were filmed aggressively shoving an elderly protester causing them to fall and sustain a serious head wound the disturbing scene was caught on camera as were about to show you. Offices in the enforcing at the time of curfew in buffalo when it happened the Police Department says the man tripped and fell on his own and the mayor says hes wont fire the suspended office hes describing the elderly man as an agitated it was later clarified that the right squad had only quit the Tactical Team and not resigned from the force entirely. Minnesota state representative illinois meantime has joined growing calls to disband the Minneapolis Police force she argues that is beyond reform and is backing calls for minneapolis politicians proposing that the Police Department is dissolved the citys now banned the use of chokeholds by police he rules also require officers to report and intervene when they see any an unauthorized use of force by colleagues. Rick sanchez explains the next wave of forms might not be enough so. In a case like this i dont want my Police Department to be privatized i dont like whats happening with the prisons since they have been privatized so i think its essential to keep the police as a form of our government i also think its important for us to realize that Police Officers cant do everything ive been watching videos on you tube yesterday i saw where they called the cops because the guy was fouled during a basketball game there are videos of schools teachers they cant handle the student hes unruly they call the police these are not Police Functions were over policing the solution is to look for ok lets lets start with the core of the problem is crime right we have too much crime in america we really dont the numbers are way down as a matter of fact so the numbers of crime away down but the number of hiring of Police Officers is way up ok so if we say we want to be able to attack whatever nefariousness in our society we want people to be better we want to create better citizens we want to create noncriminals you start. At the beginning you dont start out on the back again but if you were to turn on c. N. N. Or of us embassy or fox news right now they would tie everything to the george florey incident without looking outside of that the danger that is we will then think oh we just passed a new policy that says youre no longer allowed to use that joke or oh ok everything is solved no everything is not solved because the underlying problems are thats still an underlying problem and until we attack that root were essentially going to continue to have these situations. Because rick sanchez now around the world next than fresh protests and marches this weekend as weve been describing also agree proving to be the biggest flare up of Global Support for the black lives Matter Movement since its inception in the 7 years ago driven of course now by the killing of george floyd to go to the straightly here this is brisbane which has long struggled with its own deep rooted Racial Division look at the turn out there with aboriginal communities still grappling to this day with inequality discrimination and mistreatment is the show of feeling this weekend thousands turning out with similar rallies in key cities nationwide most part of that instant there were 3 arrests we hear in the evening another disturbance in sydney that sold police used pepper spray. On the other side the world rallies planned in several big cities across britain show their views daschle is in london away. Big turnout in hyde park the other day i was looking at Parliament Square if youre on the go towards the u. S. Embassy now i gather. You go absolutely im in the hot tub nearby where there were thousands gathered in Parliament Square which is directly behind me but now thousands of protesters and meeting with the u. S. Embassy as you can feel. They just have black eyes mounted chanting i cant read it very tough words are no black man be dying. Weeks. Ahead. You ask that but instead true or not ill call it we are in the middle of it all down here bit rabbi had to finish line if thats the way out of it any i know. These guys have never had it i said that i didnt see the dark georgia boy coming out of the better off being a magic pill that mattered nothing like this like it leave the house like the tree is already on the right. Like so many im appalled by the death of george floyd but were still facing a Health Crisis so please for the safety of your loved ones do not attend large gatherings including demonstrations of more than 6 people. Will learn to mishear argue the Police Brutality is not just an American Issue but its also an issue here in britain of course the length of statistics show that black people are 4 times more likely to be experiencing Excessive Force at the hands of police and their white counterparts many argue that this age old pattern of institutional racism and discrimination and indeed racial profiling and stereotyping opposed george for it is the crux of this to an event like this one the black drives not just protests but across the United Kingdom through recent years weve seen there is a Different Cases George George floyd of course being one in the u. S. But him are dark and short break several breeds just to name a few are thats why the british people out here in full numbers i would estimate were heading towards 10000. 00 people on the streets and said for none to any of this week then we see him earthquakes of action from heading towards the u. S. Embassy like today its a gathering of Parliament Square like we were just hyde park as you mentioned was a key location where protesters gathered weve also seen some very. Powerful images whereby protests are taking and me actually think youre in the week for up to 8 minutes being the amount of time that you wish for it and a Police Officer kneeling down on his neck. And looked out as well as you could have very they revoke all seems if they were many people charged in black life not that that is their message today. Continue to follow into the evening with the help showed it was dusty in Parliament Square heading towards the u. S. Embassy there in Central London thank you. Across the corporate world major firms and brands have rushed to show theyre on the protesters side in the call for justice and reform flooding the social media with images of solidarity but the sincerity of one of the biggest retailers is in question big time its accused of playing both sides. The in a quick simple and brutal treatment of black people in our country must stop together we stand in solidarity with the black community our employees customers and partners in the fights against systemic racism and injustice. This is amazon thats currently selling this kind of technology to Law Enforcement right now currently selling this technology to the f. B. I. The falls and that shes about this proportionately of people of color including 6 members of the Congressional Black Caucus among them civil rights legend representative john lewis. And i was amazed at how many cameras were just in our neighborhood. As Police Officers we cannot be everywhere so our citizens neighbors. Are playing. Their voice individually more than 100 hues estimated that they have between 6 and temporary and good majority of people reported as suspicious where people of color stop the racism on the range social network. Amazons ring neighbors is complicit. When the system of racism and injustice didnt you were ringing doorbells passed the info to the police the Main Organization being wild against for their races deeds right now. As most companies in this country operate amazon puts short term profits over justice you know they would rather sell the. Racists tax policies in these races technologies. To Police Departments which overwhelmingly have mis identified even members of the Congressional Black Caucus and those who have been arrested before weve never really seen any true sure signs of solidarity and weve never seen you know them putting their money where their mouth is you know we see in the face of large public pressure we see a lot of company its sending out statements in order to kind of keep the flames that keep customers happy meanwhile they dont really show any actual solidarity and truthfully i dont think any of the messages actually does so youre. Reporting next theres been anti Police Brutality unrest in mexico or an office that was set on fire by protesters on those day please be aware of but to show you graphic video of that incident in which the officers approached from behind during efforts to contain an increasingly agitated anti police crowd. It happened during protests in mexicos 2nd largest city guadalajara some demonstrators tried to break into the story Government Palace there while others torch cause riot officers used buttons and tear gas to try to spurs the crowd the unrest centers on the death of a man in Police Custody last month video of his Violent Arrest 1st off the spread widely online. We cannot. Know what was. Given to lopez was detained by Mexican Police in early may then he was arrested for allegedly not wearing a mask in public the authorities further say his arrest was down to his aggressive behavior the 30 year old later died because of a head injury the authorities have pledged a thorough investigation and 3 Police Officers have been arrested the disturbances coincided with solidarity rallies to over the death of george floyd the u. S. Embassy in mexico city has seen protesters damage the fortified fence some even tried to climb over it in the midst of all this mexican journalist matthew told the air was outside the compound. So as you can see the u. S. Embassy is just there. This is their fault their mexican authorities did that last night to protect the embassy people soros tongs and to police the Mexican Police who was deployed there they are search we gassed. Shooting shooting the protesters we. Got shot boats you know that was greece spain i had been shot at that. You know the crazy world of the moses 4 in moscow thanks once now to International Well talk of the crazy the covert thing youd think anyone everyone would know about the cause by coronavirus but not everyone it turns out weve got a story of a man on a huge journey discovery after hes just emerged from a long coma only to find the world a very different place in law. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Internationally exactly 70 minutes past the hour now next story facebook is starting to tug certain users pages to clearly highlight who it considers to be state controlled media including r t it also plans to ban them from buying ads in the United States ahead of novembers president ial election but it seems to be a lot of selectivity going on here as well as to who gets flagged up is a Senior Correspondent of. A new day a new face book scandal they start it isnt about them selling out their users or allowing opposition activists to be tracked establishing another censorship well it kind of actually is the start its about facebook deciding for you who you should trust. Several months ago we announced our plans to label Media Outlets that are wholly or partially under the editorial control of the government and today were starting to apply labels to those state controlled Media Outlets were providing Greater Transparency into these publishers because they combined the influence of a Media Organization with the strategic backing of the state and we believe people should know if the news they read is coming from a publication that may be under the influence of the government so well skip over the irony here of someone who is under the influence of a government which is facebook which regularly censors what the Us Government tells it to censor telling everyone else that you shouldnt trust those who are under the influence of the government you following and facebook takes great pride in making sure that what you read is approved by censors in the u. S. Only 53 percent of Americans Trust the news sources that use so were making it easier to learn more about an article right in your Facebook News feed what it has done this tired is remarkable even by its standards so they go to label any news media that they believe is funded or influenced by a state as state controlled media except theyre not there only labeling media that the u. S. Government doesnt like r. T. For example Chinese State media in what is mathematically highly improbable coincidence facebook and the u. S. Government seem to have identical least of media that they dont like or perhaps the more rational explanation is that facebook just got a call from washington telling them again what to do but how do you sit there and say that russian and Chinese Media should be labeled but then claim that voice of america is independent voice of america we are journalists and we believe that we promulgated american. By promulgating to basic things are important to america she just said they spread American Values in a way that benefits america to largely foreigners and in the same sentence that they are independent yet voice of america doesnt get the label the b. B. C. Funded by taxpayers and the u. K. Government accused by some time and time again of being essentially a mouthpiece for the government doesnt get the label agassi were run by cattle which is essentially a family run dictatorship doesnt get the label saudi arabia its media dont get the label i think you know arties official statement sums it up facebook is doing as its told by its government but pretending otherwise. A us company long and bad with the us establishment telling the entire rest of the world what it can and cannot say is the definition of technological dictatorship and censorship labeling for an editorial independent news outlets is anything but isnt top of fostering prejudice and xenophobia a prime example of the very fake news that facebook is supposedly trying to combat. The head of oxys website says he will appeal facebooks moves weve put in touch direct with facebook to try and get an explanation in response nothing yet if they do get it but when they get about well let you know i did speak to a dependent Geneseo Laurie to get his thoughts he told me thinks the tech giant is getting government pressure. I dont think facebook or twitter want to get involved in any of this they were reluctant to do so they were heavily pressured by congress to take measures like this because the congress cant directly do this because Government Congress is not allowed to censor the press the private companies can so thats why theyre getting them as proxies of the u. S. Government to do the censoring for them so this is absolutely a double standard its totally political and theres a new election coming up this is clearly related to that as well they need to push narrative that far and outside it just like there are outside agitators in these protests in the u. S. Right now theyre outside agitators influencing the policy they dont want to take responsibility for the mess theyve made of their own country the leaders of the any leader that says that they blames outsiders that could be a middle east dictator or us governor or president of the u. S. Human Rights Campaign this have turned out in the nigerian capital to protest Sexual Violence after a wave of high profile rape cases more than 200 marched around the Police Headquarters in a budget calling for better protection for women campaigners say its difficult to secure a conviction for rape in nigeria and often the victims of blaines theyve launched an Online Movement called we are tired 7 of that house tax trending locally on twitter and online petitions got thousands of signatures one survivor describes just how terrifying the risks are for Nigerian Women. This is not high noon is a nod from the was in a community and we started this protest to show our displeasure to Police Headquarters during the 6 or 7 here is doing without being raped and way and revolted the moment we send children arent they returned to us crying we lived in their private parts. Some days ago i was raped by armed robberies because they dont have money to do then they will rape me yesterday the Data Protection office a sure exams that actually were taken up but when i heard about this protest i was happy to join so that the government can hear a 2nd were calling on the government you know cry on help us. According to the official data is to make shocking reading more than 2000000. 00 Nigerian Women and girls a rate every year up to a 3rd are under the age of 25 last year the government launched a register of sect of sex offenders but victims say its not enough and police it action is also to blame. Live in a country that doesnt protect women a country that disregards women joined the protest learn your voices and platforms we went everywhere are tired were trying to getting raped and killed were tired or repressed and killers roaming free my one year old niece god daughter speaking for us stop raping its stop raping nice. Police in nigeria so they are trying to tackle the problem drafting an extra investigators to track down offenders and prevent Sexual Violence activists though say root and Branch Reform is whats needed throughout the system. Every nigerians account for every life in nigeria to be treated with dignity respect we need for Child Support the people in nigeria to do it because theyre human beings i dont care where you are right here my mere female human piece that we came up that you might be diplomatic at the end of 10 there is a specialist construct i think were here to say enough is enough we have been incidents of rape in different parts of this country this is on be common. To all n. G. O. S to arrange for political fights discord is the score that is defining laws this is a court that is demeaning our society do physics course that is condamine in our humanity it is unfortunate that we have to be dealing with issues of root you knew at a time when we should be talking about issues of health. The covert pandemic his plateau in here in russia at the moment but imagine just for a minute that you hadnt even heard about the crisis at all well thats the story for a brain surgery patient in moscow has just woken up from a lengthy coma and is only discovering how the world has changed so much around him so drastically in such a short time. Only after ive been released from intensive care i learned from t. V. About coronavirus the restrictions and lockdown that everyone wears mops and gloves of course it looks strange to me. After the patient woke up he had many questions we didnt know how to answer he was aware about corona virus when he came to hospital but by that time it hadnt hit russia that much. No one could expect that this would happen throughout the whole country d. So how do you know whats in the tissue had pneumonia and when his body temperature rose and the other classic symptoms evolved with suspected cold and more than once were conducted tests which likely excluded the possibility of corona virus infection i knew they saved me and when i told them about the problems of my everyday life they said it doesnt matter if youre alive and bless god for this. That when our friends or people on line say its hard to stay at home we can understand that there was someone lying there without any idea if he would survive the doctors told us they saved his life and now we look the other way at all these are sections of course he was shocked and surprised at 1st but we have to adapt to this new life and get on with it. Their words what choice do we have we have to move on. Yeah indeed we do waking up into a rather a bad dream there but at least waking up and Getting Better all of us to say ok well thats the way as some of the worlds top headlines are looking so far this sunday the 6th of june units are in the coming hours for now reporting from moscow im kevin from all of us on duty thanks so much you know its international do stay safe and well and have a great weekend. Virtually never great is founded on the rape and murder. Nothing changes so we said in. Response to these situations that were dealing with. People just sad every day she is this people killing each other black troops killing children. So it was just no way that people were going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down. This country doesnt work for us it doesnt function for us. This is cant be happening in america we call from the streets weve got to deal with why this is the reason i have to ride like this is the reason i. Know what you can do that she will be no use to you. But you might so at the k. It was a. Moment. You. Immune to whats happening to that they can put us on wouldnt get acquitted up by a shish is mostly emotion to even look at one to conclude that at the day are. There any they at that fabric yes. The if yes fuck the. Last thing the became the place were my dream after like my dream could be realized and i would like to stay here. I was 27 when i came here. I was inside me and my girlfriend we had a we had a place together so i was

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