Constitution is kind of an Incomplete Union his overlooking his well his demonizing people his mocking people he says we talk all the time about the concern of bullying in our classrooms and what it does to children and even lisa suicide and we have the bully in chief in the white house i dont think hes made our country ever say any safer because hes walked away from our allies and cozied up to people who do not have our best interests at heart and ive just never seen him do anything that leads me to believe he deserves to be president even is violating the had checked. Thats a hard one to say i mean how jack certainly for anyone below the cabinet use should really do political events i think pompei oh certainly is its questionable whether that trip was really planned for any real diplomatic reason or whether it was just for this convention to be able to get his little talk from the hotel in jerusalem but trump is using your thing in a way i mean in a in a funny way when he when he swore in those 5 i guess it was newly minted american citizens representing countries that he called the countries why are we allowing the man it was so transparent as an effort to try to reach out and it almost didnt mean that ceremony i mean those people deserve to be just like the fellow that he pardoned on the 2nd night i mean that gentleman i think deserved to be part and he certainly shown hes changed his life around and hes helping other people but to do it as part of a political convention. If it demeaned and he is hes using the office but i think hes also demeaning the office in a reason to eat you accuse the administration of trying to disenfranchise millions of American Voters with chances with its changes for polls in the Postal Service bad to be a thing that can get. Oh i think you can get very good at i have worry about that and then it does seem that congress has pulled up to choi that the postmaster general the postmaster general and has stopped what was going on but hes not going to replace those boxes in the sorting machines that hes already removed but its more the thought of that and now the president talking about he may deploy troops to ensure that voting goes on as it should not smacks to me of the south of the fiftys and early sixtys where intimidation was going on to keep people from the polls and thats just wrong in our democracy is just wrong and i worry should trump lose and should he not be a by a wide margin i think hes going to turn this country upside down he is not going to go quietly he blamed mostly the dubliners for the rise of coronavirus are your form of government not government during this horrific state what do you make of that statement. Well i mean yes its again its emblematic of the man 1st he says im in charge of the only one that can make decisions and he said not me i dont have anything to do with this the problem we have had from the beginning i believe in the coronavirus is that lack of leadership from the top what the governors wanted what the merits wanted what they needed was to have somebody at the top say look this is what we know this is what we dont know these are the things we know will work and everyone should do wear a mask social distancing and for a period of time whatever they decided was the appropriate listening to the experts they should stay inside and i believe that had we done that right in the beginning ok maybe give hama a week or 2 where nobody was an 100 percent sure of how far this was going to go but we knew pretty well quick way too early on that this was something serious if we done that our economic recovery would be would be way ahead of where we are today but now we have the starter starts because theres been no overarching policy that told people what were the basic things that needed to get done and thats what the federal government should do is your state new jersey reopening School Campuses this month or next for in class learning. Yes they are theyre leaving it up to the School Districts there will be the ability in most of them to go Distance Learning if they have to but the private schools and the Public Schools all seem to be opening to one degree or another i know one set of grandchildren are going to just go in the mornings to their school and the 3rd and 4th grades another set will be their full day but theyll have to or they all have to wear a mask one group has to wear masks and face shields all the teachers are going to be annoyed everybody in the school is going to be just that way so theyre going to take a lot of precautions. Do you assess the job new jersey is. I think the governor has done a pretty good job i mean there are a lot of people that are mad at amoco he hasnt opened up in door guy inning and things and its hard again what makes it so difficult is theres it seems as if its arbitrary because each governor or mayor is having to do this on their own and its not arbitrary its about saving peoples lives and the one thing if were learning anything about this piracy you dont want to get even a white case because were starting to see that people dont recover as quickly as everybody thought they did their lingering after effects some of them can be deadly with blood clots to the brain to strokes and things otherwise Healthy People so its not something you want to fool around with we should be concerned that over 175000 people have died in this country from a relatively short period of time for this kind of thing and coming in now to the flu season its even more worrisome if you slow a dove a mo when you mandate masks yes i would without question. How do you make of the dealing with when the whim of the president of a say well its your freedom to not wear it and i know it well thats what i mean when i say that he says one thing in any undermines that i mean will say yes everybody should wear a mask its a nice idea but only if you want to thats not right there are only a few things that we can say with pretty much certainty about the corona virus and not is there a way to help stop the spread is by wearing a mask social distancing and if you dont have to go out dont but certainly stay away from large crowds and theyve been able to trace back every single one almost every single time you do that theres an exaggeration but these outbreaks to gatherings where there was a wedding a motorcycle rally and who knows whats going to happen after the 1st lady spoke in the rose garden to a crowd of people who are not sitting 6 feet apart and nobody wearing a mask again because the president want to remind people about the mask and the new advisory from. The c. D. C. About well if youve been exposed to the crown of ours you dont really need to get tested i mean doctors are shaking their heads saying wait a minute whats going on and thats the worst you can do in a crisis like this you need a steady leadership your reaction to the horrific killings and commotion was garson you know its whats happening is awful. You know you never know in a nanosecond when the police are out there they dont know exactly what theyre facing. Theyre talk to take the body shut but you know what we should be doing i believe larry is not talking about defund the police its refund the police its figuring out were asking them to be social workers in psychiatry and they dont know how to do that theyre not trained they dont have access when theyre going to a situation where somebody if they get a call and say someones acting strangely they want to have the ability to have a psychiatrist or psychologist go with them if theyre talking being brought into a Domestic Violence situation and some of these have come from that they ought to be able of a social worker somebody who is better equipped to talk people down than to find out whats going on but when you see someone who is walking away not running walking away from them not responding so they dont know. And then you should try the legs i know you go for the body shot i know but thats the biggest target when youre in a in a critical situation you dont mess around if youre a Police Officer but when someone is not running but walking you should have a designated shooter as it were so not everybody is unloading their guns because very easy to get off a lot of rounds with those weapons if they carry and they want to not aim for the torso just for a change. To new york city cop told me was that there is no excuse to ever shoot someone from behind theres not one instance of running away for aubrey is still dont shoot anyone from behind. Oh i would that i would agree with that i mean i would like that im trying to cut a break for some people particularly now because the police are feeling particularly vulnerable but you know there shouldnt be if someones going away from you when youve seen us now what weve had 3 recent of these shootings were the victim has been going away from the police and thats got to stop weve got to do a better job at recruiting at weeding out those who join the force because they have some kind of a grudge or they they feel the power of it i think we ought to stop giving selling the. Surplus army weapons to police that they dont need them. And we ought to do better training more with Christie Todd whitman right after this. There is no such thing as money and there is no inflation and there is not deflation and the only thing there is to think about our Interest Rates and Interest Rate a part of the value the fee on money is a poor girlishly gold in value can keep Interest Rates near 0 so that if you are a white guy like jacob on wall street your cost of borrowing is 0 if youre a black guy living in the ghetto their cost of borrowing is 2000 percent its called Interest Rate apartheid and its practiced right here in america and all over the world they get no up high Interest Rates if you dont mark borrowing money to 0 percent Interest Rate you live in the ghetto and thats the fact. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks protecting only toughly population tens of thousands of forced to flee their homes and what was striking to put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of schools streets in belfast i think more than a 100 innocent civilians women. As the review can seniors and we found out more i will support. About the extent undertaker into which the collusion was involved in some of those cases the killers would later be named the dylan and gang i think it went to the very very top i think if he crossed the water where politicians knew what was going on and give the go ahead. Has changed Many American lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs the people who are chronic pain and believe that their opiate prescription is working for them on the remedy be certain to. Price at the. Grocery dependency and addiction to opiates is the long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and ill study actually suggest that. The long term effects may not just be absence of benefit but actually that they may be causing long term. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy to confront ation let it be an arms race and of his on off and spearing Dramatic Development only closely im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Were back with Christie Todd whitman the former governor of new jersey and former administrator of the Environmental Protection agency do you think joe biden should be speak tougher about the rioters. I dont know what he said most recently about the royal rosette theres certainly a difference between demonstrators and rioters and i dont believe he holds any truck with rioters he certainly supports the right of the demonstrators to be out there peacefully demonstrate but not the rioters themselves but what he should be doing is trying to scare people that this is what one part the way the republicans are doing now this is what the democrats are going to unleash on you because they want to because they like this idea because theyre going to force integration in their communities and they keep talking about the suburbs where a lot of people of color who live in the suburbs theyre not all you know rioters and hes trying to create this racial divide that is so dangerous our country is great because were immigrants for the majority if youre not a native American Indian youre an immigrant your family has immigrant roots thats what gave us our strengths and to create this divide is very dangerous concerning your party if if if the president loses as mike pence the titular head i not so sure about that i think theres going to be a big fight over who the titular head is and again it up depends on how big the loss is if trump loses thats going to be the deciding factor i think at the end of the day he certainly is going to try but youve got nikki haley youve got people who are speaking at the convention all of who have the on their eyes on 2024 can see you see is so returning to the party. Not if its going to be that this party not its going to be defined by by truck now after they can this election im going to have to decide and there are a group who of us who are looking at how do we rebuild the party is there a way to rebuild it or does it have to be a 3rd party in the Republican Party started as a 3rd party i say im an eisenhower republican and i go back to the convention you remember and i remember 1964 when i somehow or spoke there and he outlined what the Republican Party stood for and if you read that its in the journal fun trump does not reflect any of that so what where does it go for me if its not pence is a party whose party is going on i think theyll be a fight over and i think youll see the nikki haleys and the others who have been appearing at the convention who will all try to take it over but i dont believe Donald Trumps going to go quietly although i dont think he likes to work terribly hard so if he thinks this will be hard to keep the party he wont do it but he likes the platform he likes to be able to stir things up and hes going to try to write this for as long as he can even if he is not an office of human to us was former president bush. No i have not i see a maybe want to hear a lot of snow rumors that he might come up in them because bidens going back to the way his brother was treated you dont think so no i dont think so he has too much respect for the office itself irrespective of the person in it whether you kreis or disagrees id be very surprised if he did that and quite frankly there are younger bushes who may be interested in running for Political Office and i dont think he wants to cut all the bridges with with republicans hes already indicated he is not going to vote form new thing mitt romney might indorsed by. Oh i mean i wouldnt be at all surprised if romney didnt deliver yes its always great seeing you thank you so much thanks so much for your time its good to see where we welcome to politicking richard painter a professor of law at the university of minnesota former chief white house ethics lawyer during the george w. Bush administration and he has tweeted that secretary of state mike pump ale has violated the had checked what is the act and how has he why of it that hatch act specifically prohibits United States Government Employees from using their patient position toward dorce or oppose a political candidate it also prevents the use of United States Government Funds to support a Political Party or political candidate secretary pump aoa taxpayer expense flew out of the fla matic mission over to the middle east including the city of jerusalem he had a speech written that it was going to give at the Republican National convention and he take that speech in jerusalem with the old city of jerusalem and the western wall as a backdrop or a political speech while he was on a Diplomatic Mission paid for by the taxpayers thats a clear violation of the hatch act no other secretary of state has ever involved him sell or her sell in electoral politics and bars and politics in any capacity. And yet he does that what is there what is the penalty for violating it at present the only purpose by late in the hatch act is bank part and you dont it States Government they investigate is it carried out by the office of special counsel and then a recommendation is made to the superior of the person is by late the hatch act unfortunately theres a barrier here is dont trump who doesnt care he has been has been told president truck the people working for him by a late had jack including Kellyanne Conway who was investigated for by late in the hatch act by attacking joe biden on the white house lawn office of special counsel so did President Trump that killing conway should be fired and Nothing Happened so thats the thats the problem here and forcing nach act when the secretary says he appeared is a personal capacity that doesnt that doesnt fly with you at doesnt fly at all he was on a Diplomatic Mission outside the United States paid for by the taxpayer he is appearing in that video with the western wall in the background the old city of jerusalem he mentions being in the old city of jerusalem he mentions that dont trump transfer the United States embassy from tel beat to jerusalem it mentions the recent deal with the United Arab Emirates he took so bad the very same type of Diplomatic Mission that he is on at taxpayer expense when hes doing that video theres no way thats a personal capacity. What do you expect will happen. Well i am going to later on today file a complaint with the office of special counsel against trick pump a 0 or what professor Klare Frankenstein of the universe a pennsylvania shes going to join man thats from point we find a file that when there are a few hours there are other complaints but as well the democrats in the House Oversight committee believe that the house representatives are going to conduct an investigation themselves. This is a very very serious situation we have never had a sector say get involved in partisan politics in any capacity much less while on a Diplomatic Mission overseas also the form of florida. Attorney general pam bondi recently and then an advisor to President Trump and also contribute his campaign and she spoke at the Republican Convention and accuse joe biden and his family of corruption your Organization Citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington filed complaints against him for what well i recall that she was at one point when she was the attorney general and their florida was involved in. A number of matters affecting donald trump and not investigating certain alleged illegal conduct and making Campaign Contributions and some back and forth there id have to go back over those blanks a number of may have been filed before i came on the board of directors of a crew but there were some serious concerns about what she had done at the szell capacity and whether she was using her position in order to help donald trump and that is not something that should be done by federal or state attorneys general. The troubling as asian faces series new charges. Regarding the new York Attorney general and the charges against eric trump the present the president s son the investigation as to whether the Trump Organization misled banks in order to secure loans by inflating assets its a civil investigation could it become criminal yes it could there is currently a criminal investigation against. It involving the Trump Organization in the Southern District of new york in the federal system but also the state there is a state grand jury proceeding cyrus vance the prosecutor manhattan went all the way to the Supreme Court and won his case seeking from Organization Financial records it does cyrus vance is investigating financial crimes by the Trump Organization that are alleged to have occurred just last week donald trump lost again in the Federal District court is attempt to block those subpoenas thats going to the sockets our court of appeals but the u. S. Supreme court already waiting their. Case i put it a make us break and on last march trump versus last in the Supreme Court made it very clear those documents are going to be turned over to the grand jury in new york so yes there is an ongoing criminal investigation at the state level and there may be another one of the federal level in the Southern District of new york at least 21. 00 states are suing the u. S. Postal service and the postman as a general who is the joy accusing them of intentionally effort to thwart motors from mailing their ballots this fall these lawsuits carry any weight. Yes they do weve got a very difficult situation right now if we are going to rely on both but male Many Americans do not want to vote in person without with 19 they want to vote by mail and thats our right and many states have put in place an effect the vote by mail system although the trump operatives have been suing to try to block vote by mail in the number of states the problem is both my mail doesnt work at the postal system doesnt deliver we just happen to have a u. S. Postal service there that is run by a Truck Campaign director well thats suspicious that of itself and now we start to see a lot of this function of post office questions about whether they can deliver the mail when even removing mailboxes from a number of sites this is a very very difficult situation and there needs to be a very close eye kept at the post office is critically important part of moxie that we have by mail in the bamber i dont understand the president has an as a what is the argument against mail in voting the argument against mail in voting is that donald trump might lose thats what a ball down to hes a great hes going to what is the base of them really says its going to be a massive amount of a lot he said theyre big broad and people will mail in 2 ballots or 3 ballots and every state that has both by mail has or cautions against fraud or theres one ballot per vote and you lose your ballot they back away canceling that one out so you could vote twice if you get a not one every state has adequate or cautions there is not that they brought with obama the bottom line is donald trump doesnt want it but above your people about the better his chances are. Thats a shame do you expect this to go anywhere legally. Well were going to see what happens with the Postal Service but i have believe theyre going to be legal actions brought against the Postal Service if they are not effective in delivering the mail keep the post offices open keep in the mailboxes where they are picking up a mailbox but the back of a truck and haul them away before election day everybody ought to be our ally of that mailbox they dont want such Street Corner been there. And the mayor of maine the letter so they got to stop horsing around and their job was is the deliver the mail so those mail in ballots richard as always thank you for your time today but thank you very much larry thank you for having me rigid painted thank you audience for joining us on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me have changed things dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politicking. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist a mob was striking to put these attacks was that the r. U. C. The Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants and the burning of coal streets in belfast at the take more than a 100 innocent civilians were murdered as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and of the currency which the collusion was involved in some of those cases that killers would later be named. In the gang i think it went to the very very top i think it is. The water where politicians you on the go ahead. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sport thats less im show business ill see you than. The oprah show here they are so being you. Yes yes. Predict. Yeah. It just came to be you know pretty good to be you know yes. So there it is look you just beautiful they think you are good for. These are the stories of men who contemn magic life without fashion without a sense of style without things that might be seen as weakness in this masculine world but they still demonstrate incredible strength of spirit to live as they choose. As if you can. Say very modestly that i have done more for the Africanamerican Community than any president since Abraham Lincoln has a black lives matter protests and golf the city of can no show wisconsin we look at how politicians are using the unrest in this years election. Chancellor merkel says russias nordstrom to gas pipeline to germany must go ahead despite tensions over the alleged poisoning of prominent opposition figure. And a survey of british media finds that new muslims get a disproportionate coverage in terrorism stories despite other groups being far more likely to commit attacks

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