Included in apac. The president announced new plans to extend visas for tourists. But when the president hosted the leaders of 11 pacific countries later in the day, he didnt invite his chinese counterpart. Because president obama was lobbying hard for a Transpacific Partnership which would create the largest trading block in the world. It would remove trade barriers between these countries that have borders on the pacific. But china has been left out of these talks. Indeed its aggressively pursuing trade deals of its own. It signed a trade back with south korea and a second big gas deal with russia. China is asserting its political and military muscle too, reopening disputes with allies of the u. S. Including japan. But china is reviving a 2,000 year old idea. In history the silk road long connected china with markets in the middle east, and then out to europe. It was a true global artery for commerce. It fuelled an exchange of ideas and technologyings between the east and the west. Today, beijing wants to set up a new silk road belt. It would link china with russia and central asia. The chinese are building a rail and pope line hub in a border city near kazakh stan. They are also selling the idea of a 21st Century Maritime silk road, connecting with asia, africa and europe through the suez canal. They complete directly with president obamas Transpacific Partnership block. The competition is the backdrop for this weeks apac summit. Reporter the first mayor development didnt take place at the scheduled conferences, it came from a meeting on the summits sidelines, a handshake two years in the making. The president and Prime Minister met for the First Time Since the leaders came to office. The two nations have been at odds over territory worsening deep historical tensions, and putting a freeze on the relationship between asias two largest economies and raising stability. No real efforts have been made by either side over the last several years to patch up to find the modus operandi or compromise, and this is the first occupation where the two will at least shake hands and exchange at least a few words. Reporter the disagreement between china and japan has an impact outside of the region. And the United States is bound to militarily protect japan. But America Needs to keep a cordial relationship with china. The summit is here, build back in 2008 for the summer olympic. The president is using it as a showcase to host his biggest event since taking office. More events are expected over the next few days, including the fighting in ukraine. Tony abbott said he will discuss the downs of an airliner in which 38 australians were killed. China and the u. S. Have rival trade pact they are pushing in the region. Over the next five years, nearly half of all Economic Growth outside of the United States is projected to come from right here in asia. That makes this region an Incredible Opportunity for creating jobs, and Economic Growth in the United States. And any serious leader in america, whether in politics or commerce recognizes that fact. The summit brings global and regional leaders together for a facetoface meeting. But observers fear its too big of an event to ever achieve anything significant in the aim of asiapacific cooperation. For more on u. S. China relations and competing visions on global trade, lets go to the Senior Advisor on asia. She joins me now from washington. Bonnie, one would be forgiven if they didnt really understand what is going on here, because you have got president obama in beijing talking about the importance of americas relationship with china, and at the same time trying to cut a deal with a whole lot of countries that border on the pacific that are not china. The United States has strong interests in promoting a better relationship with china, including an economic relationship. Our trade bilaterally is more than half a trillion dollars per year. Nevertheless the United States is looking forward into the a later mid21st century and wants to create freetrade agreements with other nations that have Higher Standards that protect environment and labor and prevent corruption. The chinese are not pursuing freetrade agreements with these high standards. The United States along with 11 other countries are trying to work to conclude this Transpacific Partnership. It is inclusive. That means even though china is not participating on the floor in these negotiations it could point the tpp at a time after the first 12 countries join. But this is eventually up to china. The chinese are engaging economically in this 21st Century Maritime silk road, and in the silk road that extends through central asia to europe, and cutting free trade deals with other countries. Its very dynamic and complex. One of the countries they are doing more business with is russia, but china is russias singlebusiness trade partner. Russia is not anywhere close to russias biggest trade partner, the United States is. Russia is the tenth largest partner. And theres a possibility of growing that relationship, but certainly not as big as other countries. China has much more important trading partners than russia, but russia remains an important source of military technology, and increasingly energy. When we look at africa and see the inroads that china has made here that the United States and some western European Countries havent made. Now we look at this new relationship with these central asia countries, most americans wouldnt think we have much to do kazakhstan and places like that, are we going to miss out if we dont follow chinas lead . I think the United States has many interests in countries in central asia. They want to benefit from chinas Economic Growth and want to have trade with russia as well, but they really want to have closer ties with the United States. They want to diversify their economic partnerships, and there are opportunities for the United States investing in central asia as well. So these are open markets. There will be plenty of opportunities for lots of countries. No country wants to be too dependant on china economically. It is interesting after all of these years people can really argue both cases. There are people who are saying the tpp is like naptha on steroids. What does that mean . What is the impact . It will mean more jobs, more exports for the region, more opportunities for investment in the region. Now i think with any free trade agreement, you have winners and losers, so theres no doubt were going to say that this is going to benefit everybody. But on balance this freetrade agreement is going to bring huge opportunities to the United States, and even if china eventually joins it, if theres more Chinese Investment in the United States, which were already seeing, thats good for america too, so there are always opportunities that are created when barriers to trade and investment are lowered. Let me ask you one other thing. The Keystone Pipeline, the biggest noncanadian investor in the Keystone Pipeline is china. Why are in this game, and what does that mean to america . The chinese are interested in investing in these advanced Energy Projects in part because they want to acquire the technology themselves. The chinese want to lech more, for example, about shale gas. They want to exploit shale gas in china. So if they can have these partnerships with American Companies around the world, thats a good thing for china, but it remains to be seen the depth of their involvement in the Keystone Pipeline, and if this gas is ultimately, and oil is produced, where is it going to be exported too . So i i i dont think there is necessarily a huge down side for the United States. Bonnie good to talk to you. Thank you so much for being us with. Coming up how young single shoppers in china could help your 401k, plus how far with your employer go to manage your health care. You are watching real money. Tell me what is on your mind. Minutes. The government that came in wont allow the people to speak up. John stewart and Maziar Bahari the film is about democratization of information the fight for free journalism. These regimes are aresting more and more people. Primetime news only on Al Jazeera America protestors are gathering. Theres an air of tension right now. The crowd chanting for democracy. This is another significant development. We have an exclusive story tonight, and we go live. Game of thrones when it came out, didnt hit any best sellers lists. The worlds, the magic and the fascination of george r. R. Martin im writing the equivalent of a medieval world war ii. How his imagination keeps millions of devoted fans always wanting more its nice to be doing something everybody is so aware of. Every saturday, join us for exclusive. Revealing. And surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. Talk to al jazeera, only on Al Jazeera America it is the Biggest Online retail sales event in the world that you have never heard about. People in china are celebrating something called singles day, every on november 11th, men and women honor their bachelor hood by attending a lot of matchmaking represents and shopping. Thanks to alibaba, its now the most significant retail online sales event on the planet. Duarte geraldino reports. Reporter to be young and unmarried in china on november 11th, is a day of celebration. Singles day. Officially know as four sticks day. Popular culture has it the custom start at universities as a way for young men to poke fun of themselves, but then retailers took note. It became popular befor alibaba, but it never became a big retail celebration, until network. Reporter its first users were Young Chinese singles living in cities. By targeting singles, businesses were reaching a big chunk of total Online Shoppers in china. Five years ago, alibaba held its first singles day sales. Selling more than 100 million in goods. A grew to nearly 6 billion last year, and is expected to top 8 billion this year. Pretty good for a holiday that is largely one Big Marketing event, turbo charged by alibabas founder. On singles day the Company Sells clothing to electronics, to furniture at discounts as steep as 90 off. The online giant offers plenty of incentives. It allows customers to make down payments of goods weeks ahead of time. And they can get steep discounts. The marketplace processes more than 10,000 transactions a second on this day. It touted this as a big selling feature to investors. Alibabas stock has scored roughly 70 . And today they shot up 4 . Alibaba has its sights on the world. Its oneday sales actually lasts for 36 hours. It starts in the east and ends in the west with its american face, alley express. Duarte geraldino, al jazeera. We reached out toally bob bah, but so far the company hasnt gotten back to us. When it comes to the issue of Net Neutrality, the government is coming down on the side of activists. That would mean tougher federal communications rules. The president campaigned on the issue back in 2008, but its rare for the white house to intervene on the policies of an independent agency. President obama is for better or worse just another citizen when it comes to the fcc, but the fact that he is lending his voice to this debate makes clear what strongly people feel about net neutral. One of the founding notions of the internet is it could be like a utility. Imagine data moving over the internet the way that trucks move over a highway. Everyone has equal access to the same roads. But in recent Years Network providers have begun offering different roadways. Fancy smooth. They have lots of lanes, and they charge a premium for getting on to those roads. The worry is if you have 2 different road systems, the companies in charge of them could begin ignoring the road that no one is paying for, and only offer a system on the fancy highend road. So the president is making the argument that everyone should have. It should be like a utility. Sure you may to use it, but everyone should be able to expect equal service. And now it has suddenly become a political issue. Ted cruz said that Net Neutrality is obamacare for the internet. The internet should not operate at the speed of government. Well, maybe, but consider that comcast and timewarner hope to merge. Which would put them in charge of 19 of the 20 top markets in the u. S. Without any competition. Anyone can get on the internet with a good idea and reach the world. But what if the person with that good idea, has to pay extra, maybe a lot extra to the one Network Provider in that area to get it out there. And if that person chooses not to pay and takes their chances on the slower net. If we have to wait for that good idea to load, and load, will you still wait for it . That is the big question. Lets go to the ceo and founder of reputation. Com, a company that help people and businesses manage their Online Privacy and reputations. He joins me via skype from half moon bay, california. Good to see you. I think you along with other people watched john olivers fantastic rant. They made it sound kind of boring, but its actually very serious and could threaten a lot of our technological entrepreneurship in this country if they allow different speeds on the internet for pay. I agree, im with the president on this issue. I believe Net Neutrality is important. If your new idea, your new service or product, it needs to take third or fourth, or fifth seats to the existing one, and as a consumer you are suffer. Also it will kalasfy the leadership positions of the mega companies. I am very much with the president on this issue. I do want to say that there are intelligent and fair intellectually reasonable reasons to oppose the president on this issue, though. One is that we do have a history in america of allowing consumers to pay for faster access, so its not that companies can pay for faster access, but consumers can pay for higher faster access to the internet. So there is a first class, second class system that exists. The second reason if you are going to oppose Net Neutrality is that you would think maybe, hey, if the telcos, the isps are not financially icentivised to keep improving the systems in america, then we will get progressively slower internet. We have slower internet than europe and asia. We are lagging in our performance and speed. But when you look at those faster places, they dont necessarily do it by having a twotiered system. You are exactly right. And that is the powerful counter argument, so as i say im with the president , i just wanted to make sure that consumers had understand yeah, i understand. Lets keep going down this road that you are going at, because were going to have these discussions. We do allow for toll roads. We allow our Grocery Stores allow some people to pay for Better Placement of their product, and the kelloggs and general foods of the world can afford more than a brand new company. So why the objection to paying for this . Its a very fair question. I think we still believe that the rails should be open to everybody, the skies should be open to everybody, and that anybody who has the the the pluck and the excitement and the ingenuity to come up with something knew should have a fair shot. Shouldnt mean that they should win, but they should have a chance to play. And i believe the isps and telcos will still be incentivized to invest well, largely because were all using a lot of internet, and were only going to use more. Exactly. And if you support the president , you can say maybe they should have already made this investment by now. So im with the president. I think this is the right move. I hope he wins. Its not clear that the Net Neutrality issue will end this way. But i think its better for silicon valley, consumers, and the personal entrepreneur who is so important to our country. What does it look like if we lose Net Neutrality. If the telcos arguing against it get their way . What the internet could look like is the wealthiest digital channels, whether its a weather station or a film station, or a content station like a cbs or nbc, im not naming them as perspective parties, but someone like this. Could pay extra rates to make sure their content reaches you very fast. And everyone else who is a smaller station, a smaller competitor, their products would reach you very slowly, and by the way we know how important that is to the consumer experience. Because we know when we have to wait. 01 of a second for a Google Search we go over to yahoo. Thats hugely important especially when we have huge amounts of video, and audio, and increasingly Live Streaming like we are doing now. What if skype was second tier in a Citizenship Campaign that allowed only a certain telco provider to allow a certain kind of streaming to reach you, so we would lose some of our existing services. You would get bundled certain programs and benefits, and you would get benefits. Michael always a pleasure to talk to you. You look like you could reach out to your left, turn the skype off and take a little nap. I have been up since about 2 00, because yesterday i came back from europe, so i think i have been up for 45 hours. Even when you are tired you make more sense than most people. Always a pleasure to see you, michael. The u. S. Postal service says it Computer Program was hacked. Roughly 800,000 mostal workers had their private information exploded. Including their Social Security and mailing addresses. The Postal Service also says people who contacted its Customer Care center between january 1st, and august 16th, may be at risk. The fbi is investigating the breach, the Postal Service plans to give free credit con tearing to the workers affected. A shake up at consumer affairs. Plus an employ Wellness Program that some acrosses the line. Start with one issue education. Gun control. The gap between rich and poor. Job creation. Climate change. Tax policy. The economy. Iran. Healthcare. Ad guests on all sides of the debate. This is a right we should all have. Its just the way it is. Theres something seriously wrong. Theres been acrimony. The conservative ideal. Its an urgent need. And a host willing to ask the tough questions how do you explain it to yourself . And youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on Al Jazeera America a major restructuring is coming to the department of Veterans Affairs, one day before veterans day, the va secretary unveiled what he called the largest restructuring in the departments history. It will involve the thousands of employees being disciplined and fires of a nationwide scandal last summer, after veterans waiting months for health care and employees covering up the problem. Jamie joins us with more. Jimmy . Reporter when bob mcdonald was picked, he knew he had his work cut out for him. As the retired chief executive of procter gamble, he knows how to run a big organization, and now just over three months on the job, he is ready to act. As the nation prepares to observe veterans day, the new head of the Veterans Affairs department is laying out an ambitious plan to improve trust. Right now the department of Veterans Affairs has before it perhaps its greatest opportunity to enhance care for veterans in its history. Reporter the va has been reeling from allegations of mishandling. This vet spoke to al jazeera earlier this year. As a form employee and veteran, i honestly believe that any waiting list is [ inaudible ] there is no excuse for that to happen. Reporter mcdonald is discharging 35 officials and targeting another 1,000 for possible firing. In the case where we have had people violate the integrity, we are taking disciplinary action. Critics say the system is underfunded and ill equipped to serve the number of veterans who served in iraq and afghanistan as well as the aging population of vietnam wets. We want them to think of our department as embracing them, as giving them a warm hug, a place they can go to get the care they need, and a department that is total veteran centric. Reporter it calls for hiring 28,000 people, creating a Customer Service department with its own chief, simplifying access by creating a single point of contact, and modeling some services on private care. Secretary mcdonald is a veteran himself, a graduate of west point, and he says he was incensed when he read an inspector generals report that details how phony weight lists made it seem like veterans were getting care when they were not. You menning mentioned in your story this is often popular to fire people, but have they identified where in the system the remarkable Customer Service break down is . It does sound like the more interesting part of this is the chief. Yeah, thats part of the effort to change the culture. One of the problems they had with this system was some of these hospitals were overwhelmed, when you put your staff in a situation where they are under pressure to make goals that they cant achieve, and tell them you are going to punish them if they dont make it, you create this incentive to game the system. So by outsourcing, and trying to change the culture, they are hoping they can turn things around. I look at mcdonald the way i look at people who took over struggling companies. They have to inflict punishment, discipline, and bring the organization forward. How is he being received so far . Well, most of the reaction has been pretty positive from veterans groups. There has been some criticism are from the house Veterans Affairs chairman who said he would like to see secretary mcdonald use some of the recent powers in order to fire some of these people faster and not go through so many hoops. Its not easy to fire federal employees. And he says he is just trying to follow the law. Jamie mcentire, my old friend. Great to have you on the show. Thank you. Iraqs army has said it has made a break through in cutting into isils illegal oil profits. The reached the town that homes the largest oil fields. Imran khan has more in this exclusive report. Reporter just a day ago, isil was said to be firmly in control. Today the gra feetive tells the sfor story. The flag has been covered in Iraqi Security force slogan as the army takes large parts of the town from isil fighters. The taking of the town and the nearby oil refinery was an early victory for isil as they swept through in june. Once again this victory is being seen as a triumph for the iraqi army and those fighting with him. Translator let all the young men come here and join arms with their brothers to defend the country and expel isil. If we dont act now, isil will sweep us. So we have to give big support to the youth to join the fight against isil, especially in the province as it is considered the breaking point of isil advance towards bagdad. Reporter very early on isil established the town as a command and control center for all of the territory it controlled inside iraq. But it wasnt just ago military strategy. It was always about business acum acum acumen. The forces used helicopters to push isil fighters from the center of the town. The oil refinery is now the next big target. Located about 15 kilometers away. Isil fighters remain in control of parts of the facility, but they are cut off from the town itself, and surrounded by iraqi forces. Thats imran khan reporting from bagdad. Wellness programs at work have come a long way from those gym memberships and flu shots. Well look at one program that some say goes too far. Plus why a lot of middle class retirees arent getting the nest egg they expected. Al Jazeera America gives you the total news experience anytime, anywhere. More on every screen. Digital, mobile, social. Visit aljazeera. Com. Follow ajam on twitter. And like alJazeera America on facebook for more stories, more access, more conversations. So you dont just stay on top of the news, go deeper and get more perspectives on every issue. Al Jazeera America. One year ago america tonight brought you the story that shocked the nation sex crimes on campus i remember waking up and he was trying to have sex me. Now we return has anything changed . His continued presence on the campus put the entire community at risk for the better. I was arrested for another false charge that she had made up. America tonights special report sex crimes on campus one year later on Al Jazeera America the Obama Administration is opening the second time will be the charm for healthcare. Gov, the website opened on sunday night, reopened i guess, it comes ahead of the 2015 openenrollment period that started on saturday and runs on february. Officials are encouraging people to use this week to review and compare healthcare plans. And they are hoping to avoid the technical nightmare that plagued the website last year. Some 7. 1 Million People signed up for 2014. For 2015 they expect up to 9. 9 million enrollees. Theres one part of the Affordable Care act that is sparking debate, and that is Wellness Programs. They sound like good ideas. They are incentives that are offered in hopes of improving your health. But questions are being raised about whether some incentives are going too far. This comes after a legal challenge to honeywell. Reporter when you hear of a company Wellness Program, you might think of a discount to a gym, ways to quit smoking or lose weight. But a new program at honeywell is going much further. Employees are being asked to take tests to test for blood sugar levels and body fat. The tests are volunteer and results are not seen by the company. But a lawsuit filed in late october says if a worker doesnt agree to the screenings, an employee could suffer a penalty up to 4,000 through surcharges and lost hsa, or Health Savings account contributions. The eeoc argues the proposed medal testing is not volunteer, and violates the americans with disabilities act, and also violates the Genetic Information nondiscrimination act, which prevents using private Genetic Information in hiring. That is based on the fact that penalties can be imposed if a spouse refuses testing. Honeywell applauded the decision, saying healthcare experts say honeywells stays standings out for two reasons. One it involves a blood draw. The other is the size of the penalties, and they say it could set the tone for other companies. The Affordable Care act allows for even higher penalties to be implemented, and i think thats the direction seeing. Law professor say, some legal questions remain about whether they contradict discrimination laws. The Kaiser Family foundation finds 8 have either financial rewards or penalties for doing things like meeting a target body mass index. Health Experts Say Companies have thirdparties handle these Wellness Programs and can use the results to set goals for employees to reduce health risks. Some doctors say getting information about health risks isnt what troubles them, its what happens once those risks are identified. What concerns me is in many situations once the Screening Test is done for either smoking or maybe diabetes or high blood sugar, the organizations dont have a followthrough program that would allow those individuals to get the care they need to modify their behavior. Besides raising legal and medical questions these kind of Wellness Programs also raise ethical questions. I had a chance to speak to the director of the division of medal ethics, and asked him where the draws the line on these programs between something that is helpful, and something that is inappropriate. There are three reasons why these things are troubling. First they are watching your lifestyle at home. If it is related to workplace activity or job performance, they might have an argument. But here were getting into lifestyle things. You smoke at home . I dont know that thats anybodys business but they are paying for your health insurance. If they are paying for your health insurance, they can also start moving down a slope, because what is for them to not say, hey, you ride horses thats pretty dangerous. You own a Swimming Pool . There are a lot of slip and falls out there. You can see them opening up the door for your boss, starting to dictate lifestyle. A thirdparty manages this and advises them that somewhere on the bell curve they are off. Does that give you anymore comfort . Not much, because then you get these penalties imposed, and people are going to chart chattering i just got the bill. Yeah, so i dont see much protections. What do you make of honeywells response, where they said we dont want to penalize lifestyles. First of all honeywell doesnt follow up and say we built a treadmill in the basement or the cafeteria has gone local or whatever. They are just beating you over the head with a stick. And they are not treating equal cases alike. Maybe i do risky things, but the company doesnt care. Or the company stresses me out on the job. Im working extra hours all the time. Im not sleeping well. I get depressed. So would it make a difference to you if this were part of a more complete holistic Wellness Program . Encourage s elsewhere, changes in the cafeteria . I like carrots not sticks. I think if they set this up not by the whammy, but if they said here is the carrot we are going to hold out, you get extra days off, plus you have lifestyle comprehensive thanks that we support in the workplace. I would be more supportive of that. Honeywell says we dont want to penalize those who live a healthier lifestyle. Are we in dangerous of those who say smoking a less harmful than swimming . Somewhat. If the executives at honeywell are going skiing, there is an accident and there are orthopedic clinics at the bottom of the hills but in our collective effort there is probably one thing we have learned that we spend more than most countries do on healthcare. Yes. Is this should companies that insure most American Workers create a role in creating a more efficient healthcare system. I would like to go to the payers and say if we institute a Healthy Lifestyle program, would you give us a premium break. Right. All right. General motors is facing knew scrutiny about those faulty ignition switches. The auto making ordered replacement switches before telling the government that a recall was necessary. Gm has acknowledged that some engineers and others in the company knew of the flaw for more than a decade. They listed some of the changes it has taken since the recall. Coming up next, masters of the universe are rubbing their hands waiting for their annual bonuses. But there may not be a lot of joy on wall street this christmas. Consider this the news of the day plus so much more. We begin with the growing controversy. Answers to the questions no one else will ask. Real perspective, consider this on Al Jazeera America it is the time of year when every one gets to event about wall street bonuses. A survey from Johnson Associates indicates the checks could be as much as 10 less for those working on trading desks and hedge funds. But for Investment Bankers the payouts could be 10 to 15 higher. Yearend bonuses have accounted for large percentage of annual pay at many companies. The wall streets elite are worried about shrinking bonuses. The nations top 1 is doing better than just about everyone else. According to a report from cepr, most american households had less wealth in 2013 than they did 25 years prior. And its the folks closest to retirement who are in the most disturbing position. Dean baker is this codirector at cepr, one of the economists behind the report. Good to see you. Thank for having me on. You have broken this down into age categories, but the one that worries you most is the group nearest to retierlt, and that is because they have the least ability to make up for lost time. Thats right. The downturn is a big hit to everyone. But when you look at younger workers, theyll have an opportunity. None of us know what the economic is going to look like five to ten years out, but hopefully they have a chance to make up the losses. The people are basically right at retirement. And they are not going to have time to make up the hit. This is the change in wealth between 1989 and 2013 for everybody aged 55 who is now age 55 to 64, and what you can see here is the poorest 20 , that the bar on the left side did the worst. Their wealth decreased dramatically. The richest 5 . Thats on the right side saw their wealth increase. Me . The basic story is the worst off the starting point, the bigger hit you had. Those in the bottom quintile has negative average. And typically their owe more than their home is worth. The middle quintile is about 13 poorer on average today than back in 1989. So a quarter of century we have gone the long way, and the big winners were those at the very top. So its a story where those at the top did very well, and basically everyone else is worse off today than we were a quarter of a century ago. You point out the situation for people who are in one cohort younger, 45 to 54 is not substantially better except, i guess they have more time to retire. Thats right. If you take the people right in the middle of the income distribution. That on average have 100,000 in wealth. And a way to think about that, in terms of the percent of the home they have paid off, its roughly a third today. If you go back and look at the same age cohort back in 1989 they paid off more than 70 of their home. So back in 1989, typical person in age group was pretty far in paying off their mortgage, whereas today they have a long way to go. I found out those over 65 did better than those nearing retirement. Why is that . People are working later in their life. This is both good and bad. On the one hand a lot of people are in good health. They like their jobs. Thats great. So youll see professionals working well into their 60s even 70s in many cases. On the other hand you have a lot of people that they realize they dont have adequate savings. Their Social Security wont be enough to maintain their standard of living, so they keep working even situations where their health might be bad and they dont like their job, that is not a good story. But 65 to 74 has seen some increase in their wealth compared to 1989. Lets talk about 35 to 24. Why do we measure in this time frame. Thats where we have consistent data. 89 is this is a survey the Federal Reserve board does every three years. And we can be fairly confident. In principle i would love to say here is what it looks like going back late 40s, but we dont have that. When you look at 35 to 44, this is a very interesting chart, because first of all we can read it. Its all positive growth, but the income the wealth was gradually growing until about 2007, and now you see the difference. So in that age group, housing was a very, very important part of their overall wealth. Yeah, for most people until you get to the top 20 of the income distribution, really the top 5 in a big way. The house is where most people accumulate their wealth. So we have had to switch from defined benefit contributions to 401ks but most people accumulate very little to their quintile. Dean thank you for being on the show. Coming up next. The nfl player who signed a 50 Million Contract extension and two days later tore up his knee. Devastating climates. If we dont get rain well be in dire straits. Scientists fighting back. Weve created groundhog day here. Hitech led farming. We always get perfect plants everyday. Feeding the world. This opens up whole new possibilities. Tech knows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. This is my selfie, what can you tell me about my future . Can effect and surprise us. Dont try this at home. Tech know, where Technology Meets humanity only on Al Jazeera America this is what the wests historic drought looks like. In california, farmers are struggling to irrigate their crops, but not far away sits this. The vast pacific ocean. And so here in carlsbad, north of san diego, the largest Desalination Plant in the western hemisphere is under construction at a cost of a billion dollars. And farther up the coast. We are in the lovely city of Santa Barbara at our desalination facility that was built during the last drought and we are looking at reactivating the facility to help meet the demands of this current drought. Twenty plus years ago this facility was state of the art, but time and technology has changed, recommissioning this plant is a huge undertaking, but without it, the region could likely run out of water. I dont talk much about sports on this show, because im not much of a fan, but in a business like the National Football league, there is lots of money flying around, such is the story with carson palmer. He extended his contract with the cardinals. Good a cool 50 million to play another three years, and secured a 21 million guarantee in case of injury or Something Else taking him out of the game. Important if you are a football player. Two days later it happened. Palmer tore a ligament in his knee. Doctors say he will have to sit out the rest of the season and palmers knee wont recover before next summer. Back in 2006 he tore a ligament while playing with the bengals. Only ten days earlier he signed a whopping 118 Million Contract extension with them. Some of us might think thats a lot money to be throwing around, but lets not forget what the nfl is, its a mega enterprise that generates 10 billion in revenue and plans to generate up to 25 billion a year. With all of that money, it can well afford to folk out millions for its players, and it should since playing in the league can be so hazardous to players health. After years of denial the nfl finally admitted it ft expects up to a third of injuries. And close to half of them say they have needed to undergo joint replacement. You might pass judgment on the nfl for the amount of money it makes. You might fault the players, but it is us, the viewing public that enables all of this. And that comes at a price. Thats our show for today. Im ali velshi. Thank you for joining us

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