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Something vehicles, this is an armored car akhmat, these are the ones in which Assault Groups move. Alexei baranov works in maximum proximity to the contact zone. Mikhail androynik about how the situation on the northern flank of solidar has changed. We dont see a large cluster like there was before, but we dont see it now. When the minimum task has been solved, the country has managed to smoothly adapt to new challenges that life throws up. New challenges the worst thing is to change the inflation target, are there many options in the fight against inflation, as in the caucasian captivity, either i am leading to the ass, or the prosecutor there, discussions at the financial forum. Republic of nagornokarabakh ceases to exist, where residents are leaving, reporting from the region. Ukrainian dirt is not suitable for abrams tanks, warns the west. What are russians sick with this fall . There is still a certain increase in the incidence rate. Viral infection exclusive interview of the head of the ministry of health murashka nalia with kerzadeya about influenza, vaccines and medicines. They also tried to set their own rules on the road using a knife, and they were detained. During the day of a massive attack on the Domestic Aviation reservation system, a former employee of the state Traffic Safety inspectorate may be involved in the murder of daria dugina. But first, increasing the incomes of russian families, creating new jobs, solving social problems and improving demographics are the priority tasks that local authorities must solve, Vladimir Putin spoke about this today before the heads of regions elected on a single voting day. The president noted that those who wanted to strangle russia with sanctions had miscalculated. Report, alexey golovko. The president is listened to attentively by 26 regional heads at once, these are those who were elected to office on the same day voting on september 10, all of them , depending on local legislation, either confidently won in the first round or received the full support of local parliaments. For the first time, now according to russian law, elections were held in our new, as i have said more than once, in fact , our historical regions in the donbass and novorussia, and this is certainly a significant event, an important step towards the full entry of new regions into a single legal, state space our big country. The situation of the task in these subjects federations are special, but i am convinced that regional authorities are also, and most importantly, people, our citizens feel the support that the whole of russia provides them. This is extremely important, and it will be so. In the regions of donbass and novorosiya , the head of the lugansk peoples republic Leonid Pasechnik got rid of the io prefixes after the elections , Vladimir Salda in zaporozhye, evgeniy baletsky took office in the kherson region, denis pushily was elected head of the donetsk peoples republic. Its still hard for donbass now, but it cant be compared with the period before this, and when we were face to face with the enemy, now all of russia is with us on our own behalf and on behalf of our fellow countrymen. I can say with confidence that donbass will not let you down, you can completely rely on us. A special military operation continues on the territory of all four regions; the more important is their speedy integration into the legal and economic field of the country. During our work together, we have covered quite a long, very difficult path. I assure you that we will continue our work as a single team. Aimed at the development of the lugansk peoples republic on strengthening the power and prosperity of our great and united homeland of the russian federation, we will not let you down. I doubt it, leni tovavich, i would like to thank you in turn for what has been done so far, there is still more to be done, after the last elections , the heads of 26 regions either confirmed their powers or were elected to this post for the first time, almost a third of the entire gubernatorial corps, their the average level of support among the population is more than 78 . People trust us, everyone in this case, they trust you with their lives, their fate, that means. Degrees, because there are a lot of problems, there, where there is emergency housing , but people in the end, have to leave the slums or not, it means that where there is not enough, unfortunately still places in preschool educational institutions, where people still send their children to schools with three shifts and so on, there are a lot of questions, but what i want to emphasize is that we have everything. Opportunities to solve them, no matter how it may seem strange, to someone from the outside, to those who expected that everything would collapse here, on the contrary, the economy is picking up pace, industry is working in a way it hasnt worked for a long time, agriculture is setting new and new records, construction is developing at a pace that was not seen in soviet times, we have everything to effectively follow the chosen path and strengthen the country , but to a large extent its Overall Results will depend on how you work in the regions. Sergei sobyanin, elected to the city of moscow for the third time, the results of his work over the past two terms are known not only to the capital, but to the whole country. They are seen by them every day millions of people use it every day. Roads, transport, amenities and social facilities make moscow one of the leading metropolises on the planet. In moscow today we not only do not cancel all Development Programs , but also make them more intensive, deeper, more complex, focusing on the development of key sectors of the economy, such as microelectronics, photonics, pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, construction of factories for the militaryindustrial complex, but for mikhail katyukov, election as governor is new administrative experience, he previously worked in the government, now heads the second largest region in terms of area and the most important in terms of economic potential. Russia, krasnoyarsk territory, i consider it fundamentally important, as it was during the elections, to be guided by the opinion of the residents of my native land, i will do everything that depends on me, everything that i can, i know, i learned while working under your leadership, in order to to find the Necessary Solutions to all these issues, to ensure an improvement in the lives of krasnoyarsk residents, this is indeed a new page for you in life in a professional career, the krasnoyarsk region occupies a special place, just like the whole of siberia in the life of our country, not only is krasnoyarsk today practically geographically. The center of russia, it also has enormous prospects for development potential. And of course, with regard to current tasks, all regional heads are obliged to remember those who are now fulfilling their duty on the specialization fronts. All of us, first of all, of course, for representatives of government bodies, and at all levels, concern for heroes, for those who have lost their loved ones, is not so much official as well as civil, human, moral duty. A debt of gratitude and respect to the defenders of the fatherland. Most regions have already introduced their own payments and benefits for participants in special military operations, and are also helping to restore the destroyed cities of donbass and novorossiya. Alexey golovko, irina kharlamova, sofia petrosyan, lead. Russian units, in cooperation with attack Army Aviation, were able to improve the situation and repel two attacks by ukrainian militants in the area of ​​the village of priyutnaya in zaporozhye. Well in in the battles of rabotin and verbov , an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle and a usmade howitzer were shot down. Another tense frontline area in the area of ​​pervomaisky and vesely in the donetsk peoples republic. There , the enemy lost up to 190 militants in unsuccessful attacks. About the situation in the solidar area, which ukrainian formations tried to bypass from the north, report by voenkor vesti mikhail andronik. These were sighting shots, now. After entering a small adjustment, the main package will go away. A package refers to the complete ammunition load of a rocket hail system 40 shells. They are firing incendiary ammunition at the village of zvanovka, which militants of the kiev regime long ago turned into a fortified area. Incendiary shells, their warhead is based on a thermite mixture, the principles of air bursting are designed to defeat and unmask the enemy. The car is covered with branches, covered with grass, that is, it burns out and the enemy becomes visible. The fire covers the buildings and it becomes clear that the commanders plan was a success, the militants are demasking themselves. Already a batch of fragmentation rockets shells. And this is the crew of the d20 gun of the tula artillerymen destroying the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian militants. They work with rapid fire, sending one shell after another, covering the militants scattering through the forest plantation. Here , all neonazi positions have long been targeted. The situation on the northern flank of solidar, according to the paratroopers, has stabilized, largely thanks to competent work. Artillery units, as far as we know, yes, there are no large concentrations of equipment, there are no large numbers of infantry, there are, there are infantry groups, for which the work of the barrel gun is being carried out, hail, but a large accumulation of such as there was before, we do not see this now, now we can say with confidence that kievs plans to bypass solidaro s north have completely failed, mikhail andronik, anton musikyan and oleg dubenin, donetsk news folk in the kirovograd and kharkov regions, our military liquidated two arsenals of ammunition, and Fighter Aircraft shot down a ukrainian su25 attack aircraft in the sky over the donetsk peoples republic. Fighting is currently taking place in the krasnoliman Direction Division of the center group and there, in real conditions, the akhmat Armored Vehicles were tested and reliably proved themselves. In one of them, taking cover from possible shelling, the film crew of Alexei Baranov moved. The closer we get to the line of combat contact, which runs through serebryansky forestry, the more Armored Vehicles we encounter. Now, in order to replenish the ammunition supply with fuel, the tankers of the Central Military district are returning from the front line, and this heavy flamethrower system of the sun is moving towards its firing line. Assault groups are transferred closer to the front line, right on the armor, to the place where the combat mission is carried out on such armor. To the place where these vehicles are based in anticipation of the loading of the Assault Groups, we are already driving the armored allterrain vehicle, the train of the Assault Group with the call sign garik tells us about the experience in protecting the home that we received here in the krasnoliban direction. We dig dugouts underground, then lay them in four layers, so we live in three dashes, five people, there were arrivals, three layers. It pierces, it doesnt pierce four layers, but this machine is new withstood the hit of a fragment from a largecaliber mine fired by the ukrainian military, there are still several of these armored allterrain vehicles at their base, this is the akhmat armored car, these are the ones Assault Groups move in, there is room for comfortable accommodation of ten people, as well as enough space for storing weapons and additional equipment ammunition. A pair of akhmat Armored Vehicles are sent to. The group, a few kilometers from the front line, has completed its work with a nona mine installation. The main task today is to strike at fortified by the enemy before Assault Groups enter there. The gun commander tells us about the details of combat work. Near the tor ledge, there are sometimes arrivals, our vehicle is very mobile, that is, we can calmly leave the position, we cover our own infantry , the drone rises, coordinates are given , we shoot at these coordinates, we make certain adjustments, using these adjustments we hit the targets, then during these adjustments, we destroyed three natomade pickup trucks. Joint combat work of Assault Groups and artillerymen the Central Military district does not stop. Alexey boranov, andrey yurchuk, alina izykovova, lead the contact lines in the krasnolimansk direction. The akhmat Armored Vehicles, which were discussed in alexey baranovs report, received this name because the chechen republic was the first to purchase these vehicles for its units. The support that the chechen authorities provide to the units participating in the special operation was one of the topics of the conversation that Vladimir Putin had today with the head of the ramzan republic. Today we will talk about the situation in in the republic, in the economy, in the social sphere, in general the dynamics are positive, this is happening to a large extent, thanks to you, your team, people are working confidently, i would just like to before starting a prorepublic, but this is what we are with. They even wanted to brag, its your squad showing a good result there, every day they take prisoners, every day they destroy equipment, some frames like. They call tanks are not scary, i believe that we advertised for them, and so today the fighters have the spirit good, no he has no problems, communications, equipment, from the beginning to this day we bought 1,100 vehicles of some kind, of which 100 were Armored Vehicles, this is our common cause, so we must win together, all the people support you, and we are the only region, i can say that we have created five regiments and three battalions during this time of the republic , they are all engaged today, located in chechnya, the special forces university, at first the special operation has already trained more than 14,000 volunteers from all over russia, within two weeks they are undergoing tactical, fire, engineering, medical training, the president , during todays conversation, noted the importance of the interaction of various units with each other, asked kadyrov to convey words of support to the soldiers and their loved ones, give the best wishes to the guys, convey to their families their very lived life, i know that you personally deal with these issues all the time, including support for the families of our guys who are fighting on the front line, fighting confidently, well, courageously and heroically, i know the attitude of commanders, including higherlevel ones, i asked one how it was going guys from chechnya are fighting. The answer was, right away, they wont let you down, im completely confident in them, you know, this is still a lot , this, this is the assessment of the commanders who actually take part in the hostilities, we, if your order is not carried out, that means we not to live in this state, we will carry out your order 100 , thank you, well , i understand the situation in the republic, in general, in general, in my opinion, you also assess approximately the same. There are no special problems in the republic, you solved these problems a long time ago, now there are technical issues that, as always, i need your help, a question that was left behind the scenes of the meeting of the president from the head of chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov was asked by the author of the moscow, kremlinputin program, pavel zarubin, after all, in the last days of the week, they wrote everything about you, about your health, what are you doing with this people could answer. The leader of one of the youngest states on the planet, which gained independence and became a member of the United Nations just 12 years ago, arrived in moscow today to establish much closer ties with russia than it had before that day. Negotiations between the president of russia and south sudan held in the kremlin , as Vladimir Putin noted, at one time moscow was one of the first to recognize the results of the referendum on independence, after which the south sudanese leader took part in both russia and africa summits, but trade turnover was still small. We have. There are many good opportunities in a variety of areas , including in the energy sector, i hope that the developments that exist , including the construction of a refinery in your country, with the participation of our company and plans for the second stage of this plant, will be Beneficial Development of our trade and economic ties, of course, we are aware that further Progressive Development is associated with ensuring. All those problems of complexity that you inherited from previous times, so we will do everything to support you in in this direction, the situation in the world shows that no one can survive or succeed alone, our country is no exception, we are the youngest nation on the planet and we need to have strong friends, one of which is you, we do not see alternatives to friendship with you. Separately, putin focused on humanitarian cooperation; students from southern sudan are already studying in russian universities, and their number is planned to increase in the future. The United States will deploy a Rapid Disaster Response Team in the south caucasus region. This was announced by the head of the American Agency for international development, samantha power, following a trip to yerevan, karabakh and baku. In response, the Turkish Ministry of defense made a statement that they were closely monitoring the situation in attempts interference in it. All Public Services must not. Dissolve themselves by january 1, such a decree was signed today by its president , samvel shahramyanyan, and the former minister of state ruben vardanyan, who was taken to baku, is now in the status of an arrested person, report by natalia solovyova. Thousands of refugees, in cars, buses, in the backs of dump trucks, this journey is only hundreds of kilometers, but it turned out to be the most difficult test in life. I never in my life thought that i would have to leave karabakh. Those who put us in this position, here they have to answer for everything, everyone thinks about their own pockets, i dont trust any of them. Yerevan has not recognized the small republic for 30 years, and today it is completely gone. The decree on the abolition of nagornokarabakh has already been signed by its president , samvel shahramanyan. Dissolve all state institutions and organizations under their departmental subordination until january 1, 2024, and the republic of Nagornokarabakh Artsakh ceases to exist. Representatives of Nagorno Karabakh and azerbaijan have already held two meetings on the issue of reintegration in yerevan they are escalating the situation in baku, on the contrary, they are promising to finally put an end to the hostility. During the movement of residents of nagornokarabakh to armenia at the checkpoint and its passage , the azerbaijani side arbitrarily detains citizens. Our Government Agencies must take steps to protect them. Their rights must be protected in international arenas. Analysis shows that in the coming days. There will be no more left in nagornokarabakh. Such alarmist statements, in addition to contradicting the statement of the Prime Minister of armenia on september 21 the absence of a threat to armenian residents from azerbaijan, also undermine azerbaijans efforts towards humanitarian support and reintegration, and undermine possible prospects for peace between azerbaijan and armenia. If some part of the residents of armenia does not want to live within the framework of the azerbaijani legislation of the authorities and obey them, we cannot force them to do this; on the contrary, we urge the residents of armenia not to leave their place of residence and become part of the multiethnic azerbaijani society. Advisor to the president of the unrecognized republic David Babayan today made a difficult decision to surrender voluntarily to the authorities of azerbaijan, adding that his loved ones would understand him. And today details have emerged about the fate of the former head of the government of karabakh ruben vardanyan. He was detained the day before in the lochen corridor and taken to baku. The court sent him under arrest, vardanyan is accused. Under this article he can spend 14 years behind bars in the republic itself the situation remains tense, the catastrophic shortage of fuel and transport makes people hostage to the situation, legs cannot leave karabakh, the Russian Peacekeeping contingent has over 500 civilians, including almost 300 children, they were provided with food and medicine, and russian helicopter crews completed transporting the wounded victims from stepanokert, the air group of the Russian Peacekeeping contingent carried out transportation civilians from the city of stepanok to medical institutions of the republic of armenia. The task assigned to Army Aviation and the Russian Peacekeeping contingent was completed in in full. Humanitarian aid is coming from all over the republic to the border, where refugees are now mostly located. It is collected in yerevan and sent in tons to internally displaced persons. They are taken care of almost completely. People who are leaving their homes today need any help, when asked by a volunteer what exactly can be brought, they simply answer everything, these are cereals, this is a hygiene product, and of course warm clothes. The Russian House in yerevan sent clothes and diapers for children, a warm blanket, and this load will definitely not be the last, we carried out monitoring in hotels, garisa, where refugees are now located, we really need childrens shoes of size thirtyseven to thirtyeight , warm lights, electric kettles, small ones, coffee makers, clothes for five girls and boys 56 years old, as well as warm blankets, warm blankets are simply swept away, in the near future a plane with humanitarian cargo will arrive in gyumri, another 10 tons from the dr. Lisa foundation, basic necessities will also be delivered by everyone. Natalia solovyova, ilya novikov and oksana serzhantova, vesti armenia. One person was killed and 163 others received various injuries today as a result of an explosion at a customs warehouse in tashkent. A bright column of fire rose above the city in the middle of the night; the shock wave was so strong that it was felt at a distance of 30 km from the epicenter. Windows and doors were broken in many houses, dozens of parked cars were damaged, even a metro station. To provide assistance to victims in several areas. Mobile hospitals were returned, the Emergency Response itself occurred in a building where electric vehicles and components for them were stored, 16 fire brigades and three aviation ladder trucks were immediately sent to the site, who managed to quickly cope with the fire and begin to water the structures; according to one version, the cause of such largescale destruction could have been the ignition of the batteries batteries Russian Companies must not only replace foreign technologies that have become unavailable as a result of sanctions, but become. Their exporters, this is precisely the meaning of state support for industrial development, that the stage of economic recovery has passed, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin spoke today at the moscow economic forum, will the country be able to meet the needs of the army, who is the russian economy now focusing on and what about inflation . Report by alexey petrov. At the forum there are not only ministers and bank managers, but also aspiring economists and students of the Financial University under the russian government. Here, the members of the northern military district, tax officers and customs officers, who postponed civil affairs, went to the front. The soul will not rest until peace will not come for all of us, we need to win. Tax officer sergei ochirov is examined after being wounded. At first. Bakhust was temporarily deployed in the month of may, and there for two months, he was on the front line, we have more than 300 people from the expanded ministry of finance, one way or another, including volunteers for a special military operation, and thanks also to those who are doing their work there on the spot, the conversation about the development of the country as a whole continues at the plenary session. Mishustin emphasizes, despite the difficult situation, the most difficult period for the russian economy is over. Forecasts predicted a deep decline in the economy due to sanctions, but they did not come true. Last year, none of the foreign experts expected that, given such colossal pressure , the domestic grain product would decline by only 2 . The country managed to smoothly adapt to new challenges and quickly return to sustainable growth. By mid2023 , the economy will be almost completely shut down. Has recovered, in a number of industries, indicators are already exceeding previous values. Conversation at the forum about how to find a new balance during a period of global transformation. The russian economy has proven its stability, but the main task now is further development, despite the sanctions, and the budget for the next three years must ensure this. The income portion has increased significantly, the basis for growth is consumer activity and the expansion of manufacturing industries. The main tasks of the budget are to provide. The needs of the army and the defense capability of our country, this will ensure all social obligations that are provided for by the decisions of the president and government, and what is important is that the budget, despite all the restrictions, is aimed at a new technological breakthrough. Many european and American Companies were forced to leave russia and now regret it. We know that many Foreign Investors would like to keep their projects in our country. We understand the situation in which. Many found themselves due to the actions of their own authorities, some were forced to leave russia, we expect that pragmatism will prevail, they will return, but as we say, the place is sacred, its never empty asian and russian manufacturers themselves have entered the market, for whom it is extremely important to quickly introduce world class technologies. This whole story with sanctions has finally made it clear to many countries that without their own technological groundwork, they can easily, i would say, find themselves left behind, literally out of the blue experience a shortage of even the most important goods and components, so the government places special emphasis on the development of domestic production. It was possible to adapt to sanctions thanks to domestic financial system, the mir card, social and transport cards are successfully operating, a system of fast payments is being developed. I have always said that Structural Reforms are painful. Any structural change means that you have to lose something somewhere, give up something, in order to achieve a result, the restructuring of Foreign Trade was not painless, it required new investments, clearing bottlenecks, and so on, but it was basically over, of course , along with the numbers there is another important indicator, the Financial Independence of the country, for this year the countrys financial sovereignty has strengthened from your point of view, yes elviraevna, you didnt even nod, i dont argue, i agree, its set so sovereignly that she doesnt even need to nod. The whole country, the largest megacities such as moscow, managed to cope with the challenges, especially since, as history shows, russia is no stranger to certain crises. We are constantly in a situation of overcoming. And if there are no crises, then you and i stagnate, if there are crises, then you and i are reborn and move forward, and this story has once again shown that russia can overcome. The ministry of Economic Development has carefully analyzed external conditions, and minister reshetnikov calls the budget strong. Our economy grew 2. 5 year on year over 8 months. Therefore, the estimate of 2. 8 looks more than realistic , but unfortunately the inflation estimate of 7. 5 looks quite realistic, the latest figures show that we are moving toward this figure, which is why, from this point of view , we have included strong parameters in the budget. The central bank was forced to increase the key rate, otherwise the ruble would have been weaker. Notes the head of the central bank, and inflation will decline and will reach the target of 4 . Nabiulins words became the reason for the discussion. Some need a strong course, some need a weak one, but it seems to me thats all. For the Exchange Rate to be stable and predictable, or maybe ill come in a little from the other end, it seems to me, like in a caucasian captive, either im taking me to the tax office or shes taking me to the prosecutor, maybe we can change the price of goal setting, here we go probably, inflation is still more important even than the Exchange Rate, lets take as a basis not 4 , but 6. 4 , it will be easier for us all to breathe, why cant this be done, the higher the inflation, the more the spread of prices, the more prices specifically for milk can rise. For bread, the lower it is, the more stable they are, and the lower the inflation, the more affordable the loan rates will be, she convinced you, no, well, in general, elviradovna has a unique gift for convincing, but here, you know, i always say , the bank and the central bank, they are always like two poles that cannot live without each other, but they must always take slightly different positions, and of course, the future of the country largely depends on economic stability; business asks for predictability, we we are able to provide it, we live in north korea, what predictability is normal, we need to respond to all challenges very quickly, that is, you are already, you are already accustomed to everything, andreylenich asked to introduce taxes, yes, as i understand it, the speech says i want to help country, to hold financial forums more often for this purpose, we hear, yes, yes, andreyvich , probably at the next forum it will be possible to discuss. How the digital ruble is being introduced in russia, the Pilot Project started in august, but there will always be a choice of what to pay for a specific person. Alexey petrov, yana streblyanskaya, viktor vinogradov, ivan ponomarenko, Nikolai Zakharov and maxim shchepilov, lead. Moscow said goodbye to the famous scientist and statesman, former minister of economy of russia, evgeny yasin. He died on september 25 at the age of 89 after a long illness. Evgeny grigorievichs relatives, his colleagues, students came to the forgiveness ceremony, everyone celebrated. His enormous involvement in the life of the country, and in different eras, from the khrushchev thaw, the brezhnev stagnation, to the gorbachev reforms, elsinsky transformations of our time. Evgeny yasin participated in the development of the 500 days program for the transition of the soviet union to a market economy and became one of the founders of the National Research university, the Higher School of economics. He participated in the creation of the tower, of course, to leave behind a school , students, to give. A way, a life, to many young people this is a very noble task, it probably multiplies the ideas and values ​​that he shared, we remember very well how complex questions that constantly raised discussions between the ministry of finance were resolved simply and. Comrade, this is worth a lot, because we know how difficult it is to find compromises between our departments. Evilin grigorievich is a very intelligent, sincere, warm person. Yevgeny yasin was buried at the troyekursky cemetery in moscow. Russian companies will receive subsidies to create analogues of foreign ones. Together with the ministry of industry and trade and the federal antimonopoly service , we determined a list of 40 drugs. A Competition Among manufacturers will be held at the end october, by december the funds will be distributed. Is there currently enough medicine on the russian market, and how prices have changed . The head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko, spoke about this in an exclusive interview with my colleague, naili askerzade. Hello, mikhail albertovich. Good day, hello. Traditionally accompanied by an increase in the incidence of influenza, what is the situation now . The period at the beginning of the school year, when children returned to school, there was a certain increase in the incidence rate, more contacts, more communication, and this is here however, it was reflected, now the situation is stabilizing and has even decreased to a certain extent, well, in particular in moscow this is noticeable, but in some others. While there is still a slight rise, this is actually accompanied every year with the beginning of the school year, but the situation as a whole is stable and even. What infections are circulating and how to protect yourself from them . Today there are several infections that we would like to Pay Attention to, this is, of course, a certain increase in incidence, after all, there is a new coronavirus infection, but i want to say, that its course does not. Have such an aggressive format for the development of hospitalization, a small number, but nevertheless risk groups should remember this, that the development of complications is possible. It is possible and, of course, a number of respiratory viruses are circulating, but today is the best time to get vaccinated in time for the new flu season, so we are monitoring the situation, and how many months do we still have to get vaccinated against the flu . Well, normal immunity after vaccination is formed within 4 weeks, so its better to start vaccinating now in the next. Week or two, its probably better to finish it. Vaccines have been supplied to all constituent entities of the russian federation, these vaccines with an updated antigenic composition are produced by several domestic manufacturers, a high level of safety and effectiveness , and the antigenic composition is selected annually according to the predicted, circulating composition of influenza viruses. For patients who have chronic diseases and older patients, we recommend that you voluntarily undergo vaccination against infection, what is the Current Situation with drug prices and how these dynamics may change by the end of the year, given the rise in Exchange Rates in august. The list of vital drugs , it is clearly regulated by price regulation, for all these drugs, the price is fixed, and changes occur only if there are really prerequisites for this, but lets say changes. Technology or increase in the cost of any components for the production of medicines, today the price has changed since the beginning of the year to 1. 9 , on average for the vital list, and i want to note that this is below the inflation rate, therefore all drugs on the vital list, they are now strictly controlled by the state, rosdrovnadzor monitors prices, if they are overpriced, you can go there, but here too there is a drug labeling system in place, which also helps to control blood pressure. Thank you very much. Thank you, since its founding, the Nuclear Industry has made an extremely important contribution to the development of our country, strengthening economy, defense capability and energy security. With these words , Vladimir Putin today congratulated industry workers on their professional holiday. The president emphasized that behind the successes lies the painstaking work of many generations of scientists and engineers. And now the tradition is a predecessor. Increases rossat. The museum of contemporary history of russia has opened an exhibition dedicated to the triple anniversary of the eightieth anniversary of the Kurchatov Institute and the 120th anniversary of academicians Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov. Alenas report ragozina. Rare prewar photos young soviet physics. And these are the only surviving crusts, the cover of the stalin prize to Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov for the demagnetization of the navy during the second world war. Calculations for the atomic bomb. The generals group, so nicknamed by his colleagues at the leningrad festeh for his extraordinary Organizational Skills , literally in the open air of moscow , begins the construction of the First Physical reactor for producing weaponsgrade plutonium, the future atomic institute. A fateful decision the creation of the Famous Laboratory number two was accepted by the top leadership of the soviet union in the very difficult, dramatic days and months of the great patriotic war. Reports from soviet foreign intelligence in those years spoke about the plans of the United States to create new weapons with incredible destructive forces. Kurchatov and aleksandrov have been together since the thirties, born in the same year, following their destiny in science, without competition, comrades inarms. Today, as in those days, our country faces very big challenges, big ones. Challenges, they are multifaceted and of course, scientists, the academy, all our researchers, they must respond, as in past years, to these challenges, the launch of the worlds First Nuclear power plant, the design of a submarine or subsea nuclear fleet, the first flight into space, the creation of new scientific installations for thermonuclear fusion, sun traps, Development Genetics and new scientific and industrial branches, the Kurchatov Institute in the 21st century, one of the leading interdisciplinary. Scientific laboratories in the country and the world, thanks to academicians kurchatov, alexandrov, many others, representatives of science, thanks Kurchatov Institute, today we have a developed research infrastructure, this makes us attractive to researchers from all over the world. The significance of the atomic project is growing every year, the exhibition effect of kurchatov alexandrov, in many ways for those who will live and develop domestic science tomorrow, the measure of the fathers of the atomic project, researchers of modern times will also have to be diversified. Here is a challenge for you, you need to deal with biological safety, biology. It will change the whole world like nuclear technology, to be a biology specialist, you need to learn physics and mathematics, then teach biology, then you will be a full fledged, soughtafter person and become the curly haired alexandro. The current generation of young physicists and mathematicians sincerely follow the example of the friends of academicians alexandrov and kurchatov, a national treasure, the First Physical reactor, here, where our atomic project was born, today there is a museum, excursions are scheduled for a year in advance, it also worked for so long, wow, oh the structure of the first reactor and how it is here in the army tents, without 3d models of computers with only a slide rule in 1943 , under the leadership of kurchatov, they manually folded the reactor, the guys seem to know everything. His zeal, his understanding in general. All this process is based on science, they are burning, these schoolchildren also have no questions about choosing a future profession, forward to science, forward, triple anniversary, and what for us behind these dates is , of course, history, science, dedicated work, feat, and also skill see goals follow them goals that are certainly larger than our lives. Alena ragodin, Ivan Malyshev vladislav dudar, news. What our life was like 30 years ago , director Alexander Veledinsky paints a portrait of the era in the new film 1993, from today the picture is in wide release throughout the country about the First Impressions of the film polina irmalaeva. So youre for the reds or youre lost. I am private property, a former teacher of marxismleninism opens a restaurant in 5 minutes, candidate of sciences , works in the emergency brigade, and his. Met comrade pkb, sells calendars for 1994 on the train, which seems to be just around the corner, quit his job long ago, about a month and a half, but while outside the window its early autumn of ninetythree at the dawn of october, the political crisis is reaching its peak, the constitution, and that constitution, how many of them there were, and we still live, this story is really connected with the story of my father, because my father worked in space scientific research. Institute, then in the nineties he was forced to go to work as a pipelayer, which happened exactly 30 years ago. The powerful and shrill evgeniy tsiganov, a fourteenyearold schoolboy, then went to the white house, director alexander velidinsky was at the television center. Having seen how armored personnel carriers were walking along mira avenue, the third day of studying at the higher courses for screenwriters, the director, and the whole future brigade, sidorov porublev and i, we went. There, lay under bullets, and returned back, now 30 years have passed, all these years beledinsky wanted to make a movie about the events of the ninetythird, when the proposal was made for the name of the novel, Sergei Shargunov agreed without hesitation. All this is about the split, about the misfortune of separation, about how its scary when close people become opponents and look at each other as enemies. The barricades really separate the hero and his wife, played by ekaterina velkova , and the shaky family world is about to collapse under the yoke of social changes. Mish, how can i open my own business . What business . Well, a teenage daughter doesnt care about her parents struggle for survival. Hamid is a tobacconist a mile away from her. In a mile there are 66 m and 80 cm in 1 km. Well done, he reads a lot. For me this is cinema. About human relationships, what its about in the ninetythird year, yes, well , some events in our lives sometimes aggravate, events happening in the family. On the screen are all the now forgotten signs of the times, from the glasnost booth to the upcoming mile jackson concert, there is a lot of music in the film, and there is a ticket for mike jackson, but there are no dots or ratings, the director seems to be hovering above the fray, because the time for change always passes , but the most important thing in life remains. Look back 30 years to immerse yourself in small hopes and formidable shocks. 1993 first feature film about the events of october 2 on the screens of a large country, it is being released today. Polina ermalaeva and velina karnaeva, Mikhail Artyukhin and mikhail averenkov. News. But right after us today, dont miss two new episodes. Plot medical drama dr. Krasnov the famous doctor faces a difficult task to diagnose not an ordinary patient , his own daughter, all attempts at primary diagnosis fail and he decides to go to the hostel to understand the true causes of the alarming symptoms, what surprises await the main character, well find out already very soon only on the russia channel, this is big news, this is what will happen next in our program, the threat of a shutdown is over america, the threat of impeachment is over biden, but the world is teaching democracy, the states continue, the british minister of defense was sent to kiev to console zelsky, american tanks they are afraid of ukrainian dirt. A former Traffic Police officer could have been involved in the murder of dari dugina. The domestic air reservation system was tested by powerful attacks, including from ukraine. Thugs on the capitals road are detained as they tried to steer in front a moving car . Is your daughter in foster care . Premiere on russia channel. My god. Is she yours . No, like, of course, how do you know, you dont see her for weeks. Who the hell gave you these pills . You . In life there is a chance to correct mistakes. Sorry, im just worried about katya, about us. Doctor krasnov, today at 21 20 on the russia channel. Move to the investment level. Bks. The best analytics and investment ideas for any situation await you. Open an account with Company Number one. Bcs world of investments. Sbermarket takes care of your profitable purchases, pay up to 99 of your order with sber thank you bonuses in any stores and restaurants. Bermarket, order profitably. I have to fly the entire winter globe at once. You re falling, fedor, answer yes i know fedor wind cutter in the cinema from october 5, easy to apply for, just get up to 5 million , in the branch and online, pay less, candy 134. 90 pyaterochka helps out, this sunday there is a special edition of the dreamerion, all prizes are twice as big and a super prize from 200 million. 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And the criminals unleashed a bloody massacre, then this option was chosen not parliamentary, not popular, but tough, there was no need to shoot from tanks. There was, of course, something bad, to put it mildly, it was from here that the same broadcast was conducted, which was watched by the whole world, the fact is that each side believed that the instigator was the other side, i myself fulfilled the oath in those days, even after 30 years , i believe that i do not know the whole truth about the events of 1993; russia is experiencing the most severe political crisis in postsoviet history, which will end in bloodshed. 1993. Breaking point premiere, sunday at 10 00 p. M. On the russia channel. Theres big news on the air, lets continue the broadcast. While washington instead. 24 billion dollars sends kiev ultimatums to get rid of corruption in 18 months, zelsky is betting on europe. In kiev today there is a mini ramstein in the format of the nato secretary general plus the ministers of defense of britain and france. In addition to trying to squeeze guarantees of continued sponsorship from the alliance. The media noticed that the dialogue about weapons is being conducted by defense newcomers umerov and shaps. Report by alexander khabarov. The head of the uk Defense Department is in kiev for the second time. I flew there in august as minister of energy, he is now in a new status and promises zelsky to maintain the same level of military and political support. Our support for you and ukraine remains absolutely unshakable; we stand shoulder to shoulder with you. Details of the negotiations are unknown. At the same time , the french minister of defense flew to kiev; sebastian leparnia was accompanied by about twenty representatives of Defense Industry enterprises. Another one. Today we discussed serious steps to support the allies support for ukraine. Ukrainian forces moving forward, they are fighting hard. Zelensky promised him to continue the counteroffensive. Reality itself is proof that ukraines membership in nato will quite naturally benefit both sides. Western figures make calculations based on their own interests. Its already been spent on ukraine. Considerable funds, general figures for the european union, were announced by the head of the european commission, ursula vonderlein. We support ukraine financially, and also provide military and humanitarian assistance, the amount in which assistance is estimated at a given moment is 81 billion euros. The west does not see any real impact; military experts noted that the Ukrainian Armed forces are afraid to use heavy nato Armored Vehicles after the first significant losses, choosing the tactics of foot attacks. Under the cover of an armored personnel carrier, New York Times analysts believe that such a slowdown in the pace of progress creates new risks for the ukrainian command. Time is running out for ukraine to counteroffensive to achieve significant territorial gains. Heavy rains are expected next month and there may be muddy roads. Prevent the use of heavy equipment, such as the recently arrived american abrams and british challenger tanks. When there is so much dirt on the ground, and you have seventyfive tons. Hell just drown. The newspaper adds that the dense minefields of the fortifications created by the Russian Military make each attack costly, and a prolonged stalemate at the front could lead to a weakening of western aid to ukraine. Can we now say that ukraine is winning the war, or is it not that simple . I think ukraine has the initiative, but from having the initiative to winning the war, you need to go to thats why longterm support from the usa and britain from the west is so important. From talking about longterm support, sooner or later you will have to move on to action, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince the population of europe. In addition, one has to take into account not only losses, but also the current balance of power in the world. Even in british publications , materials began to appear about the unaccounted factor of the global south, which refused to side with the west and thereby failed the idea of ​​complete isolation russia. It turned out to be a calculation. Not the only one, but it determines a lot in the modern world. The french lemon writes that the ukrainian conflict did not add influence to the west, on the contrary, it reduced it. The year 2023 marks the realization of a new reality that cannot be ignored. The major countries of the south are no longer subject to the guidelines of the major countries of the north. The wests demands to impose sanctions on russia are seen as a perfect example of the double standards of the northern powers, so indifferent to the endless. Conflict in the south. The newspaper reminds that the french recently had to leave niger, before that the allies fled from afghanistan. The future doesnt look good. I can say that there will be a lot of chaos in the future. We are no longer going to rely on the old corrupt politicians who led the american and Afghan People to all these failures. It seemed to them that everything was fine with afghanistan, despite the critical situation on the ground. The same thing is happening in ukraine now. Former chief of the general staff of the afghan army, haibatullah alizai, believes that the lessons of afghanistan have taught the United States and its allies nothing. They repeat the same mistakes. Only in another country. Alexander khabarov, ilya mordyukov and timofey mukhin. News london. The nato naval exercises completed ahead of schedule and the northern coast did not become a reason for the alliance to sail out of sight of the baltic fleet. For the first time in the history of exercises in the region, dozens of ships and submarines worked out the scenario of repelling direct threats, including from the kaliningrad and leningrad regions. And on the evronews website, as if not by chance material about suwalski came out. Land on the polishlithuanian border adjacent to russia and belarus. The corridor, according to the author of the article, is now definitely nato. For the baltic fleet, everything that is happening is not a surprise; tactical exercises with bal coastal Missile Systems are being held in the leningrad region. And in kaliningradskaya the bastion antiship Missile System is ready. Report by marin naumova. Missile systems. He goes to firing positions, under control of the entire Southern Coast of the baltic sea, one of the main advantages of this highprecision weapons mobility, deployment time 5 minutes, radius of action of onyx supersonic homing missiles over 300 km, equipped with onyx, bastion coastal Missile Systems can deliver precise strikes on any targets from kaliningrad to the coast of sweden. The defense of the russian exclave in the baltic is protected by the entire sea coast. Coastal Missile Systems can hit surface sea targets of various classes and types, operating both individually and as part of convoys, landing formations, and Aircraft Carrier strike groups. Start in 2 minutes after receiving the appointment. Not far from the kaliningrad region , a twoweek northern shores military exercise recently concluded, billed as the most powerful in recent years, which was intended to demonstrate that the baltic is nato territory. Now russian coastal Missile Systems with their radars see all american, british and german ships maneuvering in the baltic sea. Theyre on our radar. How many targets can you track at the same time . Eh, many up to 6070 or more goals. There were moments when they approached in principle, well not directly close, but very close to our waters. We still adequately respond to all these provocations and monitor their further actions. Fictitious launches are electronic, but the crews of coastal Missile Systems in the bastion of the baltic fleet regularly practice real launches at one of the northern training grounds; the missiles they use have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness in syria and in the northern military district zone. Supersonic antiship missiles are smart and reliable at a speed of 2,500 km h, such a missile carries a warhead weighing more 200 kg. In flight, it can, the first missile that has captured the target corrects the next one fired later. Two supersonic missiles are capable of reliably sending a ship to the seabed, even with the most modern level of protection. Marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, elizaveta berezkina, vesti kaliningskaya region. In the house of representatives of the american congress, the first impeachment hearings against joe biden are ending at this moment. Republicans showed Hunter Bidens sms messages in chinese. Businessmen emphasized that the president s son had repeatedly publicly lied about not being on the board of directors of the Ukrainian Company burisma; the white house said that the impeachment hearings were frivolous against the backdrop of the impending shutdown, with less than 60 hours until the government shutdown, but the main topic on american tv the topic of the debate remains, which trump did not attend, despite his absenteeism, he is the main contender for the oval office according to the polls. Reportage. Under the ceiling of the Ronald Reagan library, where the republican debates are held, decommissioned on Board Air Force one, as a reminder of the lost america , in which the heads of the white house did not stumble on the steps of president ial boeings, from the same plane in the 1980s , reagan also disembarked jimmy carter, with whom joe biden is increasingly being compared, during the elections. Each of these families wants to be reagan, even if they are called kamikaze pilots , the main character is again absent and the place in the center of the stage goes to the governor of florida , ron, for whom this seems to be the last chance to catch on in the race, he began with an attack on the leader. Do you know who is missing from this event is donald trump, and he must be here today to defend his reputation. However, for the second debate in a row, it is not desantis who is taking the rap for the absent trump, but a young businessman, vivik kromoswamy, who is frightening the party elite; he received criticism from the moderators for using chinese tiktok. Officials are banned from using tiktok because it is affiliated with the chinese government, but you showed up there anyway. We need to win the elections, this can be done, among other things, by attracting the youth. Honestly, every time i listen to you, i get a little stupider. You want kids on tiktok that is owned by china, whose people bribed hunter biden, then we cant trust you. They apparently only plan to trust hayley and people like her in the future. There will be no spending on ukraine, just as there will be no american soldiers there, we are obliged to protect our people before even worrying about the rest, but for some reason some people believe that the American People need protection thousands of kilometers from their own borders, and other peoples do not need protection. China, and we are pushing russia further into its arms, we need a reasonable plan for a peaceful settlement of the ukrainian issue in order to complete this, especially since we are talking about a country with a president who only last week warmly welcomed a nazi. Here another hawk perked up, mike pence, if we allow ukraine to be taken away, this will be a signal to china that peace can only be achieved. And the governor of new jersey even called for a world war. Action must be taken now, we need to fight the russia china alliance, and we cannot achieve this through negotiations alone. A total loser at this debate, christie is remembered mainly for calling donald trump donald duck. Cnn even admitted that trump won the debate. Donald trump has again avoided a serious blow to his reputation. I think in the end it was a good night for him. Yes, it was more like a fight for second, third, fourth places. No wonder they were the second to watch debate only 13 million people, less than the first. Fox news even had to cut its advertising price from 500 to 200,000 per halfminute video. And then trump finished off, who started his broadcast an hour earlier. Are you going to watch the debate . Maybe ill look at them as job seekers applications, we re ahead by 57 points, and perhaps more importantly, were ahead of biden. The fortyfifth president of the United States landed in michigan at an auto parts plant, the industry engulfed in a massive strike. Biden even joined her, which the everswinging state had flown in the day before. He was the First American president to go on strike to scold wall street

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