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Speech takes a bit of blow on law in this facebook blocks of groups from thailand criticizing the king there the social media and increasingly choosing which protest movement support and which will be silenced by coming up. Post democratic and Republican Conventions pass in increasing disarray with democrats refusing to back their Party Platform in the g. O. P. Not even presenting an official platform. I just. After noon wednesday 26 of august live from arties world news h. Q. With kevin owen ive got the latest round up for you. Hundreds of protesters in the u. S. City of commotion defying a state of emergency curfew there designed to cool days of unrest right. These are updated after police shot a black man multiple times and latest reports overnight suggest one person has now been killed and 2 others injured in clashes. The tensions are so high and so going into so many splinter groups. Going. There well tonight peaceful march through the city and then the sun went down people started to line up along the front of the. Courthouse there while i go shop to exchange between i really protestors and other protesters i saw one guy on the ground. He was thrown into a police arent be able to come to that but i can confirm at least one person but. Theres thousands of protesters are 2 you. From all over the place they came from cincinnati in minnesota everywhere it was just really chaotic down there and i was down there for the 2 days i got gas i guess the other night and flash bang i had a couple friends that guy all rubber bullets down here. Wes recut next how the events in can assure unfolded what are you may find this video just put on the screen is disturbing here it is shows Police Shooting jacob blake from behind and family say the 29 year old is now from the west coast hotties watching the holes to ensure a told this the color of the protests a hardly surprising. And the only people would be surprised at the people who believe the issues of institutional racism in this country i mean i remember back originally when black lives matter 1st started were Trayvon Martin and then you know you had mike brown or gardner and you had case after case of these shootings of young black men and women across the country were officers were never really held accountable for that and you had protests and grab these kind of false you know. Dog and pony show styled fixes of the institutionalism without really addressing it without really. You know taking it to task and really changing about culture in the major in this country but that allows these things to happen so no it doesnt surprise me that were seeing once again george floyd now this man in wisconsin its a pattern thats not going to change until there is real actual honest change in this country and that doesnt come from just you know politicians getting on t. V. And promising reforms would never happen and theres also i get to it while i can. Still have no voting cameras would sure would shed more light of course on exactly what happened despite city authorities approving body counts way back in 2017 supplies have been delayed for at least another 2 years no rules in wisconsin are consistent. Have them all in other parts of the state they not only wear them but must keep the footage for months in case an investigation is needed a host ben spong notes that could of course have been incredibly useful in the jacob blake case. It is institutional failure and by the way it is not true that there are not clear regulations in fact the governor of wisconsin has set out very clear guidelines for how body cameras are to be used how long footage from those body cameras is to be kept in Public Record when thats all been laid out so that the problem is when you have a situation like what we exactly what we had in this Community Just the other night this is why body cameras are so badly needed over and over we see. Because an officer tells one story the person who is in confrontation with police tells a different story witnesses tell a different story and then you have the story of those who manage it in some cases certainly not at all but in some cases get to use their cell phones to capture any. Version of what happened right because the camera video that we see from a distance is not the whole story its a snippet the moment of it but body cameras are supposed to protect the officer and the person whos being confronted but theres been such a push to not use body cameras to run away from that technology that it becomes disingenuous when there is a situation like this and now the mayor says oh its a budget issue its not a budget issue its a lack of will issue. In the u. K. You know the b. B. C. Theres unintentionally opened up debate about traditions and britains colonial past in the wake of the black movement itself the public broadcaster confirmed this removing lyrics to 2 patriotic songs at its flagship concert the proms 18th century song rule britannia has been criticized for its slavery links while land of hope and glory penned in 1000. 00 though one plugs the British Empire british Prime Minister insists the country shouldnt be ashamed of its history though i think its time we stopped. Embarrassment about our history about our traditions and about our culture and we stop these. Pirates so for communication and witness i wanted to get that off my chest. And indeed he did the b. B. C. Point the lyrics will return next year once they can feature singers in a coded free environment but other pegues showed the concert itself divides opinion lyrics or not. Prince of multicultural country has anthems written in the. Early 18th century critics of britains imperial past so well and good maybe this replating museums where they rightly belong but i think on the National Broadcast we dont want to hear that sort of stuff and certainly somebody my background if you are black or asian or from one of the commonwealth countries then the implication that brits will never be slaves doesnt hold quite true for you and neither your descendants and i think almost everybody in the country likes that and they enjoy this up in the one night a year the last night of the problems its been going on since 8095. 00 so thats when the problem started so its a carnival culture its a part of our heritage and they should state really its not the place of people who have just started working for the b. B. C. To state that they can stop us singing britains a multicultural country is not the country. Land of hope and glory how can we pay be patriotic to a country that formally because black pretty citizens as we saw it when ross county we want to have a real debate about the nature of citizenship among them compared to helping to try and suggest that this country treats everybody with equality before the laureus complete hogwash in fact were an Unequal Society and a deeply Racialized Society hasnt been proven by Research Time and time again singing songs about touching and then we need to find a new tune and you would signal with them that reflect the modern realities of britain in the 21st century in this country in the United Kingdom there is nothing going on its the same as this you know its a kingdom its one of the best places in the world for black and brown people to live its not a racist country this now there is systemic racism simply isnt true look like i got on well im a London Assembly member you. Weve got a an indian home secretary youve got in india the chancellor of the exchequer yeah no i do that you know its not all white people to say to black people this is a wonderful country no racism doesnt exist its for black people to white people this is what we think a new well meaning member response of black people when they surveyed by himself laurie and others in the post black like Martin Movement hes a pretty nice remains a racist country so much like the sort of romantic. Drivel that we just said relation to this being some sort of wonderful meritocracy of antiracism when the b. B. C. Got to reflect a changing culture of the times and we see programs removed from the b. B. C. Like Love Thy Neighbor and god knows what else and there will be more of that to come up salute he sure and this is just another element of that that was something completely different i wouldnt agree with that but were not talking about that were talking about last night in the front so shouldnt yeah look what if the b. B. C. Wants diversity fine they can have diversity but youve got to have tradition in that youve got to sit by British Culture not every other culture of our own and thats whats so wrong about this. War from that to a quality the sex is next lets talk about that for a few minutes show your top film festivals going gender neutral scrapping separate awards for actors and actresses in a bid to try to remove discrimination but many warn the burden ollies attempts to fight male domination of the industry and purely symbolic. We believe the wards in the field according to comprise a signal from. The Film Industry. North. Yeah if you could see what was on the screen there was showing all of us in shock and really when you look at it in the us movie industry you see the number of characters when you look at the stats the 34 percent female 66 percent male is a way to go isnt there in the equality will gender neutral awards really make tackling male domination of the Film Industry anything different will it make headway or not you think. Well i tend to agree with those as all regards this is a more simple its just. So many its an balik just. My actually be counterproductive to its. Goal in the sense. You know how male and female and. Then you will necessarily have to do so or some patients did and more or less the nation even after the. Discrepancy being female and male works so. I think actually what you do is just remove the problem into were not. Actually. I suppose the organizers say we got to start somewhere if nobody does anything or we would be really seen the m. T. V. Movie and t. V. Awards trying to sit within removing gender from acting characters from acting categories there are twice as well as i just said there are twice as many men starring in movies it is women in. Bali gesture here but you know somebody has got to start somewhere and they were you were with so many actors and actresses what do they think about it we on the things. I think it depends on how well you meant arts. Actress or actor or. What what are you not. Im also not sure how you can calculate it its. Male female orson in the sense that your skirt is the only main part of the risk that everybody working in if there because i guess extras are also made especially in big blockbusters and you know that the people that most people go to see or st as are going to some of the end of the day those tend to directors to cast isnt there do you think directors really need to stand back from this instinct i think changes with time and peoples perceptions the way things should be and whats right wrong directors have been stuck in their ways do you think. I dont really think so and you know us. Stanley avian bird think actually this or or for many western europe is due in the movie and the entrance to internet you know there are already being or for decades causative has been minutes or emotions in place to encourage emails to remain yours artists actors is not to talk about minorities and so yeah so there are already lots of of of publicly funded blackness and even arts this. Is sort of each of that should be for me which is which is not what is alleged to be worse in the other say final word almost out of time but why does appear to be worse in the u. S. In hollywood and thats because theres a danger the gender neutral awards could even make the most deserving nominee and lose out to the more politically correct rival who we say and their yes but exactly i mean our should be free it should our it is one of the few remaining. Areas where politically monitor measures should not be well do best because its on the contrary of everything that. More time for drug traffic along from also there are good days. And i want to go coming up 60 minutes of the day this is out international out this is ed washingtons envoy to the u. N. Diplomats to terrorists its controversial just for refusing to back its a run sanctions plan well tell you more. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this on offense period Dramatic Development only and going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Human rights advocates a few areas of social media giant facebook is blocking access to a 1000000 strong protest group in thailand over the groups criticisms of the countrys king tell it is witnessing mass prodemocracy rallies with some calling for reform of the monarchy Facebook Says it would rather not shut down the group that is being pressured by thai authorities the social media behemoths and is filing a legal challenge against officials with bearing in mind though that in other countries facebook has no qualms it seems whatsoever about Challenging Authority the Senior Correspondent or goes to examines what may be behind the apparent double standards. This is an entirely new paradigm were witnessing the birth of a new type of censorship customized tailored censorship what you say no longer matters it no longer matters where youre from what matters is who you say it against. Thailand has a very specific law its called the less majestic and what it does is criminalize any negative speech towards the king all the queen or the heir or the 2nd there and so on so the rule family cannot be criticised by anyone if you criticize the queens dress for example or the kings haircut you face 15 years in jail 15 years this now apparently includes. International criticism so on facebook for example which just banned uprooted more crecy group of 1000000. 00 people for hurting the kings feelings after careful review facebook has determined that we are compelled to restrict access to content which the Thai Government has deemed to be illegal 23rd century you cant criticize a person because his father gave him a shiny crown and told him he was special having said that there are many many people in thailand who almost worship the rule family which is their right among their fans too in fact is the u. S. Secretary of state you know it is a long shares relationship shows a set of 200 years and i know we will remain great and good friends for the next 2 centuries as well we could report mr pompei stark raving duplicity and hypocrisy after all mr pump arrows happy to cozy up to the saudi king for example it is of dictators who regimes that mr pompei will facebook have a problem with its where those autocrats are from. Remember the United States government south thing itself all serve what was happening in Hong Kong Freedom Justice Liberty they shouted over and over again their facebook promoted proved to more crecy groups and crackdown bad procida groups a slew of them are costly working to detect and stop this type of activity because we dont want our services to be used to manipulate people the United States and other free nations will continue to protect our peoples from the long arm of beijings authoritarianism i mentioned earlier customized censorship this is the result censorship tailored to a time and a place no one rule for. Also you can add fight for freedom so long as youre fighting for freedom from someone that the United States doesnt like if youre fighting for freedom from othello whos prepared to ruin your and your familys life because you wrote it mean comment about him well you cant do that see he is pump alles pow. And here we are europes last dictator they call him lucian co same story really a part of the population loves him a part of the population hates him and pump ale has a picture of them hugging each other really does have a collection not one theyre still trying to decide by the way washington facebook is this an autocrat who is good for america and should they threw the democracy groups under the bus and label them haters. Who is at a disadvantage though his daddy see he didnt give them a crowd and say that it protects against rowdy peasants. And he sees my pompei also faces flak at home the Democratic Party is pledging a probe into his appearance by video link at the Republican National convention rooting for trump while abroad in his official capacity as secretary of state. This president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world today because of the president s determination and leadership that isis caliphate is wiped out its gone in just 2 weeks ago the president brokered a historic peace deal between israel and the United Arab Emirates this is the deal that our grandchildren will read about in their history books President Trump has put his america 1st vision into action it may not have made him popular in every foreign capital but its worked. In doing the thing you just did there pomponius apparently broken the very rules he said for state Department Employees and memorandum bans officials from endorsing a candidate at a convention rally or similar gathering but political analyst of his son drew bruno told us. About trump because the stakes are just too high. Compare is violating. American called the hatch act which prevents officials of an administration to speak in favor of that administration himself i believe wrote a letter. To his diplomatic stuff about a month ago saying they should refrain from political activity of this kind this is not a diplomatic move but what about what is diplomatic about the trumpet ministration they risk by elating the hatch act because the potential benefits in voting terms are greater. With less than 3 months to go no till the u. S. Election increasingly blatant cracks are appearing in both the republican and democratic Party Platforms as kind of mopin highlights. The conventions marked the final stage of the us president ial elections theyve marked the moment when the 2 major parties come together they rally their forces select their candidates and then go all in for a big win in november the conventions are expected to be a moment of unity however divisions are pretty clearly there beneath the surface for example 25 percent of the Democratic Partys delegates voted against the plan for governance known as the Sanders Biden unity platform we need a platform that works to read our society for pression and greed and fortunately in my view these platforms doesnt do enough republicans decided to not even have a platform and just focus their convention on renominating donald trump and interestingly the list of republicans who are supporting joe biden is growing now many big name conservatives as well as former elected officials are on the list im a lifelong republican in normal times Something Like this would probably never happen but these are not normal times and these are certainly not normal times. A pandemic is sweeping the country with many parts of the nation still on lockdown protests against racism are on the rise and poverty is increasing donald trump is now hoping to win over voters with hughes show r r yes you want to really dress them crazy you say well for years. A man who cares a man who loves america and all americans a man who is tired. Even tonight during this nomination for president means you need a leader who will rebuild the promise of america and ensure that every citizen can realize there are American Dream democrats are not really offering much of an alternative just a list of some rather vague promises ill be had hour of the life not the darkness the end of this chapter of american darkness began here tonight. As love and hope and light joined in the battle for the soul of the nation neither candidate is really offering any solutions for how to get the country out of the big economic social and Health Care Crisis meanwhile National Unity is not very high on the list either many are speculating that donald trump wont accept the results if he loses and we clinton has just advised joe biden not to concede to donald trump under any circumstances joe biden should not concede under any circumstances eventually i do believe he will win if we dont get it right after the elections it looks like well be back to square one the big problems underlying these divisions and on rast are not going to be elected away and with martin artsy new york. Headlines today the u. S. Envoy to the u. N. Has launched a shockingly and diplomatic tirade against American Allies accusing fellow investors of backing terrorists or because the u. K. France and germany for once refused to support washington to reinstate iran sanctions the trumpet ministration has no fear in standing in limited company on this matter in light of the unmistakable truth guiding our actions. I only regret the other members of this council have lost their way and now find themselves standing in the company of terrorists washington demanded reinstatement of all pretend and 15 un sanctions on tehran put Security Council allies refused hiding the white house had no right to initiate procedures in the deal it withdrew from in 2018 is how the Security Council president summed up the video link session. It is clear for me that there is one man where its at the arctic oscillation on the issues where there are significant numbers of members who have one feels in my view it is not one sense as in that until that the president is not in the partition they are there x. And for Pentagon Security on a small camillo told us to push by u. S. Allies sends a clear message than. I think iran is boyd by the fact that the un Security Council almost unanimously shot down a u. S. Proposal to continue with the embargo on arms so they feel and i think that this is a signal this was a signal by the allies of the members of the Security Council to say lets keep that agreement go in and i think youre ramas pano are probably follow suit as a consequence and not do anything to disrupt that channel. If i move from a such a can i web and social media teams through the headlines for you 24 sevenths for now frottage to this wednesday reporting from moscow kevin oh in the team wishing you a great day. If you go to symphony orchestras warming up any musician is is tuning his or her instrument so you hear this year all these sounds are noise but it but its its a constant a its disorganized and then the the band the orchestra plays and you get music so what the brain does and what the maker june bills do is is organized or orchestrate these one collapses

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