From our studios in moscow this is our 2 International Launch on thomas. With. The breaking news here on our change or national a devastating explosion ripped through the lebanese capital on tuesday government Officials Say at least 78 people are dead and over 4000 injured the blast went off in the citys port area destroying nearby buildings and causing chaos across beirut. We heard from 2 reporters in beirut all tough mudder and Owen Holdaway they told us more about the fallout from the explosion the devastation here in the lebanese capital is very massive it is being estimated by tens of millions of dollars as we said earlier the blouse had was held 10 kilometers away from the port where it took place i believe this is going to be a sleepless night for the lebanese and very sad night on social media a lot of lebanese are faring through the incident unfortunately there are pouring through a 1000 lovenox here hema course theres no comparison between a nuclear bomb and what happened there but it only shows how deeply impacted and how saddened they are and how devastating this explosion has been on the up and on and on the lebanese why are already grappling with very bad Economic Situation kovac 19 proreform demonstrations or demonstrations asking felt lemonade corruption from the power sharing system for failing in the country at the list goes on so this just adds further hurt and injury and tragedy to the lebanese people. In the pump loss of your stomach and they take great downtime favorite toy store supposed to be everything he does keeping the right side on them theyve got the right state and thats a good amount of people been injured. Down since if you happen to our likeability in construction however devastated. Shops around here have been completely destroyed you see behind me you know that in terms of the problems of left in the spaces prior to the infrastructure of the ticket was very very much a strength of the ongoing and epidemic and condemning it to this country. Every day im going to. Take. A look the right says its very very. Costly because there is very limited countries around the world have offered assistance to lebanon including its neighbors turkey and israel the World Health Organization has also sent medication and a surgical gets with further details d here is our. When its not our was off to the last happened and still there are ambulances on the scene they off airing wounded people to hospitals although the hospitals themselves are reporting that they can no longer handle the volume of people who have been brought to them it is lifea that those figures will climb some of the people are still trapped in the rubble Emergency Services struggling to reach them that last has flattened much of the citys port area eyewitnesses report seeing a huge looting a mushroom over the city as well as fires that broke out everywhere an Army Helicopters are also still on the scene helping to put out those fires now the lebanese president has taken to twitter and he has said that the blast was caused by 2700. 00 tons of Ammonium Nitrate that he said was stored in a beirut port warehouse for 6 years without Safety Measures he said and im quoting that this is unacceptable and that those responsible will receive the hospice punishment now there is an emergency Cabinet Meeting thats due to be held in a few hour winds in beirut a decision is likely to be made that there will be a 2 week state of emergency today has also been declared a national day of mourning for the victims of the explosion we understand that a uni full United Nations interim force in lebanon ship was destroyed and unifil also reporting that a number of its peacekeepers were injured in this explosion at the same time we hear that the ref Eco International airport has been damaged and the beirut governess saying. Im quoting again here that the city is a disaster that there is an enormous scale of damage as i say there was chaos at the hospitals that turning people away we heard this earlier from an eyewitness. I saw something flashing and i put it here anymore i looked at a taxi driver i wanted to make sure that he was having the same experience experiencing the same thing as mr what i knew that there is something wrong we need to stop this or if you look back at me and then suddenly we heard a very loud explosion in the glass shattered all of the car the cars around us the buildings and the glass just went down it was raining was all over the city of beirut now the Lebanese Interior Ministry has said that they needs to be a waiting for the official results of the investigation that has been unwanted and has urged people to stop speculating meanwhile the lebanese Prime Minister has said that a probe will be undertaken and that those responsible will pay the price he says that they will be accountability. I will not rest until we find the person responsible for what happened so we can hold them to account and impose the most severe punishment its unacceptable theres a shipment of 2750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate has been present for 6 years in a warehouse without any preventative measures. Now a host of countries have come forward to assist lebanon amongst them are canada the United States jordan the United Kingdom turkey cyprus iran qatar and france israel is another country thats come forward although the 2 countries are technically still at war is or offering humanitarian and medical assistance through intermediaries we know that the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed his National Security chief to discuss possible. With the United Nations coordinator for close process of the middle east now the israeli president has also offered his condolences both israel and hezbollah have denied any kind of responsibility for what has happened surrogate for love is a physics professor he told us why he believes the explosion in beirut was an accident. Im sure will. Not produce such a strong explore mural of it so just. 50 kilograms of guilty or Something Like that 100 kilograms but here we were. Chance so this is not so this is for sure accidental explosion this is my feeling this is not. A lake people some people say because they were. Tons. But but he is sort of plants but anyway this is a person. At least 78 people are known to have died in the lebanese capital after the devastating explosion rocked beirut on tuesday. The. Government Officials Say more than 4000. 00 others are injured and of the blast happened in the citys port area destroying nearby buildings and causing d damage right across the city the exact cause of the explosion is still unclear but lebanons in. Tyria minister has said it happened in a warehouse storing Ammonium Nitrate a volatile calm chemical compound used in both fertilizers and explosives heres what locals have been saying about the catastrophe. Of the sudden we felt a boom everything turned over our hands i was at home with my dad watching t. V. When the window from over on me the wardrobe also follow us my daughter injured and she needs a surgery now that me we were at home i heard the sound of the airplanes about our house releasing the op of floor that dont impair distro noise from airplanes and suddenly this song falls on ice something explodes and everything falls we thought. I was moving and it felt like an earthquake looked around and we saw glass shattered everywhere. The explosion happened in the densely populated port area of the city the blast leveled buildings in the surrounding area and the shock waves were reportedly felt as far afield as cyprus a number of countries have rushed to send aid to the all ready struggling country the World Health Organization has also sent in medical supplies including surgical kits to beirut we got reaction from joe a resident of beirut who was just outside the city when the disaster happened. He would join a huge explosion which was heard very loudly for an instant i thought it was somewhere around it was near me which apparently it was wasnt because all was in beirut where while i was outside we were its all its basically like the struction of the moment well you can say like award there which has been you know theres no one at the moment to see the images at the moment. Which is really a sad sight to see. People are struggling around. For food struggling around from money. Because of the coronavirus and the financial situation so. Theyre trying to get up on their feet that same time and then. Also suddenly got this explosion in the capital which is really really sad to be honest we discussed the situation in beirut with journalist rania colleague and human rights lawyer denk of alec. With the ground shaking turned into all the windows kind of blowing at the same time some sort of pressure and explosion its like nothing ive ever experienced and since then you know ive been around the city and everything i mean no building is left untouched the level of devastation is shocking its the best i can come up with and shocking and this comes on top of a already very severe economic collapse thats been taking place in lebanon over the past year and its got gotten worse because of the coronavirus pandemic theres a sort of like misery in the air because of the economic decline because of the pandemic and tonight i mean the looks on peoples faces there are just a new level of tired i cant even describe to you like everybodys homes are damaged right now the rich and the poor 11 on spin experiencing some of their worst economic crisis in a year or so much in this state are major port just there could be action to the world and its been largely destroyed apparently there was food shipments also destroyed i mean this is an incredible tragedy. 11 on a lot of economic assistance they will need to sustain we built up port. So that they can trace to the can get medical supplies they can get food it will be held accountable but if theyve knew it was there for 6 years and didnt properly store it i dont see how. You know folks in the government itself. How they wont be held accountable because it seems. Unfathomable that this sort of think that at. An italian island has been left struggling to house the solemn seekers after a surge in new arrivals more on that after a short break this is our 2 international. All across the board trump is down in the polls and not just by a pointer to traditionally incumbency alone is enough to win reelection but this time around it is a race trump made news and lets be clear this has little to do with joe biden how did we get. Israel media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. High salacious full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. To direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. The world is driven by shaped by. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. I. Know welcome back this is R T International now an italian island is running out of space to house migrants after a surge in sea crossings from tunisia at least 250. 00 arrived on lampedusa in small boats over the weekend by passing italys Coronavirus Travel restrictions and new arrivals are being quarantined for 14 days and that has caused severe overcrowding at Detention Centers making social distancing impossible to enforce now the islands main Holding Center is now running at about 10 times capacity local officials have asked the government to send a ferry to be used as a lockdown facility and the lampedusa mayor says the situation is critical. But the Migrant Center is completely closed now there is no longer any space for people in the facilities so therefore we need to transfer after we will wait for the next boat arriving at lampedusa and then completely clear out the facilities so we can have a chance for thorough cleanup mostly its under severe pressure right now meanwhile france and the u. K. Are trading accusations after a Record Number of illegal Channel Crossings over the past week london has urged paris to adopt a tougher stance and stop the migrant boats before they set sail for the u. K. Or to show dubinsky as more. This small boat is powering its way towards the english coast a board of 5 migrants hoping to make the u. K. That final destination seems like this become corman with Illegal Migrants crossing over the channel already said to be a record high now there are warnings that they could reach crisis levels exacerbating tensions between london and paris the number of illegal crossings we are seeing from france is unacceptably high and migrants continue to arrive in cali to make the crossing the french have to take tougher action those tough words came off to the interior ministers of both countries signed an agreement to create a new joint Police Intelligence unit the idea is to combat migrant traffickers and reduce the number of illegal channel forcings but so far it doesnt seem to be working just last week unwanted records were broken in a single day more than 200 migrants managed to make the crossing making it safely to the beaches at kent before being intercepted by British Border force patrols the good weather and calm conditions are said to be aiding arrivals. Operation is still on going in the English Channel this afternoon over 3700. 00 so far this year i expect august to be even bigger as the government is doing nothing one former head of the u. K. Border force says all Illegal Migrants need to be returned to france. If they want to come to the u. K. They need to make their case on the french side and if they are found in the waterways weve make it is far as dover will say im sorry but you go back there and thats where you will be interviewed and processed on the french side others wrongly increasing crossings is due to French Police run thing up a vixens at migrant camps around the port of l. A. You have more anguish for refugees in calais as if there were just once again clear settlements force people on to boces and drive them to distant nations are known the British Home Office though says any Illegal Migrants will be interviewed and deported where appropriate the french are also intercepting some illegal crossings but plenty are still slipping through what is clear is that despite this joint cooperation to deal with illegal crossings the problem not only persists but it could actually be getting worse jollity even ski r. T. Paris. It has been 2 years since 3 sisters were arrested in moscow and charged with the premeditated killing of their father who allegedly abused them the case of christina. And maria attitude has a garnered widespread Media Attention with the public divided over their actions charges against the 2 elder sisters will be now examined by a jury with in the case of the youngest maria being reviewed by the court separately Saskia Taylor is across the story for. A story so how rowing it couldnt be true and yet also so how wring it was hard to believe it could have been made up the story of the hatch tuireann sisters has gripped people all across russia. But now a new tun in that to us saga will see the eldest sister is trying to fight jury they face charges of premeditated murder and if found guilty could spend 20 is behind bars as for the youngest who was 17 at the time when she was deemed mentally incapable of committing maad so will stand trial separately facing a 10 year sentence on good books so i suppose d they had a plan we think they had an ax to grind they wanted money everything that belonged to make all you would go to them and we were sifting through the girls still the same some previous stays there ready for the trial theyre ready to seek justice they suffered mental trauma due to their fathers actions recently theyve been interacting with therapists theyve received help so now there is nothing to prevent them from taking part in the trial during the long entangled pretrial investigation stories and footage of the fathers systematic abuse and mudge psychologist say all the young women suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder. He started shouting and said he would kill us all he took a gun beat mom 1st then in getting that then hit me with the butt of the gun shes been harassing him giving then he wont stop she cant say anything to him she only agrees to everything hes afraid of me though because he knows i will not be silent i will beat you up ok. You cross the juice and you will die as prostitutes this case has become a sensation here in russia and sparked a heated debate about Domestic Violence legislation to protect its victims and the line between selfdefense and for fair and almost 400000. 00 people have signed a petition demanding the sisters release as well as calling for the father to be posthumously charged for his crimes people are also taking to the streets determined to. Help them or. Not on. The public outcry was so strong in fact that last year the prosecutor general pushed for the charges to be downgraded to selfdefense so that was laid to revive premeditated murder was put on the table something that has been welcomed by the late fathers relatives who argue that the goals are not all thought innocent which was not much we welcome the course decision and have no fear the jury wont believe very for it fakes were leaked to the press you know we dont think there was any cruelty there was very he was a man of discipline and he wanted to raise good decent girls would do to them so according to the examination the hedges around sisters are a danger to society and i am scared of being close to them with the trial before jury now set to move forward all eyes will be following the fate of 3 young women who one night 2 years ago desperately committed an act that continues to shop and polarize people. Can find updates on the situation in beirut at r. T. Dot com i will be back again in about 34 minutes with another look at your headlines right now though it is the news with rick sanchez. How can you explain love ive been to 82 countries ive given 12 but i came here and on those 3 days i just filled with hope. And he kept pretty isnt it sick show that. I made my decision to come here because i felt i knew i could build a new life here suited to who should know if you can put his name. Goes a free man. God decided that this money is no good to be free. My one dream is that all my children d find the same kind of happiness i do. I love my home i love cold weather i like the culture i like the history i like everything about it almost. Thought i was i know that. I am a russian fama. Has joined me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Thinking of getting a cue from the ones we got in here she doesnt want to know and hes trapped in this tiny little wired we dont need a crate with him he will just start freaking out and he wont want to spray him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in inhumane conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. But you. Know its a kid. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and still most of the puppies that are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being stuck in it stops even joined a good businesses are involved but cant get them sent up there has been a shocking amount of the organized opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with dogs dont buy dog. Is youll be via reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. To. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the death. Or a mate in the shallowest. Doing over a deal can Congress Come to terms on a no coronavirus relieve bill perspective on that from former congressman and 2 time democratic president ial nominee and hopeful dennis to certain age on the sufficient politic of. The politicking im larry king with millions of americans hoping for additional stimulus checks and enhanced Unemployment Benefits can the parties agree on another bipartisan call the one. Gene rowley package well talk about that would dennis percentage former u. S. Representative from ohio and follow on mayor of cleveland and a candidate for the democratic president ial nomination in 20042008 ok millions of americans hang on that is whats going to happen dennis are they going to come to an agreement well they better have a situation where people are worried about being a victim going into foreclosure they need money the government has no trouble when it comes to propping up wall street we have to do good for main street and that of course is going to make another stimulus check and it has to mean Unemployment Benefits extended as well if youre in congress what would be your plan well i do a couple things 1st of all i think that we are at the point where we need a bill that i talked about years ago as a matter of fact so i ended up meeting my wife its its called the need act the National Employment emergency defense act which creates the jobs to rebuild america or in this case help infrastructure there are so many Different Things we need to do and give people an income then its urgently needed right now the other thing i do still make sure that we have Health Care Available to every american without

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