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We do have our enforcement staff here and they can answer that question. Kelly wong, im the preservation enforcement planner , scientific case. There were no penalties assessed because we issued no enforcement, and they did within the timeframe submit a revision permit. And also a new seat of a two ring support before the Historic Preservation commission. Are we okay with the conditions as staff has given them. If we are, the only thing we have to decide on is the dormers we have been told that there is enforcement action, i assume that that means that the people representing the department who are supposed to be looking over this will do so with diligence. I am unclear about the dormer. The architecture said, before you say anything, i just want to clarify my question. My understanding is that this has to be rebuilt per the original h. P. C. C of a witch has smaller dormers. That is not my question. My question is about, you just asked that you are able to rebuild the dormer to a bigger size. The staff seems to be saying, know that is not the case. It has to meet the requirements, the smaller dormer that was a requirement before. I think that was one of the questions that commission hyland was asking despite the fact that you may want to bigger, are you okay with it, because to meet the mitigation measures, or the conditions, im sorry, to meet the conditions you would have to rebuild the dormers to the previously approved size. That is really the question if you guys are okay with that, or are you asking for the bigger dormer . We would like to ask for the bigger dormer. Its like 2 feet bigger. Its easier to build, on page 1. 4 a, if you look at the two roof plans, the dormer extends to the Property Line on the one we would like, its just in from the Property Line. Its just slightly bigger. On the Southeast Side . Correct. You can see that little notch on the right hand drawing okay. Thank you. The question for the staff, thank you, is there any particular reason why that is approvable or not approvable from a staff point of view . Dormers just an increase in size, and going all the way to the edge of the ridge line, so there is no really, kind of a sense of what the refuse to to be in the back. It goes all the way back. I know we are keeping it in the front, but it would be nice to see a ridgeline and the roof in. Is this a property that can be seen . No. It is not. As you know, both parks landmark district it is the first three properties of face the part. This one does not face the park. No. Yeah. I mean, i guess im inclined if this was before us originally, would we have approved it . I think we would have. I would be okay with changing this first condition. I dont know what other commissioners thing. It seems like they have cooperated, they continue to cooperate. If this was before us originally we may have approved it. I also wanted to say that ive been in positions where you open up a house, and all of a sudden you find that, you know, it is rotted out. This is not the case here. That is what we were just told. That is not the case . If there was dry rot they would have called the building inspector and they would have issued a notice of correction and there was no notice of correction here. I think a larger dormer would require a 311 notice. It would. That is the issue. Again, two options we approved with the conditions or we alter the conditions. I have a question for the architect again. Knowing that this you have to go through this process, and go through a 311 notification. We will go back to what was originally approved to avoid that. We want to move forward. Its been on hold for so long. That answers the question. Thank you. We dont have to modify anything. And make a motion to approve with the conditions as stated. Second. Nothing further commissioners, a that has been seconded to approve this matter. [roll call] so moved, that motion passes unanimously 500. Placing us on item nine, case number 2019001734pta 149 9th street. This is a major permit to alter. Good afternoon commissioners. Planning Department Staff. The application before you is a request for a major permit to at 149 9th street. Article 11, category three contributory building of contextual importance located within the regional commercial zoning district. This a Corner Property is developed with a fourstory brick industrial building constructed in 1923, as the headquarters of the western leather manufacturing company. The ninth street facade are both visible from the public rightofway. This project includes restoration of two window veins on to mystery elevation i work at the roof level including a roof deck with glazed railing and new stair and elevator penthouses. Only portions of the new penthouses would be visible from ninth street. All scopes of work proposed in this entitlement were previously reviewed by this commission in december of 2018, part of the Building Change of use under h. P. C. Resolution 1004. The adopted resolution was included as an exhibit in your packets today. The department has not received any written letters of opposition or support regarding the project. Given the limited availability of new rooftop features, the set back provide a for new penthouses and the fact the visible penthouses are fairly common in the visible area. The proposed work will be in conformance with the requirements outlined in article 11 of the planning code and the secretary of the interior standards. Based on the analysis found in the case report, staff therefore recommends approval with the following conditions. First part of the Building Permit the project sponsor shall provide final material samples to Department Staff for review and approval. Second as part of the Building Permits, the project sponsor shall contact preservation staff for review and approval of the onsite mockup, prior to full installation. Third, the proposed trellis shall be restricted to 9 feet 2 inches in height measure from the surface of the roof. This condition is intended to to shape the roof deck but prevented from rapping the tallest portion of the elevator penthouse as currently proposed. A final note, ninth street has been us misidentified as ninth avenue in your case reports and a couple of instances. This error will be revised in the final motion. This concludes my presentation. The project sponsor is in attendance i will make a short presentation. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Think you may have misspoken that you said it was involving ninth avenue did i just now say . You did. I live on ninth avenue. I was reading into the record we will change that. Thank you. Is five minutes sufficient . It is. Thank you. Good afternoon. On behalf of the private sponsor, we would like to keep the project at ninth street, and go to ninth avenue. [laughter] i will be very brief. Our architect is here, the project sponsor as well. The next, we hope the last step for us in what has been a long process, years, we are very excited to get started. This is the project use on december. We are available with any questions, any additional comments you may have. We want to thank staff, for working with us on this, they recommended approval, as you know. We hope the commission will feel likewise. Thank you. Hi commissioners. I am albert costa. I wanted to say, for the same reasons, if i could have this is a beautiful building, we are looking forward to renovating it. We are going to be placing a new roof deck on the top with an elevator hoistway so we can get people up there. We deliberately set aback from the Property Lines, so it was hardly visible to people, and we will be complying with the recommendations of staff. We also put out, we did some story poles, and then ended up per staff recommendations lowering our elevator. We are very happy with what we got, and happy to work with staff. Looking forward to this project. You are okay with the conditions as written . Yes, we are. I am available with any questions you may have. Thank you. Why dont we open this item up to public comment. Any member of the public wish to address the commission . Closed public comment. Commissioners . And move we approve it with conditions. Second. Okay. Thank you commissioners come on that motion to approve this matter with conditions. [roll call] that motion passes unanimously 50. That will do it. We are adjourned. This is one place you can always count on to give you what you had before and remind you of what your San Francisco history used to be. We hear that all the time, people bring their kids here and their grandparents brought them here and down the line. Even though people move away, whenever they come back to the city, they make it here. And they tell us that. Youre going to get something made fresh, made by hand and made with quality products and something thats very, very good. The legacy bars and restaurants was something that was begun by San Francisco simply to recognize and draw attention to the establishments. It really provides for San Franciscos unique character. And that morphed into a request that we work with the city to develop a legacy business registration. Im Michael Cirocco and the owner of an area bakery. The bakery started in 191. My grandfather came over from italy and opened it up then. It is a small operation. Its not big. So everything is kind of quality that way. So i see every piece and cut every piece that comes in and out of that oven. Im leslie ciroccomitchell, a fourth generation baker here with my family. So we get up pretty early in the morning. I usually start baking around 5 00. And then you just start doing rounds of dough. Loaves. My mom and sister basically handle the front and then i have my nephew james helps and then my two daughters and my wife come in and we actually do the baking. After that, my mom and my sister stay and sell the product, retail it. You know, i dont really think about it. But then when i sometimes when i go places and i look and see places put up, oh this is our 50th anniversary and everything and weve been over 100 and that is when it kind of hits me. You know, that geez, weve been here a long time. [applause] a lot of people might ask why our legacy business is important. We all have our own stories to tell about our ancestry. Our lineage and ill use one example of tommys joint. Tommys joint is a place that my husband went to as a child and hes a fourth generation san franciscan. Its a place we can still go to today with our children or grandchildren and share the stories of what was San Francisco like back in the 1950s. Im the general manager at tommys joint. People mostly recognize tommys joint for its murals on the outside of the building. Very bright blue. You drive down and see what it is. They know the building. Tommys is a San Francisco hoffa, which is a germanstyle presenting food. We have five different carved meats and we carve it by hand at the station. You prefer it to be carved whether you like your brisket fatty or want it lean. You want your pastrami to be very lean. You can say i want that piece of corn beef and want it cut, you know, very thick and i want it with some sauerkraut. Tell the guys how you want to prepare it and they will do it right in front of you. San franciscos a place thats changing restaurants, except for tommys joint. Tommys joint has been the same since it opened and that is important. San francisco in general that we dont lose a grip of what San Franciscos came from. Tommys is a place that youll always recognize whenever you lock in the door. Youll see the same staff, the same bartender and have the same meal and that is great. Thats important. The service that San Francisco heritage offers to the legacy businesses is to help them with that application process, to make sure that they really recognize about them what it is that makes them so special here in San Francisco. So well help them with that application process if, in fact, the board of supervisors does recognize them as a legacy business, then that does entitle them to certain financial benefits from the city of San Francisco. But i say really, more importantly, it really brings them public recognition that this is a business in San Francisco that has history and that is unique to San Francisco. It started in june of 1953. And we make everything from scratch. Everything. We started a you we started a off with 12 flavors and mango fruits from the philippines and then started trying them one by one and the family had a whole new clientele. The business really boomed after that. I think that the flavors we make reflect the diversity of San Francisco. We were really surprised about the legacy project but we were thrilled to be a part of it. Businesses come and go in the city. Pretty tough for businesss to stay here because it is so expensive and theres so much competition. So for us who have been here all these years and still be popular and to be recognized by the city has been really a huge honor. We got a phone call from a woman who was 91 and she wanted to know if the mitchells still owned it and she was so happy that we were still involved, still the owners. She was our customer in 1953. And she still comes in. But she was just making sure that we were still around and it just makes us feel, you know, very proud that were carrying on our fathers legacy. And that we mean so much to so many people. It provides a perspective. And i think if you only looked at it in the here and now, youre missing the context. For me, legacy businesses, legacy bars and restaurants are really about setting the context for how we come to be where we are today. I just think its part of San Francisco. People like to see familiar stuff. At least i know i do. In the 1950s, you could see a picture of tommys joint and looks exactly the same. We havent change add thing. I remember one lady saying, you know, ive been eating this ice cream since before i was born. And i thought, wow we have, too. Once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. I just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didnt have to ask twice. You can always find me on the court. [ ] we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. They provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. Behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a National Paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. It is great to have this opportunity here in San Francisco. We are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. Now that that is happening, you know, i im looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs that these people are here for everyone. I think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as ablebodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. People can come and check out this chairs and use them. But then also friday evening, from 6 00 p. M. Until 8 00 p. M. , it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. We offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [ ] good afternoon, thank you for coming to the july 30, 2019 board of supervisors. This will be our last meeting, the next meeting will be beginning of september. Madame clark will you please call the role. [roll call] mr. President you have a quorum. Thank you. Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff of sf gov tv. They record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available, to the public, online. Madame clerk, are there any communications . Clerk we received a communication from the office of supervisor wilton, who indicated he would be late in attending the meeting as he is attending a funeral this morning. Thank you very much. Colleagues, before we move forward with our meeting today. I want to share a message of unity and strength with the city of gilroy. We are outraged, by yet another horrific mass shooting, to the community of gilroy, we stand by you. To the victims, and their families, we are praying for you and we pledge to fight until action is taken on gun reform. Lost to us today are 25yearold trevor irving, 13yearold, kayla salazar, and 6yearold stephen romero. Please join me in a moment of silence, to honor the young wives stolen for this unnecessary act of violence. Lives stolen for this unnecessary act of violence. Thank you. Colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the june 20, 2019 special special Board Meeting. The june 25, 2019 regular Board Meeting and do 19, 2019 june 19, 2019 and june 20 [ crying ] 2019. Board and finance committee meetings. Which constituted a quorum of the board of supervisors. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing none. Can i have a motion to approve as presented made by supervisor fewer and seconded by supervisor mandleman. These will be approved after public comments. Madame clerk, can you please read the Consent Agenda one through 20. Clerk mr. President , given that supervisor walton is not present in the chamber, and eddie funeral today would you like a motion to excuse him from the votes until he arrives . A motion made by supervisor safai, seconded by supervisor stefani. We would take this motion to excuse mr. Wong from the votes until he gets here. Okay. Clerk 120 are on consent. These items are considered to be routine. If a member objects an item can be removed and considered separately. Okay. Colleagues . Today, im sorry, would anyone like to sever any items from the Consent Agenda . Seeing no names. Madame clerk, please call to roll. [roll call]. Supervisor yee colleagues, these ordinances are passed on the resolutions adopted. Madame clerk, please call items 2130 together area. Items 2130 or 10 ordinances on final reading that pertain to the budget for the city and county of San Francisco for fiscal years 20192020 and 20202021. Item 21, appropriates receipts and expenditures as of june 21 of 2019. Item 23 is ordinance adopting the neighborhood beautification and graffiti Cleanup Fund Tax designation ceiling for tax year 2019. Item number 24, 190624, ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of certificates of participation, in one or more series from time to time, on a taxexempt or taxable basis, evidencing and representing an aggregate Principal Amount of not to exceed 160,000,000 to refinance certain certificates of participation that financed various Capital Improvement projects and finance certain additional Capital Improvements; approving the form of a third item number 25, 190626, ordinance appropriating 160,000,000 of one or more series of refunding certificates of participation proceeds, deappropriating series 2009a and 2009b certificates of participation of prior reserve funds of 16,500,000 and reappropriating refunding certificates of participation series 2019r1 of 176,500,000 and placing these funds on controllers reserve pending the sale of the certificates of participation for fy20192020. Item number 26, 190627, ordinance amending the fire code to increase fees for certain Fire Department services; and affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. Item number 27, 190628, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and Park Department general manager to set guest docking fees at the marina small craft harbor by flexible pricing based on certain factors; and affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. Item number 28, 190629, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and Park Department general manager to set nonresident Adult Admission fees for the Japanese Tea Garden, the coit tower elevator, the conservatory of flowers, and the San Francisco Botanical Garden by flexible pricing based on certain factors and at certain times; and affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. Item number 29, 190630, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and Park Department general manager to impose a surcharge of 1 per nonresident adult visitor at the Japanese Tea Garden to fund the restoration of that facility, until such time as the restoration is complete; and affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. Item number 30, 190631, ordinance amending the administrative code to eliminate fines for Overdue Library books and other materials and equipment, and forgiving outstanding patron debt for overdue fines. Supervisor yee before we take a vote, once again, i would like to Say Something about our budget on item number 21, i know we have said this over and over again. You know, it was such a fine process i have to keep on thinking the person behind all of this. I want to thank chair fewer, head of the Budget Committee. Once again, i cannot thank you enough for getting us out of these chambers before midnight. It was, again, such a great process. So transparent. The staff, chelsea, was magnificent. Many of the other staff out there contributed to the budget process. Chair fewer, congratulations. Before we take this vote. We are making history, biggest budget ever. Quickest budget created ever. We are solving, beginning to solve as many problems as possible as much as ever. Forever i hope you will be the Budget Committee chair. [laughter] i just want to thank you chair fewer. Thank you for your kind words i want to thank my co members, actually, of my committee for all of those long meetings. Thank you so much for the support. Especially to you for affording me this opportunity to serve the board and the residence of San Francisco in this capacity. Supervisor yee i dont want to ignore that there are others in the city government, controller, from the budget office, thank you very much. Colleagues, can we take these items in call . Without objection objection these ordinances are passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 31, 190495, ordinance calling and providing for a special election to be held in the city and county of San Francisco on tuesday, november 5, 2019, for the purpose of submitting to San Francisco voters a proposition to incur bonded indebtedness not to exceed 600,000,000 to finance the construction, development, acquisition, improvement, rehabilitation, preservation, and repair of Affordable Housing improvements, and related costs necessary or convenient for the foregoing purposes; authorizing landlords to passthrough 50 of the resulting property tax increase to residential tenants under administrative code, chapter 37; providing for the levy and collection of taxes to pay both principal and interest on such bonds; incorporating the provisions of the administrative code relating to the citizens general Obligation Bond oversight committees review of Affordable Housing bond expenditures; setting certain procedures and requirements for the election; adopting findings under the California Environmental quality act; and finding that the proposed bonds are in conformity with the general plan, and with the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1 b . Supervisor yee thank you everybody for cosponsoring this legislation to put it on the ballot for november. I am looking forward to this passing in november. Colleagues, can we take the same house speaker, nancy pelosi one call . Without objection this ordinance passed unanimously. Madame clerk please call the next item. Item number 32, 190709, ordinance approving Health Service system plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2020. Supervisor yee colleagues, can we take this item same house in call . Without objection this ordinances passed. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 33, 190048, ordinance amending the planning code to 1 require building setbacks for buildings fronting on narrow streets, 2 modify front yard requirements in residential districts, 3 increase required rear yards in singlefamily Zoning Districts by five percent, 4 amend the rear yard requirements for through lots and corner lots in certain districts to permit second buildings where specified conditions are met, 5 allow Building Height increases to existing stories in existing nonconforming buildings in order to accommodate residential uses, and 6 provide that specified alterations to nonconforming structures for the purpose of creating habitable space or an accessory dwelling unit are not subject to section 311 review requirements if the specified requirements are met; affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act; and making findings of consistency with the general plan and the priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1, and adopting findings of public necessity, convenience, and general welfare under planning code, section 302. Supervisor yee im going to call on the author. Supervisor mandleman thank you. Thank you for your engagement with my office over the weekend. I think several of us will be offering amendments to this legislation today. I have a couple. They are shown on this document that has been handed out by the clerk. My changes relate to two things. One is grandfathering in applications that were submitted prior to january 15, 2019, when we submitted this legislation. And then the other is to exempt out the Bernal Heights special use district, at the request of the district nine office. Requesting amendments from section 261. 1 controls, which apply to additional height limits for narrow streets and alleys. Those are the two things that i wanted to amend. I know there are others. Supervisor yee is our second for that . Seconded by supervisor ronen. Hopefully we will all accept these amendments. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin i would like to reinsert, and this was actually in the legislation and then was taken out of the legislation which means it will not have to be re referred or require any more public comment. Which is to add residential mix use districts of which i know there are a lot. The city commonly known as district three, as well as other districts. I think it is a good change to section 26, 261. 1, applying standards to secondstory setbacks along alleyways and narrow streets. I would ask that page 16, lines 416 section b, subsection 2, subsection b, that any frontage reinsert rm and make that same corresponding change. Also on page 16, subsection c, the controls in this section shall apply, et cetera. That would be my motion which i have discussed with the maker and is acceptable to him. Supervisor yee okay. Thank you. I just wanted to thank supervisor mandleman making an exception for Bernal Heights. It is one of the neighborhoods with the highest concentration of narrow streets. For that reason had a special sed. I want to thank you for taking that into consideration and thank you for agreeing to do that. Supervisor yee i want to thank supervisor mandleman for this legislation. While i support the general intent of this legislation, i would like to offer a friendly amendment. We have heard from some of my Community Members that there is a concern over elimination of 311 notifications of residential roof height increases to assisting stories. While many of these changes may not be significant, impacts could vary from project to project. For instance these height changes or roof adjustments could impact light exposure. In these instances neighbor should be made aware so they can work with the project sponsor to solve their concerns or get therefore i am proposing to retain guidelines for 311 notifications as they are currently in place. The amendments would be to strikethrough lines 912 on page one. Lines 23 and 24 on page 13 and lines 2223 on page 17. Colleagues, i hope you will be supportive of this minor amendment to keep 311 vacations consistent. Okay . So, there has been im sorry. Could you reiterate the last change . Supervisor yee the amendments, it is a strikethrough lines 912 on page one. And then line 2324 on page 13. And lines 22 and 23 on page 17. Thank you. Supervisor yee there has been three individuals making motions. Supervisor ronan would you like to be second on all three . Thank you. Colleagues . Two of the amendments conflict with another, one of the amendments adds the provision with regards to specified alterations and the other strikes that language. Am i missing something . The First Amendment included a subsection six. Not subject to 311 notice, and then the third amendment strikes that language for you to something . Deputy City Attorney john gartner. The double underline section number six in the long title. Was added as an amendment in committee. That is reflected in the document supervisor amanda meant supervisor thank you for that. Supervisor yee there has been amendments proposed and made motions for an seconded, all three seconded by supervisor ronen. Can we take these amendments without objection . Can we take this item as amended same house, same call . Okay. This ordinance has passed. Our First Reading as amended unanimously. Lets go to item 34. Item number 34, 190731, ordinance amending the planning code to change, from 18 months to three years, the period of nonuse required to deem as discontinued a permitted conditional use in the north beach neighborhood commercial district; affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act; making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under planning code, section 302. Supervisor yee im sorry, supervisor walton, did you just come in before the last vote, or after . He came in before the lasso. Supervisor yee im sorry, please resend the last vote. We need to take. [roll call] , i believe. Is that correct . Clerk i think that is correct. Motion to resend is in order. May i have a roll call on the amended item . [roll call]. Supervisor yee . Dot ordinance is passed on First Reading as amended unanimously. Back to 34, you already read out. Colleagues, can we kick this item same house, same call . This item has passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 35, 190732, resolution retroactively approving an agreement between the city and county of San Francisco and the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District bart regarding administration of Capital Funding to fund half of the cost of the bart muni Market Street entrance Modernization Project with proceeds from the sale of general Obligation Bonds, in an amount not to exceed 45,000,000 for an Agreement Term from february 1, 2018, through december 31, 2025. Supervisor yee can we take the same house and same call without objection . This resolution has passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 36, 190743, resolution authorizing the Sheriffs Department to enter into a third amendment to the existing contract between keefe commissary network, l. L. C. , and the city and county of San Francisco, acting by and through its Sheriffs Department, for jail commissary services, to extend the Contract Term by six months beginning september 1, 2019, for a total term of september 1, 2014, through february 28, 2020, with no change to the guaranteed annual minimum income of 590,000. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house and same call . Without objection this resolution is passed unanimously. Please call item number 37 and 38 together. Item number 37, 190758, resolution authorizing the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development, on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco, to accept and expend the county competitive allocation award in the amount of 18,250,554, under the California Department of housing and Community Development no place like home program, which provides funding for counties to develop multifamily housing specifically for persons with serious Mental Illness who are homeless, chronically homeless, or atrisk of chronic homelessness, for a term to commence following board approval. Item number 38, 190759, resolution authorizing and delegating to the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development, on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco, to accept and expend the county noncompetitive allocation award in the amount of 9,519,091 under the California Department of housing and Community Development no place like home program, which provides funding for counties to develop multifamily housing specifically for persons with serious Mental Illness who are homeless, chronically homeless, or atrisk of chronic homelessness, for a term to commence following board approval. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, next item, please. Item 39, 190761, resoln authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of California State Senate bill 1 local Partnership Program formulaic funding in the amount of 2,340,000 for San Francisco public works sunset and parkside streets pavement renovation project, for a term to commence following board approval through june 30, 2023. Supervisor yee colleagues, can we take the same house, same call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Item 40, 190763, resoln authorizing the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to expend a gift to comptons district transgender, lesbian, gay, and bisexual tlgb Stabilization Fund dollars in the amount of 300,000 to support the citys efforts to recognize and support historic and presentday tlgb communities in the tenderloin neighborhood, for a term of august 1, 2019, through june 30, 2020. Supervisor yee can we take this same house and call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk please call the next item. Item 41, 190765, resoln declaring the intent of the city and county of San Francisco city to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness; authorizing the director of the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development director to submit an application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee cdlac to permit the issuance of Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 50,000,000 for 401 avenue of the palms parcel c3. 2 of the Treasure Island master plan maceo may apartments ; authorizing and directing the director to direct the Controllers Office to hold in trust an amount not to exceed 100,000 in accordance with cdlac procedures; authorizing the director to certify to cdlac that the city has on deposit the required amount; authorizing the director to pay an amount equal to such deposit to the state of california if the city fails to issue the Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds; approving, for purposes of the Internal Revenue code of 1986, as amended, the issuance and sale of Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds by the city in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 50,000,000; authorizing and directing the execution of any documents necessary to implement this resolution; and ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the project, as defined herein, and the application, as defined herein. Supervisor yee can we take the same house same call . Without is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk please call the next item. Item 42, 190766, resoln authorizing the San Francisco Public Utilities commission to accept and expend a grant in an amount not to exceed 3,759,822 from the california state Water Resources control board for planning, design, and construction of the Sewer System Improvement Program baker beach green street early implementation project for the period of november 4, 2017, through march 21, 2022. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house same call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item 43, 190764, resoln approving and authorizing the director of the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to execute documents relating to loans for the acquisition, rehabilitation, or permanent financing of four project sites pursuant to the small sites program, preservation and seismic safety program, and downtown neighborhoods preservation fund, for a total loan amount not to exceed 37,493,000; confirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act; and finding that the project loans are consistent with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house same call . Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Clerk item 44, resolution to approve Real Estate Division to acquire Real Property located at 1828 egbert avenue from San Franciscos self storage number three llc, doing business as 1828, for the Purchase Price of 67. 3 million and to adopt the appropriate findings. Clerk . Supervisor yee can we take the same house same call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Clerk and ordinance to amend the Building Code to waive specified fees from 100 Affordable Housing projects and certain accessory dwelling units , projects for an approximate one Year Pilot Program and to affirm the sql determination. Supervisor yee supervisor mar. Thank you. Finding a balance between incentivizing adus and ensuring larger real estate investors, and landlords are not granted public subsidies they do not need. Eighty years are very appropriate strategy to add density to the district and other website neighborhoods. The fee waiver aims to incentivize adu production where it has been underdeveloped and singlefamily homes, small apartments. We should support every day members in our community to stay in their homes, provide or create rental units for members of our community. Along with the fee waiver on 100 Affordable Housing, this additional financial incentive will help immensely. In the sunset district we held an adu adu workshop this last weekend which drew over 150 residents. Through the workshop, and surveys, my office has been collecting from homeowners. I have received overwhelming inputs and requests for more flexibility, more options and greater support from the city. I did want to finally mention that im currently working on an adu Incentive Program to expand on the waiver and create Additional Support for homeowners to add adus, including Technical Assistance and other types of financial incentives. Ill have more to announce on that this fall. Thank you. Thank you. I also want to thank the mayor, and my colleague, supervisor mar for helping, and working altogether to have this one year pilot come forward for a fee waivers for a hundred affordable adus. They would apply to building inspection, plan reviews, records, retention, surcharge fees, fees on 1 Affordable Housing can range up to 100000150,000 per project. We are confident this aspect of the legislation will positively impact 100 Affordable Housing project. While the amounts say per project, is much smaller for adus, amounting to a few percent and have a total of a total project, roughly around 3200 on average for most of the small adus. Our hope is

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