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President yee good afternoon and welcome to the october 20th, 2020 october 20th, 2020. Regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Would you please call the roll. Clerk [roll call] president yee supervisor fewer will be a few minutes late and she will joining shortly. You have a quorum. President yee pleasure righe right hand over your heart for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Give me a second. I would acknowledge the staff at sfgtv and matthew two records our meetings and make the transfers available to the public online and madam clerk, lets jump into item number one Second Special order. Is. Clerk ok, the first order of business is to welcome the mayor london breed into the proceedings to discuss the questions submitted from the supervisor representing district 6 to begin the mayor may address the board for up to five minutes and discussions shall not exceed two minutes per question or answer and i will set the timer for five minutes. Well complexion are you here mayor breed . Im here, president. Thank you so much. So, welcome. Do you have any opening remarks . I do. Thank you president yee and welcome to members of the public. While this is my last appearance at the board, here, before the november election, i know we are focused on the citys business here today but i know theres a lot of passion in this city and country around what will happen on november 3rd. Im proud of the work done by john and the staff at the department of election to make sure everyone has a ballot and a place to vote. They did an incredible job and today we hit another major milestone in our covid19 response and this city is at the for the front of the pandemic and im proud the way our residents workers and publichealth officials have all come together across the country you are seeing a third wave hit a lot of places but for atly, so far, we have avoided that and we know it may come and we cannot rest until we have a vaccine. We are in a much better place than we have been for some time and today we are the first urban county in california to have hit the states yellow tier. Thats so significant and it validates the approach we are taking throughout 24 pandemic and i want to say i appreciate the people of San Francisco for your work in helping us get there and our goal is to move the city word and not about backyard. I want to tell someone they can open their business and have them go through all the challenges of opening and the city bureaucracy and tell them they have to close again and the go thing is our strategy has been working weve seen our testing increase to almost 5,000 people a day and our Positivity Rate is 0. 88 and our photographic us and investments in the latino communities, those hardist hit by this pandemic, has been delivering results we are finally seeing a steady dein the number of new cases in the latino community. We opened plat grounds, which was a major win for our families and still waiting on our Public Schools but its a longer conversation for a later time. We announced now we are in yellow, expanding our capacity for churches and gym and restaurants is possible and we will be reopening options at 25 capacity and other things in the press release that i put out im sure you got a copy of it. Thriving downtown is critical to the economic engine to this city and essential as we move forward to the road of recovery. It will make it difference for the cities and Small Businesses downtown who rely on them. We will continue to move forward carefully. With this virus, were entering a difficult time with cool weather and the flu season coming up so this is a reminder the reason we are here is because we are followed the publichealth order. Lets spread the ves age and not the virus, wear your mask, wash your hands and get your flu shot. Thank you, mayor breed is that it . Yep. Did you get your flu shot yet . I havent by i plan on getting it soon. I hope so. I hope so. Thank you very much for your comments and madam clerk. Could you please call the first topic. We have a question from the mayor from the supervisor representing district 6 supervisor haney. The topic is overdoses. Supervisor haney, would you go ahead and ask jury opening invasion. Thank you for being here and exciting update and your leadership. I want to thank you first for your leadership and partnership on Mental Health assess and the dedicated funding in the budget and for your continued leadership and safeinjection sites and i asked you how we can Work Together and to address the devastating deadly impacts of drugs, drug addiction and drug dealing on our citys residents and most urgently deaths killing our cities residents. Things have gotten much worse. In response to legislation we passed earlier this year, they released a report two weeks ago showing an estimated 450 plus deaths from Drug Overdoses through august of this year and reversals at levels never seen in our city and the report shows we on track for 700 Overdose Deaths in 2020 and its two people a day nearly doubled last years totals and last year numbers why double so within two years at this rate we may see a quadrupling of drug Overdose Deaths in our city from 20182020 and this is the most deadly epidemic in our city having killed four times more people than covid19 and times as many people as homicides and they have broader impacts on our city and in our downtown neighborhoods impacting our residents and visitors and everyone in the city and we have people to sell these drugs if in a way that is worse than ever and people suffering from the impact of these drugs are more disconnected alone and sick and i know this is a concern for you ands i appreciate your leadership on safe infections sites and partnership on Mental Health sf and want to ask what were doing right now and how we can Work Together to safe lane and with 700 people dead and next year with 1,000 people dead from overdoses. This is all happening as we speak and n has an impact on my district and we stand ready as a board having held hearings and legislation and passed a publicHealth Emergency to work with you so the question is what we can do to Work Together to stop this massively deadly and destructive drug epidemic devastating our neighborhoods and kill more of our residents than ever before. Thank you for your question and genuine concern we know the people that are losing their lives on our streets in San Francisco everyday. You know, i go up in a community where drug use was just a natural part of what happened in our community it was embedded in the culture of what was happening in the fill more community in the Public Housing development i group up in and to lose not only friends but also and other people that i lived and cared about to drugs is really heartbreaking and so this is very personal and this is very complicated and very difficult situation to deal with and some of you might have had experience with family members who struggle with addiction its so hard you want for them. You want them to live their lives and their addiction can be challenging to overcome. Our department has expanded access to nar can to get these tools into our s. R. O. S and out on the streets. It continues to be a challenging thing to do and our Police Officers outreach workers, nonprofit partners and theyre reducing overdoses and every day and if you spend a lot of time out there its just a natural, normal occurrence that when someone is experiencing an overdose which happens frequently, an officer or someone is it out of their pock and the revising people and saving lives everyday but its not enough. Fentanyl is a deadly drug. 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine and overdoses are one of the most tragic symptoms of a larger problem. We have addiction and Mental Health. We need continue to focus on expanding treatment and services for those using drugs through our reforms to our Mental Health system pushing for safeinjection sites and expanding access to programs. We need to recognize if fentanyl deaths arent just happening here, theyre all over the country and the fact is the federal government has fortunately invested a decent amount of resources into helping other with covid19 and not enough to help us deal with this crisis. Nowhere near the level of what weve done around covid19 and we need a federal partner to drop the threat of criminal penalties on our drug treatment and we can move forward with our safeinjection sites without putting our city workforce or nonprofit employees at risk and the conversation cant just be about treatment and services we see the dealers is the tenderloin and everyday. The fact that folks are coming to San Francisco to deal drugs and get away with and there are no consequences for their action is a real problem. We need more enforcement against the people bringing tent in our city so im supporting dennis plan to file civil injunctions and i want to thank supervisor peskin for supporting this approach as well. We need tools. We cant be afraid of enforcement and what it entails. We need drug dealers to be held accountable. And treatment plans accountable for those who are dealing with drugs in our community and i dont want to tell you how many times when im in the tenderloin and i see people, especially those with children or children in baby strollers who have to get off the sidewalk on to traffic to go around the large number of drug dealers in the tenderloin. Part of it is yes, there will continue to be enforcement and support for what Law Enforcement is doing and there needs to be consequences for peoples actions thats what were going to need to do. All of those will take a lot of effort and resources and we have to continue to aggressively and to make sure that we dont go down this path. Do you have a followup question . I appreciate and agree with everything you said and i appreciate you are very again you inand steadfast commitment on this issue as well and this report came out two weeks ago that shows we have twice as many people that are likely to die. Is there anything that you are doing immediately in response to that report to prevent that legal of death . Anything new or different or more expansive to prevent that level of together in our city . Go ahead and respond, mayor. I laid out some of the things were doing and weve expanded resources for those particular things. If you have another creative idea that you think could add value to helping us prevent what we know is coming in San Francisco as it relates to dover dose deaths im all ears and open to it and i wish we could open a safe injection site yesterday. I wish we can do more to get to folks and provide support treatment but lets be honest, when people suffer with addiction, theyre not going to just all of a sudden accept treatment until theyre ready for treatment so we have a kinder morgaacomplicated problet lend to a solution. Weve expanded resources and were working with a huge number of non profits to provide help support and treatment. Were stepping up on enforcement and we can definitely use a lot more help around enforcement and so, this is where we are. If theres anything else you want to offer that you think could be beneficial helping to prevent what we know is going to happen as a result of the drug use and the drug deals and scales stuff thats happening in our city, but harming the tenderloin to any other community in our city, im here to work with a partner trying to address it. Mayor breed, is that your question to supervisor haney or to anybody on the board . Thank you, again, i just want to say before i close off, today i have the privilege of attending this service of jason quartez who was killed in the line of duty. He was a member of the Fire Department and it was an Incredible Service but just keep in mind that he has a wife and two Young Children who need our support. Our prayer as they deal with this challenging time and i want to express my appreciation for reaching out to the family and the Fire Department and what youve done to show support at a very difficult time for his colleagues at station 49 and station 3. He leaves behind his wife and two kids. His dad was a supervise for many years so it is heartbreaking for our city and i want to think you for the quarter taz loom. President yee with no questions, i want to thank and this concludes the mayor discussion time. Thank you for joining us today, mayor breed. Thank you, president yee. Thank you. Lets go to our agenda and you want to provide that. I want to acknowledge the presence of supervisor fewer and well make note of her attendance in the minutes. The minister will reflect that during the covid19 Health Emergency and in this meeting remotely through Video Conference to the same extent as though physically present and Public Access to City Services is essential and certainly more acute and we hope members the public take advantage 69 opportunities to be able to communicate or access this meeting and participate remotely and we will make it a part of the legislative file and if you are using the u. S. Male address, 1, dr. Carleton b. Goodlet place room 244 San Francisco, california and 94102 and if you have a communication using email send it to bos you are able to use your compute tore access the livestream by going to www. Sfgovtv. Org and watch the proceedings on your television by going to channel 26 and be aware of signal delay when you are ready to provide any public testimony you must turn down your television and listen from your mic] phone and you are able to listen from your phone and be in sink to provide your Public Comment just dial the telephone on the screen and when you hear the prompt, entering and 146 5205745 press pound twice and listener to provide a public and press star 3 and listen for the prompt and you have been unfutured and you may begin speaking your comments. Its important i say a few words about what eligible for Public Comment. There are 3 00 p. M. Special orders with their own public hearing and where some form of Public Comment will be taken. Items 2427 of the exemption from Environmental Review for 1776 green street and the appeal of the mitigations and for a proposed project at 2417 green street and item 32 is a public hearing to receive an update on the findings and recommendations and Law Enforcement and if its your desire at any one of these public hearings, please, for efficiency just call in early and place yourself in the speakers queue and Pay Attention to your item when its being called. Wait for 39 and the discussions between the mayor and supervisor haney the approval september 2020 regular Board Meeting minutes and the items jurisdiction of the board that are not on todays agenda and items 40 to 48 they are without reference to committee calender items. All other items 223 as well as 33 through 37 are not agenda content and eligible for your testimony today and they have public hearings fulfilled at committee. We have interpreters present at todays meeting. Will the interpreters to let the Community Know you are here to asset with their Public Comment. Today we only have two and we have agnes lie and arturo. [voice of interpreter] k. Thank you. [voice of interpreter] thank you, madam clerk. Clerk thank you for being here. We appreciate your support. We are working hard not to leave anyone out of the proceedings. If you are experiencing any connection issues, contact my office. We have someone standing by answering phones as we do every tuesday. And finally, mr. President , a pursuant to title two of the americans with disability act we have an individual who would like to provide Public Comment by telephone when appropriate as determined by you. That concludes by communication. Lets go ahead and call up the caller. Lets arrange for special accommodations for special accommodation. Operations, can you please unmute the caller. Caller im a Disability Community organizers and im also a journalist. Very distraught to hear what i just heard on this call. Which sounded like a Richard Nixson speech on the war on drugs and its disheartening to our officials talking this way when many of the overdoses that are happening are a result of inaccessibility to treatment and especially to Accessibility Services around covid19 care and outsing. This mayor came out adamant leo posed to 2018 prop c which supported drug row habitation programs through a ve small tax on millionaires and billionaires and that passed after prolonged years of battle and during that time absolutely people have died of Drug Overdose and poverty and homelessness and that could have been prevented by this mayor. To hear defund the police and black lives matter, and now were talking about criminalizing brown and black people on the streets and which what is means, homeless and disabled black and brown people throw them in jail and increase policing and this is not what we need and we need a humane solution in people are battling drug addiction and battling the unfair economic conditions. We are not passed any stage of covid19 and we don have a vaccine. In april they had the largest outbreak of sidney in the state and when i started getting covid19 symptoms, i had to call hospitals six different times was hung up multiple times trying to talk to a covid19 nurse and its hard to get help right now and by reopening which means reinfecting we are not supporting our residents or the homeless. Thank you for your time. Thank you mr. President. That concludes the individuals Public Comment. Thank you. Thank you. Lets see lets continue with our agenda and please call item number 2. Mr. President , may i inquire in you took the vote on the september 15th minutes . Oh, yeah. I completely skipped that. Let me get to that. Today we are approving the Meeting Minutes from the september 152,020th regular Board Meeting and are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes. Seeing none. Can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented. So moved. Im sorry, someone shouted. Fewer moved. Moved by fewer and seconds by peskin. I heard peskin. So madam clerk, would you please call roll. On the minutes, supervisor stefani. [ roll call vote ] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee without objection the minutes will be approved after Public Comment as presented. Madam clerk, now lets go to the Consent Agenda please call items 26 together. Clerk these items are considered to be routine if a member objects an item may be removed and considered separately. Ok. I dont see anybody on the roster. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll. On the content agenda. [ roll call vote ] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee without objection it passed unanimously. Lets go to the next idea. Seven through nine. The remaining motions for the appeal of the conditional use authorization for the project at 2001 37th avenue and it will satisfied at the board of supervisors hearing on october 6th, 2020 and 9 decision is in the hands of the board. Item 7 a motion to approve the Planning Commission decision and approve a conditional use authorization to disapprove the commission by the board and that item pursuant to the charter is requiring an eight vote threshold and the findings in support of the boards disapproval of the proposed conditional use authorization. Supervisor fewer has been idea to be excused from these items. Different a motion . Mandelman. Motion made by supervisor mandelman, is there a question. Ill second it but there is a pro tee of Real Property or what is the reason . Its the same reason she stated from last week when we had this item. Would you like to respond . Yes, absolutely, colleagues. I own property within 500 feet of the proposed project. Second. Can you please call the roll . Clerk roll call vote. There are 10 ayes. Ok, motion to excuse supervisor fewer passes. Before we proceed, i know that weve started the meeting and few of you have your screen on and when people are kind of like all through their motions and second i cant actually tell who is saying it because theres no visual or nothing so, it would be really helpful if you are speak or something and dont just shout it out, i have to see you thank you, very much. I see that theres supervisor mar on the roster. Thank you, president yee and colleagues and for the hearing and your understanding and my request to condition peel items for today and especially thank you to the administrator in the Neighborhood Association for your good faith efforts in continuing the it wases and hearing limitations of all the take holders and theres desire to come to a place that is best for the community where good relations can be maintained. After considering all of the facts, i would like to propose modifications to the condition set fourth by the Planning Commission which are necessary to make the termination a conditional use authorization should be permitted especially two important criteria established in 303 the proposed use will provide Development Necessary or desirable for the neighborhood or the communities and that such use or feature as proposed will not be detrimental to the health, safety, convenience of general welfare of people working in the facility and if its important we protect and promote the health and wellbeing of our youth and the impacts underscores the need to ensure children have an environment that is safe and enjoyable as such trying circumstances and this includes providing stability and reliability in our home lives and includes outdoor space and recreation i believe the expanding access to Outdoor Recreation space to be desirable for our neighborhood communities and the communities that off i heard if they could increase the hours for youth to participate in athletics and without the school day and the usage for practices and games, it will expand the use of the facility and that is an opportunities and the youth and their communities. To a representative city wide and across the bay areas spanning the region however, as currently proposed, the project would be unduly detrimental to people residing and working in the vicinity and their families and especially their growing children. It would increase noise and lat and a part of this community. They were access is restricted to a privilege few is not necessary or desirable for their neighborhoods and even more so, when the impacts are felt on the everyday quality of life with families with children, i believe protecting neighborhood youth from evening noise, Light Pollution and unnecessary disruptions and inconveniences that undermined Youth Development and Community Stability is important. People chose to live, work, worship study and play in the sunset because it is so welcoming, its compatible in our neighborhood to enhance youth activities at si and while protecting the people and quiet nature of the sunset and the Public Benefit peace and quiet provide. When deciding on the desirability and cot pat able with the neighborhood i believe its necessary to consider the differences between our private High School Lights like st. Fx and other publicly accessible Athletic Field which might operate for more dies, hours and at a higher light setting. We should be generous and flexible with our public spaces despite impacts on immediate neighbors given that the neighbors will directly benefit and we should consider the differences between a facility for youth as opposed to adult youth and limit athletic practices so they dont go late into the evening during time necessary for rest and i hope you will consider my proposal with this land so as such, i provided additional conditions for your consideration and well share on overview for the ben its of members of the public. They may public used monday to through for up to 150 nights a year and events must end and lights must be dimmed by 8 00 p. M. And shut off by 8 30 and amplified sound shall not be used past 7 30 and cannot be used during practices on the games to provide neighbors consistency on the quality of their home life. For 15 evenings a year out of the 150 other law able nights, the lights may remain on until 10 00 p. M. On any day except sunday and only for si events. They must end and lights must be dim by 9 30 and kind shall not be used past 9 30. To build Community Enjoyment that youth and in order for consistency and protect the health, convenience and welfare of neighbors i would like to impose the conditions and spectator attended events and sounds shall never be used. On sundays, field use shall be limited to 12 00 to 5 00. And i included conditions to strengthen the language of the si large Event Management plan including a requirement to provide off Street Parking for 200 vehicles for events over 500 attends and strengthen communication with neighbors and sidewalk maintenance and the role and responsibilities of the si Community Liaison officer. The purpose is to increase accountability, build trust and establish on going positive relations in the neighborhood. So colleagues, if you have any clarifying questions, i would be happy to respond to them now and i do have a number of motions that i would like to make. Maybe ill i would like to make four motions, first that we table item number 7 and second that i move that we amend item 8 to conditionally disapprove the conditional use authorization for to approve the conditional use authorization with new conditions that have been distribute and thirdly i move that we amend item 9 of the disapproval of the Planning Commission decision and the approval of the opinion use authorization with new conditions. And then finally i would just approve, move that we approve items 8 and 9 as amended. Lets take them together and have role call to amend so this motion to amend 8 and 9 is there a second. Second. Preston. Second by preston. Madam clerk, on the motion to amend. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Stefani aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Walton, aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. And supervisor safai. Aye. There are 10 ayes. President yee 8 and 9 passes. So, supervisor mar your motion to table items 7 and pass eight and nine as amended is that your motion . Thats correct. Ok. Thank you. Is there a second . Second. Seconded by supervisor preston. Reporter call please. The motion. Thank you motion did table item 7 and approve items 8 and 9 as amended and supervisor stefani. [ roll call vote ] there are 10 ayes then item seven is tabled and the decision related to the condition all use authorization is found to be inadequate and is returned to the Planning Department. Call the next item. Clerk to approve the Health Service system dental plans and contribution rates for calender year 2021 and this matter requires a vote of nine votes of all members of the board of supervisors to finally approve passage of this ordinance today. Call the roll. On item 10, supervisor stefani. [ roll call vote ] there are 11 ayes. Without objection the ordinance is passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to items 11. Clerk a resolution to urge the city to expand the definition of vulnerable populations for services for people experiencing homelessness during the covid19 crisis. President yee supervisor preston, do you have any comments . Yes, thank you, president yee. So, weve had an opportunity since this matter was initially heard to be meeting with department of publichealth as well as getting and the issue is around who was defined as being vulnerable for hotel roommates and other services during covid19. Based on these on going discussions and i do want to thank director coalfax for meeting with us. I think our conversations have been productive and i think if this is to move forward it will need some changes around some things we uncover just around how the vulnerable definition is set as well as issues around outreach to determine vulnerability so i would like to move to refer the item back to government audit and Oversight Committee to allow that to occur. Thank you. Ok. Is there a second. Second. Peskin. President yee supervisor peskin. Send 11 back to committee for further discussion. Madam clerk, please call the roll. On the motion to send item 11 to committee,. [ roll call vote ] there are 11 ayes. President yee item 11 is septembesent back to the j. O. C. Lets go to our execution and delivery of cops for dph projects. For item 1 its in the amount of 149. 8 million to find improvements to facilitate for the 101 grove exit projects and the San Francisco General Hospital chiller and and cooling tower replacement project in fiscal year 2020 through 2021 and placing these funds on controllers reserve sending the sale of the cop and ordinance represents a principle amount not to exceed 157 million and ncops and one of more series of taxable basis to finance and refinance certain Capital Improvement projects generally known as the Homeless Services center laguna hospital wing reuse project and aitc travel Clinic Relocation and as stated the General Hospital chiller and cooling tower replacement project to approve the form of the trust agreement and the form of the official notice and the form of the official statement. Go ahead and call the roll. On items 12 and 13 [ roll call vote ] clerk there are 1 11 aye. Lets go to the next item. Clerk item 14 is a resolution to go approve and authorization the direction of property to amend the lease of Real Property located at 1449 webster street and a base rent of 139,000 per year with annual rent increases based upon the Consumer Price index and for an extended term upon approval of the resolution and expiring on august 31st, 2023 and plus one throw year option to extend and to authorization the direction of property to execute documents, make modifications and take actions and furtherance of the First Amendment the lease and this resolution as to find herein. Go ahead and call the roll. [ roll call vote ] there are 11 ayes. The resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 15. Item 15 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to prohibit the mayor from designating the Department Head as the mayors des ignore regarding contracting decisions and matters which the mayor has discretion to delegate a des ignore for the proposal. Clerk [ roll call vote ] [please stand by]. Okay. Colleagues, this legislation on city fleet safety. And accountability comes at a time when we are really struggling to fulfill our vision zero. To end pedestrian fatalities by 2024. This legislation aims to hold ourselves accountable by recording more oversight and compliance of vision zero principles when we are on the roads with city vehicles. It also helps us provide better reporting on excessive Vehicle Rental and leasing. And that can cause the city millions. In 2016 we passed an ordinance to install vehicle black boxes in our city vehicles and expanded that to Public Safety vehicles in 2019. This Technology Helps us with deployment, fuel efficiency, but also data to help us be safer on the roads. Overall the goals were to cut government waste and to improve safety. I want to thank city administrator kelly and her team and don jones for Fleet Management for their partnership and collaboration throughout the years in implementing this program. With the help of budget analyst and the incredible team, we were able to help they were able to help us identify problem spots and the potential way to truly maximize the use of technology or Technology Safety and technological safety and cost savings. The report provided had astonishing stats. There were 2,619 vehicles that had at least one speeding incident of more than 10 Miles Per Hour above the speed limit during the study. Overall we could be potentially saving 10 million a year if we dialled in the efforts on best safety and practices around Vehicle Leasing. The ordinance before you today will provide more stringent reporting from the department on vehicle use and to provide the board of supervisors information including but not limited to rentals. But vehicles, speeding and fuel efficiency. On the monthly basis, the city administrator will also be collecting reports from departments beyond what is already collected by telemattic technology. We hope that this helps serve as a reminder to departments to be analyzing their own data and helping their drivers to better to do better with their efficiency and speeding. Every year this data will be put into a report for the board of supervisors, so we can evaluate requests for vehicle purchases or Vehicle Leasing practices during the budget process. We are also asking departments to develop corrective action plans to help with educating drivers and providing resources to so that we can better so we can do better on the roads when it comes to vision zero. Vision zero starts and i want to acknowledge the work of walk sf, the executive director jody menderes, and Bike Coalition and the families for safe streets for their tireless work to make our roads safer. I want to thank my partner and cosponsor supervisor peskin, supervisors preston and safai for their cosponsorship. I know this conversation will continue after i leave office and hope that each of you will pay strong attention to these matters. With that, i hope i can count on your support today. Before we take the vote, there is a minor amount that i would like to include that provides clarifying language. And the ordinance allows the city administrator to request vehicles be inspected or maintained by fleet as they deem appropriate. However, shortterm vehicle contacts do not allow for the city to provide repairs. Therefore, we want to clarify that the ordinance does not override existing contracting provisions around maintenance. On page three, line 12, i would like to propose adding a clause to the extent authorized by the citys contract for rented or leased vehicles is the clause i want to add. The city administrator may request based on the information provided under section 4. 102 or for any other reason that the department using any vehicle owned, leased or rented by the city return the vehicle to the city administrator to inspect or provide maintenance on the vehicle to the extent authorized by the citys contract for rented or leased vehicles. Department shall provide vehicles to the city administrators for inspection or maintenance for five days of business and written request. Before i ask for a motion for this amendment, i see that supervisor peskin is on the roster. Supervisor thank you, president yee. Thank you for your many years of tenacity around this issue which was originally resisted by departments and was not popular and continues to be actually resisted by some departments. But you have stuck to it. And that is exactly why we have the data today and can ask for corrective action. I have been pleased to be quote, unquote, your thought partner in this, and look forward to being a champion after you leave the board. One of the interesting things that came out of the meeting that we had the week before last was a revelation because i am not invoking former supervisor katie tang, a resolution about the amount of private rental car usage not only for short periods of time but for extended periods of time, and i know that supervisor tang joined by supervisor fewer and myself tried to crackdown on City Employees taking jars home. The hole with proper float management, and so that end, i duplicated the file and tried to articulate some amendments that we have not yet figured out. But i will follow up with that in the duplicated file in committee and bring those amendments forward both on the telemattic side as well as on the Fleet Management side. I just want to said that to all of my colleagues. Supervisor yee thank you, supervisor peskin, and for continues to think about this and how we can actually strengthen the current ordinance that were putting forth in terms of amendments and a coming forward. I hope to see some amendments come bafr before i leave, but if t no, i will b watching via tv. I think we will figure it out long before you leave. Supervisor yee i made a motion. Is there a second . Supervisor peskin. Madam clerk, please call the roll on the amendments. [roll call vote] there are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee thank you. That is adopted unanimously. And thank you supervisor fewer and mandelman for agreeing to be a cosponsor. And by the way, i always forget i should never forget who was behind the scenes and in creating the tele mattics ordinance in the first place and i want to thank my staff who is on leave on maternity leave, erica who really pushed this she was the staffer who kept on pushing it and wouldnt let go of her bite on this one. And when she look leave, we had other people work on it, so thank you very much for your efforts. Now madam clerk, please call the role on the ordinance as amended. Clerk on item 16 and amended. [roll call vote] there are 11 ayes. O owe supervisor yee this has passed on First Reading. Madam clerk, lets call the next item. Clerk item 17 is an ordinance to amend the police code to make it unlawful for a Police Officer to contact a person with a specific intent to discriminate against the person on the basis of the persons race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, national origin, place of birth, sex, age, religion, creed, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, weight, or height, and creating a civil cause of action and providing for damages for violating the prohibition. Supervisor yee supervisor walton. Supervisor thank you so much, president yee. I just wanted to first thank all of you for unanimously cosponsoring the caution against racially and equity nonemergencies act also known as the caring act. This legislation aims to prevent future incidents of people harassing and calling 911 and making their emergency calls to Law Enforcement listen black people and people of color doing daily activities all over the city. We dont want what happened to emmet till in 195 an or the long history of false accusations of black men and boys in this country due to weaponizing Law Enforcement to threaten, terrorize, and sometimes even kill them to ever happen again including recent incidents documented and social media and publicized throughout the news. Black Indigenous People of color have the right to go about daily activities without being threatened by someone calling 911 on them due to racial bias. People of color communities often suffer from post Traumatic Stress and disorder as a result of Law Enforcement violating their right to every day normal activities based on fraudulent 911 call by individual racial bias and racism. It creates distrust among communities of color and Law Enforcement. 911 and emergency calls to Law Enforcement should not be weaponized in this way and should be used as an actual emergency. I really want to emphasize that 911 is not a Customer Service loin for someone racists behavior. The parent act expands to the protected classes in San Francisco to prevent false emergency calls with specific intent to discriminate on a persons otherwise i think fringe on the persons rights or cause the person specified harm on the basis of a persons race, color, ancestry, national origin, place of birth, sex, age, religion, creed, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, weight, or height. The cares act creates recourse allowing a civil cause of act action for the victim of such discrimination against the person who caused such contact to occur. To recover special and general damages of at least 1,000 plus costs and attorneys fees and punitive damages in the proper case. Rather than causing police and neighbors on certain views or because they dont lock like you, lets try to get to know them and build relationships within our community. I would like toing a knowledge and thank all of my colleagues who have unanimously signed on to support this legislation. Deputy City Attorney for helping draft this ordinance. The human rights chief of staff and director davis and the entire Human Rights Commission team. Angela jenkins of the San Francisco interrupting racial profiling. Mr. James swanil, a Pacific Heights resident who was a victim of a false emergency call to Law Enforcement this past summer. Of course, my chief of staff natalie gee for working on this important legislation and for coming up with the acronym for the law along with her partner. I want to thank Assembly Member for working on a similar effort and passing a similar law at the state assembly here in california. And again, colleagues, i thank you for your unanimous support and i am exciting that this was forward forwarded with unanimous support for positive recommendation. Thank you. Supervisor yee please call the roll. [roll call vote] clerk there are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee thank you. That ordinance pass on First Reading unanimously. Lets two go to item 18. Clerk item 18 is an ordinance to amend the police and transportation codes to establish a city policy to protect the health and safety of residents by enforcing state laws prohibiting reckless driving, Motor Vehicle speed contests, and exhibitions involving stunts and tricks with vehicles. And to provide that vehicles that are removed for violation of such law shall be impounded for no less than 14 days for the first incident, no less than 15 days for the second, and no less than 29 days for the third, with no impoundment lasting more than 30 days. Supervisor yee roll call please. Sorry. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor president yee, thank you. Supervisor preston, go ahead. Supervisor i just had a question, but go ahead. I thought you were taking the vote. I apologize. Sorry. Supervisor safai, i am just have been trying to understand on this one how this ordinance changes what the existing law is, and its been unclear to me. When i saw that you were not necessarily going to speak and introduce it, wanted to jump on the roster. And my understanding is that the power to impound vehicles already exists under state law. And so would just appreciate any explanation to sort of what this adds locally to the existing situation and why its needed. Supervisor yee supervisor safai. Supervisor i am happy to make that. I was going to make opening remarks and i will go ahead and in short, there is a lot of discretion in the state code that allows for you could have it be as little as one day or even an afternoon. And were enhancing the penal tis. We are saying no less than x number of days. That is essentially what is happening. So this is an enhancement. It is also to ensure that we are focussing on those that are in police code aiding and abetting. There is a lot of people that are involved in not just the actual stunt driving itself but also setting the perimeter and, in fact, in many times blocking the entire path of travel in the public rightofway, which is extremely dangerous for any type of emergency. But that is it in a nutshell. Supervisor yee supervisor peskin. Supervisor thank you, president yee. I want to thank you supervisor safai. I dont know whats happening in every corner of the city, but whats happening in the Northeast Corner of the city in the last couple of months is incredibly dangerous for the drivers or pedestrians. There is a new phenomenon that has happened during covid19. It goes on until all hours of the niet night. Not only is it detrimental to resident, but it is extremely dangerous. It is dangerous for the police to enforce because you have vehicles moving at literally 100 Miles Per Hour on the embarcadero. There have been several near fatalities, and San Francisco has got to show everybody that we are not going to tolerate this. And when the first cars get impounded for two week, everybody is going to realize this is not an acceptable way to have fun during covid19. Its just that simple. Supervisor yee supervisor fewer. Supervisor thank you. I want to concur and ask to be a sponsor of this. I was in supervisor peskins district this last weekend, and i noticed i was to say, aaron, i noticed that on columbus avenue a lot of racing and really fast driving. It seemed so dangerous with so many pedestrians out. In my neighborhood, i am experiencing extreme and also very Fast Police Car chases also. And i ls agree to be firm on this because it is so dangerous not just to the residents but someone going 10 Miles Per Hour just someone going 100 Miles Per Hour crashed into a building and died of his injuries. And so i just wanted to say that i think this is necessary and i would like to be added as a sponsor. Thank you. Supervisor yee supervisor walton. Supervisor thank you, president yee. And i do ls also just want to state to the public and to everyone how important ps that we do prevent the slide shows and community. These are very dangerous actions that as supervisor fewer have stated have led to death. In fact, i was very infuriated during Committee Meeting when someone made a call in. Obviously they did not look like me and were not from my community and tried to sate that black people or insinuated that black people would somehow be against protecting our community. In bayview Hunters Point all across my district we see too many shows happening and they are unsafe. The streets are too narrow. I know this is something people are doing out of act of boredom, get excited about seeing what the cars do, but this is really very it is an extremely dangerous act that is happening on our streets and it has to stop. So impounding cars and taking them far longer duration is one step wards trying and we want our communities and families and young people to be able to be outside and walk in our communities and play outside and enjoy outside. And we want homes and buildings and structures not to have to be in fear of a car crashing through their property and doing and we are doing everything exto stop them because this is dangerous on our treat. Supervisor yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor thank you. I want to recognize and agree with my colleagues around the dangers to property and to individuals from use of vehicles in this way. I do have continue i continue to have some concerns or some confusion perhaps around i think and so i think the conduct we are describing is illegal. I understand the desire to and from the standpoint of legal and from supervisor safais comments previously that the issue is under state law that police have basically discretion. And this is almost kind of like a mandatory minimum for a bad analogy. But basically would take away that discretion so that the officer would have to impound for a period of time. And the piece i am missing and i see the chief on the screen. Maybe he can revolve it, but are Police Currently not using that discretion to impound vehicles . Why to we want to take that december cession away from police . That remains unclear to me. I will call supervisor safai. And you can respond after thank you. Because i wasnt able to make any of the opening comments. I appreciate the question. But i just want to i want to dive in and i appreciate the support of my colleagues that have signed on. This is as many of you have s d said, it is not new to San Francisco, but it is something under covid that has grown extremely out of control. Were talking about intersections in residential neighborhoods in the area of paris and russia. If you visit that neighborhood, you wouldnt even believe that people could do that type of doughnuts. We are talking about spinning around and around in their vehicles for over an hour. Taking turns. Blocking the entire street for blocks with cars. Standing and driving into peoples driveways. Video taping it and organizing it on social media. Probably one of the reasons they are coming to San Francisco is there was absolutely an unfortunate event that took place in our community, and this is when i think finally people said enough is enough. There was a fatality that happened that night. Thats still under investigation. It was an individual as far away forecast San Francisco as sacramento, so people are organizing the events and coming from all over the bay area. And yes, there are existing codes in the transportation code, but we are trying to send a message that we are not going to tolerate this in San Francisco any longer. And i was out in my Community Last night and individuals say on the corner of sedoa and plymouth that it went on for about half an hour and over 100 week vehicles and respond. And this legislation and because they are attempting to and the not use the legislation as a means in a frivolous manner. They would have to be appropriate evidence collected from video and there would have to be appropriate documentation of the vehicle. Appropriate documentation of the driver but yes. We are saying at a minimum if you do this in San Francisco, your vehicle will be impounded for two week. And i think we have to do something in response to as supervisor walton and peskin said, a massive increase of reckless driving and stunt driving. I want to thank chief scott who worked diligently with me on this legislation. And we have been deliberate. This is not something crafted in three days. This was something that we spent a few months researching. We looked a los angeles, san jose, and sacramento. We looked all over the state of californiaened a what was in the existing code and what would seem effective. There were some that wanted us to push harder and go a little bit further, but what we are saying is if you are involved in this stunt drivering and side shows and helping to set the perimeter involved in blocking the public rightofway so that to make the neighborhood unsafe, you will be held accountable. And that is something that i have heard overwhelmingly from all different ages, races, ethnicity in my district. This is not something that is safe. This is not something in any way that the city could condone or create a safe practice for. Some have suggested lets try to find a way to make these safe. I want to commend the chief andt happened the other night rather than going on for an hour wept on for 10 or 15 minutes and the officers were there and i believe there were vehicles that were individuals that were cited for this behavior. And now supervisor fewer and its something that i would not have believed that we would have had to do and we had to respond quickly. Thank you. President yee chief scott, if you are on and you would like to make any comments, please show yourself. I would like to make comments and thank you president yee for allowing me, i want to thank all the Board Members that sponsor and cosponsor this legislation and its really important for the city for the Police Department from an enforcement standpoint to have the support and the weight of the board of supervisors behind this type of initiatives to really put a little bit more emphasis and consequences to this type of reckless behavior and i do want to just briefly put some statistics and all answer press prestons question but you know, as supervisor safai said, we did work with him on this legislation and we supported it fully and the Police Department supports it fully and this reckless stunt driving behavior has generated over 2,043 calls since january first of this year and we really recraft our strategies on how to better respond and deal with these situations, weve had 61 incident reports generated and weve had a total of 613 Police Officers and respond to this and nine vehicles told and nine cents and and there have been four collisions and they one incident an aggravated accident in which the victims sustained injuries and so, there are laws exiting on that i think its a position that strengthens the city message we wont tolerate this in our city and therefore, we support it and whoever follows this well have a consistent way of doing things rooted in law and i think gives us more of a chance of success in dealing with this issue. Its very dangerous issue. So my hat is off and i definitely thank all the supervisors for supporting and it puts us in a better place and it will make us better. Thank you so much president yee. I just wanted to provide just a little bit of more clarity for supervisor preston. I think the one thing that theres a couple things that specifically is one that amends the code here in San Francisco and it is real precise about what happens and if you lose your car and the first time for an infractionion it will be 14 days and the second time no less than 15 days and the third time no less than 29 days. So were also real specific about what happens each time y you. I see nobody else on the roster and supervisor safai, you want to keep on talking . I just want to say one more thing. I also wanted to thank the attorney who worked with us along anne pears and my staff. Thank you. Supervisor safai, please add me a as cosponsor, roll call, please. Clerk on item 18. [ roll call vote ] there are 11 ayes. Without objection, the cordenanceed is passed on first read. We have a few more before we are behind in our 3 00 p. M. Special order but we have a few items and i would like to get through those and jump into our 3 00 p. M. Number 19, please. Clerk a resolution to determine that the transfer of a type21 offsale general beer, wine and distil Spirits Liquor license to golden gate food and liquor inc at 1859 Market Street will serve the public convenience necessity of San Francisco and request the California Department of alcoholic beverage role impose conditions on the issuance of the license. Madam clerks, call the roll. Clerk on item 19 [ roll call vote ] there are 11 ayes. Then, without objection, the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, item number 20. Clerk item number 20 is a resolution to urge the city june teen to urge the president of the United States and the United States congress to officially designate june 19th annually as federal holiday to honor the black community and encourage all businesses in the city both public and private and to either close on june 19th, pay workers overtime, as they would typically get on a paid holiday and or allow the many workers and students in the city who want to to honor and celebrate june teen celebrations to take the day off or leave work and school early with no adverse academic or employment consequences. Hold on a second. Let me get back. Is anybody on the roster . Clerk i dont see anyone on the roster, mr. President. Clerk on item 20 [ roll call vote vote ] rotem sela clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee without objection the resolution is if favor. Madam clerk call item number 21. Item 21 is a motion to approve the mayors nomination for appointment of former california state senator john l. Burton to the Port Commission for a term ending may first, 2024. President yee i wanted to say that i want to get it before he changes his mind. We have to get him into the court somehow. So, supervisor peskin. I just want to say i object, no, seriously, when i was sorry, john for telling the truth when i was in Elementary School and the good luck and senator burton, remember the public trust now and forever im delighted to vote for this nomination. Clerk item 21. [roll call vote] clerk there are 11 ayes. President elect trump the the motion passes. Thank you members the board. I appreciate it. Take care. Lets go to item number 22. Clerk item 22 is a motion to reappoint kristen tieche to the bicycle advisory term committing november 19th, 2020. Clerk on item 22 [roll call vote] clerk a motion to appoint yo lon da, michael brown, os ka celines and Jabari Jackson terms ending june 1st, 2020 to the reentry council. Ok. Roll call, please. Mr. President , i under supervisor walton has a comment to make. Gentlema Jabari Jackson is mn and i would like to be recused. So moved. President yee moved by supervisor peskin i think. Is there a second . Medicine a madam clerk. Roll call. We are severing Jabari Jackson from these other appoints and excusing supervisor walton just from the gentleman Barrie Jackson vote this is good for the whole thing for god sake. Ok. On the motion, supervisor stefani [roll call vote] president yee supervisor walton is excused from item 23. Madam clerk, call the roll, please. Clerk on item 23 [roll call vote] president yee the motion is approved unanimously. Come on back. Madam clerk, lets go to our first 3 00 p. M. Special order. Please call items 24 through 27. Clerk comprise the public hearing of persons interested in the determination of exemption from Environmental Review under the California Environmental quality actor ceqa issued as a commonsense exemption by the Planning Department on june 16th, 2019, for the proposed department of publichealth local oversight programs site number 12076 and investigation remediation project located beneath the sidewalk and item 25 to affirm the determination by the Planning Department and the proposed project located under the sidewalk is exempt from further verbally view and item 26 reverses that determination and in support of the this determination and item 26 is a motion to direct the preparations of finding reversing that determination by the Planning Department. Thank you, madam clerk. These items may be continued to a later date. Supervisor stefani do you have any remarks . Thank you, president yee. Only i would like to move to continue these items to the Board Meeting of november 17th s have agreed to the continuance and to that date. Can i have a second. Mandelman. So before we take this motion, lets take public tempt on the continuens itself are there any members of the public who work to speak on the anticipated continuance. Occupations can you unmute the first call fer we have one. I have two callers in the queue. Ok. All right. Welcome, caller. Hello can you hear me . Hello, catherine i think we were both muted. Right, so if you can just hold on for one moment. We will take the caller first, that way well handle that. Can you please begin your comments. Please begin. Thank you, hi, i didnt mean to cut him off. This is catherine howard. So, i am ok about the with the conditionance but i am concerned the city staff has already violated procedures and in august when there was a pending appeal. If the board agrees to a further continuance does this put the community at risk and will this happen again and please, only for the continuance if theres an enforceable guarantee that no work will continue in the interim, thank you,. This is richard representing the appellant and we agree to the continuance but, as the other caller mentioned, were concerned that there must be no work allowed on the project. We received written assurances there would be no work allowed on the project but instead the staff allowed work to continue and removing contaminated soil and possibly exposing maybing residents and during even though the appeal was pending. So were very concerned that no work be allowed during the appeal but given that assurance were willing to support the continuance and even though we were ready to proceed today. Thank you. Are there anymore Public Comments . I would just like to make a Public Comment because can you hear me . Yes, we can. Perfect. My name is jane and i live on green street one block away and 1776 green street and like the other caller, im also very concerned that continuing this item for another month will. Mikaela the project and we had been given assurance and poll interesting the Planning Department that no physical work would consider until after the appeal was determined and that has not happened as she has promised and the week of augus august 10th, the crew was working and this is a great concern to a neighbor, i completely understand how critical project time lines are to Construction Projects and i know from personal experience because i live one block away and im working on my own project but, from the same personal experience i know that as soon as an appeal is filed, the project comes to a halt. I dont understand why that is not happening here so i really urge you to realize how critical it is for the critic and i really want board of supervisors to understand how this was allowed to happen and how work was allowed to continue and how we can be assured that it wont happen again for the safety of the neighborhood and your con at this time wentz so thank you for considering that. Any other speakers . Operations . I just want to echo all the other callers that have said and you know, im a Firm Believer that no matter how an appeal may seem, theres rules about whether or not projects can continue and i think that those rules need to be enforced and you know, the changing planning or the appeal process can be addressed later so yeah, if theres a continuance it has to go along with a commitment to hold city departments accountable and make sure that theyre following the law and this could just be a communication issue and you know, its not likely that its that thank you for your comments. Operations is there another caller, please. That complete the queue. President yee thank you. Seeing no other speakers, Public Comment on the continuous is now closed supervisor stefani. Thank you, president yee. Yes and thank you to the callers who called in and expressed that concern. It was the concern of mine as well and i obtained from the project sponsors and the the project site and prior to prior to november 17th to the appeal hearing. We will inform the department as well and this is not a request made by the project sponsor. In my briefings with the Planning Department, ive had at least two on this and not just planning but also public works and my understand is theyre waiting from the reports from Public Health so i understand the callers concerns and and i will not be asking for continuous or growing to continuance if i thought in anyway that my constituents ehealth would be in any type of harm or it would be cause any harm to my constituents so, if anybody has any questions, that is why the continuance is being sought today. I think my questions have been asked and just now answered. It seems to me to be very odd that turning the dependency of the appeal that this kind of work could be going on but im happy to vote to continue it based on what i have just heard from supervisor stefani that theres no burning during this appeal and i just do have to say and i dont want to pre judge this matter although its an administrative and not quasi judicial matter before this body but the use of a commonsense exemption in the face of Hazardous Materials does not seem like commonsense but i can be convinced otherwise to this supervisor as very well documented and chronicles by. President yee lets have roll call on the motion to continue. Clerk on the motion to continue items 2427 to novembe [roll call vote] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee without objection, items 2427 are continued to regular meeting of the board of supervisors on november 17th, 2020. Madam clerk, lets go to our 3 00 p. M. Special order please call items 28 through 31 together. Items 2831 the hearing of persons interested in the approval of a final mitigate negative declaration under the California Environmental quality act for the proposed project at 2417 green street and on appeal by the Planning Commission and issued on july 16th, 2020 item 29 is motion to affirm the final mitigate negative declaration or fmnd prepared by the Planning Department. Item 30 is the motion to conditionally reverse the fmnd and prepared by the department subject to the adoption of written findings of the board in support of this determination. And item 31, is the motion to direct the preparation of findings reversing the departments preparation of the fmnd at 24th green street. Thank you, madam clerk. I understand that these items on grown street may be continuing to a later date. Supervisor stefani, do you want to do you have any comments or remarks . Thank you, president yee. I would like to continue this to the meeting of november 10th. Again, both parties have agreed to the continuance. Madam clerk, can i have a second on that. Second, mandelman. President yee before take that motion and continuance and self and do we have callers in the queue who would like to speak on the continuance. Madam clerk, there are no callers in the queue. Thank you. Mr. President. Ok, good. Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Motion to continue items 2831 made by supervisor stefani and seconded by supervisor mandelman. To the meeting of november 10th. Can we please call the roll. On the motion for items 283 [roll call vote] there are 11 ayes. They are continued to regular meeting at the board of supervisors on november 10th, 2,020th. Madam clerk, lets go to our next 3 00 p. M. Special work. Item 32 is the public the board of supervisors convening in the setting as the committee of the whole today octobe october 20th a at a motion approved september 15th, 2020 in file number 201021. President yee colleagues, we will now convene as a committee of the whole for the members of the board supervisors to hear and receive updates on the progress and issuance status and the department of justice and regarding following our presentation and well have two minutes each for those who wish to provide Public Comments. Seeing no objection then, we shall proceed as follows. Four years ago, in october, 2016, the United States department of justice released an assessment on the San Francisco following a series it included 94 findings in five key areas. One three Community Oriented policing strategies and protocols and recruitment highering and personal practices. The doj higher hillard fines to support the city and San Francisco Police Department and other cities across the country in implementing reforms and addressing the recommendations and this is referred to sfpds collaborative reform and in october of 2019 during the last Committee Meeting of the whole and prior to that, that was another committee of the whole in september of 2017. And so were long overview in the process of the reforms and i do understand the Police Commission has received monthly reports on cri progress and as of this year, appreciate the commissioners oversight of the department and renewed focus on these immediate reforms. In march, released a report on phase 2 of the cri process acknowledging the completion of 40 of the also an assessment that the process reforms have been too slow and im appreciative of the work that has been done the decrease of use of force and the context of this moment and during national calls for reimagining for urge change within our own Police Department. In the dojs most recent report, released in march, early march of this year, they noted they found the Police Department to be compliant with only 40 of the 272 recommendations as stated. Quoting, california doj is concerned that sfpds progress is too slow and the failure to implement a great you are number of recommendations is delaying the promise to the community to get this work done. The report also pointed to concerns relating to reports of anti black bias within the department and the persistent use of force against African Americans and latino individuals. While use of force incidents have gone down, the Racial Disparities remain and continue to be an issue for the department. Todays Committee Meeting of the whole, especially in light of october 10th, officerinvolved shooting and focus of police and progress made and next days and comments and the wealth and disparity in the black coalition who kept up pressure on the implementation. Without further adieu, id like to bring up our first presenters. They are lindsey morgan, project manager, michael jordan, Senior Adviser both are with Hillard Hines. Would you like to go ahead and proceed with your presentation. To the Police Department and California Department of justice also joining thus afternoon is michael Senior Adviser in our Law Enforcement consulting practice. Mike, any opening words . No, lindsey. I would appreciate the opportunity to give this presentation to the board of supervisors and also appreciate any need back they would give us afterwards. Thank you, very much. Thank you, mike. And San Francisco has been through to iterations. First, under the United States department of justice through 2015 and 2016 so at that time they served as the sole private contract selected by the u. S. Department of justice to engage on collaborative row form across the country which was our first introduction to the San Francisco Police Department. The roadmap for reform was established during the assessment period in 2015. It resulted in the assessment of the San Francisco Police Department which was published in october of 2016. In 94 findings and it was to help guide implementation efforts on model practices and between the departments and the community that they serve. Those recommendations covered the five objective areas in use of force, in bias and policing, Community Oriented policing strategies, accountability processes and recruitment hiring and personnel practices. Following the u. S. Department of justices withdrawal from the program in 2017, the San Francisco Police Department and the California Department of justice moved forward to continue the implementation of the reforms. To put them into context, starting with this new iteration of collaborative reform theres four principles driving this effort. First its locally driven and second that theres a collaborative approach between all stakeholders including shared responsibility and ownership. And finally theres component to this iteration of collaborative reform. First is the San Francisco Police Department and in conjunction with the California Department of justice. That partnership and that ownership are driven by those two entities and it is driven by those stakeholders and so its the consultant and that is managed by the Police Department and city stakeholders make up important collaborative reform including the police and the Department Accountability and many other groups. This current effort collaborative reform january on june 1st, 2018 using that assessment report from october 2016 as the guide book. The city and the department under this new issue of collaborative reform this new effort of collaborative reform provides monitoring, review and reporting on the Department Organizational transformation. To be clear, that organizational transformation is what is happening in the field everyday. The files that are reviewed on are reporting the actions of the sfpd and assuring adherence to those standards. Phase 1 had two primary focuses. First to develop a work plan for operational stakeholders outlining what collaborative reform and conjunction with the California Department of justice would look like. Secondly, to draft compliance measures. Those compliance measures are outlines of the steps and processies the departments must implement in order to achieve substantial compliance with each recommendation. Compliance measures were developed for each of the 272 recommendations identified in the u. S. Department of justice assessment report. With those two key deliverables completed, phase 1 also addressed monitoring and evaluation of implementation progress with the specific focus on use of force during phase 1. That initial Progress Report was published in may of 2019. As we moved into phase 2, looking through divisions to department general orders, one of the key ones coming out of phase 2 was dgo3. 01 or written communication systems. That provides specific guidance for the development and amendment of policies relevant to policing issues. As you see in phase 2, the development and implementation of these drives forms and the ability to be marked as substantially compliant. With the passage of dgo3. 01 in phase 2, 17 recommendations were submitted under the accountability objective for substantial compliance. In phase 2, the department partnered with the San Francisco District Attorney office to implement a memorandum of understanding for the independent investigation of ors incidents and throughout phase 2 as well the Hillard Hines teams in conjunction with the California Department of justice monitor and value wait implementation progress with an emphasis on accountability standards as we mentioned with those tied to dgo3. 1. They become important as you can see now, with the passage and poll irrigatioprom you will gaye reviewed theres identified executive sponsors for each of the five objective areas during phase 2 and weve seen the commitment from command staff to drive cri efforts through command Staff Meetings on the status of recommendations and being able to facilitate Additional Support needed in the field. That phase 2 Progress Report was published on march 4th of this year and covered work done by the department through august 2019. As we move into phase 3, this is where were starting to move from the policy to the implementation of the policy focus. Phase 3 efforts gannon august 23rd, 2019. Continuing its tied to 14 recommendation thats have been reviewed. Looking forward, we have another year left on are under th under. Theres another thing as we move forward. The first is going to be formal Stakeholder Partnership arrangements. Many of the recommendations that remain for implementation and validation under substantial compliance requires its crucial to success in phase 3. And the evaluation of file recommendations is across all five objectives in this process during phase 3. At current speed were anticipating a final Progress Report resulting from phase 3 and should be anticipated for publication in early septembe september 2021. With that, we are more than happy to take any questions. So given the current progress, what is the estimated timeline of completion of the doj recommendation and how much progress do you believe can be made during the course of your current contract . Thank you for that question. Mike, would you like to take that one . Sure. I think we have worked with the department to establish a pretty good cadence for getting things done right now and reform is very difficult. I do not anticipate well get to 272 quite frankly. And nor i do think its important that we get to 272 it is important we make a meaningful chance and meaningful opportunity to to show that the things that the community in San Francisco warrant constitutional policing, the ability to treat people with dignity and respect regardness of race or color that those things are institutionalized within the organization and were in a good role to get that right now. Followup to my question is do you anticipate that the department would have been necessary for them to create an evaluation tool for on going evaluation and is it something you would have with. Yes, absolutely. Its necessary that the department create an ongoing way of evaluating Reform Efforts to see that they are institutionalized and also to ensure that when new or emerging practices are identified that they can identify them. Most of the recommendations come with compliance measures that require some form of audit or review to ensure that the anticipated row for re form is institutionalizedded and over all its the city as a whole and if that was some continuing way of auditing the department practice. To ensure that theyre meeting to go with the public and for the leaders of the city of San Francisco. Ok and i have one last question which is, i understand that there is a renegotiated contract with Hillard Hines and the department. Can you share the terms and whether the contract has been extended. Sure, i would be happy to speak to that. Were finalizing those negotiations with the department and we expect that would be signed soon. This agreement will extend our services to the department and to the California Department of justice through september 2021. Thank you. Thats all. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor walton. Thank you so much, president yee. My first question is similar just because i dont know if i heard the answer in a way that i could understand. Is there a set date and time for when all 272 recommendations would be met . Again, i think the answer is that we have a set date and time when our contract will end. As i said, i do not anticipate that the department can meet all 272 recommendations. It would be great if they did but i just dont see that occurring. If i ask if its in your best interest to keep pushing the timeline back, what would your answer be . My answer would be it would depend on the needs of the city of San Francisco and the degree to which the leaders of the city of the San Francisco believe that extra time will allow the department to institutionalize practices that are really, really important to inaudible . For example, to which it request collaborate and the next priority of the list and i would not make it a goal and if they can do that lose sight of things that are most of those things first. I want to understand your statement that concerns me. When you dont think its important to get to 272. I want to understand, i need to chief that and what is your role . Why do we hire you and we can achieve all to did you think that we could, the statement is concerning. I think my statement right now is looking at whether the department is right now on looking at the time that we have remaining on the contract. Our best efforts and including the efforts with the California Department of justice was to some degree of expertise where the department to make a goodfaith effort to reach all 272 but if you are asking me today, if they were reach all 272, my answer they probably inaudible however, i do believe they have a good indicatance presently on going and they will ensure that the recommendations that are most important to the citizens of San Francisco and to the leaders of San Francisco are addressed and there may be some recommendations that are not addressed but i believe that part of our role as a consultant is to ensure that practices and policies in place that they be given the tools as an organization that when we are gone and the california of justice is gone, that the department will be able to move on its own and work through a completion not only recommendations but go even further. So your statement is in regards to being able to complete the 232 recommendations while you are currently under contract but you are not saying that you dont think that they should and could achieve what is called for in the 272 recommendations. Absolutely. Thats correct. Thank you. Mr. President , id like to roadways to a point of privilege. You speak ahead of other people . Well, that would work . Ok. Do you mind, supervisor haney . I have something too but supervisor peskin can go. Thank you, colleague haney and thank you supervisor walton for allowing me to jump in here and thank you president yee. Here is my question to the consultant, which is when statements are made like that and i am rising to the privilege and its my privilege to ask to be stratified the 272 272 recommendations has there been ratification of those recommendations . Just saying, ok, were not going to get to all 272 is kind of a conclusive unsupportive sun fortunate statement and which are the most important recommendations . Which are not being met and which ones should be met most immediately. Does your firm have any recommendations around that . That is where the rubber hits the road. But right now that statement is like to me, i mean you no disrespect, that is not the kind of thing that would lead me to the conclusion that the department should extend your contract. Let me clarify that. Throughout this process, including the time that the department of justice was originally involved, what we have worked with the department to identify president yee can you hold on a second . You seem to be breaking up a lot. At least for me. Can you turn off your video and speak maybe that would help . Ok. Is that better, sir . Go ahead and try. So, the strategy that Hillard Hines employed with the department and the strategy that the department has used throughout this process is that we have identified all of the recommendations and all of the recommendations have been placed on a recommendation. Things that may have to wait until after the contract is over. So we have identified that whether the department has been working on in the second phase is identifying working on those things that are really important to get done they have identified a plan to move forward and ensure that recommendations that are really, really important to the community are met and at the end, there will be some recommendations that may not be as important as others and they may not be able to get to those in the life of contract. But that is a strategy that is a stratified excuse me. Its a stratified chart so they can identified this is what we want to get in phase 1 and this is what we want to get in phase 2 and this is what we want to get accomplished in phase 3 and they are working on that and we are working diligently with them to make sure theyre good. Are you referring to the collab are tive Reform Initiative recommendations dated october 16th . Is that the recommend dum memoru are referring to . No, sir. Im referring to lindsey may have the documents. Im in receipt of five documents . Is this the cri matrix . No, im talking about some documents that the department in Hillard Hines have been working hard and the department has submitted within the last couple months. Through out this process they have submitted and updated cadence of recommendations that they intend to get to and we intend to work with them and get into. I think the message and im trying to communicate is that, the department has identified a strategy for getting those recommendations that are most concerned to the public to get them done quickly. For example, the recommendations regarding the use of force and drafting a use of force policy. They were placed ahead of the queue. The recommendation regarding modifying the policy on bias, bias and prohibiting discrimination, theyre placed ahead of the queue. There are important recommendations regarding accountability and transparency. The passage of 3. 01 will allow those to get done more quickly. So, there is a plan and a strategy and i think that theyre moving forward to get it done. If i could add something to your message there. With regards to the 272 recommendations, those compliance measures are what drives the substantial compliance and for the majority of those 272, there are five to eight con ployance measures for each those recommendations. In order to achieve substantial compliance they need to be adherence of the policy. Even if a recommendation is not necessarily to the point of meeting all eight com ployance measures it does not indicate theres a meaningful work being done in support of those recommendations. Some may be dependent on a policy revision coming up and financial factors and other considerations as well but just because its not quite ready doesnt mean theres not dedicated work on behalf of the department being done on those recommendations. To start this back in 2015 and in phase 1, those recommendations for use of force were prioritized and throughout the completion of phase 2, 25 of those recommendations have been marked as substantially compliant so those are prioritized and the constitutional policing. Can i jump in. Im happy to relinquish the floor but relative tuesday of force, where we have seen a incredible downward trend, they are substantially compliant. Yes. In the stratification im asking for, is use of force the top strata and bias and the second strat us and accountable is what i heard mike say the third strata and im not sure what that is Community Policing is the fourth and it includes all of the five years and. If you are talking about Community Engagement one thing that falls into use of force Community Engagement was the ability of the department to go out and engage with the public following an officerinvolved shooting. The department has set up policies and practices that when, in the event occurs, they can go out and engage in a meaningful manner with the community. That is something that permeates all strategies all five years so there will be strategies or there will be recommendations from all areas that may be in strategy one and two. I think youve asked some straight forward questions and so that supervisor walton and i think were all trying to get a handle on what is the plan here . I mean, the first comment that came out was were not going to get to them. So, it was hard for us to sort of grasp what is going on here and whether anything is going on and i think maybe there might be some clarification in terms of the plan itself and this is a matrix of some sort that when we continue, supervisor walton, before we are you finished with your line of questioning. Thank you, president yee. Im done i just dont know and understand the purpose of this work is but maybe ill learn it in this meeting and present future date. Supervisor haney. Thank you president yee. I have points in question and i will be a little bit more pointed about it so i can get a clear answers where things stands and its hard for us as a board that has some responsibility of oversight as well as for and theres a critical need to be transparent about when these recommendations will be accomplished and is it your understanding as sfpd intends to accomplish all of the 272 recommendations . Yes, it is. It is our understanding and our believe that although they may not be done within the life of our contract the department has established the right personnel they have established the right protocols and they have established the right when we are gone we leave department of health is gone the department will be able to move forward and accomplish the recommendations and i believe that they can go even further in the effort to police and a constitutional manner to treat people with dignity and respect and satisfy the desires of the public and the community that leave them. Is part of your mandate and your responsibility to accomplish all of those recommendations. Yes, wove already down that and well continue to do that and that timeline may shift and our goal is to establish policy and practices and more importantly institutionalize practices and behave years that will allow them to meet the recommendations and go beyond. Just that last question because im sure other folks are going to get similar questioning and well ask the chief as well. I had a hard time with this as well on the last hearing which is the relationship between you all, the California Department of justice, the sfpd and the board of supervisors. You are contracted by the doj, the california doj and sfpd together. Do you work in some ways at the guidance and mandate of the doj . And what is the role of the California Department of justice in this. Im always surprised they arent here considering they have a direct oversight. I think our role is to work collaboratively with the California Department of justice collacollaboratively with the bd of supervisors to the extent that you are involved. Work collab are actively with the Police Commission and to ensure the recommendations are met. They also provide is that they provide is that aligned with your contract or will they continue to be involved even if you arent continuing to be contracted with sfpd . Under our existing scope, our time lines align and i know the department will be speaking a little bit more about that during our presentation as well. Ok. I just last thing, sometimes this is creating some degree of confusion and and it creates challenges in ensuring that the pro pro at level of oversight is done, particular low when we have the view that the department is not set up right now to accomplish all of these recommendations in a timeline that is clear to us as one of the over tigh oversight bodies,d further questions for the chief. Thank you. Ok, supervisor peskin, i know you had completed a line of questioning. Supervisor ronen. Thank you. Correct me if im wrong, but very recently after two and a half years, and a very long meet and confer process, the Police Commission just updated the dgo on bodyworn cameras and is that correct. Im sorry, i cant speak to what they have done on body worn cameras. That was one of the recommendations, right . Yes. But i was going to say you are correct that there are some recommendations that depend on the ability of the department to get orders passed and those orders will require going to the Police Commission and some of them require meet and confer so, those are some of the challenges that the department is facing when theyre trying to implement the recommendations and we believe they have a good cadence now in terms of i want to interrupt so i make sure i get to the heart of the question. As you can tell, were all incrediblallincredibly frustratu further frustrated us by suggesting they wont be completed any time soon. It cook through the lengthy meet and confer and the dgo around Community Policing, one that i worked on in my past is the legislative closely under david compost that that has just been put into cron cruise words the black hole of the unnecessary meet and confer process. My understanding is that these lengthy meet and confer processies are not necessarily and im assuming that your consultants to Police Departments around the country, is that correct . Are those around basic dgos and is it standard in the meet and confer practice in Police Departments around the country. Does this seem acceptive to you and outside the balance of a reasonable time period. I would say that the practice that you have in San Francisco of allowing dgos to go to the meet and go concept and it is typical that Police Departments get input from labor organizations when theyre trying to pass the policy. I will announce it. Do you think two and a half years is an excess i have long amount of time to meet and confer about a bodyworn camera . I would say i think two and a half years is is a long time for a police chief who has. I think my answer would have to be very careful that what is not typical is that the process of having the d. T. O. S go to a meet and confer process is not typical. Thats helpful, thank you. Some organizations that do it but for the most part of its not typical is all. Thats extremely helpful, thank you. Supervisor walton. Thank you so much, press ian. First one is,. On behalf of doj and sfpd. And so you were you still have a scope of work in place, correct. And it would focus on reforms that the San Francisco Police Department and the communities they serve. I didnt hear what was that paid in full amount and the amount you think we would owe moving forward to phase 3. Why have those numbers in front of me but i would be happy to provide them to the board. Chief, you have those numbers . President yee, can i answer that we. President yee go ahead. The contract is in the process of being finalized for the extension and its 600,000 reasons and im trying to get the exact number for the final extension and ive already signed it and it has has to be signed by one or two more people and. Thats for phase 3 and what do we already pay that. What is the current contract worth . The amount . I yeah. Hang on, let me see if i can pull it up here. Lindsey, do you have that . Its 1. 2 but i dont know for sure. Im pulling it up right now. And just to refresh my memory, and i could be wrong, its been months since weve had, since youve come before us. Didnt you state at our last meeting you could complete the recommendations . Or did i just imagine that . I know it was a while ago. Is that for me or ms. Grant . Its for hillard and hines and their team but it can be for you chief if you have to answer . We were going to we are trying to plan for how were going to complete those and theres Strategic Planning to finish that process and and how we do those is in the works and weve identified most of those recommendation thats we dont believe that well be able to accomplish and the reason why. Its not for a lack of not wanting to but just this contract expiration for i saw purpose and plan to. And on top of the 600,000 we want for phase 3 and the department of justice. Are you referring to Hillard Hines and if its being paid by the department of justice it would be no. What we are as chief scott identified although is to work with the San Francisco Police Department and identify ways in way they can accomplish the objectives and identify a roadmap and. We would not do that. It does not mean that the department will not make a good faith effort to get that done. We will not get 272. We hope they do. Is we have a process where it could occur but some things beyond the department and may prohibit for accomplishing some of the recommendations. What id like to do im sorry. Sorry, i was going to see if msh that and they have to exist on a spread sheet somewhere. Its 1. 25 million. I would like to give and some of the answers they have. Thank you, president yee. I think we will be able to address some of the questions in the presentation you are about to see. Go ahead. Were going to put it up on the screen. Can you all see. Not yet. So were going to spend probably a little bit based on the questions maybe a minute or two on some of the slides and i think it will provide some of the answers particularly to supervisor waltons questions and some in sight on that. Next slide, please. I want to spend and whatel collaborative process means and what it means of how we got to the funding scenario were in right now and one of the advantages for municipal Police Department to engage in collaborative and we were one of 13 departments that the usdoj engage with was the usdoj provided not only the Technical Assistance and working with the usdoj and Reform Initiatives. Next slide, please. This timeline in terms of supporting this work. In april of 2016, the office and city and county of San Francisco entered into an mou that provide the layout of how we worked together on this initiative and in june bodyworn cameras were implemented and i want to go and im going to fast forward because part of what was talked about earlier with the line of questions to was how we stratified the recommendations and as you can see, in december of 2016, updated and revised of our use of force policy because that foundational work really i think laid the foundation for us to have a chance of success to reduce the number particularly in terms of the officerinvolved shooting that force you might recall banned the shooting from moving vehicles and really emphasizes the sank at this time teat this timetee revisions f Youth Support policies so in 2017, i was appointed as i said, my commitment from the start has been to implement all 272 and work with the stakeholders and the Police Commission and others to implement 272 recommendations in february of 2017, we restructured the Police Department to support this work and command staff is restructured and and really our focus was to support and sustain collaborative reform and fast forward and im going to skip through some of this but september of 2017, this is important because this was typical. When the u. S. Doj went in a different direction and they terminated our mou, our reform mou, so, at the time mayor lee was still alive and discussions with the commission was that we were committed to continue the work and to figure out a way to find new collab are tive partners to continue to work and part of that decisionmaking process, ended up being in a place where the city and county of San Francisco had to fund the portion that previously the u. S. D. O. J. Funded which was the consultant. To supervisor waltons question since we are work on the and we have other issues bodycorn camera and other things and we committed to but in terms of consult apartment and the collaborative work and involved in that and the and it was done and i think this question was asked earlier, Hillard Hines and because they had already worked with us had to be institutional and knowledge of working with the department and the part of what wept into this, is Hillard Hines had been involved in all the Community Focus groups and all the processes that led us to the 272 recommendations so, they knew this department so they worked with us and we qualified this for sou sole source. [please stand by] [please stand by] [please stand by] [please stand by] 272 recommendations as miss morgan stated. It took us 11 months to craft those compliance measures after we engage with the contract with Hillard Hines. Re assess all the time and one of the work thats been difficult prior to these compliance measures to explain the work in progress, is you see here in this chart, 663 of the compliance measures have been completed and now, of that 663, i want to make it clear, some of that is selfassessment and collaborative partners and check north and seeing where we are on things as i talked about with the pre screening and working with our collaborative partners like were supposed to for Technical Assistance, and some of those were actually verified recommend recommendations but the total sum is 663 which is about twothirds of the work we have completed and the progress further for 332 and as i stated, some of those are going to be more charging than others because of budgetary conditions and the like and we have identified those and were going to work through that as well and we do plan to finish each one of those and were done with all 272 recommendations. Next slide, please. Here, again, illustrates the process of how policy revision and policy issuance so ill start really at the bottom, if you look at identification and to the left of the bottom towards the bottom. California dojscri identification. And, port of this process that was stated when asked about what that means is when the california doj, the department of justice, and Hillard Hines the consultant are done, then we have a way to keep the work going because were always looking for continuance improvement and looking for feedback of our work. Through audits and through assessments and debriefing and theyre implemented on operational procedures now and so we have this continuous feedback as part of the reform and thats how things are institutionalized. You keep that word how do we institutionalize. And in other words, also, how do we change the culture. You follow the circle to the right and sponsors and lips the way our work is broking down is we have commanders each reform is responsible for one category and they have leadership teams, project managers if you will, that go through the ranks and chain of commands and that help implement the recommendations and get to work done. And that is all documented and tracked by our Strategic Management bureau headed by Professionals Staff none sworn and executive person, executive director catherine mcgwire which was a structural change we made and what flows out of that are the workshops and the work groups and the Community Process and the input and strengthens our policymaking ability and gives the Community Input and weve had some challenges there. Working through that and i believe were in a much better place as evidence by what we heard from Community Members and our latest Commission Meeting when the Community Policing dgo is approved and when our bias dgo was approved a couple months ago so weve improved. And then, the Police Commission, which is the oversight body of the Police Commission, i mean of the Police Department, is that the Police Commission is the oversight body. Theres other forms of accountability. Of course accountable to the board of supervisors and and its updated tomorrow night and we do that on a monthly basis and theyve been involved in this process from the start. I just want to reemphasize that that theyve had a roll in this process from the start but they are the oversight. Thats how the charter is set up and thats how were set up in the city and they do provide that oversight. And then we come to the right side, the bottom of the meet and confer process and it can be frustrateing and there was a time where some policies went to meet and confer and they shouldnt have and those issues have been resolved and worked out and we have identified the deficiency and done everything to approve those and we have the labor delivers and they expedited that process so we believe were in a good place. We are in a much better place with that so you will see moving forward, is a expedited meet and confer process where we dont have the type of delays well seen in the past and policy issuance and then the circle just repeats itself and policy issuance is not meant to be forever. And part of this process of reform is we have have to identify when our policy is stale and outdated and we have to have the ability to change them quickly in some cases and now we have that ability because of we have had issues with that and i think we are well along in terms of fixing many of those issues and i think that has gotten us to where we are now and we have described we are in a good cadence right now so im going to say one other thing and turn it over to deputy chief yee but with the cadence, you will see it at the end but i want to say it now just to introduce this thought to everybody. We do have a plan and our goal is to get two substantial compliance and at least i think the numbers 120 and within the next six months or so. 120. Which will put us at roughly 334 i think is the exact number if were successful. Im sorry, 234. We may go above that and i want to say this because the fact that we conversation was putting down in peoples minds in terms of the commitment and and we intend to complete them though and and were going to complete as many as we can while we have the advantage of now i will shift it over to deputy chief yee for the first collaborative reform and topic or category recruitment hiring and personnel practices. [please stand by] the members of the San Francisco Police Departments recruitment unit are committed to focused outreach to recruit, reform, mentor, and train possible recruitments. Due to covid19, it has reset our recruitment efforts and strategies, but we are still focusing on recruiting from within the San Francisco community and supporting those applicants interested in a career in San Francisco. Another initiative that was created was the staffing the deployment unit. It provides process and Data Analytics on our efforts and recruitment hiring retention and our deployment of our personnel. Next slide, please. Once qualifies and desirable applicants have been identified, they are eligible to participate in an Upcoming Academy class. Next slide, please. The information on this slide shows the demographic makeup of our Police Academy classes. Percentage of white recruits over the years have decreased and the hispanic recruits have increased. The department is committed it recruiting and hiring female Police Officers. In 2017, the department focused on c. M. L. Applicants through a targeted Advertising Campaign which included physical ability and workout sessions three times a month. In 2019, 22 of the recruits who entered the academy were female. This is the highest percentage of c. M. L. S in the past 12 hours. Females makeup approximately 13 of Law Enforcement agencies nationwide. The department is committed to maintaining our recruitment efforts to exceed the national average. As of october 2020, the San Francisco Police Departments sworn makeup is 85 male and 15 female. Thank you. Okay. So we had to minimize that to unmute, and were going to go into bias free policing, the next category. Next slide, please, so lets start with some ownership here of the p. D. Theres some many disparities that we have to face in the city of San Francisco particularly people of color, latinx, African American and hispanic. And some of the things that we definitely acknowledge and figure out we have to do better on are on the screen. I want to take a second to go through that. Another significant finding between 2016 and 2018, there was an overall decline in the disparity in the use of force, and we are actually happy with that progress, but we have a long way to go on this one, and so this is really important to us in terms of working with communities of color, issues of crime, some of the toughest issues that we have to face in our city are in those same communities, so this is definitely a priority for us. Next slide, please. And as i talk about that, i want to make sure that everybody understands that we own this, and we are committed to doing better, and thats what this reform is about, knowing that theres a lot of work that remains to be done. So one of the Guiding Principles in terms of our Police Department is treating people with fairness, dignity, and respect, and thats really the foundation of bias free policing. And as mentioned here, we are doing a lot of work in this area. There are, in total, 54 resolutions to bias free policing. We have complied with many of the compliance measures on many of the recommendations that remain to be submitted for review. There is a significant amount of work that has been done and that is continually done in this area, and we are committed to making sure we continually improve in this area. A couple of highlights. Some of our progress in this area was mentioned by miss morgan, our department general order 5. 17, which is a policy on prohibiting biased policing. And, you know, that that the process that i described earlier with Community Input, the Bias Working Group with members throughout the community that helped us craft that policy, the cast d. O. J. , department of justice, that provided their Technical Assistance, Hillard Hines is providing their Technical Assistance. And i know this department general order took over two years to get to the finish line. This one went to meetandconfer a couple of months after that after we brought the labor director on board, so i hope this gives some indication that we made a significant progress in the systems and infrastructure to be successful here, and as was mentioned to [inaudible] bias by proxy on how to deal with that. Supervisor walton, i know this resonates with you, with the karen act, and i know this policy resonates with that type of legislation, because if somebody uses their bias to call our office when they shouldnt be there, were not going to act on other peoples biases and make the situation worse. So this is good work. Thanks to our many partners, collaborative and Community Partners on this, but this is an example, and the reason were highlighting this is this is an example of what Police Reform is in this city, and what it can be moving forward. Our department general order 5. 22, thats another policy that were a leader in, that other departments are looking at, other folks are looking at in terms of this type of policy. And again, work groups, Community Process, leadership from the Police Commission, all the things that had to come together to get this together past the finish line is what this reform is all about. These arent, in and of themselves, the final answer. The final answer president yee chief scott . Yes. President yee i wanted to remind you that youre only halfway through your slides, so anything you can do to speed it up would be appreciated. Yes, i think we can speed it up. Most of what we wanted to cover were covered up to now. Next slide, please. So again, our stops and searches have all decreased, and weve made progress. The slide i want to highlight is the blue line is white, the orange line is African Americans. The most significant declines in this area are the orange lines. When you look at the statistics th , that weve made progress in the African Americans. Use of force, i already talked about use of force, so i should be able to get through this pretty quickly. Next slide. Ive already talked about 5. 01, and laid that foundation. Thats the department general order. N weve already revised it once, and now were revising it a second time. This is one of the areas where weve had some delays because of funding and whatnot, just the technology needed to get us to where we need to be. We will it happen to move forward on that, but there are some challenges there. Next slide. Again, real quickly, ive already talked about some of this, so i just want to point out the process again. Working with the commission through their leadership, working with community, working with the department of Police Accountability to always put ourselves in a position to revise policies when those positions are needed. Thats when recommendation 3. 1 and 3. 2 are about. Weve been found in substantial compliance with both of those, and i think that was one of the reasons we were so quickly to be able to adjust or use of force policy after the george floyd incident. Next slide, please. And this has already been stated, but ill just quickly we are are really happy with this particular graphic in just being able to constantly reduce use of force from 2016 to now. Part of it was passing 96a and had to be collected. If you look at where we were there and where we are now, thats significant efforts in terms of reducing force. The sharpest decline is with the African American dem s demographic, and thats something that weve made progress on, but we still have a way to go because we still have disparities. And talking about the officer reductions in shooting, this slide shows a 20year look at officer involved shootings, and you can see on our average on a rolling average is significantly reduced where it is now and from where its been over the past 20 years. Next slide. This slide just illustrates the volume of calls and the proportionality of how many force incidents were used. And it also shows the decline over time where also force has decreased, pointing of a weapon has gone down significantly, 53. 7 . So just a significant slide representation. Next slide, im going to turn this over to commander denise parity, and this is something that we really want the board to see because we are asked quite often, how do we know that its working . How is it get to ting to the rankandfile officers . Commander flaherty, who was captain flaherty at the time, its our critical training and coordinated response, youll see what this has did none in s of the rankandfile and how its impacted training and how they do business, which is what were all about, so well turn it over to commander flaherty at this point. Thank you. President yee, can you hear me . President yee yes. Good evening, supervisors. I am commander denise flaherty. My Accountability Team has 20 project managers working together on the completion of 68 recommendations. Within each recommendation are a set of compliance measures. Quite simply, a compliance measure is a task that we must complete in order to reach the compliance of a recommendation. The number of compliance measures within said recommendations can vary. There are 226 compliance measures within the accountability objectives, and to date, our team has successfully completed 199, leaving only 27 compliance measures for on us team to focus on. As a compliance measure, i know that this requires more than just policy reform. It has demanded an expansion of how we document practices, and it has showed us the importance of audit improvement move, showing us the importance of sustainability reform and allowing us to build on what we have achieved. Next slide. We have developed an auditing plan and schedule for both routine and risk audit. By prioritizing audits, we have the ability to identify key risks in operational issues within the department. We have broadened our partnership and collaboration with the department of Police Accountability, provided in general order 2. 04, complaints against officers, and establishing the discipline review board, which will examine inefficiencies, policy gaps, and protocols for the complaint system and discipline process. For our community, we have expanded our reporting process on complaints and disciplines and officer involved shootings, and certain transparency for our communities. Community workshops are held, affording our community an understanding of the complaint process and the roles and responsibilities of each agency. Our work on these recommendations has guided us on the development of practices that measure, analyze, and transfer officer misconduct. It collects and shares data, policy, and procedures with the public. As mentioned previously, we have fod identified monthly [inaudible] with the complaint and discipline process. Collaboratively, we have developed a disciplinary penalty and referral guidelines for sworn members, assuring timeliness of complaint investigations, and basically recommending progressive discipline. As we have worked through accountability recommendations, we have done so through the lens of how do we hold ourselves accountable, and how will we hold each other accountable . In 2018, our officers were involved in events that made us ask, how can we do better . And finally, the ever important debrief, a process by which our officers can openly and honestly critique each others actions. In 2019, critical mindset and coordinated response training began, and since its implementation, our officers have committed to the principles of this training, which means we have seen Better Outcomes through leadership and coordination, improving ourselves through team reflection, and finally, we have seen how mindset through team action can change the model of policing. At this time, we would like to share with you a portion of an upcoming presentation, which is an officer testimonial video on how they responses have been with critical mindset and coordinated response training. Patrol officers want training. Patrol officers want to be better, but they need the opportunity to do so. Were making Police Officers more interested because were showing that theres a vested interest, and we care in them doing things better, we care about them doing things safer, we care about them evolving, and we care about them getting better. One thing i see on patrol are officers eager and hungry to debrief, officers eager and hungry to coordinate together, officers that are eager and hungry to train together and to be prepared for these situations. The feedback that we see is the officers are really getting it because theyre practicing it, and were seeing it in reallife situations and in real life on the streets, then we know that the projects being pushed out there are working. Im noticed that the officers coming to the presentations are eager to learn so they can implement it on the streets. I think its probably one of the most important trainings that we as a department have had in a very long time. Its kind of what the Department Needs right now. Its just being able to slow things down. They want to be able to come up with a team, they want to be able to come up with a game plan. [inaudible] youre seeing people become leaders, youre seeing people taking over a scene. Youre seeing supervisors stepping back, rather than having supervisors be in the mix with you, and youre getting new insights because everyone sees things differently. When i was an officer on patrol, i came upon an incident where i thought we could have done better. I was approached by an officer who said he wanted to do better because he saw a lot of things in his eyes that werent done correctly. That really left a mark. In the coordinating response training, one of the biggest things that ive latched onto is the debriefing. Its not just the supervisor that sparks this debrief process. It can be a junior officer, it can be a senior officer, every call, every situation that you go to, theres always something positive and always something that we work on in regards to that incident, and we can involve that in the future communicating with one another. Before, i never really, like, broke down what like why i made the decision i made, but now, like, after taking the c. P. R. , debriefing has really helped me learn from my mistakes. Also, it has created better communication with my partner. Now we know how each other works. Every day, every situation, we use debriefing as a way to learn from each other. After cmcr, me and my partner, we debrief, and it just makes us stronger. It helps everyone learn and learn from every situation. Every call we go to is different. No two calls are the same, and by conducting debriefs even in the most mundane situations, those comments are going to make you better even in a high stress situation. I think one important aspect to cmcr is that youre always learning. Its something that they can utilize immediately. It involves concepts of team work and leadership. If you think about a high stress situation, if every officer is working together as a team, and not each officer has an individual plan on how theyre going to resolve the situation, its going to work out better. I tend to coordinate with other people on scene and see it from a different lens. I think im slowing things down more and becoming safer for everyone. As a junior officer, i rely on Senior Officers to kind of handle the situations, but now, i feel a lot more comfortable if i see theyre stuck on an idea, they can say hey, maybe try this instead. I im welcoming other peoples opinions and just taking more of a team aspect instead of making an individual action. A lot of times, things are being done before [inaudible] now its more beneficial as far as [inaudible]. Okay. Thank you, supervisors. So this is the last section, the last category, Community Policing, and just as short. Everything leading up to this point in this presentation, all the other four categories really feeds into what Community Policing is about, and that is four tenets five, actually. And the way we form it, in this city, those five categories ending with Community Policing all go to our ability to garner trust, in some cases, rebuild trust, in some cases, gain trust when weve never had it. But when we do all the other things right, we address bias, we address use of force, and we reduce the supports, and we reduce disparities, and we address accountability and also held accountable and all the other things, that we held the right people and we do things right, then we can tie into our Community Policing and values. I want to just point out next slide, please

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