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And what the president wanted to say is not clear in the situation room , cia director burns reports something to him. The situation around israel and palestine was officially discussed, but the reason for the meeting could have been different shortly before the meeting , several american bases were attacked in the middle east. We are seeing an increase in the number of missiles launched from outside. Iranbacked groups to military bases where us personnel are stationed in iraq and syria. We are seriously concerned about the potential for a significant escalation of these attacks in the coming days. Launch of a drone by one of the iraqi groups heading towards an american base in anbar province. At the same time, a series of attacks on the pentagon garrisons in syria, red lights flashing everywhere, this is how the press in the states comments on the situation in the middle east. Between the strict enemies one can read fear. Lost, we no longer lead anywhere in the world, not even at home, chaos is everywhere, leadership is not bureaucracy or some kind of idea, leadership is a person, it is a president , it doesnt matter who he is, a man or a woman, but we dont have one, the one we have encourages inspires all the worst that is in this world, the Biden Administration is rushing around at a loss, in the first days israel was promised full support, then less, words are heard in defense of palestine, and netanyahu, as the New York Times writes, biden is holding back from a ground operation, so that, like the americans after september 11, they would not get bogged down in the conflict for years, from tel aviv washington is waiting for achievable goals in gas, but as long as there is no strategy, there is no need to attack. Joe biden has neither the clear words nor the courage to lead our country in this dangerous world. I thought biden would warn our enemies dont, dont, dont, but he warns. No, dont do that. Biden keeps israel from striking hamas and hezbollah. Biden is prolonging the war in israel just as he is prolonging the war in ukraine. Conflicts have a lot in common; they share the same ammunition. The weapons that the americans took from israel for ukraine are now return back. Fighting on two fronts, washington is torn, or rather , torn. The National Security council admits that the us arsenals have been in place for a year and a half. Have decreased critically. How seriously are you concerned that the United States has dangerously low stockpiles of ammunition needed for our own defense . Of course, this worries us, so we are very closely monitoring every military aid package that goes to ukraine, and now to israel. The ministry of defense must evaluate and be confident that we ourselves can continue win based on our operational needs. The pentagon sent advisers to israel, including Lieutenant General james glyn, former commander of Marine Corps Special forces. In the iraq war, he led the assault on fallujah in 2004, after which the corpses were taken out of the city by trucks, more than 2,000 dead iraqis, the general will pass on his experience to israel if it goes to take gas. The internet works there, people in gaza can receive messages about how they can get out of the sector . In areas along the border there are very big problems with communication, because the military does not want militants in those areas to communicate with each other; there is no cellular communication there. No electricity. There are about 15,000 soldiers on Us Navy Ships that are being deployed closer to israel, and the pentagon is going to increase the force even more. We are concerned about the escalation of the conflict and the likelihood that it will spread from gaza to southern lebanon. Therefore , we continue to make it very clear to everyone who is hostile to israel in the region. If they are considering attacking, they should reconsider their actions. That is why the president ordered the deployment of two aircraft. Conflict zone , in the most unfavorable scenario , 600 thousand people will need to be withdrawn from israel and lebanon, but this is on paper, the main contender for the presidency, donald trump, believes that the Current Administration cares about compatriots in the last place. Bidens speech is a grotesque betrayal of israel, a cliched, convoluted warmonger. America comes last for him. Crooked joe spoke to the American People and said that if you want to support israel, then you have to give a blank check to the proxy war in ukraine, deal with russia and ukraine, which by the way, no matter what happens, if i were president , you will probably end up in world war iii, due to the fact that we have an incompetent the president. One of the richest people in the United States, elon musk, in a radio broadcast , agreed with the most popular president ial candidate that the risks of world war iii are now higher than ever, but the degree can be quickly reduced by just improving relations with russia. We should stop the pointless sacrifice ukrainian. Youth in the trenches, conclude a truce and begin the process of normalizing relations with russia. Russia and ukraine are literally cousins, they have been part of the same country for many years, they are unnatural opponents , they have grievances, but they are literally one family, i think that we in the west are kind of pushing them towards so that they kill their sons, and it seems to me that doing this is wrong. And civilizational rice is added to the regional tragedy. Which we carry, making russia an outcast for the west, not allowing International Transactions with russia, introducing essentially harsh sanctions. However, the topic of relations between moscow and kiev, the american media, and therefore the american authorities, are now much less interested in, they remember ukraine less often, it was set on fire and now they have switched to the middle east. Denis davydov and timofey mukhin, lead. Meanwhile , European Business is not missing the opportunity to warm up its hands from the blaze. Military conflicts, for example, the german concern rain metal raised the price of ammunition by one and a half times. If previously a shell for gabice cost 2,000 euros, then now its 3,500. Alexander khristenko will continue. The transporter luft wafe arrived in kuln with a particularly Important Mission to deliver olaf scholz in spartan conditions, he was delighted with the flight, to the inspection of the territorial command group created last year. The path from the ramp is accompanied by armed soldiers. Brought the chancellor to the american pvtriot installations. Berlin does not miss the chance to demonstrate its military capabilities. Here is the minister of foreign affairs, despite the fact that he is from the green party in a particularly militant mood, against the backdrop of general the call for a temporary ceasefire in gaza makes it clear that germany is not against new attacks. We will not be able to limit the humanitarian catastrophe if gas terrorism continues. Peace and security for israel and the palestinians will come when there is terrorism. And this despite the fact that many eu countries strongly supported the call of the un secretary general for a humanitarian ceasefire in gaza; spain, belgium, the netherlands and ireland were in favor, although austria and the Czech Republic still supported germany, in a single word is didnt succeed at the front. The poor management of the organization was once again criticized by Hungarian Prime Minister orban, comparing the European Union with the soviet union. Yes, it happens that history repeats itself. Fortunately, what happened the first time. Brussels is simply a poorly executed modern parody of the ussr, we had to dance like moscow played the dutka, if brussels plays the dutka, we dance as we want, and if we dont want to, then we dont dance. Unlike brussels, the german street shows unity. Propalestinian actions in frankfurt and other cities, in berlin for a while. Parade ground, before that the police dispersed a large uncoordinated rally. The publication bilt writes that there is a quote on the streets of germany a crowd of jew haters is raging, there is a fear of terrorism, eu countries are closing their borders, but the minister of the interior of germany, nancy feser, as if nothing had happened, went on vacation to mayerka, beloved by german tourists. The frau minister was photographed in slippers, hugging a stack of towels, the headline germany is sinking, fezer is going for a swim. Fezer spent a week relaxing in a fivestar hotel with her family, availability of fresh fruit, all the delicacies that the island has to offer, a room for two from 230 euros, a large Swimming Pool to the beach 400 m. Not to say that its an ostentatious luxury, but the moment itself, and then theres ukraine, a germanukrainian Economic Forum on restoration, zelsky this time did not go himself, sent a video message to Prime Minister shmogal, he is worried that everyone will forget about ukraine because of the gas, especially since in sou they selected from. Almost all the reserves of shells, and now he joined in and fought, on already in the west there is even a shortage of gunpowder. Germany spent 24 billion euros on ukraine during the entire conflict, the chancellor said, and urged not to worry, there is money, there seems to be even a desire to give it away. We support ukraine economically, financially, through humanitarian aid, as well as weapons. This support will in no way be affected by the fact that since the terrible morning of october 7 we have been concentrating on israel and the middle east with the greatest sympathy and concern. Our solidarity extends to both countries. A case of doubt about this presented itself immediately. German Television Crews interrupted the broadcast of the ukrainian Prime Ministers speech and turned it on. In the future we want common Customs Border controls. Ladies and gentlemen, we are forced to interrupt the broadcast because a press conference between Emmanuel Macron and Benjamin Netanyahu is taking place in israel. We are happy to switch there. But who is firmly hooked on the ukrainian conflict is the largest german arms manufacturer rhein metal. Operating profit the concerns revenue grew by almost a third last year and reached a record high of 754 million euros. They make money on volumes on cost. Over the course of a year and a half, rain metall increased prices for 155mm ammunition by one and a half times. Confidential documents show how expensive ranmetal sells artillery shells for ukraine, paid for by the federal government, ammunition cost about 2,000 euros per unit, the remaining was 3,600 euros. It is not surprising that the mercedes of the head of the concern drives into the courtyard of the Ukrainian Embassy in berlin. Armin paperger hugs. Ambassador makeev in his office, gives patches, stripes on the uniform of tankers, he in return demonstrates his corner of desires, leopards, marderra and other equipment on the list, ticking off the desires already fulfilled. This is a wish list, it is slowly getting shorter, but there are still a couple of things. But the two remained silent about the dozens of leopards destroyed by the russian army. In one interview, you said that they dont talk about shot down leopards, even if they exist. Do you discuss them with each other here . What we are talking about here is we we are not discussing in front of cameras. Today in kiev it was announced that rheinmetal and ukroboronprom have created a joint venture in ukraine for the maintenance, repair and production of western military equipment. So far, apparently, on paper, the llc was registered a week ago, however, it is clear that if it takes on a real shape, it will immediately become a legitimate military target for russian forces. Alexander khristenko. Denis sokolov, vesti. In the lugansk republic , power lines damaged by battles are being restored, but before electricians arrive at the site, the area around the mines must be cleared by sappers. Egor grigoriev went on the raid together with soldiers of the army corps, the Southern Group of troops. The fields between the villages of svetlichnaya and donetsk, lugansk peoples republic, there are signs everywhere, be careful of mines, with sappers and the doctors accompanying them we are going to the next work site. Literally a little to the left, a little to the right, and this could be the last trip. Last year, these lands in the ssu were dotted with mines, dug up with fortifications, it didnt help, they fled, left behind tons of ammunition, find the main task of sappers is to destroy them. The Engineering Group of the Second Army Corps of the Southern Group of forces was instructed to begin moving along the route. A dangerous find a few meters from the highway, here the enemy was clearly waiting for our infantry. Uran6 starts working, the operator sends the robot to the location where the mine was discovered. These fragmentation mines, a selfpropelled trawl, passes without being noticed, leaving behind a clear strip of one and a half meters. Sappers first go where water supply and new lines are soon to be laid power lines, the old ones were cut off. There are often dangerous surprises scattered around the leb supports. 04 16, cookie cake 701, delivery impossible. Previously, we have found 250 kg of explosives, engineers are scattering a cable for remote detonation, there is fire, spatter , there are countless types of explosive objects here, we follow the sappers along the paths marked with tape, every 50 m, once longterm firing points of the enemy, here there is a man the observer who was sitting saw the movement, so exactly what should he have done . Should i close the wires . That is, in a controlled manner, launch a detonation. During short breaks we talk with the soldiers, they are not only engaged in humanitarian demining, a competitor with the call sign vaso, only from the front line, carried out a combat mission, in kleshcheevka, they went out , it turns out that the loaf illuminated us with headlights, and 2300 wounded, me and my a comrade worked for us as a tank, well, we prayed very hard to god, the group is wellcoordinated, although there are also. Very young fighters, the one with the call sign artist, generally a student, entered the Lugansk University to become an animator, but the audience was voluntary decision changed to a trench. There are completely different cartoons here, cartoons. Others, well, pictures too, donbass must be liberated, it is necessary, it must be cleaned, it must be cleaned, yes, sappers are clearing the lugansk lands in the rear, from scattered mines and shells, to restore peaceful life, on the front line, they are allowing our equipment and infantry to advance, egor grigoriev, vladislav merzayan, salina zyyova, vesti , crews of t90 tanks are fighting in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation, among the heroes is a platoon commander, winner of several duels, once he took out his crew even after nine hits in the car. About the exploits of the lieutenant. Report by anton stepanenko. He couldnt help but become a tank driver; he dreamed of it. He entered the kazan tank army, but did not finish his studies; he signed a contract and started out as a private. It all started when we heard that there were some refusals, something, he reacted very sharply to this, for him, it was him, well, like him. I basically dont understand how this can be, so for us its supposed to be patriotism, its to defend the homeland, we think it should be this way, its right, he serves in a separate tank battalion of the fortysecond division, now a platoon commander, here on the zaporozhye front private yusupov became a lieutenant , i did well with the dzhevilins, well, when i collided, my tank shot four times with dzhevilins, all four fell on the right. Tank , not one hit my tank, i dont know, either all four were defective, or im so lucky, i hope im so lucky, but were there any hits on the tank . There were hits, but insignificant, that is , there was no penetration of the tank, there was something that flew into the sides, our reactive dynamic protection is all discarded it as if there was nothing serious for the tank, for my crew personally, in less than 2 years he already had three state awards. Order of courage, st. Georges cross and medal for courage, earned them honestly, twice emerged victorious in tank duels, rode alone against two enemy crews. There was a moment when the t90, not the ms, when he was still serving in the 503rd regiment, withstood nine hits from a tank, nine hits landed on it and it survived, he was able to get the crew out, everyone remained intact, he cannot share with me everything that was there happens, he doesnt shares too. We practically dont talk about service in general terms, thats why he protects you in this way, probably , misaido will now learn a little more about how her abdulaziz fights than he himself tells her, from the house, from the window the machine gunner is working, but they cant shoot at it, and they also couldnt explain why, the regiment commander decided to send an armored personnel carrier there to suppress this machine gun, the armored personnel carrier also reports that it is shooting. Cant, the regiment commander told the tankers to go there, i went and i look out this window and see what a machine gunner is sitting scribbling from the window, to his right is a woman, to her left is her baby, i just couldnt shoot there to kill the child , lets just say i wasnt ready for this, i thought that he wouldnt have acted differently, well some relief, what . He did just that, he tries to call them in buynaksk every day, if its not possible , then he records voice messages in advance especially for his daughter, as if he communicates with her every day, that at the beginning of these events, when it all started, that now there is some kind of. That there is confidence inside that everything will be fine, i have some kind of faith that he will return, alive, healthy and definitely with victory, dad, i love you, i adore you. Anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, sarkar magomedov, salekh salikhov, news military special operation zaporozhye. In grozny , a temple in honor of the blessed prince daniil of moscow was illuminated; it is located in a single complex with a mosque, symbolizing the inseparability of faith. In the presence of the director of the Russian Guard and the head of the republic, a maleben was held from those who are now performing tasks in their zone. Reportage artur mustaev. The complex is rightfully considered unique, on one territory. And an orthodox church, between them a memorial sign with sacred texts from the koran and the gospel was installed right in the center. The temple of the blessed prince daniel of moscow was erected 3 years ago, and today the consecration of the orthodox shrine is taking place. The ceremony was attended by the director of the Russian Guard, viktor zolotov, and the head of chechnya. The close connection between the state and the clergy, in the best traditions, is now manifested on the battlefields as part of a special military operation. Thank you to everyone for many years, i have made every possible contribution to the construction of this significant temple complex. I express special words of gratitude to the head of the chechen republic, Ramzan Akhmatovich kadyrov, who, from the first. Days of the formation of our department, continues to provide comprehensive assistance and support to the troops. After the ceremony of the great illumination of the temple, parishioners prayed for those who are now serving on the front line in the northern military district zone. All military personnel and their families, everyone who lives on the territory, can come to temple to pray for the victory of our country in a special military operation in ukraine. And for all our guys who are now doing their duty. Returned home safe and sound. Today, the director of the Russian Guard , viktor zolotov, and Ramzan Kadyrov presented state awards to the commanders and soldiers of special forces. The guys who serve in your unit are the most worthy guys. And they are showing good results today, they were showing even before it began, while it was being carried out on territory of the chechen republic. Against terrorism and extremism, they showed themselves worthy today in the territory of the spo. Since the first days of the chechen military forces, Chechen Forces have been working in the most difficult areas; fighters carry out tasks effectively with minimal losses. Arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan laluev. News grozny. Two rocket ships of the karakurt project are moored at the pier of the shipyard in komsomolsk on the amur. They are intended for the pacific fleet. Formidable weapons will be installed on board and Missile Systems caliber. Lyudmila smirnova will tell you what tasks shipbuilders now face. Perhaps, for the first time in history , two missile ships were moored at the komsomolsk pier on the amur, and this was not an exercise. However, before they become fullfledged combat units of the pacific fleet, they still have a lot to learn. The outfitting pier now really resembles it. The difference is that instead of crews, while the builders are preparing to launch the heart of the ship. The task here is, as much as possible, to carry out mooring tests, and after moving to the initial base, begin preparing the ship and going to sea for sea trials. This means that the journey to vladivostok, which is more than 2,000 km, they will leave almost ready, after installation and debugging of the systems, they will begin finishing the cabins, and here the sailors will have all the amenities, along with cabinets, tables, chairs, lamps, etc. There are devices on the tables, they still have them, bedside lamps, and the like, curtains, the door is installed completely turnkey, it is handed over to the crew already, this is where they will be on the water. Warships are taking shape , becoming more and more on board what cannot be shown, what cannot be said, yet we are on board the future units of the pacific fleet. Project 22. 800 is known under the code karakurt, a smallsized weapon almost similar to the corvette class. The main argument is highprecision cruise missiles. The main artillery mount has been installed, and contractors have now been called. For the installation and installation of missile weapons. The ships of this series received the names of cities. The entire breadth of russian geography, rzhev is at home, already at the beginning, pavlovsky , a fellow countryman of the far east, usuriysk is being prepared for launching in the workshops. Another advantage to the compactness of the vessels is that to send them to the place of sea testing, a floating mastiff, which is necessary, for example, when transporting corvettes, is not needed. The draft will allow you to overcome the river riffles accompanied by tugs, so much time has passed and you see how it comes to life, begins to glow, turn on the pump, starts to make noise, the ship begins, so to speak, already come to life, there are already different sensations, emotions are filling, the ships will spend the far eastern winter at the berth in komsomolsk with sufficient comfort, onboard power supply, heating with a special system that does not allow water in the backwater, the hull is covered with ice, the hottest time of work will be on board in order to meet the spring ready and in all theory. Lyudmila smirno, maxim nazarov, vesti, khabarovsk. A new water artery will provide Drinking Water to the Populated Areas of feodosia and kerch. It is now being built in the eastern part of crimea. Object readiness 75 , at one of the pumping stations. Victoria talberg visited the water supply. Residents of the eastern coast of the peninsula. Water is supplied using the northern crimean canal, about 130,000 cubic meters of water are discharged daily, but approximately 50,000 cubic meters reach feodosia, the losses are huge, more than half. But after opening the closed path, these problems will not exist. 195,000 cubic meters per day is the capacity of a modern water artery, these volumes are comparable to the daily consumption of the millionaire city of voronezh, and given the Rapid Development of the peninsula and construction of new microdistricts in its different parts, a new water supply route is necessary, it will ensure uninterrupted water supply in the eastern part of crimea. This is one of the pumping stations that will provide the residents of feodosia kershi with Drinking Water, but during the construction and installation work one problem arose some of the equipment was foreign and in the shortest possible time we had to look for an alternative option, just recently domestically produced pumps were delivered here. The project is historical without any involvement, it radically changed the approach to the peninsulas water supply system, artesian wells, modern water tanks, pumping stations and water supply paths, a new complex, without which today it is impossible to imagine the peninsulas water independence; almost 24 billion rubles were allocated for its construction from the federal. Budget. Below me are two tanks with a total volume of 12,000 cubic meters. Water comes here from three water intakes, nizhensky, novogrigorevsky and prostorninsky, and an interesting detail is that these filters were specially installed here absorber. The water level in these tanks is not constant, it rises and falls, at the moment when it falls, air must enter the tank in order to protect this. Air from dust, dirt, pollen or some kind of sabotage effects, these are installed here are the absorber filters, there are several of them. Throughout the entire water supply tract, which is 150 km, there are several stages of water purification, for example, an ultraviolet installation is now being installed here, which will disinfect the water from various living microorganisms. The new Water Pipeline is 75 complete. The facility is planned to be fully launched next year. According to experts, the uninterrupted system is designed for at least 50 years, so crimeans can be sure that they will not have to live according to the water supply schedule, as was the case in 2020. Victoria talberk, evgeny starikov, dmitry glutsky, vesti crimea. In primorye they began to install digital water standpipes. So far there are only two such smart devices; they operate at the touch of bank cards and only issue paid portion. Well, its true, where they stand, these are these miracle devices, a light of people. You wont find why olga katrenko figured it out. Beautiful, yes, indigo color, all the bright accents of the red guard street, with the original Forest Gardens and the unusual coloring of the faithful guardian of these gates, only people pass by the technical novelty, how long have we been waiting, it turned out that the locals had long ago supplied good water, like the family of minnows and understand perfectly well fellow countrymen from apartment buildings. The reinforcement comes from the local waterworks, waterworks, yes, and we from vishnevsky reservoir, so here the water flows cleaner, and that one with cleansing agents, so it even sounds tastier, vishnevsky, and angelas vishnevsky water has such tomatoes that they come from afar for them, look how beautiful they are, and so is the water, walk a little down the street, here it is, a place of public pilgrimage, so far there are really only two here, denis. And kiril, listen, it takes so much effort, we are sure that only locals can use the smart speaker, and these residents of the armaturnaya microdistrict also understood the information so that the card could be registered, well private sector, its written there, but you dont have such a thing, we read an Automated Water standpipe was installed for the private sector, nowhere does it say that only private owners can use the standpipe, as we love everything because there are no specifics on the board, we received it from the deputy head of spassky vodokanal. Any resident, even a spaska, even a village, if he comes here often, comes to our sales department, concludes an agreement, he is given a card with a certain number, the money is deposited with us this is where they use it, how this happens, evgeniy budlyansky shows with the help of a working map, easily. In spassk, a distant lesozavodsk, soon in dalnegorskoye. In the kavalerovsky district, with the help of smart speakers, they intend to combat uncontrolled water withdrawal, in other words, to cover up the freebies , so that while there is an opportunity, ordinary people also save their simple budget, everything is logical, olga katrenko, maxim malygin, lead primorye. Gosznak has taught atms to recognize new banknotes. Develop software had to start from scratch after foreign manufacturers left our market. It took a year to solve the problem, but now atms can accept, issue and check money for authenticity, reporting by ainurov alikhmetova. Now we will deposit money into the account, there is a new banknote here. While banknotes are still unknown to any atm, this machine already recognizes the socalled template of the updated five thousand banknote, one of the first to enter the new software database, atms are now using Russian Software, real on a banknote in ultraviolet light we see a security feature that is not on a counterfeit banknote, and we see a completely different glow of the paper, atms work using the same system, but there are more security features, a Russian Software solution for atms it consists of dozens of security features, counterfeit banknotes will not pass, acceptance of banknotes, their issuance, recognition of denomination and verification of authenticity, all this was developed by state sign specialists practically from scratch, and within a year a new domestic product has been created, a number of atm manufacturers have left our country and stopped servicing those devices that exist, this does not prevent these devices from working, but unfortunately, it is impossible to make changes to the images of the modernized banknotes. In this regard, we decided that this problem must be solved, the country must have the opportunity, there must be its own center, software was previously updated only by foreign manufacturers, American Companies occupied up to 70 of the market, the state sign developed a product that will work with any domestic banknotes, including those recently presented by the bank of russia, banknotes in denominations of one thousand and 5,000 rubles. The Software Solution was developed for the category of atms with recycling, when the machine issues the cash of one client to another. The pioneers of the product were several bankoms from a russian manufacturer and a south korean one. The korean brand has already proven itself on the russian market. The company was one of the first to switch to the new software. We operate in more than sixty countries. This is the First Experience not only in russia, but in any other country. There was no such interaction, such cooperation between the manufacturer and the state company that produces banknotes. Gosznak will soon begin certification. Product in the bank of russia at the first stage they plan to update more than 60 of existing atms. By next year, the software will be implemented throughout the country, thereby strengthening National Sovereignty in the field of cash circulation. Ainurovakhmetov, sergei rubanov, konstantin berzov. News. The ambassadors of friendly countries were presented with a global Youth Festival it will be held in russia at the beginning of march next year, and the capital will be sochi. As expected in it. About 2000 people, representatives of more than 180 countries have already submitted applications for participation, according to the organizers, the forum will become a symbol of our countrys openness to the world, representatives were told about the event program, shown a Photo Exhibition about the history of world Youth Festivals, guests were greeted by the forum mascot chebburashka. Residents of krasnoyarsk were urged not to visit parks. The city has already a bear walks around for several days, and perhaps even a whole family. The predator was caught on cctv in several areas, a state of emergency was introduced in the city, because how a dangerous animal behaves when meeting a person is unknown, reporting by alexander usatenko. Residents of krasnoyarsk filmed a bear running around the city, no one expected to see such a guest in a millionplus population, which forced the predator to come out into the city, now the second question is our neighbor in the country was driving around novosibirsk and ran around, they say that this is normal throughout russia, that in siberia we have bears. The bear has been seen in different parts of the city since the weekend ; the Police Hotline has received dozens of calls during this time, but so far the predator has not been caught; the authorities have declared a state of emergency. It all started from the badalyk cemetery, where a bear ran along the central alley near the administration. I was able to see the cemeteries on surveillance cameras. Bears had been seen on the outskirts of krasnoyarsk before, but this was the first time the predator had entered the city. Expert opinions vary. Some believe that the clubfoot came out to people in looking for easy food, others that this is a fugitive from a private enclosure. According to the latest information, not just one bear, but a whole family is roaming around the city. A bear is a dangerous predator, and in case of, lets say, aggression, it can simply kill a person. While the location of the bear is unknown, which means that townspeople can meet it anywhere, experts advise not to try to scare away the predator by throwing sticks at it and waving your arms, but to hide in a safe place, an entrance or a store, as soon as possible. Now the street of krasnoyarsk animal control specialists and hunting control police patrol. They suggest that a predator could be hiding in city parks, like the rattling mane, which is popular among city residents. Authorities recommend not visiting the animal until the animal is captured. The st. Petersburg conservatory named after rimsky korsky is undergoing a largescale restoration work. The renovation of the facades has been completed, and now specialists are restoring ballet classes and concert halls. Report by olga skripkina. This is far from the final chord, rather a culmination, and although the picturesque lampshades are still under polyethylene, and there is no floor at all, even now the imagination can complete the decoration of the interiors of the most elegant hall of the st. Petersburg conservatory. There is a lot of leptinina from the 20th century, which our restorers managed to preserve in full. They look like real ones, only covered with white paint, such fine workmanship, violins, velancheli, garlands of dew, everything has practically not been touched by time, the restorers only cleared the lavishly decorated linden walls and carefully preserved the Acoustic Properties of the hall, look, it is clear here that the base of the walls is brick and we can stick our hand in, there is a gap of about 1015 cm, wooden bases are stuffed onto it, therefore there is already shingles and plaster on it, this gap is what allows you to maintain the acoustics in this room. Everything is as it was in the 19th century, even the Wooden Furniture has been preserved. 300 chairs, the workshops are now being renovated, but almost at the end they will begin the restoration of the pearl of this hall. In a huge wooden box, the main value of the organ is waiting for the restoration of the hall; entry inside is strictly prohibited, otherwise it can be changed special microclimate, people only go there. Conservatory and then twice a year to check the safety of the instrument. In this area we see test strip clearings, or rather what remains of it, all layers are presented here. And there were almost 17 layers of paint, which mercilessly painted over the painting of the house church for centuries. The patterns on the walls survived, but the oil canvases on the vaults surrendered under the pressure of soviet painters; only one painting, the adoration of the magi, was almost completely preserved. These are copyrighted. Here is ryabushkina, an artist of the 10th century, and most of the composition has been preserved, the lower part, the upper part i am now recreating from the sketch. Under the vaults, after reconstruction , they will begin to teach orthodox singing, an atmosphere that will help students take the desired key, however, immersion in art will begin even earlier on the main staircase, where craftsmen are restoring the steps. 120 years, millions of steps, italian marble has proven its strength, and so that exactly the same marble deserves another 120, we found a blind of bianca marble in russia, from the same the deposit itself, and the chips were cured, you see, six steps had to be replaced, the remaining 40 are intact, practically without chips , because for many years they were protected by a thick carpet, in the large hall named after rubenstein, which is ancient, there are only brick walls; after the revolution, a cinema was installed here, a stage they will return the historical appearance, but they will change the silhouette of the balconies, so that the sound even on the nag will be bright, like in the first row of the porter. The hall has a fairly rectangular shape, there will be a certain rounding here, there will be a special ceiling that will calculated based on the geometry of the walls, there will be a variable acoustics system. They want to give the first concert in the updated interiors, which saw tchaikovsky, shastakovich, prokofiev, next year, but for now only a symphony of hammers and grinders sounds here, and in this orchestra there are a thousand musicians who play even at night. In order to meet the deadline olga skripkina, sergey tamyuk, dmitry sevastyanov, andrey romanov, vesti petersburg. And then the regional ones will come at us. Two pit bulls keep an apartment complex at bay butovo park. Local residents are sure that. The reason for the aggression is the inadequacy of the owners, this is my dog, i say again what i want, thats what i do, in the salting, well, thats how it is, i sleep like this, by the way, in the village of mendeleevo near solnechnoye the heating season will not begin in any way, but there is no supply of hot water, the Investigative Committee became interested in the situation. 5 years without performances or spectators, the variety theater is finally opening its doors after a long restoration and major renovation. Police are conducting a check in the butovo residential complex park 2 after numerous complaints about the owners of two aggressive pit bulls. During walks, dogs attack other dogs, and people are already afraid for themselves and their children. Many believe that the cause of aggression is the cruel treatment of pit bulls by their owners. Report by anastasia makhina. Here. They bit us, you can see the fang marks, there is drainage, the swiss shepherd received these injuries on a normal walk, the footage shows how two pit bulls grabbed onto the nord, and the owners unsuccessfully. Tried to pull them away. The withers, how he grabbed it the withers, yes, he grabbed it right vomited. Pepper spray saved the nord, and now the owners always take it with them. This is not the first attack, this is already the fifth attack on the nord, so to be honest, we are very afraid for our dog, in general we are afraid for us, we are scared to leave the house. Those who have smaller dogs also fear for the lives of their pets. I worry, of course, because she is small, and the dogs are big, that is, even if they run, they will only carry her with their weight, with their bodies. And well , its good that if she remains alive, residents of the butovo park2 residential complex will complain about the owner of two pit bulls, they are walked right in the yard, without a muzzle leash, while they only attack other dogs, but the parents are afraid that the children will be next, but here we come, they discuss how scary it is, then they dont see it, after that i i have to turn to a psychologist, in order for the child to perceive normally, so that he is not afraid of the dog, we were able to talk with the owners of the pit bulls, however, after the scandal erupted, the dogs were brought into the yard in compliance with all the rules, firstly, one at a time, not completely ashamed, and not in front of who is not ashamed, because everything that is written is all in vain, and this is already the second dog and also on a leash and wearing a muzzle, and why were your dogs without a muzzle, i forgot to put on a muzzle, but the neighbors are sure, this is only in the presence of television cameras, according to them, the aggressive behavior of dogs is not an accident, the reason is the cruelty of the owners, often unjustified. Why do you beat dogs . This is my dog, i say again, what i want, i do, pit bulls are very friendly and kind dogs, they need constant human attention, even a beginner can have them, however, experts advise doing this under the supervision of a dog handler. Aggression and other mental problems, experts say, occur in any dog, but most often people are to blame for this. Its not the dogs fault that they got an owner who cant correct and control them. Perhaps another. With more experience and a desire to work, he would be able to correct the animals there, perhaps such a person cannot simply have dogs, not only pit bulls, but dogs in general, residents of the residential complex have repeatedly complained about the owner of the pit bulls, now the police are conducting check anastasia makhina alexander chukanov alexey podstrelnov and oleg dobin lead a family of pensioners in new moscow seeking the installation of a ramp in their entrance for their disabled son. There is no elevator in the house to the street from the second floor, parents carry a young man in their arms, in the same situation , a member of the russian Wheelchair Curling Team found out why the problem is not being solved, igor ageenka found out. One, two, three, four, a little exercise for igor before going outside, the muscles need to be marked out so that nothing is damaged during the descent, since due to family circumstances, the gray family exchanged their old apartment and bought this one; every outing with their son for a walk is a mean feat for them. Both are pensioners, and olga has the third group of disabilities, alexey. I recently suffered a ministroke. It takes the parents almost 15 minutes to get their thirtyfouryearold son with Cerebral Palsy down from the second floor ; there is no elevator in the house, so everything is done by hand, and also back. If it werent for filming the story, we would have taken him outside around may, when it got warmer. The sizovs are not able to change their apartment; they have no money to pay extra. To requests in various authorities consistently receive refusals. The table is literally littered with papers, answers from the official. Why cant there be a lot of help, but about how to solve the problem or at least where to turn, not a single one says, contact dgiya, well, from digi we received a resolution that you collect documents, went to dghi, what documents, i say, are needed, there is an application, here this, they say, we dont know, think for yourself, the City Property department did not respond to our request, but representatives of social protection and even they promised to help, if necessary, a removable platform at the familys residence address could not be installed, since the house was built a long time ago and there is no technical possibility for installation. We would like to add that if you apply for urgent social services, the family will be provided with all the necessary support. Maxim volkov found himself in a similar situation, for 14 years now, a member of the russian Wheelchair Curling Team, every day he goes to training this way, but if the athlete can overcome the path down the fourth floor, back without help. No way, stand on the street, rain, snow, wind, for an hour or two, you will stand and ask people for help, maybe someone will help, someone can cross the road to the other side and walk, for 300 rubles a lift to maxim i managed to come to an agreement with the local janitor, but if he is busy, the way home is delayed, endless requests to install a ramp lead to nothing, our prefect issued an order for dgiya, the City Property department, that something needs to be done about it there, i dont know. They have formations there, and dgi is just ignored, and many times i contacted the dgi there to some other authorities that there was an order, why didnt the dgi carry it out, well, they tell us. Dgii says that an order to us is not a document. The queue for housing for disabled people, even in moscow, moves extremely slowly. Apartments go to those who registered more than 30 years ago. Families like the sizovs, experts say, could be helped by philanthropists. I believe that those people who have indications today, including those, have limited capabilities, but not fall under the improvement of living conditions, it would be possible to create organizations for them that would help make an exchange, move. Additional payment, because those people who need it, they often live in real estate, which costs something, but it does not suit them for health reasons, there is no ramp to make it very expensive , in such conditions a Simple Exchange would solve the problem, in the case of maxim volkov the problem can be solved by renovation, their house is subject to relocation to new housing, they must move in the next year, but the volkovs dont yet know whether their apartment will be adapted for a stroller. Igorenko, dmitry shestukhin, valery kupreen, anastasia roif, news. The Investigative Committee became interested in the situation in the village of mendeleevo near solnechnogorsk, where the heating season has not yet arrived. Residents face hefty bills for using electric heaters. There has been no hot water in the village since august, and rusty liquid flows from the cold taps. Report by artyom kuznetsov. Here it is 15. You can even see it directly. And this is the temperature in the apartment, when according to the norms it should be no lower than eighteen. Here we have, as it were, a heat gun, the child warms up under it, the only way, we also periodically turn on the air conditioner for heating, ekaterinas batteries are still cold, so the heaters work around the clock, the electricity bills will obviously not be small, we expect a tidy amount for this, winter is ahead, the heating season in the village of mendeleevo has not yet begun, many do not have hot water, you wake up in the morning, no hot water, no heating, but also cold you cant always use it, its rusty. Smell, beauty, it takes 15 minutes to wait for the muddy slurry to drain, and thats all money, i received a payment, more than 11 thousand, so i paid for it, eighty fouryearold lyubov zubenko has been Walking Around the apartment in a jacket and woolen socks for several weeks now , there has been no hot water since august, well, they turned it off there too, then they turned it on, and then they turned it off altogether and there was no more, because of the dampness, fungus appeared on many of the walls. So look, this fungus is formed only due to this, all this comes to breathe, of course, we live here, the problem with hot water has existed in the village for several years people say, the main reason for the wornout pipe. The fact is that our boiler heating system is very worn out, and when we began to demand that the administration solve this problem, we were promised that from the first of june repairs to our Heating Networks would begin, the local authorities actually began repairs, but not. In the end summer. There are temporary interruptions in the supply of hot water in apartment buildings due to with high wear and losses due to accidents on worn pipes. The entire volume of thorough repairs of networks in the village is divided into nine sections, until the end of the year to replace the two most worn sections with a length of more than half a kilometer. Work is often carried out even 24 hours a day, since we understand perfectly well that this is a very important issue, yes , we apologize in advance to the residents that, of course, we cause some inconvenience, because it is impossible to crash into a house without stopping, some shutdowns happen , yes, well, we have one house took, got attached for a day, another night. Residents have written complaints to the Prosecutors Office more than once, the Investigative Committee has even become interested in the situation, meanwhile the contractor is already finishing the installation of bypasses and promises to turn on hot water heating in the near future. Artyom kuznetsov, egor vazhiytsov, georgy shvagerishvili. News. In the theater today there is a premiere on the small stage, the play was written especially for this theater by playwright marina krapivina, and staged by director svetlana zemlyakova. This is the story of how the life of an intelligent and impractical moscow an energetic young provincial girl bursts into the family. The owners, like the audience, cannot understand whether she is telling the truth or making up her biography. There are no positive or negative things here, everyone is unhappy, everyone. After all, they are all children, in fact , Everyone Wants like children, only one thing, to be loved, understood and warmed up. Thats all, and natasha in this sense is also a very unwarmed, unloved, wounded child, such a small animal, lost in this world. The serpukhov historical and art museum will soon be replenished with valuable exhibits found near the village of zibrovo. Fragments of ceramics and other artifacts from the middle ages are now being studied in the archaeological laboratory; they were found thanks to a special excavation technology; bulat shakkiev has already seen some of the finds. The field on the outskirts of the village of zibrovo is literally strewn with archaeological finds, ceramics are found here, you can find them right here on the territory, for example , look, here is a fragment, lets see now, these are late medieval fragments, scientists from the center Paleontological Research has been excavating here since the beginning of october, and on 15 square meters they found a lot of interesting things and special technology. All the soil under the turf layer, it was sifted in a finemesh sieve, which allowed us to identify, in fact, all the finds that were contained in this soil, and these are not only all the fragments of ceramics from large to small, but also such small objects like beads. Instead of excavation, archaeologists digitized it, created a 3d model for other scientists, and delivered all the finds to the laboratory in serpukhov. Here they were cleared of soil carefully examined. Archaeologists carry out some analyzes right here in their laboratory, for example, using this microscope, with its help it is possible to attribute this or that piece of ceramics to a certain type of cultural production. We are talking about the early middle ages. This guess is confirmed by other finds. Here is such a small , inconspicuous blue bead that experts call lemon. And it tells us what it actually is. The monument existed in the 1011th century, this example, a green bead, indicates that the population continued existed in the 12th13th centuries, the settlement had a large area of ​​​​about 4 hectares, this is evidenced by reconnaissance of the area with the help of pitholes. According to our assumption, the settlements were located here for the main reason, for the main reason, this is the oka river, this is its Main Property transit trade, and movement along rivers, in the central part of russia, like rivers these were the main roads in the middle ages. Thanks to developed trade, archaeologists are now finding objects from the arab caliphate and scandinavia. The sandy soil worked as a preservative and helped save many metal objects. For example, a knife, over 9 centuries, the handle has rotted on the blade and is now sharp. Antiquities have been found in zibrovo before, but by chance, some of these objects have already undergone restoration. Became museum exhibits. Mostly items from the 19th century are on display here. Here is not only ziprov, but also objects from the zibr settlement, a collection , lunnitsa, rings, line trims are presented here. Items found this fall will also go to the museum, but first they will be registered, described, digitized, and then next season, with the onset of warmer weather, excavations at the zibrovsky settlement will continue. Blashakiev, alexander kucherovsky, dmitry belaus, news. Look before everyone else, everything, i love you completely , i love your wisdom, i love your strength, catherine, favorites, this great woman, could become even greater if she had not spent her heart on men, subscribe, look. They adopt all the infection of the west and rejoice, they dont have enough holidays of their own to twirl their asses in front of the guys, i absolutely agree with you, raisa igorevna, why the wound allows, shame, you show up in all its glory, shame, shame, so, lets wrap it up, another garland, here you go. Oh, nelka, what are you, nelka, you are wherever you want, come on, help me, i wont come in the evening, why, its okay for me that it s her, the little ones say, love is harmless, its very harmful. Look at her, how pale she has become, dont look up, honey, help me now. Neily finally got up the courage to write i love you, i will always love you, come to the evening, im really looking forward to it, i love you too, girls, why are you digging here, already weve finished, so what, let me fix the morafet for you, and i have a dress at home, privacy is also dadin, right . Generosity, silver, right . And the silver one, and the pink one, the one in red, please fix it here, everything, everything, so what happened, quietly, everything , breathe deeply, now everything, now ill do everything, so give me your hand, look at me, look at me , everything is fine, give me your hand, everything is fine, just like its good that you were at home, i dont know what would have happened, but nothing would have happened, its just scratches, god, my head is spinning again, its dark in my eyes, theres nothing i remember again, yes, lets call . Nothing, my dear, everything is fine, its because of stress, and you re going somewhere, well, i need to stop by for a while, now, everything, everything is fine, calm down, ill be there soon. The subscriber is temporarily unavailable, zhen, please call me, if possible, im in viysk. Are you drunk or what . No, just a little bit, will you go to the cemetery . Ill go later, no, i need money, how much . A million, not two, not three, im serious, i want to leave. Alone or with kirill . Well, of course with my son. I dont need money alone, right . I wont give it, its a big amount. And then you thought how kiril would react to moving . What about me, has anyone thought . I have no life here, this witch is still nagging me. I ask you kindly, give me money. Okay, i ll think about it, bring it, go ahead. Van, hello, healthy, my condolences, thank you. Grab some glasses there under the canopy, hello, oh, dinochka, hello, how are you, yes, its terrible , i wish it would all be over, help you , come on, i saw ivan, yes, i saw how he was doing in general, yes, okay, in general, i made an agreement with the restaurant with my father, and everything seems to be fine too. How did you manage to do everything, you really have talent, but ask what kind of talent your mother has mine was talent, everyone flew like bees, she was a flint, im such a pitiful semblance, can you imagine today, i hurt my finger and almost fell into my frill, by the way, but olegs husband will still let her out, oh, i dont know, i i didnt get through to zhenya, well, whatever, they re probably all ears there. Why . Dont you know . Yesterday there was an attack on another victim, was anyone else killed . No, thank god, they didnt kill her, but at the hospital she managed to file a complaint with the administration that the police treated her carelessly. Roma midnight figured it out. Okay, ill give you a ribbon. Here are gifts for you from the administration and from me, there is juice, fruit, thank you, you can sit down, of course, maybe you need something from the medical staff, tell me, i will organize everything, you dont need anything, but have you already caught the criminal . Not yet, but the police are doing Everything Possible, you dont need to think about it now, think about the good, no matter what you think, i almost died, thats all i think about, and the teachers lover, he generally knows whats wrong with me happened, you informed him, why should i to notify someone, what do you think, i dont know that he promised 100,000 dollars to the victim of a maniac, or what . You decided to squeeze this money and pay it off with juice and fruits, you found a fool, it wont work out, so dont worry, you shouldnt be nervous, i didnt know about the money, no one is going to hide anything from you, so you go find out, maybe i should contact your relatives, the childs father . I see, hello, mikhailevich whats up with the investigation . Yes, the point is not special control, the fact is that there is money involved, and a lot of it. How, what money. You me you ask, i tell you, you have a mess, im waiting for an effective report. I dont believe krovtsova, literally at all, because if you believe her, then the killer was in an extremely advantageous position. And then, on the one hand, she is absolutely defenseless. The other one, no witnesses, well, then why the hell did he leave her, ran away, but he was just scared, everything, logic, loyka, and we have a knife, and this is the most important thing, 1 00, you cant argue with a knife, but this makes the rat go, well, yes, here is the recording from the video cameras, wait, thank you, i requested all the materials, and. Look, one is here, you can see how the train arrives from there, the second one is here, this is the path on which the duck was killed , here is one, its on the highway, now, wait, and im now, yes, alone, hello, and you you can come to the cemetery early to help, dont worry, yes, i, i can do it earlier, thank you, yes, okay, i ll be right there, see you, yeah, thats it, see you, yeah, come on, bye lyokh, ah, im at the cemetery, youre with me, not, alone, only. There will be more if i stay, while im working, yeah, but wait, lets rearrange the football, you there, say hello to our people, whoever you see, okay, not those close to me, well, condolences there, okay, wait, take the money for flowers, but no , no, no, take it, take it, ill give it to my friends, and you, if you find something , let me know, i am in touch, there is a captain. Thats it, im in touch , come on, come on, yes, mikhailovich, im running, yes, mikhail yuryevich, i wish you good health, allow me, darling, hello, hello what are you doing . Im studying the data from the cctv camera on the case, this is bloody, so what . Found anything . Well , there are a lot of people, until you understand who is going where, who is doing what, but there are outlines, okay, i see, where is the basket . Korzhin, in the cemetery . And mikhail yurievich, what are you doing . No, hes just burying a duck today, so he went to the cemetery, mm, and i was already happy, yeah, yeah, well, i have a couple of questions for you, about, tell me, i remember correctly, that on the day of the assassination attempt krovtsov, corzin was absent from work, yes, he went to the city, uh, met. With his lover utkina, and why did he go to him himself, and didnt summon him with a summons, but its more convenient that you dont know or something , well, well, they wanted the best, well, lets say, there are minutes of the meeting, no, no, no, no, but why such a question, something happened, he didnt mention any money to you, huh . No, no, no, no, no, what kind of money they didnt say at all, i didnt say anything, no , i was shaking, sit down, sit down, well, come on, lets see our anechka, ours. Beloved friend, good wife, daughter, and just a wonderful person, sleep, annechka, sleep, our calm girl, and the one who did this to you will definitely answer, do you need some help, everything is fine, we will take him home, he will calm down, you like this. Okay, comrades, please, we ask everyone who wants to remember anya to get on the bus, lord, poor oleg, its good that his parents are taking him, well, not so poor, sogorskaya not only left him a piece of jewelry, but also gave him a large bill, give him god will begin a new life, i wanted to check, basket, come here nel, i beg you, lets go to the yankee for at least a couple of minutes, dim, the bus is waiting, quickly, please , hold on, lets go, seriously, yeah, me too, what a surprise, so, hello, kolya, here you go came to remember you and remember your mother, she doesnt even have her own gravestone, but a year ago, do you remember, anne and i came, she wrote a poem about gold in her hair, it was so touching, oh, she brought it. Not easy, hello valya, please leave here, what else can you do, actually they didnt come to you, god forbid you come to my grave, lets go, well, dont, okay, since today is such a day, and this is valya, she is the sister of our yana, i understood correctly, yeah, why is he acting strange, its not her, its their mother, she used to be a Flight Attendant i was in charge, i knocked money off the girls, rum, you were stunned or something, but rum, come to your senses , tell me such things, how do i know where this information comes from, youre the boss, take it, figure it out, well, what happened here, nothing, nothing, working moments, what working moments, this is not working . This is gossip, say thank you that i didnt open a case against her, hush, im sure that no one attacked her, roma , what kind of pregnant woman, listen, well, thats my job, to answer requests from citizens, you know, sometimes pregnant women, sometimes an idiot a signal was received, i answered, he received a signal that i stole the money, samin allegedly appointed a reward for the capture of the criminal, i ran into the city in order to intercept them, yes, well, wait, rum, this is really some kind of nonsense, you im crazy to believe this, i was with zhenya, famin and i didnt even meet, we only saw his wife. Really, you know what, go away, all of you, i wanted to treat you like a human being, but you started something, you are a personal friend, roma, roma, yes, well , what are you giving, on such a day it will cause a scandal, forgive me , say thank you to your husband, excuse me, i really have to work, do you understand anything, nothing, i dont understand , okay, lets go to the restaurant, youll forgive me if i dont go, i feel terrible, my head is just pounding, im probably going home, forgive me, uhhuh, yes, of course, go, rest, drink strong tea with lemon, there is lemon, ill find it, ill find it, uhhuh, thank you so much for organizing everything like that, for everything in general, thank you, i know, you helped anya and so did i. And her little girl is healthy only thanks to you, i dont i understand how the yankee family doesnt appreciate it, stop it, im used to the fact that people are ungrateful, but in the end i dont do all this for thanks, so were left with you and me, yes, but move on and enjoy life as we wanted our girls, tick , oh, well, understand, its important to choose not only the color, even the shade matters, well, well, look for yourself, well, do you see the difference . No, well, of course, its day and night, oh, these dads, youre in trouble, well, understand, if a girl in her outfit blends in with the parquet floor, you wont see high marks, god, really . Everything is so serious, what did you think, well, you see the difference, yes, but i want black, hmm, black, and this is a good option, it goes well with your hair, well, lets go. Oh, i have an idea and a suitable material, hmm, and you wait for us here for now, we ll take off the measurements, of course, of course, hello, hello, katya how is vasya . Hi, okay, so what . Im sorry that i fell asleep then, if you need to sit, you contact me, okay, thank you, yeah, well, go ahead, bye, well, okay , oh, heres dad, thats it, your girl has chosen the right style and material, youll do it look, no, no, no, i trust your taste. Well, okay, then were waiting for the fitting and bring your cavalier, well make an outfit for him, well, well decide who we should bring, okay, lets go, then well place the order from you in advance, lets go to a cafe or something, have a cold sip, otherwise my head is just spinning, why would that be . Yes, these feminine things of yours, they will simply drive you crazy, they are more complicated than the automation of a ship. Dad, would you like a son, uh, why did you suddenly ask . I dont know, you would probably be more interesting with him, yes, there is something to talk about, about technology, for example, in you can go camping with a boy, but girls cant go camping, or what . And by the way, im also interested in talking to you, especially when you dont talk nonsense. So right ahead i see a cafe, go ahead, you were spoiled, i received 50 letters a day from girls, vladislav tritya, i called, i said, lets come to three stations, lets meet, ive arrived, everyone here takes my autographs, can you imagine . , but shes not there, shes not there, suddenly its on my shoulder, oh, i turn, i look, oh, what a tall blonde, meet me, i did it in 5 days proposal, she refused me, we have been living together for 51 years, the fate of a man with Boris Korchevnikov on friday on rtr. I need a bouquet. Lets see on the weekend. I hope your bride will like it. I would be pleased to receive such a bouquet from my fiance. Love is like a flower. Yes. Easy to trample, get out of here, get out, i said, i was also betrayed by a loved one, its so difficult to raise, where did you glue this girl together yesterday, i just want to find her, dont you dare pester her, i got it, dont you dare, im pregnant, from the person who me abandoned, you decided to keep the child, right . Yes, although not like everyone else, run away from him and cook before its too late, he manipulates people, i want us to become more. I am marrying the father of my child, you dont love him, it will be right, flower tango, saturday on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, about the most important thing with monday to friday on rtr. Good evening, who are you . Oh, good evening. Have you started general cleaning . Yes, i decided to put things in order, ive been planning for a long time, and you lead people. Come on, help me get down. Well , youre going to show the room to buyers. Oh, yes, exactly. And i completely forgot. Have you been to the cemetery . Yes. We saw off our anyuta. Kingdom of heaven. Maybe we can remember . I have a headache, my head is pounding, i want to lie down, okay, oh, look what i. I didnt throw it away, i think the girl will figure it out on her own, its necessary, its not necessary, thank you, thank you hello, the most beautiful girl, shine, this is for me, happy saints day, thank you, im off and running, were starting now. Now youre starting, just run, youre following me here you are rubbing, i mean, run, and you, ill think of it now, come on, come on, oh, iliva, you got a valentine, but what about, oh, great, im in general, congratulations, thank you, why are you hanging around here , ah. What are you, are you eager, what happened, nothing, everything is fine, yes, i see its not normal, well, tell me, you wont understand, well, ill try, well, who offended you, your mother got married today, the woman told me, her mother works at all in all, this morning she signed with this bastard, such a healthy yes, who is fixing your porch . Why is he freak . Because she drinks every day, comes home from work, starts drinking vodka, and her mother makes her drunk, but she cant, she cant at all , shes on pills, you cant imagine how terrible it is, she sits all day long, staring at one point, her face is stony, like as if not alive, i tell her, mom, mom, hello everyone, well , dear lovers, lets give in life, lets 1, 2, 3, 4, if you become a cat, ill forgive you, you have a mustache, fur on your paws and a mountain , and others. No tricks, if you forget me, ill say no, maybe its not easy to be a pirate, but theres no pirate forget, never, you can become anything you want if you breathe freely, if the goal is arbitrary. To almost anyone, ill swim across the oceans, but i wont become a magilan, what are you smoking here, or what . Yes, were talking directly, look, there s a leech wandering around there, it might come in and make you look good, this is the day, yes, tears wont help grief, thats all. Have you seen the romcom . But we saw it on the second one, near the assembly hall. Lets go, lets go, how cute , uhhuh, zhenya gave it to you, yes, he probably loves you, i want this for myself too, only i dont have anyone, now i dont even have a mother, so good, everything will be wonderful for you, it will be clear, i will cross the oceans. But i wont become a magilan, a brave superhero, he always remains himself, excuse me, brother, well, i. That you went to town on business, well, and when he started asking me about money, i said no, stop, here were only talking on the record, okay, you have something to do with it, thats it, better show me what you found, what i found, look, first of all, i almost went blind, you know where ive been sitting for so long, but i found it a very interesting pattern, the majority the citizens who use this route do so on a regular basis are brilliant. Funny, yes, yes, listen, i mean that those people who wake up there every morning, get up, wash, walk through the forest to the station, to work, return from work in the morning, through the station, do this all the time , logical, and these people became not interesting to me, you know, i understand, but people became interesting to me, even i focused on people who walk along the path, but not on a regular basis, so, you know, it was discovered. So lets see you see this guy, he appears on the path several times, uhhuh, he looks around, like a hophophophophop, he goes in and comes out the same way, after 20 minutes, then even closer to evening he appears, for the third time his camera recorded at 20 00, and now the question is, what do you think he was doing there . The dog is walking, no, there are no animals there, there is another version, maybe i forgot what or lost it, a knife, for example, come on, but it seems to me that i know him, i mean, there is no mistake, with the help of the police i contacted an acquaintance anna utkina, with her lover, well, let him be a lover, but he was not her lover, and. He did not offer any material reward for the capture of the criminal, this is false information, are you sure . Absolutely, excuse me, but why should i excuse you, i need money, i need it so much that you can even get into a noose , what are you saying, youre young, beautiful, youll soon become a mother, and you say such things, well, happiness, yeah, whats the point . Its my happiness to feed, clothe, well, i, the City Administration, we will help you, right . You promise . Yes, i promise, i need an apartment, but i cant bring the child to the barracks . Well, about the apartment, i cant promise you, but they almost killed me, have they forgotten in our city, i ve probably never forgotten this horror in my life, my. Baby, what if something happened to him . Doctors have been warned, your child will have special conditions. You can sit down, okay. So, so, what are you doing, feeling, pushing. Why is it so strong, is it not dangerous for him . No, its not dangerous, its with him. Physical exercise before bed, and i mean, the City Administration will help you with everything can, i believe you, or rather the City Administration, that i have found something valuable , well, yes, something, ill go for a walk for a while , i want to breathe, well, go for a walk, although in these days it might be better to sit at home, yes, im not far away. Yes, yes, dad, well, its time to sleep, well, dad, no, no, no , can we have another 5 minutes, please, mom will worry, well, we wont tell her, so as not to worry her, otherwise well deceive her, yes, if you dont speak, it doesnt mean that youre deceiving, look, lets give it 5 minutes, thats it, agreed, agreed, okay, go ahead, calm down night, i love you, dad dad, dad, dont move, youre under arrest. Room, where were you, i called you, well, of course, at work, the phone died, youre probably offended that i didnt come to the wake, but im at work. That the check was failed, these schools are on their ears, why did you and korzinin get together in the cemetery . Yes, we werent arguing, i was just sorting it out with him on one important issue, pay attention, he was arguing, not me, and who is this pregnant woman that korzinin was talking about . Well, just questions, questions, im hungry, maybe, well im just interested to know what article you help pregnant women with . You seem to be taking care of children here, if you dont know, children are born to pregnant women, yes, really, how should i know, you always remain yourself. Rom, nel, what are you doing here . Okay, lets go. Nothing, no matter, give it here, what are you doing here, just came in, you understand that we are in ambush here, you understand, well, how did i know who you were waiting for here, but quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what is this for the hare, this is by chance not the one i gave you, no, not the one, well, of course, you wouldnt keep it, you really wouldnt. Who gave it . Oh, well, gavriilnavich, what a meeting, and why couldnt i sleep, they came to visit my relatives, even though i didnt do anything, i didnt do anything, article 139 of the criminal code, part one, burglary, they didnt hear, but i dont need someone elses, i went to get mine, what . Here is your gavrilin, a will for the house, i have the right, you hear, i have the right, what do you have the right to, you think, let me take you home, lets remember your taker dimka. He was a good guy, rest in peace to him, they say the truth, service strengthens, the shore dissolves, and so the shore ruined him. But he was like a charmed man, i remember we were towing under the boat to the repair base, but the stormy weather, the pontoons couldnt stand it, she couldnt stay afloat without them , the reactor was shut down, and we went to the bottom like bobbies, so many of us shit our pants back then, but dimka is like that. He says so harshly dont worry, well stand, and we did, but how are you . Do you regret that you wrote off . No, i dont regret it, i want to live with a normal family, wife children, build a house, you thought correctly, wife wife, service, service, not every wife can stand having her husband on a campaign for 3 months, but dimka is on that . How long have you come, its just too late, let me drop you off at the hotel, and tomorrow well go shopping again, but no, brother, that wont work, im at 6 well, i understood your hint, lets go, now im just about to cry, waiter, can we count, okay, but my little one, your copy, shes the spitting image of a mother, and dimka also seems to have a daughter, he was still proud that he was growing up to be a real man, so how is he . Normal, growing, god, what, terrible, heavy, long day, and you know, the relationship was because of her mothers house, she constantly complained about him, i just cant understand how you guessed that he would start robbing the house today . Dean, ill tell you one professional secret now, but dont tell anyone, we were purely lucky, we were just lucky. Its clear, youve always been a goofball, and youve always been a girl with the excellent student syndrome , we were a good couple, you know, and i still havent gotten rid of this syndrome, but zhenya is not a school, you cant earn money in school its necessary, theres no teacher, yes, but today we were at yanas cemetery. On the grave of his eldest son, and there is nowhere to mention her, this is terrible, dean, a person can be declared dead by the court only if there is no information about his whereabouts for 5 years, but i have a feeling that no one is looking for her no one, this is scary, listen, i think the matter is already in the archives. Well, its clear, if its in the archives , then you dont care about the person, you re doing a good job, guys, i dont know who the investigator is, but im sure that if there was even the slightest, zhenya, and you can take care of this matter yourself, personally, well see. Good night good night. Good morning, good . I slept, okay, where were you, where were you at home, oh, no need , i heard you leaving, i met with a former colleague, why so late, because he was passing through the city and he only had a few hours, well, its clear, and what do you understand, mom will just worry if they find out something at night with her friends. Youre not dating, and we wont say that well deceive you . If you dont speak, it doesnt mean that youre lying, whose words are these . Come on, wash up for breakfast, hello, hello, and theyre waiting for you there, who, gavrilins roommate, got it, thank you, hello. Senior basket investigator, are you waiting for me . Well, did you close my gavrilin . He is detained for attempted robbery. Let him go, this is not in my competence, the court will decide when we will be released. Let me go, and then ill tell you who killed anka. In fact, so, galina alekseevna, how long have you been here . You know yuri gavrilin, and its been a long time, but what . Yes , i have testimony from witnesses who claim that the relationship between your partner gavrilin and his stepdaughter anna utkina, to put it mildly, left much to be desired. In addition, Anna Mikhailovna repeatedly complained that he threatened her, so what . Yurka, hes like that, hes. Hes menacing in words, but in reality hes nothing, good, but what did he want from your stepdaughter, you know what, documents for the house, but she was stuck, uh, on the house, this is the one in which he was detained, but no, the one that belonged to ankas crazy mother, she was compromising his brains all the way. What will the house tell him . Uh huh, well consider him to have built everything there with his own hands, yes, in fact, he gave everything to anka , well, is that really good, that is, he wanted to restore justice, which is what he wanted at home, im telling you, anka doesnt need him, she still has oleg lived, gavriel drinks a lot, well, no more than others, well, on weekends he sometimes gets drunk, but on weekdays, a little bit of a sustatka , a working person, of course, but why do you need this, but im thinking about how you need to drink in order to decide, that with such an attitude, the stepdaughter would give him the house, and would give it wherever he needed it, brisk, its profitable for her. He did it, uhhuh, she gives him the house, so, and for this he remains silent, like a fish flying around, its very interesting, what was gavrilin supposed to be silent about, hello, hello, im about the announcement, you youre looking for a room in a factory area, thats right, but youve already bought it. Congratulations, yes, all the best, goodbye, hello, im talking about an ad , youre looking for a room, but im just selling it, no, not through an agency, directly, but you dont want that, yes, yes, i understand, yes, all the best, goodbye. Nelka, hello, good morning, dear, finally, otherwise im calling, calling, everything is busy with you, yes, i was talking about business, im trying to sell a room, but i think it wont be easy, and are you planning to do this yourself, of course, its not easy, youll only waste time, you you need a realtor, but you dont have one at all. An acquaintance, well, a proven one, so, give me, you know, my neighbor is engaged in real estate, this is how well do it, you come to me this evening, ill call her , lets sit and drink tea. And ill introduce you, thank you very much, but youre welcome, by the way, i myself am interested in you i got this little room, youll stay with me, well, of course, we agreed, thats it, see you in the evening, see you soon, bye, how you sounded to me, you just bullied me with this table football, we dont play it, you know, thats the whole dog , the whole dane, well close the case, well hand it over, only after that, i understand, so give it to nechaev, i understand, okay , hello, alexey borisovich, hello, evgeniy viktorovich, and this is yours, a gift, a gift from the Teaching Staff service, otherwise i thought a new hobby, you know, its never too late to start, i agree, how did it go, you you know, its very good, galina, alekseevna, i can ask you to leave me and my colleague for just a couple of minutes, 2 minutes. Thank you, well, i interrogated gavrilin, is there anything . Yeah, something was successful, at least i found out that he was shying away in the forest and that he was shying away, well, hes a businessman, lyosha, stop intriguing me, but im seriously telling you, he collects these tin cans from he delivers beer to the collection point, i called the collection point, they know him there, you know what his name is, the forest orderly. Who is this . And this is gavrilins roommate. And when did you manage to call . And she herself came and said that she knows exactly who the killer is . And who killed utkin . We are just on the way to this answer. Well, while you are on the way to this answer, ill go grab some food, but come on. Please. Galina alekseevna, will we continue our conversation . Lets continue. What is your secret from the madrid court . Ankinas mother died in a mental hospital. Anya was afraid that olek would find out. And she will think that she is also a cuckoo. Do you think that olek, who loved anya so much, would have left her after that . Well, dont tell me, the disease is a disease of discord, she cant have children get started, thats what, but what kind of husband would like it, yurka, back in the psychiatric hospital, overheard anka talking to her mothers doctor, well, he realized that this doctor was screwing her, like anka, herself. Her children are very capable be sick, right . And after that gavrilin decided to blackmail her, right . Well, say it as you want, but yurka is also in his right, why was he so deprived, and he didnt kill anka, what good is it for her to be dead . And who benefits from the dead . Will you let my gavrilin go if i tell you . I ill think about it. Her eyes slammed when they found out the whole truth, about anka, about her crazy mother, and they slammed her, there was no one else, they couldnt stand anya anyway, so, on saturday, if you want to find a friend, then you need site, dating, the most important thing, knock off five years, hell knock off a five, youll knock off a ten, oh, what an interesting woman, strange, you see your wife, exwife, ksenia alferova, alexander makagon. By the way, i also saw you on this site. My advice to you is to take a photo from our family album. Apartment premiere, on saturday on rtr, favorite songs are playing in our studio, lets go, birthday. Words of love are understandable to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture this is the golden fund of the soviet and russian country. Andrey malakhovs evening show on saturdays on rtr, from the first , you are the head of the company, i can handle it, this is my dream job, and yanochka, you thought about her, where are you going to put her, lets hire her a nanny. Hello, yanochka, my name is maria alexandrovna, but can i call you aunt masha . My good one, call it what you like more likely. And you are not at all afraid that masha will replace you in yanas life, they cannot live without each other, like mother and daughter, when there is no one closer to the nanny. You named yana daughter, are you afraid to leave yana with masha, or what . I agree. Do you like riding the bus . I havent ridden yet. Jaana. Yanochka aunt masha on friday on rtr. Time spent with family is priceless. You can do sports or creativity together, or you can all take part in a competition together. Its a Family Affair and we win great prizes. Details on this. Rf. Good morning, good morning, what are your plans for the evening . Yes , nothing special, i wanted to organize small gatherings, do you mind, no, dont mind, the teenager will look at the neighbors, well sit quietly at home, so what. Somehow distract myself, and yes, yes, now grisha has arrived for documents. Look what grishas wife gave us . Beauty . Are you all right . Yes, fine, just a little dizzy, busy days. Thank you, grisha, oh, and his goat, ill make cheese, wow, oh, look how beautiful it is, zachka petrovna, can you tell me where you can buy a good cake not far from here, but its at the kiosk at the bakery, its always fresh, and what did they change . She invited me to visit, she wants to meet you. Its somehow inconvenient to go emptyhanded, so you bake it yourself, everything will be tastier , i also have apples, you in the city almost immediately run to the store for chemicals, but we are accustomed to something else, come on, come on, come on, dont be lazy, yes, i just realized that i havent cooked anything for 100 years , it seems to me that ive already forgotten how to do it, arent you doing housekeeping or something at home . We have seryozha in charge in the kitchen, because he cooks great, i dont even meddle in there, i cant do it, oh, good man, very good, good, but what are you doing with him then . Hello, yes, hi, zhenya, well, right now, okay, zachka petrovna, i need to run, zhenya called, said something urgent, well , she said, well, lets run, ill take care of it myself, really, thank you, im like as soon as i get back, i ll help you right away, okay, go, go, already 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 collect the heroo with a spatula 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 olya knees higher 5 6 7 8 1 2 well done 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 well done, my bunnies, thats all for today. Bye, egor, bye, how about ice cream today, i think we deserve it, what did you say . Oh, welcome, welcome, welcome, first, first, like second, do you hear . Thats what you would do if you found out about a person about whom you think you know everything , but you dont know anything about him, well, well, it can be simpler again for stupid people, look, there is one person, what if he himself not really who he thinks he is, who he really is, an american spy, but no, hes just pretends to be good, well, veronica, for example, i saw her videos, she dances cool, she puts kittens at ease, everyone writes in the comments oh veronica, burn, come on, shes kind of cool, veronica, so youre talking about veronica, everything about a person with at first glance its clear, but no, its about a completely different person, you just understand, i need to understand whether this person is good or bad, i cant, what to do, well, you know, my mother once told me in one situation that. You need to listen to your intuition, it never fails, right never, never, never, well, look, she explained it this way, man, he is built like a mirror, no matter what he does, no matter what he tells you, in his facial expressions, gestures, maybe even in his words or gait, everything is reflected, intuition reads this information and passes it on to you, but if a person is very, very cunning, cunning, intuition needs to be trained so that no one tricks you, well, you wont build muscles in the gym, why, you can easily train it, i i know one exercise, get up, just dont peep, otherwise it wont be interesting, just like that, try to guess what im doing . Well, did you find out where the inlaws were the night of the murder . Yeah, well, of course, it turned out, the first thing they did was at home, is that what they told you . No, olegs mother had a hypertensive crisis, they called an ambulance. Dee, this is crazy, have you seen them . Yourself . Can you imagine them running through the forest with a knife , well, what about gavriilny, are you going to let him go . Well, not yet, an attempted robbery, but im sure he has nothing to do with the murder. Dim, lets go somewhere, where, to a colleague, to our parents . No, i meant something else, like a restaurant. Or a movie , im busy tonight, okay, ill go to a movie at a restaurant with korzhum, thats all for now, well, i really have something important to do, seriously, yes, of course, bye, hello, your menu. We are waiting for you at our karting club, come with your family, feel the speed. I can give you a ride in the car, well, thank you, no need, were not far away, its great, well get there quickly, lets not accept refusals , sit down, thats it, lets go, lets go, okay, i spoke with your wife the other day about olyas injury, so i just wanted one more time to say that i am very sorry that this happened, egor should have, i apologize for interrupting you right away, margarita, you know, in my opinion, egor has absolutely nothing to do with this situation, olya, right, but not with what, i told my mother a hundred times, its all veronica, veronica, why . Yes, she smeared some nasty stuff on my shoes, i slipped on her, god, olya , why didnt you tell us about it right away, olya, you cant just leave such stories, you could have been seriously injured, of course, when olya said, what is veronica . Shell get away with it, and the coach will get caught, yeah, well, conspirators, but look at them, no, the fact that this is of course good, well done, but the fact that you hid veronicas act is, to put it mildly , soso, yes, well, and now you have become her accomplices, like this, accomplices, well, like this, veronica will now think that bad deeds can go unpunished, and what prevents her from doing the same in the future, and what to do now, well, now theres nothing to do, next time , there wont be a next time, ill talk to veronica, well done, a masculine act, i approve. Here, well, here we are, so, well, hows your mood, good, thank you, sergey, yes, stop, i practically forced you to eat the car, you wanted to walk, no, im not talking about that, im talking about friend, i just dont always know how to explain some things from a male point of view, what about you . We sorted out the situation , but egor is already a grown guy and understands everything perfectly well, we go out later, right, egor, yes, yes, well, you see, i wont let anyone offend me anymore, i yell, believe me, i believe you, thank you, before goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, bye bye, olechka, yegor has a dear mother, what are you thinking . Is this true . Really . If i remain silent, then i am an accomplice to a bad person. Dont you agree . I dont know, i think. Think, think, its useful. Hello, oh, hello, i didnt know that you were working here today, but where am i going . I planted such beauty, now i need to protect it, water it, fertilize it, weed it, well, clearly, handle it, like with little children, oh, they compared it, flowers are nothing but joy, they grow and remain silent, at school its the other way around, i keep quiet there, why , well, just like that, the kid is freaking out, shut up, shut up, the kids are yelling at. My head is moving, shut up too, thats it, why . Because if you say the word, your parents will come and there will be such an uproar, it wont seem like much, but what did you think . You dina cant even imagine what kind of parents there are, they make scandals, theyre rude, its with some of these that ia vidolaga got into such trouble , they frayed all her nerves, its some kind of horror, but she didnt tell what happened, no, well, it was with her a student from such a rich family, yeah, his parents decided to organize a day at their home, they invited clowns, animators, this and that and the whole class, and since all the students came, they said, little cool anya should be there too . This is an extracurricular event, can you imagine, anya, of course, refused and did the right thing, i think, because at this event firecrackers exploded, and this birthday boys hand was almost torn off, and these idiots said that anya was to blame for everything, she didnt come to this event, they also threatened her, some strange story, and in general that they were seriously threatening, well, these are not ordinary people, they can do it, but by chance you dont remember your last name, maybe its the menshovs. Something like this, clearly, open up, i love you and i want you to always be with me, oleg, i watch movies on weekends, remember what kind of wedding you wanted as a child, i love romance, i propose a noble wedding, no i knew which flowers to choose, i thought that everyone loves them, i can forget about them. Why is it that all the organizers in the city of my sons wedding will be officiated by his ex fiancee, this is absurd, i myself am not happy that you need it, but you cant forget true love, 6 years ago it just happened to someone s mother, you and i are drawn to each other , i love you, ive loved you all my life, im sorry, i want to cancel the wedding, this will never happen, wedding march. On sunday on rtr the walls are trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a Slight Movement of the hand we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, im generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr , this is for you, so what . Gentlemen, a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we havent seen each other for a long time, cheap, well, you know, for every cool fighter hell find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or the boys yours, not ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of our time , beauty, rapping, the whole team, just look at the platform, our strength is in the truth, our job is to serve russia, and that means were back on the air. Evening with Vladimir Solovyov today on rtr, you will, no, whatever you want, im sorry this businessman of ours is not talking , now a jar would be very useful to him , maybe you can start work, yeah, ill start, but why, its still a hangup, and such a hangup , directly. Vesechinin, and well soon get this weight like porsches, oh, how our quarterly bonus cried, jacques, thats it, listen, go submit a report, and youll be suspended, youll be in chocolate, your bonus will be fine, sharapov, what are you up to . , i understood, i promised that you would solve the case, i promised the state when i took the oath, well done, well done, hammer, listen, you also led the case. There was a thing, although no, there wasnt a thing, its like this refusal of excitement, that its just like that just once and. And the refusal, do you hear, are you such a greyhound, on your own, are you sitting here in in this office, i also received the groom, i understand, and im not the last person on me, believe me, i did Everything Possible to solve this case, understand . What did you do . I did everything, morgues, hospitals, train stations, an isolation ward, i looked at everything, her relatives were tortured, and her husband spent days and nights here on this sofa. So what . Nothing, if you want to know, check it yourself, certificates, testimony, everything is there, ill go to work. Dinochka, come in, hello, dinochka, hello, come in, how did your head go, yes, yes, everything is fine, great, wow, i thought we well just have some tea, and youre having some kind of festive banquet here, i brought something, but this is probably inappropriate now , it seems to me, wow, i baked the cake myself, well, you give it to your mother, and you and i will cut it into portions , ice cream on top, it will be shocked , okay, oh, neighbors, ill go open it, natasha, youll like it, shes cool, so, lets get acquainted, dina, where are you . Hello, this is dina, my best friend, this is natasha, my business neighbor, alexander is her husband, but we just call him uncle sasha, by the way, he is a serious person, two stores, a construction warehouse , well, actually, there are already three stores, what are you talking about, uncle sash, we are growing, growing, atul, let s put some flowers in a tie, what a luxurious series there will be. And nel was talking about you, you studied together, and yes, yes , we studied at school together, can you imagine, their son danya studied in anyas class, our anyas, what are you saying, yes, its good that we transferred our son on time to another school, the death of a teacher is such a tragedy, how to explain to children what happened, the world is cruel, and children are children. Of course, i ll fight for my son, oh, danechka, hes so talented a child, at the age of 8 he is already the champion of the region near jud, thats what im saying, and in general i think that most of the younger ones will someday glorify our city, lets drink to his successes at the table, uncle sasha, pour it out, oh, whats wrong, what stuck, yes, yes, yes, i need to call, ill quickly. Yes, so, well, everything seems to be fine, bread, bread, hello, zhen, yes, alone, you can come to nelya now, now, yes , yes, right now, why, it seems to me, i know who has there was a motive to take revenge on our anki, who, can you imagine, turns out to be her there was a conflict with the parents of one of her students, they even threatened her, now these people are visiting nelya, since you were quite wealthy. The meeting with roman did not end very well, to put it mildly. I beg you, just come, you still have no other ideas, you told me about it yourself. Okay, okay. I see youre working too, youve worked hard, basically, theres a clue, they caught a gobstopper, he robbed a woman at the railway station, two women in the hospital, he was unlucky with the third, her husband met her, hes sitting in in jail, the husband is sitting, but no, not the husband, the gopstopnik, although, by the way, the husband also has something to lie down for , he straightened out this gopstopnik so much that hes just blue, and where do you say that in the fox, well, yes, well, not so much close. Well, its not close, but you have to admit, there is logic in this, if he accidentally killed a duck, then well, he just got scared, moved away from here, well, thats a completely working version, but you still need to figure it out on the spot, so what . , okay, okay, i did the balancing, i tuned the car, and come on, hop, i just need it go away, for a long time, but no, not for long, okay, well get there by the evening, by night, good, well, well, well, dont go, stay with me, i ve loved you for so long, ill wear you out with a caress, a fire, ill burn you , i caress you with a fiery caress, i care for you as i live, stay with me, stay, stay with me, dont go away, stay with me, it burns with passion in my chest, the delight of love awaits us with you, dont go away, dont go away, the delight of love for us is waiting with you, dont go, dont go, comrades, lets applaud my beloved husband for coming earlier today, like a normal person with a normal job, listen, well, i know your attitude towards me as a person, but the fact that my job is abnormal, not not normal, but abnormal, not a cure, what can i do when my husband is a big man, this is what im used to grumbling about already, well done, and we are very proud of the roma, an honest official, a real hero , and by the way, this is his protege, it seems to me, she has already fallen in love with him, what a protege, well, what a girl, who was almost killed, she even i think she started her own blog and is like a nightingale, writing like roma to her i helped, roma this, roma that, i organized some kind of competition on what to name my future son , i think there are more than a thousand comments there, how interesting it all is, how interesting it is, well, whats hot, its already ready, girls, help me please, okay, come on, romano, sit down, little by little. Come on, lets go big, ive been waiting for you for a long time, a long time, i thought i couldnt wait, oh, penalty, dina, wheres zhenya, you said hed come, oh, i dont know, im waiting myself, it should be already, uhhuh , oh, its probably him, ill meet you, yes, come on, ill help you, come on, oh you are our beauty, now too, and who is this zhenya whom she called . Yes, tinkins boyfriend, ever since his student days, he ran after her, she kicked him, but old love doesnt rust, you know, now its unclear whos running after whom, well, this is a classic of the genre, if only she d run after him in those days times, he wouldnt have remembered her name, but no, such dinners are not forgotten, to hell with him, natasha, you can find out something through your channels, i can, but who needs it, well, show up to this pregnant woman, who what, where . What kind of romcom are you worried about . Yes, please, just look at her, she has no face, no skin, shes also pregnant , of course, well, find out anyway, ill find out, the future belongs to our region anyway, im speaking as a business representative, just dont shove sticks at us in the wheels, gentlemen officials, then you will benefit from this, but if someone does not allow someone to live, as they say, neither themselves nor other people. Here the conversation is simple, you are either one of us or someone else, well, thats it, thats it, thats it, thats it, thats good, to fight, look, the ladies are bored, sorry , got carried away, dina, what are you doing, im a teacher, a speech therapist, you treat teachers like they are your own, strangers, those good things, forever, this, again, this is useful, useful, so i approve of such activities, zhenya , you know, what a coincidence , i want to sell a room, and nellie decided to introduce me to natasha, shes a realtor, so. We got to talking, and it turned out that natashas son studied with our anya, can you imagine . And yes, it is. A terrible story, why did he just go into the forest . You know, i heard that there was some kind of conflict between you and anna, can you tell me . Denochka, you havent tried my zucchini, i will definitely try it, thank you very much, just understand me, anya was a very close friend for us, this is a big tragedy for us, and any information may be needed. So, admit who the killer is. Rum, well, its not funny, its not funny, dinochka, i hope you wont look for the culprit in our house , and the baskets are not here for this reason, we have gathered here just like you know, wagatha christie, to find the killer. Since i came about conflict, i would listen to the details, if it doesnt bother you, after all, i think this is not the most suitable topic for a friendly dinner, okay, ill tell you, danechka had a birthday and all her classmates came, we decided to invite Anna Mikhailovna, she refused, thats all, wait, whats the story with the firecrackers, but it turned out to be nonsense, in general, the Business Partners brought in a box with. Well, of course they overdid it with power, they didnt know that it was for children birthday, well, no matter how stupidly i warned, the first gasp, i immediately i realized that something was wrong, it was exactly the same, i was shocked that our windows on the second floor almost blew out, the children were screaming, running from this cannonade, but danya is our smart guy, he immediately grabbed the firecracker and threw it into the fire pit. Well, tomorrow of the competition the child has a burn on his hand, danya is crying, im crying too, the guests have fled around the garden, its been such a celebration, thats when our Anna Mikhailovna calls, i say im sorry, i couldnt come to the birthday party, but id really like to i wanted to congratulate danechka on the phone, and then i told her everything i thought about her, i they told you to keep your mouth shut, she got caught in the hot hand, someone who wasnt with her shouted at her. So unrestrained, the children loved Anna Mikhailovna very much, why did you still transfer to another school . And danechka was taken to the olympic reserve school, she is growing up as a fighter, just like her father, friends, thank you for the evening, i have to run, little girl, thank you so much, its very tasty, you have golden hands, thank you, it was very tasty, and im sorry for this invasion, always welcome, but nothing, we even cheered up somehow, it was nice to meet you, i too, well, its nice to meet you, mutually, and i wish your son victories, thank you, zhen, wait, ill see you off, okay , excuse me, okay, wait, excuse me, well, lets have a drink, lets go to easter, were probably already lets go, yes, yes, thank you for coming, thank you, zhenya, zhenya, well, wait , zhenya, forgive me, forgive me, what a bomb evening, i just think were going to the movies, and you decided to start an investigation into how rich people, the neighbors sent a black mark to the Primary School teacher, its not funny, but im not laughing, me and korzhov needs to go to the neighboring district, we have a real lead, and i m wasting time here with you, but what a lead, tell me, of course, theres no way. Thank you, thank you for dinner, dear, excuse me for all this talk, oh well, everything is fine, and what i even liked is that sledak is a normal guy, well, this is your friend, shes also okay , impudent with a sparkle, just like i like , yes, talk to me, give her my number, kolovniki is not my profile, but i. Help, okay, bye, well, come on, come on, sasha, good night, bye, well, did you like the evening, uhhuh, i need to go upstairs to scribble a couple more papers, hello, im a nanny from an agency, im visiting your daughter. Your daughter is growing up without you, she does not see the mother who is building the future. Aunt masha, i love you so much, and in general i am very attached to your daughter. What would happen if you liked me . You dont love me anymore, you must leave this house immediately. Aunt masha, on friday on rtr. We watch to learn about the world, Educational Programs and documentaries, we watch, look, in the application or on the website, there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same. Puts everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they dont get bored at all, and then i clean up, i m not bored either. After all ka of them

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