Drugs and shooting up. Is that okay for families to live like that . It is not. We are in a much better place than in a long time. Thank you madam mayor. No further questions. This concludes todays press conference. Thank you, madam mayor, doctor colfax, and ms. Chu for your time. President knutzen this Commission Meeting is conducted in pursuant to the brown act to reduce risk of covid19 transmission. Ordinarily, the brown act has strict rules for teleconferencing. The executive order does require that we continue to distribute notice to the meeting in advance. Of noted on the agenda, members of the public may observe this Conference Meeting via sfgovtv. Org and sfgov tv channel 26 and they may make Public Comment by calling the Public Comment phone numbers. Like to welcome the members of the president and stuff watching us live on sfgov tv. The Commission Asks and thank you for your patience during these unprecedented times. We ask the public to have patience and expect delays and gaps during the meeting. Please call the roll. [roll call] commissioner lum she dropped off. She was caller three. I dont see her. I dont see her number. Please note that executive director Shireen Mcfadden is present. We have a quorum. Next item is through communication. Public comment will be available on each item on this agenda and during general Public Comment. Both channel 26 and sfgovtv. Org are streaming the number across the screen. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. Comments are opportunities are speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone call. During each Public Comment period viewers and callers can call the number on your screen. When connected you will hear the meeting discussion. You will be muted in listen only mode. When your item of interest come up, dial star three to be added to the speaker line. Best practices is to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. You will have three minutes to speak. After 30 seconds you will be muted and placed back in listening mode. Public comment can be submitted by email. If you submit Public Comment via email it will be forwarded to the commission and to be included as part of the official docket. President knutzen thank you. Im going to be making a Commission Committee announcement right now. Im pleased to announce joint legislative committee. I have appointed myself to the dignity fund and oversight committee, Vice President spears will continue to serve on the finance committee. Commissioner sklar agree to serve on as needed basis also expressed interest in joining the legislative committee. I want to thank our commissioners for agreeing to serve on these subcommittees. Are there any other communications . No other communication. President knutzen Commission Er next agenda item 4, approval minutes of the tuesday july 14, 2020 meeting. Are there any comments or questions regarding the july 14, 2020 Commission Meeting minute . Seeing none, not hearing anything. Is there a motion to approve the july 14, 2020 d. A. S. Commission Meeting Minutes . I think we have a move by commissioner sklar and second by commissioner spears. Secretary, please take the roll call vote to approve the july 14, 2020 d. A. S. Commission meeting minute. [roll call vote] the vote is unanimous. President knutzen thank you so much. We will move to directors report. Welcome executive director Shireen Mcfadden. Sorry about that. Thank you president knutzen and commissioners. I want to make sure that you can hear me if the quality of the sound isnt good. I can turn off my video. Is that okay so far . President knutzen okay. Its fine. Thanks. I will start with the federal landscape. At this Moment Congress still has the budget and the house and senate has yet to an agreement. Other Groups Asking Congress to add money to the budget to support older american act programs especially given all the covid. [indiscernible] [audio breaking]. President knutzen youre breaking up. [indiscernible] [audio breaking] can we have everyone else go on mute while shes speaking. Maybe we can get better connectivity. [indiscernible] president knutzen i dont think the executive director can hear us either. Keep talking. Start again . Yes. I can hear you now. Sorry about that. I will start from i left off. As you know, im a board member representing california for the National Association of area agencies on aging known as n4a. N4a usually hold its conference in july. Because of pandemic, it will be held in september. San francisco usually does really well in the awards categories. This year is no exception. Im really excited that were getting four awards this year. Weve receiving awards for technology and connections at home, a program run by the coding senior center. We are also receiving an aging innovation award. This spearheaded by a campaign, metafund. Last but not least, were receiving Achievement Award for our Sexual Orientation and gender identity Data Collection training program. Which was led by tom mullen from d. A. S. At the state level, most of the work ive been doing concerns the master plan for aging. I was named master plan aging stakeholder advisory committee. Many recommendations come in from subcommittees and individuals and organizations and its helping to direct the California Department of aging on the finalizing of the recommendations that will go in the plan. Theres an increasing realization of the plan needs to be both immediate due to all the things happened related to covid and far reaching which was the original plan. This has created some complications for the group. Locally, the big news for us is the budget. This year the d. A. S. Budget which is now in the final stages, will be 434,986,000. Initially, it would be flat budget. We have a lot of budget issues and Financial Issues in the city now. Theres a lot of theres basically close to 47 million added into our budget which is really for the Covid Command Center feeding operations. Since in d. A. S. Because the Human Services agency is responsible for mass caring and feed and retain that responsibility even though the Covid Command Center has become its own operation. That is the big change in our budget. In the process, were a number of small addbacks. Notably some to bridge the Digital Divide and also to provide support for a number of our community organizations. The biggest addback was 1 million which again will support the Covid Command Center feeding operations. Last but not least, the department has been working with the Covid Command Center on being ready to handle smoke and heat issues. Obviously, im not in San Francisco right now, i know that the air quality has been really bad and were concerned about making sure that we are doing all we can to ensure the safety of seniors and people with disabilities during this time. The department has been very active in that process. That is the end of my report. I hope you can hear me. Thank you. President knutzen thank you executive director mcfadden. Item 6 is the d. A. S. Employee recognition. President knutzen this is the fist time weve had an employee of the month who we recognized virtually. Niquelle, youre on first for this. Its really exciting to me to be able to along with president knutzen, to announce that you are employee of the month for september. Oh, thank you. Really excited today for you. Niquelle, what i want to do and read what people have said about you, what your coworkers have said about you and bridget can make sure you get a copy as well. They said some great things and all of them are true. Niquelle warren joined Human Services agency in 2015. Joined the office of Community Partners, daous d. A. S. In 2019. Any equelniquelle is a team pla. Niquelle is one of the many reasons why the Emergency Response efforts of the city and county of San Francisco has been met with unbelievable amount of willing workers and enthusiasm to help serve the public affected by the pandemic. Niquelle was employed as Disaster Service worker twice. She helped clean one of the covid hotel sites. During her time at the Emergency Operation center. Tiffany kearney, o. C. P. Program analyst stated, the Nutrition Team had an opportunity to work with niquelle on a project that ran into march. At a time our environment was unpredictable and uncertain and changing, niquelle not only couldnted to work on the project from our home, she took on extra and did so with enthusiasm and a smile. Her work was extremely helpful to all of our nutrition parks and provided Nutrition Team with information that we may not have been able to gather if the covid19 climate. Niquelle has been great to work with. There were couple of groups or projects we needed help with. She jumped right in. She never complained and proactive and thoughtful. All of which went a long way toward making our Community Members and consumers feel included and respected. I really enjoyed working with niquelle. Shes a delight to work with. Ms. Warrens willingness to take on new tasks makes her that go to and reliable employee that we count on. Niquelle is positive and go getter attitude is very inspirational and infectious to all her peers. Her personality uplifts the morale. It is a pleasure to work with niquelle in the office of Community Partnership. Niquelle congratulations on being our employee of the month for september. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for your excellent work. If i could as commission president. I usually will be standing by you along with your colleagues. Its been nice for us and members of the public and anyone watching this to meet want of the many Unsung Heroes of this pandemic and it sounds like what director mcfadden articulated is exactly that. I think that we really appreciate everything you do anyway and for all of what you did to step up during this time and make a critical difference for people. We just appreciate that so much. Thank you for your work. Very happy to share this with us today. Congratulations. Thank you. Can i say a few words . Of course. I want to thank the commissioner, executive director of d. A. S. And director mcfadden. Im really happy and i appreciate being employee of the month. Im so grateful to work with a great group of people at d. A. S. I want to say thank you. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I want to show you guys this too. I got this in the mail. [laughter] thank you so much. I really appreciate you guys. I love working here with a great group of people. Thank you so much. Moving on to item 7. General Public Comment. An opportunity for members of the public to address the commissions on matters not on todays calendar. Please open the phone line for Public Comment. Members of the public that are already dialed in and wish to provide comment, please press star 3 to enter the question in queue. For those already on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Well wait 30 seconds for callers to submit their request. Do we have any callers in the queue . We have no calls in the queue. Thank you. Commissioners, your next item is item seven, old business. Im not aware of any old business. Please indicate by raising your hand if theres any old business that you like to discuss. Seeing none. Next item. Agenda item 5. Items ae are action items that require a vote by the commission. President knutzen thank you madam secretary and moderator today. Thank you for your assistance with Public Comment and helping to manage the meeting. Commissioners your first agenda item is a. Review an approval of fiscal 2021 California Department of aging Supplemental Nutritional Program snaped. Tiffany kearney will present. Good morning commissioners and executive director mcfadden. Im seeking commissions approval to into contract with the California Department of aging so we continue to participate in the state snaped program. Overarching goal of the program is to encourage and support healthy and active lifestyle. It promotes good nutrition, provides suggestions on how to stretch food dollars and offers individuals the opportunity to participate in evidencebased physical Activity Programming. Selfhelp for the elderly is our Community Partner who administers the program. The evidencebased physical Activity Program offers through snaped includes tai chi for arthritis, walk with ease and bingo. With inperson gathering suspended at this time, these programs are or planning to be offered on virtual platforms. Congregate meal providers use snaped funding to purchase educational materials that promotes Healthy Eating habits. Thank you, im happy to answer any questions you might have at this time. Are there any comments or questions from the commissioners . I dont hear anyone indicating a question. I have one about handling during the covid time. Anyone being interested in these programs should be able to access them virtually. At this particular moment in time, tai chi is out one thats offered on zoom. The walk with ease and bingo, theyre working on the license agencies are working on getting them on virtual platform. That is the plan for this year. President knutzen participan ts in the Congregate Meal Program are learn being that through the outreach. Correct. President knutzen thank you. [indiscernible] please open the phone line for Public Comment. Members of the public that already dialed in and wish to provide Public Comment please press star 3 to enter the queue. Members of the public can wish to provide Public Comment and have not, please dial [indiscernible] when connected you will hear the meeting discussion. When your item of interest comes and it is very important to dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. Do we have any callers in the queue . There are no calls in the queue. Thank you. President knutzen well close Public Comment. Is there a motion . Commissioner lum first motion and do we have a second from Vice President spears . Thank you. Please take the roll call on agenda item a. [roll call vote] president knutzen Commission Ers, next item is agenda b, [agenda item read] im going to be amending whats in the written agenda to might correction make the correction. 10 contingency for total of 753,599. Hello again commissioners and executive director mcfadden. Im seeking approval for Grant Agreement to plowshares to provide a communitybased program for older adults and adults with disabilities who are military veterans living in support of housing sites. Support of services and Service Connection program was a new program funded by d. A. S. In fiscal year 1718. The program has been very successful in engaging that trend in d. A. S. Services. Swords offers the program at six Supportive Housing sites. One of which now includes new apartments. There are two program components. The first is Service Connection which provides one to one assistance in connecting with Service Providers and programming in the community. All example of this might include assisting of that trend in making and keeping a medical appointment. Another example might be providing a veteran with information about Supportive Services in the community. The second component is Community Engagement which offers the opportunity to gather for social events and activities. Some examples last fiscal year prior to covid19 included Monthly Community breakfast, tech support classes and a womans veteran group. They also provided off site field trips such as bowling and miniature golf. At this time inperson Community Gathering remains suspended. Swords has been able to modify their programming to continue Ride Services just in different ways. They are connecting with clients through telephone calls and emails and sometimes Video Conferencing when they can. Swords continuing to see clients in person as needed using the appropriate p. P. E. Swords are anticipating that much of the Services Provided this fiscal year will continue to be modified because of covid19 and the service unit reflect that if fiscal year 2021. Swords has met or exceeded service and outcome objectives each and every year since this program launched and we are looking forward to working with them ongoing to serve that trend living in the city. Thank you, im happy to answer any questions you might have at this time. Anyone has question or comment . Vice president spears i have a question. Looking at the budget, this is kind of in general, seems like the operating expense stays the same. Can talk to us in general how is that done assuming the price will stay the same. Is that why we have the contingencontingency of 10 . Thats a great question. I think historically, the city has issued cod b. When cod b is provided that takes into account increasing expenses. Were waiting to see if cod b is going to be available. In terms of the budget process is a flat amount for the couple of years. Some providers are able to offset some of those increases with Fundraising Efforts and leverage other sources. Im hopeful theres a cod b. Its hard to say. Historically thats how it gets handled. Vice president spears if cod g is approved it changes that expense. Yes. President knutzen if youre an acronym for that i think its cost of doing business increase. President knutzen i thought so. Just to make sure. We all love our acronyms. President knutzen thank you. Any other questions or comments from other commissioners . Commissioner lum i want to make a comment that having worked and experience the highly professional organization here, i know personally how much the veterans appreciate the kind of work and kind of service that the organization has provided. I highly recommend that we continue this funding. President knutzen thank you very much. Thats good to hear from you. Commissioner lum is designated commissioner representing the veteran community and especially appoint to that. We appreciate your comment. Do we have anyone from the public who wishes to comment on agenda item b . Please open the line for Public Comment. Members of the public that are already dialed and wish to provide Public Comment, please star 3 to enter the queue. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment and have not dialed in, please call number on your screen. When connected you will hear the meeting discussion. You will be muted in listening mode. Do we have any callers in the queue . There are no calls in the queue. Thanks. President knutzen hearing no further request to speak on the item. Well close Public Comment. Is there a motion from are the commissioners to approve this agenda item b . So moved. Second. President knutzen i think thats commissioner sklar and second from Vice President spears. Moved by commissioner sklar and seconded by Vice President spears. Please take the roll call on agenda item b. [roll call vote] the vote is unanimous. President knutzen thank you so much. Commissioners, your next item is agenda item c. [agenda item read] we have Ofelia Trevino presenting . Ofelia trevino is on the phone line. President knutzen welcome. Good morning commissioners director mcfadden. I apologize for the technical difficulties im having with my web cam. Im an analysis with the office of Community Partnership. This morning seek your approval for Grant Agreement with arriving in place for the Palliative Care work group. The program learning journey will provide Education Resources on a advanced Care Planning and access to Palliative Care to serve older adults and adults with serious illness in San Francisco. The San Francisco Palliative Care task force was created in 2014. The Palliative Care you task force identifies gaps in Palliative Care in the community with barriers to Access Services among africanamericans, chinese and latinx population. To address these challenges, the grantee will provide services to underserved communities. It include research and engagement, focus groups to help develop culturally sensitive tools and resources and access in Palliative Care. Outreach and activity with focus targeted at reach africanamerican, chinese and latinx community. Seeks participants by providing information and resources they may need to make important decisions surrounding the healthcare treatment they may receive and ensure that the treatment is consistent with their wishes. Thriving in place support adults with disabilities who need education Palliative Care and caregiver support. Thank you, im happy to answer any questions you may have. President knutzen Commission Ers have any questions around this agenda item . Hearing none, i want to note, congratulations on this especially to the program thriving in place. Starting a Model Program like this. Always pleased and proud of San Francisco leading the way in another area thats so necessary. I was excite to read about this and hope its the best especially during this complicated time to roll Something Like this out. Vice president spears . Vice president spears it was very nice to see this. Thats a great thing to move forward. President knutzen good model to have that. As cochair of the Palliative Care work group in San Francisco, this work has been exciting to be part of this work group. The work group part of Long Term Care council. Based on what i know thats happening in Palliative Care across the country, this is really it. Its really exciting that well be able to learn from specific communities and really figure out exactly what it takes to make sure that people get access to Palliative Care and utilize tools for advance Care Planning. One of the thing were aware of, especially for people of color who are older, its hard for them to think about going to the doctor much less thinking about how to ask for care when theyre in pain and things like that. I think were going to learn a lot. Its going to be really exciting to be able to take those learnings and advance Palliative Care work in general in the practice of it. President knutzen thank you for those comments. We did wan wanted to in any othr commissioners . Do we have anyone from the public who wishes to comment on this item . Justin, please open the line for Public Comment. Any callers in the queue . We have no callers in the queue. Thank you. President knutzen thank you. Hearing no further reason to speak on the item. We will close Public Comment. Is there a motion from the commissioners to pass agenda item c . So moved. President knutzen thank you commissioner lum made motion to approve agenda item c. Do we have a second . I think we got commissioner sklar. Thank you very much. Please take the roll call for agenda item c. [roll call vote] vote is unanimous. President knutzen thank you so much. Commissioners your next item is item d. [agenda item read] mile zaugg will present this item. We cant hear you. President knutzen you need to be unmuted. Good morning commissioners, good morning executive director mcfadden. Im mike zaugg with office of Community Partnership. The item before you im seeking your acknowledgement and acceptance of cares act funding. This is the coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act funding. Its a big headline here, we are receiving approximately 1. 9 million in federal aid to support programs for older adults. The funds come from the federal government down to the state through the California Department of aging. They are allocated based on a formula down to our local level. We are given some discretion to how we would like to spend these funds in support of programs for older adults based on need here at the local level. This one is unique. Whereas in other situations where we have contracts with the California Department of aging, this is the second time this year where weve actually received funding. We had the family first Coronavirus Relief act funding. You were able to utilize. Similar idea here, our city budget and fiscal folks require us to present this to you for your acknowledgement and acceptance. From there we can start the program these dollars. Is our intention to use the largest bulk of major amount of the money in support of our Nutrition Program which continue to see very increase demand at this point as well as additional costs related to delivery of services smaller amount of funding going to support our Family Caregiver support program. Helping them address the increase demand in the program shifts they are seeing. Your approval today will allow us to accept the funds. Any subsequent contracting actions that require commissioner approval with these dollars could come back for you guys to see down the road at a future meeting. We can try our best to note where coronavirus or cares act dollars are utilized. Im happy to answer any questions. President knutzen thank you so much mr. Zaugg. Any comments . I have one comment. He answered it. Which is how will the dollars go in the future. He answered that question. President knutzen any other comments or questions from the commissioners . I will just comment, i think we all deeply appreciate that we got this money what it represents for the people who need it in San Francisco. This is going to get administered by people who have now added to their plates of duties and going the extra mile to make sure that this money gets administered and programs get implemented. I want to acknowledge that we also recognize getting all that extra money is also a lot of extra work. Its just so important to our community. We really appreciate it. I dont hear anything else from other commissioners. Do have anyone from the public who wish to comment on this item . Please open the phone line for Public Comment. Members of the public that are dialed in and wish to provide Public Comment under this item, please press star 3. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment and have not dialed in, please call, 408 4189388. Then pound and then pound again. When connected, you will hear the meeting discussion but you will be muted in listen mode only. When your item of interest comes up its important to dial star 3 so you will be added to the speaker line. For those of you already on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. We will wait 30 seconds for callers to submit their request. Do we have any callers in the queue . There are no callers in the queue. Thank you. President knutzen thank you. Hearing no further request, we will close Public Comment. Is there a motion from the commissioners to approve agenda item d . Vice president spears, do i have a second . Thank you commissioner lum, seconded the motion. Please call the roll call vote for agenda item d. [roll call vote] the vote is unanimous. President knutzen thank you very much. Commissioners your next item isened item item e. [agenda item read] Michael Zaugg will present. This item is a contract with the California Department of anding. Its funding for the mippa program. Its medical improvement for patient and provide act. These are dollars California Department of aging issue one or two year allocation. Its to fund outreach enrollment in the low income subsidies and the medicare saving program. The low income subsidies is tied to part d Prescription Drug benefit that helps with meeting premiums and copay. Medicare Savings Program are programs which help covering Medicare Part a and part b premiums. This is a relatively limited term and smaller amount of funds. We have historically for the past two years, added these dollars into our Hicap Program which is medicare and councilling advocacy program. It fits well in that model. Selfhelp for the elderly is a contractor that mores the Hicap Program. I think that this outreach and targeting fits well within that Hicap Program as they have the Institutional Knowledge as well as the networks in the community and the language capacity really to get the information out and engage consumers related to these benefits. I think with todays agenda item, we are something ill note that, in 2018 where the Social Security administration estimated that participant in the low Income Subsidy and medicare Savings Program could be up to 4000 a year out of their own expenses by participating in these programs. [please stand by]. Members of the public that are already dialled in and wish to provide Public Comment sorry about that. Hello . Under this item, please press star, three to enter into the queue. Members of the public who have not dialed in, please call 4084189388 and enter the meeting code 1466392369. Press pound, and pound again. When your item comes up, it is important to press star, three so you will be added to the speaker line. For those of you already on hold, please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. We will wait 30 seconds for callers to dial in. Justin, do we have any callers in the queue . Operator madam secretary, we have no callers on the queue. Okay. Hearing no further speakers on the item, we will close Public Comment. Is there a motion to approve agenda item e from commissioners . A motion to approve from commissioner sklar. Do we have a second . Second. Second. Okay. Two seconds, but ill take the one from Vice President spears. Madam clerk, will you please take a roll call vote. [roll call] clerk thank you, commissioners. President nu president knutzen, the vote is unanimous. Thank you. The next item is item f, requesting authorization to enter into a new Grant Agreement with selfhelp for the elderly for the provision of Health Insurance counseling and advocacy, hicap, during the period january 1, 2021 to june 30, 2024, in the amount of 1,364,052plus a 10 contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed 1,500,457. And Ofelia Trevino will present this. Good morning, commissioners. This is a medicare focused program that provides community education, oneonone counseling and medicare benefits for medicare beneficiaries. Services are free and delivered via trained counselors. Counselored provide unbiased information on Medicare Part a, b, c, d, managed care, and different longterm care plans available. Services are provided in the clients preferred language, including chinese, cantonese, and tagalog. This last fiscal year, 2019 through 2020, they were very close to meeting benchmark and provided counseling to approximately 1,981 clients. Coronavirus, shelter in place had something to do with them not being able to meet the 2,000 benchmark, but theyve been able to transition and provide services and online counseling, online and via telephone. Thank you, and please let me know if i may answer any other questions. Are there any questions for miss trevino from the commissioners on this item . Vice president spears . Vice president spears yeah, just one question. So if the contract, and the one we just approved will be put together to authorize services in this area, i just want to be sure. Yes, thats correct. Vice president spears okay. I dont have any other questions. President knutzen okay. Any other questions from the commissioners . Okay. Hearing none, do we have any members of the public wishing to comment on this item in. Clerk justin, please open the comment line now. Members of the public who are listening in, please press star, three to enter the queue. Those it have you who have not of you who have not yet dialed in, dial 4084189388, and enter the meeting code 1466392369, and pound, and pound again. When your item of interest comes up, it is very important to dial star, three so you will be added to the speaker line. For those of you on heaold, please continue to wait until the system has been unmuted. We will wait 30 seconds for callers to submit their request. Justin, do we have any callers in the queue . Operator madam secretary, we have no callers in the queue. President knutzen okay. Hearing none, we will close Public Comment. Is there a motion to approve agenda item f . So moved. President knutzen oh, great. It has been moved by commissioner lum. Do i have a second . Second. President knutzen second from commissioner sklar. Madam secretary, will you please take a roll call vote. [roll call] clerk thank you, commissioners. President knutzen, the vote is unanimous. President knutzen thank you so much. And do we have any announcements . Hearing none, do we have a motion to adjourn the meeting . So moved. President knutzen Vice President spears moves to adjourn the meeting. Do we have a second from any of the other commissioners . Second. President knutzen great. Then on behalf of the commission, just want to say it again, thank you for the staff and everything youre doing this month. And commissioners, thank you for the extra efforts made to patch in audio, video, whatever we could do today. We made this happen again, and very, very pleased with it. So thank you for participating, a , a and thank you to the members of staff and public who are listening today. So until next month. Ill adjourn the meeting. Thank you. Thanks, all. I am vivian coe. Carman chu cofounded the challenge along in 2018, along with the department on the status of women, as well as the league of women voters in San Francisco. Our mission is to raise womens voices and their voting power. You can learn more about our initiative on our website wchallenge. Org. Before we start, i would like to thank our w challenge partners and supports and occur cohosts and our cohosts listed in the shared screen before. For organizing todays event, as well as kicking off a social Media Campaign as this years challenge. We want to encourage more women to vote, especially for this upcoming election. Well share more details later on in the program. You can learn more about the initiative on wchallenge. Org 100 women. Todays event will stream live on sfgovtv. Org youtube channel, as well as the citys facebook and twitter accounts. I want to thank our colleagues here from sfgov tv for working in the backgrounds and making this event as successful as possible for everyone. You can feel free to share the links and host a watch party if you want on your preferred social media platforms, because we will be having them on facebook and twitter. This session will be recorded for future references. So lets get started. Happy womens equality day. May i kindly ask the president of the commission on the status of women to join us, bree anna swat, to officially kickstart the celebration of todays event. Thank you. Thank you so much, vivian, for the kind introduction. And really thank you to all staff for making this happen. I know we would normally be on the steps of stahl. But i appreciate everyones creativity and flexibility of making this a Virtual Event as well. My name is brianna and im privileged to serve as the president of the nations strongest commission and department on the status of women, right here in San Francisco. It was on this day 100 years ago that the 19th amendment was added to the constitution of the united states. In the process of extending the right to vote to women across the country. And on november 2nd, 1920, more than 8 million women voted for the first time in the president ial election. The moment was a culmination of a Movement Made with tears, pain, sweat, a long strug that will included activism and leadership of black, indigenous, and women of color, too many who who were later written out of history books. These women, who fought, marched, organized and protested for decades to gain the right to vote. We are right to celebrate this day as a milestone and recognize that equal votes rights were not achieved for all women through the 19th amendment. The Voting Rights act, passed 55 years ago, brought us closer to equal Voting Rights. However, the struggle continues. And the need for vigilance goes on. As we were reminded in 21, when the Supreme Court gutted, these attacks on the democracy continue through this very hour, the tactics evolve. But honestly the intent remains the same. It was once literacy test, and outright violent intimidation. Today we see the closing of polling places in communities of color be and attacks on voting by mail. In short, the fight continues on for the right to vote. Today is more than a day of celebration, but to continue in the struggle and the moment to look ahead to the next 100 yea years. And 9 moment to ensure our democracy is truly representative. Over the last century, women have also fought to gain access in classrooms, board room, and elected it office, elected office. We have seen the power of womens leadership with each advance. We see that Diverse Voices and perspectives, equity and inclusion bring new ideas, new insights to the halls of power. Weve seen that right here from our Vantage Point in San Francisco, with our own representative nancy pelosi, the first and only woman to serve as speaker of the house, our two female senators and now Vice President ial candidate kamala harris. As i said earlier, i wish we could all be gathered in person together. This is not how anyone could have imagined 2020 would look. But it also reminds us how important it is to have strong and capable leaders. And how connected we are together. In honor of our ancestors, our foremothers, our sisters and the struggle, i am so proud to kick off this event and to bring together our two city female elected officials, women who not only forged the path, but always bring others along with them. Carmen chu as served as the elected assessor since 2013. Her efforts in the in performing the office and successfully reversing decades of old backlog, earned her office the prestigious 2020 Good Government award, an hon father recognizing the excellence in Public Sector management and stewardship. Assessor chu has also recently taken on a new leadership role to cochair the Economic Recovery Task force, using her fiscal expertise to help San Francisco through an unprecedented Economic Impact from covid19 pandemic. On top of all of this, she is Vice President of the california assessors association, served on the employees retirement system board, overseeing the investments of 26 billion in public Pension System and a little provides direction on the executive board of spur, a nonprofit focused on developing Regional Solutions to crosscounty challenges like Housing Affordability and climate resilience. In addition to all of these wonderful things, and all of these new roles, she has a new role as a mother. And is forever a Public Servant with her values rooted in her experience growing up as a daughter of immigrants. Thank you for your leadership, assessor chu, thank you for being here. And finally its my honor to welcome our mayor, london breed. In 2018, mayor breed was elected to be the first africanamerican woman and the second woman in San Franciscos history to serve as mayor. She was reelected for her first full term in november 2019. She led San Franciscos Emergency Response to covid19 with grit and grace. And is currently guiding the citys phased reopening and economic recovery. Recently mayor breed announced since becoming mayor, her priorities have included helping the citys Homeless Population and to care and shelter and adding more housing for residents of all income levels. Helping those suffering from Mental Health and substanceuse disorders, and ensuring that all san franciscans have access to a thriving economy. Furthering San Franciscos leadership and combating Climate Change and honestly the list goes on and on. So thank you all again for being here. Im excited to get this conversation started. Thank you, breanna, for such a nice introduction. We will now ask our assessor carmen chu, the cofounder of the w challenge, to give some introduction remarks, as we are awaiting for the mayor to join us shortly. Thank you. First off, i want to just thank everybody, all of our partner organizations, breanna, for your wonderful and warm introduction. Thank you all for joining us in this virtual way. I think that this is a special day, a day that i think as breanna mentioned, women were able to win the right to vote. It did take decades, though, for Indigenous Women and women of color to also be able to participate. So i think as we take the moment to celebrate this milestone in our history, its also important to recognize that the struggles for participation, the struggle for representation still continues even as we speak. It is highlighted not only from what were seeing from the federal attacks, in terms of womens rights and the place of women, but also when were thinking about even how we are all seeing the response to covid19. I think its not lost on so many of us that covid19, though it is a disease that impacts everyone, it has not been impacting our communities in an equal way. Weve seen a disproportionate impact on our Lateef Hasani grat latinx communities. Women bear the brown in the industries most impacted negatively by covid19, health care sectors, education, childcare. And not only that, but we are also seeing that women also are playing a role of double duty, even triple duty when it comes to not only balancing their jobs, employment, careers and also childcare and elder care. This is something that is intimately experienced by so many of us. For myself, as a young mother, with a 15monthold daughter and having my elderly parents now sheltering in place with us, i feel that impact. And yet i find myself really understanding how fortunate i am, even to be in a place that i am now and to be able to still have a child. So many of the people that were talking about have lost their jobs, are on the verge of losing their businesses and their homes. It really does highlight the importance of recognizing the impacts of covid and the opportunity to really step up. And so today we have a unique opportunity to be able to talk about Women Leadership, especially at this time. I think as breanna had mentioned earlier, theres a Cross Section of home things happening, in addition to the challenges that we have with covid19, were seeing wildland fires across the state of california, thats brought about by Climate Change. Were not only seeing that, but continued challenges at the federal level when it comes to our immigrant communities and people of color. And so again were really, really excited to have the mayor today to be able to speak more about womens leadership and the importance of that going forward. And so i see that our mayor has joined us. And so i want to welcome london to the program. I think todays going to be a very its going to be a unique opportunity. We rarely have the chance to be able to interview each other and have a candid conversation. So it will be a lot of fun to be able to do that today. But just a moment right before you came on, mayor breed, breanna was able to share some really great information about your bio. Today people are really looking forward to get to know more about you and your leadership style as we go forward. I think as you know we started the w challenge a few years ago and youve been a strong supporter from the beginning. I think one of participated every single year that we have come together to talk about the sponsor of voting and womens participation. This year our challenge is to really make sure were highlighting the 100year history of at least 100 great, amazing Women Leaders. So we really want to tell the story of womens leadership through the years. And how we all build upon those histories, in order to be where we are today. So again im super excited to bring mayor breed on to the show today. Im going to ask you the first question. But actually before we do that, why dont i ask you to introduce or say a few words if youd like to, to commemorate the 100 yearanniversary. Well, thank you so much, carmen. Its, of course, always great being with you and talking about important issues in our city, pour importantly celebrating 100 years of women receiving the right to vote. We all know sadly, with the history of this country, that did not include women of color. And we know that, you know, when i think about from a perspective of where we are now in this country, and how there is finally a reckoning that is occurring around race and around inequality and whats happening to people, as a result of that spark that sadly involves the death of george floyd, i think this is the perfect time to start to have these honest conversations about this. Because from my perspective, you know, our differences are what makes us a better city. Its what makes us a better country. I hope my phone is not too loud. I dont know how to turn it off. But it makes us a better it makes us a better city. It makes us a better country. And i think that it starts with the next generation and it also needs to be embedded in our young people at an early age, that in a way that could effectively allow for change. Because the sad reality is we know a lot of this is taught in the home. Its taught, you know, early on. And it develops into who you are as a person naturally. We have to get to the point of all of that. We have to be prepared to have the honest conversations about our differences, you know, how we all fit into this world. And how working together we can make things better. And ive got to be honest. No one does that better than women. [laughter] but we are, you know, multitaskers and its naturally who we are. So as we celebrate, you know, the right to vote for him, we have to also keep in mind there was a time that women couldnt vote in this country. There was a time that black people couldnt vote in this country. There was a time that folks were discriminated against and hung just because they wanted to exercise their right. We dishonor their memory and sacrifice when we dont show up to make our voices heard. Thats the celebration should remind us about those people and what they sacrificed and how we have appear obligation to not only exercise our right to vote ourselves, but to make sure that we are lifting up others to do the same. And that we are also making it clear to the next generation how significant it is for them to do so as well. Yes. Glad to be here. Absolutely. I think the points you make really do resonate, because i think that the fight continues, right. Even now i mean were continuing to see the inequities continue to be part of our daily lives. We need to really speak honestly about it. It is really hard. It is hard to talk about race, because its uncomfortable. Unless we start to get to a place where we can do that, i dont know how we start to dismantle whats there, right. And even within the last covid response, weve been seeing a lot of rise in antiasian sentiments, people blaming the Asian Community for whats happening. I think even then we need allies, we need people to say thats not right, thats not okay, thats not the reason why we are in the place that we are. And so i think theres a lot of there is a lot of hurt and theres a lot of healing that we need to be responsible for. Yep. And also, carmen, you know, think about i dont believe theres one person on this earth who hasnt been disrespected in some way. Absolutely. And they now that hurts. And it doesnt feel good. Im sure youve been called racial names. Ive been called names. And when you think about that, why would you want somebody else to feel that way. Thats right. And i think that we have to start to get to, you know, the root causes of how those things developed. And we have to have honest conversations. And just, you know, for example, i still have people in my family who make certain comments and use certain, you know, racial slurs that i have to correct. And theyre basically like, well, we always said that. And i dont do it because im mayor. I want to be clear. But i do it because its offensive to the people that claim we respect, right. Its like when you use those terms and you dont understand its not appropriate. Why would you continue to do that. So dont tell me you have a friend who is gay or you have a friend who is chinese and you have a friend who is this and they dont have a problem with it. I dont care. I have a problem with it. Yeah. Because i would be offended if someone used certain comments and words against me. But we have to also educate our Family Members, especially our older Family Members about terminologies that are just not appropriate to say about other people. Yeah. And i think that its absolutely true. I think the more that we can personalize and share with our family what our expectations are and what it means for people, i think the better i think we all grow up with certain experiences and we all have preconceived notions about people and we all have ways to shortcut what we think. But ting what is important that we recognize that they exist, right, that we might have biases that exist. And make sure that they dont drive how we make decisions or they dont drive how it is that we interact with people. I think thats whats really important. Its not to say that any of us are perfect or we dont have biases. But its to recognize that we do. Yeah. To make sure we dont let that motivate us, right. I think as you mentioned, when we have an opportunity to give a different perspective when a Family Member or anyone is making a generalization about a particular community, its to say why do you say that. I dont think thats true. That generalization actually is wrong. What would you think if they said this about our community, right. Its to make sure we kind of do that we continue to grow and evolve. Were in the middle of a global pandemic. No one thought we would be having to deal with Something Like this. Not only that. Were say its where we have conversations and were having a reckoning when it comes to institutional racism, police brutality. So i want to know what does it feel like to be mayor of a city like San Francisco during this time. Do you thinking about a woman mayor makes a difference . Oh, my god. Carmen its a big question. I mean, no one can prepare for this kind of thing, you know. Well, ill just say that, you know, im very spiritual. And when i became mayor, even to this very day, based on my circumstances, i still cant believe that someone like me could actually be mayor of San Francisco. It still its almost unreal. I wake up in the morning, its like, yep, youre still mayor. And its still blowing me away. And then when i think about what i have come into and my personal background and my experiences. Talking about creative in times such as this. And that was kind of the message. And because i will say i was in my head wondering whats going on here. You know, is this the end of the world. Like global pandemic. The fires, the unrest, all of the protests, all of this stuff. I was just like, wow. And then our president , right like this is like almost as if im watching a movie. And its not real. But its real. And its our life. And what i realizeif i were not mayor, how would i want to feel. And how would i want my leaders to waive in a way that help to behave in a way that helps reassure me that things will be okay. Yeah. And so thats how ive made the decisions that i have made. And by being completely honest with the public every step of the way. And also letting the public know we dont know what the future holds, which you typically as a politician should not maybe say or people think you should not say. But i think that, you know, we as women, were kind of realists. And we feel strongly about like, for example, your mother, you know, you know how it is where you want to do everything for your kids, but you also have to say, no. We cant. Oh, my gosh. I told you. I dont say no. Im going to get you, ca car. You have to man up. [laughter] but youve got it like but part of saying to our children is to protect them. Yeah. Its part of what is important in our natural this is naturally how we are. Were nurturing people as women in most cases. And we care about doing whats right for folks. And i think that has been a guiding principle for me, because its not easy, of course. And, you know, like, for example, you think that it doesnt hurt my heart to see people sleeping on the ground or its not that i dont like seeing it, it just hurts. Its a human being thats sleeping on the ground. And in my mind i cant help but when we go past and, you know, honestly i pray for them and i also ask god to help give me the strength to be able to do this job and to make things better for people. Its not about the complaints. Its about the need to try and get people to help and the support that they need. So i think, you know, in terms of governing, its just i am doing the best that i can. I am listening to various advisers, but also members of the public with their emails and their comments and their suggestions and trying to make good decisions. Because a lot of people are counting on me. Theyre counting on me. Its not london, its the mayor as a symbol of, you know, the leader of the city. And theyre counting on me to make good decisions, to keep them safe. And so thats how i see my job. And its important to make sure that were doing what were doing. And thats really why when i mean, we cant just do one thing, we have to do a lot of things. And thats why i was like, carmen is one of those people that i respect, as it relates to money management. [laughter] and fiscal responsibility. Shes like bringing in the bread. But also the accountability and everything. Shes the perfect person to help with the economic recovery and what that entails. Plus, on top of that youre very thoughtful in how you think about things. Youre not just thinking about a business, youre thinking about the people because of your family, right. And your experiences growing up and your mom and dad. Youre thinking about those experiences and how they had to struggle. Yeah. And you know what people are going through. And so i guess ill go into my next question my question, my first question to you is, its like as a daughter of immigrants, and a Small Business owners, how did your personal experience shape you as a person and as a leader for a time such as this . Yeah. I mean, i think just going to a point thaw made earlier, when you were talking about, you know, what is it like being kind of a woman leader, too. I dont know i think that when ive seen with you has just been this real collaborate approach. Im not sure that any other elected mayor would have asked another elected person to help do the work that you asked me to do on the Economic Recovery Task force. And i think that says a lot about how you approach things, which is lets bring in people to help be problem solving together. And i really appreciate that, because im not sure that anybody would just do that, right. I think that says volumes. You know, in terms of being, you know, how it is that we approach leadership, especially as you grow up, i think especially for me i saw my parents really struggle, right. I was a young girl, i never saw my parents. I was a latchkey kid. My mom and dad were working every single day. They would go to work, id be at school already, they wouldnt come home until after i went to sleep. I really rarely saw my parents. And i think seeing how hard they worked, its its a symbol of sort of how hard it is for a lot of Small Businesses to make it and to survive. And i think seeing how they struggled, seeing how they were discriminated against because they had an accent or how people didnt street them the right way when they went in to ask for help, because they couldnt say it right or had an accent, that really hurt me. When i think about Public Service and the things i hope to do, its to really try to create opportunities for people and make sure that Everybody Knows that theyre worthy. It doesnt matter where they come from or how much they have or how they can speak. Theyre worthy as individuals. And then i think now especially as a young mother, too, i love my daughter so much. Shes really changed i think my perspective and, you know, my patience. And i realize that, you know, when i see the love that i have for her, hurts me to think that there are other kids who dont have the same support, who potentially are going hungry, who dont have the same opportunities to succeed. And that hurts me. Because i just turn that around and say, what would i feel if that was for my daughter. What would i feel if she didnt have the chance to be loved, to be fed, to feel safe, to feel like she could be whatever she wanted to be. That kind of feeling helps me today. Keep on making sure that you create opportunities, that you help people have a job, that you can support families the best that you can. You know, were not going to be perfect. And i like when she said earlier about being honest with people about where our problems are. We should tell folks, lets be honest, heres where we have problems. Heres what i need help with doing. Heres what the city needs to do to pull things together. And were not perfect. But this is what im going to do about it, right. I think its important to tell people that, because, you know, in terms of leadership, its really important to be transparent with people, because you lose the integrity, you lose the only thing that you have going for you, which is, you know, what you represent and what you say. Are you going to say the things you say youre going to do. Are you going to do the things that you say, right. If you lose that, you lose integrity, you lose peoples trust. I think thats really embedded from the lessons that my parents have taught me. But i think also again i think just being someone who, you know, feels, who is a mother, who kind of sees the struggle that my parents went through, i dont want to see that for other people. I want to do everything i can to change that. So i think being on the Economic Recovery Task force, i think about that every single day. I think what can we do as a city to help to save that one more business, save that job, so that people have the chance to be stable, you know. And have opportunities. What do we need to do to make sure that actually kids are not going to fall behind. Like you know the Distance Learning is what were doing right now, its a travesty to not provide education to our young kids, who will fall further behind if we dont get it right, if we just dont figure out a way. I think those are the things that really just drive me as a leader, to say what are those struggles that people feel, that i know from my own background that can really help to change things. I think you and i have the same experience. It really drives us. Yeah. I think it kind of goes back to i think about the conversations you and i have had, where, you know, we are kind of commiserating over something really terrible happening, like something that was just like ridiculous that was happening in politics. You know, politics is tough because despite the best intentions sometimes, things get said a different way, its represented in a way thats different. Sometimes things are just really hard. So im curious to hear from you about what is, you know, what is it about your life or your experiences that helped to motivate you, when things are hard . You know, because being mayor you get a lot of criticism for things that you can control and things that you cant control, right. And, you know, how do you deal with that . And what kind of keeps you centered . Well, just think about it, carmen, can you imagine the fact that you and i both came up under some of the most challenging of circumstances that wed ever be in positions like this. Yeah. It starts with that, number one. Number two, as hard as things are now, things were worse when i was a kid in terms of my life experience. So when i tell people like i grew up in public housing, i didnt just grow up there, i had every single experience directly in my household family situation, where when you talk about domestic violence, when you talk about drugs, prostitution, grandma raising me, criminal justice system, mentally ill. All of these things welfare, food stamps, you know, clothing with holes in them and Everything Else and criticism and fights and drama and lack of access to things. Anything that anyone probably talks about, that they care about in terms of helping people in, you know, the most challenging of circumstances, i probably experienced it directly in my household. And the reason why in some circumstances i dont into depth about some of those really tragic stories is because out of respect too my Family Members. Respect for my Family Members. Out of respect for not putting all of their business out there, because im the one in the limelight. And i dont want to expose them to, you know, challenges. Im able to talk about my sister, who died from a drug overdose, because of how it impacted me personally, you know. I talk about my brother, because my brother was okay that i talk about his unfortunate situations. You know, but, you know, like just experiences that i had, when i think about, you know, like being a kid in the midst of those challenges and not being able to escape that world, you know, i just you know, that is really what drives me. Because i know that my experience is not unique. What is unique that im in a position like this, coming out of those circumstances. And this is why this work is so important to me, because i know that there are other young, talented people out there that just need a chance. They need a chance. They need a support system. So as challenging as a time that were having right now, and as much criticism and i may receive it pales in comparison to what i experienced growing up. Thats why i feel confident about my strength and my ability to take on a role like this. Because i feel like i was prepared to be in a situation like this. Its so interesting because yes, its hard, yes, sometimes its frustrating. And there are setbacks and disappointments and struggles associated with this work, but i feel optimistic about our ability to really make a difference. A mayor would ask another elected official to, you know, its not just that i asked you, its just i also have to listen to what youre advice is, even if i disagree with it. Part of that is really how i work, because its not just about me. I feel like its important, as a leader, that you bring other people along and youre prepared to listen, it doesnt just have to be your way or the highway. And so i think my experience of growing up and seeing how infective that kind of approach has been and how it had a negative impact on people that grew up like me is why i do this. Because i want to change things genuinely. The only way youre able to do that is by making sure youre making good decisions and youre always keeping in mind the people that were here to serve. So i want to go back i know, you know, were talking about our various experiences. But i just want to jump in, because when you first became a member of the board of supervisors, you were the only asian woman to serve at that time. Yeah. And i just want to know how did it feel to be on the board . Because the board of supervisors right now is a hot mess. And theres always a lot of drama, you know, i served on the board, too. But there were other women. You left me. [laughter] i was like, no, carmen, dont leave me. I went downstairs. But tell me when you first started, because you werent trying to run for office. You werent trying to be in politics. You were just dealing with the money and the finances and trying to do your job. Tell me what that was like for you. Yeah, i think for me, you know, im by nature im probably more of an introvert than anything, you know. I think people kind of like you are . How can you be a politician. By nature thats what i was. My parents were always like, youre so shy, are you ever going to make it in this world. Are you going to hide behind me all the time, right, when i was younger. We all kind of learn and we grow. You know, i had been in the mayors Budget Office for gavin newsom at this time. I enjoyed the policy work behind the scenes and getting down to the nuts and bolts of things. At the end of the day, when we talk about policy, ultimately when you want to look attack priorities of a city and the values of the city, you see where the money is spent. Because that matters, right. Where you put your resources matters and it speaks about the values that we have as a city. And so that was really kind of where i started. And then i think overnight mayor newsom, at the time, appointed me to be a member of the board. And it was it was under a cloud of challenges in the asian communities, right it was. It was then when the supervisor of district 4 was under investigation. I remembering about the only asian supervisor at that time. Its a heavy kind of burden in a way, because you feel like you have to represent all of the chinese community, all of the Asian Community, right. And what does that mean . Because our community is so diverse, right. I cant possibly represent the perspective of every single person. But it felt very heavy. And i asked myself why am i the only asianamerican in the city, where we have such a large population, right. The other thing weighing heavy on me at the time, and played out during the election, a lot of people were basically saying that i didnt have sort of the right to be the representative, because i wasnt born in San Francisco, right. And there was nothing that more kind of offended me than that, to think that if i wasnt born here, so if i was an immigrant or if i was someone who had moved here, but cared a lot about the city, that i didnt have an equal right or i shouldnt have a voice, offended me to the soul. Because it kind of just said, what does that mean about my parents who emigrated here and worked so hard. Are you saying they dont have a right to participate or have a voice also, right. I remember when i was running, it was under this cloud of, well, are all asian politicians corrupt, you know, because it wasnt just there were a few other issues that had happened. I think it was just this feeling of needing to make sure that i comported myself that was above and beyond, to make sure i left no doubt that thats not the all asianmachineries behaved, all asianamericans behaved. Make sure that you are representing in a way that you leave room for people to come behind you, right. I didnt want to be an example of yet another asianamerican politician who was disappointing the community, right. And so i think it was just it was a big challenge because theres so much kind of going on at the same time. But im happy that we have since that time have had many more folks rise and be elected. And i think we need to continue to support that. So i think the work that we can do to continue to mentor young people and especially young women i think is really, really important. Because i think sometimes people just need to see that its possible. You know, i said that to you before, right, too. You know when someone sees that as someone who went through all of the hardship that you went through, who grew up facing all of the challenges that you did, were able to was able to become the mayor, thats inspiring, right. Just that example and just seeing that is inspiring. For someone to say im looking at carmen and im that shy kid who no one really paid maybe that much attention to. But she can become an elected person and do good things, too. Thats inspiring, too. Those are the examples we need to show is that not all leadership styles are the same. But we can all succeed as leaders, right. And so i think thats something that has been imprinted in me, ive kind of realizing this. Yes. Im sorry. Go ahead. A really good point about where, you know, different styles of leaders, right. And i like that. But we both have very, you know, unique backgrounds that have, you know, involved struggle in some capacity. I think it also developed it also helps us to develop a appreciation and respect for one another as well, which i think is also important in the world of politics. How we treat each other, even in the midst of our disagreementses, its so important, because thats one of thing Biggest Challenges that we face. And when we have disagreements and we start to do the personal attacks and some of the other lies and other things, it just doesnt set a good example i think for young generations. Were just as bad what we see happening in the white house with we go that route. Thats right. I want to ask you a personal question, but a fun one, which is what is something that no one knows about you . A fun fact. Okay. A fun fact. One of my absolute favorite shows that i watch all the time, people would not believe it, its fraser. [laughter] i love fraser because, listen, this is a tough job. You know how like at night, i try not to watch the news or nothing too serious before i go to bed. And most of the time and i just kind of to laugh and smile or do something more happy, i watch fraser. So i have to admit, my guilty pleasure is watching korean dramas. Those romantic dramas. Love them. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. I just and i love out loud a lot of times when im watching fraser. All my by myself normally. [laughter] that would probably surprise a lot of people. So kind of getting back to a bunch of encouraging, this idea about encouraging women to participate. You know, i want to know what do you think about what would you say to someone on the fence about participating . And if someone is thinking about running for office or wanting to do something where they get on a commission or Something Like that, how what do you think people need to do to prepare for that experience. What would you say to those women . Well, what i would say is when you feel something, when you want to do something, then you should go for it. Part of what you want to make sure is you do your homework to prepare. That you know exactly what whatr roles and responsibilities are and the position that youre going for, whether its a request to me to be a member of a board or a commission, that i have the ability to make appointments for. Or if you decide to run for Public Office. You know, when i decided to run for supervisor, i wanted to be a good supervisor for the people of the district i represent, where i grew up in. And so that entailed making sure i knew how to do policy and legislation and i understand how the process worked and the city worked. And the good news id been on commissions and other places. So i understood it. But i actually went back to school late in life, before i ran, to get my masters in public administration. And i ended up graduating from u. S. F. With honors, because i was committed to making sure that i was the best policymaker for the people that i represented. And im not suggesting that you do that. Its just that whatever role you want to play, you set your sights on that role and you make sure that youre prepared to take it on and all that it entails. And unfortunately in the world of politics, and in the world of Public Service, it also comes with its fair share of criticism. And i think its going to its really important that you have thick skin. And its important that you have ill tell you i made some mistakes along the way. Because, you know, i want to be honest. Im a girl from the projects. Dont come for me unless you want me to come for you. So i have made some mistakes early on where i have cursed some people out and did some things. And what i had to realize is if i want to represent people, it cant be about me any more. So i cant do what i typically would do if its just me, when im entering the world of politics. So i had to grow a lot in the position. Part of it is just really making sure that you make yourself into the best person you can be. You just the best job you can be and you remember youre there representing other people. Dont let yourself get in the way of that. I agree. And i think, you know, i second that point that you make about sort of making sure that youre prepared and know what is required of you. And i think its also about being prepared to make hard choices. Yes. Because its easy to kind of just fall with the rhetoric, where the wind is blowing. Its really hart not to go hard not to go in that direction. People ask us to be leaders to say based on what you know and where you want to do for community, is this the right choice or is it not. Sometimes may not be convenient, right. It may just be the thing that is not the most popular thing that people want you to do. But you think its the right call. I think its important. I think two other things that you mentioned earlier, i think is really important. Optimism. If youre not somewhat optimistic about being able to make change, politics and Public Office isnt for you. Because youve got to be tenacious, you have to believe that you can do something. Its easy to get discouraged if you dont. A story of tenacity. I dont know if you remember, london, you and i were on a trip to israel, right before the mayor made an appointment to the district 5 seat. Do you remember this . Yes, yes. And i remember so, you know, ultimately the mayor ended up appointing someone else, right. And london still ran, right. Shes like well, im still going to run. I still want to do this. She ended up winning, right. I remember on that trip i remember seeing you. You were like whats going to happen. She was thinking about it the whole time. Even though we were looking at different things, learn being, you know, the diaspora. She was tenacious and wanted to do the job. Because it came across, right. Those a few other things. You have to be optimistic that you can make change and be reallying to work hard. The changes that are really worthwhile, are hard to get to. Yeah. It just want to add. I know we have to wrap it up, i see your communications person. I just want to add that you also i think it is important that you are really prepared to make the hard decisions. And at the end of the day, when you make that, is the right decision, not for your political career, is it the right decision for the people you represented. Never lose sight of that. Yeah. There were a lot of things that i supported that no other candidates supported when i ran for mayor. And people were trying to tell me to change my position. I said but thats not fair to the public. They need to know who i am as a person and the kinds of decisions that im going to make. And thats whats so critical. Dont change who you are to fit into it. Thats where sometimes people go wrong because of what they see in the political climate. Yeah. Totally agree. Because ultimately something has to ground you, right. The things that we talked about, about the things that motivate us to do good, if you keep on changing what that is, im not sure you industrial a direction any more, right. Totally. I really enjoyed our conversation. Thank you. Its been a lot of fun chatting with you. And really just kind of i think it offered people a really unique look into how you think about things and, you know, i think its a great opportunity to just highlight, you know, an amazing job youre doing. Thank you for all of your leadership, especially during a hard time and for joining us. And with that im going to turn it over to vivian so that she can help us wrap up. Thank you, madam mayor. Thank you, madam assessor, for such a great conversation. I really hate to interrupt and come in and end it. It was such a great conversation for all of your stories and sharing your thoughts and the passion behind running for offices. Those are really great lessons for us to learn. So at this point i also want to just quickly go into our tour w challenge 2020. As you may all know, that ever since the w challenge has launched, we have been creating a new challenge every year to uplift women. Also trying to encourage more women to vote, especially for this upcoming election, its so important for all of us. Were going to be running a tenweek social Media Campaign starting from today and all the way up to the election day. We have 100 women from the past century that we have selected. They are local, they are great. Theyve been part of all of the suffrage movement, as well as other social Justice Movements as well. So we encourage everyone to go on our website. Im going to be quickly going into it, sharing it on our screen right here. If you go to that home page, all you need to do is to click on the 100 years of Women Leaders here. Then you can read about the details of our campaign. But basically you just need to select two to three women each week and feature on your preferred social media platforms, wchallenge and encourage more women to do that. So were hoping that by uplifting these stories, we are able to encourage more women to vote and take leadership. Just in honor of all of these women that were before us and all that they have done to grant the right that we have today. So thank you so much for everyone who is joining us. We are inviting our partners as well, alison go, president of the league of women voters San Francisco here to give us the final remarks to end todays celebration. Thank you. Alison, the stage is yours. Thanks. Thank you for having me today. I am so touched and really energized to hear the stories and experiences of madam assessor and mayor breed. You know, both as a young woman and an immigrant, really thank you for really your leadership in sharing these moments with us. Thank you for everybody who helped plan this amazing event today. I know normally we would be on the steps of city hall. This is pretty great to hear everyones stories. I can feel the energy throughout San Francisco and a huge thank you to our volunteers kathy bar, who really helped to put this together, on behalf of the league as well. My name is alison go. Im the president of the league of women voters of San Francisco. Were a nonpartisan, volunteerrun organization focused on nonpartisan Voter Education and advocacy efforts here in San Francisco. You know, this election is unlike any election before and unprecedented challenges. Every single time we hear this is the most important election yet. Actually its true this time. And with covid19, the state of california has naile mailed y single voter a battle. This is really, really great. Many of our fellow san franciscans may not be used to the voting process and theres a lot of misinformation out there on how to get the ballot, how to transmit the ballot and election security. First step, making sure youre registered to vote. If youre already registered, youll automatically receive your ballot during the first two weeks of october. And if youre not registered or if youve moved recently or maybe changed your name, you need to reregister. Remember that the Voter Registration deadline is octobe. You can register to vote or reregister on our website at. Wehavelinkstoallofthesethings. And then again if if youre not sure of the voter status and you want to double check sometimes, you can double check the Voter Registration online, same site. You can check what address they have on file to make sure you get your ballot on time. If all of this seems like a lot to remember, go to lwvsf. Org and help make your plan to vote, whether its mailing your ballot in, dropping it off downtown at the auditorium or even dropping it off at your local polling location, just make sure that your vote is counted this november. The league also puts out a lot of nonpartisan voting material. For example, our proand cons guide offers an eas easy to read ballot measure. The guide is budge put togetn many languages to reflect the community in San Francisco. Next month were hosting candidate forums for several of the board of supervisors races. Specifically district 1, 7, and 11. These are free, theyre going to be open for the public. We will broadcast these over zoom and well post them afterwards on our youtube page and theyll be broadcast over at sfgovtv. Org. Thanks to our partnership with them. And guess what, these with always be found on our website on the vote page. The page will be updated throughout the fall, as more of our materials come out. There will be a really great onestop portal for all of this information. So thank you for having me. These next nine weeks, lets get our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues to commit to vote. And make sure that they have a plan to vote, whether its inperson or with the mailin ballot. Pl

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