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He may never again you see is this all the time it was necessary and were going to finally because the New York Times correspondent something straight out of this why for 3 am here in the russian capital. Thanks for joining us on the program today. Now 1st donald trump has said just in the last hour or so that a formal transition can begin for joe biden to take office. This comes after the head of the General Services administration reveals. She was kicking off the procedure, and many murphy said shed been pressured by the democrats to brief them on the transition as early as this choose. They are donald trump, in the meantime, still claims the game is not yet over, but said all protocols for the handover of power should be followed earlier today. The u. S. State of michigan has officially certified its president ial election results, handing joe biden at 16 Electoral College votes. The president elect has already begun busy year, really would busy filling key posts in his proposed administration. And theyre all familiar faces from the obama era reports. Weve heard from the Biden Harris Administration that they have named 6 individuals that will be in their cabinet. One of those, the nominee and the person they will select for their secretary of state is Anthony Blinken. Now Anthony Blinken is certainly not a newcomer to the washington d. C. Foreign policy establishment. He served as a Deputy Assistant to president barack obama as a National Security advisor to joe biden, as well as a deputy secretary of state. He has indicated that basically under his leadership of the u. S. State department trumps america. 1st Foreign Policy will most likely come to an end, whether we like it or not. The world simply doesnt organize itself. And until the trumpet, ministration. The United States had played a lead role in doing a lot of good organizing and helping to write the rules. And joe biden starts with the proposition that we need to reassert american engagement in american leadership. Lets examine his record to see what we can possibly expect. To now, blinken was a big supporter of the usa as unilateral invasion of iraq in 2002. He was advising joe biden, when joe biden voted for the resolution of congress to support george w. Bushs invasion of iraq. Furthermore, lincoln argues that the situation in syria is the result of a failure by the United States to adequately intervene. He blames the crisis in syria, not on u. S. Intervention, but on a lack thereof. This is what he said about syria. We failed to prevent a horrific loss of life. We failed to prevent massive displacement of people internally in syria, and of course, externally is refugees. And its something that i will take with me for the rest of my days when it comes to the situation in libya, he was actually critical of joe biden, and more in favor of u. S. Intervention than joe biden was. He spoke critically of joe biden, who was his boss at the time saying that intervention in libya was, was more needed and basically indicating that joe biden wasnt as supportive of interventionists. He was. Furthermore, blinken has repeated the allegation that russia is paying bounties for the killing of u. S. Troops in afghanistan. When president trumps tons of Vladimir Putin on the world stage and takes his word about russias attacks and our elections over. Thats right, intelligence agencies, that exacerbates the problem when we have a president who is told that russia may be putting bounties on the heads of our troops in afghanistan and does nothing. In fact, worse than nothing by his own acknowledgement. Speaking to president putin at least 6 times after he got that report and not raising it, not confronting him, and even invites in president putin to washington and russia back into the g. 7. We have a real fundamental problem. Its important to know that u. S. Intelligence has admitted on multiple occasions that there is actually no concrete evidence to back up that allegation about russia and bounties in afghanistan. That didnt stop mr. Bacon from repeating it. So many people look at mr. Blanken and say this will be a return to more of the obama era u. S. Foreign policy that mr. Blinken is certainly not a noninterventionist, certainly not an isolationist. And certainly an advocate of u. S. Military interventions around the world and efforts to overthrow governments that washington doesnt approve of you know, the headlines, the race for a covert vaccine is heating up now the british swedish farmer John Astra Zeneca has published interim test results for its shot which is being developed with oxford university. As i detail, its not proving as effective as some of its rivals. Astra zeneca are the latest company to join the front runners in the coburg 19 vaccine race, analysing an efficacy over 70 percent after concluding their phase 3 trials. Know, these preliminary results may sound humble compared to other vaccines. The companys c. E. O. Is optimistic, same as you will be highly effective and will have an Immediate Impact with the u. K. Having already preordered 100000000 jobs. Boris johnson is more than happy with the result. Incredibly exciting news. The oxford vaccine has proved so effective in trials. There are still further the safety checks ahead, but these are fantastic results. Well done to our brilliant scientists at the university of oxford and astra zeneca and all who volunteered in the trials. So why the relatively low efficacy of Developers Say that 70 percent figure is an average of 2 doses. Regimens, too high doses gave a result of 62 percent with a high dose following a low one raising efficacy to 90 percent. Now this 70 percent average figure is therefore lower than trial results announced earlier by madonna at 95 percent also provides a 95 percent though that company who raised their of a can see from an initial 90 percent result with a russian sputnik v. Vaccine standing at 92 now these figures are crucial, given the highly competitive nature of the market, and its been a bumpy road for astra zeneca. Today, as these results were published, the companys shares actually fell on the back of the lower than expected average efficacy, even as european stocks rose on the good news of another vaccine entering the market. Now the vaccine trials had to be halted in september because of a serious suspected adverse reaction in a participant. And in october 1 of the volunteers in brazil died, causing uncertainty about its future. Why the advance trial of a promising vaccine was suddenly passed . Astra zeneca has caused its trials now to an unexplained illness in a participant in the u. As one Company Makes use, try the vaccine race and other drug giant hits the possible option on its late stage Trials Volunteer and where the most at vance to corona virus vaccine trials in the world has died. And despite the news, astra zeneca is testing continues. Well, those adverse effects were investigated, though the company and the Brazilian Health authority refused to comment in detail on the case. The trial was deemed safe to continue, though in the United States, the delay lasted several weeks. And todays results dont include data from american trials. Despite the lower efficacy, the upside of this vaccine is cost effectiveness. While the estimated price of the Pfizer Vaccine is around 19. 00, the modena job between 25. 00 to 37. 00, those prices go up to over 40. 00 and as high as 74. 00 respectively for the total treatment of the cost of the sport mcvie vaccine is estimated at 26. 00 per treatment the final costs are yet to be announced. Yes to senecas job would not only be easier to manufacture and store, but the cost for both doses could be as low as 8. 00 for the race is now on to register these vaccines Astra Zeneca States that it would seek emergency use listing from the World Health Organization with russia saying theyve already begun the sputnik registration process despite the good news, its too early to say. Weve seen the back of the pandemic, even with these promising trial results, doos is not the time for complacency. While we continue to receive encouraging news about 19 vaccines and remain cautiously optimistic about the potential for a new tools to start to arrive in the coming months. Right now, we are extremely concerned by the surging cases we are seeing in some countries, particularly in europe and the americas. Cold workers and the systems are being pushed to the breaking point. Even with several vaccines hitting the market in coming months with the world in the grip of the 2nd covert, 19 wave, theres still a very long and difficult road ahead. Until we see a return to at least some semblance of normality. Of the final cost of any vaccine or of course be 1. 00 of the key factors in how widely its rolled out with fears. Poor countries will be at the back of the line. The director of the International Vaccine is to shoot, discusses this issue. What r. T. Is going underground show the Gates Foundation, their Research Suggests that global covert debts will double if high Income Countries buy up the 1st 2000000 doses of any successful vaccine. Do you agree with . Thats a great study and weve been using it to advocate for something called codex kodaks intends to purchase 2000000000. 00 doses, and those doses will be provided to everyone and what cannot paper the Gates Foundation paper you quoted says, is that if the 1st 2000000. 00 doses are taken without any consideration of equity, then there will be a doubling of go global covert deaths. Hence, the reason why go back needs to be successful, needs to be fully funded, needs to be funded beyond the 1st year into the 2nd year. I think the one thing that covert teaches us is that this virus, like all viruses, will find those weak points in our defense. And we really need and should be working together in this Global Pandemic to help each other. Whether its, you know, p. T. E. Masks and gloves, whether its a vaccine solution, whether its, you know, reaching out to countries to help them understand what the burden of covert is. And once we have the vaccine, its taking that vaccine from where its manufactured, to where it can be wherever its needed, in a way that will reduce the global burden of code. That is the most important thing out of the rollout of code vaccines try as theyve up the way to limit the spread of the virus itself is calling for a global file will in the form of a system of q. R. Codes that would allow International Travel to resume china has proposed a global mechanism for the need to recognition of health says if its based on nucleic acid test results in the form of internationally accepted q. R. Codes. We hope more countries will join this mechanism. Which one has been using q. R. Codes, essentially digital bar codes to prove health data since february to generate them. Users have to install a Smartphone App which stores medical data and track their movement. Thats raised privacy concerns in the west. Europe though, has proposed similar schemes, including the idea of immunity passports in the u. K. My colleague Saskia Taylor put the issue up for debate. These tests can be a lot of false negatives, a lot of false positives and youre no better track and trace. We werent going in terms of this town or that talk this incredibly dangerous citizen i will do for my safety and youre seeing in the United States as well as across the globe. The people are starting to rise up saying enough stop, protecting me. I wouldnt live my life the way id choose. We not only i was reading heathrow airport, used to be one of the busiest. Ive seen 82 percent fall and passengers. Whats the way that to get wheels out into, if not a set, a similar system to this reason that travels collapse is not the pandemic because the lock downs. I mean, since march 12th, europe has not been able to fly to the u. S. And europe retaliated and we cant fly there. And now were living under the regis situation where yeah, we once believed in the right to travel, but thats been denied to us so many people being locked in their nation states right now. The answer is to is, liberalism is deliberate, travel, liberate and recognize human rights. Again, do you think that we do need a Global Policy in order to try and move on somehow to try make 2021 better than 2020 . There have been studies that show the virus respond differently in different regions. That there are different conditions and different places on climate and so forth. So, you know, we dont want the world or standards because Global Standards means a lot on a fact thats its just leave. I really dont care about cases. I care about the death rate and the death rate is very slow. And again, we have to be very cautious with technology because once you turn the saw, its very hard to turn off. They will never relinquish. I mean, passports were supposed to be temporary, and really bristol stopped with a texas man suffering from a rare muscle wasting disease as come all the way to russia for treatment. And spencer was told back home in the u. S. Hed never walk again. Since arriving in the russian city of perm in october, he seen a radical improvement. I had to use this everywhere. I went. When i was going to, when i was a new partner, she couldnt. What without it hard to walk without alan spencer could have been dead by now or in a wheelchair or bed bound . Thats what doctors back home in america told him 5 years ago. I used to use this all the time. It was absolutely necessary. Im going to go now into scary people walking in an incredibly allen has escaped all those outcomes. When i started to notice a Little Something with my hands, they were going to go on like this. So that stern, some sort of right, but i didnt have any problem with strength, so i didnt think anything wrong. 2012 came, i had a fall and i was like, whoa, that was unusual. 2014 i came again and i had a really bad fall. It was like, ok, theres something wrong, something wrong happened to be a rare inflammatory muscle disorder known as inclusion, body myositis between 5. 70 people per 1000000 habit. They said theres nothing we can do for its completely untrue dribble. What did you feel when you were in that will i wasnt as disappointed. She would think my father had died of a form of a. O. S. And so i thought, well thats as a doctor said, good news and bad news. The good news is youre not going to die. The bad news is youre going to be trouble to spare for the Vice President of Time Warner Cable for west texas as successful man allen had to quit his job in 2017. He simply wasnt able to work anymore. The disease was eaten away, his muscles, stealing his abilities and his life. But then he heard from a friend about a clinic in perm russia that could potentially treat him at 1st. He didnt take it seriously. My friend andy had said in, in february theres going to be a wedding are about this clinic that i think by would be able to help, you know, are you interested . It was kind of like, well not really. I didnt tell him that the way to be perfectly honest with you, you know, i dont, i think is an american youre, you probably have a stereotype of what the russian hospital looks like. If mayo says that nothing could be done. Probably nothing can be got sent to me mail gave my email interest the next day i got a, an email back from the director. The c. E. O. Actually govern touches me a wince and said if you come, we think we can help you. We are not sure to work degree, but we do believe that we can actually help you a glimmer of hope was born. But coming to russia in the middle of the college, 19th and jamming with borders shot and planes grounded. It seemed like mission impossible. Back in may one of the gals from marty called dandy and said, hey, hows your medical tourism . But Building Business doing, he said, well that started the process. It took 17 months to finally come to russia and it was worth every single day of trying. He says, so they started me on this treatment of injections and infusions. And the neurologist put this Magnetic Field on my here, pulsing through. And what it does is it wakes up the neurons in the head. So they started to move in the wake of the muscles, my eye could actually swallow better and i could talk a little easier if i would, you know, world, this is starting to actually work. What turned out was we were getting this world class held help in this clinic in perm russia. If we can get travel to open up, i really intend to work with dan di and others to get people here from america. Its a wonderful thing. I mean its, it shouldnt be a secret. Here you go. Wow, good job. Still to come this hour a Holocaust Museum in florida sparks outrage with a new exhibition honoring a person who has no links without belief. Someone history. A story heads off the break. Shots seemed wrong, but old rules just dont hold any close to shape out these days become active and engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for Common Ground where a member of the old peak, oil, or peak gold argument. Were running out of oil and running out of gold. That of course, is not true, but in the case of big claim, because it is absolutely scarce and because the demand is approaching infinity, we are potentially hitting peak bitcoin, where it will become increasingly impossible for the average mom and pop to acquire coin. Because all the 900. 00 coins per day that are generated through mining will be sucked up by the institutions that will never hit, the market will come out of the program. The New York Times has been accused of russophobia over its latest job ad from moscow correspondent. He says successful candidate sort of expected to deal with hit squads, saw about agents and shadow military figures. Well, this miles sound like the plot of a spine movie, as he goes off, explains facts and fiction can often get mixed up when it comes to russia. What youre about to hear sounds like its being ripped straight from the blog buster screenwriters playbook. Vladimir putins russia remains one of the biggest stories in the world. It sends out hit squads on with nerve agents against its enemies. Most recently, the Opposition Leader alex, in nevada, only. It has its cyber agents, so chaos and disharmony in the west to tarnish its democratic systems while promoting its phone version of democracy. It is deployed private military contractors around the globe to secretly spread its influence at home, its hospitals are filling up fast with coated patients as its president hides out in his villa. I mean, add some dramatic music. Do a call video, add it pepper the whole thing with a few explosions here and there, and youve cooked up a trailer for the next hit limited series on netflix. But no, its not that not by a long shot. Its actually the opening of a job advert for a russian reporter with the New York Times. Page searches for unbiased to impartial or balance. Come a blank, no results found in the text. Not that its much of a secret though, that the New York Times isnt that interested in covering a happy russia. But some readers werent that impressed with the sudden spasm of honesty from the paper did the see any right. New york times new russia crisp on in job at these job for a New York Times correspondent in moscow is telling and not in a good way screenwriters wanted for a new james bond film. Imagine yourself working undercover in moscow. The capital of love to meet putins evil empire. If you think you have the creative writing skills to turn the monday into juicy narratives of horror and suspense, contact the New York Times, weve been in touch with the New York Times for comment. You know, both sides of the story and all that, but weve yet to hear anything back from them. Cynically speaking, it makes perfect sense. Positive stories from russia dont tickle the fancy of Pulitzer Prize, judges allegations lacking evidence. Or though do just believe in the bogeyman. A Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and former New York Times Foreign Correspondent chris hedges feels the ad exposes the true russia angle of the paper. I initially thought it was satire, i didnt think it was real. And then i went on the New York Times website and read it. And its really kind of an obituary to journalist. The role of a Foreign Correspondent is to be bicultural. It is to get into that culture and explain how they view reality. And here you have this narrative, pre written, narrative, demonization, really of russia and Vladimir Putin. And i have to say that theres nothing in that description that the United States doesnt do in spades and far worse. And so why even open a beer all in moscow . Why have somebody spend hundreds of hours studying russian and reading russian history and literature and, and culture . Why not . Why not have algorithms do it . It was absolutely appalling, but its part of the siloing of the American Press to serve a particular demographic. In the case of the New York Times, it is a Democratic Party based readership. Its a way to make sure that whoever they send to russia feeds back to them what the, what they want a Holocaust Museum in florida has sparked outrage with a new exhibition in honor of someone who had nothing to do with that chapter of history along side exhibits of nazi war crimes, the Memorial Center presented images and quotes captured of me off them off of George Floyds death. The killing of the black man in the happiness back in may spocks months of protests against police, racism, and brutality. In the u. S. And beyond. The museum said the florida submission is supposed to counter any identity based hate, but members of the jewish community, out of hugely disrespectful. When someone faces an act of anti semitism, racism, or any form of identity based hate, whether to result in death or not. And there is an uprising of many emotions. We felt it was important to bring the Human Experience of the aftermath to our museum. We strongly question placing the george floyd exhibit in a Holocaust Museum, one wouldnt expect to see holocaust exhibit and museum about the africanamerican experience. It is deeply offensive to appropriate our persecution to score cheap political points masquerading as intersectionality. Holocaust historian africans are off is the new exhibition reflects a dangerous trend of equating other events to the atrocities of the holocaust. The death of george floyd compared to the how of course, to me, thats absurd, totally absurd and totally inappropriate today. Especially in the western world. The major problem that we face one of the major problems is of course, how, of course, distortion. How cause distortion is not to deny that the tragedy of the scope of the holocaust took place. But to change the narrative of the holocaust, in many cases, to hide the involvement of people other than the german and austrian, nazis. And this attempt to universalize the holocaust is a very dangerous phenomenon as well. And this is a classic example. Not every tragedy is the holocaust that every tragedy look at the holocaust or should the holocaust be compared to 2. Far less the tragedies. So here too, you see this is a battle over the accuracy of the narrative. And the perception of the arab police in central paris have used tear gas to break up a large problem. Moderate protest in the french capital which erupted after a temporary camp was cleared by authorities. The protest was organized by a migrant Advocacy Group which says, hundreds of refugees have been left homeless in paris. Thats after almost 2000 or a victim from an illegal camp on the outskirts of the city last week. People Rights Groups are demanding emergency accommodation. Riot police are at the scene trying to restore calm. But more details from our correspondent in paris. Because film in this camp was set up by various organizations in response to the evacuation of the migrant camps and danny last tuesday. The goal of the organizers of the tent camp at the plaster republique is to make their voices heard to draw the attention of the authorities to the plight of migrants. Let me remind you again. Last tuesday, the camp in centennial was evacuated. It was home to 1500 migrants, 800 of them are still there. The rest are trying to find a way out of this situation. And of course some are refugee in paris. Various pro migrant organizations are trying to help them. The government has not yet proposed any solution, which is why the prime migrant eutopia organization launched this process that is trying to reach out to government authorities. Or meanwhile, several journalists have been attacked by police during the process. One of the assaults was filmed by arties crew. The incident comes amid a developing mistrust between police and the press. The government has introduced a new law that could ban the filming of officers for malicious reasons. Up next, crosstalk looks at what comes next in the wake of the u. S. Postelection. Chaos. Thats what are back in 30 minutes with the latest headlines. Join us again that israel media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safe . High salacious, full community, are you going the right way or are you being led directly to what is true . Whats his face in the world corrupted. You need to descend to join us in the depths for a mate in the shallowness

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