Analogy. Ah its hard to be a wrestler you know it looks easy and looks like its all fake but in fact its hard to breathe through this mask and of course some of the greats good guy but vs bad guy fights all of World Wrestling entertainment and entertainment stone cold steve austin versus dwayne the rock johnson obviously dwayne the rock johnson was the good guy and stone cold steve austin the bad guy now the rules of the game are the good guy always has to win right the good guy wins hope token versus andre the giant that was back in our day versus much oh man randy savage so the good guy always wins and the bad guy loses well they analogous situation happened in america in 1996 a bit after eat back then w w e used to be called off World Wrestling federation and in 1906 we saw the birth of n. B. C. And fox and this is the w w e the wrestling entertainment the the bread and circuses for the American Population right according to Glenn Greenwald New York Times says that russia gate obsession saved m s n b c. And reached its on air stars but the disappointing conclusion in which nothing that their host promised actually happened caused a ratings to plummet as confused and disoriented viewers turned away on mass its both real and fake right which is the classic recipe for propaganda propaganda works when you mix in some real with the fake so it anchors you to think that wait a minute thats rail and then to leave you to kind of associate whats real with whats fake thats propaganda thats how its done thats the whole recipe that goes into it so. Wrestling is fake but it is athletic i mean there is a lot of athleticism that goes into the performers who are out there and jumping around falling on their back you know my favorite is mankind who took a chair of the face many many times and i think he really suffered severely because its real however the the script is you know pretty written right theres no shock at the end of it because its a form of formula of entertainment and a good story and cable news weather draco maddow she plays the heel no i think fox plays the heel so sean hannity is always the bad guy hes always like the andre the giant in this situation and Rachel Maddow is really more of the hulk hogan character so they go out every night and its quite exhausting after a while because if they you know to make an exciting Sean Hannitys should put on a dress and do m s n b c every once in a while and Rachel Maddow should put on some cameo you know and put on some heavy weight lifting gear and go and do fox every now and then just to add some variety to the entertainment because it gets very very stale well i think its even more than just the those presenters theyre just presenters and gladiators fighting our various. Right or left Red Team Blue Team Gladiators the politicians the lobbyist the you know all the deep state who are heroes presented on m. S. N. B. C. Theyre former f. B. I. Officials and theyre former n. S. A. Officials and theyre former department of defense officials and they go on television and say yeah were going to get that chunk guy hes no good and he colluded with the russians and then behind the scenes we saw with the revelation of the actual under oath comments i think gave in congress was like you know we have no evidence but they went out there to entertain the masses and the masses want to hear these stories they do you think anybody goes w w e and there its a 4000000000. 00 industry people go there cheering it on do they think they dont know its fake and that its not staged and that its not scripted but they go there because they know for certain the good guys are going to win thats what has to happen right well Rachel Maddow she failed in her storytelling she script at this and the bad guy won i like it didnt he wasnt defeated the bad guy trump wasnt defeated by this molar thing and all this stuff and it came to a disappointing end and the audience is kicking over the chairs as theyre leaving theyre like this sucks this is a horrible game right wrestling is is more about soap operas with sweat and blood and Rachel Maddow is about a soap opera for housewives where she never stops crying right so shes always like oh boo boo oh right which can get boring after a while and you know this is unfortunately what we have to understand or fortunately to understand donald trump you have to understand his connection to the professional wrestling in the w w e yeah because he was featured in many of the bouts of w w e and hes a reality t. V. Star but he also had a huge cache with the huge business that is wrestling and he understands the simplicity of that story good guy bad guy so china is a bad guy were a good guy or. Whatever the context may be and he presents it chew his audience in those very simplistic terms and which is not to say it doesnt necessarily connote dissent jhoom just send jewish this to send us to send you and they would be you know because. Ronald reagan who was considered to be the great communicator was also very simplistic in his messaging right and he would use a hollywood script and technique again using the stories from basic hollywood soap operas he was in soap operas or he did advertisements for soap operas reagan convince people that smoking was healthy oh rowing and smoking is great for your health because of this ability to propagandize member propaganda you mix the fake with the real you get propaganda mixing the fake with a rail so whole coke and andre the giant you know they never mistook themselves for real masters you know even though you know some of their moves like the camel clutch or the gory bomb you know these were hard to do and they didnt get hurt they generally did get hurt so it felt like maybe they were a wrestler maybe they were a boxer but they never they knew they had to follow the script they knew the good guy had to win they no matter how hard the glory bomb was but what has happened with their you know the entertainment of the Cable News Networks is sometimes they confuse themselves they believe that theyre privileged journalists class that theyre like you know these Hard Scrabble journalists seeking out the truth when all theyre doing is giving opinion shows and theyre entertaining the people with and its you know its right left its red and blue like m s n b c versus fox they formed at the same exact time its like bread and circuses and you know they formed in 1906 and its no coincidence that within a few years then we saw the dismantling of the Wealth Creation of a. Nation because it was the bread and circuses it is the bread and circuses because even if the bad guy is winning which is the other team if youre on the red team as a blue team if youre on the blue team its the red team that there is always hope that the next election youre going to get in and well brought you start cheering your team and so theres always hope they keep on hanging on to the hope while that that other side is plundering but it is doing well as entertainment this is the headline that Glenn Greenwald was talking about its hard being a. I have a looser libris mask on you know yelling like that is hard when youre 3 record ratings and record chaos on cable news was the New York Times headline subtitle Cable Networks are facing threats and opportunities in a National Crisis now fox is fighting back and see n. B. C. Is looking to the right c. N. N. Is defined by Jeffrey Zucker and he may run for mayor there talking about this this whole set up where not only has m s n b c failed in their storytelling because they they built up their audience that the good guys about to win and they didnt so you know we have a situation of a standoff but theyre profiting from chaos was another term they can throw out there yellow journalism right Hearst Newspapers i believe he said Something Like you give me. The war ill give you the headline ill give you the headline and then you give me the war i think thats what he said so its which comes 1st the headlines of the war so we know leading up to the iraq war that c. N. N. Was the primary reason for the 1st iraq war the 1st invasion member Stormin Norman yeah that was back during george bush one remember that and that was that was a clear example of a network starting a war with a sovereign country and style that works so well for c. N. N. They made so much money with that that they started a few more wars the hell they started destroyed libya for ratings and now weve got weve got a country to destroy in america because the only countries left that america can invade could actually fight back so well never do that so instead were attacking our own population for ratings so you know Rachel Maddow is like look at those people bellowing on the street but our weapons pause for a commercial break right its i mean shes a propagandist the so is fox news is and theyre also war profiteer its entertainment and its a human rights violation at the very end of the day theyre entertaining you they are the bread and circus member bread and circuses is not from the top down what juveniles meant when he said that and i think was the 2nd century b. C. In the roman empire he said its the population theyre abandoning their civic duty theyre abandoning it by being distracted by bread and circuses so they love these gladiator fights and by the way the gladiators were highly highly paid and they were you know owned and expensive property of those who they owned them so they werent actually killed as much as they were that they had a fan base each of them and they fought and that you know they provided the bread and circuses and lurking in the background for all the networks New York Times says is the question how long can this last cable news appeared like much of Linear Television to be in terminal decline before donald trump turned it into the greatest most terrifying show on earth so who were trapped in this situation of you know 2 teams fighting at each other while at the top there plundering they continue to plunder their focus perhaps and some of the looting down on 5th avenue but the fact is. Well where it absorbed we the people absorbed in our whatever one were loyal to m s n b c or fox the plunder continues while theyre doing their job you know they dont get paid 3040000000 dollars a year just to read headlines write they get paid to assist in the wealth confiscation and destruction of a once thriving nation by a plutocracy that will soon be gone and nowhere to be found just like in other countries that you have a disappearing plutocracy in the past. I want you to teach me some of those moves you mentioned earlier was the flying camel droppers i had the trammeled clutch thats here thats your thing i want to learn the camel clutch the glory bomb yeah. We entertained you but who is the who we see whos a good guy whos the bad guy here im clearly the president in all situations both good and bad i gave me the truth today the truth tomorrow that makes me not a propagandist but a fricken journalist. If they. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Isolation for community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Direct. What is true watch is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallowness of. Time if we can really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people outside of war and legally get away with. All the fire crawls stillbirth all the troubled history fail the points its hollow flame the k. K. K. Exists because america wants it to exist they are the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and theyre dead to me theyre worse all than the people who destroyed the World Trade Centers over the scroll why. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to i am jackson he is the author of this book that is a literally on fire all over America Bitcoin and black America Isaiah welcome back to the kaiser report thank you for having me back but beyond it this is an awesome moment in the history bit coin because weve got coast to coast protest out there black lives Matter Movement is gaining enormous traction and a lot of people in the crowds are holding up a big sign that says because of black america by Isaiah Jackson read this book tell us how you feel about all of whats going on i say and im asleep its only because its organic its really the people doing it. So it really is i didnt pay any protest. To go it was on so it literally was just so you can picture send it to me and this is where set a scene is new jersey. A lot of london the site of this international now is very promising so good to see and im glad people are focusing on the economics they come after absolutely and of course you know i have a long history with big point as a matter of fact on page 12 its mentioned that a notable white man named max kaiser was basically telling the black community in america to buy as much pick white as they possibly could because they can buy the White Community of course back then it was only a dollar or 3. 00 but you say in the book you dont agree with that sentiment per se but the point is that. In america theres a lot of talk about the Reparations Movement there is now you know 74 percent 14 trillion dollars floated about as we need to. You know legislate for reparations for slavery in america we have the residue and the legacy of slavery in america to this day that america is still an extraordinarily racist country and you really cant say anything different than that how does big coin in the pen the economics of big point how does that really liberate the black community finally in america i just want to say 1st your statement understood exactly what you meant but yes also you know i do want to point out it can go to our own communities and the way it is economically we need to live rich and i believe as an asset class also as a human system if you can create a circular economy so Common Future and also have it as leverage for your community thats something that you can use in a future most like any other assets that people are so if you really think those things are our leverage for you to be able to get our season please have the money to support yourself and have Strong Communities where we basically have the police bother us out of there because economically it doesnt do anybody any good and i think thats one of the only ways. Is economically to be able to do it and i think the 2 key words associated with becoming one on top of skate of all so a lot of problem with the black community in america is that their wealth is constantly being stole and 2008 during the height of housing crisis they predominate victim of that fraud perpetrated by wall street were the black Communities Number 2 another phrase that you hear what they call in is self sovereignty so again black Community America has never really been invited to be part of America Black Community Still seen as outside of core American Society so here. Have self sovereignty affectively the black community could secede from the White Community in america get their own self sovereignty become financially independent with their own currency called bitcoin and its on confiscated ball you know cops can be you know not going back your door theyre not going to get your big boy eyes that absolute and i grew that completely i wrote about it there are many examples of why communities that have their form of black wall street an old woman in georgia always had places so those communities can be built and also like you said it will if you can take it away you dont have people not going it was taken away or burning it down at least in our communities before and burned down. So that is not it was happening and also like you said been able to be so sovereign is important because. There are communities such as you know a real sound file found well if you open the other there 3 years there are still some for this Small Community and they dont have any problems im not saying that its all racism but i can honestly whenever somebody missed a list with people that were there or that you know that they would have to pay for that but we have to start make them pay for it and removing our skills on a broader skill Like Community every community has started moving i still saw this money system that funds our own terror my observation growing up in america is that the democrats tend to pander to the black community with giveaways free phones and this type of thing and that seems to have been the opposite of empowering a community and helping a community become selfsufficient and i think joe biden the democratic nominee is once again pandering like a fool to the black community except this time it seems like the black community is on to the democratic tricks and theyre not falling for him this time and theyre going to go down the path of hard money and thats what were talking about and youre. Own personal journey what you document in this excellent book bitcoin a black america babble on your online bookseller i suggest you buy a copy immediately by fact buy 10 copies and give them to all your white friends so that theyll know whats happening whats coming san with black community in america but the point is that my question is your personal journey and typically it is also a journey of hard money where you have been able to. Describe what happened to you because you become kind of a new person in a way over the past 5 years or maybe it is that correct as i can to describe that absolute i have over the past 5 years once i started focusing on the economics and the actual root of our problem which is a Federal Reserve constantly pretty money and inflation cube in our dollars. Is valuable that was the root of the problem that led me down the big i pad and i just you know at a certain point in my life but about 5 years ago decided that if this is a solution it has to involve black community because on a broader scale the world there are more black and brown people in the world then there are white people so when people think about you know who would enter to if i might you know the im like im focusing on my community because around the world we have so many different cultures that adopt the only and that is to me was the root of most of the problems people have if your money is bad where controls the money controls you so once you take away that control i just combine those things and it took me down this path where im at a point thats pretty much all focused on and yes it has changed me for the better big goal has increased in price so that has so with the marketing side of it but i still want to make sure people get the why of why you need it why should you use it and other people start to realize that with our you know recent price i think this is a perfect storm so glad that i made that change and glad to be working with people like this. This is a good start now to understand the money part of our money right as you point out every country has. The the society is stripped and to different classes Class Society in america obviously you have the black community is kind of a perpetual underclass because of the politics that goes back to slavery days but other countries have similar dynamics going out of that than france for many years in the Arab Community and france is considered to be a permanent underclass in the country of france for example and you find this in countries all over the world class systems in britain of course you have a permanent underclass of non aristocrats of non Oxford Cambridge going University Types that are treated poorly throughout their entire lives all of these groups all over the world who are tired of being having their individual sovereignty and agency destroyed the paper money by adopting bitcoin and they can self actualize and become real strong and on that note i wanted to ask you about george floyd of course was murdered for the alleged crime of passing a counterfeit 20. 00 bill i mean whats remarkable to me isaiah you know it all comes back to money right here is george floyd whos murdered for allegedly passing a fake 20 dollar bill murdered by the state that just printed the counterfeit 6 trillion dollars to the ballot Warren Buffett to palau jamie diamond well the irony of this is disgusting you said it for you i really really even when i heard the story you. Mediately was a good i mean. Theres a movie oh boy you dont have to worry about counterfeits. Problems and youre right actually youre the one that ended up killing you know over something as small as. Saying that with all these cases will we see doing so people were. Killed in their home while theyre sleeping all of these things i think. And im not saying that because its savior of ollies its out of the our what i am saying is well you only control your communities its much harder for police to come in and say well the way so they are as you dont somethings happened in the past but at this point i think the black community started to realize that and i think with the george you know hes the uprisings that have been beautiful to see because people are tired and i think its a perfect storm this summer time people wrote unemployed college kids out of school. If you dont have much to do and they just focus on the fact that then after that you know this is over what am i going to the money was so i think thats something you know going to focus on but shots of protesters out there doing that thing yeah i mean just talking to you now i had an idea all protesters all over america should print the cue arca to a big point wallop with 5 or 10 bucks for the pick calling tell cops who are attacking them can quickly download that q. R. Code and put 5 or 10 dollars a big coin into their wallets. And cops immediately would switch from fear money bandits from agents of the fia money corrupt state to big coin revolutionaries just put that q. R. Code forget the signs that say you know down with the cops or cops are bad just put a q. R. Code give a couple of bucks a pick going to change the way they think because theyre being paid in fear and theyre all going to go bankrupt very very quickly now to quote saw williams one of the greatest artists of the 20 and 21st century i love his music he put out a song recently i saw a few years ago where he said hes got a list of demands and which is a brilliant song trying to solve williams on kaiser report now for 5 years i hope you heres this and all response i mean come on the show but Going Forward what would be on your top you know a list of things that youd like to say changed in society because it is a hot subject now of course we need a Police Accountability that has to has to happen at the very least there should be police that oh you know lou so many other police say you want to terrible job you need to fix whatever is wrong too of course i think you need a just the judicial system because that is a court of ways to get well 100. 00 to 1. 00 sentences and things like rubio and promptly came out joe biden who is running things of that nature is a lot of reform and hes a hapless start with a resting a big thing the police also they killed or slowly reopening the cases of. Racial bias lets start there and then economically what i want to see is after this is over you will start to see who the enemy is the state state dollars and how you can go back or or will this really if you can say with this and to separate is something that a lot of people have been discussing in the black community and of course its nothing against any other community we just have to build our own and we can only rely on big oil but i think that is what in the. Oh. The book is big and black america i say it jackson is the author thanks for being on the kaiser report. All right thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and Stacy Herbert like to thank our guest Isaiah Jackson author of big coins and black america going to catch us on twitter its kinds of reports and i stand by all. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. We here to ask. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on the story for you today right here. On the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again

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