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Begins calling out reserve is to fight its worn ukraine. Ah oclock, this is our desert life and also coming up russias foreign minister rejects western accusations of ukraine walking out of the Security Council doctrine speak. Ah, the United States announces sanctions against around morality. Police is protest, continue over the death of a woman arrested by the force. Census figures show that catholics out and im a protestant nyland for the 1st time ever. I think to push you focused on iris unity. So hundreds of protest this had been detained across russia after president putin announced a partial military mobilization on wednesday and had tickets out of the country sold out. Traffic is surging up border crossings with finland and georgia burnett. Smith begins our coverage. Oh, theres not much time to say good bye here in soccer. Russias far east. Most of these men had only 24 hours. Notice that they were being drafted into rushes army that some of the 300000 reservists being called up to fight in ukraine. I not every one is going willingly. I and da gaston russia said the most hip reservists confront a woman at the military commission. Whats it for this war . This man shouts, i lepeu to protect his own palaces, not hide behind our men and children. There is still a few who summon the courage to protest against present by the mere putins announcement of a partial mobilization of civilians. This was in Saint Petersburg to swing about them. So my boyfriend received today a notification from military commissary at, so he can come out here, but i came because i dont want our young men to be taken away. When we came to protect our friends, our fathers and our relatives who they want to take to the war, the brutal war against ukraine. One Monitoring Group says at least 1300 people have been detained in 38 cities. But alignment the middleton, his public, most russians get the news from state levy and more than 70 percent of them definitely, or mostly support or putting coals a special military operation. Ukraine. Thats according to a poll by an independent Russian Organisation before the draft was announced, which European Commission says more than half a 1000000 russians have left the country since the invasion began in february. This was the border with georgia on wednesday. Finland has also seen a spike in arrivals. The only remaining direct flights to european cities is some bullen belgrade that sold out of or is horrible. So its like a to be afraid to health war and things. But those men who are eligible for military service will not be allowed to leave russia. They will have to stay and fight. And they dont know when theyll see their families again. Bernard smith houses, there are maxim edwards, as a journalist, and editor at belin, cat and open source investigative website. He explains whats behind prudence decision to mobilize, reservists, it say, response of course to ukraine. Then startling successes in the market region and for basically the entirety of the special military operation is the kremlin calls it the kremlin, has been doing everything and can to avoid the full mobilization focusing instead on using volunteers as they call them from across the regions. Often with financial incentives and increasingly scraping the barrel, weve also seen some evidence that conscripts might add that as i convicts from prisons might actually be some of the next groups to be conscripted. But the partial mobilization is the criminal cause. That is, as you, for mistake as its special military operation for the war, because the actual law itself is very vague about the limits of who want to be conscripted. And a really important thing to remember is that actually locks in Contract Service mon, currently serving in ukraine to the current deployment, so that i cant tear up that contracts, they can ask them more money. They come voluntarily leaves and it also severely increases the penalty for desertion or surrendering to the Ukrainian Armed forces. Finland is considering borrowing, most russians from entering the country. Officials say traffic at the border has sharp increase in prisons. Military mobilization was enough. As one of the few entry points into europe for russian citizens after a number of western countries brought into restrictions after the invasion of ukraine. In ukraine, rushing back to authority say at least 6 civilians were killed in a missile strike in the separate controlled city of dynette. They say you creating forces were responsible for the time which hits the market in many bus regions. Moscow, back to administration is holding a referendum on unification with russia this weekend. Keith says the vote is a sham. This actually stay deserves the un Security Council to send a clear message to rush over its invasion of ukraine in its thinly veiled threats to use nuclear weapons. Antony blinking, describe moscows language, is reckless, saying it must stop. Unofficial. Has this. There have been Security Council meetings in ukraine before, but this is by far the highest level meeting since the war began. When the woman, the, the latest developments are dangerous and disturbing. They are further steps away from any prospect of peace and towards an endless cycle of horror and bloodshed. As a permanent member of the council, russia has previously be to any efforts to deny its attack in ukraine. And in reality, theres little the council can do to stop the fighting. One man chose this war. One man can ended. Because if russia stops fighting, the war ends. If ukraine stops fighting ukraine ends, Russian Foreign minister sergey lover of only appeared in the chamber just moments before his turn to speak. He insisted what the russians call the special military operation was inevitable after the 2014 revolution in ukraine and his mother in law. And im certainly proposing that there is an attempt to day to impose on us a completely different narrative about russian aggression as the origin of the tragedy. This ignores the fact that for over 8 years go Ukrainian Army and fighters from the nationalist groups killed and continue to kill. Inhabitants of done boss with impunity. Simply because they refused to recognize the result of the kuda. Tar was in key if. When he finished his remarks, the russian diplomat left something the british did not ignore his left the chamber. Im not surprised. I dont think mister leverage wants to hear the collective condemnation of this council and ukraines foreign minister didnt let the moment pass either. I also noted to day that Russian Diplomats flee almost as aptly as russian soldiers. He called for peace, he called for support. And he had this warning for russia yesterday, put in announced mobilization. But what he really announced before the whole world was his defeat. You can draft 30500000 people that you will never win this war. The meeting was called to discuss alleged abuses and atrocities and ukraine. The International Criminal Court Announced its own investigation in march, and the chief prosecutor told the counsel that while no one has been charged yet, there is growing evidence that war crimes have been committed. Alan fisher al jazeera at the United Nations in new york. Israels Prime Minister has spoken of his support for 2 state solution with the palestinians during an address to the u. N. C. Jeremy assembly. Yeah, le petes comments come after years of his ready leaders avoiding the topic on the un stage. Israel, economic and military strength allows us to protect ourselves, but hed also allows us Something Else to strive for. Peace was the entire world and with our closest neighbors, the palestinians. An agreement with the palestinians, based on the 2 states for 2 people, is the right thing for his rest security for his rest economy. And for the future of our children. And its me not to my can, his life was from at un headquarters in new york. It might tell us what else he had to say. Well, its significant her that t i. E le appeared, use that terminology in terms of talking about a 2 state solution, phrasing it as essential to the security of israel. Now this is something that we havent heard from an israeli leader for a long period of time hawking back to the days of a labor leader like a hood brock. For example, the concept that a 2 state solution is a part of 8 security net for israel is something that has been absent from his railey political discussion for long period of time. The last time anybody spoke about a 2 state solution was back in 2015 when or be it reluctantly. Benjamin netanyahu was referring to it, but then embarked on a massive Settlement Expansion campaign, particularly a, with what he saw as the backing and encouragement of the then us administration. And donald trump. So this a significant step, once again, given the venue as well within the United Nations general assembly, but also given the fact that theres going to be an election taking place in israel. In november, the 1st, many observers believe that citing or supporting a 2 state solution could be politically damaging. And already some members of la p its own coalition have expressed concern about the fact that he said this publicly in the United Nations. And certainly from the opposing coalition and benjamin netanyahu, theres be matters a criticism and also some lee as to what they see as rapid exposing himself to the anger of israeli voters. So a significant step by the israeli Prime Minister or beer to potentially politically damaging one and moving to the situation as and as a by john and armenia any follow up to lincolns meetings with the Foreign Ministers . Well, no, the follow up as yet. We did hear from the armenian Prime Minister in the course of the day and nicole pushing young as striking out and as commenting very angrily about what he terms as a, by johns aggression. In recent times, he was also very careful to point out that this was an attack not only against the sovereignty of armenia, but also he contends an attack on its territory. Why this was different from the last major conflict between these 2 countries. The way back in 2020 was that that conflict took place in the enclave of nagondo kara buck. Whereas this conflict took place on the armenian border. And in fact, within armenia itself. In particular, in the area of jem aka, which is the major, a tourist area of armenia. So the armenian Prime Minister making great play of this asking for the United Nations for the European Union to stock taking concrete action. And in addition to actually established fact, finding missions to persuade as a by john to allow that finding missions to get into and go no car back, which he contends is still suffering massive earth situation or human rights situation, as well as humanitarian suit situation in the wake of that lengthy conflict way back in 2020 as to whether theres been any response to the early it is u. S. Secretary of state asking the parties to hold another meeting. There has been no response. And given the tenor of that speech to day, its unlikely to be forthcoming, particularly as we will have the as a by johnny, as speech taking place in the next 48 hours. Thats likely to be fiery, in terms of responding to the attack by the armenian Prime Minister. And they thought, mike, thanks very much. A palestinian man has been shot dead by an off duty. Israeli Police Officer authorized suspected stabbing at an intersection in central israel. It happened near the israeli city if it were dean on a major highway Israeli Police claim the attacker approached a number of vehicles spraying tear gas at people and trying to open car doors. Still a head her now dessert, dizziness because trillion. Take a stand that calling from end to the of british monarchies room plus why court and pakistan may throw out content charges against former Prime Minister in run ah, the journey has begun the faithful world copies on its way to catherine book. Your travel package to day low, its been hot all summer in chicago temperature dropping down now. And japan likewise is had hot and she would weather and thats not gonna change very much that zoom in a bit on western china. Were attempt dropping because rain is developing and john king coming along the yanks, youre staying to the south. And for the north, in jan temps, dunaway teens back where it should be really still hot in the southeast. In for john, for example, down towards hong kong, which are at 34. 00, shouldnt be quite that high, but is come down in shanghai. But i did mention japan is bit hot and humid or what all saba still fairly hot, but not quite as much. Still fairly humid and has been wet and that rate is still edging away. The eastern side of honshu come the end of saturday that a bit of a quiet down bit of a loss and humidity. The seasonal rain, the rain belt around the world is now coming slow, slow the south with the sun, but expect some sort of flooding. Certainly, st flooding and city flooding in cambodia and thailand, sudden vietnam and maybe northern vietnam and increasingly flight luzon could see some heavy rain in fats harden. Pick a piece of land that hasnt got showers on it, which is typical this time of year. The monsoon rains are coming away slowly from rochester, but theyve not gone completely away. Official and line of the john, i am a related to the feet in the all africa, the other continents, right . If legal a means i guess the best means in africa will really be interesting to see how when miss i gathered together for a tournament, unlike any other conflict with expecting even all right. The african cod unhuman and pupils rise is now ins, best in witness africa. On al jazeera, ah ah ha, daniel what she out 0 mind about top stories, disa and hundreds of protesters have been detained across russia after president vladimir putin. It out to partial military mobilization on wednesday. One way. Tickets out of the country have sold the Health Traffic is searched at the finish and georgia border crossings. The essex, your status of the un Security Council to send a clear message to russia over its invasion of ukraine and its tried to use nuclear weapons. Brushing foreign minister, so gay lever often blamed Ukrainian Government from making the conflict inevitable. Israels Prime Minister is told the un general assembly, he supports a 2 state solution with palestinians. Yeah, let me to says, this is important for israel security. So the 1st time is ready to has discussed, to face ignition since 2015. The us is a non sanctions on several members of iran, so called Morality Police follows the death of masa. Amelie died last week of being arrested for literally not complying with the countries headscarf regulations. The forces accused by the u. S. Of abuse and violence against iranian women and of violating the rights of peaceful protesters. Those placed under the sanctions include the head of the morality, police, as well as the commander of the armies Ground Forces in irans minister of intelligence and jordan as well. Now from washington, d. C. The u. S. Has been long concerned about human rights abuses inside iran, and the death of messiah meaning is just one more reason why the government is a using executive order, 13553, thats issued by the white house to punish those that the u. S. Government believes are responsible, not just for masa means death, but for the culture that would allow this sort of thing to happen. And in short, this basically means that the 7th senior officials in the iranian government, dallas security forces, i should say, as well as the morality of police force itself. Any assets that they have here in the United States, whether its land or bank account, or other real property, the u. S. Government has seized all of that material. Along with that, the owner of these people would be able to get a visa to come to the United States. Its sending a message to the authorities into hon. That this is not something that the u. S. Is going to ignore its worth pointing out that rob malley, who is the u. S. Official in charge of trying to get recon firm re confirmation. I should saying of the Iran Nuclear Deal has tweeted out that he is behind the statement by the us president joe biden. And as well as of the secretary of state antony blink. And decrying muslim meaning death and calling for some sort of resolution. Calling for justice in her death. I mean while protest continuing in her on over muster, i mean these dessie really unprecedented called demonstrations of kale over him raise, he ordered an investigation into a minis day. And these 9 people have died during the last study, missouri ham, go to their house. They have always been protests and we hear their demands. But theres a difference between rise and protests. What it is, nobody accepts riots to have a demonstration against policy or anything else in random. We have freedom of speech return receipt on Different Levels of differences of opinion. Thats not a problem at all, but when there is a riot different than a protest, i mean its racy. Made the comments during a wide ranging press conference in new york to michelles the for quite a while for the rain. President s are just one of the main concerns or issues with regards to iran, country, and that is the nation wide protests that have been spreading across the country over the past couple of days following the killing or the death of that young running girl, or allegedly at the hands of the Morality Police there, as the president says, he said that it was still not clear as far as the investigations was going on, whether she did die at the hands of both morality did however say that he contacted her family. He said that there was a rights for iranians to protest. Differentiates between what he described as peaceful protest vandalism. However, he fell short of talking about what type of accountability would happen. He said that there was a need for the traditional process to take it. You course before anything could happen that aside, the other main issue of discussion or draft by the reading present as well as the nuclear deal, the j. C. P. O, and any hope that it could be revived. The firm on that run spawns with regard to guarantees needed from any new deal that the United States would not renee on its commitments, as he says its had done in the previous deals. There was no discussion, however, or address about the situation in syria accountability for obviously the war time is committed thereby around to ally the regime or other topics there new senses information is revealed that for the 1st time ever, Northern Ireland has more catholics and protestants. Northern islands, but where protestant population has seen its majority steadily decline since the states creation of the partition of island by the british a century ago. Most of the Protestant Community favor remaining part of the u. K. While catholics historically favor irish unit re unification. The island of island was partitioned in 1922 with that. What was to become the republic of ireland levy . The United Kingdom by then Northern Islands population had a 2 thirds majority of protestants who were overwhelming meet pro british the census held in 20013 years after power sharing arrangement was reached. Shad 53 percent of the population identified as protestant and 44 percent as catholic with thursday. Census result show 45. 7 percent now identifies catholic compared with 43. 5 percent as protestants. David mitchell is an assistant professor in conflict resolution and reconciliation at Trinity College in dublin. And he says it, although the census information could hasten a referendum of irish unity, the picture is more complex than it. Once was. Religious identity doesnt automatically translate into political preference. I mean, historically, catholics prove irish, im protestant, ive been through pro british, but the figures are different in terms of national identity. The for example, in terms of british only identity people at 31. 9 percent. And irish only is 29 point one percent. And so its, its that doesnt translate into majority for iris, unity, but it will add to the sort of the trends and the, the sort of sense of the direction that Northern Ireland is going in. The trend in the sense this has already been showing up in election so 2017192021. And weve seen this change. Were union as a Political Union isnt shrinking and the growth of the other community, as we call it, the non lines people who vote for the Community Alliance party and the green party. And that other block, which is the by 20 percent or so. Its going to have the deciding vote in any referendum on an irish unity. So i think what all these figures together mean that the 2 big blocks unionism and nationalism theyre going to have to lose and went over to the, the other group. And theyre going to have to do that with, with pragmatic economic arguments rather than the old political and religious and cultural arguments that we had in the past. Already seen by madame a straight munition from fighting men mar, landing inside its territory. Kind of a challenging post. Now from the minimum bangladesh border. Intense fighting on the other side of the butter is billing over into bangladesh. 22 year old knobby who sent flat to no mans land with his family 5 years ago. But mortar shells from men mar, have still found him, that they will shut up. They are hanging out near disconnect when a motor shelf fell about 50 meters away from us, killing one of my friends in injuring 5 for flesh. And as we dont distribute it since august at least 12 mortar shells fired from man mark have landed any longer there should territory and security have been typing in the border areas. This is tim rose, south is bangladesh. Even while we were filming martyr shelves exploded on the other side, close to us fighting between the rock kind but this rebel and me and my military continue near the bung with butter, causing panic in the community is an increasing fear among the living and no mans land, the escalating tensions have driven more ro hanger into bangladesh. Are blue, crossed over recently with full family members. We have not identified him at his request. I thought a better thought of the way we left our home village because of the intense fighting between the rock and rebels and the men mon millage. The military told us this is not a country. You should leave that, they started a techno village with helicopters and heavy weapons. Bangladesh kindly offers refuge to nearly 1100000 ro, anger, and the government said it will not allow any more to enter bangladesh. Ah, ah knight to sin bangladesh as a responsible and peaceful country you have seen, we have been tackling all these issues as much patience for quite some time. Now. We told them to resolve their internal crisis, that there are no more casualties and bloodshed on our side. Here the un Security Council is considering a resolution demanding an end to all violence in me, unmarked. But bangladesh is not optimistic about it, as is initiated, previously failed to pressure me and mar to change its policies. Sandwich audrey Al Jazeera Tom route myanmar, bangladesh border. Pakistan full of Prime Minister ranken has apologized for threatening a judge called was charged with contempt to court over his remarks during the ruddy last month, which was seen as a threat to a sitting judge for Prime Minister. Say several charges whos been ousted like that in a conference like well, hydra has buena, from his level the, some of the High Court Date of the 22nd of september to indict the former Prime Minister. Madame ron con, he of course, period before the god of god and requested the court that the former Prime Minister in wrong conjured be allowed to come on the rostrum. Enron con, of course, then came to the card that he apologized and was willing to go to the lady, judge andrew apologized to the chief justice, then observing that that was indeed praiseworthy. Moved by the former Prime Minister on him for an issue and effort. David read and magic one week. Now weve been talking to legal experts about what this case were all about. And they said, what do you had to say the some of the high court has said that in run hon. Speech was effectively criminal contempt. His comments were criminal contempt in that he had issued allegedly a threat to the concert judge. And as a result, he has tried to intimidate the court into some kind of an outcome and therefore its the, its an obstruction of justice. Effectively iran hahn and his response to this allegation said that he had not intended to do any such thing that he wants to take his words back. If it, if it amounts to contempt, he even offered that. He will apologize to the confirmed lady judge in person if given the opportunity the law me about high gord earlier was said to try and get it as im charged against the former Prime Minister and where the expected appears on the 3rd of october. That discharge of content may also be dropped off the policy. Indigenous groups and australia have held rallies and several cities calling for an end to the british. Monex stinks, this is had a state that demanding the return of land as well as recognition of atrocities committed against indigenous brilliant during british rule. Circle reports now from camera a minute silence as a strengthens paid tribute to the queen. This would be the most fitting memorial to a magnificent life of service to others. May her majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd rest in eternal peace, but not unless trillions have embraced the national day of mourning. Instead, protest is in state. Capitals have voiced her position, demanding recognition of the suffering that Indigenous People endured during british colonization. The monarchs, representative in australia, has acknowledged that the queens death has prompted abroad to bite about the countrys colonial past, unconscious, and respect that the response of many 1st nations strides his shape by uh, colonial history and broader reconciliation journey. That is a journey we as a nation, must complete the tent. Embassy is a National Landmark representative of the campaign for aboriginal rights. This year marks the 50th anniversary since it was erected, but the death of the queen has re ignited the movement. Once again. Its also spot conversations about a strategy future under

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