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Tuning out some roiling hot spots elsewhere in the world which could eventually come back to haunt us where lets ask john sidney levys of washington based Trilogy Advisors he is a consultant to the u. S. State Department John long time no see and if you had to pick one what would you call the number one story elsewhere in the world that is being under reported here at home. Well thats being underreported i would say one of the most important developments the last few days hollande is the chair of the massive china iran oil for infrastructure deal its a 25 year deal worth about 400 1000000000. 00 and it provides a vital lifeline to iran and in many ways is beijings way of toil ing the trumpet ministrations maximum Pressure Campaign on iran to get that country back to the negotiating table to put together a Better Nuclear Deal so i think thats going to be a story were going to have to watch very closely because its going to pretentiously up in middle eastern politics and its certainly going to affect the Trump Campaign the trumpet ministrations campaign to isolate iran so its going to be a major problem in the u. S. China relationship. When our president and their president meet theyre all smiles for the camera but what else does a china represent that it is a real ongoing threat to us. How and i would say in many ways the u. S. And china have a deteriorating relationship that is going to put both countries into a new cold war if we havent moved there already and it really comes from a sole on the sly strategy from beijing over the last 8 years under the leadership of president xi jinping made in china 2025 to achieve global dominance in advanced Breakthrough Technologies in ways that undermines Innovation Research the intellectual property in the United States and in europe the South China Sea strategy to claim international who are ways in violation of the United Nations convention on the law of this city as sovereign chinese waterways which greatly in dangerous free and open shipping and now we also see china through huawei trying to penetrate leading countries 5 g. Networks so theyll be installed in the years ahead in ways that will allow the Chinese Communist party a backdoor into the infrastructure and Telecommunications Networks of countries that could be used for sabotage purposes or otherwise to undermine economies of countries that are not obeying beijings directives. Yeah this is a real issue with 5 g. Being the plumbing of the self driving cars and a lot of the things that we are expecting in the perhaps near future john dateline hong kong both sides are dug in and the pictures arent pretty what do you predict is the inevitable outcome and how will that impact us here in that stack of bills on the kitchen table. Its a very important question us columned and unfortunately i think the near term future for homecoming is rather bleak this was a violation of the agreement that china had in and conducted with the United Kingdom that we grant our tanami and freedom for the 2 systems in one country for hong kong dating back to 1907 it was supposed to last 50 years and the chinese have withdrawn freedom and autonomy from hong kong 27 years prior to what was permitted under that agreement now we have the Trump Administration that has removed special privileges from hong kong and effectively treating that region as part of Mainland China but the us is also imposed sanctions on Chinese Government officials who are helping to implement a new National Security law in hong kong and the real question is where are the financial. Hong kong is a Global Financial hub its enjoyed that status for decades but now if its going to be treated just part of Mainland China do you have a banking giant such as h. S. B. C. Which is based in london and does about 60 to 80 percent of its profits in asia will it draw from on con and if it does how does china engage in that kind of high stakes Financial Transactions with the world at h. S. B. C. In hong kong have allowed theres really no replacement for han concert china any time soon and ultimately its the citizens of hong kong who are being deprived of freedom and liberty thats maybe the saddest part of this story overall. The. Theres a a Common Thread through everything you have said so far and it strikes me as cultural that we americans change our president s every 4 or 8 years we tend to think shorter term we havent got much of a cultural Attention Span it seems like china has a built in advantage because they think so far down the road is that simplistic. Its not simplistic at all im not sure its a good thing i think its very good that even though we have a democratic process that can often be messy here in the us and europe and other free who are democratic parts of asia i think when you have a dictatorship well dictators whether its the Chinese Communist party in china or whether its individual to it is an authoritarian in other countries they tend to believe theyre going to be in power absolutely perennially until their deathbed and so they tend to take a longer term strategy and especially in china where you have the communist party outlasting any individual leader they can take it 102030 year horizon and theyre planning it doesnt mean it will be effective and thats very important you can have gross incompetence when you dont have Democratic Politics and opposition parties in the light so i think it will depend on a case by case basis but if you want to talk about long term planning having a dictatorship certainly facilitates that. When you and i were sitting on the set 6 or 8 months ago there in washington the big headline was like golf a drone was shot down there was tough talk and the it seemed like something was going to pop at any moment other than this deal iran has made with china what is the status of anything in that tough neighborhood that could threaten the usa. The middle east being the middle east its going to be a troublesome region of the world for a long time to come im looking at 2 other areas right now one still involves iran because iran is such a maligned country line actor in that region and thats in syria where iran is proposing to install anti Aircraft Missile systems in syria in ways that will prevent israel from being able to attack hezbollah militia operations that are against israels National Interests in my own senses israel will not allow iran to deploy those missiles in syria and so if there is an effort to do so by the Iranian Military you may see conflict between israel and iran in syria and then a few 100 miles to the west collins you have a horrific civil war inside of libya just south of italy and its become a migration suv into the European Union for african Human Trafficking pipelines and you have a situation now where turkey and carter or working with one side russia egypt saudi Arabia France are working with the other side and you have a very very difficult situation at the u. S. Is looking to completely avoid and i believe President Trump means it when he says he doesnt want to get involved in what he calls stupid wars in the middle east so despite the best efforts of a number of our partners to try to bring this in i believe the the white house will stay out of libya and stay out of syria at least through november. John i wish i had an hour to talk the a but im down to 2 minutes i want to squeeze in 2 questions you have been held helping us follow the venezuela story all along give us a snapshot of whats going on there now. Well in some ways were in a status quo nothing much has changed since you had this group in south american countries brazil argentina chile peru and colombia all coming together to voice support for the Opposition Leader who are you know of courting to the venezuelan constitution but to Nicolas Maduro has some very strong allies in moscow in tehran and in noncorrupt and so theyre able to help him out militarily and economically as a matter of fact iran has brought shiite has a lot are produced into venezuela for illegal gold mining thats being used to bring hard currency to the villas whaling economy and to keep majority of float but were very concerned there about the possibility of destabilization of important latin American Allies of the United States were concerned about that and trying to prevent its oil coming a failed state and possibly triggering millions of migrants towards the u. S. So we need to be very careful about whats happening there but it has to be done in a lawful manner and so former juror has been able to withstand the opposition within the country and internationally. Youve got 9 lives john youve got a hell of a rolodex every day youre speaking to contacts all around the world and just this morning i heard a Public Health official say that miami is the new wu han there are 29 e. U. Countries that wont let us in check Toronto Blue Jays are going to play their home games in buffalo so they dont have to cross the border how is the usa treatment or a lack thereof of this pandemic playing to people and World Leaders around the world give me 30 seconds. But 1st of all and theres only one who doubts with this virus originated and unfortunately chinese either covered it out or were engaged in gross incompetence and spread a local disease and turned it into a Global Pandemic on miami day it has a large number of elderly people and it also has many apartment buildings there are conditions that are unique to Miami Dade County they dont apply to other parts of florida and we see this in other parts of the United States as well in the southeast we not only had we openings but we had many people from did new york city area traveling down there for the Summer Holidays and the like possibly infecting their southern neighbors in the United States we also have large Multigenerational Families from Central America coming into texas into louisiana into arizona there are multiple factors how but the thing to keep in mind is 50 states each state has a different protocol for dealing with covert this is not a parliamentary democracy like in europe its a federal republic all the time do is provide all the support the states and governors need. Yeah and i think you make a good point about the snow birds because the virus has gone mobile just from a seasonal migration john said ladies Trilogy Advisors washington i look forward to seeing you back in the our t. V. Broadcast center when they let us come back to washington meantime stay safe. Common up weve all been cooped up at home for months to find yourself waking up wondering what day it is. Day reliving the same day. To day life. During the sleep. I dont think so but check the kitchen. Well talk about making the most of this moment we have right now with psycho therapist Nancy Collier when we come back this is the big picture on our t. V. America. The world all day traders that stock trading is free and got all that free money from the government theres a lot of people speculate. On my end of the news in my. Painting was of a time about what it was it was a bit and i want to listen to more about the. One with more to the side of the. Scene that im going to fit in but im before. Him by the. By now im by the im not move on. This politically impossible in the United States to advise eating listen to anything that has an industry. That makes a lot of money. And going to say over and over again we know what. It means not much. For one thing. This is very very bad for business it doesnt make anybody rich if people eat less. Than of us asked for the shutdown and were all wondering when it will end and what the new normal will look like as the virus resurgence in places that jump the gun reopening but for now even as we feel in limbo are we making the most of this respite lets ask the author of among other books the power of off the mindful way to stay sane enough Virtual World Nancy Collier usually joins us from the r. T. E. Studios in new york but like your genial host she stepped in closer to home and nancy im going to begin by asking you a question you ask the folks you counsel how are you lately. But you know how im going to be here. I have. Already arrived. You may have been to the next. Person i. Looked. So its been a real interesting time yeah harvesting insists i you know really hard the same physically really being asked to guess you know. But i will i will say i you know i recognize that chaffering and credible stuff thats been going on in the country i have also seen it as an Incredible Opportunity to be where we are to get off the hamster wheel and being with people around the president because you know where else to be so i almost. Truth be told to enjoy. The. Moment of shying meaning we dont need anything in the everyday and doing the dishes i dont think ive ever been more fully present in making the bed or. Even writing the day shift. If we were into quarantine and you felt like doing some more vacuuming i did via my address but. You were the very 1st guest i had on the very 1st show when we started broadcasting remotely from here in rhode island and at the time i asked you for adjectives to describe a suddenly shutdown new york and i was so struck when you use the word beauty now that the city is reopening in very deliberate baby steps give me some adjectives about the vibe there today. Wow. It seems i feel i mean it and even then shall i bring the tory quality to the vibe. Energy why dick people are out there out there out wearing my will say here because i have to new york. And theres a prideful quality right now in your we need field a new york strong new york crowd we did our part i think we did it well were down i think the last numbers were under 10. So they just kept stretching and pride and its kind of lovely theres a lot of energy theres a lot of you know when theyre about to run again were kind of there. Good to hear were speaking with the new york city psycho therapist Nancy Collier and i wanted to share with nancy and you. Some results of a survey recently conducted of 425 employers this was done by h. R. Consulting Firm Operations and and with many employees remaining wary of contact at work or on Public Transportation to work listen to this 57 percent of those employees or employers surveyed say we will allow these employees to continue to work from home only 6 percent say we will stand by our Safety Measures and insist that these employees come to the office with their coworkers and 37 percent were unsure at the time of the survey and the wall street journal has recently reported. That people are actually rethinking where they live because their choice of that residence was predicated on commuting to a work space which all this telecommuting has since obsoleted nancy among the city people you talk to and i know you counsel people from all over in youre using zoom etc but of the people who live right there in n. Y. C. How many of them talk about bugging out completely and have you talked to any real estate executives in the retail and office space down off the ledge lately. Its any say that i think its great before getting on with you i hang up were going to be 0 percent in connecticut. And she said she can not see the property thats on the market theyre selling right. People in your are wanting it you know boarded a 2nd home people who thought it was necessary and sad to read in the city no longer think its necessary. Nudie exit from the city huge. Not just where do i need to be for war which is a gigantic one but where do i want to or what were doing i want really what kind of life do i want to create and you know we we have stench in x. I hears about what were supposed to do where were spent to live the kind of life were supposed to use to i kind of what we have to do you and the other m. D. M. A. Has roamed that the wind. Not being used to have here anymore if we can who are mostly if we can be over it without reading the way we or in a 247 back to back at the hatch with activity and what do we want or kind of like a lot of people in my practice are talking about wanting more in a chair wanting out of the us our. What i when i live in the real estate people there say in the city people are here in droves kicking the tires on someplace other than the city i want to show you some video with parental permission this is rows age 4 who lives in maine riding a zip line that are dead hooked up in the back yard and as many older kiddos a college and University Students are irked and vexed by the big question mark that hangs over the fall semester and cash strapped parents are wondering why am i paying all this dough for whats going on now to a correspondence course Many College Students are taking a gap year so nancy i have a 2 part question for you cannot that year be a positive experience not just for those students but can we all decide to make this a time we will remember fondly. Absolutely absolutely there one thing i would say about the students. And yet here is are a lot of the programs that will make a gap year think caterpillar and growing are not available so its a little bit like a car length together you know what would be possible if school is going to be on i mean as you say correspondence course without all the important social and developmental possibilities and you know that freshman year off yes why not use it as a gap year and what went to do its a big dilemma for families for us corona absolutely to mind the gap as they say is just an opportunity not when things go back in the whale is not just step ask into the anesthesia and are busy busy busy odds not to get right back into that same survey have been doing because again we should rightly should be everywhere we should see everyone and we can really use this as an opportunity to become more mindful to become more present in our lives as i said before that presence in the everyday task in the sense of operatic to that we feel for things we never even noticed we were doing have a chance now to hold on to these restons after this is done you know i cant tell you how many people have confessed to me how much space you have now in this time along with your career and all the other challenges of course but a sense of relief not having to. Just live that hours at the feet of productivity is the moment the news productively this is a moment too numerous we use this to resist and empowerment in our lives after this to make. And more moving. Ive been at home since early march and i still havent cleaned out the cellar so i take some comfort in the fact that were going to be cooped up a little longer because i do look forward to checking off that box psychotherapist and author Nancy Collyer thank you for joining us from new york i hope your foot feels better and stay safe. Now a scam alert update from author attorney professor and ace scam buster stephen Jay Jay Wiseman and wait till you hear this steve reports a federal d trade Commission Warning that emails purporting to come from the f. T. C. Claim to offer a much needed money from the Global Empowerment Fund. Its bogus emails instruct the needy to qualify for a grant from this Global Empowerment Fund by providing guess what your Bank Account Number so they can wire you the money dont do it steve says the f. T. C. Is not sending out any such emails and there is no Global Empowerment Fund offering anything to any body see steve scam of the dale or its a scam aside com next week coronavirus survivor heidi harris shes back on the air in las vegas and shell give us an update on sin citys reopening and grab the armrest as we are now in the 2nd half of a 2020 wed like to forget we will do our annual Halftime Report with Jonathan Harris and Steve Malzberg set your d. V. R. And if youre watching us on direct t. V. Set it to channel 3. 00 to 1. 00 dish were to 80 if you have cut the cord graduations youre going to love pluto t. V. Were on channel 279 and americas feed is live on the live stream at youtube dot com slash our america or in your pocket or on any device live on our new portable t. V. App download it free on the app store it is a scream and you can find any of our big picture t. V. Shows ever since i started doing the show 3 years ago at youtube dot com slash the big picture r. T. I am holland cook at home in rhode island the great ocean state and ill be back with you right here same time next week meantime stay safe. And question more. Problem drugs dont always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the United States weve seen the very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids invented america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but this is trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer soon is to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments of. My social class. People. If youre born into a 4 family obvious one inch on minority family if youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people die. Generational poverty. Its a tough fight every day. Meet your needs and the needs of your family. Problem drugs dont always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the United States weve seen the very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids invented america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but this is trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose a. And really became his drug dealer soon was to blame patients doctors manufacturers into government you. Know russian actors involved the kremlin throws out the british claims that trying to hide covert 19 vaccines secrets and also denies meddling in the u. K. s election last year which have been described as almost certain. Tracking the pandemic the us shots as the largest single day number of coronavirus cases with over 77000 infections are now increasing it around twice the rate seen in late june. We French Police officers are indicted for manslaughter 6 months after a Delivery Driver died while being restrained in a choke hold. And a pivotal meeting in mosques as evil leaders

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