International. The German Government says that it has confirmed that russian Opposition Leader alexina valley was poisoned by a nerve agent belonging to the group comes to weeks after the activists fell ill on the flight to moscow before being airlifted for treatment at a hospital in central berlin lets go live now to the middle of correspondent peter situated than hes following this story for us peter 1st please take us through the latest developments. Well angle of merkel the german chancellor addressed the press on wednesday evening she said that germany had clear and unambiguous proof that Alexei Navalny the russian opposition figure had been poisoned using a novacek nerve agent this was after tests had come back from the blunders very institute to German Military look oratory which is certified by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons the o. P. C. W. Those tests and being double checked they come back positive the only heart nor the chalk in his system now im going to merkel described this as an attempt to silence alexei in the valley and called it a crime against the fundamental values of society the german chancellor and the German Foreign minister both calling for ounces its an informant soon it is obvious that one of the leading opposition figures in russia has been poisoned as specialized laborde 3 of the armed forces came to a clear conclusion that alex enough money was poisoned with a substance from the norwich a group hes the victim for crime someone tried to shut him up they are following up with the sleep we demand an investigation into the poisoning of aleksey now while we condemn this boys name and in the near future will hold consultations and how europe can adequately respond to it it will also depend on russias response to the case. And picked these claims from germany obviously going to cause ripples on the global front whats the International Reaction been so far. Well im glad merkel pointed out while she was talking to the press that the world was watching the novell me case we have heard from leaders in the United Kingdom and e. U. Leaders as well. Its outrageous that a chemical weapon was used against scene of on the weve seen 1st hand the deadly consequences of novacek in the u. K. The russian government must now explain what happens mr we will work with International Partners to ensure justice is done i was informed by chancellor merkel that russian Opposition Leader in a valley was attacked and then know the agent in his own country this is a despicable in cali act once again there betrayed his need to be brought to justice u. S. President donald trump has been conspicuous by his absence when it comes to comments we have heard from his democratic opponent in the upcoming u. S. Elections though joe biden put out a statement online saying that trump wouldnt stand up to russia or to russian president Vladimir Putin and alexina violently was just another example of where trump was failing to do that. Its 2 weeks since election of on the 1st took ill on a flight from siberia to moscow can now have a look back at whats brought us to the stage we are now. Alexina valmy remains in an induced coma in the shed at a hospital here in berlin the latest statements from doctors say that theres no acute risk to his life at the moment and that is symptoms have declined dramatically although they arent ruling out the possibility of a long illness as our correspondent in berlin peter all of a bringing us the very latest thank you while many questions around the lakes in the valleys poisoning remain unanswered western politicians have already put forward their versions of events pointing the finger at the russian government says it has no response from berlin to any of its requests for information despite being they say fully ready to cooperate against the of picks up the story. Nova chalks a group of toxins by the way with slightly different variations of liquid gas powder one of the deadliest substances known to man rebel solves bre the huge operation launched there hundreds of people in full hazmat gear everyone afraid of exposure and here is apparently exposed to this new feature variation which by the way can evaporate and become airborne at Room Temperature and hes flying in a jet where he feels sick scores of people crammed together and no one doubts reports feeling the thing including the people he was with if the germans had got clear evidence of nova choco or Something Like that being used they should give that information over to the russians and the russians and that didnt happen with scruples and with children and i doubt whether or happen again and theres many questions like you know he was on the airplane then he landed why isnt body else go ill i mean again another echo of this report case as far as i can see we need some transparency here before we start escalating this into any kind of shank sions trade war or god help us and he kind of military conflict there are a lot of questions now speculation and rumors and fakes this is a time to wait to let investigators collect the facts unless you want to use the moment the confusion the hysteria the anger to tear up russian german ties to stop a pipeline for example hope for the north stream to pipeline to hold the russians accountable. The obvious murder attempt by the mafia like structures of the kremlin can no longer just worry you must have real consequences that is why a very clear answer is needed here north stream 2 is nothing that we can promote together with Russia Germany says it will share its lab results and 5 degrees with e. U. Nations and get this nato new response to russias offers of Legal Assistance and medical corp new diplomatic communication at all russia will learn that the value they had been poisoned not from the German Government but from the news. As early as august 27th the russian general Prosecutors Office addressed the German Justice ministry with an official request for Legal Assistance the office also expressed its readiness to present to the german side the test results and Research Carried out after mr vance hospitalisation the German Justice ministry confirmed it had received their request but so far thats it wherever such a thing which such a diplomatic reaching the hazards they always have to us. Who is benefiting who does something with bennett and we have as we have already heard this equation that there are heavy forces will go toward a closer relationship between russia and germany especially according to the last 3 to project but were also there the best you have to ask. What could the russian government 1st of such a thing with this whole of politicians there was no danger for the russian government would be. Theyre already talking about sanctions guilty by default which is remarkable given the circumstances so the russian government out of the blue decides to poison an opposition politician who has been after the kremlin for years using the. One of the worlds deadliest substances which russia has said repeatedly it doesnt have so they do this improbable and highly stupid thing and these survives it eagles to a russian hospital where the doctors do everything to save his life get him stable and they succeed the russian government which just apparently tried to kill this fellow greenlights a private jet to said him to one of europes best clinics to get help his body apparently the evidence locker treaty banned substances so far that their best version. Of. The trump of ministration is announced the United States wont participate in a joint global effort to develop and distribute a corona virus vaccine because the World Health Organization is involved follows the white house decision this july to withdraw from the organization over its handling of the pandemic as donald trump also alleged that the agency is under the sway of china arties caleb maupin looks at recent developments. United states will not be joining International Efforts to produce a vaccine due to political concern so many see this as yet another blow to Health Diplomacy the United States will continue to engage our International Partners to ensure we defeat this virus but we will not be constrained by multilateral organizations influenced by the corrupt well told balkanization and china the Global Vaccine Initiative known as kovacs is colead by the World Health Organization 170. 00 Different Countries are participating the goal is to get Global Distribution for several different vaccines after theyve been licensed and approved by the end of 2021 the World Health Organization has repeatedly warned about the dangers of global just unity and yet a pandemic they are warning about the need to oppose vaccine nationalism and above all national unity. And Global Solidarity tea party soon should. This virus thrives when we are divided when we are united we can defeat it when a successful new vaccine is found there will be greater demand then there is supply. Because the mind and competition for supplies already creating bucks emotionalism and risk of price gouging relations between the United States and the World Health Organization have been strained for quite some time despite his praise for the organization at the beginning of the pandemic donald trump made. And pulled the United States out of the global watch dark because theyre failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent Global Public health needs the latest decision from the United States to pull out of efforts for a global vaccine have raised a storm of criticism rolla just and politicians have spoken up so that down throughout this essentially shooting himself in the foot trumps go it alone strategy has already given us the highest death toll in the world at his inaugural he spoke of american carnage and now seems to term and to make it a reality america 1st doesnt apply to condemn ics viruses dont observe National Borders if anyone is at risk we all are refusing to cooperate with other countries on vaccines will kill people this latest decision from the United States to pull out local vaccine efforts may be seen as just the latest example of Donald Trumps ambitious america 1st policies however comes to a situation like this it might not be wise to put pride and politics over your population with martin r. T. New york ok thats for joining us this morning here on our team more news coming your way after the break. The are. The world is driven by shaped by phone personal those words. No dares thinks. We dare to ask. Anyone else to show the same wrong all right old quotes just dont hold. The old beliefs yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and engage with equals betrayal all the once and many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces also bombed to neighboring laos it was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. How much it is the. Country per capita. Human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country. Even today kids in laos fall victim to bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for their tragedy and laos what help do the people need in that little land on my. Back washington has imposed sanctions on senior officials at the International Criminal Court Secretary of state says the i. C. C. Is corrupt and has no authority. The International Criminal court thoroughly broken in corrupted institution. United states has never ratified the rome statute that created the court and we will not tolerate is illegitimate steps to subject americans to its jurisdiction. Well washington is unhappy with the i. C. C. Scope and investigation into alleged u. S. War crimes in afghanistan the court is also investigating americas close ally israel of a possible crimes related to jewish settlements in the west bank and East Jerusalem neither the us nor belong to the i. C. C. The court has condemned the sanctions. These coercive acts directed at an International Judicial institution and its Civil Servants around president id and constitute serious attacks against the court and the rule of law or more generally secretary of state compares announcement today marks a stunning perversion of u. S. Sanctions devised to penalize rights abuses and kleptocrats to persecute those tasked with prosecuting International Crimes the trumpet ministration has twisted the sanctions to obstruct justice not only for certain war crimes victims but for atrocity victims anywhere looking to the International Criminal court for justice human rights lawyer danka violet says International Law should apply to all countries with no exceptions the us for many. Have taken the position that because there is a mighty as they all share in the world. It doesnt have to be. Subject to International Law. Its above international and i think trump is just frankly taking that to its logical conclusion the United States has been opposed to the International Criminal court least as to the extent that the i. C. C. Could prosecute western countries from the very beginning and now trump is sanctioning it because it wants to investigate us war crimes in afghanistan and israeli work crimes in palestine to be fair for the country to say look us you know whats good for the goose is good for the gander if the International Law doesnt apply to you it doesnt apply to me. The republican is demanding japan pay 34000000. 00 in damages snow wants the money to support his fishing industry at the turns of oil spilled from a japanese ship last month the ban comes after a mass demonstration in the capital of malaysia so over the governments inaction in dealing with the crisis protesters called on the islands leader another top officials to step down locals are furious as the spill and cleanup operation have resulted in irreparable harm to the islands bio diversity. Japanese government does seem to want to put a line on the incident. Birds. It falls short of taking full responsibility no one has act. With integrity with urgency there was a precious time window of 12 days between the original accident taking place on the 25th of july and the boat breaking up releasing oil on the 6th of august and 1 has to wonder why you know why was all that time allowed to pass in some kind of Marine Rescue could have taken place and is only really the local people of richest people in the fishing communities that have been affected by the oil spill who really seem to have done everything that they possibly could in order to put this damn it right and who deserve the highest praise for what theyve done. Google and apple have announced a new coven 1000 Contact Tracing system which will run smart phones the idea is to help users find out when theyve come into contact with an infected person and the tools are integrated into the i os and android operating system so theres no need to download an app. As the next step in our work with Public Health authorities on exposure notifications were making it easier and faster for them to use the exposure notification system without the need for them to build and maintain an app. Heres how it works the new system called exposure notifications express will work like a notification to use bluetooth signals from smart phones in someone tests positive for covert 19 push notifications will be sent on to other phones informing users that they might have been exposed to the virus however there are fears the new updates may pose a threat to peoples privacy we asked people what they think. And a good idea again its invading privacy and it its just another form of trying to track. You know you care about your privacy but you care for other people you know its you know for the benefit of the success of the city youre going to feel like apple and google probably could use it for profit but like in the case of call of it i think you would probably be helpful and just sort of feel comfortable with big brother knowing everything that age you you know its that thats the 1st step to controlling people you know were going to do what you gotta do to get this virus into control. We spoke about the changes with josh boehm the cofounder of the cryptographic secure messaging and social networking service. It is small amounts of data its being transmitted but i think whats more important to focus on here is not the size or the amount of data being transmitted but the potential for abuse that exists there and even if you trust your Public Health officials know system is on my biggest concern would probably be more. To transparency and users opt into the service they know what theyre on board nor in any potential privacy concerns i still have some issues where im not entirely sure this is something thats going to be beneficial essentially what this is doing is increasing the rate at which we can share information and misinformation could potentially be included in that whether or not its intentional and then the other point of it is how reliable are the tests that were using to the game itself well to know that if someones tested positive but if there happens to be a high false positive test rate im not sure its beneficial and this is certainly just spread information around. The humanitarian disaster in yemen is a brutal impact on the countrys Younger Generation of to 5 years of civil war many children have been forced to drop out of school and earn money just to feed the family situations and be made worse by the pandemic and a groups are saying help is needed. This is heavy. I was forced to go to work because my father is sick his back heads he cant work anymore. Than i was lucky to find this job last im working to support my family but the wages arent enough such. A thing i find we dont have anything to eat sometimes we receive some donations we live in a small place inside a mosque where the rent is 60. 00 a month can it but i cant afford it. That upset that the children are definitely the most affected by the war in yemen those who survived the direct effects of war such as sniping arent discriminant bombing now have to survive the suffering a new leader. And i think about it today with more on our top stories and often. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces also bombs in neighboring laos it was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. Until our thelma is officially the mouth can rebound country per capita all Human History millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country jordyn we dont know how its happening. Even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the u. S. Making amends for that tragedy and what help do the people need in that little land of mines. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Away. What is true what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallow. She stressed to. Listen and im going to ask as a member of the internet that you have to. See other question was to your shame then a statistic that is shes a c. E. O. Which caused a lot of. Damage which she never happened now look what youve seen in the investments you took on a moment a man or to share. Or to close an issue of your marriage your bonus for should be. Dismissed as a word support or. For fishing to be a valuable piece that its a student actually a person a personal growth of a vocal pushing. Them spinning. Expressed. Greetings and salutations august 26th is womens equality day in america it was created following a resolution proposed by representative bella as bug in 1971 and passed by congress 2 years later though this day is celebrated across america its important to understand that we are still a far cry from achieving gender equality today women are fighting for equal pay for equal work in a nation that values male contributions warden their female counterparts and punishes women for daring to work while being moms meanwhile a man can have a house full of kids and still be seen as capable of climbing the ladder women overall earn 84 percent for every dollar a man earns black women earn just 0. 62 for every dollar paid to white men and colbert 19 has made things worse women are more heavily employed in helping professions in the starbucks and history like retail Restaurants Hotels and their lines and those jobs have had the most layoffs and because childcare demands fall more heavily on mothers the ones lucky enough to keep their jobs either were forced to take time off or to

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