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A devout way to doj lock down restrictions. Broach the bridge to the venue as a person of their obligation to register the venue as a place of worship. As the church of the former drivers. Hilo and welcome from our team here in moscow this is r. T. International with mina caring. Less than 10. 00 for covert immunity thats the price for russias sputnik the vaccine internationally as it was presented to the Un General Assembly on wednesday was the job to be available to the whole world and has already agreed supplies with foreign countries. We will be producing bands of millions of dollars as i was a week seeing already just starting from february in 4 key jogger in brazil china korea and argentina will radiate reach supply agreement and production agreements rizzos countries more than 40 countries have expressed interest in buying sputnik viv however western media and the stop michelin seem to have written off the russian vaccine without even giving it a shot Donna Hawkins ask why. The media today is full of big headlines pfizers covert 19 vaccine is officially the 1st to be approved in a western country with the United Kingdom leading the way theres a sense of excitement that lives can be saved on the 1st steps towards codewords final defeat have been taken i would like to tribute to and to thank with those who made this possible it is the protection. That were ultimately allow us to recreate our lives and get our recall of the movie again this is a victory but the real winner in the race for a covert job has been vaccine protectionism to many in western media and establishment only western produced vaccines can even be considered as part of a Global Solution to the pandemic and other a break through from thats developed as that field shares are seneca higher as pfizer makes a final push Drug Company Pfizer says it is a great day for science c. E. O. Of pfizer tweeting out his congratulations. This is really a historic day we have pfizer we have or take you up while the European Medicines Agency has confirmed its in contact with the developers of sport mc v the e. U. Has also been clear it doesnt recommend any e. U. State makes up its own mind about importing the vaccine even if they wanted to the reason strong lobby against vaccines that are being developed outside the European Union but thats life were already used to it and it in hungary is interest to get us a vaccine as quickly as possible hungary isnt alone this has been global since the sputnik ves existence was 1st announced back then media and members of the Scientific Community were quick to criticize russia for failing to provide public data on the vaccine safety and even when phase one and 2 Clinical Trial data up was later published in the lancet skepticism mistrust and suspicion of were still rife at any mention of sport mcvie moscow has been accused of cutting corners user. By the steel western Research Russia rushed to register it as a world 1st raising eyebrows in the Scientific Community put in this might be his personal breakthrough plenty even here still need persuading that sputnik v. Is a reliable choice theres always room for healthy skepticism and Critical Thinking as with any new vaccine but it seems some require slightly more scrutiny than others take my den or the company has requested emergency approval from the american and european regulators for its vaccine 10 days before that pfizer and biotech sought the same clearance for their job yet Neither Company has publicly released full data from Clinical Trials for peer review in any medical journal and its not just about peer review moscows been clear its open to International Cooperation on covert vaccination to save lives and win the battle against corona virus we are ready to cooperate with others in terms of vaccination particularly on the council of europe platform the cruellest pandemic has made it clear that europeans need to know it in the face of common threats these offers appear to fall on their fears whether its a deep mistrust or the belief that sport if we use just the way for putin to gain political approval truly joint efforts to find a vaccine never materialized this is probably of little concern to develop states most will really have brought up the majority of vaccine surprise produced by their own companies while the rest of the world is unlikely to get access to the vaccines for years to come vaccine protectionism has truly try out with only western produced vaccines touted as world saving despite being unavailable to most and many alternatives trashed and dismissed from the outset the world never really stood a chance at making a united stand against coronavirus this isnt a competition between ourselves its about doing the best for our world for the global population and that we must all work together. To get vaccines distributed i think there was a very good paper that was published in the peer review journal about the russian vaccine a long sit in general issue about the rush to produce vaccines as that has been that many of the vaccines have been presented in press releases rather than in Peer Reviewed papers its important that we have doing Clinical Trials that these are reported properly know that the sputnik vaccine is being trialled in india now as well and thats a great thing its about sharing the responsibility we all have to ensure all vaccines are safe effective and that we share them particularly in parts of the world that are going to struggle like developing countries somewhere we need to be helping with large populations in an interview the head of a Pharmaceutical Company responsible for the mass rollout of sputnik they say is western skepticism its groundless. Boy triangle what has happened is placed and exploited say that russians are russian with a back seat back seem to be tried and tested by a fairly long period of time and that weve done everything so fast growing. Up and then when a western counterparts make statements we need to look very closely at who is saying it and exactly what they are saying for example they frequently complain that the gamma layer institute hasnt published enough data and so on of the same time we should realize that just a Research Institute is not a pharmaceutical giant like astra zeneca or pfizer a lot of p. R. Specialists are usually presenting the data selectively and in a favorable light so once again you shouldnt compare the data published by the gamma institute with the data published by western companies on the other hand if you still want to make a comparison thats compared to the Oxford Research group when they hadnt yet signed an agreement with astra zeneca no one knew them and no one saw the results until big pharma got involved. Just how realistic is it to prove that the vaccine is safe. This point weve seen convincing dates of the proof is safe it was proven during preclinical animal testing please consider that im talking about safety mail not effectiveness then it was proven during Clinical Trials on Healthy Volunteers weve done all that statistics to show that the vaccine is safe. The most unexpected of places was to take holy orders to get down the lockdown the 400 rabbits to kill a bar in Central England supplied for a church license and a tongue in cheek bid to highlight what it calls the absurdity of selective restrictions as places of worship can stay open but restaurants and bars cant. Under the new to this is that we will be allowed to i. Could be months and months as we dont have a substantial future for our kitchen says know who she needs to do that and so we look to other ways all the other businesses in the news that i can under all that is a place of worship was one of them so weve reached the register define you as a or send off our patients register their idea as a place of worship. As the church of the 400. Main reason is to sort of point out that the contradictory nature of the rules our everything from jim. Church is in massage parlors every shop weve got a Christmas Market happening in knots an hour outside at all for us to go ahead while were well we have a show that. You just might just starting to see is like was completely unavoidable and we need more government support. To get us through so the wise. As weve seen in the news the last couple of days the high street is already with arcadia and devon and. Its been decimated and hospitality next to that is that what. Hes trying to an army of lawyers on social media tools at his disposal and now donald trump is pleading with the super u. S. Supreme courts to have a ton the president ial Election Results and called the election stolen. This may be the most important speech ive ever made i want to provide an update on our own going efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculous lee long nov 3rd elections i am determined to protect our election system which is now under coordinated assault and see if were right about the fraud. Joe biden cant be President Trump pointed to irregularities in the Voting System including millions of illegal votes and dead people casting ballots he accused the democrat run areas of voter corruption and changing the results trans agitate accept any outcome as long as its not a cure its but his attorney generals already on to cut some of the claims we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election meanwhile president elect joe biden and his team on dismissing the allegations of voter fraud calling the election result fair but legal analyst an effort to master says the rest till plenty of ways for trump to overturn the decision. One strategy the Trump Legal Team is is public optics is Public Awareness because they said very clearly that the media the Mainstream Media in the u. S. Is not going to be reporting on this theyre not going to be talking about this theyre going to try to silence some of these witnesses or whistleblowers that have come forward so thats what i think the Trump Legal Team is now focusing on is helping to either empower educate or hold these hearings to tell the state legislatures under the constitution what he is referring to when he says he will accept all accurate results he is stating that if all the accurate results are in if all the allegations of the voting machine fraud or votes been switched to turned over if the hundreds upon hundreds of witnesses you have come forward in multiple us states who have said we solved those being thrown away if there was an accurate it would if we knew if we knew that every single vote was actually counted which you would think would be easy in 2020 if we had those verifications he would if he didnt come out victorious. In a particularly horrific case of neglect i made social Media Obsession a Russian Internet stream is broadcast his discovery and moving a female friends dead body then only calling an ambulance later bloggers stanislav it rachet nicole of who goes by the name reflate jani as you chew channel streams about Online Gambling a pregnant woman called valentinos appeared in several of his videos where he shockingly boasted about beating her tipping a bucket of water over the woman and forcing her out of the flat without a coat into the cold later in the same video hes seen carrying her body back but only later calling an ambulance paramedics declared her dead on the broadcast went on until Police Arrived and forced him to stop but its far from the only case of live streamed broadcasts now featuring extremely disturbing content. Something happened to us when we ventured into this new world of social media its as though 2 things happened Nothing Happened and thats our record and also this thing im holding up my mouse here dystocia media platform this camera accompanies every thing that we do a couple of years ago it would have been horrendous to were talking about it as if its almost every day im trying to understand the the motive someone who would voluntarily want d to engage in this kind of production and then share it with an unknown number of other people i think there must be people who in the everyday lives of not recognized they dont have all 30. Of indistinguishable from a great many other people in society and so what the seeking to do is try to discover some way in which they can be no you know is inside is something that was going to live. To intervene you need to human or even a machine analyzing the content that has been streamed and is might take might take a while so its very difficult to to sponsor thing footage is crew of footage is and take action straightaway to try to explain to these people who are in the video what they did they would look at you and theyd say i just recorded it i didnt do anything i just merely recorded it and then youve asked the question why do we do this why do we watch this is it the rubbernecking thing do we look at accident do we want to see somebody jump off a ledge because its just different or are we so joe dupre ved and so have bigger waited to this horror that we cant. Well what she excess of the watch now i think when we asked these kind of questions about the motivations of people who produce it we also have to turn the mirror on ourselves and wonder why do we want you to in the 1st post is it something deeper is it is it something that when stripped to work reveals that we have nakedly a rather a ruthless merciless horrible streak inside us we need to do to use what we call Computer Vision which years or so before going to work to people encouraging us which is basically the part of it that will recognize potter in this case that we can never be to the knowledge that could recognize the movements of the body the pasta robbed of the person. France is threatening to shut huge numbers of masks after announcing massive and unprecedented raids on more than 70 islamic places of worship the stated goal to fight quote separatism and liberate french islam from foreign influences so i do penske explains well this fight against separatism is something weve covered many times here but now it seems that 76. 00 more mosques here in france are going to be caught in the crossfire of that interior minister has confirmed the reports in french newspapers that those mosques are now in the next few days going to see what he described as being unprecedented action. In accordance with my instructions the state services will launch massive precedented action against separatism 76 mosques suspected of surprises might be checked in the coming days and those that have to be closed will be where the mosques that are due to be targeted are said to have clandestine rooms or have more in moms who are on alert for the prevention of terrorist radicalization these are some of the reasons why these mosques are said to be targeted now muslims have already been saying that they fear of reprisals and there have been allegations of attacks taking place on muslims because of their faith most recent emerged on wednesday of this week this took place at a mosque just in the south of paris and as you can see from the images it said that the car deliberately drove into the front of the mosque smashing those windows of the doors now the tensions have come at a time when the council of ministers is in the next days due to look at this new law to promote Republican Values it was previously called the separatism or prevent separatism law here in france its a Long Time Coming president talked about it earlier on this year but the law itself the draft law was released in the weeks following the brutal beheading of Teachers Party who had been targeted for showing controversial images of the muslim prophet during a civics class back in october now following his brutal assassination there was a clampdown on muslim associations here in france and the closure of a mosque in punk down we went to that mosque and spoke to the congregation there who said that they felt that they had been unfairly targeted on are crucial to man we have a very kind of man who speaks to us in a rabbit confound and doesnt tell people what to do it he never gathered us together to tell us to do anything bad. I dont know if i told people you should go on by. Weapons and then they go and buy weapons and kill someone im not responsible for that. I am not happy about the mosques closure i mean just what happened to the teacher i condemn it i do not agree with those who committed the crime but for the mosque its a shame. All these clampdowns who of france are provoked huge reaction elsewhere particularly in some muslim majority countries where there have been protests with tens of thousands of people turning up effigies of president burned and a call for a boycott on french products being sold in their countries many muslims are concerned they are living in an element of fear at the moment and they feel that they are being targeted by this law and for many this announcement that 76. 00 more mosques will be either closed or subject to new restrictions will make them feel that even more so france is becoming an unfriendly place to live. Bt activists are demanding the boycott of british based multinational cosmetics brand lush thought of the retailer donated to a womens rights group womans place u. K. Is an organization that tackles violence against women and works for equal pay and access to health care but l g b t groups are fuming that it wants trans women excluded from women only space is sparking a social media backlash as opposed to employee trans person and a customer i will no longer buy from last you get a trailer and new zealand etc this is disgusting and large should be ashamed you cannot complain for transfer ojt and then turn around to donate to an end to chance organization last u. K. Needs to apologize no christmas presents from lush no shopping ever again from larche this is so sad im disgusted boycotting lush now. Its forced lush to apologize unreservedly saying its not proud to support such policies companies are increasingly being forced to tread a fine line on which campaigns they back we discussed the issue with womens rights activist power diana and conservative political campaigner Brandon Straka who describes himself as a gay former liberal. I dont think that companies are going to stay silent i think that companies are going to feel like they have are compelled to go along with leftist ideology we actually see companies constantly feeling the need to virtue signal based off of whatever the latest leftist demands are theyre donating money to these organizations because theyre afraid of facing leftist backlash progressives seem to feel that they have Carte Blanche to go out and stamp their feet and make demands and even threaten bully and intimidate people into going along with what they want and if organizations and businesses dont comply theyll be driven out of business theyll be picketed theyll be defunded theyll be theyll be in such a backlash on social media that theyll be permanently damaged so no i feel that its actually compelled speech thats being put forward by the leftist and progressive people all businesses should be involved in politics and also in social impact absolutely 100 percent its a matter of social responsibility on an intrapreneur as well you know i try to donate as much as i can because we have to give back to the Community Unfortunately we know that this state funding is not to now so we need to companies and Big Enterprises that to be sensitive and help you know organizations that are trying to do something right its really gone far beyond justice its gone far beyond equality its now about really trying to control other people and its particularly sad in this instance because now theyve actually just completely shamed and made a target of an organization thats trying to help abused women it is an injustice especially unfortunately in the United States and hes a structure and justice so we have to hear the voices of these people when they actually. Demand change and i think this is the right moment to change and thats maybe why you know companies now theyre doing that i dont think that is because they feel intimidated or not i think actually because they understood that there may be experiencing and you enlighten them to. They understand that we have to get back in we cant control all the fortune you know its going to have all the really large so its a matter of balance i think we have to balance our rights and get back to or didnt have. A. Breakup of the e. U. Thats the threat from Eastern European members if brussels ignores their views peter oliver breaks down the vicious but blocking much needed budget for the entire block on highly Critical Issues like covert recovery funds. The new budget row is he single in brussels as poland and hungary refuse to agree to the spending commitments the European Commission is running out of patience sign the agreement or take it to court says e. U. Commission president on the line but if someone does have legal doubts there is a very clear path they can go to the European Court of justice this is simply where we usually trash our differences of opinion regarding legal tests. And not at the expense of millions of europeans who are just prickly waiting for our help because we are midst of a deep deep crisis the reason for the delay is rooted in an 8 year report published back in september that slammed poland and hungary for breaches of the rule of law and democratic standards this affects the budget because of the wording in the agreement in which brussels could withhold funding for nations not playing by e. U. Rules warsaw and budapest accuse the you of allowing the majority to dictate terms to the rest and warn of the future of the union due to brussels as policies. This is extremely dangerous for europes cohesion its a bad solution that threatens the break up of your of the European Union in the future. Of awful one of the debates the e. U. Was not about establishing the rule of law it was about establishing the rule of the majority. Angela merkel the chancellor of germany which also holds the rotating presidency of the e. U. Has told the 2 budget holdouts that by doing so they are further failing to comply with you rule of law on 15 high that we stand today at a point where unfortunately we cannot avoid it because congress and poor and still have reservations over the socalled conditional masochism in that it is also a question of compliance with the principles of the rule of law in the context of field financial expenditures when you are more condemnation has come from any pay and for the Prime Minister of belgium. Think the liberal pressure from polling the hunger games with their Company Budget think again they dont stop until the whole European Union plays by their rules they sleeves the book just which includes vital covert recovery phones stuck between a rock and a hard place with the dutch going as far as to ask whether it can be pushed through without the consent of poland and hungary the netherlands along with the rest of the socalled froogle for denmark sweden and austria also refuse to budge saying the rule of law is not up for negotiation but warsaw a budapest say theyre not going to bow down to brussels on this issue which has the potential to drive a huge wedge between them the states the sentiments of the hungary and polish governments a very different and they basically saying is that were not prepared for example to accept the trans rights that are very sort of widespread in the western europe. And acting with the European Union oligarchies worried about is that a lot of people in their own countries also think like you do with that this hunger and polish government saying and they would anybody here is governments getting away with and speaking in these terms then opposition to these. Cultural values will also rise and become more powerful in countries like france or in poland and germany. Think such a thing as a international this thursday a 1000 from me for today but jacqueline vica will be with you in 30 minutes with the latest headlines. What weve got. To do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Very Dramatic Development the only posts really. I dont see how it will be successful. To sit down and talk. When things become more extreme in which each to play when this is breaking norms not rests solely in a good way. As the. Right is an edge of the reality of. Hi im max keiser this is the kaiser report what happens when People Lose Trust in the face of money in the Central Banks to know that so were going to find out states right well i know our audience has been protected for years from what is coming and what is happening now weve been warning you about the collapse of the few system and of course it is youre right and weve been telling you because gold silver all that stuff here we see some headlines about this you know of course over the past week we saw a big plane hit a new all time high back up to it didnt die like all the media had said and in fact we had Paul Tudor Jones and we had stan truckin miller then we had micro strategy then we had in our. Black rock lows a big people get into the space and then guggenheim also said now that theyre starting to buy big client so turkey has no cure for a gold craze that leaves the lira vulnerable turkey is trying to stabilize their currency which has been plunging over the past few years and part of the problem is that while Foreign Investors are piling in and driving up that layer higher than had fallen domestic savers businesspeople and stuff like that theyre piling into gold because theyre very familiar with gold they have a 3000 strong history year history with gold so that is kind of destabilized saying their local currency right well this is the game that Central Banks play with fear money and the gold market so the demand for gold is always there to some degree

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