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In homs. Three al jazeera journalists back in court on World Press Freedom day first, afghan Officials Say more than 2,000 people may have been killed in a landslide in the northeast of the country. United nations which has been running a rescue operation has not been able to confirm the figure. It was in the region of badakhshan, in a mountainous region. Rescuers are facing a tough time to reach the affected village. Reporter they spent the night in the open. During nearfreezing temperatures looking over what used to be their homes, and preying for any sign of life. Everyone is trapped here. Hours after the landslide the priority shifted from trying to find survivors, from keeping those that did, alive. Due to the nature of the catastrophic event, its any likelihood the people recovering has now disappeared. At the moment we are focussing on getting materials, nonfood items and food and other stuff into the place. Days of rain caused the side of this mountain to collapse. A wall of mud and rock swept into the village, destroying all in its way. Hundreds of homes buried, many still nz. Around 4,000 people are in need of shelter. Translation i ask the afghan businessmen and the government to provide humanitarian assistance to these people. Volunteers from nearby villages have come to the remote area of northeastern afghanistan with tools and shovels to help rescuers. Its been hard for teams to reach the site. The narrow rain has been damaged by rain, and heavy machinery cant be used. The hillside is unstable adding to fears that another part may cave in. A group of International Military observers held captive in slovyansk have been freed. Observers were there as part of a security operation for europe. They were seized by separatists, saying one of them was a spy. Ukranian Government Troops are involved in a new offensive against prorussian groups in the east. They are trying to retake government buildings. That comes a day after Government Forces launched a major operation in the nearby rebel stronghold of slovyansk. Paul brennan is live in donetsk. O. S. C. E. Observers are freed. Tell us more about what happened . The referee what we have been told is we are on the road side in donetsk. We are awaiting the arrivals of oece observers, theres a cop contingent prepared to take them further south. Security here are twitchy. We have been told that others are aware of our location here. Everywhere is on a height state of alert. What we have been told in relation to the freedom of those o. S. C. E. Observers is that a joint effort was made with the Russian Special envoy, together with the council of europe. They came here at 5am, basically at dawn, and special envoy lukin wept went into slovyansk to secure the release of these detainees. All 12 have been released. They are making their way south, carefully and slowly, as i understand it, because of the situation on the roads, coming south from slovyansk, and they have been delayed a little bit because of unrest and fighting in a little town north of here. We are hopeful of seeing them. In the next hour, we hope well see them. All 12, the nine seven europeans and the rest of the ukranian staff should be disembarking. Also this morning, operations against prorussian separatists in east ukraine im told continued at dawn near the town of kramatorsk. Tell us about that operation. Yes, information comes out in an irregular way here. The interior minister announced on his facebook page, not an official channel, that the ukranian military had retaken a Television Tower some 10 miles 15km or so south of slovyansk. Now, that was a tower which had been taken by prorussian separatists a number of days ago. What the separatist did was effectively take off ukrainian tv channels stop them from broadcasting. The Ukranian Army has retaken the tower, retaken the channels and you can see why that is important information, it is vital in this unrest here. It is important to get information to the public and information from both sides. A tactical decision to target the tv tour, and what appears to be a successful operation. Its not come without casualties. Russia today, the creme line official tv station is reporting 10 casualties in the operation. No word from the ukranian official side as to casualties from the official side at least. Thank you very much. Brep live in paul brennan live in donetsk. Russia condemns ukraine over what it calls kievs criminal use of force after the death of activists in the black sea city of odessa. 31 were killed, more than 100 arrested. The southern port of the odessa is far from where the fighting is taking place in don esque, where paul brennan has been reporting from. Hoda abdelhamid reports. Reporter the trade Union Building was set on fire after a day of clashes between prorussian and prounity demonstrators, carrying the blue and yellow flag of ukraine. The intensity of the smoke sends some jumping for their lives, out of windows of dozens of others died suffocating. The building had been the headquarters of prorussian protesters for over a month. Ukranian police had been deployed earlier in the day. They were unable to restrain either side. The clashes underlined the challenges that faced the interim government. There had been, on the same day, ukranian forces launching offensive in the antiterror operations in the town of slovyansk in the east. In the south of the country ukranian paratroopers continued their operation in slovyansk throughout the night. It started earlier in the morning as ukranian forces destroyed several checkpoints north of the town. Two of the helicopters were shot down. Replaced by portable surface to air missiles, proof, the government says of russias involvement on the ground. This man was in one of the helicopters and is cared for by separatist supporters in the prorussian stronghold. Translation there was another helicopter touched down. We tried to approach it. We decided to save one pilot. He was abandoned by his own people. Ukrainian forces managed to retake the tv transmission antenna. It was seized by russian supporters. All ukranian channels had been taken off the care. [ gunfire ] but the message of both sides is spreading throughout the country. The clashes on odessa, hundreds from the prorussian heartland in the east are a sign that the increasing divisions puts the country at risk. The question for most here is how close is a Russian Military intervention now that many of its supporters have lost their lives. We have some breaking news now five people have been killed in an explosion in a crowded street in mogadishu. Well bring you more on that as soon as we get it. Syrias government is set to regain control of the city of homs after a possible deal allowing hundreds of trapped fighters to leave. Civilians and some fighters were allowed out of the old quarter this year. A few armed groups stay on. A 48 hour ceasefire agreement was agreed on to let rebels out of the area and other areas, the last stropinghold stronghold in the city. Homs is the largest city, the capital of the revolution. It was one of the first to rise up, much fell to opposition forces. Over the past two years, the government laid siege to areas home to tens of thousands. At the beginning of this year om the old city was held only the old city was held by armed groups. If the deal holds, that will fall to government control. Rebels are insisting theyll cancel a deal unless a u. N. Delegation supervises their call. Zeina khodr september us this report from neighbouring turkey. Reporter the old quarters of homs and vouching neighbour surrounding neighbourhoods are the last rebel strongholds. 100,000 fighters are inside. For months theyve been out of siege. Now they may be gip safe passage given safe passage out. Theyll retreat to the northern countryside of the city. Those areas are under seeing. The deal would allow the state to regain control of a city, known as the capital of the revolution much. Translation now it is impossible to take back the city. We were so hungry we couldnt walk 100 metre. I used to weigh 73 kilos, now i weigh 53 kilos. This 24yearold arrived in istanbul. The bombardment and the siege on rebelheld areas forced them to surrender one after the other. In early 2012 the regime began a campaign to retake the city. Activists appealed for help as International Observers visited the rebel areas at the time. The world did not act it was a symbol of defeat when the rebels lost he defeated. At first i thought wed return. The situation was worse. We didnt lose ohms, we lost a city. The city is strategically located. The corridor lipping the coast passes through homs. The regime and opposition know they cant control the country. The regime is concern freighting on retake concentrating on retaking strategic cities. Ohms will no longer be divided by front lines. The rebels may lose the heart of revolution, but the war is not over. Lets bring in a syrian academic. A political analyst at the doha institute. Months of stalemate. Symbolic and a strategic town and the cradle of the revolution according to some opposition groups. This is an important withdrawal, significant. Absolutely. But i think both sides needed this very much. They needed the truce very much. The regime has been using all sorts of tactics to regain what we call useful syria. And land from damascus in the south to the coastal area in the northwest of the country, through homs. As the report mentioned, it is located and controls the main the highway between damascus and the course. The regime is trying before the election to clear homs out of the rebel fighters which have been under siege for the past two years. The rebels on the one hand came to the conclusion that they cant win against the raining eem. They have been under rebels. They have been under siege. They have not have supplies and the opposition has not been able to break the siege. They tried before. Is it symbolic about the way the war is going. This is one of the first cities to rise, it was the first largely taken over by armed rebels. And message is that sending in the region to president asaad. That might be true. It wont be a turning point in the war. It will last for years, in my opinion, because neither side can win the conflict on the one hand. The region and International Powers will not allow the war and the party. Gradually regaining more territory, which is what hes been doing. He is losing more territories in the north. Its true he may regain the mountainous areas on the border north of damascus last month. On the other hand he lost a huge chunk in aleppo, in idlib and he also rust the opposition in the course. This is like could you then this is a stalemate. It is, absolutely. As i said this, is not a syrian war, this is original and international conflict. As i said, the original and International Powers will not allow either powers of the conflict to win the war. You see it as a stalemate and a proxy war. It is a proxy war. Is more weapons coming in. Its true, its calculated. The lies of the opposition dont want to opposition to win the conflict. Americans made this clear many times. U. S. Officials, saying we dont want the regime to fall, to undermine the regime, we dont want to regime to collapse and how they go about that, its anybodys guess. Well leave it there, thank you for joining us. You are watching the newshour still to come south africas Opposition Party holds their final rallies. Are they fighting a losing battle . 13 years in captivity, a former child soldier gets really for an emotional return home. A former champion banned for doping. Thats a bit later. After 13 years in captivity a former child soldier has gone back to his village. He was one of many abducted and taken to lords resistance army. Malcolm webb was with him when he was reunited with his family. When he was 10 this boy was abducted from his village by rebels of the lords resistance army. He was forced to become a child soldier and commit atrocities. It was 13 years before he could escape. Translation many children were beaten to death. You have to follow orders else they kill you. Children that tried to escape were killed. You have to follow orders until a chance come to escape. In recent weeks, the Rehabilitation Center won by the Charity World vision has been at home. At the peak of the war, hundreds of soldiers came through here. Murals painted are here. An estimated 10,000 are missing. Most of them will never come home. A trickle of former soldiers escape. Now grown adults. Translation it is a problem. Psychologically they keep on recalling. Dennis completed his counselling and its time to go home. He was a boy when he last saw his family. Since then he was forced to march hundreds of kilometres across four different countries. He escaped. He has seen and done many things that he doesnt really want to talk about. Many child soldiers were forced to kill relatives or neighbours. They are scared to go home. They dont know how people will react. 2km from denniss Village People come running. Hes made to tread on an egg a ritual of reconciliation. Theres no grudges here. He is safe. Reporter all of the people from the surrounding villages came to join in the celebration. People are singing and waving branches. Almost everyone thought dennis had died. His parents carried out a funeral ritual in the absence of a body. Now that hes home and alive after 13 years in the bush, people here are delighted. Then he arrives. Thousands of the abducted children were killed. Nobody thought hed make it. The trial of three al jazeera journalist detained in egypt has been adjourned buns way gain. It will rekum on may 16th. The 7th Court Appearance coincided with International Press freedom day. Peter greste, Mohamed Fadel fahmy and Baher Mohamed are accused of providing a platform to the outlawed muslim brotherhood, now declared a terrorist organization. Members of the media find themselves a target for the work they do. Often around the world. 16 peel have been killed in the first four months of this year alone. Last year the total number was 77. Almost half of those killed this year died in syria. Journalists in iraq, somalia, india and pakistan and the philippines face almost daily violence and persecution. Journalists risk not just their lives, but their freedom. Today 166 media workers are in gaol. Almost 100 are in china, era traya turkey and uzbekistan. Egypt, where al jazeeras fourth staff are held has fallen in the world index rankings. Reporters without borders reported that arbitrary arrests of journalists is common. We bring in a swedish journalist and editor sentenced to 11 years in prison for terrorist crimes in ethiopia. World press freedom day not much to celebrate. Nothing to celebrate on a day like that. Figures that you mention, the deaths, shows that is theres a hunting season for journalists going on, and International Conventions that used to protect us has last value and we are target ourselves. We are currently looking at a perfect storm. More conflicts, more freelance, a lack of resources among the media houses. The most important thing is that government and fighting groups learnt that fighting against the journalists works by killing the mess eng ger and silencing the mess epinger. What we see in egypt and ethiopia are governments using terrorist laws to terrorize journalists and dissent. Its a challenge for this coming year. You mentioned the use of freelancers. Just to explain to viewers, freelancers not in staff position with companies. So the attacks on them are more frequent. Is that because companies are not supporting their freelancers. I think its a combination of forces. If you look at the conflicts, syria and egypt is one of them, a dangerous country to work in, the value of journalists is deteriorating. We have lost the report, and i think that one of them, the most dangered thing is when governments are accusing journalists for being terrorist, as we see happening in cairo. People have been warning about the developments 10 years ago. People raised the flag and said that the laws way be used against journalists, it was waved off as a wolf at the door. 10 years later we are there. Martin, we are running out of time on this. You were detained for some time. How would you describe what the al jazeera journalists are going through at this moment. I know its a different detention to yours, different country, but how would you describe their mental state and what they face . I mean the worse fear being locked up as a prisoner of conscience is to be forgotten. Its not there, the scream of the tortured prisoners or the companies in the prison, its the fear of being forgotten. I remember the days i was taken to court you were exhausted from the new impressions, but to see the colleagues there, people protesting, writing, tweeting, that boosts your moral. And to have, to see people carrying on, journalism is more important than food and water when you are locked up. Its crucial. It gives your mystery and meaning it gives a meaning to the suffering. They cant look up journal. So keeping on with the campaign, and i started saying that theres a hunting season and its a bad time for journalists. The positive thing is the support that the al jazeera staff are getting and the support that the bloggers in ethiopia are getting from around the world. That is something that is impressive. They need to keep on that. They do the fight inside, and well do it from the outside. Thank you for joining us. Thank you very much. African leaders and diplomats are converging on the capital of south sudan hoping an end to the crisis may be reason reach. The head of the u. N. Peacekeeping operations will come to juba. The president salva kiir agreed to talks with former Vice President riek machar. The conflict began as a power struggle between the two. President salva kiir is a member of the dinka, riek machar is from the secondbiggest cib, the nuer. Thousands have been killed, nor than a million left their homes. The u. N. Security council has talked about the situation. Our editor brings this update from new york. Reporter the crisis is in the world spotlight. The u. N. Security council has been hearing a briefing about the situation from the u. N. s high commissioner for human rights and a special advisor on the trench of genocide. Some of the figures are staggering. 80,000 sheltering in u. N. Camps and across south sudan, its believed 9,000 child soldiers are operating. Among Security Council members discussion of a number of different types of action, including sanctions. There are helpful steps that this council and the International Community can take. On april 3rd the president of the United States issued an executive order providing targeted sanctions against individuals determined to have attributed to atrocities or taken actions harmful to peace and stability. The council should consider whether to put in place parallel targeted Security Council actions so as to deter the outrageous attacks on civilians of the kind seen in bor and bentiu. In your view, what are the level measures to prevent genocide. What is needed is to end the hostility. What is important is that both leaders sit together and face to face and accept a defiant new way of dealing with the situation. Reporter im told the United States has a draft for a tough Security Council resolution, and negotiations on that resolution will start early next week. Time to look at the weather around the world. Beginning with the Beautiful Island sri lanka. Yes. Good news as far as the weather in sri lanka is concerned. If you look on the satellite, the clouds are developing over the last day or so. We have had significant rain fall produced. Certainly from tandy and towards the north, which is good news because they are reliant on the northeasterly monsoon, which, during the course of november, december, january, fell almost completely. If we go back to candy, december to april there was 48mm of rain. It was a long period, little rain on a country relying so heavily on a country. Onethird of the population was employed in the field. The lack of rain impacted on the rice and tea industry. The first three days was Something Like 77mm of rain. It looks as though that rain will continue during the course of the next couple of days. We have heavy rain towards the north, affecting northern parts of india. The heavy rain across the region seems to be across parts of bangladesh, where over the n couple of days we could find heavily rain causing flooding problems and well keep a close eye on that in the coming days. Thank you. Still to come on al jazeera. Im in new delhi where the electric rickshaws are the newest form of public transport. Are they as environmentally friendly as we see. And a bit of sport, american sport. This is the latest in the n. B. A. Playoffs, including, apparently, a dramatic winner for the portland trailblazers. Welcome back, a reminder of the top stories. Afghan Officials Say more than 2,000 have been killed in a landslide in the northeast. The u. N. Has not been able to confirm the figure, but says thousands lost their home. Several military observers have been released in the east. Coming as the Government Troops continue an offensive against prorussian troops in the region. The trial of three al jazeera journalists has been adjourned. It will adjourn until may 15th. The appearance coinciding with International Freedom day. More than 18,000 risked their lives trying to reach australia. This woman visits her brothers grave in quetta. He was killed in an attack. She sent three of her five children to australia. Despite the risks of people smugglers her family is safer living abroad. I was separate from my children because of terrorism. The roots are dangerous. They are far away but alive. They are muslims. They are known as hazara. Community leaders say close to 1,000 have been killed in recent years, in targeted sectarian attacks. Translation the conditions separated us like parls of a broken necklace and scattered just like that. Her daughter is in western java, indonesia. Her government paid 8,000 for her and a brother to get to australia two years ago. They never made it. She left pakistan after her home was attacked. She did her job as a humanitarian worker. Translation a bomb attack destroyed my home, killed one person. She daches english whilst teaches english whilst waiting for australia to accept her application. I dont want to risk my life. It is totally connected to my family in pakistanment they need me for their survival. She has to stay in indonesia for three years before australia can accept her as a refugee. She worries about her youngest brother who made it to australia by a boat. My brother in australia is young. He reached such hardship. Hopefully one way well be together again. Travelling from pakistan to australia took months. From a boat to australias christmas island, he arrived in 2012, a time when australia allowed refugees who came by boat to stay. He rented a room in a house and says the risks of getting here were worth taking. We put our lives in the palm of the hand. He is on a protection visa, he can become an australian citizen. We cannot afford to study and is looking to work to send money to his mother in pakistan. I can tell you, the way she talks on the phone, she said it helps me. He risked his life to get to australia, and for now at least is safe. The situation not shared by his family. Scattered thousands apart. Michael bachelard is the inton eastern correspondent for the australian newspaper my age of anxiety frea, hope, dread and the search for peace of mind and told us how europe the age, and told us how migran migrants can be covered. They are off the books. People smugglers deal through money changes. The money goes to those people. It is held. Its travelled to the country to which in which the payment needs to be made. Transactions dont go through banks. They are hard to trace. The efforts of International Policing have locked up some, but its a very lucrative trade, and there continues to be people wanting to buy the product that they are selling. South africas opposition parties are holding rallies before the general elections. The ruling a. N. C. Is battling corruption scandals. The opposition parties are hoping to take advantage of that. Reporter supporters from the Opposition Party the Economic Freedom fighters say the president jacob zuma is incapable of running the country. This man wants Economic Freedom and supports his partys policy. Land is what they want. A. N. C. Sabotaged us as the people of south africa. We believe that we all deserve to have our own place, own name as people. Julius is the leader of the Economic Freedom fighters and is happy to lead the discontent that some have with the ruling african congress. He wants to seize land from whites without compensation and nationalize the mines. This 24yearold believes more can be done. The main Opposition Party, the Democratic Alliance has her vote. It represents the people of south africa more than any other party. I feel that they are representative of the country was a whole, rather than making a claim to one. The da can win. The Democratic Alliance is scene by some as a party serving the interests of whites. It has a growing number of poor and middle class black members, some in leadership positions. Perhaps the a. N. C. s biggest threat could come from within. It has a Shaky Alliance with the union. Metalworkers union, with 330,000 workers have expressed their dissatisfaction very clearly, have said that they will not support the ruling party this election, and, in fact, are thinking of a united front of the left. Paigs parties are promising to cut corruption and create jobs. The ruling party has a lot of support. For black south africans, its the party that ended apartheid. If allegations of corruption, poverty and inequality are not addressed, voters could feel parties they feel would deliver more. Tania page is at the Democratic Alliance election rally in johannesburg. A. N. C. Clear favourites despite the number of allegations of corrosion hurled at the party from all quarters. What is the level the da cap hope for . Well, the Party President helen zela is on stage. They are promising 6 million jobs, an easy promise to make if theres no chance that youll lead the next government. The level that the Democratic Alliance can hope for, analysts believe, is 25 share of the vote. That would be a big increase. They hold 16. 5 . They are taking the province off the axe nc a. N. C. Which is why they chose to hold the rally in johannesburg. Despite the attacks on the party why hasnt any opposition challenged the a. N. C. Look, the fact of the matter is that the an c is the only party in south africa that appeals to the black majority. The majority of people. 80 of whom who are black in south africa. The da is perceived as white. If you look around the crowd, the vast majority are black. The deception holds it back. Its not all the advances that people have experienced under the a. N. C. 3 million homes built. Water and electricity and social grants. Therell be a lot of improvement and People Choose to vote for what they know rather than an unknown element. You say they are hoping to make a challenge. Are they hoping for a number of seats i hope you can hear me, i know its a noisy rally. What kind of number are they expecting. Well, if they can increase up to 25 . Theyll increase their share of seats in the parliament by a carter. Itll be a power of the vote. Among the opposition parties is there are some very vibrant newcomers, the Economic Freedom fighters party seen as having base support among youth with radical ideas around seizure of lands and mines. All of that eats into the a. N. C. s support, but it will not be enough, even if you find them to take power away from the a. N. C. Well done. Thank you very much. Health official in the United States confirmed the countrys first case of the middle east respiratory sindh sindh roam, known as m. E. R. S. The s. A. R. S. Like violence as killed many in saudi arabia. It was detected in 2012. Samsung has been found guilty of violating two apple patents and is ordered to by 120 million. Apple asking for 2. 2 billion. Samsung was awarded 58,000 from apple who were found to breach a patent. Unemployment in the United States fell to its lowest levels in six years, latest figures showing 6 of americans are out of work. We have this report. Many of those that have jobs are not happy. Reporter behind the boarded up windows of an old jehovahs witness temple in washington dv is strive. Here those looking for fulltime employment, but can find parttime jobs, the underemployed, are given the advice that may make the difference access to computers, and clothes that will help job interviews and job retention. We make sure they have the right look. Strive has been increasing record in tough times. 50 of graduates find a job. 70 of them are temporary. At one time we could send clients to compete for fulltimons. The major fulltime jobs. We have 64 caps in the air cranes in the air, most are temporary jobs. Strives graduates are amongst the millions forced into temporary employed. Often taking several parttime jobs to pay the bills. Wardrobes and skills are not the problem. This recovery is five years old. The Labour Market is floundering. There is less concern amongst corporations and stock holders to get policy makers to do something. The inaction of the government and backers is not blupding determination of those at strive. Im searching for fulltime job. Reporter where do you think the fulltime jobs are. I have no idea. Can you tell me . Well look at sport and, of course, football in a moment. Chelsea manager jose mowerino is in a muirinio is in a wore of words with his stastar player. Welcome back. Indias electric rickshaws have become the preferred way for many to get away town. We have this report from new delhi the 100,000 erickshaws on the road may be more trouble than they are worth. Reporter they have become a common site in new delhi, fully electric, the rickshaws offer what has been called an environmentally friendly alternative. People take them after a metro ride, and they compete against cycle rick sauce, and those powered by natural gas. This man made the switch last year. Passengers pay for these, they travel faster. You can only take two, and it takes longer. Not everyone is happy though. The Delhi High Court ruled that the government needs to regulate erickshaws. Translation undercounter laws police cannot go under erick somehows. They are not prosecuted because they dont follow classic areas. It is a legal tangle. This man says theres more. A Government Commission reported that many of the erick shaws are more powerful than they are supposed to be and are too fast. They waiting for the government to instruct the police on what to do next. Reporter part of the popularity is anyone can drive one without a licence. Seemingly a happy medium and more polluting and expensive reporting rickshaws, they are not as environmentally friendly as they appear. This man, who sells and repairs the erickshaws says the batteries have to be replace every 67 months. Business is down because of the threat of regulation. Hes worried that erickshaws will come under the Motor Vehicle law and business could die out. Translation if they dont, theyll be fined. If they come under the law, and there are expenses on top of the battery and repairs, theres no life ahead for it. There are about 100,000 erickshaws on the road. All the drivers can do is wait for the governments decision on regulation to come down. Only then will they know what the road ahead will look like. On the roads now for sport, here is robin. Former 100 and 200 metre champion has been banned for a year, back dade to 2013 at the u. S. Trials he tested positive. He will be able to return to competition in june. He returned the silver medal that he won in the london 2012 olympics. Football, chelsea manager Jose Mourinho launched an attack on midfielder, following comments after a defeat in the Champions League. He criticised mourinhos tactic claiming that chelsea were not set up to play football. Mourinho hit back saying the 23yearold belgium, the young player of the year, was not willing to put everything on the line to help his teammates. He is the kind of player that is not so mentally ready to look back and live his life for him. When the comments come from a player like eden, it is normal because he is not the kind of player ready to sacrifice himself 100 for the tam and the team and the mates. Chelsea plays norwich. Before that mann city could go top with a win over fifth placed team. They are adamant their side will not buckle. If they win all three city will be champions for the second time in three seasons. Atletico qualifies for the Champions League for the first time in 16 years, winning in the only premier league game on friday. There was a party atmosphere. The visiting ball bowa fans parliamentary secretaried to see the expected to see the team confirm the Champions League qualifications. The game was late as officials had to clear confetti off the pick. Ball boa players took the lead. Adda completed the scoring in the second half. Ball bowa winning 30 for the First Time Since 1998. In golf theres a 2way tying at the top of the wells Fargo Championship leadership board. Good form with four birdies in five holes. A few drop shots. Finished with a 3under par of 9 in the second round, joined on 9under by an american. He had this eagle at the 11th. Closer to the first title. Floyd has weighed in in the world title fight, mayweather lighter than his opponent at 146 pounds or 66. 22 kilograms. The reigning w b. C. Champion will earn 52 million despite, and irrespective of the result. My job is to go out and do what i do level. I think i perform better under pressure. I look forward to going out there, being floyd mayweather, taking my time, keeping the composure and doing what i do left. A highly rated boxer is due to travel in march. They won the w b. C. International title. A lack of resources installed the career, enlisting the help. We have this report. Reporter for zimbabwean boxing champion circumstance rather than choice decides his training programme. Hes from the masvinko province, 200km from harari. There are a few boxing facilities. The Great Outdoors is his gym. In every situation there are challenges. To overcome the challenges you have to be strong. You have to forget about the things. Then you work hard for your country, yourself and your family. Those challenges include training in zambia where there are better facilities before his last fight. The contest saw him become w b. C. Welterweight champion, a title for boxers outside of the top 10. A stepping stone to a fight. He and his supporters year a lack of help may stand in his way. He has different ideaologiesies that need support from the corporate world. He has youngsters that hes training and he needs support. In our country we are abundant tallant in terms of boxing. Im not the only boxer who can do better. There are so many. They need the support of the country. They are not fighting for them. They are fighting for national and africa. Its all a long way from las vegas, and the prospects of another welterweight champion. Floyd mayweather is set to earn for than 30 million from his upcoming world title fault. Mayweather is a human being like us. Any time his time comes, our chance to fight. I dont mind. He is set to leave zimbabwe and he will ask Robert Mugabe to ask for support. Only with that backing does he believe he can one day fight for a world title. The portland trailblazers are through to the western kverns play of semifinal. After a win over the rockets. They led 32. Rock erts parsons scored with less than a second. Putting them 98 to 96 . There was a three pointer with the last shot of the game, to see what the 99 to 98 win for portland. Its the first time in 14 years they reached the semis. I think i can speak for the team when parsons made the layup with 0. 9 seconds much everyone was like man, we have to go back to houston. The first thing i did was look at the other end at the clock to see how much time was left. I knew wed get a shot. I didnt know what the quality would be of the shot. We got as good a look as we would get. We executed the play that the coach drew up in the timeout. Here we are. In the west the Dallas Mavericks sealed their series against the san antonio spurs, winning game 113 to 111. Rapt tors also won. The chick go black hawks dri blood against minnesota. The black hawks made it five in a row. Game 2 is on sunday. Derek scored earning the new york rangers a win against the pittsburgh penguins. Their second game taking place an sunday. Washington nationals closed the gap against the atlanta braves, beating the philadelphia. They were sitting two down late in the game. A 3run eight inages saw them take the lead. They are half a game behind the braves. Plenty of sport stories on the website aljazeera. Com sport for more. Thats your sport. Thanks for watching. Now, coming up, jane dutton will take you through the latest from ukraine. The o. S. C. E. Observers have been released and are with other monitors. Deadly violence in odessa. Dozens killed in what may be a Tipping Point in the ukranian crisis. Plus, a massive landslide wipes out an entire village in afghanistan killing more than 2,000 people. Allegations of corruption in ireland, why some say this weeks arrest of

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