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Eightyearold veteran Yaroslav Gunko , presented as a veteran of the Second World War and a fighter for the independence of ukraine certainly. He can be conditionally considered a veteran, although he fought on the other side. Here he is in ss Training Camps of course, surrounded by nazi symbols of the reich eagles and other symbols, his fight for ukrainian independence included the destruction of everything polish and the mass murder of jews for the west even after world war ii. It was not. We know the problem immediately after the war, the surviving ukrainian ss men who entered the territory controlled by British American troops received the procedure. We will call it extraction in great britain, where they calmly shared the experience of their struggle with soviet russia under the auspices of western intelligence services. All of them were able to escape from justice and eventually settled in small canadian towns. Here we must be honest to admit that the west acted in this way with every nazi henchman who was ready to continue the war against the soviet union, the main thing here is the reaction of zelen. The grandson of the soviet commander, a relative of the victims of the holocaust, raised his fist as a greeting, and standing applauded the fascist gunko who fought against his grandfather zelensky who fought in the red army. They are no less surprised by the reaction to what happened in trudeau. He was a scandalmonger in parliament , a lover of multicolored socks, which he also clapped for the ninetyeightyearold fascist, and decided to get away with it. Yes, you have already publicly apologized to canadians and are now pretending to love the nazis. He does not share, they say. I didnt even know anything, but the speaker and indeed the speaker of the parliaments of canada, anthony roth, is to blame, who tried to take the blame upon himself by making a public apology for unauthorized behavior like him bunko expressed himself as an invitation, but then , unexpectedly for the labor speaker, the Company Posted a post on social networks to his granddaughter. We read the sixth gunko together; his grandfather is waiting for trudeau and zelensky in the Reception Room. Well, that is, it turned out that before the parliament there was a separate meeting with gunko and everyone knew everything about him and applauded his grandfather with a full understanding of the situation. Today here in the hall there is a ukrainian Canadian Veteran who fought in the Second World War, who fought for the independence of ukraine against the russians, and today he continues to support the soldiers, despite his age, and he is 98 years old. His name is yaroslav gunka, he is a ukrainian heroic hero, and we thank him for his service. Thanks to zelensky, who really fought with gunkalike fascists, the leftovers went to the canadian government, a slightly different continuity of generations. For example, the deputy laborer has a freelancer who also applauds, of course, a ninetyeightyearold ss man behind his bosss back. Ill come, grandfather. Mikhailo the hamster, also worked for the nazis in the city of krakow. In general, shackled alone, what called the goal before the scandals, the parliament shouted so much that putin should not win, that canada will support ukraine exactly as long as it takes until it completely wins over moscow, after which the canadian government actually blessed zelensky to become a dictator. Many ukrainians are abroad, and the society, you wont believe it, will not approve of spending funds on any purpose other than the military, as zelensky explained. Why hold elections during martial law in ukraine it is not obvious to everyone that in the event of elections zelensky is his tent of power. Its unlikely to hold on. This means that the west will be able to induce more convenient people to change the current course, including for detente with the kremlin. Moreover, your post directly writes that western representatives are demanding that ukraine hold elections despite the war, especially a tough position regarding elections in ukraine has been occupied by the republicans, who are generally opposed to preserving the current ukraine american relations, but in canada zelensky clearly has a different attitude right at the ramp zelensky rubbed him in the back for a long time and shook him the hand of trudeau, who was recently divorced and adores, as it turned out, not only fascists, but also homosexuals. Following zelenskys visit, canada announced another package of military assistance. Over the next three years, kiev plans to transfer 50 Armored Vehicles worth 482 million. The ctv Agency Reports that equipment is among the planned deliveries. Are there leopard 2 tanks . In addition , the canadian government will send its instructors to train the f16 in full operation. After a controversial reception in washington, ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky came to canada where he was warmly received, you little fucking idiot. Zelensky get out of here zelensky you have been with us since the first days of the war 19 months after the start of the war ukraine has launched a fullscale counteroffensive against russia as it advances zelensky is trying to find longterm support. I am announcing 650 million in military aid to ukraine over the next three years. Stop this fucking war , there is no totalitarianism. And here zelensky go home. Since this is his first visit to canada since the beginning of the war. The ecumenical addressed parliament and thanked canada for its support and equipment and helped save us thousands and thousands of lives, he expects from canada not only with help, but also the diplomatic conclusion of a peace treaty and in keeping russia zelenskys speech received dozens of applause decisionmaking is often a choice when 51 percent are in favor and 49 percent against is a choice between various shades of gray, but sometimes a leader must choose between black and white when the moral side of the issue is clear, leaders democratic world may hesitate before they understand what is absolutely before them. It is clear that the situation is a choice between what is right and what is wrong. The russian invasion of ukraine is exactly the case; this is todays struggle between light and darkness. Hundreds of supporters packed the fort york armory and loudly cheered for the ukrainian president , who ends his tour with a special speech for those associated with his country. Thank you all for your activity, thanks to you everyone feels the atmosphere of ukraine, the atmosphere of glory to ukraine traitor. We will no longer be puppets. You wont shut us up. We choose freedom. You spent all your money on this one. How many people are starving here . This is a matter of fighting for a just cause. Canadians know that it is difficult for ukraine to resist russian aggression. And lets be honest. This is also difficult for democracies around the world, which are trying to support their citizens and invest in their future when faced with economic problems and cannot increase support. How did you do it . Canada because nine billion dollars compared to the price we have to pay. If putin wins , we must resist every single day until ukraine wins this war. Im here in Parliament House with president zelensky. The russian invasion of ukraine began 18 months ago and canada has been with ukraine from the very beginning, providing military, humanitarian and financial assistance, and maintaining sanctions against those responsible for this war. Here i bought it, we feel your support coming from the heart. And we are grateful for it, the important thing is that there are no barriers between us. Vladimir canada will always be your partner, and canadians are friends. Glory to ukraine is the first word. The president works hard for his country, adapts to the situation and understands that both the public and political leaders in canada and the United States must be spoken to in a language they will understand, he must appeal to them and warn them not to abandon ukraine here. In canada zelensky is supported by all parties, and we saw this because of how he was received. And what did they tell him, but in the us in the republican the party has problems on this issue. How concerned is this, given that the us is the largest aid provider . I think you need to think about this on a time scale. Putin perceives this this way. In the short term, zelensky received support in the United States and canada and other allies. You also need to look at the long term. Putin wants another winter of suffering. Putin wants the fans democratic partners to quarrel. The next 23 years, so i think zelensky is doing Everything Possible, to provide aid to his country now, but he warns us that there must be more than just the short term. This is not going to end anytime soon and he is trying to give us energy for the fight ahead. Lavrov called zelenskys measure formula unrealizable and said that since the west wants to resolve this issue by military means, then russia is ready. In general, the bets are placed, while the americans no longer even hide their satisfaction from what is happening to the senator. Russophobe considers the ukrainian conflict a good investment. This is a direct quote they say ukraine is a partner that americans can only dream of, they dont need it. Our soldiers, they only need money and our weapons, and they are ready to die for the United States instead of the United States and fight with russia, while according to graham , not a single american soldier has died yet. Well, at the end of the state Russian Museum he directly said that ukraines Security Matters to us and the United States, but only as anti russia, is not alone in this. The opposition has already been supported by another us senator, markeller, on the air of the face of the Nation Program , he said that american taxpayers needed in finance. Do not directly fight with russia, according to the senator, if help is available right now, then in 2 years washington itself may find itself in a situation of direct conflict with moscow, in general, ordinary ukrainians. Maybe everything would have been finished already, but the owners overseas are very happy with everything that is happening. Zelensky still threw out a small batch of longrange american biden missiles, nbc reports. True , this has not yet been officially announced. So its unclear. How many missiles will there be and when . Will they be placed and will they be placed, in principle, against the backdrop of the infinity of law . Modern, longerrange missiles to help it in its ongoing counteroffensive against russia according to us media reports , they quote officials familiar with the matter as saying that ukraine will receive longerrange missiles, similar to the ones we see here with a range of up to 300 km. This will allow kiev to hit targets deep behind the front lines, and the United States and ukraine have not yet officially confirmed these reports. Height the United States has repeatedly asked for them from the United States. Army Tactical Strike Missile Systems , abbreviated as attacks with these missiles, can be equipped with a 200kilogram fragmentation warhead and have a maximum range of 300 km. Which would allow ukrainian troops to hit targets further into russianheld territories of ukraine including crimea. In september, u. S. Officials said they would send a small number of missiles to attack from ukraine in the coming weeks. After discussing the risks of rising tensions with russia and concerns about small until now, we have supplied ukraine with internal missile reserves from our landfill as opposed to the highend missile leading strike system. Land of army bullet artillery. Will it allow them to be more mobile, spread out, hide in the area and create a kind of uncertainty for the enemy as to where the attack system will come from , such as this one that is being used here . Here she is captured in flight specifically. This can cover a total area of ​​about 300 km. If you run it from somewhere from here, it can cover. This is the area. They can use them the same way as storm shadow has a range of 400 km. This air launch system is compatible with the su24 fighter, and it can hit protected targets if they engage attacks with a range of 300 km. This is a ground launch system. It was originally used against infantry and lighter targets, but it can also deal with some of the more protected targets, such as armored ones. So this is a very important thing, storm shadow has only capabilities, and the attacks are different and they complement each other , the president informed president zelensky that the United States plans to deliver a small number of attacks, however , officials. They warn that it is not yet clear. How many attacks does the us plan to deliver and when exactly will they be delivered or even when it will be officially announced, but officials said what . I made it clear to zelensky that this would definitely happen at some point, my colleague spoke with officials from the pentagon and they said that there were concerns about this reserves for attacks in the usa, they also said that the use of attacks is still in places, how crimea can provoke putin and at the moment. They found a small number of missiles that the United States plans to allocate to ukraine. Why werent they provided earlier . Everyone thought they had to give everything they had as quickly as they could from a point of view. The us has three problems. One of them is ballistic missiles, and they can be used over long distances if they are used to strike russian territory there is a huge risk of escalation, which the United States does not want, they needed guarantees from zelensky that they would not be used in this way, the second problem. They have small stocks of missiles that are expensive, and they are very high tech weapons this year. The us ordered another 1,700 units. There may be some flexibility here. Well, the last one with technology , if you send a weapon to ukraine, there is a risk that it will end up on the black market, and from there it could fall into the hands of russia, despite ukraines request, the United States has so far hesitated to send an attack. We had concerns about about escalation with the russians. There are concerns that the ukrainians could use longrange attacks to target inside russia. Officials have also expressed concerns about domestic supplies. Attacks in the us really have to balance their own National Security with the needs of ukraine and europe as a whole. At the same time, not everyone in the United States is ready for a direct war with russia. 11 us president ial candidates ran for sanctions against ukraines admission to the north atlantic alliance. Well, that is, the admission of ukraine to nato scare the americans and this is easily explained, after all, in fact. It is guaranteed to lead to the advent of a war between the United States and russia with proxies, but not to fullfledged status, in which such nonukrainians will have to die. In the pit itself, the Washington Post writes that by playing on the idea that the United States will have to choose between solving problems within the country and fighting putin, republicans are preparing the ground for abandoning the ukrainians, the most inappropriate moment for ukrainians about that divisions within the United States are intensifying are clearly demonstrated a trip from zelensky to the states which did not help. Restore all in general support for kiev. Even more likely, on the contrary, the antiukrainian movements and the process of asking for help from kiev have accelerated for a long time. Here i am as a request, as a demand, as a threat, as an ultimatum, but such an impudent manner played perfectly into the hands of the republicans, who now portray themselves as indignant americans. Even the first lady began to understand this, ukraine alena zelenskaya suddenly admitted that western partners, they turn out to be tired of ukraine and its showing through. Its like alena said not only in western Media Publications but also in the actions of americans. And here is a new sensation from the americans, it turns out that zelenskys Security Guard was beaten up. The fight took place on september 21, but it became known only now, as reported by usate today, a Security Officer who accompanied the ukrainian delegation led by zelensky during his trip to new york staged a brawl in in an ordinary bar, a man entered the cambrille bar, which is located not far from his office, and began to demand that all visitors scream. Glory to ukraine in one chorus, when they refused, he got into a fight. As a result , the guard received heavy blows and was knocked out. In general, probably, what kind of president are he and his guards, but the americans were given dope from ukrainian raguli. Lets praise. The main thing now is that they are not accused of having connections with moscow. A member of the ukrainian delegation started a drunken brawl in new york. The incident occurred on september 21 at the campbells bar, this bar is located close to the un hunt in new york. Security officer as part of the ukrainian delegation that arrived in the United States to escort Vladimir Zelensky forced bar visitors to shout glory to ukraine. After the refusal , the ukrainian attacked the bartender who was trying to resolve the conflict. Eyewitnesses report that the man was drunk and aggressive. A fight broke out, as a result of which a member of the ukrainian delegation was injured. Police arrested all participants in the bar fight the pentagon decided on a new round of escalation in ukraine the United States began to provide assistance to a wounded american mercenary who is participating in hostilities in ukraine, thereby entering a new phase of involvement in the russianukrainian conflict is written about in the newspaper. New york time creation adds that most of the previously over american mercenaries. After all, they were simply mercenaries who relied solely on themselves and the help of ukrainians in the hospital. Now the pentagon intervened and offered all mercenaries the same assistance as it offered to American Military personnel. Officially in the service of another point of tension, the United States and nato are preparing in europe, the head of the European Committee for nato development, gendersongar, called for the immediate preparation of tools against serbia and start bombing belgrade right now. Im not joking , but in kosovo there could really be a serious fire on sunday night. There, a shootout between Police Officers and a group of armed men had already broken out, according to serbian president vucic, as a result of which 3 were killed. Serbian vucic made an appeal to the nation, saying that serbia will never recognize kosovo as a separate state at this moment in time, the situation continues to worsen. But the quarrel between kiev and warsaw and the ukrainians are actively trying to according to the ukrainian media, zelensky secretly tried to organize a meeting, negotiations with the leadership of poland on the way back and north america, but the president and Prime Minister ignored the banks offer, while zelensky himself diligently pretends that there is no conflict between kiev and warsaw. No, however, this is not at all the case; she has found ukraines pain point and will now put pressure on it until upor achieves all its goals or until washington intervenes in the matter. And so far, warsaw itself seems to be silent in washington already openly mocking. Muravetsky once again set an example for zelensky, who never insulted him again. Polyakov how he did it during his speech, look. Let me remind you that zelensky accused polyakov of being friends with moscow. And they, of course, were even more offended by marcin, pshidach. The head of the office of the president of poland, remembering international politics, further stated that in light of zelenskys latest statements, ukraine should actively seek new allies. You and i , of course, shouldnt delude ourselves, but still kievs diplomatic failure looks damn nice, because it may not lead to the most pleasant consequences for our enemies. This is the last comment from the Prime Minister of poland in response to criticism from Vladimir Zelensky, listen, we all know that there is a war in ukraine for the security of all of europe, so realizing this, we are helping ukraine by sending them weapons. Well first of all. We need to arm ourselves. We also know that the victim has special weapons hans here edits to the ukrainian people and are now addressing their words from mr. President so that he no longer insults our country and our people from the rostrum. I presented an ultimatum to the un to the european commission. Extend the ban on the import of goods from ukraine, and if you do not do this, the polish government itself will take measures to protect polish farmers. And i also want to say that if the European Union also continues to undermine the situation, destabilizing the lower situation on the market and does not take the necessary actions, then we will be forced to take unilateral actions. Sixth Largest Military donor assistance to ukraine, poland transferred tons of heavy weapons, including hundreds of tanks and now , as the Prime Minister hinted, and there is nothing more to give, two things are behind the latest statement, firstly, the escalating dispute over grains, in which russia has set its sights on the sea routes for the export of ukrainian Agricultural Products. Ukraine was forced. Finding other routes through the European Union , farmers in Eastern Europe began to protest against these cheap imports, leading to bans in some countries, including more the second factor fueling the political rhetoric is the general elections in poland which will take place next month, the ruling party law and justice counts farmers among its main voters france sided with ukraine and called this step unjustified, and the president of the European Council charles says, that the full support of the European Union for ukraine remains unchanged. The European Union intends to support ukraine as long as necessary. Ukraine crime scene . There is an extremely criminal it is important to make sure that no one gets away unpunished. Murawiecki, i believe that Prime Minister marawiecki deliberately expressed himself so harshly. On october 15, parliamentary elections will be held in poland , the ruling party of law and justice is under pressure from the right of the country, a nationalist party that criticizes ukraine. I think that marawiecki made such a statement in order to get votes from supporters this party, because the government has a lot at stake to maintain its majority. So, i believe that these statements it is necessary to consider precisely against the backdrop of the Election Campaign. What the polish government is doing now is essentially putting very petty political interests above the security interests of poland itself, the ukrainians. In fact, they protect polish security. Look at putins maps of the russian empire, where krakow and warsaw are part of the russian ukrainians. Now they really are helping the poles and its a shame to see how the government is a party that is not inherently liberal. In fact, they resort to similar tricks. And call for help the president denied the comments of his Prime Minister, however, he still dealt another blow to president zelensky in the back. Having told him never to insult the poles again, one should remember that first there are wars. Poland supports ukraine in every possible way, but, unfortunately, exports cannot be realized, but we have opened our doors to them for the transit of ukrainian grain. But as you know, today there is a certain misunderstanding between our countries, which in turn is dishonest towards us. However, instead of gratitude. We are facing a series attacks are our address to demands that ukrainian grain flood our domestic market and despite everything. Several times i understood the situation in which ukraine finds itself today and we are trying to support the industrial agriculture of ukraine, but i think that the easiest way is to sell the same grain on the first market, that is, in poland. However, we cannot afford this step. When we help ukraine and countries in need of this grain, we first of all take into account our national interests. Could this split lead to poland refusing to help ukraine or a rare and isolated manifestation of the rift between kiev and some of its european allies. I think this is rather a rare manifestation, as we know, politics is present in everything. The poles have elections soon, and farmers are an important electorate. Because they are everywhere so that on the part of the polish government, indeed. There is a real intention to protect their farmers ; there has been a break in relations that were one of the strongest since the war began in ukraine. Only why has all this now reached the level of the ukrainian president . Why does he hate poland, it is not a friendly country, he left before the speech of the polish president and did not want to organize a meeting with him that would settle this and prove it. In the kremlin , who opens champagne on this occasion, they are wrong. However, this does not help that the split can be healed, but not without a trace on the image of the unbreakable unity of the alliance on the issue of supporting ukraine, what will please moscow is the main western sensation, the finnish media published rare, as they say in the video with putin. It happened at the very beginning of the 1990s, when the future president of russia was still working in the team of the mayor of st. Petersburg, anatoly sobchak. The mayor of st. Petersburg also appears on the filming, naturally, appears together. They are relaxing at the dacha. Somewhere in finland they are playing ping pong, darts, fishing, and having lunch on the terrace in the footage of putin wearing an adidas tracksuit, finnish propagandists write about putins cheap jacket. And how expensive it must be, or something, and at the same time they regret those times, well, they really have regrets what it was about time, when russia was weak, it was easy to respond to any external proposals. Now finn can only be sad; the presentation of the material is also impressive. Ill quote it on the video. It is noticeable how putin, known for his restraint , loses his selfcontrol several times in the heat of a game of pingpong. He even laughs , end of quote putin laughs, but the truth is a sensation, that is, putin, in his understanding, should not laugh at the finns. And in general, apparently, he has never laughed in his life. Well, that is, the analytics are very serious, another excellent message, which she can see, the building is noticed further , also a direct quote; archival footage shows how putin spent his free time in a villa in southern finland during the collapse. The ussr is also the end of the quote about phineas getting confused in the chronology. I wont talk. The union collapsed later, and these shots emanate, good old, rather nostalgia. Naturally, putin had nothing to do with the collapse of the ussr. Moreover, putin had nothing to do with it. He more than once called the collapse of the soviet union the main geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. Thats probably why the western media are so worried, look. Ironing, no, they are still making clothes here, but his mood does not improve when he sits down at the dinner table with festive food, this image does not correspond to the political image that putin has systematically created for himself over several years. The video shows how putin is known for his with restraint , putin sometimes loses his composure and even laughs. The most amazing thing is that putin smiles and looks like a person, and not like a monstrous figure, as luke harding now says decardin, a specialist on russia for the british newspaper, to whom spruce showed excerpts from the video. This video shows excerpts from two pingpong matches. Anatoly sobchak, known as the mayor of st. Petersburg, plays on a team with putin and his opponents in the game are two bodyguards. The video was filmed at the executive villa of tamesta group, which did business in russia. The scene is the island of everything, located in scum and pores. In the south coast of finland, the Finnish Company tome 100 imported untreated wood from russia therefore connections with the leaders of her eastern neighbor were vital to her the visit takes place in chaotic times the soviet union collapsed in 591 and its successor russia painfully moved from communism to capitalism what does it mean according to a finnish businessman present there, catching a catch, scum, was also important, although putin i havent yet created an image for myself by posing with a beautiful catch of fish. As he did later as president , they found it difficult to fish. They tried to catch a trap, but they had nets to catch the fish, show what you caught. Just like that so this is it, this is what i understand, but where is the fish . Here they cut her, shes alive. Wow. Is this the big one or is this the biggest one or the second person who was there tells. How exactly was putins personality different from others . You couldnt get close to putin to drink a little alcohol and talk about women and life, even so he was very strict about alcohol and did not smoke, the man recalls, however, the video shows a unique moment growing up in the soviet empire. He starts joking about the market economy when in front of his boss theres a big piece of meat lying next to the dog, thats what it eats. Yes, the capitalists ate all the meat, and left the mayor with only bones. The video shows that wine and beer were placed in front of putin during the meal. And while others seemed to be drinking. Only wine later, when putin became president , he was often seen clinking glasses, but almost never seen eating. According to the british journalist harding, and in this regard, the home video of the may Day Celebration is exceptional. Which putin is shown here . Is putin a democrat or does putin play some role . How did he do it in other periods of his career asks hardin in the 1990s, putin often visited finland especially as a guest of the sister city of st. Petersburg turku later putin ended up in moscow and became the head of intelligence of the fsb or the former kgb this opened the way for the kremlin to become the leader of the country even in the early nineties, western adidas tracksuits suited a kgb spy, but western values, no. Now the United States is in a fever before the upcoming president ial elections, one of the reasons for this is the strange President Biden. Also goes for them and many are naturally dissatisfied with this fact, just like 36 years ago, the new york issue of september 23, 1987 appeared on the internet with the headline buybybiden. The article was devoted to bidens withdrawal of his candidacy from the election race due to the facts, as written plagiarism supreme impudence biden prescribed himself the authorship of speeches of famous politicians, in particular the leader of british labor, as well as the kennedy brothers john robert, now the situation is joe even worse, maybe he and does not steal ideas, but political improvisation baydan is definitely not the best choice, and the scandal with rigged voting is worse than a quote. Without indicating biden himself. They have already begun, if i may say so, to send during the speech of us president jubaiden. Those present began chanting one wellknown phrase to hell with the canoe. This is if you try to politely translate the phrase facts. As a result, when he heard greetings from the americans, where joe hovered , demonstrating some kind of innocent childish confusion, bidens disApproval Rating actually became the highest of all time his presidency according to nbc. News it rose to 56 . While bidens Approval Rating among registered voters is 41 . More than 74 said they have serious or moderate concerns that biden 80 does not have the necessary physical or Mental Health to run for a second term as president. I remember when i was young, we have something in common i was elected to the senate at the age of 29, the only difference is that he could take office immediately. And i had to wait 17 days. It was 827 years ago back. A message from your president of the United States, joey biden, this was his annual address to the hispanic caucus in congress, but apparently biden. I thought that i was performing in front of black people for melismen. I know this is just an innocent mistake, look. My father told me and i say, this is absolutely serious. He said that i should be treated with dignity and respect. Black congressmen embody all of these values. Okay, a little confused, to tell the truth, he was confused all week shortterm memory loss becomes a real problem of this problem for the country and for the world during the meeting of sponsors. He told the same story twice within a few minutes of each other, he also left an event with the participation of the president of brazil and forgot to hand him over and say goodbye. And the panshimi life hacker, apparently biden , completely forgot that the president of brazil is there; its quite difficult to believe that this man wants to carry out the most difficult and most responsible work on earth for another 4 years. Taigan you can hear me perfectly. Superman in order not to deceive you mr. President. Voters give biden a poor rating on economic issues, inflation and age greatly worry the American People. Politico writes about the president ; after briefly praising his economics, the president spoke about a second term. He spoke about the events that happened in 2017 in charlotteville that prompted him to announce his candidacy minutes later. He told the same story almost again in a word that is very vivid example and it will be difficult for the democrats to be killed at home ; what is troubling is that the president is again , by the way, telling the same story twice in the same place, and at the same event. We, too, sometimes from this rostrum will tell you the same thing several times, but it is important to note that the president spoke at the meeting with campaign sponsors from the bottom of his heart. He talked about why he decided to do this for him. Its always an incredibly emotional moment. He told this of his own free will. Decision on participating in elections in the house is easy. It was not easy for him to join the president ial race, but as a senator and Vice President , he saw what was happening in our country under the previous president , the events in charlotteville. I mean that i told the same thing twice, i didnt talk about it with the president. Trump would defeat President Biden by 10 if the election were held today another hardhitting for biden, poll says 64 of voters disapprove of his economic policies not very good numbers not so terrible for joe biden. I think he has two main problems that could get worse. The first is his age, the second is that inflation cannot be avoided, but every survey shows that the vast majority of people, 3 out of four, two out of three. What simply did not arise, everyone believes that he is too old to be president and this situation cannot be improved, created by the ability and the process is irreversible, there is no miraculous way to return your memory. It doesnt work that way. And this problem will only get worse one thing when you see these signs of a possible decline in the mental abilities of people close to you or your patients. And you begin to take into account the fact that they are not able to make a certain decision, you begin to care about their safety. You lower your demands on them and relieve them of some responsibilities. But we, not the whole world witnessed this, and by doing this we are doing a disservice not only to joe biden, but also to our country by not seriously raising the topic of what is happening with joe biden. Now lets go to the front, defeated western technique. Look, it has turned into a kind of infernal decoration, zaporozhye is footage from a parttime worker. This is already a tick attack of the ukrainian nazis on the village continues, the enemy is suffering colossal losses, but is still trying to take control of the settlement in the orekhovsk direction , our tourists brought the bradley infantry fighting vehicle also into the footage of two destroyed leopards. Moreover, one of the german tanks was destroyed along with the german one, as reported by the crew of the bundessaur soldiers. Ria reported this news according to this agency, the car was shot down by russian scouts, the commander of a Reconnaissance Group with the call sign legend said that one of the tankers shouted tires at them. That is, dont shoot himself reported that he is not a mercenary, but a cadre military buddha sphere and his entire crew from one company. This is how the German Military ended up in ukraine, it is not yet specified , probably in exactly the same ways as the sarah ashtoncherilla scandal, which does not subside in an interview with the state department, this time the dump voice of america, the former talking head blood trans. Sarah said that even during their base in mariupol, the militants of the nationalist azov regiment had connections with lgbt movements, so that this does not mean cherillo also explained that in ukraine lgbt people are widely represented in the units. And to be honest, we can guess that everything has been said. This is a kind of stab in the back by the ukrainian patriot. We wondered what the tranny from America Sarah forgot in ukraine and in his homeland in the usa, who is this clown . Why does an american perform in as a representative of the armed forces of ukraine, and who is now perplexed for this damn dress by the fox news presenters, greathl, the fox presenter called sarah herself or the ideal personification of this war, which is the absolute truth . With the question who the hell is this . Take this one. Why is a us citizen acting as an official representative of a Foreign Government and why does he or she or it keep appearing on the internet and saying crazy things who sarah thinks she is joybie hart so vance wants to know what we want to know who is this clown . Why does the american act as representative of the armed forces of ukraine, and who pays for all this. And why it brings back memories of the cook in the eighth grade. Now, when i hear the words potato, balls, i immediately cover the park. This madman answered the senators questions with another strange video, while in ukraine we are boris for Global Freedom and the ideology of victory in moscow and around the world, too many are still fixated on hackneyed stereotypes and gender chaos. Sorry buddy, but this is a statement about gender chaos. Could be taken seriously if it had been done by someone other than a guy named sarah and how can ukraine not win if such a person helps it in the 250 years of the existence of the us army , you are the first representative of it to adjust something in his pants before, what to wear, well, my respect for stealing the hairstyle. Jen has dogs. Well, how did sarah manage to advance so far in the army in our army. This miracle has the rank of junior sergeant. Which means that someone promoted him, apparently being a minority opens all doors and not just to the womens locker room. But maybe the tsar has something to unequivocally state in conclusion in conclusion i unequivocally declare that i will answer only to three groups of people, my ukrainian command , the ukrainian people and the american taxpayers, well, it seems that he forgot the saleswoman for the cosmetics business at macys, who is supposed to hide his stubble. He said he would answer to american taxpayers. Great as american taxpayers. I demand answers. Are you suffering from fungal infections or is it itching . And anyway, what the hell is there . Is happening. They are fighting. And i should be aware, because thats where my money goes, but they seriously didnt know that this charming girl goes on the internet and talks all sorts of nonsense. And you name it doesnt matter if the head of boxing news wouldnt know what else is working for them, but this is how everything happens under our administration. Nobody knows what the hell comes out of joes mouth, but remember sam princeton and Rachel Levine its not our administration thats coming to life, a turkish theater production, maybe sarah really is perfect the personification of this conflict consumes huge sums of money, relies on rhetoric rather than reality, and at the same time makes pretentious speeches about freedom. But if you look closely, you wont like what you see. The Ukrainian Air force has just been told. Why is Ukrainian Air defense unable to shoot down russian onyx missiles, which the day before struck military and industrial facilities, including a hotel where Foreign Military mercenaries were located in the city of odessa so the speaker of the armed forces of ukraine ignat reports that onyx rockets will first fly at an altitude of more than 10 km, and then they will be released very low to the water and fly. At the same time, at supersonic speed, Ukrainian Air defense makes the conclusion ignat without help. Lets go to the front in direct communication with military correspondent evgeniy lets start with kherson since there is a lot of speculation and innuendo on this score, the armed forces of ukraine have transferred a huge amount of their reserves, human and military equipment in this direction, including the understanding that getting ready. Can you confirm at all . Refute this information, what is there now . Yes, hello, there is such information, but apparently the kiev regime plans to get to the peninsula through the dnieper, according to the data we have from military officers, they also involved our comrades in this operation and the command of the marine corps of the Ukrainian Navy has been deployed to the direction today 6. 5 thousand personnel, more than 45 tanks and more than 200 armored ones. Uh, cars. There are also artillery installations. Yes , the enemy is really preparing, uh, for offensive events. But as you and i now, i listened and became convinced that our missiles are timely and their mood is humiliating and lowering, so we know their movements, where they are stationed, and the guys from there are transmitting our russian people who are there and our missiles arrive in a timely manner. Dislocations. The enemy has a fairly serious chance that they will attack crimea, but again we understand that crimea has a very serious defense. There are all the necessary reconnaissance complexes before reconnaissance, as well as air defense olga is happening now in the artyomovsk direction, who controls the longsuffering tick again the message that it came to the ssu, you can confirm and refute. I really hope to refute it. Look, mite beetle is a completely gray area. That is, there is no point at all for the enemy or for us to be in the tick worm itself. There are no shelters, nothing, only pods sticking out, and from the houses that remain now the line of defense, like last week, it is coming. Uh, along the railway road to isushniki theyre trying small groups, and armor and vehicles and tanks. Push through this embankment, which is the main bridgehead, but it doesnt work out for them, the main key high heights from the north will collapse. They are on our side, so we carefully monitor all this , we find it, we identify it, we strike it, that is, they go out to this populated area to take photographs so that the propagandists of ukraine can show that their tick worm is a completely gray area. It belongs neither to ukraine nor to us and there is no point in it now. No. She is located in the lowlands, the key dominant heights. The army of the Russian Federation also always makes a reservation; its alarming and surprising when your enemies begin to praise you, but nevertheless, serious knowledge is sharp. The journal wrote a large analytical material, the main message of which is that the russian army has stopped making previous mistakes and will no longer make them. The key conclusion is that the ukrainians failed to cut the land corridor to crimea. What kind of mistakes are they and what do they mean when they say that they have us a new tactic that will allow us to destroy the Ukrainian Army. Well , due to the fact that i, as a resident of the lugansk peoples republic, and was a separatist, the movement of the fourteenth year, that is, the war. Now we have switched to, uh, drone mode, this is the main uh mechanism that now allows us to conduct reconnaissance and hit the enemy. If at the beginning of the special war operations there was very little use of, uh, unmanned aerial vehicles, now we are not using combat tactics without reconnaissance on a drone. That is, we first carefully examine the area and hit it with artillery. After this, the infantry begins to clear out the remaining remnants of the nazis. Therefore , ukraine is very worried about this, because this is all being done very carefully and systematically. In order to prevent the death of personnel of the army of the Russian Federation, this is very correct. And now there is no such thing, lets send the guys away. Eh, well take over everything now, the populated area. No, now everything is going very systematically and methodically. Valeria with support from the Russian Aerospace forces by barrel helicopters this is rocket artillery. All this is being pushed through in order to save the lives of our guys as much as possible, therefore, they are very worried about this because they also cannot effectively use their commikaze drones there and their artillery, which they have, but is supplied to nato endlessly and endlessly. Its us who are making it difficult for them now, and they believe that it was we who changed tactics, and we really changed it because we began to use these drones and kamikazes and reconnaissance as effectively as possible. At the front. Our guys. How are you . What are the plans and is there a feeling that the Ukrainian Army is khan, because directly about zelensky . Seemingly full consensus on the results of what he did and did in america, now Canada Poland is burying him, how the Ukrainian Army feels in this regard, well, the Ukrainian Army. Now it is in a very morally depressed state due to the fact that they have colossal losses along the entire front line. This ranges from kherson to the lugansk peoples republic. That is, everything there is littered with corpses. All the Armed Forces Command is not taking any measures to take their people, respectively, inside the country. Uh, mothers wives raise peculiar lets call it kipish this is so in order to understand at least a little what is happening, they dont understand, because there was no information on the dead soldiers yesterday. Eh, in the lysichansk direction, our fighters took prisoners into the group. Eh, and what do these prisoners say . Thank god that you pulled us out. Thank god that you gave us the opportunity to live, because they are the ones who will shoot us. And we have the opportunity to live now. Well, and accordingly, its already gone. No, well, in a good conversation, the guys told us where the positions are, what is where . Where did they come from . This is all, uh, they are taught externally, that is, they are driven to the Training Ground for a week. They were doing something there, they fired two rounds and immediately threw them at the meat assaults. And there at these meat assaults. So they must fulfill the task of moving forward like cannon fodder towards russian guns. Thats why these guys simply raised a flag and said, we want to surrender , so their mood is as depressing as possible, because they are not prepared, that is, they steal people from different towns and cities and immediately throw them to the front for meat, so now, of course, there is great discontent there, and no one can understand what is happening, not even the servicemen themselves. This is what i say, the private infantry is not in command. The ordinary infantry has no understanding at all of what is happening . Thank you. Zhenya is huge yevgeny lisitsyn, our military correspondent on direct line front line in relation to ukrainian president zelensky , only the lazy ones in the west did not write that he is becoming, among other things, the worst enemy of both himself and his Ukrainian Army. In particular, in ukraine , a nonprofessional who found himself in power and under such big money is the most responsible for the state of the country. Well, it was strangely ruined. Vladimir zelensky, actorturnedpresident and political newcomer may be his own worst enemy, hes risking the support of other World Leaders by making angry attacks on some of kievs biggest benefactors on the podium of the Un General Assembly , he lashed out at some european allies who are embroiled in a row over for the export of ukrainian grain, saying that they are playing lidarity in the political theater, but in reality are helping to pave the way for moscow, according to ukrainian political observers. Zelenskys mixture of anger and gratitude reflects his desire to demonstrate his strength to his domestic audience. His apparently offthecuff reactions carry an air of authenticity that has won him loyalty and respect, but they also irritate professional politicians. And diplomats from other countries who must address their own domestic audiences during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in in lithuania in july , zelensky published messages on social networks in which he reproached the fans allies for their unprecedented and absurd resistance. Ukraines candidacy for membership, according to people familiar with the events this harshness angered biden and his closest advisers almost prompted the administration to remove any mention of ukraines candidacy in the summit language the next day zelensky had to justify himself he called the summit a success for ukraine well, the Russian Armed forces continue absolutely work delicately. Why did the Russian Troops strike the Marine Terminal and hotels in odessa . There are no casualties or deaths. We are talking about the fact that the russian Army Destroys exclusively military infrastructure facilities, and ordinary civilians do not die either. It is known that in that same 19 storey beautiful hotel, as the ukrainians write, the mercenaries lived there at night and drank , first a wave of geraniums in order to assume that they would disorient and disable the air defense, and then those very clever people who even ignat admits this is the speaker of the Ukrainian Air force. Ukraine is not capable of shooting down, comrade general. Lets start from the stove. The first most important thing is probably when the senators. Civilians say that our main task is to be as Many Russians as possible, to defeat strategic russia , and with the wrong hands, allocating for this very little money, which concerns the United States of america. Well, you can, of course, argue that this is cynical, everything is inhumane there rest. Well, americans have always been like that. And when we talk about that tomorrow they will come from the publication, maybe something will change. I will say that i personally dont see any difference between democrats in relation to the Russian Federation. When my voters ask me, because the people of the outback they well , not much, maybe the democrats understand the publications. I say listen democrats are the storms closest relatives. But the republicans are filis closest relatives and those others are dead in the dark and the people. Its normal to understand that there have always been enemies who where are the democrats there will be crap one at a time, the republicans will crap , crap differently, but they will still crap. Well, this is the initial data for us to make a decision. After all, it doesnt matter what happens, not that not a single american soldier results in this conflict. They suffered the result, as if everyone was happy. So we need to make sure that they suffer. And there are opportunities for this, not necessarily on the territory of the Russian Federation, but around the world there are opportunities in the presence of an unlimited number of bases in the United States of america cause significant damage and greatly worry all americans, which is far from being hegemonic. You just have to make a decision. We are used to it, as long as nothing happens. Yes, and we need that end result. And this moment is the key second point, it is more moral and psychological, maybe the americans dont bother politically, as we say, we drink only for military purposes, namely, dont care. What targets will i hit and freeze, really. And, probably, we should approach the americans themselves with the same cynicism. It shouldnt matter to us who we hit, as long as there is damage. Here we are at war, if in a year we managed to increase the production of Defense Industrial complex products for our armed forces almost 10 times today, then over the next two years. We will multiply not only product output , but we will develop new weapons and adapt to this war and will instantly respond to the challenges that we have ; we will have a large Training Facility that will be able to work in any situation. Shes already in today condition, because even these enemies who write there should be, what the hell, it turned out that the russians know how to fight, they all said that we dont know how to do anything, really. Yes it was the same. And this situation is for them. This is a little bit from the evil one. Our task today, despite what the americans say today, we must do our job clearly and all these moments, and especially only what concerns direct conflict, depend solely on the strength of the state, the strength of the economy. Today, when we are all a society under the leadership of the president. Having united, we openly move towards our victory. Here we sat down on the defensive, there are all drones there, only five to ten are still fighting, but today we sat down, yes, these are forced measures on which we are going, what does that have to do with it . We set up well in defense, extremely effectively, because everyone admits it, they spit there, but we didnt know there, it turns out the russians set up the fields. Did they want something on foot from the enemy along the trolleybus line, or what . Guys, the hour is not far when we will go forward, these are real things, there is no escape from this, when we need to be prepared. The next moment, which is seriously this is the unity of the education of society itself. Literally the day before yesterday i flew from khabarovsk where, under the leadership of our far eastern press, they held a seminar talking about the main thing, or about what is important for adults, where the term was first heard, finally, since the times of the soviet union, sociopolitical work, and all the points were laid out , how to carry out this matter . Moreover, the people gathered from all over the far east were completely different, there were miners, there were machine builders, and, of course, business executives. And there the russian post is all when this was not there and i say some kind of gate. These were questions and answers. And where to go next . We need to educate young people. Today we need to educate everyone, because for 30 years, but so much of the collapse of the soviet union has been on the spit that today these echoes, unfortunately, are everywhere. Yes, today a colossal part is a colossal part of society. Shes for the president. She is one. Unfortunately, there is one who hesitates to eat and who is astray , it is better to eat an outright traitor with them , it is extremely clear how to fight, but this the initial data in order to move forward once again on the main points is strong, the state is strong, industry is strong. And also preferably reliable allies. And those, at least 100 sympathizers are walking nearby, everything will work out with this question, when today at the front its somewhere harder, somewhere more difficult, but lets see in the evening. Here are the real latest events that show. They tell me that the unix missile cant be caught there, he immediately starts thinking about an air defense breakthrough echelon. And once we tried to abandon our supersonic airplanes. Yes, it turns out that they are not intercepted when the ukrainian pvu speaks, but nato has nothing of ours left there. And these moments are key not only in order to fight with ukraine. No, this is just the segment that today is the future, so that no one has any thoughts of twitching in the future. And today today is what is happening at the front. This is probably the renaissance, that is, our soviet army in full force, precisely because of the huge battles that are taking place today and frankly , it is changing very much. But most importantly i want stop at the last one. We, when people were gathered in the far east. It was the speaker people. You know what theyre talking about, basically. Its not about the war there. Its not about the fact that there are losses somewhere. Unfortunately, no, they are talking about one thing. Andrey khasavyu wont be there. And this is what people care about most of all, that is , only the Unconditional Surrender of ukraine will satisfy the teapot of our people here, so that no one experiences any worries on the eve of the lavrov, in principle, speaking absolutely brilliantly at the general assembly. He eventually gave a press conference where he was forced to answer, among other things, idiotic , moronic questions. Uh, journalists in particular from cnn who spoke. What is russia doing here . Well, lets leave the husk aside. Im different. I wanted to say that foreign minister lavrov explained how official moscow treats the peace formula of ukrainian president zelensky, if in short we are not satisfied with such a world , then such a measure will not happen, because this is not peace. This is war, what zelensky proposes yes next , the key if the west demands that the question was decided by military means, which means in the direction of diplomacy. We will solve it by military means. We will achieve our goal, of course. Listen. We are once again guided by bare reality, it is such that zelensky and everyone who leads him in washington in london in brussels unanimously firmly say that there is no other basis for peace other than zelenskys formula, and zelenskys formula is, well, i dont even i know, you can describe it in different ways, but it is absolutely, and not realizable, its simply unrealizable and everyone knows it. Yes, but at the same time they say this the only basis for negotiations. And uh, in general, russia needs to be defeated on the battlefield. This is what we hear as facts and we draw conclusions that no one seriously wants to show understanding of what is happening. If , including those who understand, they probably dont really want to make it public a and b in these conditions once on the battlefield. So on the battlefield. Lets be back in a minute. Hiv is transmitted through blood through drug use, through unprotected sex i learn more, but from a speeder. 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Guys, we have 3 seconds of time, we can win or lose and together again for one goal, no one except the coach believed in what even our country could look like. Remember this historical moment. It was the best match of my life. Bison at 23 20, well, this is Lindsey Grahams very statement that its nice when russians die, its great that americans dont die and its great that ukrainians are fighting with russians and decided to die instead of us soldiers. Zelensky made arguments that with americas help they will win. And if we stop helping , they will lose, if putin gets away with what he is doing in ukraine he will continue to move further into europe and china will probably invade taiwan if you dont understand this, then you missed a lot of history lessons. I think he was convincing, but also modest at the same time. You know, the ukrainian people regained half of their territory in 18 months. At the same time, not a single american was killed. Nato expanded. It was a great investment for the American People. We fought a war for 20 years after the september terrorist attack. But this time we did not lose a single soldier ; one can only dream of such a partner; they are ready to fight. They just need our economic and military help they dont need our soldiers idea the idea that ukraine is unimportant makes no sense from the point of view of american National Security. Its just funny. If you think that china is not observing what is happening, you simply do not understand anything and putin will. Continue, if we defeat him in ukraine, we will only make the world a better place and everything that is needed for this. This is American Military aid, which is a small part of our defense budget. We will destroy the russian army without losing a single soldier. Please, why we love Lindsey Graham but he is because he is an honest american ghoul. Yes, completely honest, nice. Yes, and in politics it is extremely important that your statements, and bright statements and speeches ultimately result in results, and not just sometime later, when there is a lot of fun, all this will happen, but in the foreseeable future. This is important for your internal audience and important for the external audience, which must understand that, for example, you are fighting in a real way. Yes, they pretend results are important, so when we we analyze the results of zelenskys trip to the United States. Well, we proceed from the fact that the tour was not a success, because zelensky thought that they were paying for the performance, but they were paying for the results in an amazing way, because politics is not kvn or a comedy show; results are needed there. And exactly, thats why we see such a reaction from american republicans who directly demand an account. And where the money was spent so much, until you report back and show it, there will be no new results, at least in such serious cases scale. Smell. Yes, we can transfer a certain number of new missiles and test them thoroughly. So lets see how it will work, but serious support may not go any further. Uh, moreover, uh, the republic, the republicans, everything is clear with them. They have their own struggle with the democrats. Uh, but when cnn writes, uh, the trash heap of the democratic party, the main one of the main yes writes that zelensky would need to get new skills there in order to somehow interact more successfully with the american government. This is also very significant when biden begins to say at the meeting, you know, the American People are determined to do Everything Possible so that the world takes your side. what are you talking about, that even the canoe concedes that the world has not risen, the world is not convinced. Again, i take into account that by peace the americans mean themselves and their allies. They are someone else, yes, but there is a suspicion that when zelensky flew there, he largely understood how it would end in the states . I mean thats exactly why the second one was needed venue, canadian, well, where, of course, they gave him a standing ovation because they were there, where they had to mount the hall, then for zelenskys speech. Well, canadian history, also very revealing, and canadians will definitely support, but they will support not with billions, but millions will support their work with applause, they will definitely promote themselves on it, which has its own internal stories. Its very difficult now, but it is how it is. Uh, again in understandable zelensky language, we can say that, well, just like the United States of canada and then you can perform until new zealand. Excuse me, as soon as you are accepted somewhere in australia or new zealand, then it goes on and on. And how it will all end is absolutely obvious, and the fault is due to unprofessionalism. Multiplied by khutorskayas ambition, this one, yes, which unexpectedly pushes polands closest allies away from ukraine and forces poland to make the statements that it makes more today. Although it would seem that this is someone who should not be difficult to hug. But with poland, but zelensky doesnt understands. Well, yes, this is what is called, in nonparliamentary language, and gopishness and bullshit and a complete total lack of experience and education to talk about the failure in the usa of the report on cnn, how he arrived, what he said, what he heard in response, clearly expressed a harbinger of a coming political storm. Well, that is, a new trend, who is cooler and more able to bury zelensky without epilation . Well, the leader is still in the lead, naturally dudu, but everyone is probably also trying to see. Returning back to the United States , president Vladimir Zelensky suddenly realized that the prospect of Donald Trumps presidency in 2024, as well as the position of the republicans, could sever the multibilliondollar artery on which the fate of his country depends and, instead of once again funding ukraines military efforts with 24 billion, the house of representatives was unable to pass a bill that was supposed to fund the defense of the United States itself and this comes at a time when victory for ukraine seems more and more distant. During the visit, the former comedian at times seemed tired and not and in public appearances, zelenskys patience sometimes wore thin, especially when he berated the un for failing to protect its members from aggression in the us capital, which has undergone an ideological shift since he was last here to woo lawmakers. Now it takes more than just quoting president roosevelt and allusions to 9 11. Well, the poles, who previously forgave absolutely everything, including zelenskys nazi greeting on the territory of even warsaw this once its as if theyve gnawed it down the throat so hard that they dont want to let go of the claims, not only in the grain of a claim, not so much in uh, in the wto and litigation. Now they also demanded an apology for the fascist grandfather. Although this used to be the case, but in fact, more than once and more than once they were forgiven. On september 22, the leadership of canada and poland welcomed in Parliament Members of the wafen ss division galicia, the notorious military formation of the Second World War, responsible for the murder of thousands of poles and jews, poland is ukraines best friend, but it will never agree to whitewash such villains as the polish ambassador to canada. I expect an apology. Previously, this also paints a nuance of duda and panmorovetsky said that the volyn massacre. Well, according to current circumstances. Of course, we forgave from there, we didnt forgive, we suddenly remembered, uh, of course, a few months ago such a statement by the ambassador, and poland you couldnt wait for special moments now when it is possible and necessary to react to this in general, of course, the appearance of this nazi in canada parliament, very symptomatic. You know, when the speaker of parliament introduced this nazi with such love, yes, uh, and the whole hall stood up twice, applauded, and settled down. Now i see they, uh , the speakers are starting to make excuses, they excused everything and didnt know, in general, who anyone could have thought, despite the fact that when he represented this grandfather. Yes , he said it himself from my constituency. That is, he knew him very well and now they threw it at him there, on social networks, wait. Well , you know about history in general, when you said that this same nazi during world war ii, he fought against the russians, then you didnt think, on whose side he could fight, that is, its clear that on the side of nazi germany. Why were the poles indignant . Yes, because, uh, when they said that this ss golitsy fought against the russians, in fact, uh, the russians defeated them under the fords to smithereens and thats all and this division no longer existed. And before that the nazis used them as usual, they did with ukrainian collaborators for dirty work, they destroyed the poles, slovaks , yugoslavs, that is, all kinds of punitive actions were carried out and now in canada the globe and mail is now the first main newspaper. They will publish an article on the front page about the speaker changing. Moreover, what is written in the article. This, unfortunately, is very unfortunate. Now russia will use this for their propaganda. Which means confirmed. Give me your false narrative about the need to dedenocify ukraine, listen, it means you are welcoming the nazis, you are throwing away nazi ridges, you are nazi symbols and slogans. Use the same glory to ukraine they shouted to the ladies constantly, but with us it turns out false narrative. That is, we can talk for a long time about the speaker of parliament, but you saw first who jumped up to a standing ovation, giving a standing ovation in the hall to kristya freelant, the deputy Prime Minister of canada, about whom you spoke, whose grandfather was, and the head of the propaganda department. There, then, in krakow he headed the krakow nazi goebels newspaper. Yes, she grew up in this environment. She knows perfectly well where and what he fought against. Eh, this same grandfather. She knows perfectly well what it is. What did the division do from golitsa, that is, and still you you see, and everyone noticed this, the liberal party of canada. That is, everyone who was there, not even everyone who greeted this grandfather. These are liberals when we ask, what is liberalfascism . Look at these shots. This is him. How the event took place, look, it all looked, of course, incredible. In our hall there are ukrainians, residents of canada , namely ukraine, a Canadian Veteran of the Second World War, who fought for the independence of ukraine against the russians and continues to support the armed forces today at 98 years old. Yaroslav gunko served in the fourteenth volunteer Infantry Division of the ss troops in galicia in the fortyfourth, the division was defeated under fords by the troops of the First Ukrainian front and was then used exclusively in punitive operations in ukraine in poland, that is , zelenskys grandfather Semyon Ivanovich Zelensky fought just with gunko, he was the commander of a mortar platoon after the commander of the Rifle Company in the fortyfourth was awarded the order of the red star and his grandson is a jew, 79 years later. Now we will pay for it and glorify fascism. His name is yaroslav gulko and today he together with us. Lets welcome him fury everyone applauds the german ambassador to canada sabrina spargassa. And the deputy socialist of labor is ethnic ukrainian. Christ freelancing, christys grandfather mikhail khomyak was the editorinchief of the collaborationist newspaper krakow news during the German Occupation and the healthy staff of the auschwitz camp, glory of ukraine is not the speaker of the Canadian Parliament anthony rotto has already made a public apology for inviting and honoring the ukrainian nazi gunko roth, as stated in an official letter apologized to jews around the world. That is, including in front of zelensky, who clapped gunko, the company also said that the invitation to the fascist parliament was his personal initiative and not agreed upon with anyone , and he put zelensky and trudeau. For which he apologizes, the version began to look completely false after the post of the granddaughter of a nazi appeared; a relative reported that he was not just invited to parliament. Grandfather is waiting in the Reception Room for the premiere of works and zelensky. May someday soon batman be built in other cities of the world and cities of ukraine. A monument in honor of the victory of our people in this war. Canada has already announced the allocation of a new tranche of military assistance to ukraine in the amount of 482 million us dollars , according to the tv news channel, it will include a batch of leopard 2. 4 tanks and 50 armored cars, which ottawa undertakes to transfer to the droughtstricken people within three years, they know that this is a matter of good or evil, we lets do this because the cost to canadians for their lives for our world will be much higher. If putin wins, then we must and will support ukraine every day until they will win this war. I am so glad to hear these words of support here in canada in many hearts, cities and communities, our glory to ukraine sounds like unity sounds. Thank you for helping everyone feel the ukrainian wipe. That is, the glory to ukraine wipe has never found a place in the hearts of the canadian public, as the local reports to himself and the Canadian Parliamentarian is concerned about the decline in enthusiasm for further support for ukraine among voters. It was with such warmth that the canadians saw off the motorcade of truda from lenskoye , the first lady of ukraine, having heard the insult in the answer was just a helpless smile. Here they come out zelensky hey, get out of our country. Get the hell out of our country you two bastards. I am convinced that zelenskys speech to western partners in english with small additions of french was due to urgent and necessary decisions in the field of arms supplies; the scandal ended the visit of the ukrainian delegation to the United States, as the publication reports. Who, according to the lists, is presented as a Security Officer, while intoxicated, demanded from bar visitors to shout glory to ukraine and behaved aggressively when he was refused ; the collision led to a brawl, as a result of which the ukrainian was injured; the Police Detained all participants in the fight. As reported by inn, zelenskys failure in the United States may become a harbinger of a coming political storm, speaker of the us house of representatives mccarthy, who promised to lie down and not give the kiev regime 24 billion, under pressure from the pentagon, decided to leave 300 million for military training. In addition, the United States appointed a special group that will check, how ukraine uses military aid, of course, to zelensky. We had to face a difficult situation in washington, where there is increasing resentment and skepticism about the amount of support that the United States is providing to ukraine all this only speaks to the more Serious Problems that kiev faces not only on the battlefield, but also in terms of maintaining unity and the coalition so necessary for the country to continue this fight, the New York Times comments on the strategic gap between ukraine and the United States sums up the bitter result of the summer counteroffensive for almost 4 months of active hostilities, the kiev militants were unable to achieve the main goal of the cutters. Land corridor to crimea but the commander of the group of forces, tavriya tarnavsky, in an interview with cnn, assures that the high will continue to advance. In winter, when the soil completely freezes, when asked what the kiev cutthroats will do in the mud, he did not answer. You see, he still hasnt come to a consensus on what to consider a victory for ukraine. Theyre talking about help, not about victory these are two different things. What are you doing to prepare for the possibility that the us supply of Weapons Systems and ammunition will decrease. Is there a plan b . We cannot say that we have any separate discussions regarding any plan b. We have no desire to engage in any abstract discussions. Russian army. In ukraine they suddenly learn from their mistakes. The wall street journal praises our defense. Now, as the publication claims, it is russia that is depleting western military warehouses, and not vice versa, every day and every night more and more and more military men are returning with amputated limbs from the front, ukraine is littered with mines and as they try to advance in their counteroffensive. Soldiers try to deal with minami and very often become their victims. At the moment, it is difficult to calculate their exact number, because the leadership in kiev treats information about losses and injuries as a military secret, but according to the ministry of health, in just 6 months of this year, about 50,000 people lost limbs during the Washington Post joint polls, even without the blue, assure that the ukrainian issue is obviously burying bidens desire to be reelected. 56 of ukrainians do not approve of the work of the president of america, this is the worst indicator in his entire term, an article is published in bloomberg under the headline, unpleasant for kiev, the patience of the west is running out faster than this war , what is leading diplomacy here in order to conclude some kind of peace treaty, probably the one who has a plan. We do not have a plan in case of victory or defeat, how we will continue all this. Its just like that a hodgepodge of actions over the last year and a half , president zelensky thats who the real president of the United States is, he just spoke to joe bide. Zelensky is running this show. Yes, for a year and a half now. I hope biden understands that people are looking at this and asking who is in charge in our country. At least zelensky is fighting. Well, you see, i didnt vote for a penny for ukraine, because they wont win. Its clear that their people are dying; they need it. As you said, diplomacy is to stop this chaos. But today is kind of a unique day, i let me remind you that today, accordingly, the yields of all bonds hit their maximum in the morning. So to speak, and, accordingly, the american returned to the seventh year, right before the financial crisis, and the german german returned, respectively, to the ninth to the eleventh year. This is before, respectively, the debt crisis. I am responsible. Why is it important bond yield this is the cost of borrowing money that the government needs in order to finance its expenses in the us, for example, respectively, as if the average volume, as it were, can be decided up to 45. This is approximately two to three times, in some cases four times more. What, accordingly, i was doing before, that is, the cost of Government Spending as a whole is growing. That is, even in order for funds from the market to borrow their volumes , the cost of servicing increases quite seriously. Well, as if about the fact that in the usa approximately, and up to 19 of the budget will be spent purely on servicing the state for a long time in the near future, and accordingly, well practically goes away. Accordingly, in germany there will be a similar indicator soon, that is, in fact , the problem is that the price of the crisis, and that it is an economic and, accordingly , longterm conflict. It is very high, and vanilla depletion in opposition to depletion becomes, as it were, the most important, as if we are saving, it has already been said 148 times, respectively, from this point of view. Of course, this is that the most important fact of pressure plus everything, of course, today is the week, as if i remind you that it will be very significant 28th. On thursday. We, accordingly , will not have our first impeachment meeting in the near future, but they will begin to drag it there. And, accordingly, give testimony and, most importantly, an oath. That is, how they are there. Well, in short, you can say, thats accordingly the thirtieth number. Accordingly, its saturday. This , in fact, is the last day of the us budget; it is accepted from october 1st to september 30th until the corresponding night , the likelihood that it will be extended is very insignificant, because if the scooter has to trade with the democrats once, we once agreed that they would not forgive him for this, so from this point of view, funding would be appropriate. All this is wonderful about this whole procedure, so to speak, longterm. This is very serious, it seems to be changing in this financial year. And so, strictly speaking, who will finance what in addition, a lot will depend , taking into account the fact that as a budget, plus or minus, its clear. Well, in the extreme case, like, uh, in this direction, plus or minus timings are also clear. As it were, there are a few weeks left, give or take. Yes, as if, accordingly, it will blossom, in which there will be a complication of a whole series , it is clear that we will be faced with a strategic confrontation with a high degree of probability with an aggravation at the beginning of next year, as if with tracks somewhere ah, but with the summer period. As i understand it, apparently. So, therefore, from this point of view, as if the situation of sleep here becomes the most important, as if it were a political and economic confrontation, how could this last so long that now a lot will depend, among other things, on the levels of support, including in the European Union in the United States in the near future and, on top of that, the pressure of the countries of the socalled great south, which, in principle, now it is happening to a full extent, and in a whole number of directions. Therefore, from this point of view, we will gradually slide into the confrontation between china and the United States. This is obvious, by the way, by the way, it reminds us that what is already happening in our country. Sorry for interrupting more satisfied. How can ukrainians be satisfied with this . So, in 10 years we have such suspicions that our main competitor will be. In economic terms , it will not be ukraine , respectively, the main task will be to ensure growth of at least 2 , so as not to lose it. This is the main task, so as not to lose, so that the main major players, so as not to lose to ukraine in the economy, in ukraine in the economy, it is very difficult to lose the economy. Im talking about the war and about the usa and about the war and that once again the usa about support from 50 states is all disappearing, and lets say economically and leverage, that is , as if the economic price of this issue of support, it is seriously increasing and in connection with this, one can endure this for a year, plus or minus, but now at high Interest Rates on the return of inflation due to oil on everything else, as if the level of support is seriously reduced, double fatigue is growing in general, therefore, from this point of view. Yes , of course, as if all major conflicts are longterm conflicts, especially serious ones Financial Support from different sides directly depends on the degree. Fatigue as far as people are willing to support, as if accordingly. Yes, as it were, these actions, therefore, from this point of view. Eh, from this point in the country, of course, yes and plus everything is superimposed on this. There are a number of other aspects. There are electoral companies that are now going to go eat, so to speak, and accordingly, separately, accordingly, there are political components, other conflicts, as it were, which seem to divert attention to this, plus the cost of the issue strategic is much higher. That is, no one will exchange prices, so to speak. There are four dollars per gallon, respectively, on the domestic market. Accordingly, as if during an Election Campaign, naturally. Accordingly, there are some kind of decisions on the external theater of war, therefore , from this point of view. Yes, of course , it is possible to mobilize, but again the support for this process is very seriously declining. Therefore, from this point of view, there is a switch, a switch of attention is taking place in a number of other areas. Just from a financing point of view , the asiantian region is the same. This is already much more. What, accordingly , Eastern Europe will eat there only in the near future to deliver approximately. How is it in the horizon in two years for 50 billion. And i remind you of the entire budget, which , accordingly, is now trying to spend this 24 billion. Yes, it is already twice as much, so from this point of view, yes, of course, hold on wait until they stop supporting ukraine. And keeping in mind, financing the military industry for the next year. We also plan for me to work from one defense with a high degree of probability, judging by the timing, there is. Eh, apparently the scenario will be the following, accordingly, like an offensive, a counteroffensive, respectively , mudslides, then, accordingly, a defense strategy. Then, accordingly, actions in the winter. So, as it were, then spring will be a separate political component, then, respectively, years. As i understand it, its a natural process. Please, yes, i agree here that somewhere before our president ial elections , respectively, the domanta, they will crap as much as possible and will not go to any negotiation processes or anything else. And then fatigue will take its toll and they are forced. They will be for reasons of populism and considerations of growing criticism of the democrats. Ahh, still move or push ukraine into the negotiation process in order to declare that biden or whoever will be from the democrats. He still achieved some kind of peace there in ukraine and did Something Like that, here we, of course, will not allow ourselves to be deceived. Moreover, we understand perfectly well what they wanted to do to us, afghanistan, but they got vietnam and the war. It is not ours who are being exhausted, it is not us who are being exhausted, but rather we are exhausting them. But, if the depletion of america is still such a distant prospect, then lets say, uh, france yes, with it they are depleting themselves, they are also deceiving themselves, of course, they also have their own certain expenses, but for us, any uh, lets say military weapon costs two to three times less , than uh, im. It costs because their militaryindustrial complex, of course, is said to be much more expensive, so returning to ahem issues of exhaustion. Yes, this is one of the news that just recently, what is called came, when this weekend that macron announced that they were withdrawing their military contingent from niger, and the military base and so to speak, in general all the french are leaving there, let me remind you, the french not for this war. We definitely wont be able to, and the americans havent spent any money. Yes, the most important thing is that uh and the french. The fact is that we have experts in the same studio. They asked okay, they said that we are now, uh, underestimating france she has enormous influence in africa , what will they do there now . Yes, they have both the fifth and the tenth. Thats what it was clear that well , in fact , there are a huge number of economic problems, and hes the same endless yellow vests and uh, all kinds of ah. Social obligations that france is unable to meet. Why, in fact, he is leading these reforms, which cause protests, cause these protests. Well, in the end , the french counted everything. I realized that they would pull absolutely nothing and in fact. Its sunset. Eh, the socalled franco of africa and there were a number of events, of course, that preceded this, but we can safely say that gradually all this will be understood, because the cascade will simply go on. You see that the french are not able to protect their own in this region. Eggs, then, accordingly, they will not be able to do so in the following regions. But the body missed. So theyll run now. Ahh, everyone else. Eh, who else might want to . Eh, its not necessary to Pay Attention to the story, which was also being discussed now. This is the story of the fascist who spoke in the Canadian Parliament. Yes, of course, now they pretend to be literally. Here is the latest news, by the way, its unexpectedly quite that they began to somehow apologize and make excuses. Naturally, confusing and deceiving. And that they didnt know anything, and so on, and after , after a harsh reaction, but generally speaking, ah, a very natural story, because canada became, uh, a big big uh, refuge, and for the nazis, and after the war, he lives there their. Eh, a huge amount. And this, again, is not accidental. Thats when a we say that england is not only the birthplace of nazi fascism, yes, that it was in england that the first theories of racial superiority were invented, and so on, many do not believe this and say that this is some kind of conspiracy theory, that you are making up england there there has always been some kind of democracy there, but in fact. Eh, england has always been sympathetic to this. Yes, and hitler sympathized. He told the british, when the war itself ended, and england, of course, could not afford to go directly to its territory, but to evacuate everyone nazi criminals, but canada , which is part of the british commonwealth, turned out to be the territory that, it would seem, is possible. Well , they actually found it there in a trickle, another second trickle was through the vatican to latin america where they are. In fact, they also settled in significant numbers. Here, and then its actually not possible. But they fled to america and so on, england canada thats right, nazi sentiments are huge all the time. These people lived there, gave some interviews, talked about how they fought against the russians, but then some memoirs and so on. This did not go away with applause in parliament. This, of course, is already completely etumach, yes, and e reaction, glory. God followed and forced them to justify themselves. Well, i think that when everything ends with our victory. We ll deal with this separately. And for each what is called lets see who is now slamming this fast. The speaker of the Canadian Parliament, whose last name is rota, said that he takes responsibility. This is his own personal fault. He invited this fascist nazi man who collaborated with hitler on his own initiative, allegedly didnt warn anyone at all, allegedly didnt tell anyone, its not trudes fault. Zelensky was not in the know, says mr. Roth, if not for one post on social networks by the granddaughter of this fascist, who say that there was not only applause, but also a personal meeting with zelensky and labor. One could believe this rotov, but alas. No. He lied, listen. On friday, september 22, in my speech after the address of the president of ukraine, i singled out a person in the gallery ; it later became known to me Additional Information that makes me regret my decision to do so i want to make it clear that no one, including fellow parliamentarians and the ukrainian delegation, was aware of my intention or my remarks before i made them. This initiative was entirely my own and after that it was brought to my attention who exactly this person was. I especially want to offer my deepest apologies to the jewish communities in canada and around the world. I accept full responsibility for my actions. Well press secretary of the russian president peskov commented on this scandalous circumstance, a blatant case, saying that these crimes naturally have no statute of limitations. Such a sloppy attitude towards memory, and memory should be kept in the attitude of the nazis. No matter how old they are. There is no statute of limitations for these crimes, such sloppiness in this memory. It is, of course, outrageous , we know that many western countries, including canada, have raised a young generation that does not know who fought with whom and what happened during world war ii, and they know nothing about the threat of fascism. This is fraught with the fact that fascism will manifest itself, then we now see how it is practically trying to get on its feet in the center of europe in ukraine, with which we are waging an irreconcilable struggle . Well be back in a minute. I take a shower and a shell flies into the office; we made some mistakes. I myself fulfilled the oath in those days, even after 30 years. I believe that i do not know the whole truth about the events of the ninetythird year, film by nail askerzade. Russia is going through the hardest postsoviet history is a political crisis that will end in bloodshed. Sunday 19 at 22 00 on the russia channel if you want the best, then choose 12 12 per annum on the deposit in the field with the highest rate. Open the flag for the best interest in a couple of minutes in the mobile application for banks it is more profitable to take vitamin c zhanna takes vitamins at this time of year timur from the fifth apartment has long known that zinc is necessary for immunity and contains vitamins to maintain the immune system. Millions of russians choose any activity to support their immunity it starts with the desire to go. I wanted a comfortable chair, and to do what you need, gather a team do it yourself, but sometimes development stops further. 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I believe that we need to teach a lesson behind us to our families and the memory of our ancestors. We all do not want to let this war into our country to our people, whoever new come we train. They catch on quickly. He serves under contract checks every version. What kind of investigation does he have the right to conduct . Doctor krasnov is recording and watching from applications or on the website. There were at least three powerful explosions of a rocket and runes in odessa, in which there were reportedly locations in the church of foreigners; it is clear that the building was completely burned out; the ukrainian authorities, of course , claim that the hotel was empty, but it was taken before the photo was taken along the coastline. Near the hotel there is military equipment and warships moored by a russian night attack port warehouses where western weapons were stored it is reported that the sounds of detonation were heard until 5 00 in the morning, the authorities of the odessa region talk about damage to the folds where about 1,000 tons of grain were stored, we proceed from the fact that it was Agricultural Products that detonated before the morning, right now the grain debris is being cleared is being taken out, said the head of the cyprus region , the speaker of the air force. Ukraine ignat complained that the apu are not capable of shooting down russian onyx missiles; they fly at supersonic speed at an altitude of more than 10 km, and then descend sharply. Close to the water. 19 drones, two onyx and 12 calibers, the occupiers attacked the odessa region with drones. All were shot down by air defense forces; 11 caliber missiles were also destroyed; subsequently, the attack damaged a warehouse and a private house. There is also a hit in the preport infrastructure, an insidious enemy has hit the preport infrastructure. Onyxes are supersonic missiles, there were two of them and they hit the granary. In fact, the marine station in odessa was destroyed; this is again an insidious tactic of the enemy to hit civilians infrastructure. You had nothing to do with the achievement for odessa, because it really was quite heavy for odessa, because we havent heard such explosions for a long time. They continued almost continuously, since they were flying precisely to the south of ukraine and bombs and calibers and onyxes and indeed. Unfortunately, the odessa marine station pearl of the black sea is almost destroyed, because a fire started in the hotel, which is located at the marine station, fortunately. There was no one inside. She has been for several years now the firemen are not functioning quickly enough; it is unclear. Exactly what scale of destruction did our odessa marine station receive . This is quite important infrastructure for our city and onyx ended up in the granary. Well, onyx, along the ladder into grains from vegetables , was destroyed by another warehouse of one of the enterprises. In the vicinity of odessa we are still waiting for information about the extent and extent of the damage caused by the air raid alert. It lasted about an hour and a half. Yes, of course , getting into the burial grain, which then detonated, well, we understand that this is exactly how ukrainian wheat behaves, but here we need to understand that what our weapons demonstrate is highly effective work, but the west also understands what is happening in this war of attrition, which is increasingly being written about, including foreign media, it seems to be understood differently by the parties to the conflict. Let me remind you that one of the goals of this escalation against russia is to set ukraine against it ; it pursued another goal. This is europe. Europe must part with its technologies. First of all, the military should transfer all this to the sites of the United States of america, which are the only sites for the production of modern types of weapons, which they will make happy the same countries and european ones that are part of the nato bloc which will then be drach. This requires time, time, which uh, until all these technologies move to the territory of the United States of america , cluster munitions are very well suited for this. Yes, here is the supply of cluster munitions. She has both for a double reason, on the one hand, the same highexplosive fragmentation munitions that we fired at cluster munitions would end, it must be recalled that these are primarily defensive weapons that operate against advancing troops, that is, uh, using them against troops that are on the defensive is pointless and useless. Well, it can also be used as terrorist targets, which we see that such cluster munitions are shelling cities, so the ministry of defense has set the main task for command of a special military operation to knock out artillery systems. If you look at the latest reports over the last 2 weeks, the number of artillery systems that are being destroyed began to grow exponentially, even in some areas. Which exceeds the affected Armored Vehicles, but if we take Armored Vehicles and tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers combined, that is, methodical work is underway to destroy those who launch these 155mm cluster munitions, which is why the following information appears that the same 100 m shadowscalps and taurus will be supplied to ukraine in the cassette version, and those same notorious attack mcs about which there has been an active discussion lately will not be delivered, but they will be delivered anyway, most likely, they will also come in the cassette version, let me remind you, what a time combat use, but this missile is operational tactical or as it is called the army and tactical system. Yes, uh, a total of 482 rounds of ammunition were expended, that is, each rocket was a rocket. Its whining 2. 3 million basically, eh they were used in iraq and were used mainly in the cassette version. They have two cassette options. This is one version of 950 submunitions, which scatter many fragments over the attacking troops, thereby destroying manpower and cumulative ammunition, which they recently tried to refine to such perfection that they were homing, work is still going on , but all this ammunition was produced from ninetyone to 2007 and no longer they were produced in warehouses and a large amount has accumulated, if we are talking about the first, uh, m39 ammunition, then more than 1,000260 units have accumulated in warehouses , of course its expensive to dispose of. And ukraine needs to be supported, so you support it with the missiles that you have and they fulfill the role that they must perform to hold back the offensive of Russian Troops. At headquarters. We must understand that ukraine stands. Eh, Human Potential is almost exhausted if we compare various informational ones in this way. Sources, and ukraines losses , we can say that 60 of the mobilization we are aware that they could double the reserve; those who have become 40 are almost used up these are those who can return after being wounded and those who can still be recruited on the street, so we see that this contingent is also being diluted with the same mercenaries , who turn out to be professional military personnel from germany, poland and other neighboring states of europe, by the way, these mercenaries are motivated. They hate russia, so they go to labor to fight for money, despite the fact that, for example, the same polish army in its reforms are experiencing very significant, as they say, financial difficulties, but they are going to fight in ukraine for a lot of money. So this reserve is only enough to cover the fact that there are defensive forces everywhere. Combat operations, because there is almost no offensive potential in ukraine, were given equipment that was intended for the offensive. Yes, there were not enough air components, but there were plenty of tanks and artillery systems, but not a single tactical task. Ukraine could not carry out what is now being done in the artyomovskoye region or in zaporozhenny direction. These are the meat assaults. They dont add. As they say, the very confidence that ukraine will be able to do something offensively, but if you introduce defense, everyone understands that fewer personnel die in defense than those who attack, so cluster munitions will become the main defensive weapon. I and ms in a cassette version, most likely it will appear in ukraine, they are needed for this, launchers of which are also available in sufficient quantities in europe and in the usa on the tracked mrz 270, which will be engaged in recycling, they are shooting at our positions from afar. And while they may be retreating somewhere, we will be advancing. I will not try to inflict the maximum level on us, in other words, the war has not ended. We havent won yet. Uh, it started with the fact that zelensky, it seems, was not given, and a huge number of ms, including american sources, report that the current situation. There are problems with the National Debt within the United States, problems with the budget. Election ratings for biden. They simply werent given the opportunity to announce it publicly, but the decision to attack was made. It was made in first of all in order to unpack the scholz who do not want to send their taurusing in particular reports this. In general, they will all put up a fight and continue to fight, and at the same time three american senators and congressmen will either play or not. We have already shown that we should give money over giving money. Let the ukrainians die for us, and let us destroy the russian army, show us. Markella, the help we provide them is extremely important, if it stops, they will lose, and putin will win. So i have there is motivation to carry out. This is through the us senate , both parties are in favor of providing funding for ukraine and we need to bring it to fruition. This is until the end, otherwise there will be a disaster. I met privately with president zelensky, you know, this was last week and tried to reassure him that everything would be okay. And if we fail now, then there is a possibility that in a year or two. We will find ourselves in a situation where we could have a direct conflict with the russians, and we dont want that. Thats why we like the current mediated conflict with the russians so much called a proxy war and we are fighting with the russians, and we ourselves are not dying, we will be back in a minute. My name is krasnov andrey nikolaevich, this is professor krasnov, the best diagnostician at 21 20. Well, everything fell asleep together. It just started throwing up and my mouth was open, only the buttons were left at 21 30. 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Nostalgia for my 90 apartments in moscow, by the way, we exchanged this shack for communication, she called alexander meledinsky , i really wanted our family to adapt to the new real life, 93 day after day we are bringing our victory closer. Day after day we write our history and always return to our most important business evening with Vladimir Solovyov today 23 25 on the russia channel bilateral relations and the Excellent International politics of poland can be explained more by rawieckis statement about cut off military supplies to ukraine the United States is seeking clarification from poland over its support for ukraine after polish officials suggested that poland , a key ally, could cut off military aid to ukraine, a Senior Us Defense Department official said on condition of anonymity. He said poland remained committed to supporting ukraine. The countrys position overnight was unclear, but the us official assured that differences between the allies had not yet led to cracks in the coalitions unity. Which supported ukraines efforts, which the official said would likely last several years, polish diplomats privately assured foreign colleagues that the countrys military support for ukraine would continue, even if on a smaller scale, a polish diplomat noted that the loss of polands support could harm the war effort ukraine, since this risks undermining the unity of nato in poland, we bring in direct communication the famous polish political scientist jakub kariba jakub, tell us honestly, did you quarrel with ukraine or is it an Election Campaign . Trick . And the world, it turns out, is very small ; here is the minister you just showed, so it turns out. This is my classmate, with whom we studied together as an Exchange Student at the kiev mogiland academy, the most bandera university in ukraine, and i can guarantee you that he is definitely not an enemy of ukraine. Well, on the other hand, he is not from the village, and you need to win elections, so you need to communicate with your electorate , as the electorate wants. Well, its not for me to tell and explain this to you. Uh, our ukrainian friends understand that for us the request of banderaism has principled character. That is, he is above all strategic tactical political calculations about the fact that either bondarism or europe or bondarism, or the European Union and nato or bandarism, or some kind of future of ukraine, and we tell them, honestly, they have been talking about this for a long time. If they, that is, beyond liberal labor and Vladimir Alexandrovich , need to learn some money from the canadian community. And for this you need to clap the nazis. Well, probably from their point of view. This price is low from our point of view. This is absolutely unacceptable. This is the element of ukrainian tradition that needs to be gotten rid of 100 . Forever. Our ukrainian friends know about this, if they dont want it, it will only complicate their path to europe from any other path other than europe. And thanks to you because of this, they dont have a huge thank you, they understand anything european purgatory either by the soviet act here is an obvious choice for any normal person, therefore, well, when these 90yearold nazis die. Now the next generation, both physically and in the mental sense, will be from this ideology i will not reeducate you freely. Ill just briefly and quickly say that with the collapse of the soviet union, we believe that this was the main geopolitical catastrophe, we left ukraine in the last century as one of the richest, most mature and developed republics, what further achieved . Ukraine is also not for me to tell you, but in short , this scandal could result in poland actually reducing arms supplies. Well , first of all, over the past year and a half, ukraine, from the point of view of polish interests, has achieved an incredible result, but weve been in the area for about a year now, not so much the implementation of a plan, but simply a dream come true. Ukraine has solved all our strategic problems. Because of this context. All other tactical details need to be considered. Naturally, no support. No one will ever stop as long as ukraine performs this function, which i complement, as long as our interests completely coincide, for now, in all directions they coincide, so there are no prerequisites for stopping every day that ukraine erases Russian Forces and increases the polish role in the region and generally changes the mechanics. E. E International Relations throughout central and Eastern Europe for honesty. In general , the poles also perceive ukraine exclusively as a country that conveniently fights with the russians and themselves die saving their big soldiers, and the American People really love ukraine, but i love poland more. I think this is absolutely true. Naturally. Logical. Thank you very much, polish political scientist. Thank you for everything you have done before us. I supposedly. I just applaud. Hes great. Can you imagine ukraines choice between purgatory and hell . So, what did the polish political scientist say, who, as i understand it, given that he studied at the kievmohelian academy, knows perfectly well , theology, the First Ukraine as a state died, because purgatory or from this is only after death the second ukrainian statehood, and before that , how to die has committed a bunch of sins, because the style or from souls that require cleansing from sins fall and the third choice for the ukrainian people is between purgatory and hell of no prospects. Raya its amazing. This is the polish western plan for ukraine yakov, you are a genius. Im just proud that there are such political scientists in poland. Bravo once again. Now a little about this yaroslav gunka, or as the speaker of the Canadian Parliament said. Hank this is not just some veteran of the ss division, he is a very active figure in this movement, who fully justified himself with which in the tenth year, already an elderly man, he led the bloc. He recalled the fortyfirst fortythird years as attention, and the best and happiest time in of your life when in the Training Center ss he had the opportunity to visit a beautiful castle, walk with girls, enjoy the park , and so on. This is the kind of scum that was welcomed in the Canadian Parliament. The word of the scum and now regarding the apology of speaker anthony rott for much lesser offenses is resigning, if canada really heard the statement of the poles, the jewish public should resign. If he does not resign , then his apology is his. Worthless price. This is just an excuse, an attempt to make excuses. Here the resignation of the company is the key issue to understand the state and politics in canada regarding the contradictions between the poles and ukrainians. Not just more ukraine , but poles and ukrainians, because, in spite of everything , ukraine is phobia and full of phobia, they remained as they were, that is, for some time , politicians managed to cover them up with this antirussian thing. Well, somehow, lets call it makeup. Well, now everything is coming to light. This is not just election rhetoric. So what happened in september . What . The election rhetoric of law and justice suddenly changed dramatically, that is, before it was possible ignore the anniversary of the volyn massacre. Previously, it was possible, despite all the contradictions, to insist that she was even forgiven personally. Duh, yes i said that. We need to take a break and come back. They know three things about him firstly , he is a doctor, secondly, he is krasnov. And thirdly, i dont know, even he himself i dont know how to be a doctor. I forgot doctor krasnov premiere today at 21 20 on the russia channel, a big festive concert broadcast from red square in september. If you want the best, then choose 12 12 percent per annum on a deposit in sberbank with the highest rate. Open a deposit with the best Interest Rate in a couple of minutes in the sberbank prime Bank Mobile Application , its more beneficial for the immune system oksana borisovna takes vitamin c zhanna takes vitamins cd at this time of year. Timur from the fifth apartment has long known that zinc is necessary for immunity. Dr. Theiss is insulted. Optimax contains vitamins cd and zinc to support the immune system. Dr. Theiss is ascorbited. Optimax. Optimal protection for immune support. Why so . Were flying. New internet dom. 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