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Hes fighting for because to be some kind of front this country. How low you are watching our teams national the sauce save the 7th. Its now fool day since the u. S. Election and it looks like we might find me have a result a number of media are projecting the joe biden has been elected the fool to president of america having secured 273 Electoral College votes just to remind 270 are needed for victory the former v. P. When in his home state of pennsylvania has pushed him across that threshold donald trump meanwhile stands at 214 well lets cross live now to. Wolf and whos in new york ok to everyone wanted to know the results from pennsylvania some more details are coming out in huge moment for joe biden thought tom lucky it seems. Indeed joe biden seems to be declaring himself the winner of the president ial election i however if you look on social media just shortly before hand we got dom trump proclaiming on twitter that he won by a lot but at this point the media seems to be echoing the statement that because of the vote count in pennsylvania joe biden is so far ahead pennsylvania theyre calling pennsylvanias 20 electoral votes for joe biden so joe biden is considered to be the winner and he has proclaimed himself to be the winner he has declared victory but donald trump apparently is planning all kinds of legal challenges weve heard about Donald Trumps claims that he made thursday evening when he addressed the country the allegations of ballot dumping which are going around around from Trump Supporters and legal challenges are definitely expected to this result so at this point out we do have the media in the United States fox c. B. S. M s n b c c. N. N. All declaring joe biden to be the winner we have joe biden proclaiming himself to be the winner but weve got trump proclaiming that he is also the winner that he is the winner as well saying that he won by a lot so it looks like the divisions resulting from this election are going to continue were going to have contested Court Battles were going to have a president who does not acknowledge the results that are accepted more more widely and its not clear whats exactly going to happen next many people were hoping that today saturday would finally be the day in which the president ial election seems to end and it seems like there is quite quite a broad consensus that that at this point joe biden is the president but donald trump doesnt seem to think so and there is going to be a legal challenge so its saturday we do have a winner declared for the most part but we do have a an opposition that is not prepared to accept that result so the president ial election still isnt over the election took place on tuesday its saturday and we still dont exactly know what is going to happen and we dont really know whos going to be president for the next 4 years. Well for joe biden it seems like it might be the end of the election but for donald trump sutton from what youre saying it seems like it might just be Getting Started that was caleb maupin reporting from new york many thanks. Donald trumps hopes could head in john claims of multiple Election Fraud cases his team has filed lawsuits in pennsylvania michigan arizona and nevada and says it could go all the way to the Supreme Court trunk playing t. Had one on social media after criticizing biden for laying early claims to the white house joe biden should not wrongfully claim the office of president i could make that claim also Legal Proceedings are just now beginning i had such a big lead in all of these states late into Election Night only to see the leads miraculously disappear as the days went by perhaps these leads will return as our Legal Proceedings move forward. Well lets get the Supreme Court to consider his case it would tackle the election 20 years ago when it affectively hand to the presidency to george w. Bush got in on the ground have a stop sign with time to smoke with chumps impeachment nowhere on the president s chances of winning any legal battle if you lose the election by losing pennsylvania theres a strong argument that his lawyers d can make that pennsylvania should not count ballots that came in late its a technical argument but its the argument that prevailed in bush versus gore and there are already 3 or 4 justices who agree with that argument but it would take a combination of circumstances during the election to bring that case into a posture where you would win in the court so i think its unlikely it will prevail in the courts but thats his best shot what sort of time scale are we talking about would it be about a month as it was in 2000 with bush and gore i think well d have a result within weeks not months if pennsylvania becomes a key state then i think it will take months do you think trump always had in mind the 300 judges that were appointed under his Administration Given that he had already been suspecting vote tampering well i think he there are a lot of reasons why he wanted to appoint lots of judges his base wants conservative judges but i think part of the reason may very well have been as a backstop as a protection in the event that he had to take the election to court any president would think in those terms supporters of trump say he shouldnt have given that press conference on the night saying there is fraud and waited a little bit do you think that will affect any Court Outcome because he was alleging both before it even before the election and of course on the night rather than saying this is the state of play at the moment well wait and see i dont think that kind of statement affects the course it was done at. The polls d will close so i think it was just him saying what he believed and i dont think itll ever have packed either electorally or traditionally. Well one things for sure this election has been anything but smooth takes a look at some of the international reacts a reaction to the last few days. Of all the adjectives to describe democracy which stands for giving the people the right to choose who is in charge the man who stood up to take over the white house didnt pick fair stable or strong democracy sometimes messy it sometimes requires a little patience as well but that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years in the system of government governance and the envy of the world just messy or its just gotten way too messy and his country we have received reports of many irregularities we believe that there are dead voters that have been counted this is fraud this is absolute fraud Trump Campaign says theyre going to court the biden Campaign Says its ready for court fights protests bite from supporters and a series of vote fraud allegations by the president himself trump will go to war over this election and that is dangerous for this country there is quite a list of things appearing as cracks in the system take the mail in voting in times of covert it when the nation was meant to rely on it at one point the Postal Service warned it couldnt cope the president flushed the method altogether saying it would lead to a rigged poll if you read some of these pieces there have been plenty of such the media has been questioning the confidence in us democracy europes been watching the mess in the wings with raised eyebrows but the polarization of america should be a warning for europe we are successful because we preach differences between countries and peoples so we benefit together if we lose the ability to compromise i would democracies are in danger of being in america does not quite correspond to the democratic culture we know from the United States its important the result is the accepted by everyone is easy to be a winner but sometimes it is hoped to be. Trumps late night speech puts a question mark over his possible 2nd term in office it is how its. Imagine what the 2nd term would look like when the president directly called for the abolition of the rules of democracy hes cool to stop counting votes is a blow to the essence of american democracy heres a voice of concern from allies japan we can say for the United States to get into turmoil and confusion because of the election is a minus for its allies and like minded countries but perhaps the most fascinating thing to observe is the smear by americas foes after so many times washington told them how wrong things are with their elections. What a spectacle one says this is the most fraudulent election in u. S. History who says that the president whos currently you know this is a rival says trump intends to rig the election this is how u. S. Elections and u. S. Democracy are we do not interfere in the internal affairs of the United States and we hate it when they pretend to give lessons in democracy to the world these beauts and refusal of Election Results were supposed to only take place in developing states things have changed over this have occurred in the us which is no longer synonymous with a stable civilised and consensus based society now just for a giggle let me read out one tweet its an official one country a calls on country b. s leaders to show commitment to the democratic process and rule of law we urge all parties groups and individuals to engage in inclusive dialogue to find Peaceful Solutions to their disagreements to heal National Divisions full stop its a tweet by the u. S. Embassy country a in ivory coast country b. From the 4th oh the irony theres a reason a lot of western european nations stopped doing mail in ballots a long time ago france stopped in 1075 because the process is rife with fraud and i have to tell you i think its incumbent upon the trunk campaign to say al gore took 37 days to litigate florida were going to go litigate and were going to demand a recount some are going to be automatic obviously in georgia but in wisconsin and michigan in pennsylvania in nevada in arizona we want to get to where we have free and Fair Elections where every legal vote is counted in a trustworthy and transparent way the American People deserve it i was wishing and hoping that last night trump was going to look into the camera and say im demanding a free and Fair Election that the American People can trust not for myself but for you because you deserve it and i think the scary thing in all of this is at the end of the day no matter who ultimately wins half of the population of america is going to think the election has been stolen that is a very dangerous place for us to be in as a country. Well were now going to show live pictures from new york you can see the historic moment where many people are celebrating joe bidens victory you can see them don saying taking photos this is me a moment that they will not forget is just one of the cities where people have come out in fools to show their support for the president elect according to most media. Behind the mosque im sure you can see the smiles new york is of course a democrat stronghold so that choice for the next president was never in question but they have been keenly watching key battleground states over the last few days that were tiny margins so tiny in fact in georgia recount has been elected so finally the moment has come where they can say that the voice was how the u. S. Has sussed me suffered great polarization in recent months right from this election might only. The tensions pro democrats here believing obviously biden is the true victor proton believing that this has been stolen and was here we just heard from our gas to there are celebrating here but on the other side pro Trump Supporters have said they already for a fight theyre ready to contest the fight as far as the Supremes Court but the atmosphere that youre just how on your journey so out in celebrating this great to. Fall rallies have been ongoing for both candidates across the United States delays on claims of slow to fraud have created rift and raise questions about the u. S. Democratic system we got reaction from people in new york. Hold mr or you know. You go to work better for the American People you know i just remember you know what the right person is in the sea good do good for the people of america that you trust is a direct threat to our democracy to our freedom and to our everything that we live for and everything that. Anybody whetsel in this country so i think hes already proven himself to be a threat to democracy my whole is that we can get past. This all the hysterics of the last 4 years and start moving forward as a country theres no oath all right at this point even though hes going to be lawsuits which is probably going to delay the presidency trump hes frightened he needs to find out what hes fighting for because to be some kind of fronts in this country so we need to make sure there is full democracy i think it doesnt matter who brings my whole point is that i hope where were we in that people have freedom job. Maybe care and they can be free to be whoever they want to. While watching out international will be back in just a my with all the latest on this election. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. One back to breaking news from the us where a number of media are projecting that joe biden has been elected the 46 president of america having secured 273 editorial College Votes just a reminder to 70 are needed for victory the former v. P. Is when in his home state of pennsylvania has pushed him across the threshold meanwhile donald trump stands at 214 but right now 77 year old joe biden is claiming the keys to the white house. America has made its choice about its choices a man who rarely leaves his basement who often doesnt know where he is are you very much all right its christian but anyway i just heard chris i dont know are you just good shark who the president has 4 more years of george youre going to find ourselves in a position where if drunk gets elected who has wife says this boy or sister very im sure. I should i mean who isnt even sure hell make it a whole tom. Who really managed to get people pumped up about him thats about as good as it gets for a lot of per i guess if youre looking at it from a progressive angle i mean i dont see what another coherent pitch could really be made on his son is as clean as a whistle not a liability toll story about former Vice President joe biden son hunter biden on ukraine unverified emails about hunter biden the yes joe biden set to be the 42nd president of the United States of america how one why its a very simple hes not donald trump i dont know bubba thought that was the only criteria americans had for not next need to. If you dont like by both 3rd party dont give trump your vote preserve our democracy hash tag anyone but trump i mean but then sucks too but anything is better than trump has to anyone but trump i hate everything and everyone but i hate hash tag and you want trump peoples motivation to vote 2016 hash tag anyone but hillary 2020 hash tag anyone but trump its a sad statement when your political candidates only real qualification is that theyre not the other candidates. Which obviously gave donald trump a pretty slim chance despite his optimism. The u. S. Inched closer 2225000 covert relate to deaths but trump continued pushing the vibe of its just the flu dont be afraid of it youre going to beat it we have the best medical equipment we have the best medicines but not everyone is the president being pumped with an experimental antibodies cocktail at a top clinic in fact not everyones got access to health care so a tough crowd to talk about the best medicines to other tough crowds the ones rioting on the streets across the country. Thank you thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank you no one can deny that division in america is a tale as old as the nation itself but with trump such a polarizing figure with those loyal to him as much of a cult as those dancing on his grave when he got coke 19 what seemed like a crack turned into this chasm with him in the oval office and the media tired of reporting on what i read but mostly peaceful protest and still upset by the fact that theyve been made to look quite fools and 2016 spend 4 years trying to get america on board to take down trump betray the president of the United States is a very serious the greatest failure in the shastri of the United States the worst president in the history of the United States from the beginning he is. Betraying the country you know while grandpa joe could sniff him out he wanted if i would have a ukrainian prosecutor he wanted to promote which of a son he wanted and still get painted as a sweet. Saving the soul of america is the glad hander hell make you smile make you laugh and he or. He cares and he has but the it was a good man a decent man hes a multilateral rist hes an Institution Building what he does is this wide appeal that makes an acceptable to the greatest leader given all this you can ask did even need to leave his basement one he was set up to succeed while trump will set up for failure as the American People bay was set up for disappointment because they have to choose between a 77 year old suspected of senility and a 74 year old accused open narcissism while an exceptional choice for an exceptional country as for trump dont worry about him hes already got his next gig lined up. Sometimes just like wow thats going to be a great story be a pretty good report another is good as you. Just said i love that idea i think we can do that. Well lets take a look at what reaction we got stateside to this latest news and it looks like theres a party going on in the big apple a large group of people there on times square new york city full of smiles waving the flag they clearly cost that vote for joe biden today for long and nail biting days after they cast their ballots that were he says. It seems you can hear them shouting charing filming this for that historic moment but true to trying to transform selection might still offer up the twits thats because while joe biden has already changed his twitter handle to president elect and spoken of his being chosen is so far refusing to concede he has campaigned on his supporters are saying this election has been stolen as a result of extensive election. Forwards and almost all of the battleground states and as a result weve got to prove suits in their states but as you can see from those celebrating head in the sun to all who knew all the dancing caring still main thought is far from their minds they are savoring the moment and they are fully expecting to see joseph biden and swear being sworn in on john reid the 12th 20th in washington d. C. What ive got some reaction now from robert english the director of Central European studies well welcome to the program while by declared himself president how do you see this unfolding now because it might not be the end of it if you have to if you believe traum. Youre right and i think theres a danger in the democratic establishment thinking theyve won the bridge themselves to trump their 4 years of nightmare is over because it wont be that way they havent yet understood many of them the dissatisfaction the half of america thats been devastated by globalization by neoliberal economics. Our elites often just as if europe just as with the salvini phenomenon in italy or Boris Johnson in the u. K. A doctor or bonnet hungry this kind of populism doesnt come from nowhere it comes from problems deep social economic problems and we have not 6 those so trump may be voted out but the problems that produce trump ism remain what i want to ask you weve seen that twitter has been very active in this election cycle fragging youve been taking down some statements that they say might be misleading do you think twitter could flog joe biden statement as it did for example for trump with one of trumps we are today. Well i suppose its possible im sure hes going to be very careful and centrist and bland in what he says right you know a unifying rhetoric and im trying to heal the country so its not likely that hes going to engage in that kind of battle that we saw in the campaign so hell avoid anything controversial i want to ask here i want to play a bit of devils advocate with regards to these claims of Election Fraud that are coming from Trumps Campaign just hypothetically would be the harm in for example doing a recount in those states that trump says have been stolen from him from joe bidens perspective surely it would be a win win because he would say ok im willing to recount and then i can have the full month and show that this was as ive been saying all the time a true and honest election well they will be doing a recount in at least one state because the march it is so narrow in the state of georgia however that finishes in probably pennsylvania too so thats whats going to happen and. So yeah youve got a good point but its probably going to happen at least in 2 states and maybe that will be you know who knows what so from now recounts dont usually tend to change much because the elections seem to be really well run and monitored and by the way lets know one thing that wasnt part of the selection widespread allegations of Russian Election interference from i am so happy that that didnt happen and throw another Monkey Wrench into our politics and im cautiously optimistic that maybe because joe biden will have so many domestic problems to address that its a time not for confronting russia a broad in an activist Foreign Policy but maybe one thats a little more humble inward looking and then we can start healing some wounds overseas. It wasnt just to return quickly to this election for because it is essentially the basis on which trump is refusing to concede. I know that there are a couple of news outlets an investigative journalist who are going out in the saying that that collecting evidence including even sworn affidavits from Postal Service walkers who said that they were told to back date ballots is there any point why. A judge could say by reason off evidence to perhaps even read to such in elections in certain states. It would have to be massive if it were then the answer is yes but all indications are you have the usual scattered incidents of people breaking a rule or making a mistake or yes maybe doing something nasty but it seems to be numbering in the dozens and you have to number in the 10s of thousands to make a difference so while the elections arent perfect theyre not dirty enough or flawed enough in all likelihood to reach that threshold i think this era of by the way you have to also understand i think that the republican establishment will increasingly trust donald trump to stop pressing those claims even if some of them have merit just as they did against al gore just as they did he gets Richard Nixon when he was defeated by john kennedy and we know who the Democratic Party bought a lot of votes for john kennedy but nixon just decided the republican establishment decided it would do more harm to the country to fight better retreat and prepare to fight another day so its not to say the elections are clean or perfect but the damage most probably believe would be even worse than the investigation not a good answer but while i think thats the at the moment d its a lot of speculation and we very difficult to see how it all unfolds but trump is saying that hes absent a fire and hes going out and 20 says hes going to speak out in pennsylvania today were also expecting from him if he does go as far as the Supreme Court i mean do you think its possible who got as far as the Supreme Court and 2nd will how does not a pan out and leave office he spent the last 4 years. Appointing a lot of judges around 300. 00 and of course the Supreme Court is now how many republicans on that its 63. 00 so it does not give him an upper hand teja. Those cases would have to get to the Supreme Court nobody can just file an election case with the Supreme Court has to be 1st filed in a local district if its not satisfactory result it could be appealed appealed up to a federal court and only then to the Supreme Court so it would take a number of weeks and it would have to be a very convincing case again im im skeptical if there were massive fraud orchestrated and we may see evidence soon but i havent seen it yet thats what it would take to overturn things for the Supreme Court to get involved its not looking so far like its that kind of that kind of fraud its intermittent its scattered but not massively orchestrated regarding how the Republican Party might react when you said the property will stop thing and say you know what we just need to kind of accept defeat do you think about that because they for them now the main point is we need to hold the senate because if we can hold the senate then we can still d manage to get all a lot of what the democrats put forward a make biden center lame duck president thats a very astute comet by you youre absolutely right because theyre facing 2 runoff elections for

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