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Rejection of the results his supporters take to the streets demanding a recount. After a long way to america seems to have finally chosen then next leader i dont biden is on course to become the 46. 00 president of the United States off the media projection shows that hes a secured 290 Electoral College votes well above the magic 217 votes needed. Its been a slow week of counting since tuesdays election day with the decisive votes coming down to 100 full of states ultimately it was bidens home state of pennsylvania at the time that the former Vice President the keys to the white house giving him the much needed votes to put him above the threshold of 270. 00 it could also be a historic win for Connelly Horace he would be the 1st black woman and Asian American Vice President and his 1st speech since he appeared to have secured victory a biden called on america to hail divisions i will govern as an american president. All workers hard for those who didnt vote for me as those who did. Not discourage. Demonization. In america begin to end here and now our. Projections handing find in the presidency when met with joy from coast to coast moments also some outlets awarded him the oval office crowns of left in celebration closing trumps one state of new york tens of thousands jubilantly flocked to the streets elsewhere in the country from massachusetts to california. And meanwhile donald trump has yet to concede victory and has vowed to launch legal challenges in battleground states to contest the results he was gold thing when the election was called for by him upon trumps return to washington the reception was less than welcoming. As the president ial motorcade entered the nations capitol it was met by booing with demonstrators chanting lose washington voted overwhelmingly in favor of joe biden who took nearly 60 percent of the state ballots and despite those bidens projected win and ballot counting continued in several states well georgia where the margin between both candidates was razor thin headed for an automatic recount. As the biden team declared victory trying supporters across the country also took to the streets lashing out at what they claim to be a rigged and fraudulent president ial election hundreds of people held signs saying stop the steal and they were trumps own claims of vote meddling by the democrats. Well into the studio now by r. T. That Daniel Hawkins thank you for coming in and good morning to you daniel done a victorious evening for the biden state yeah absolutely its not been the longest wait in your selection history to see whos come out the winner but its certainly been the messiest of recent times in memory for a lot of people and whoever won this race there was one thing that was always going to be clear and thats half the country would wake up or would check their social media or news and be really disappointed with the outcome whichever way it went it is finally over the media have called biden a victory the new president elect has changed the social media status to president elect of the United States and hes outlined his key policies in his victory speech. Now this campaign is over. What is the will of the people what is our mandate. I believe its this american have called upon us to marshal forces of decency the forces of fairness to marshal the forces of science in the 1st years of hope. In the great battles of our time. The battle to control the virus about a bill prosperity are about to secure your familys health care about our chief Racial Justice and root out systemic racism in this country. The battle to save our planet by getting climate under control i pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. Who doesnt see red states and blue states only sees the United States tonight the whole world is watching america and i believe that our best america is a beacon for the bros. Were not only we will lead not only by the example of our power but by the power of our example. When it seems like the fight not even yet doubts that being raised about how secure biden is that in this presidency right yeah absolutely its not going to be plain sailing its all for me i dont trump has already made clear hes not going to concede defeat hes opted not to call his rival to congratulate him on his win which is usually what happens traditionally to symbolize the symbolic handover of power from incumbent president to president elect and theres been a whole raft of thinly veiled threats from the trump camp threatening legal action against an election that hes repeated describes us for was a lie what does this mean for the United States. Made very clear as i said that he viewed this election stolen as fraudulent and he made clear that youd be taking legal action in a number of states and taking things to the highest court to time things around or to attack the time things around in his favor this is what he had to say. The observers who are not allowed into the counting rooms i won the election got 71000000 legal votes bad things happened which our observers were not allowed to see never happened before millions of mail in ballots were sent to people who never asked for them. Trumps argument as to why this election was stolen was that many votes have not yet been officially certified especially in those key swing states which have been at the on everyones mind over the last few days theres been a slew of other allegations as well from the trunk that republican observers of apparently not but allowed to properly monitor the counting process the balance of deceived voters have been counted in favor of biden a lot of these have been debunked a boy official since theyve come out and that hasnt stopped his team of filing all these legal motions across the states experts though say theyre very unlikely to succeed because the narrow victory for biden is just so big unlike the margin which we saw in the bush versus gore case in 2000 which changed around 500 or so votes so i mean whats next here some of painted this election result as a symbol of the electorate distrust in donald trump people fed up with his quite unique should we say leadership style some of his policies at home and abroad. Is on course as we stand to have the biggest popular election result of recent times but its worth remembering trump has the 2nd biggest popular election vote of recent times beating even a bombers vote of 2008 blue wave of democrat victories which weve predicted hasnt materialized what has materialized those the sheer scale of polarization and divide across the United States trump exposed this 4 years ago in 2060 and this election is very much confirmed but its still very much there we can see that in the Senate Results as well the democrats of course are unlikely to get control of the senate the way things stand that will be decided until the runoffs in january with that cliffhanger remaining in place until next year to decide who gets the majority so far the tally is 48. 00 republicans 46. 00 democrat seats in the senate after tuesdays election 2 seats in georgia are headed off for the runoffs on generally the 5th but that does mean if things remain the way they are. Morris boyd will have a very uphill struggle in the senate to pass his policies though despite losing seats democrats of course retain a majority in the house of representatives i think this election is going to go down in history and partly because of how long and drawn out if then why has it taken so long to count those votes yeah absolutely well i mean part of the reason that the vote dragged on the counting dragged on was mail in ballots joe biden for one actively encouraged the supporters to use mail in voting partly because of safety reasons during the covert pandemic the 2nd reason was the u. S. Voting system as well and a lot of people have read struggling to to get their heads around how it works despite the clear popular vote winner being joe biden the overall winner was so clear so we sort of similar picture in 2016 when Hillary Clinton for example won the popular vote trumbo won the electoral votes and its similar case here despite winning most votes over all boyden had to wait until the electoral votes were counted before claiming the victory. Well the election may be for me over and biden certainly has the the College Votes here trump donald trump so to speak in that sense but the popular vote shows a much closer result are much more divided electorate and society here thats something weve seen over the last few days with from supporters coming out on the streets some of them even armed claiming this election was stolen and fraudulence other scenes weve seen today and before in support of biden and well happy to see. Back and finally probably leaving the white house next year whatever happens i think was to see another rollercoaster of domestic u. S. Politics over the next 4 years and we get that follows the obviously in january when joe biden is likely to take office indeed is going to be a busy run up to christmas this year dan thanks for coming in to try and get the Supreme Court to consider his case it would echo the election 20 years ago when it effectively handed the presidency to george w. Bush arties going underground host actually returns he spoke with trumps impeachment lawyer on the chances of winning a legal battle over the vote. Its unlikely he will prevail in the courts but thats his best shot what sort of time scale are we talking about will be about a month as it was in 2000 with bush and gore i think well have a result within weeks not months if pennsylvania becomes a key state then i think it will take months do you think from always had in mind the 300 judges that were appointed under his Administration Given that hed already been suspecting vote tampering. Well i think he there are a lot of reasons why he wanted to appoint lots of judges his base wants conservative judges but i think part of the reason may very well have been as a backstop as a protection in the event that he had to take the election to court any president would think in those terms supporters of trump say he shouldnt have given that press conference on the night saying there is fraud and waited a little bit do you think that will affect any Court Outcome because he was alleging both before it even before the election and of course on the night rather than saying this is the state of play at the moment well wait and see i dont think that kind of statement affects the courts that it was done after the polls will close so i think it was just him saying what he believed and i dont think it will have any impact either electorally or judicially. We discussed with guests where that america can now come together and the consequences of this. With trumps election there were 4 years of accusations that the russians had helped him become elected it was 4 years and i think around 30000000. 00 of taxpayer money was spent investigating those allegations which as we all know have come to nothing now in 2020 we actually have video footage of things like ballots arriving in unmarked vans and of people correcting ballots which you are not just allowed to do so theres a lot more evidence of voter fraud than there ever was before in foreign interference in the 26000 election and i hope as to not be a total hypocrites that the people who are all upset about electorate Election Integrity when donald trump was elected have those same concerns right now you know this is nothing new i come from chicago i was a suburban Chicago Police officer but in chicago in cook county from the time that i was a child there was always talk of. Fraud and dead people voting and things like that the United States really needs to get a handle on our Voting System and is there for i mean are in this system purely from everything im seeing there are some problems i know the f. B. I. Has to go showing this is going to play out in the courts as a Law Enforcement officer its very frustrating but what im more concerned about is that with day to day safety in our cities and the longer this plays out and the more tense people become the more dangerous it becomes for our citizens the more dangerous it becomes our business and of course the more dangerous it becomes for american Law Enforcement when the left leaning media is talking about unity dest their code for if you disagree with those shut up its not real unity at all all thats going to happen is the people who feel left out or silenced by the media or by College Campuses or whatever those people and interviews are going to fester and become more radical theres going to be a lot of unrest on both sides because this is not. Field country is a divided country that has been actively divided by the democratic and republican parties dead 2 groups have been actively and intentionally isolated so that they dont communicate so they dont try to find compromise they dont try to find concord and instead try to view each other to view anyone who disagrees with them as an absolute enemy what weve seen from the d. N. C. In r. C. Have been behaviors that are corrosive to democracy and corrosive to a Polite Society and to a Civil Society so i do believe we are in for several more years of Major Political unrest. Despite the extremely polarized election it seems bidens and trance political stances may not actually be that far apart wealth people on the streets of new york to name the main difference in that policy. Thank you very much youre very little more like. One from the other here and you know no government experience. I dont feel it from really has any idea of what ill see just like the storm does work so everyone. You know i might have some issues like most of your garden and the sea has a policy and consistent framework for hes going to go. From being cruel to everything. Yeah but really please. Please her. Id sit back and im going to say dog dropped but it could be biden. The reaction to jay bidens projected victory has gone far beyond the u. S. With a range of World Leaders standing back congratulations to both biden and his running mate come alive horace european politicians were among the 1st to react to the projections Sean Dubinsky told my colleague Southgate Taylor about the comments. He does in europe have been quick to flock to congratulate biden on his victory will start off with vanderlyn who is the European Commission president she offered her warm congratulations to the Biden Harris Team and she talked about the u. S. And the e. U. As being allies and friends Sebastian Kurtz whos the austrian chancellor tweeted about the shared values between the 2 countries. Prime minister talked about the us being able to count on italy is being a solid hour like an evening there was a note from here in stoltenberg who is the chief of nato saying that he knows that joe biden is a strong supporter of the Organization Also congratulations coming through from the Prime Minister of the u. K. The french president and the german chancellor congratulations to joe biden on his election as president of the United States and to command the house on her historic achievement the u. S. Is our most important ally and i look forward to working closely together on our shared priorities from Climate Change to trade and security the americans have chosen their president congratulations joe biden and come all of ours we have a lot to do to overcome todays challenges lets Work Together i look forward to future cooperation with President Biden our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we are to master of the great challenges of our time well so much congratulations but lets be clear not everybody is going to be welcoming a biden presidency and one persons perhaps not feeling too great about that right now is a slovenian Prime Minister who earlier this week could actually tweeted that he was congratulating trump for his win hes also talked about biden in the past suggesting that biden as president would be one of the weakest u. S. President s in history but lets not forget he has a personal ties in the game he. Because milan a trump the current 1st lady is of course from slovenia we heard there about reaction from angola michel and so lets take a look how to biden presidency change relations with germany for example well im glad merkel is a staunch politician somebody who would work with anyone and weve seen her try to work with trump over the last few years but clearly germany is hoping for easier relations in the next 4 years it wants to perhaps strengthen that transatlantic cooperation between the 2 countries some of the issues that germany is going to be most concerned about is the fact of the trade was that donald trump has famously had these trade rules with the e. U. Over various issues theres also the issue of a nude stream to this gas pipeline coming straight from russia into germany the u. S. Currently has sanctions on companies that are working with that and theyre also the bigger issues issues of nato iran all of these germany will be hoping that they will be able to work with an ally we know that obviously over the last couple of years weve seen how trump has been pulling out of some International Agreement so the Paris Climate Accords that drew a lot of criticism of the Iran Nuclear Deal how do you think biden coming into the oval office could see things change giving the e. U. All hope that maybe some decisions will be even reversed well we know already that biden has been incredibly clear what t. Makes of some of these agreements you mentioned that the Paris Climate Accord donald trump famously pulled the u. S. Out of saying he wasnt happy with it that sort of caused a bit of a fraction in the relationship between him and frances president a man you are not corn now biden has been clear that the 1st day of his presidency he would reenter into that agreement one of the things that many of the european leaders the m. P. C. Any piece of been talking about on social media is the fact. Theyre welcoming that the u. S. Would be back it would be their part of the Paris Climate Accord in regards to the Uranium Nuclear deal again not something that trump pulled the u. S. Away from something that was negotiated and the Obama Presidency when of course joe biden was Vice President so there is a hope that joe biden if he is the 46 president of the u. S. Will be somebody who will want to go back to the negotiating table and trying to smooth over those relations but there is a bigger concern here that if biden is the 46. 00 president hes going to have so much on his plate when it comes to domestic issues whether thats the fallout from the election with or thats the 1000 pandemic whether thats the economy that europe may be waiting before those issues are dealt with after 4 years of presidency donald trump has received unprecedented scrutiny from the u. S. Establishment and math media with some even calling him the most dangerous president ever reports. However it ends the election trump will go down in history his vows to drain the swamp build the wall and make America Great again theyll remember him what theyll write about him will depend on the book the author the perspective if they loved him or hated him eat the greatest failure in the history of the United States and the worst with resumes america has ever had. The worst and most dangerous president where are you in 2070 when we had the worst president i would even argue that he is the worst worst president in American History hes the worst president the countrys ever had 4 years of trump was 4 years of bitter conflict at every level he and his opponents fought it was a time when grown ups behaved like children in the white house and congress in the streets todd when democrats and republicans seem to put aside everything that they agreed on and focused entirely on everything that they despised about one another. The 252. 00 congressional votes under trumps presidency 104. 00 resulted in disputes and clashes some of the initiatives that congress voted on would to block trumps initiatives they voted to prevent votes on things that trump wanted and were not talking here about things like the wall or deporting Illegal Migrants were talking about politicians who supported trumps ideas like pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal when he was a businessman suddenly reversing their positions when he became president seemingly out of spite i believe iran will not change and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions well ultimately retaining its nuclear and nonnuclear power at this time and this place for so many reasons pulling out precipitously without our allies involved does not achieve any of the goals we need to achieve and hurts americans in different ways but politics is politics right they fought under obama too if a little less nothing new about the media then specifically them losing their mobs and throwing away any semblance of balance out the window. Digging up tax records or leaking calls to even investigating trumps foreign ties its journalism thats what journalists do its normal no what they outdid themselves on is outright and somewhat petty smear campaigns about how awful trump is for drinking too much diet coke about how much of a cheat trump is that golf about how bad he is at it about how his own wife doesnt want to hold his hand all cheap all dirty and for trump easy to dismiss you are shake do is we are fighting the fake tears there are people in your profession that rate fake news you do shit and the prison into your fake is the net result has been a collapse of trust in the media the news it isnt news when the publication has an evident interest in maligning someone. Never in living memory has the establishment tried to sink a president elected by the American People from before he took office with sabotage with leaks with set ups they did everything to make people believe in the trump russia collusion sham the kumi investigation the steel dossier about prostitutes and urination the Mueller Report all to make impeachment possible the impeachment of the president of the United States impeachable conduct impeachment nonetheless we should begin proceedings to impeach the president move forward with impeachment on his president theres parters on impeachment this impeachment process cost a reported 11000000. 00 trying to impeach trub 32000000. 00 for the Mueller Report countless man hours wasted and they couldnt pull it off at the end of the day trump will be remembered if differently he was a tyrannical megalomaniac a man who drank too much. Who sucks at golf and whose hands even his own wife didnt want to hold he was also a man of the people the underdog who rules to drain the swamp that is washington and cost down the corrupt elites whatever version they read in the future the agree on only one thing it was a long and savage fight just to recap joe biden is on his way to clinch the us presidency off the Media Projections took in well over the 270 electoral votes needed for a victory the call was made on sunday morning after biden flipped to his home state of pennsylvania to pick up more than 20 more than 20 more votes in the state of nevada has also since been called for the former Vice President however trump is here to concede and has vowed a slew of legal challenges this stay with aunty as we keep on top of the latest in the 2020 u. S. President ial election. Well the pandemic no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. As americans we dont come with the we dont look like seeing the whole world needs to be. Judged as commentary classist least. We can do better we should know better. Everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is great the response has been so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that were in it together. Sputnik 5 has the world. Just like its namesake the original sputnik. The 1st draft of a to leave. And orbit the world. Was exposed before so who knows whats going to simply states believe that when you mates very nice if you want to know his island. Which has a lot of things i mean its all right this is happening. There we go and the reaction has been exactly the same as it was way back then journalists and us. The world reaction is made of green cheese. And i would look a move to before

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