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Good afternoon youre watching r. T. International issues from 3 oclock here in moscow there was anger at france intensifies in muslim countries over its recent defense of the right to mock religion satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has added fuel to the fire is now published a caricature of the turkish president who has been one of the fiercest critics of pariss stance on the issue ankara brands the front cover a disgusting move and is a legal and diplomatic response with more is shot at a bit scary. That Charlie Hebdo the satirical magazine has published this front page which is marking the turkish president hes seen here in a caricature in his underwear holding what seems to be a can of beer and lifting up the skirt to show the bottom of a woman and its got the comments to the profit well of course tookie is incensed by this caricature on the front page its described it as being utterly despicable and it is of course taking those actions it has also blamed president matt corn for this saying that this comes as a result of his anti muslim or toric the aim of these publications devoid of morality and decency is to sow seeds of hatred and animosity turning freedom of expression into hostility towards religion and belief can only be the product of a sick mentality where this seems to be surely have those response to those comments by president one over the last few days to boycott french products and also to the comments he made about president michel himself which he said twice over the weekend that he needed his Mental Health exam and now there have been protests across many muslim majority countries in the world against president mack on and against france with effigies being burnt on the french president and of course these calls for boycotts elsewhere of french products and this all comes in the wake of president map on defending the right in france to publish cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed and he used those cartoons as a device in school to discuss freedom of speech. And. Over its too has been angered by that reaction those protests and those calls for boycotts and its issued a warning to its citizens who live or traveling in muslim majority countries saying that they need to be vigilant because of this rising anti french sentiment and its stepping up its own efforts against tookie calling on its european allies to make waves france is united new europe is united but the next European Council europe will have to take decisions that will allow it to bolster the power balance with turkey to bear to defend its interests and European Values or france and turkey have had a very difficult relationship over the last 3 years theyre both nato allies but theyve come down on opposing sides on a number of massive worldwide issues including libya syria the gas and oil rights in the Eastern Mediterranean but it seems that this particular problem this issue over the publication of those controversial cartoons seems to be the biggie and its the one that seems to be pushing that relationship to breaking point charlotte n. C. Reporting there while the French Interior minister is warning of a heightened risk of terror attacks within the country he also revealed to you that a crackdown on suspected is an isp would be stepped up targeting groups promoting radical islam however the director of the our code center for Political Studies and a man does worry that the crackdown on religious extremists may be perceived as an attack on islam. It seems that we are returning back to the clash of civilization and the struggle between really does discourse this is not good for the corporation between the 2 shore shores of the mediterranean this it creates a lot of problems in the arab world and its a relationship with europe is officially with france france should be very much careful differentiating between the right because. Imagine the Muslim Community in europe in the last 20 or 25 years and the muslim communities are different you mentioned very much and this period of time. Russia has applied to the World Health Organization for an emergency license for its job it is one of the 1st countries to do so and if approved sputnik they will become available globally more quickly or gas staff as more details. Well this is the 1st application fall will do with the World Health Organization about a vaccine so a vaccine and the russians are pretty confident you know its now up to the World Health Organization to run this vaccine sputnik we threw through the gauntlet tested for efficacy tested for quality for safety but as i say the russians are pretty confident this wasnt a vaccine that was built from from the ground up so its a match trials are already underway Prominent Russian officials as well as medics journalists have already had their job thousands of people involved in these trials but as i say this this wasnt a vaccine that was developed from the ground up it was based on an existing vaccine platform that was merely adapted updated. So this is one of the reasons why theyre confident that this is safe that this is going to work nevertheless obviously you have to test it you to meet stringent criteria and it is now up to the World Health Organization we have submitted an application for emergency use listing and prequalification of the vaccine by the World Health Organization which would allow sputnik b. To be included in the list of medical products that meet the leading quality safety and efficacy standards we express our gratitude to the World Health Organization for its active cooperation and look forward to the successful completion of the prequalification process at all major stages look the 2nd wave is well and truly here it is proving exceptionally damaging exceptionally painful you records being set all over the world in russia on tuesday a new record in daily deaths from. 30350 people also killed yesterday do you know the situation is it is desperate all of these restrictions are kemah. Coming back into force in russia they arent quite as draconian as they were back during the spring but now were seeing you know mandatory mosques everywhere no public spaces no all public transport quarantines isolations. Theres all manner of restrictions and easily weve seen riots riots for several days now over these. Measures that have been implemented there so you know people are people angry people remember how painful this is economically with regards to livelihoods jobs how painful all of these measures are and doctors are well aware of how how dangerous the situation is and how you know how. At risk we are of going over the edge of the situation spiraling out of all control so obviously the v. There the race is on the race continues and it isnt just the russian vaccine that is being fast tracked it is vaccines from all over the world in this in this race to beat couvade before it does irreversible damage. Now americas streets again erupted in rage just days before the he was selection his racial tensions exploded this time in philadelphia the city was hit by a 2nd night of violent unrest after Police Killed a black man on monday the protests that followed soon descended into rising looting and clashes with the police thank. You thank you thank. You nic were outside the 18th precinct here this is the closest Police Station to where Walter Wallace was killed protesters literally moments ago just clash with police they are going out in their faces. Is yelling no justice no peace and also profanity in this post stemming from a suit of a black man in broad daylight around 4 pm monday afternoon now weve seen across the city looting has happened as far as a mile and a half all the way to 5 miles away from the city i talked to Business Owners earlier today who say that they saw this months ago during the george floyd protest however they never imagined this in their city one business even saying that they lost a total of 500000. 00 in damages so again businesses really rallying together trying to even hire their own security guards knowing that when the police get called to go somewhere else whos going to be there to save them now again this also i mean from the shooting of Walter Wallace you have the mayor and the Police Commissioner now saying that they want to meet with the Wallace Family and the Police Headquarters actually releasing a statement saying that theyre asking everyone to be patient as they investigate this situation and also asking for those to have any other thoughts and prayers with Walter Wallace and his family for right now reporting in West Philadelphia aaron fronsac archie. Good things turn violent off to 27 year old Walter Wallace was shot dead by police that was after he ran at them with a knife baller suffered from bipolar disorder and had been in trouble with the role multiple times we heard from civil rights lawyer Robert Patillo he says that people have had enough. Year after year decade after decade there are cries for help cries for a change demands that policy be changed to protect communities and Nothing Happened its the old over into an event such as this ferguson didnt happen in one day and with one killing for being great did not happen in one day and will end with one killing similarly this is not about this one individual but about a broken system and the number of times people assess or experiences feelings this themselves and now finally it is this is a boiling point in the summer of racial reckoning in america where finally we have to address these it is born of the systemic issues that people are finding demanding change for so nobody condones writing no one he dont moving but its almost like she can see what happens to a bring the furred and at the end he set it low so i think what we have to Start Talking about is what are going to be the legislative solutions to change the these issues Going Forward who will handle this as a systemic issue president obama didnt do so present trump hasnt done so president clinton president bush did not do so going back to him and hell no one has done anything to address these on systemic level so how can we change policing how can we change the relationship between communities and between the those who are both protect and serve them how can we best in short dollars so the communities do not simply feel on her and represented by their elected officials so these are multifaceted multigenerational issues that are now boiling over boil over is what gets peoples attention but people on the Pay Attention to the pot boiling and. Now with election day faster privation United States by the polarization and obese differences there are similarities to it exists between trump and biden in particular when it comes to Foreign Policy but take a look at that just tough and bright. Join me every thursday on the alex simon sure and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see if. The world is driven by shaped by one person if there is. No day or thinks. We dare to ask. Normally speaking the role of the media is to inform the public this mission is now on hold large parts of the media landscape particularly big to believe intervene in determining what the public should know and from whom has controlled speech please freedom of speech. Welcome back now with the president ial election just days away the democratic nominee has called on the International Community to increase sanctions on the belorussian leadership his rival though donald trump already applied his own penalties on mens early this month and is now explains trump and bidens views on Foreign Policy are often similar. The Trump Administration has imposed sanctions like mad country after country that has earned washingtons ire has been hit with banking isolation trade restrictions and other acts that amount to basically Economic Warfare no president in all of us history has imposed as many economic sanctions as u. S. President donald trump now will this change under joe biden lets examine it from a case by case basis. Will iran get sanctions relief with joe in the white house he says no we will continue to use targeted sanctions against irans human rights abuses its support for terrorism and Ballistic Missile program. Trumps trade war with china is his crowning achievement but by he has no intention of undoing it in fact his rhetoric on the issue is about the same as trumps we need to get tough which. Is china has its way its going to keep its going to keep moving and robin u. S. Firms for Technology Intellectual Property and for she American Companies to give away give it away in order to do business in china we are now make it it clear to china. That after years of targeting our industries and stealing our intellectual property the theft of american jobs and wealth. Has come to an end when it comes to trade wars bidens hands could be tied theres so much anti china rhetoric he couldnt just lift the tariffs different sauce but the same general position i will use tariffs when they are needed but the difference between me and trump is that i will have a strategy a plan to use those tariffs to win not just a fake toughness were taken in right now hundreds of billions of dollars were taking in billions of dollars of tariffs what weve done thus far with china weve never take it in 0. 10 until i get elected now we take it in billions and billions. Another hotspot venezuela where donald trump and joe biden take identical positions they both support one kwaito the unelected selfproclaimed president of venezuela and they want out biden once more sanctions on venezuela not less the u. S. Should push for a stronger multilateral sanctions so that supporters of the regime cannot live studies show or hide their assets in the United States europe or latin america. Then there is washingtons biggest ally in europe they are not happy with Donald Trumps stance on nato and germany is not particularly pleased with the white houses efforts to kill the nord stream to pipeline either with tensions rising the German Foreign minister says that not much will really change in that department under a new administration those in europe who are now betting everything on a change in the white house should be prepared for the fact that even in that case it will not be as comfortable as it once was us foreign and Security Policy has changed and not just since trying became president if you scour recent history its pretty hard to find an example of sanctions actually working but lack of results does not seem to be a factor biden seems like he will be just as committed to these policies as donald trump cable. R. T. New york. Meanwhile ushering in a new conservative era for the u. S. Supreme court Donald Trumps pick of a macone barrett as a new judge has been confirmed by the senate that does leave the court which does have a huge influence on American Life with 6 right leaning justices and just 3 from the left as expected all democrats in the senate voted against barretts appointment and they were joined by one republican leaving the vote 52 in favor and 48 against the American People put their trust in you and their faith in you as you take up the task of defending our laws our constitution and this country that we all love the russian unprecedented confirmation of amy kearney baratz as associate justice to the Supreme Court in the middle of an ongoing election should be a stark reminder to every american that your vote matters or it becomes just the 5th woman appointed to the Supreme Court in the 1st ever mother of School Children to take up the role. And proabortion communities those who have voiced concerns over the views of the devout catholic or her colleagues to claim she will be a sympathetic and impartial judge however joking your president ial candidate for the socialist Equality Party does think this move is actually part of trumps strategy to maintain power. Really one has to understand the ramming through of this nomination in the context of trumps electoral strategy because he certainly sees the Supreme Court as a critical element of his efforts to undermine the results of the election to maintain power whatever happens in the popular vote the democrats are really terrified of the development of a real Popular Movement think and from since were a season there really covering up the far reaching significance of what the president of the United States is doing in threatening the process of the vote itself the real question is the development of mass popular opposition not only to trump but to the ruling class policy that you represents a financial oligarchy in the United States but certainly the appointment of barry is a new hallmark in the destruction of democratic rights in the United States and a real warning to the working people in this country and throughout the world. That an anti Semitism Ryle has erupted in germany after a group of osseous that are in the lead in to came and zionism losing their funding as a result in the story has paid for all of. A berlin arts school has found itself in a debate over what constitutes an anti semitism after the licensee comes to remove funding for a program run by jewish israeli artists and scholars that sought to lurd zionism the ideology and nationalist movement behind the creation of the state of israel the practice of on learning is related to looking at power relations and your own role within them in order to dismantle had germany and be partners in struggles for equality we must have this conversation amongst ourselves the Israeli Embassy got involved and said the program questioned the right of israel to exist as a state and should be stopped the art school receive state funding and as such opposition politicians say this particular program cannot and should not take place there the question is if such an event can be entitled to government funding nobody has said this a bunch would be banned but the state doesnt have to support Something Like that. But the organizers feel the art school has caved in to pressure reply to them really important moments of growing and learning together have been happening in the space and then this institution comes in sense we needed to talk differently or go back to israel where its not a problem the organizers of the program say they just want to have a discussion about israel and its place in the middle east through both israeli and palestinian but it seems on this occasion its not the discussion thats going to be able to happen at an institution that receives funding from the German Ministry of education. In the law when youre. You know older. And want any winners in other words the whole of member in order to prevent people who. Are here must. One. Member of the role of. The. Painter all of us with that report is just coming up to 25 past 3 here in moscow but back again with the headlines and more stories just one half and. Chose seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. The world to get to shape out just to come out ahead and in the game trade because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. You know we dealing with a pandemic in the viral type infecting people causing chaos and mayhem but thats small change compared to the mind virus bit caught. In the 1920 s. And thirtys several 100 africanamericans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. Being at the risk of no no rush but i thought put a stop. On things on their way. Back home like american suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. In the real. Run by elsa store on her by doing. So they decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the rear troops who were through during the night. Around the crowd. Moulay a golf you know prone to call. You. Know almost a 100 years later history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time went to russia. Probable worst time to go anywhere why not me. Why dont i come here. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. What is true lost his faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Maybe in the shallows. Seemed wrong why dont we all just dont all. Get to shape our disdain because adjective and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just a look for common ground. Greetings and cell you take. A ride democrat republican tribalism have been running very hard and strong here in the United States during this years president ial elections but if theres been one thing one thing that is consistently brought these 2 great warring factions together like no other it has been their share dislike criticism and love affair with social media platforms from cries of dissent from asian censorship and fake news both Political Parties and their sycophants have taken aim at social media giants like facebook and twitter or Search Engines like google for the information that users have shared and propagated on their sites whether its the democrats ranting and raving about russian Business Information bots and q went on conspiracy theories or the republican screaming about liberal media the flood surge ship the war cry from washington is that someone needs to control the information enter the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence shared by burbanks own representative adam schiff who in mid october held a very special hearing titled misinformation conspiracy theories and in both demick 6 stopping the spread on line. Imposed demick really. What a word while republicans refused to attend the hearing because they were probably too busy losing their minds over twitter and facebook for refusal to promote the hunter biden laptop scandal which lets be honest is basically the republican version of the steel dossier except rather than p. Tapes its crack pipes and g. Q. Style bathtub shots the democrats on the committee readily feasted on the tall tales put forward on the dangers of fake news and this information by a quartet of experts quote unquote featuring former cia agent turned fake news guru cindy otis and the Wilson Centers this information fellow mena gen quits. Im sorry what in the hell is a Business Information fellow how do you become a distance or information fellow. These are good questions but none of those were asked anyway while the committee batted around ludicrous ideas like flooding q. And on sites with even crazier conspiracies to upset their already crazy conspiracies one of the biggest nods of agreement seemed to come from the idea of forming a new Government Agency yes this new Government Agency that essentially would be on behalf of the public making the rules subject to legislative authority as opposed to having the delegate that delegated to tech giants yes we need a new Information Agency a truth agency if you will because you know weve had so much success with other orwellian title agencies here in the United States like the department of Homeland Security and you know the National Security agency. I think its time we start watching dogs. If you want to know whats going on on a city street. The missiles clicks

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