Attacks on military infrastructure in odessa and kharkov. 230 targets were hit on the fronts. Ukrainian fighters began to leave hours. Address to the us congress. Biden began by addressing putin. My message to president putin, whom i have known for a very long time, is simple. He invited everyone to fly to moscow for medicines, got lost on the way out. Where should i go, what did he want to convey to america . And what did the most attentive viewer trump hear . Polish farmers have reached the border with germany, the european scene will follow us. They are going to brussels. In nigeria, bandits kidnapped almost 300 students from school, which is not what they want. The capelin has gone. There are almost 4,500 tons of capelin in the holds, the fish is frozen. The fishing season has begun in the barents sea. Rare deer were counted in Nizhny Novgorod. And the longawaited festive finale on the show all together in chorus, today the winner will be determined. So, russia celebrates today the most tender holiday dedicated to our dearest loved ones. Women, as Vladimir Putin noted in his congratulations, with their beauty, wisdom, and spiritual generosity, they transform the world. Special thanks to those who are currently serving in the northern military district zone and to those who are raising children and keeping the family hearth. Today, in every home, in every family, the most tender, warm wishes are heard to our mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, and friends. The main thing for any woman, no matter what profession she chooses, no matter what heights she reaches here, this is family, relatives, friends, tireless care for children, their health, education, the desire to raise them so that they grow up as worthy, successful people. This year in our country is dedicated to the family; today in russia the family, its interests, and requests are in the absolute spotlight. Priority, we will definitely do Everything Possible so that families with children, including, of course, large and young families, young mothers, feel cared for by the state, i would like to specifically address women who are in the special military zone operations, carry out combat missions to those who are now separated from their families, wait for our heroes, inspire. More truly happy moments, success in everything that is important to you, happy holiday, happy International Womens day. For the first time in russia, march 8 was celebrated exactly 105 years ago, well, this day has been on the calendar for more than half a century, not just a holiday, but a day off. All over the country there are concerts, exhibitions, festivals, competitions about the flower marathon that men organized today. In the report to alexandru. Allow International Victims day to congratulate you on the holiday, armed with tulips, a participant in a special military operation, ivan, wins womens attention on the streets of yekaterinburg, where. In 10 minutes, servicemen of the Central Military district distributed hundreds of tulips and received no less smiles and words of gratitude in return. Seeing gratitude in the eyes of women, joy, smiles is priceless for us, may this spring give you the warmest emotions. At train stations , women are also given flowers and shown as signs of attention. In the waiting room, information messages about arriving trains were interrupted by a saxophone. In ulyanovsk, activists of the United Russia Party and young guards also distribute tulips and postcards. The Party Members were joined by cadets of the perm military institute, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and cadets. They handed flowers and said warm words. Happiness, good luck, and of course, safe roads. In krasnoyarsk, Traffic Police went on flower patrols. In addition to the baton, the inspectors have bouquets of tulips in their hands; they stop only women. After the warm words, the police reminded all motorists about compliance with traffic rules and wished. Structures in the odessa region, the fiery glow was visible tens of kilometers away. In the special operation zone, units of the west group occupied new positions in the kupinsky direction. Aerospace forces pilots are dropping 500kilogram aerial bombs on ukrainian positions around the clock. According to the ministry of defense , 230 targets were hit per day. These shots show another graveyard of Ukrainian Armed forces tanks. And here, in the hope of repairing nato equipment, the militants are trying to bring the damaged one to the rear. American bradley infantry fighting vehicle with the help of another american hercules armored vehicle. On the southern donetsk front , a british selfpropelled gun was destroyed, which the militants tried to hide in a hangar. And this is artyomovs direction. Su34 crews level enemy fortifications. Ukrainian forces began to leave the city of chasov yar. Soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed forces complain that they had to leave their positions under the onslaught of russian units. This is our way out. Lets go out. Trying to somehow make up for the losses, the kiev regime is intensifying its mobilization. In the chernigov region, draft dodgers attacked military commissars with with axes. Before this, one of the employees of the Acquisition Center was hit by suvs. In the avdeysk direction, the command of the Ukrainian Armed forces demands that the soldiers hold the front line. In one day, our military thwarted seven attempts by ukrainian nationalists to regain lost territory. The enemy lost there. 400 people from the editorial report of igor pikhanov. In the kupinsky direction of the front , the tornadog multiple launch rocket system is preparing for combat deployment. A signal was received from the scouts that the enemy had been detected. The crew is charging the installation. Over long range shooting up to 40 km with crushing power. The Russian Military calls this battery a real threat to ukrainian nationalists. The weapon is powerful. Burns out the enemy, be healthy, goes straight to the target, the damage is massive, weve been working together for some time, so everything happens quickly and efficiently. The car goes on a mission, a tornado under the cover of trees, they go to the firing line, the Rocket Launcher is located at the base of the urals, the powerful engine easily overcomes the spring offroad conditions, so the crew can quickly arrive at any given point, thanks to a modern guidance system, the vehicle is ready for battle with just. In a matter of seconds, modern highpower and longrange projectiles cover the positions of ukrainian militants, some charges explode in. The air, eliminating enemy military equipment, the rest are blown up already in the ground, destroying dugouts and trenches. There are several drones in the sky at once, they are monitoring the enemy, as well as adjusting the attack. After the shots are fired, the crew turns off the installation and goes into the forest. Fighters under the cover of trees reloading, again the formidable machine is ready to attack the enemy. Specialists of the ministry of defense destroy positions in the ssu, and also thwart the enemys attempts to deliver reinforcements to the front line. Geography of protests, now they have blocked the highway near the border with germany. Agrarians and striking polish farmers are expanding their opposition to the import of cheap and often lowquality ukrainian grain into the country, and for this they are demanding that brussels adjust its agricultural policy. Otherwise it states. Protesters they will not be able to repay even interestfree loans and go broke in the coming months. Previously, polish farmers organized a massive check at the borders of lithuanian trucks, which were also illegally importing ukrainian products. Today marks the 80th anniversary of the famous soviet and russian journalist kypros mazeika. Having entered the profession at the age of 15, he worked his way up from editor to head of the corporation. It was with this that i studied at school and worked parttime at a factory. In the late sixties he moved to moscow, started as an ordinary editor, then became a special correspondent, in the seventysixth he had already been sent to manage a checkpoint in west africa. The weight of the keeptown is clearly visible. A talented journalist was transferred from africa to brussels. Brussels is a kind of barometer of the Political Climate in the world. And he proposed filming a series of reports about nato, and was able to convince both the Alliance Press service and the soviet leadership. I introduced him like this right away. Dear tv viewers, there is no need to introduce my interlocutor. You know the face. In our press he is referred to as nothing less than antisoviet, anticommunist number one. He reacted exactly. So, in all his reporting, he never stayed behind the scenes, which was innovative at that time. A concept appeared, the mazheika effect, because no one else appeared so often and so much. The election race has entered the home stretch; exactly a week before the start of voting, which will last 3 days, the president ial candidates completed the debate stage on federal television channels. Today it became known that the cosmonauts on the iss will vote on march 15 through proxies, roscosmos reported this. About how its going preparations for elections throughout russia. In the report by ksenia klimina. 22, 23, 24, the final counting of ballot papers, which still smell of printing ink, the circulation , accompanied by Law Enforcement officers, is sent to the territorial Election Commissions of the novosibirsk region. We have 2,174,500 ballots, which is exactly the number of voters we have in the novosibirsk region. Until march 13, all ballots will be stored in territorial Election Commissions, but this is the office of the district and regional administrations, where they are are stored. Are protected, then sorted into sections and transferred. More than 2 million forms were printed over several days. Not all samples passed strict quality control. These are the wrinkled strips that are unsuitable for further use, because this is the effect that occurs. Well, we can also see such effects when printing there are all kinds of messes or some kind of paint bleeding. Are there excess defects during the printing process . Ballots are disposed of here, first they are cut so that the ballot can no longer be used, and then sent for processing by passing through a shredder. Preparations for the president ial elections in russia are in full swing in all regions of the country, special attention is paid to voters with disabilities, for example, in the Sverdlovsk Region alone there are more than 12 thousand visually impaired people; special stencils were printed for them to fill out ballots. Audio accompaniment will work, this hole for marking, not everyone speaks braille, so the uh Election Commission came up with this system, its very convenient, a person who does not know the rules can easily vote on his own. During all 3 voting days, voters with disabilities will be assisted by volunteer sign Language Interpreters via video link. Please tell me, are you registered on this street, well , here is one of the typical questions that may be asked, it is very important that every person will have the opportunity to vote. Public observers will monitor the progress of voting at polling stations; they have already received their assignments. Everyone has a long journey behind them training, seminars, examination tests for clarity of the upcoming work. In yekaterinburg they even created a model of a polling station. Thank you, you voted. Public observers have a difficult and responsible job to do; they will be at the polling stations from the moment they open until the end of the vote count. Everyone is 100 responsible, because he must understand that his observation determines how transparent these elections will be, how much later we will have the right to say that these elections were held at a high level, therefore, we simply have to be attentive, we will monitor the progress of the voting , including with the help of online video cameras and video recorders, each shooting angle has been verified in advance, and the picture will last for 3 days. The devices took more than 6. 0 highquality images, their study will allow us to obtain the most detailed information on the numbers and habitats of moose, wolves and deer, which almost disappeared due to uncontrolled hunting in the last century, report by our correspondent leonid muravyov. Here fresh moose tracks left over the last 24 hours. Early in the morning, sergei banaev goes out on. The route is more than 20 km through the forests and fields of the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region, fresh tracks of snow, an experienced hunting inspector notices from afar, the direction of movement of the animal is visible from the characteristic hoof print, an elk passed in that direction, all places, where animal trails are spotted are marked on the map, the discovered tracks are erased, since tomorrow the hunting inspector will go here again, the winter route census of animal birds is a laborintensive, painstaking process, we take everything into account intersections of tracks, we do not count animals, we count. Only their tracks, then in a special program, using certain formulas, we calculate the number of animals. In these forests there are more than sixty elk alone, there are bears and other predators, and the hunting inspectors quadcopter notices two wolves that are also on someones trail, slaughtering these places with game birds, the noise of a snowmobile lifts a flock of black grouse into the sky. Census work is carried out primarily in order to determine the Population Dynamics of the main. Resources, as well as determine the limits for the production of wild animals, so that they do not harm each species, either animal or bird, but ive definitely been hunting for 40 years, officially 40 years, and i hunted before that as a kid, zahalaz, i dont know about diamonds , but i get there sometimes. On the survey route we meet vasily korolev, an old gun behind his shoulders, skis on his feet, and the dog kuchum running ahead. For a pensioner from a neighboring village , hunting is not a hobby or entertainment. The forest feeds all year round, but today there was no luck, he returned emptyhanded, the same thing sometimes its a fighting dog, a fighting dog, sometimes they drive the forest right under your feet, now theres a lot of snow, the forest is also drowning, well, the dog is up to his stomach, so now im taking the dog so that i m not alone, and okay, hunting these animals in there will definitely not be any in the near future, not because the deer is depicted on the coat of arms of the Nizhny Novgorod region, for almost 100 years. If you offer a treat, then they calmly approach a person, they will live on a farm until they are five years old, and then they will be released to wild nature, where during six months will be able to adapt. Our goal is to reach about a thousand individuals in the wild, then, according to our estimates, the population will be restored, already at the moment there are 150 individuals in the wild, they are actively migrating to other areas, and there they live quietly and take root. Control over both the number of animals and compliance with the rules of hunting periods creates the very balance in which not a single species of animals or birds should disappear from the Nizhny Novgorod forests. Leonid muravyov, anton kolmykov, igor senyurin and yulia mironova, Nizhny Novgorod news region. And then in our program, why biden in his address to the american congress. Addressed putin what feats are our women performing in the northern military district zone on the front line, holiday Weather Forecast in the country from snowfall to snowdrops, gifts from our tv channel, which. The floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation , with a Slight Movement of the hand, we make three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas flow. Over the edge, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, im generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living rooms of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let us into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, we give karina an exclusive threeweek tour of south america, happy birthday, i dont understand anything, whats going on here . Theres a stable on fire, oh my god, oh well such and such, how can it be so, and andrey, where, where is andrey, ill start all over again, today on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat is the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditional. This is a parallel agenda, why dont you think so . Continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation are the first podcasts we watch. Every sunday mom makes cheesecakes. Tradition. Grandma doesnt like to tell the story of our family. Tradition. Dad and brother support the same team. Tradition. Taking care of each other and helping is our tradition. We also have a tradition in our family, together with the whole country , to elect a president. On march 15, 16, 17, take part in the president ial elections of the country, together, we are strong, vote for russia. We continue our broadcast on air. On International Womens day, Vladimir Putin signed a decree pardoning n women. According to the kremlin press service, the president accepted this decision, guided by the principles of humanity. First of all , pregnant women, those women who have minor children, and those will be released. Relatives are participating in a special military operation. At the combat post, on march 8, more than 300,000 women who serve in the armed forces are greeted. All of them perform their assigned tasks professionally. Russian defense minister Sergei Shaigu said this in his address on the occasion of International Womens day today. Many work with dignity and selflessness in military hospitals. Contributes. A significant contribution to providing the armed forces with strengthening the defense capability of our country. We are infinitely grateful to you for your heroism and dedication. Special thanks to the mothers of our children you raised true patriots and valiant defenders of the fatherland who courageously and selflessly defend the independence and safe future of our country. Today their mothers, wives, daughters and sisters receive flowers, letters and video messages from the heroes. A largescale festive event was organized by young guard activists. On the eve of march 8 they visited the locations of our soldiers and collected congratulations from the military personnel. And today they are handed over to recipients throughout the country. Nurses and doctors also received flowers and sweet gifts. Among them are women who serve in the medical battalion of the lpr military unit. Even on a holiday, they serve in the special operation zone. By march 8 , a largescale concert took place in the central theater of the russian army. Variety stars performed in front of the audience. The medical Defense Command presented the heroes of the special operation with state and departmental awards. About the feats they perform every day. Arthur valiakhmetov. Painstakingly and carefully, nursing each one, Marina Makarova is already like a second mother for the fighters. To do an emergency dressing change, to simply support someone morally, in the frontline zone , the head of the Medical Center is the most valuable employee, after the First Business trip, my heart remained with the guys. A heavy load fell on makarovas fragile shoulders; on the front line, from the first days of the north military district in avdeevka, she independently equipped a firstaid post, and she also evacuates the wounded from the battlefield herself. Even though we fragile, at the moment when evacuation we become very strong and. The head of the Medical Center in avdeevka was solemnly awarded in moscow. Medal for saving the dead, warrant officer makarova, marina ochilovna. On the eve of march 8 , 18 female military personnel were awarded high state awards, mostly signalmen and doctors. Those who risk themselves save the lives of others every day. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the holiday, wishes for goodness, health, and happiness. We always want to see you like this. In more than 300 thousand women serve in the Russian Armed forces, some of them in the northern military district zone. For olga arzamastseva, a doctor from chita, working in hot spots is already familiar. He has three business trips to syria and has now been working in the donbass for a year and a half. Someone will say, the weaker sex, but these girls are ready to prove the opposite, each has a dozen orders and medals, but to brag. The military personnel work and believe that they will soon be able to return to their families with you here just want to be useful, with victory. Ainurakhmetov, irina vasilyeva, daria podobedova. News. Analysis of the state of affairs in the United States or is it a populist election speech . In the states, journalists are now arguing about what exactly President Biden was trying to convey to citizens when speaking in congress. The owner of the white house spends a significant part of his speech. Devoted not to the crisis facing the country during his presidency, but to attacks on his predecessor, donald trump. Report from our own correspondent in the states, dmitry melnikov. The president s annual state of the Union Address is officially called we are talking about the unity of the country. However, on the eve of joe bidens arrival here, the entire capitalist hill was fenced around the perimeter with a fence like this. And, of course, in this preelection year, everyone thought about their own. Democrats remembered the assault. When the streets in Downtown Washington were completely blocked off at the entrance to bidens congress , only propalestinian activists were left waiting, inside the capitol, despite outward optimism, fears reigned could the president cope with this, the most important speech of his career . In the passage on the way to waiting for biden at the podium was congresswoman Taylor Greene wearing a trump cap. She gives the president a badge with the image of a girl recently killed by an illegal immigrant. There is a direct demand to close the border with mexico immediately, but joe biden begins his speech with something completely different. He compares current times with 1941, himself with president roosevelt, and the aggressive start that was unexpected for everyone in the very first paragraph about the conflict. Smiles indulgently, because the future of the aid package for kiev depends on him, cheerful and a formidable start, but by the third paragraph, which biden reads from the prompter, he begins to get confused, talking about trump as the main threat. Biden wants to call for protecting democracy from him, but it turns out quite the opposite. America survived and democracy prevailed and lets be honest, the threat to democracy must be defended. Bidens speech was closely followed by. His main and only opponent, donald trump. He commented on every thesis of the president on his social networks. Biden talks about shringflation, reducing the content of food packaging. Trump is criticized. Snickers cannot be more important than the boundaries of the capabilities of mobile applications in his comments , trump uses to the fullest. But even when talking about American Healthcare and drug prices, biden couldnt help but remember. Russia, however, had to admit that medicines in other countries are many times more accessible than in the usa. Im going to get in trouble for saying this, but if you want to get inexpensive drugs, you need to fly to toronto, berlin, moscow, i mean, sorry, but even to moscow, youll buy the medicine there is 40 of the price here, same company, same medicine. Biden was expected to announce a special Us Military Mission to establish a port in the sector. Through which additional humanitarian supplies will pass, while the deployment of American Military personnel on the territory of the enclave is not implied, but some in the hall would like to hear more about american problems; one of the guests cannot stand it and begins to shout something from his seat. The screamer is escorted out by security, but questions for joe biden didnt get away with it. Without that short speech by the president of the United States about america itself in these difficult times, almost. Nothing , it may have been the darkest and most unamerican speech ever given by an american president , but his Top Priorities have nothing to do with america, his priorities. Nearly 300 teacher students kidnapped in nigeria, islamists, militants raid Elementary School on in the northwest of the country in the morning right before classes, all the hostages were taken to a nearby forest, where they were held, demanding a ransom from local authorities. Over the past week, this is the second such incident; a few days ago , bandits kidnapped over 100 women, in what is known to be mass abductions that have not stopped in the country for more than 10 years. A wheel fell off during takeoff on a passenger plane in san francisco; this moment was caught on camera; there were 249 people on board the boeing. The lioner made a circle and successfully returned to the ground. No harm done. The only unlucky ones were the drivers of cars parked near the airport, on which a fallen wheel fell. Minimum at four cars. The newest satellite meteor m , which was launched into orbit last week, has already begun monitoring the weather situation, today sent the first Global Images of our planet, on the ground itself the weather never ceases to amaze, just like that, great, primorye at dawn returned to the previous season with endless a series of white landscapes. In different parts of the region, the snowfall does not stop for several hours and significantly complicates the life of drivers on roads with low visibility and ice have caused many minor accidents both with cars and by trucks, on key routes, streets of large cities, municipal equipment has come out, but it is swept away very quickly. The weather situation in the area of ​​the large stone, heavy snow is observed; the south of the country now looks contrasting against this background. Where even when it is cloudy, residents enjoy the warmth and snowdrops. The longawaited gift for march 8th from the moscow zoo, the famous panda katyusha, has finally moved into a large enclosure, which means that from today all visitors will finally be able to see the little one in all her glory. Six months after the birth of katyusha was in her own small enclosure with her mother. About 2 months ago, having significantly gained weight and not so little a panda, it was time to move to a more spacious room, but the stubborn girl did not want to enter the adult world for a long time, and now, apparently, she decided that she was ready for her first appearance in the world and getting to know the public. In the barents sea, the capelin fishing season is in full swing. This year there is especially a lot of fish, because eight fishing seiners are working in the water area at once, in the port of murmansk we have already met the first refrigerated vessel, it delivered 4. 00 tons of freshfrozen capelin to the shore, about where the rich catch will be taken. In the report by oleg posobin. Loaders at the murmon fishing port work at maximum speeds, they need to quickly place frozen fish in refrigeration units, packed in cardboard boxes. The refrigerated ship new light delivered to the kola bay; the temperature in its cargo compartments was about 20. There are almost 4,500 tons of capelin in the holds, the fish is frozen, special briquettes in cardboard boxes are loaded into the cage, then using this crane is lifted and lowered onto the pier. This is the first capelin of 2024, it was caught in the barints sea, packaged, frozen and packaged. They loaded fish, fish, and Fishing Vessels into refrigerators. Right during the storm, we successfully reloaded with colleagues on the rybachim peninsula, this is a large port port, we reloaded there from three trawlers, all three cargoes from all these ships you can see now they are unloaded at the fishing port from the mormon port the fish will be transported mainly to st. Petersburg by water area by overland route, so careful boxes were brought into one of the trucks, it was packed almost to capacity in a few hours. Yes, how many kilometers . 1. 400, how long to go . Well, depending on the road, what the mood is, one and a half days, two days. How much weight of this capelin actually fits now . It has many noble relatives smelt, salmon , sockeye salmon, experts consider it healthier than red fish, it contains a lot of b vitamins, phosphorus, calcium magnesium, fat is very valuable, compared to last year, the capelin catch quota was increased three times after the new one light, which transports 500 tons, three more. Zherators with the same capacity will come to the northern ports. There are eight vessels fishing in the barents sea, which means that fish may soon appear in the most remote cities and villages. This year, putins capelin is associated with certain challenges, because there is so much of it this year, and the specificity of capelin is that it is shortterm, that is, we have march, then there will be a decline, so we need to work effectively, qualitatively, which is what all interested parties generally do. Fishing quotas are determined by local vessels , fishing is allowed if by spring the biomass exceeds 200,000 tons, the volume of the permissible catch is calculated every year 60 , it is currently given to norway, our country gets 40. If we dont catch this fish, then we will year, 2, 3, 10, 15, 20, this will result in the fact that the people who are ours, with whom we exploit the reserves, will come and say, taking into account the statistics, they will say, you are not catching enough, so lets do it, this will be our fish, you. We will give you less. In murmansk stores are expecting a new season of capelin in the next few days. The authorities promise to organize fairs with the most popular fish. Polar residents also have a privilege; in the coming weeks they will have access to the freshest, chilled fish. As soon as its ships are caught, they immediately deliver it to us fresh. We have our own ships at our plant. We have two specialized machines at our plant that deliver it directly to the plant like this. Which is behind us. The mouvenaya poutine will end in a few weeks, then frozen fish will remain on the shelves at low temperatures; it will be stored for a whole year. Oleg posobin, anton klimovsky, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct the morman region. Tonight on our channel is the longawaited finale of the unpredictable vocal show nuka all together in choir. This season , teams are competing among themselves, their task is to prove to tv viewers hundreds of experts, led by sergei lazarev, that. One, but a maximum of two performers, behind the coveted tables of the finalists, usually this season it will be very crowded, until nine original groups from different parts of our country reached the finals, they are all so different, so unpredictable that every time you are amazed, you think, some classical choir will come out now, some boring thing will begin, and they give out Something Like this. My jaw just drops. Kalinka, kolinka, the choir members are imbued with the responsibility of the moment and even behind the scenes emotions take over. Such an uplifting spirit, this is the struggle so that we can convey everything that is not, lets do something else, i cant, i cant, i i got excited, im arriving, pelovechskaya pushcha. Another grand final record an unprecedented number of hundredpoint performances. The jury can only give a standing ovation how will you surprise, how will you amaze with energy, but you will see more at the show, come on, all together, tonight at 21 00 the loudest and most powerful. Another wonderful gift , the most romantic film about love, ice three, in all cinemas in the country, starring Alexander Petrov and maria aronova. This film of the trilogy, shot by director Yuri Khmelnitsky , has already grossed more than one and a half billion rubles was three times higher than the cost of its production. Many scenes were filmed, by the way, on lake baikal in early spring, when the ice is crystal clear. The film was created with the participation of our tv channel and with the support of the cinema fund. News follows developments. Events in russia abroad, so stay tuned the popularity of Domestic Tourism this year has increased by a quarter compared to last year, well, the highest demand now is for travel in the kaliningrad region, from where Marina Naumova reported. Khrabrova airport in holidays added additional flights from moscow and st. Petersburg to the schedule. Kaliningrad is among the most popular destinations. For the first time in a year , passenger flow exceeded 4 Million People and is only increasing. We have made quite a serious step forward, this is 4,300,000. Uh, our peak loads here were about 6570 flights per day. Cultural and educational tourism is traditionally popular in the offseason. And in the maritime region. There is something to see, unusual tourist sites, lighthouses, this one is almost 200 years old, in the beginning it was wooden, with a coal lamp, only in 1918 a fifteenmeter stone tower was built here, in the poured from the lighthouse keepers house along a spiral staircase and gray granite you can climb to the source of light, which for centuries has shown the way to fishing schooners, history, and history, and in first, it is still operational, but i wanted to see it all with my own eyes recently. Kant had to leave his studies at the university to get a job as a home teacher in the family of a pastor from the village of yuchin. This is the only museum in russia where about the philosopher you can learn a lot of personal things. Kant arrived with certain baggage. Here we see a University Students cap. He has been fascinated since his youth, here is a small portrait. In a month, instead of tourists, the housepastors museum will host kant scholars in honor of the three hundredth anniversary of the scientist, who devoted his life to understanding the world around him and the moral law within himself, and an international Philosophical Forum will be held in the region. Marina naumova, evgeniy bekash, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. Jumping over sleds, throwing an ax and lasso for catching deer. All these are sports and northern ones. Allaround the best athletes gathered in naryanmar to try their hand at national disciplines. Report by alexander durkin. The first discipline of the championship and championship of the nenitsa district in the northern allaround is the triple national jump. The participant himself chooses how to perform exercises from a running start or from a standstill. Three attempts are given, the best result is counted. The main condition is that you can push off with only two legs. The legend is that he went to tundra, jumped from bump to bump, jumped over, ran away, and jumped over some distance, well, at the moment it differs from a triple athletics jump by taking off with two legs, the difficulty is that for the spine this is a complex interaction, you need to push off and jump and perform three jumps on two legs. Despite the difficulty, the results were not bad, the younger guys overcame it. 1416 year olds jumped beyond the 5 m mark, well, older athletes tried to update the regional record of 10 m 78 cm. Timofey letkov, a member of the nenets okrug national team, has been intensively preparing for the current competition for 3 months. In general , you need physical training, basic, that is , iron, sitting under the iron in order to strengthen your muscles so that they are resilient and jumping. Timofeys best result was 9 m 70 cm; only two participants, vyacheslav arteev and vitaly vanyuka, managed to beat him by a few centimeters. Perhaps the most interesting discipline is jumping over sleds. Participants need to overcome as many obstacles as possible without making mistakes. You must not touch the sled; you must push off with both feet at the same time without pauses. You can only rest when turning, but not more than 5 seconds. The best results in this discipline, as a rule, are shown by athletes representing the nenensky district at the allrussian northern allaround competitions, among them the latashev brothers. Now anton is actively preparing for the russian championship, which will be held in krasnoyarsk in mid march, he trains regularly, so the result shows a good 500 sled. This is a leadup to the russian championship, i hope that the russian championship will be at its peak and it will probably work out there. Ill also try to show a personal record, perhaps show the district record. It took artyom latishev about 10 minutes to surpass the result of his brother anton. Fatigue was noticeable after the 300th jump, but the young man did not give up; as a result, artyom overcame 501 obstacles, setting a personal record in jumping over sleds. We dont really look at prize money, we want to realize ourselves more, show our results, because in training, when you jump, you want such volumes. Competitions to be realized, somehow i somehow couldnt manage to jump into such a result, well, today in person. You could say its a record, so im glad it worked. Throwing, nahorei, is one of the most difficult types of northern allaround, here you need to take into account not only your strength or accuracy, but also weather conditions, such as air temperature or wind direction, because the choice of tension, this very rope, which needs to be thrown onto an improvised pole. Previously, in competitions mainly tenzes made from deer skins were used. Now the trend has changed, athletes buy silicone ropes, they are lighter, do not get wet in bad weather and are more durable, they are made there for certain weather , there are ones for warm weather, those that are tougher, there are ones for cold weather, which are softer, you need to choose here too, if lets say today its not so cold here, if we take tensey too soft, it can also get confused, but if we take some kind of tensey for very warm weather above zero, its here too, so well allow it they took one. Among the boys 1113 years old, stepan khudya showed, the boy lives in uskar, comes from a family of reindeer herders. From early childhood, his father taught him to throw a rope over the horns of the lines. Throw it a little higher. And its okay to collect. The girls showed good results; diana vanyuta from selones showed the third result in her group. The girl admits that the discipline is really difficult, and beginners will not be able to cope with it right away. Throw. Its quite difficult, you have to be able to master the technology, but my parents walk around in the middle of nowhere, and how would i i watched my dad, it even happened that i threw it myself, and as it turned out, the participants also competed in throwing an ax at a distance and running over rough terrain; in total , more than 60 athletes from kharuta, oksin, oma, ustkara, nelminanos, red, and narinmara alexander durkin, vadim stasyuk, igor tarasevich, lead for the polar region. And while this is all news, see you soon happy spring everyone good evening, dear tv viewers, a special holiday episode of the program hi andrey, agree that the most beautiful love songs, of course , are dedicated to women, and today only men will sing in our program, only men whom you have asked for throughout the year, sending letters to our program, we begin with a letter from valentina chechkina, and there are many such letters , dear andrey, i hope that. A magical, magnificent vocalist with gorgeous songs about love will decorate your evening and become a gift to us, invite kirill turichenko, we are all women of russia impatiently waiting, dear valentina chechkina, kirill today here, and he opens our program with the song lets try to return. We stand at the open door of our fate on the edge, i dont believe in your insult, just as you dont believe in the kings washing ray. And in the headland of the lilacs childhood spit blossomed there somewhere an old mill spins, flies, drinks there and the water old mill shroe mills only love never old mill shroe changes only love never. What gifts did your son give you for the holidays . I brought a snake from the street as a gift, but it was like that, i was like that, a small snake brought it, gave it to him in a threeliter jar , now we see a family photograph, it s dad, yes, dad played football, mom came, came to see him for a match once , thats it, fell in love, and stopped singing, thats because mom sang , mom sang, what are you talking about, dad said, its either me or the stage, me or the songs, and if it hadnt been forbidden, maybe. I wouldnt have been born, but you accompanied your son to all the competitions, oh yes, everywhere 1994 year, morning star, Yuri Nikolaev announces and there are still 2 years before the appearance of ivanushkas group, friends, and kirill is already on big stage, attention, we continue the program of the first competitive day of the Television Game morning star, stage kirill turichenko, 11 years old, odessa. And by the way, i remember, i can say that one, one artist, agutin, gave me a four , and Leonid Agutin gave me a four, he cried so much, i cried, but i cried, but, at least, you know, im standing near the mirror, i they gave me a soft toy, im standing, that means why are you so upset, at this time nikolai comes up. Torgoev, were fixing our hair, and im being filmed and the teacher asks, thats what youre talking about you can wish for aspiring artists , i want to wish that they worked more, and the best teacher is a tape recorder, and he was right, since then i started listening to more music , filming more, learning from a tape recorder, so many thanks for the four to agutin and the instructions of mikhalay starguev, tell me, what kind of son is kirill . Excellent, good, kind, why . She will undertake everything and do everything and cook and build and well, i dont know everything, the woman cooks and builds according to kirills culinary abilities , there are legends on the internet, friends and they told me that you have some kind of signature recipe for how to pickle tomatoes, yes, today is the first time in history that i come to you, i came with them with these tomatoes, that is, this is my mothers signature recipe, thats what he likes this , this is liked by everyone who tries it, well , theres a queue, theres already an annual queue, you can, yes, especially in the morning its good, somewhere on saturday, so the recipe, lets discuss, most of all im in this recipe, my attention was drawn to the screen , that after adjika you put aspirin, so that you dont nothing ever hurt, but utyosova, its spontaneous, its very cool , you know, this is a wonderful city that i saw, there is a city that i see in myself, if they knew which black monet had, a blooming city, a blooming mountain, cherno. Thank you, kirill, wonderful son , he moved you to moscow, they told me, she has a week planned out longer than mine, english, billiards, backgammon, and what else pitank, who, what pitank, pitank, balls, lets throw, its a french game, when you throw iron balls, dont go to karaoke, i dont its interesting to sing there, there, i know that you met at karaoke with. I hear that nadezhda kadyshevas song is playing, and i dont understand who is singing, but the voice is so clear that mother can do this only in her best years , heres kirill, it was great, show how it was, show how its done, show how nadezhdeno sings. It flows far, the oar was carried away, but the raft was broken , there were signs, the crows became, they met early, they understood late, the doors are new, you cant break the hinges, not a single pita, they sat down in reserve, the river is wide, its a long time, at least something not, than night, walks around, obeyed that, uninvited, here it is love, reverse , we while away, but very long, unloved, sitting, ill say a few words, just like, i, this is my, this is my Favorite Song, was, she , i didnt fall in love with this song right away, at that moment when we met grisha, i was singing, he comes up to me, we didnt know each other, he comes up and says, you sing well , i say, yes, thank you, and he says, he says, mom would like it, mom would like it, well, i say, yes, thank you, and who is mom, and he says, these words, i froze, he says, my mother nadezhda kadysh, and i think i became so uncomfortable, but today you will see her again in our program, so you can do anything to me personally, thank you, this is great, so we have one more letter, friends, we continue our holiday, to those who joined us, thank you very much, so, a letter from us from belarus is written to us from a belarusian town, grodno region, we have a big request, i would really like you to invite an aspiring performer, a talented artist from the city of mogilev , to your program , pavel safranovich, writes to us, semenyuk, irina. Arkadyevna, and irina arkadyevna, we congratulate you on International Womens day, pavel is in our studio today, lets greet him, friends, tell me who you will sing for today, good evening, dear friends, you know, i didnt come alone, i came with my beloved motherinlaw, she is, lets say, my talisman, she always supports me, she is in our hall today, indeed. Irina nikolaevna, where are you on holiday . Wow, pavel safranovich, friends, and Irina Nikolaevna and his motherinlaw are a black treasure. Small coins were thrown into the sea from the ships of the boy fox city. He caught them somewhere at the bottom and on the granite parapet he walked in the evening all dragging a cute coquette to give away the entire catch and down to the penny all together he dreams of the treasure of the black sea, he dreams of finding the treasure. The black sea, in order to conquer the windy heart, love will rise up in strong nets, not the sea , he will see in the darkness, leave before dawn, love is like a coin, look for stones in this city, the order of the waves lit up, but he saw nothing, only the tooth beat smiled, shes responsive to requests, wow, give up naive hopes, why do you need nonmedics , in the tavern i get a lot of money , sailors offer for love, the treasure of the black sea, dreams, dreams, he is. Quiet , the treasure of the black sea, to conquer a windy heart, love puts strong nets, not the sea , he will see in the darkness, leave before dawn, love is like a coin, look for stones in this city. The treasure of the black sea, he dreams, he dreams of finding, the treasure of the black sea, that to conquer the slow heart, love sets strong nets. Not mine, he will see in a dream, he will leave before dawn, love is like a coin, look for stones in this city, it will go away before dawn, love is like a coin, look for stones in this city, it will be beaten, thank you. Pavel for such an incendiary number , and where is your wife, tell me, your motherinlaw is wonderful , you know, she really wanted to, but you know, shes on maternity leave, raising children, so, unfortunately, no way, tell me about your soninlaw Irina Nikolaevna, oh, you know, i want to praise him, hes a smart guy, im very happy that i have him, and i always pray for him, i fight so that he can achieve all his dreams in life, thank you, met, are you still studying . You know , no, i didnt study, ive already, lets say, graduated, of course, ive already completed my studies, i came here by training as a physical education teacher, im a coach by training, a physical education teacher, an athletics coach, and that second you changed everything and decided to sing , you know, it was about 7 years ago, i went to moscow, got a job as a massage therapist in a salon, and it so happened that the salon was natasha koroleva, i met wonderfully. I just had an anniversary concert, so i went to the kremlin, and after concert, i was so blown away by the concert, i packed all my things at 1 00 pm and left the apartment in the evening, that is, with the light hand of natasha koroleva, everything worked out, we can also congratulate nadasha, of course, of course, what advice can you give to future sonsinlaw who are going to meet your motherinlaw, you know, everything is very simple, in fact, to enter the apartment. With a smile, and of course, preferably with a bouquet of flowers, the main thing is not to overdo it with a smile, of course, of course, if someone has some culinary skills, so of course you can enjoy a jar of tomatoes. Bring in, of your production , it seems to me, it will still immediately open the doors and you will be loved to take it, well, isnt it, everything is right, who else will we thank, congratulate, well, of course, i would like to say hello and of course i would like to say, how i love my dear wife , anya, by the way, when she works as a paramedic in an ambulance, and you know, she gave me an injection right away, i fell in love with her, well then, lets sing at the table today, my beloved, you know that song. Of course of course, olya, twist, press, press well, day will silently give way to night outside your window, my beloved, sows coolness, wet silver rain, with the arrival of september. The leaf fall is showering the whole country with gold, the ancient autumn garden seems to be waiting for spring, friends, we will be back after advertising, even more surprises for women, lets do it ourselves, the premiere on rtr. Im a policeman, now you re threatening me with a gun, put the gun down, whats another murder . Konchurov shot at a man, konchurov was detained for the murder of a policeman, martynov himself wanted to kill him, and what are you saying . Can you really see me . Unfortunately, you too, get out of my bath immediately. Anna medium, on monday on rtr. I dont like to attack women, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, lets all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov , on sunday on rtr, drop everything and go. Semyon, tell me that all this seemed to me, olga kobo, he called me ideal, otherwise he is ideal, you you can hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you, dmitry frid, partings can be for the better, i dont know, its like im now. Moved in like a skating rink, oleg almazov , irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair, just think, i will also try to win her, can you imagine, our irka, the quiet girl, immediately had a bunch of gentlemen, the most important thing is that they fight to the death for her, every has the right to later happiness, listen, maybe we can start all over again, today. Narter. Once again, good evening everyone. Holiday edition hello andrey program on the air. Today we sing songs for women, confess our love to them and say thank you, continues our program, our guests from the Nizhny Novgorod region from. I often sit and think how. How should i call you modest, quiet, sweet, how should i call you, modest, quiet, sweet, how should i call you, modest, quiet, sweet, how should i call you . I will call you rechenka, only you are further away, i will call you an asterisk, only you shine brighter, i will call you an asterisk, only you are brighter. Ill call you zorenka, only you earlier get up, ill call you sunshine, just have time everywhere, im on. You have sunshine, just have time to lead me, ill call you sunshine, just have time everywhere, ill call you rainbow, only youll burn brightly, i. I often sit and i think what should i call you, modest, quiet, dear, how should i call you, modest, quiet, dear, oh, how can i not name you, modest, quiet dear, how should i call you, thank you, listen, how great, in general, so sincere, generally pure, thank you, thank you, its really very sincere. Execution such a touching song, to whom do you dedicate it, guys, who are you calling, i dedicate it to my wife, zhenya, this is so that she only you get up earlier, only you can do everything normally, and i think, only you get up earlier so that you can do everything, how much, how long have you been with her, with your wife forty, so 47 years, oh, what is the secret of family happiness . Love, love at first sight, thats the secret, how did you meet, nikolaevich, how did you sing together, andrey, hello, i m just overwhelmed with a feeling, uncle kolya, we met in church, hello, hello, goodbye, and some day there is a wonderful call to the house, great, van, i say, oh, nicole, great, i say, what are you doing, i say, he says, show me the accordion, i say, how do you know , he says, im an accordion player, so you dont know. That someone bought an accordion, and he went to the post office, probably yes, he went to the post office, they said that it had arrived, i explained there that the accordion had arrived, he said, lets show him, he takes the accordion, starts singing, i opened my mouth, what they sang when they took the accordion, they sang this song just at dawn, yes just yes, here i am i say, come on, what are you talking about, he cant stop, he picked up the accordion, it s his red eyes playing, a painting, an oil painting, his wife inherited a luxurious big house from her late father, i say, wife, well, such a house is disappearing, well lets go, well, maybe everything. And without thinking for a long time, it means we somehow got together, now it means were so happy and we dont want to go back, come on, lets look at your family nest, attention, and lilac, lilac, your time has come, why . You are so good, my soul is already singing, in our village. In pilno there is a home for the disabled, and once a month i come here to please my grandmothers and grandfathers and they like the way i sing, you know , you and i can wait for any group, yes, here we live with my wife, with my motherinlaw, with my grandmother, we take care of poultry, gardening, when i saw all this multitude of birds, chickens, ducks, goats , guinea fowl, a bunch of animals, it seems to me that i grew up, in my grove, a nightingale sang, sleep and he didnt let my motherinlaw, thats enough, go to work, our best friends are my motherinlaw its difficult to name, of course, but where can i see, its my grandmother, i took my grandmother to myself so that she i lived out my old age better, but i still have a motherinlaw and a wife, they didnt hesitate at all and said, take it, we dont mind. grandmother gave me so much love, you always, even from moscow, told me how grandma was doing, im her doctor, i clean up there, so i made this horizontal bar for her, and she reacted so normally, its just a handle from a shovel, i hung it up at the height of her arms, grandma remembers, walks, hangs. Does gymnastics, grandma, okay, good for you, okay, you walk every morning, every morning, thank god that there is a grandmother, i feel her prayers, in the name of the father and son of the holy spirit, if my grandmother crosses me like that, then i know that i will get to moscow, even to the moon, with her prayers, say hello to andrei malakh. From the old grandmother saint, i watch this program all the time, he will cook for everyone, caress everyone, my girls, you are my rear, as long as you are next to me, i am calm, at night the stars shine, and at night they give affection, at night everyone talks about love, at night the stars burn, at night the caresses burn, at night everyone speaks of love, there are peacocks there were also peacocks, yes, they are for beauty, for the soul, such a big farm , how do you manage, someone helps you, as i understand it, it was my beloved motherinlaw, so she kind of helps, because without her i. And well, we dont see her that often, of course, plus shes restoring the temple, shes the elder there, and its like, yes, now we see this temple, but of course we must say thank you to her for such a son for such a duet , i also congratulate her on the holiday, but i can say that today you can do it personally, because i knew that you would be here and came to this program. Congratulate her together, we meet her, but not emptyhanded , hello, cool, very cool, these are my favorite shangi, ivana, andrey, everyone help yourself, everything is natural, this is with potatoes or cottage cheese, with potatoes, and this is with cottage cheese, vanechka loves cottage cheese, cottage cheese straight from a cow. Your stomach will burst, but this is just a miracle, eat mine. There somewhere while i was studying, while this was happening, she came, there was another case, one day i was returning home for a walk, i arrived from moscow, i had the money, i was driving a car and it turns me 180, it spins like this, this is my first time, i get up in the oncoming lane, lord, whats happening, i drive on, i drive straight off the highway, its october, its snowing , but i think, lord, i must have sinned, probably so, im on my way and i go down for the third time , i call my mother, take the tickets to my mother, i say, well, what else will i get home, i wont get home, im coming to moscow, i wont go here, such a road, i say, i wont get there so that means im going further, i think, lord , im going home, and my mother took off the icon and put it on table and praying on her knees , she doesnt see me, i wanted to say there, well, hello or hello mom, im just thats why mothers prayers they reach the throne of god, mom, thank you, i love you, i love you too, well, lets sing today, nikolai, im going to cute and with the breeze, if possible , come on, then together with my mother, the three of us, too, the bear stepped on my ear, sing along with you, we ll sing along, dont worry, how to sing now just like this andrey, i dont know, well help, come on, i had fun. Snow fell from the sky, rolled downhill in a ball, caught fire with a candle, it suddenly became hot, i went to my dear one and with the breeze, i lit up with a candle, it suddenly became hot, i eat my little one and with the breeze, i eat my little one for the light, i go to my dear one, my journey is long. My dear loved ones, this song sounds for the most loved ones. Love came as if inevitable. Only for you is my warmth and tenderness and tenderness, and again i kiss your name and this joy will not be taken away by time, the most desired , dearest in your eyes. Im drowning again, no matter what happens, i know one thing, ill give 100 lives for yours, let everything be simple or difficult or complex, with you everything is easy, everything is possible. But perhaps, as if you came to me from a portrait, fill your heart with the music of light the most desirable, the dearest, in your eyes i will dance again, no matter what happens, i know one thing, i will give 100 lives for yours alone. The most desirable, the dearest, in your eyes i will dance again, no matter what happens, i know one thing, i will give everything. That life for yours is the most desirable, dearest, in your eyes i will retanna, no matter what happens, i know one thing, i will give 100 lives for yours alone. I ill give 1006 for your one, thank you, thank you, dear women, congratulations on this wonderful day, on march 8th, the premiere, thank you, thank you, well, of course, kirill has already said that i was born into an artistic family, thats me, this is mine , here i look very much like my dad, yes, that means my salty career actually began a long time ago, andrey, i graduated from a music school in the city of melitopol, all the girls in st. Petersburg say, you sing sumptuously in kraoki, everything is great, and not only in st. Petersburg, kirill will confirm, okay, more than once, more than once we we sang in st. Petersburg too, but if we talk about your mother, does she like march 8th . She loves march 8, we give her flowers, flowers that she loves, we have a video, and where is your mother talking about how you congratulated her in 1995, lets see, lets see, alexander, what will you give to your to your wife on march 8th . I would really like to give something expensive, beautiful , some kind, i dont know, that is, i always want to give a diamond, something else, honestly, why not, men should give gifts, i just, of course, not so much i earn money, but ill give something, because. Its a secret, of course, well, something simpler, but shell like it, and he always gives me very good gifts, theyre for me with gregory, with my son, you know, it turns out so unusual, once on my birthday i thought what was wrong, i woke up at about 7 oclock, i looked, and they were already so empty that suddenly such a huge, huge basket of roses came with them, and a bunch more these are some kind of gifts tied with very different bows. June 1 is her birthday, its the day of protection children, of course, bardin is also in the fan club, so he notes, you know, for n years, while i worked at the golden ring, i personally congratulated her, someone gave her golden rings, this is the most logical thing that can be, golden kogorich gave her a gold ring, of course, the team, and the whole team, thats the most important thing. Well, i think that the audience will not forgive us if we do not invite nadezhda nikitochina to our studio so that you can personally congratulate her, and she and your dad congratulate all our tv viewers, you heard how he is with you, how he sings shirokanika, i heard, yes, im very fascinated , you know, andrey, children are our joy, this is our everything, you know, im very proud of my son, hes our big one, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, my love, everything thanks to such a mother , of course, these are your kens , well, of course, to dad, thank you, thank you, let the light linger for now, yes, well, now we want to perform one of our Favorite Songs, and this is naturally a song by Alexander Grigorievich kostyuk, it is very feminine, dear women, everyone congratulations on the holiday, i wish everyone happiness, health, joy, love, may everything be fine for you, beautiful, low bow to all of you , thank you, thank you, take the microphone, such excitement gripped me today, here, of course, guys, these are our graduates, you know, they brought us so much also such joy, because they loved what they do so much, because they worked for 5 years, they were sincere, they were very, you know, such. An artist, he will do a lot more, everything will end one day, like a casual romance, dont be sad, beauty , everything is a deception, everything is a deception, bah the linen melted. Like a cranes streak, it was an unexpected happiness, like a fire over a river , yet when it was there, the first snow was sawing there, what had burned had cooled down, that it was hurting for life, everything was already when it was in the first light , it was sawing away, what had burned had cooled down, what i was rooting for the wife, two roads were promised. Fate is in the palm of your hand, but a man and a woman, they cant choose one, even if today i cant believe it, in the grief of autumn he is dead, but the soul is warming, everything has passed, everything will pass , yet there was a rollercoaster, the first snow and thin ice, what was burning then cooled down, what was sick will heal, yet it once was, a song of bilez, that she burned out, then cooled down, that she was sick for her wife, everything ends one day, like a random romance, dont be sad, beauty, everything is a deception, everything is a deception, the womans summer has melted away, like a line of cranes, there was happiness accidental, but the fire over the river, everything already happened once, the first snow and thin flight, what burned then cooled down, what hurt, will heal, everything already happened once, the first snow and long flight, what burned then cooled down, what hurt lives, and what burned has cooled down, that. Andrei malakhovs evening show on sunday on rtr. Skazhatyva. In general, i understand that i am leaving the family forever, but everything is clear, on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you quietly introduce sasha to your girl, why, i dont want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, and someone elses woman has nothing to do with it, move to us, and mom, well, what about little mom, cant cope without you . You can start life from scratch. Hello, i recognized you, olesya, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be erased. We had a chapter called karina. We can write another chapter called the three of us again. I want to fix everything. Southern cyclone. On sunday on rtr. Here the fish is big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates . This is where my question begins can something tasty be healthy . Try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable . And you make a wish . Yes yes yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, thats for sure, food formulas on saturday on rtr. A couple of days ago dima and i signed, how you pulled it all off, i dont understand, sergei gorobchenko, it seems to me that its good that this happened to us, yes, everything is for the better, glofira torkhanova, kirill grebenshchikov, im to blame for you, you i need it, isnt it because my business has taken off . Im stalking my sister in your car, guess what happens next, you do you want to bang her, or what . Ill start all over again, today on rtr, once again, good spring evening, a festive episode is on air, hello andrey, dedicated to International Womens day, march 8, today. Men congratulate women sing only for them another letter to our editor irina bieders writes dear team, hello andrey, channel russia 1, the best gift for all women on march 8 is a meeting with his wife, we look forward to his songs and new releases, Evgeny Grigoriev , for all women, drink wine with her today. And shes wearing my shirt temporary and sudden, suddenly settled, two birds of our souls are not sure, as if they are flying into the sky for the first time. And in the hearts of two summernorthern ones, the lack of love will be replaced by warmth, beds of flowers are watered, and the magnets of the whole earth want to drink wine with her, lie in her. Kneeling with your head, collecting sunrises from her eyelashes, falling asleep like in an unearthly fairy tale, sailing on the seas, sailing on her seas with your wave, ringing with happiness as a thin string. Kick at the thought that she is with me, and dont let us sober up on the calendar. Autumn edges, let them not converge, and not visit strange thoughts, that its not endless, thats all, the radar screens wont find us, we wont tell anyone where we are. Lets take with us only the main thing, what i have with her, drink wine with her, lie with your head in her lap, collect sunrises from her ryasnits, fall asleep like. A helmet not on earth, sail on the seas, sail on my seas with yours like a wave, ringing with happiness like a thin string, vibrating from the thought that she is with me, she is with me. Happy, but i understand that this holiday this year is like this with tears, maybe in your eyes, it is special, but without your wife lisa, in july last year , she tragically passed away, its probably difficult even to describe how you live, now all these months, what helps you, well, with lisas departure, i probably lost. Most of myself , because i lived with this person for 13 years , we were together, its very difficult, my daughter saves me, this is my happiness, this is my princess, this is a piece of lisa, she doesnt let me down, just like grigory never let his parents down, she she studies well, she gets along with her motherinlaw. With lisas mother, with irina olegovna, who helps me a lot, with my daughter, we visited you on the eve of the program, lets get to know your women, sing wine, lie in her lap with your head, collect sunrises from her eyelashes, fall asleep like. Fairy tales not from this earthly, we met lisa in 2011, and it was love at first sight, but from the moment we started dating, almost 10 years passed until the moment when lisa agreed to marry me and we got married, i bought her a ring that she liked, and she bought me church shops, such a common thing the ring costs 530 rubles or so. all my seven heavens are open, sonny over the rooftops , where are you, my dear, where are you, where are you, why arent you flying, she was sick for a long time, the doctors could not make a diagnosis, they grabbed at everything, at any thread, at any straw, to help her, psychologists and doctors, we even took her to energy clinics. We went to such distant places, i wanted to somehow support her, ease her suffering, her worries, she had these suicidal thoughts, unfortunately, what happened was what happened , actually i lost half myself, and maybe even most of it, together with me this fall. Its sad , its light, i cant tear myself away, well live like this, its gone red , my daughter surprisingly took it all into. The stand, she understands everything, shes the only woman at home, so she helps with the housework, does the cleaning, studies well, id like her to, of course, i was more captivated by childhood, well, as we are, thats how we live, im a cat, maria, and im now for masha, and mom, and dad, and a friend, a teacher, now its just the two of us. We live for the memory of lisa, for what we had and what good things will happen in our lives, i believe that everything will be fine with us, you cuckoo cuckoo in this silence, how long do i still have left on earth, no regrets, but just you, cuckoo cuckoo me, when will i be where . Somewhere out there, and i thank you every day ill give you a slender look, youll take it off and leave it with a tear, i want, in the person of my beloved girl, my most beautiful, most wonderful daughter, all girls, women, grandmothers, to congratulate on this wonderful holiday of spring, love, light, goodness, i want to wish all lovely women health, endless happiness, so that your men always carry you in their arms. What is motherinlaw irina alyagovnas Favorite Song . During her youth, in fact, like mine, the difference between us was not very big. So she was a big fan of our soviet vocal and instrumental ensembles, and naturally in the seventies what was the biggest hit there, the declain rustling over the river wave then tim is now where the bite is. Rustles over the river wave, we talked about love with you, that field was deserted by the beast, wanders to us, and love, like a dream, passed by, and love braids, and love is a coconut, but love has passed away, the heart is very sorry that this happened, autumn is coming, a jester is equal to a guest, the four winds. Ill distribute the baking load, it wont return to the but, its summer, it wont return to the side, it wont return, but it wont return to me, its vedagra, its unbelievable, its unbelievable. Petrozavodsk Tatyana Ivanovna shchepet writes to us that on this day my mother turns 93 years old, she does not miss a single episode of the program, she is the mother of three children. Air performed by valery and sergei burlin chanson talastsev. How many silent nights i spent without you, then not remembering them, how many times i looked for you in others, but dont find you, woman. Posthuh, woman water, woman, joy, woman, pita, happiness is for me, god has prepared, i am at your feet, i was supposed to and thought again, maybe this is all love, only after looking at your eyes, i realized that mine is with me fate, woman air, woman, water, woman glad. Woman, you are for me, and god has prepared happiness for me at your feet. Woman is east, woman is water, woman is joy, woman is trouble, i am happy. God has prepared for me your feet, op, woman air, woman, water , woman, joy, woman pita, god has not prepared happiness, i. At your feet, im at yours but, thank you, happy holiday to everyone, thank you guys , well done, well done, well done what if your duet is called chanson talati, then its not difficult to guess where you came to us from, friends, how many years has your duet existed, sergey, valery . This year it will be 11, 11 years, yes, sergei and i sing together, well, how can i say, im promoting this theme of chanson in our area in the samara province, but not only us, in we ride in mordovia, mordrin is the most famous next to you, you are attracted like a magnet, we met recently in greece, so what are you doing . Besides the fact that for the eleventh year in a row you have already congratulated women on march 8, well , im holding a wedding, a banquet, this is fashion, and seryozha, we are guarding the talyat kauchuk plant in tolyat, everything was handed over to the plant, but viktor korolev is just visiting us today for concerts, hes leaving only women come to them, to be honest, i just told victor, i was at his concert in samara and i saw an absolutely incredible picture, that is, victor comes out right where the chair is, stands on the back of the chairs, walks along these chairs throughout the hall, yes. Yes, yes, exactly like that, he passes by me like that, i dont understand how they hold on to people, im this, this is a lighter, that s how i want it, just like hanging, i want it just like how you became a duet, like you we connected, we met valera at the camp site, by the fire with a guitar, he sings a song, i sing a song back and forth, and a week later he comes, he thought, i sing tightly, listen, i want to do a solo concert, come on. help out a little a couple of songs sing, i say, what are you saying, i havent sung for a long time, i started out in the School Ensemble , and in short, he persuaded me, what a good fellow, huh . . Today we decided to give you a chanson fan with gratitude from the chanson music studio talya malakhova andrey nikolaevich, thank you very much for the memory , were glad this is the entrance ticket, as i understand it, yes, this is our entrance ticket, and i understand, well, lets have a song at the table, well, catchy, catchy, theres a beautiful girl on earth and we also sing her somewhere at concerts timur, you know . Shes sweet, cute for you, ill give the whole world, i would give the whole world for her, only this is all, only this is all. Not mine, ill give the whole world, i ll give the whole world for her, only this is all, only this is all not mine, in a noisy city, this girl doesnt live, the songs are sad. And the merry ones dont sing, why is she, why is she all alone, oh, mom, why is she, why is she cold towards me, again, why is she, why is she all alone . They are really just workers on monday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me. And one bullet is still in me, and this, lets say, is my trophy. We had a famine then, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she brings this kurba, shelters, says baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across people like that, caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help. No matter what survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, heres a kept woman, she hasnt worked a day, she lives on her husbands money, we watch on weekends, i think im a mistress, and on our bed, or will you leave . Or us with the children, okay . Remember, you, without me theres an empty place, zero, you thought about the children, ill find a job, be careful, from the wreckage of an old life you can build a new one, in general , at least anything in business, you know, sometimes its better than the previous ones, help, my very first deal, i got it. Give me an office, maria kulikova, why the hell are you here . Are you doing, mom may be on rtr on saturday, sashenka, turn on the morning playlist, turn on the music, sashenka, how should you dress today, get dressed . Warmer and take zones. Sasha, what time is my meeting . At 15 00. Sasha, where should we go for breakfast . I found three establishments nearby, but vote first. Sashenka. Whats the best way to get there . Ive built a route, turn left, youve arrived. Sasha, who should i vote for . And you must decide this for yourself. Together we are force. We vote for russia. Once again, good evening everyone, the holiday episode is on air, hello andrey, today we congratulations to our dear tv viewers, now i want to make a surprise for our tv viewer makarova, lyubov fedne from the rostov region, from the city of novocherkassk. She writes, she found the address only now, the address is as follows to andrey malakhov, moscow city, russia alone, hello andrey. The letter was sent in november, with the same address, and it reached us in january. Lyubovena, in your letter you write that you admire the magnificent voice of igor nadzhiev, who is almost never invited to federal channels, ask to make a holiday of the soul for everyone spectators, and i think now igors performance will be the best gift for march 8th. Igor nadzhiev is our guest, i would like to kiss your lips. I so wanted to be with you and crush star necklaces, but there is not a single fairy tale for adults to live in, i will jump into the fire for you, and give my heart, if you want. Iranian, purebred iranian, my grandmother, lasanda, khanishka zy, then she accepted during the great patriotic war, when she was already left alone, her grandfather was repressed with the children, she converted to orthodoxy secretly, thank you, again too i can say, first of all, to my grandmothers, because. They insisted that i converted to orthodoxy and baptized me secretly. But our correspondent went with you before the program to the city of your childhood, which forever preserves the memories of your mother. My native astrakhan, lukonina street, where i grew up, this house in which i lived, in which my parents, mother, father lived, the balcony is open. The laundry hangs, just like it did in my childhood, on the third floor, now, of course, other people live there, this courtyard is my greatest memory, its well first of all, about a lot, in this yard my mother walked with me, rolled me on a swing, but then of course there were other swings, i remember how my mother sang, she had a beautiful voice, the warmest memories are that we sit at the table and sing, the round was beating. All this into the stove, this is such a stoker, its a man s job, not a womans, my family was poor, when there wasnt enough money, my mother came to the bakery and put selkies on pigeons, so that my brother and i could somehow feed the pigeons, those that we ate, my mother asked forgiveness for them before god, the children, she says, feed me, lord, he says, forgive me, this is a holy place, my brother, my dad, my mother are buried here, my dad passed away in ninetyfive , my mother passed away in ninetyseven, she could only live without him for 2 years, she died on her own birthday on june 14, in the sixtyfourth year of her life, she fell into a coma, the doctors arrived, im at church, quickly give me candles, lets light the saints for everyone , im in tears, im still afraid, i think, now, god forbid, ill come from church, and her no longer, thats it, mom left when mom didnt, really the world just collapsed for me, i i realized that i was alone, as she always told me, son, all your successes are my prayers, when she was gone, i understood, thats it, theres no one else to pray for me, you wanted to become a singer, fate, it didnt work out, god anyway, you decided to make your wish come true through me, and i know that when i sing, little can hear everything, i know that in your life there is a woman to whom you did not have time to introduce your mother, yes, alusik. My beloved, how long have you been together, oh, if you count, its been since 2001, together since 2001, wow, how did igor propose to you, tell me, well, he did it three times proposal, previous marriages were not very successful and i somehow think about it, well, why, well, everything is there, why do anything else, on the third he said, im doing it for the last time. And the little son said very well, he says, okay, thats enough, its time to give it all up, he was small, and now hes grown up, hes cute, come on, he says thats enough, well, i decided to take a look, i know what the matronushka has there are always very long queues, i say, come on, if we come and there is no one there, then matronushkas, then, i say, heaven will they bless you, what do you think, we come , theres no one, we kissed once , we go out, he says, well, lets go a second time. Well, we kissed the second time, the third time, then after the third time we leave, and theres a huge line, they brought us, we see buses of pilgrims, and he says, well, the tax office is nearby , tagansky, lets go, what good guys, i know that a few years ago you took a disabled dog from a shelter, yes, i cried a little , i say, igoryushi, lets take it, no one not needed, he says, well, what are we going to do, i say, well. Our children, i say, well, in any case in case they will insure you, help you, like that, whats his name . He has no leg, as i understand it, yes , he is missing one back leg, on the day when you took rex, yes, there was some kind of fire in this, yes, im standing, getting ready in the morning, this is korolev, now , unfortunately, this shelter no longer exists, i dial the number, there is a woman there, she says, yes, we were the ones who burned, but yours managed to jump from the second floor, on three legs, now she says, we will find him, because. We didnt run away around the territory, now he says, we will catch him, he says, we will bring him to you ourselves, like this here, 7 years, this is joy, this is love, here he gives us, grateful, igor, that we will sing today over the bacon, oh, well, if it sounded there, i love this song, i can sing akopel, my mother loved it very much, there in the distance beyond the river he stands tall, he is tall , covered with grass, and behind this hill the girl is fast asleep, she took my song with her, bravo, thank you, thank you, well now i want to invite the stage of our guest from belarus, Alexander Borzenko comes out on stage with the song of alexander sirov, stolen night. Like bottomless sorrow stupidity, whisper, you already pay for what has come. Its impossible for us, but its impossible not to melt away, to the face, i ll extend my arms. And you responded by chance , having taken someone elses spring within yourself, your soul is so painfully sad, remember all women, my heart is gone, you are my random wife , there is background night around the gate, what a pity, my beautiful, its already dawn on the windows, and at home your family is waiting for you, what. Can we do with our love . The theater and film actress is floating in your eyes today olga pavlovets yes yes tell me how do you like the love story 50 years old you have grandparents for a long time too i know what you are up to are you hinting that they lived together for 60 years . By the way, my grandparents were in the city of astrakhan , so she was 16 years old. When they got married, and so all this caspian, caspian, well, close to the caspian, close, we are from the caspian, we live from the city of krasnovodsk, your grandmother, you just had to be born somewhere, too, already together, i wont tell you how much, but in they theyve also been living together for over 40 years, and my dad is from belarus, well, yes, well, it all started in vastrakhan, yes. But i know that you get together in the evenings and sing together, but not every evening, thats we need to meet first in the evening, but when we meet, if we meet, well, im not a singer, im an accountant, i say right away, the autumn dew on the leaves has turned yellow. Again reminded of the almighty s words, but i love you, i love you as before, and just as then my head was spinning, they didnt stop with you, they only commanded the heads a little, they will surround and recapture their turmoil, there will be again, there will be ringings of hopelessness. Even more words, declarations of love, congratulations after the advertisement, friends, stay with us, and this is a corpse, a woman at work, stop, stop, stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere is on rtr, you wanted to take my place, so i performed your duties for a month, anna mikhalkova. i realized that i love only you, shes veronika palna, youve already made inquiries, shes major vasnetsova, vosentsova has a new suspect, vosentsova, come to my office, shes amazing, our new detective, until we prove otherwise, lets assume that this is murder, vysnitsova, soon on rtr. please, introduction and roll call, without further ado, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories its been said that i was bold in a white tuxedo, i m starting, Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov walks and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people. Dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is there to come . I foresaw my fate. Now everything is just being fulfilled, i surrender everything with joy, lets all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, are you inviting me to your theater . I invite you, sash, forgive me, yes, im a bastard. You could, and you just arrived . Uhhuh, yes, me, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you . And im lena and his wife. Are you waiting for someone . Yes, you. For what . I would like to invite you to a restaurant. Thats it, dear, ill bring nadya back. Get out, i want to return to you, to seryozha, leave me and seryozha alone, im not going to make any more mistakes, women, on saturday on rtr. Once again, good spring evening everyone, a special episode of the Program Hello andrey is on the air, march 8, and we continue to read letters from our viewers, this is what our women write, about our next guest, this boy has everything, and voice, plasticity, words, beauty and tenderness, good luck to you, son, we are proud that such performers appear on our stage, for all fans. At your numerous requests, alexander egramzhan with the song love. Just as the dry land thirsts for rain, so i wait for the touch of your hands, no matter where i go, you will still find it, hundreds of miles away you can hear the heartbeat, you dont ask the stars from the sky and the earth to stop, people like you they even go into sleep, with you i can bare my soul, you are rain, ice and fire, the wounds healed slowly, you are in me fell from the sky, like a waterfall of love, the wounds healed slowly, you fell straight from the sky to me, like a waterfall of love, passed through many people and did not remember lida, the running of silhouettes and shadows, everyone left a trace, and you are love itself, you have no time or boundaries, i fly to your allencompassingness. The wounds healed slowly, you fell into me from the sky, like a waterfall of love, its too early to heal. Suddenly you fell straight from the sky, like a waterfall of love, the wounds healed slowly. You fell into me from the sky like love a waterfall healed early slowly you fell straight from the sky like love to me waterfall. The glads were healing slowly, you fell right over me, like a waterfall of love, bravo, hello, to whom did you dedicate this song today in front of all my close women, my sister, my mother. Im 33 years old, and i still have it, look, its really already red, old, heres the hat, i sewed it myself, here are the tags, the handle, heres the handle that was tied. What else do you have . Here is tatyana igramzhan, a boy 31 and a little vest, good weight, good, this is immeasurable, at first my son said that he wanted to be a circus orchestra, of course, i have always been for, i have always been for, please, if you want to be a circus person a circus person, if you want to sing sing, oh, you were raised alone in yes, it so happened that you were alone, well, as you can see, its very good. Another thing, i think i can fly, all the facts and motives came together, and moscow blossomed in winter, i seem naive to myself, the universe is always right, so that we could accept this, we had to go through a treacherous path, but it made us us, now we can see the point is, for now i just want to see how you look at me, take me with everything that was, and i take everything you, bravo maybe i too, the thing is that i have a song that i also wrote at one time, and i dedicate it all the time to my wife, and i definitely have to do it today, its very short, thats also when you read this poem, i even wanted to play for you, so that there would be such an accompaniment, yes, yes, yes, its either the pigeons cooking, or its the stars that have become closer, no other woman. I wont love or see, meet, test, anything, ill survive everything, this and that, my soul is so filled with you that theres simply no place for others, give me yes, water and fire. I will pass copper pipes and i will be rewarded that in any separation, monogamous people are still always close in spirit, you hear it. Doves are cooking, spreading tenderness across the planet, i will not love any other woman in this world, no other woman, i i wont love in this world , well, now i think that all the women of the city of taishet, irkutsk region, should join the screens, because the singer, poet and composer viktor korolev, who was born in this city, is with us today, congratulates, i think, all women my small homeland, since 1966 i i wasnt there, unfortunately, but my mother. Im just in my readymade image , and by the way, tell me, well, what is your most precious memory on the eve of march 8th of your mother alexandra, we have such a big family and we have a lot of these, as i always say, cherry princesses enough, and such a womans day, but for some reason it always accumulated with my mother, because she was an amazing woman, she could make something very beautiful out of nothing, and she also wrote poetry, and for me. She was like that guardian angel, because at 3. 5 years old, when i had a terrible operation, and i was already on the verge of leaving this world, it was probably her prayer that brought me back to life, then, then she carried, carried this mothers cross of hers, because, uh , i was very in such poor physical condition, she bought me an accordion, i myself learned to play the accordion in secret, she carried me this heavy accordion around. Corners, they put it on my knees, tied it up, because the accordion was bigger than me, and i sang, spring will spread the trampling fluff, as if there will be 100 snows if you are alone, you love two people at once, that means its not love, it just seems, but you said about the poems, its true what they say is that as long as our mothers are alive, then. Were all just children, but ive been a child for almost 61 years, these are these here are my two adult years, im almost 63, im already living as a very very adult person, and i really dont like it , probably only thanks to the concerts of my fans who applaud, hug , tear, scratch me, touch me with hot love, she me. She excites me, then give it, give it to everyone to these women your song today, i want you like spring, viktor korolev, well, my dear beauties, cherries, princesses, happy holiday. Ill drink your love instead of a glass of bitter wine, ill swallow your hair with my hand from a shulk. You came and changed everything radically , changed the positives, melted all the snow, you are mine, my spring, i want you like spring, your smell of mint grass, the eyes of a chestnut tree, under thunderstorms. I want you as bright as the sun, your scent of mint grass, in the eyes of the chestnut vine. Teen from maystajugerzyk brown eyes are looking at me, still spravzonok, and ulybcheva. Nyak, for me, what are you, a child , rubbing a cigarette in your fingers, wearing white fire, and i cant believe it all, it puts the whole thing into perspective, i want you like spring, i crumple the grass, your eyes with your smell. Chestnut vine, under the twerk this moyskoe mountains, i want you like spring, your smell of mint grass, eyes of the chestnut vine, trembling, i mask krazy, sgram. Happy holiday from us, on the russia channel, in the studio evgeniy roshkov, hello the main thing at this hour, today in every home, in every family, they sound the most tender, warm wishes to our mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, friends, on International Womens day, congratulations from the president of the military

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