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Jon sopel is in washington. According to the polls, a majority of british people are in favour of donald trump coming to the uk on a state visit. But theres a sizeable number of people who stand opposed. Almost two Million People signed a Petition Calling for the invitation to be withdrawn. That petition in line with the law forced a parliamentary debate currently under way In Westminster hall. Heres a flavour. We are in a position unlike any faced by any previous parliament, where we have a person of a unique personality running the United States. There are great dangers in attempting to give him the best accolade we can offer anyone, only been offered twice before, of a state visit. This would be terribly wrong, because it would appear that the british parliament, the british nation, the British Sovereign is approving of the acts of donald] trump. Outside that debate In Westminster, in parliament square, theres a demonstration under way tonight. Lets get more now from our correspondent nick beake, whos among the crowds. The Prime Minister has made it very clear the visit is going to go ahead, so the invitation stands. I suppose the point to make to the International Audience is that this demonstration will not make much difference. Yeah, absolutely, good evening from parliament square, a place for protest of the people for years and years. You have the statues of various Prime Ministers looking down on this scene unfolding tonight, probably 2000 people here complaining about the prospect of a visit, a state visit from donald trump. There is a statue of abraham lincoln, immortalised here, the 16th American President , but the current american president , but the current american president , but the current american president is why people like here tonight. They are unhappy with the way he has treated migrants in his country. We heard from some of the politicians in parliament today, there was some balance there, people talking about the benefits of President Trump being able to enjoy a state visit, others vehemently against it. If you listen to the singing tonight, if you look at the placards and hear the voices of people here, they are unanimous, they do not want President Trump to be coming here later in the year. Some people, interestingly, are equating his stance in the last few weeks with that of brexit, bringing the two things together, talking about a sense of intolerance that has emerged from brexit, and also they seem the presidency as being one characterised by intolerance. We expect more speeches and more singing for the next few hours or so. Singing for the next few hours or so. I should say, there have been other protests in london and other british towns and cities since it was announced that there will be a state visit, but to return to your first point, christian, it seems that there is little the people here can do to stop President Trump enjoying a state visit in london later in the year. 0k, nick, for the moment, thank you very much. Today, mike pence was in brussels to meet eu leaders and also the nato secretary general, jens stoltenberg. Today mike pence was in brussels to meet eu leaders. The president of the United States and the American People expect our allies to keep their word and to do more in our common defence. And the president expects Real Progress by the end of 2017. As secretary of Defense James Mattis said here in belgium just a few short days ago, if youre a nation who meets the 2 target, we need your help, encouraging other nations to do likewise. If you have a plan to get there, as he said, our alliance needs you to accelerate. And if you dont yet have a plan these are my words, not his get one. Vice president mike pence speaking in brussels today. Lets bring in the republican strategist Brian Morgenstern in new york. Thank you so much for giving us your time, starting with those demonstrations, i wonder what they we re demonstrations, i wonder what they were make of it in the white house, that people are protesting about the democratically elected us president . I dont think theyll make much of it, they are used to it, frankly there have been many protests since the president s election, since his inauguration, but they havent slowed him down. He made certain promises, among them to work with other country to spread the cost around more, and his mind has not changed. In terms of a state visit to the uk, he wants to work with the uk and trade issues, and on limiting the effects of islamic terror, and a numberof other the effects of islamic terror, and a number of other issues, of course, there is far more that unites our countries than divides them. I am sure he will take these protests in his stride and just, you know, full speed ahead, as he has been. And you said about the pledges he made during the election he made it clear he wanted nato countries to be spending more on their own defence, 296 spending more on their own defence, 2 of gdp, smart move to centre the Vice President over to meet eu leaders, giamatti is, Defence Secretary is well . Absolutely. Gm jim secretary is well . Absolutely. Gm jim mattis. Secretary is well . Absolutely. Gm jim mattis. A very smart move at a time when some World Leaders may be an easy because he is such an unconventional politician, sending leaders from the administration over to reaffirm the relationships and to outline the goals Going Forward is absolutely a good way to manage expectations. Brian, we should mark the day, one month since donald trump walked into the white house. I was looking back to see what President Obama had achieved by this point, he and signed into law a stimulus package, expanded health ca re stimulus package, expanded health care for children, and they bill on equal pay for women. Donald trump has signed 23 executive orders, but it doesnt feel as if an awful lot is happening. Well, that is odd, because it has been a fire hose at the white house, just generating iiews the white house, just generating news and information and plans. He has rolled back a number of regulations related to the coal industry, he has rolled out a new Supreme Court justice nominee, industry, he has rolled out a new Supreme Courtjustice nominee, he has instituted a number of policies aimed at, of course, bedding refugees and other programmes. These working with congress now, a new health care programme. And of course getting his cabinet through. It has beena very getting his cabinet through. It has been a very busy month, i dont think there has been a shortage of iiews. Think there has been a shortage of news. In tens of legislation, congress has rolled out a 200 day plan, whereas normally it might be a 100 day plan, but that indicates there is a lot of legislation coming through the pipeline that will be moving probably later this year. Date with us. While we are discussing strategy, jon, we should talk about his attitude to the press. The media is the enemy of the American People he tweeted last week. You were on the Receiving End of it on thursday. Lets just remind ourselves of how that went. Where are you from . Bbc. Here is another beauty. Its a good line. Impartial, free and fair. Yeah, sure. Mr president. Just like cnn, right . On the travel ban. We could banter back and forth. On the travel ban, would you accept that that was a good example of the smooth running of government . Yeah, i do, let me tell you. Were there any mistakes in that . Wait wait i know who you are, just wait. Let me tell you about the travel ban. We had a very smooth roll out of the travel ban. I love that i know who you are what you make of the strategy, jon . I think that if you look down the ages, every president has tried to communicate directly with the electorate without the mediation of Newspaper Journalists electorate without the mediation of newspaperjournalists or electorate without the mediation of Newspaper Journalists or people electorate without the mediation of newspaperjournalists or people like us. Newspaperjournalists or people like us. You go back to the second world war, it was roosevelt with his fireside chats. Today, donald trump as 25 million followers on twitter, he wants to go to rallies where he can address the crowds, like we saw over the weekend. I think that part of the strategy absolutely makes sense. The other thing about donald trump is your loves to have an enemy. When he was running for the republican nomination, it was lying ted, low energyjeb, then krug and hillary. He needs an enemy now, and hes determined to make the enemy us, and we must resist the temptation to fall into the trap of thinking we are the opposition. But there are people on both sides of there are people on both sides of the house, john mccain was saying this weekend, if you want a free democracy, you need an adversarial press, and people on both sides are concerned about the tone. Yeah, and there are people who would want him to dial it back. The idea of saying that journalists are the to dial it back. The idea of saying thatjournalists are the enemy of the people, i think that went too farfor the people, i think that went too far for some the people, i think that went too farfor some people, but broadly speaking, i think a lot of Trump Supporters believe that we are the bad guys in all of this, that donald trump is the purveyor of truth, and sometimes it will be ourjob to say, do you know what, what he said is not as truthful as first appears. But it will be contentious, i think it is there to say. The Russian Ambassador to the united nations, vitaly churkin, has died suddenly while at work in new york. The veteran diplomat had been ambassador to the un since 2006. President putin is said to be deeply upset by his death. The russian leader said he valued mr churkins professionalism and diplomatic talent. The cause of death wasnt immediately known. He was one day short of his 65th birthday. Us defence Secretaryjim Mattis arrived in baghdad this morning on an unannounced visit to assess the war effort. Us backed iraqi forces have launched a new push to evict Islamic State militants from their remaining stronghold in the city of mosul. In a briefing, mattis said the us military is not in iraq to seize anybodys oil, distancing himself from previous remarks by President Trump. Russias decision over the weekend to recognise passports issued by separatist authorities in Eastern Ukraine has been denounced today by france and germany. They say the action is not in line with the minsk peace accord. But president putins spokesman, dmitry peskov, said it was a humanitarian move to help struggling residents in the rebel regions, who have faced a Transport Blockade imposed by Ukrainian Nationalist volunteer battalions. The north Korean Ambassador to malaysia has denounced the countrys investigation into the death of kim jong nam as politically motivated and has called for a joint probe. Malaysia responded with a statement saying the commons were culled from delusions, lies and half truths. The comments. Earlier malaysia said it was recalling its ambassador to pyongyang amid increasing tension between the two nations. Here in the uk, the upper house of parliament, the House Of Lords, is debating the legislation that will give the government a green light to begin the uks withdrawal from the eu. The government does not have a majority in the upper chamber, and there are many peers who oppose britains withdrawal. A record 187 peers have registered to speak over the two days of debate. So this bill is the legal means by which to give the Prime Minister power to commence Withdrawal Negotiations and nothing more. My lords, this bill is not the place to try and shake the terms of our exit, restrict the governments hand before it enters into complex negotiations, or attempt to rerun the referendum. This bill is the beginning of a process and a discussion we will be having in this house and the other place for years to come. Brexit means brexit was perhaps the most unwise of statements following the referendum. It just served to highlight that void. But, my lords, until the two years of negotiation have ended, and until the pompously and hopelessly inaccurately named great repeal bill and consequently gestation has been completed, none of us know what brexit will look like. And that has created and fuelled uncertainty for business, for science and for environmentalists. And worryingly for both eu citizens living and working in the uk and uk citizens living and working in other eu countries. We got used to theresa may saint brexit means brexit, wejust heard that clip from Baroness Smith in the House Of Lords, code of lords, could the lords make it that brexit does not mean brexit . They will not stop it, and not mean brexit . They will not stop it, and i dont think they want to stop it, so i think youll some early contradictory things happening. There will be vigorous opposition from the piers, because they amour propre european. Many of them are longer in years, and of course their philosophy is based in europe. They are more pro european. I think you will see amendments put forward, and the government may suffer some defeats because they have no majority in the House Of Lords. The Prime Minister was sitting on the sidelines, daring them to put amendments forward. But it would be in congress for a house which is not selected to stop the will of the people, to get in a way ofa will of the people, to get in a way of a democratic decision . You might see a bit of ping pong as the bill goes backwards and forwards, but the Prime Minister will comfortably meet that deadline by the end of march to serve article 50, the formal process to exit the european union. So a bit ofa to exit the european union. So a bit of a delay, but nothing much more than that. There have been a series of Immigration Raids in cities across the us in recent weeks, as President Trump makes good on his Election Promise to increase the deportation of illegal migrants. Whether the number of raids is actually higher than under the Previous Administration isnt yet clear, but there is concern in many immigrant communities about how they should respond to an unwelcome knock on the door, as rajini Vaidya Nathan found out in maryland. President trumps crackdown on illegal immigration has seen hundreds arrested in raids in recent weeks. The government says theyre only targeting people who pose a threat to public safety, but some of those detained dont even have criminal records. There are fears the net is being cast much wider. At this housing complex, oscar is handing out leaflets to educate people on what to do if an Immigration Officer knocks on the door. Many residents here are undocumented immigrants, here without valid papers, and after recent raids in the area, they are on edge. Im scared, because ive got family here, ive got my son, ive got my brothers, and ive got my wife. We came here to live more better and eat food on the table. Buenas tardes oscars job isnt easy. President trumps pledge to increase deportations has left many frightened. They dont want to open, because they think that it might be the immigration department. This mother of four, who didnt want to be identified, came from el salvador 15 years ago. Translation im afraid. When someone knocks on the door, i ask you it is first, and if i recognise the persons voice, then i open the door. One of my friends husbands was arrested by immigration. He was coming back from work, and they surrounded them and arrested them. Nationwide, there have been protests against President Trumps deportation policies, but many argue that theyre not that different from those his predecessor. President obama was nicknamed the deporter in chief for the high numbers of undocumented immigrants that his administration removed from the us. The president of the United States. At his Weekend Rally in florida, President Trump stressed the need to deport serious criminals. The gang member bad, bad people i said it, day one, they are going out, or they are being put in prison. But for the most part, get them the hell out of here, bring them back to where they came from. But recently leaked memos suggest his team are considering wider policies which could affect greater numbers of undocumented immigrants. Many support tougher deportation policies. Most people come in here wanting to have a better lifestyle, or better standard of living, but the fact is there are others who come with them who mean us harm orjust are bad people. And the only way to stop those is to stop everyone. But for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the us, the impact of President Trumps policies on their future is unclear. For some, that uncertainty is creating anxiety. Rajini vaidyanathan, bbc news, maryland. President trump caused some confusion at his florida rally on saturday when Out Of The Blue he said, look what happened last night in sweden. Well, yesterday he qualified the comments, he was referring he said to a story that was broadcast on fox news about immigrants in sweden on friday night. And hes been tweeting about it again today. Give the public a break, the Fake News Media is trying to say that large scale immigration in sweden is Working Outjust beautifully. Not but he hasnt been the only one to take to twitter over the matter. His comments sparked a huge social media reaction, many using the hashtag lastnightinsweden. Sweden who would believe this . sweden music gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight by abba half past twelve and im watching The Late Show in my flat all alone how i hate to spend the evening on my own autumn winds blowing outside the window as i look around the room and it makes me so depressed to see the gloom theres not a soul out there no one to hear my prayer gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight wont somebody help me chase the shadows away. Rather tragically, i will be humming that for the rest of the day lets bring in Brian Morgenstern again, a republican strategist. Thank you for listening to abba with us was that effective trolling of donald trump, or are we missing the point of what he is saying . Well, the trolling of the president can be hilarious, i think there is a issue here, and it is that sweden has, in fa ct, here, and it is that sweden has, in fact, based on a report this week, has had Problems Assimilating refugees, and it has resulted in sanogo zones where police have trouble, and there have been attacks by refugees, as well as attacks upon refugees. There have been some crimes committed, and so there are problems there, and that was the main issue. He was imprecise with his words, which has blown up into the story. But the voters, the electorate, see something much more important there and sees the president being attacked in this way, rather than having the issue elevated. You say imprecise with his words his fiercest critics would say he has a casual association with the truth, and they would point to the truth, and they would point to the comment about Electoral College votes on thursday and this. How can they trust their president if he doesnt get his facts right . Well, look, it is always better to be clear, to be prepared, and having to clean things up afterwards has been an unfortunate by product clean things up afterwards has been an unfortunate by product of his style, but the way he is so off the cuff, the way he is genuine, just tells everybody exactly what he thinks, that is one of the very appealing qualities that got him elected in the first place. And so taking the good with the bad, understanding that there is always going to be a little bit of clean up work to make things as accurate as possible after he makes comments and brings an issue to the fore. Brian morgenstern, thank you for staying with us through the programme, thank you for your insights on all of that and putting up with abba too we owe you a huge thank you. When we look at what is unfolding over the sweden thing, he is very effective at communicating and starting a debate and getting people talking, and that is kind of. Everybody feels they are participating in this debate with the new president. In fairness, you does touch on something that has affected a lot of people in europe, and that is the sort of an buzz of refugees and migrants coming to european countries, and he is certainly right that sweden were greatly concerned in recent months, so greatly concerned in recent months, so much so that they said they needed a break from the refugees coming. They have taken 200,000 in the last two years, and for a population of 10 million that is quite a lot. In terms of the problems, well, officially, the crime rate has gone down since 2005. But they have had a disproportionate number of people who have gone to syria, 300, which is up there with belgium and denmark, who we know had a particular problem. And i suppose the people who are really thrilled about all of this our twitter. You know, you kind of want to see on your twitter feed what is being said, and you want to see the reaction. It is like you are part of this gigantic conversation that is going on between the president and people around the world. Millions of people around the world. Millions of people participating in all of this discussion, quite extraordinary. And not just the discussion, quite extraordinary. And notjust the people, the politicians are picking it up, alternative facts and fake news, he has got the catchphrase is going, people are picking up on it. Youre watching 100 days from bbc news. Still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news, irans message to President Trump, the Foreign Minister defends a deal his country made with the obama administration, and it comes with a warning. And how is the science world responding to the president s policies . Are academics out of touch with americas heartland . Thats still to come on 100 days from bbc news. No doubt a fairfew no doubt a fair few spring bulbs burst into life this afternoon, what an afternoon for some, temperatures close to what they should be in may, rather than the middle part of their brewery. 18 celsius around london, 64 fahrenheit. The middle part of february. Notice those same places by the time we get to friday, colder air is on its way back. Not too much tonight, a chill across northern areas, but the breeze will keep temperatures up for many. Patchy rain and drizzle, heavy at times across wales, the midlands, but bridges will hold up throughout, not dropping much below eight or nine celsius. Temperatures. There will be showers in the North West Highlands and islands, mostly dry, right in the far north west of england. Across the midlands, wales, southern england, a damp start, outbreaks of rain and drizzle throughout, misty across wales and south west england, Rain Turning Heavier in the west. A bright start in northern ireland, turning wet across western parts of scotland. The best of the brighter breaks in the east, the northern half of the uk finishes with wet and windy weather to get you home and take you into the evening. Take a look at the charge through tuesday night and into wednesday, deep area of low pressure passing to the north of the country, strengthening winds uk wide. The strongest winds will be in the north of scotland, 70 mph gusts are possible. Some wintry showers. Further south, cloud and outbreaks of rain across england and wales, confined to southernmost counties. By confined to southernmost counties. By this stage already, temperatures back to where they should be for this time of year, eight or 9 degrees for the vast majority. Then one to watch later on, wednesday into thursday, stormy area of low pressure pushing eastwards across the uk, the strongest winds on the southern flank. On the northern edge, some sleet and snow, an indication of getting rid of the mild air, introducing Cold Polar Air to end the week. Bye for now. Welcome back to 100 days. A reminder of our top story. British politicians debate whether donald trump really is deserving of a state visit to the uk as protests take place across the country. Coming up students and lecturers at americas top Science University vow to fight what they say is Donald Trumps threats to their research. Relations between the us and iran have never been good. But they are an awful lot cooler under this administration. The us president has made it pretty clear what he think of the nuclear deal signed by his predecessor barack obama the worst deal ever. Well in an interview with the bbc, the Iranian Foreign minister has hit back, telling the United States to stop threatening his country. Javad zarif was talking to our chief International Correspondent lyse doucet who is back here in london now with me. The americans have but iran on notice, they are threatening new sanctions so how is the Foreign Minister feeling about it . As you know, it is a volatile region and when there is such an escalating war of words, the concern always is is it going to result in some kind of confrontation in the region there. The vessels grow through the waters, theres a lot of aircraft over syria, forces on the ground, could this possibly result in a Military Confrontation and indeed this year began with two think tank in washington saying there could possibly. Of late they are playing this down, but when i spoke to zarif, i asked this down, but when i spoke to zarif, iasked if this down, but when i spoke to zarif, i asked if he was concerned. I hope prudence will prevail because iran is not an easy target. We are not going to provoke anybody, we are not going to provoke anybody, we are not going to instigate any hostility. We have never started the hostility. We have never started the hostility and we are not planning it, but we will defend ourselves. I do not believe people looking at our history, at our capabilities, will ever make the decision to engage in that misadventure. The americans would say, when he says we are not going to broker anyone, what about the proxies destabilising syria, what about their influence in yemen, they are causing havoc all over the middle east and saudi arabia are pretty angry about it. Why for insta nce pretty angry about it. Why for instance with a fire a Ballistic Missile within the first few days of the Trump Administration . You wonder whether it was a provocative gesture and it is said it was carried out a gesture by the Revolutionary Guard which is as much against the moderate side of the Iranian Regime thatjob moderate side of the Iranian Regime that job javad zarif moderate side of the Iranian Regime thatjob javad zarif represent. Your point on proxies is interesting. What the saudis and americans see as rogue state, meddling, moving in with their militias in iraq and syria and lebanon, meddling, Stoking Up Discontent with shia communities in bahrain, the iranians see as governments inviting them in. The iraqis say we have been invited, why are you saying this is somehow illegal. Similarly with the missile test there is a Un Resolution say you cannot carry out tests of missiles capable of carrying out nuclear warheads. Javad zarif says they were conventional warheads so they were conventional warheads so they have every right to carry out a missile test, he said it is nobody elses business. It is very good to talk to you. There is a huge difference in the tone between barack obama and donald trump but what about substance . Although theres been a lot of bluster, there hasnt been anything donald trump has done to undercut the nuclear deal . Its quite extraordinary because you will remember he called it the dumbest deal ever but people are not talking about that deal now. It is laminated, the europeans and russians wanted to stay and frankly Iranian Intelligence want it to stay because if it goes, what will be left in its place . It would open up a pandoras box so let that be left to the side but they want to focus on irans behaviour in the region. There was a Un Security Council resolution and secretary kerry had to defend it time and time again which only dealt with Nuclear Issues but still, by neglect and undermining the deal, the deal in effect could be destroyed simply by it not working. I asked javad zarif whether he felt the deal was in jeopardy. The Nuclear Agreeement is a reasonable agreement. Its not everything they wanted nor was It Everything we wanted but its a reasonable Middle Ground and i believe if the Previous Administration had other options they would have exercised it. So not as if were moving from friendly relations to hostile relations. Us policy towards iran has never been friendly for the last 38 years its always been hostile and our people have shown that hostility doesnt receive a positive response from the iranians. As the Foreign Minister of iran though you must be a worried man, given the war of words you hear around you. No, im not as the Foreign Minister of iran and as an iranian weve heard so much of it but we rely on our people and those people make us proud because they have stood bravely against any threat. Before we came back on air, we were talking about a line up on Sunday Morning that took some organising. Yes, all the main players in the middle east were represented On The Last Day of the munich security form, the Foreign Ministers who could start Making Progress on difficult issues except they wouldnt agree to appear with each other so they each appeared separately. There had to be a pause in between each of them so there was no awkward moments where they bumped into each other on stage. It shows how far diplomacy has to go to reduce these tensions. The tensions are not going to go away. Lyse doucet Nobel Peace Prize winner at some future date just on the news we have today of the Russian Ambassador the on leader announced, he was a significant figure on the world stage and it seemed quite respected by his counterparts who he worked with in the united nations. That is a big loss for russia and possibly the International Community asa possibly the International Community as a whole. Yes, it was interesting to see the British Ambassador to the united nations, you have to be honest they screamed behind the scenes against russia, they briefed against each other they schemed. It seemed there was no love lost, but at this moment he played great tribute to a diplomat of great character and great skill, and he was. I often sat down with him and wa nted was. I often sat down with him and wanted to know what he thought about russias role in the region because you cannot understand what is happening in syria, she will understand russia and he had a very sharp analysis as well as a really colourful turn of phrase, a wicked sense of humour, and it was those turns of phrase is that he often described the mayhem in the Security Council that were memorable but he knew russias interests and represented them well. I think the world has also lost a very strong diplomat, friend orfoe, he knew his diplomacy and he did it well. Lyse doucet, great to talk to you. Scientists are not the type to let their emotions get the better of them but its fair to say that when it come to President Trump a lot of them are pretty worked up. In fact, those who belong to the Worlds Largest Scientific Group have thrown their weight behind a planned protest by researchers in washington, against the new administrations policies. The president s supporters say the academics are out of touch with americas heartlands and the voters. Our science correspondent pallab ghosh reports from boston. On their backs, the university in the shape of a clenched fist, on their wrist the symbol of resistance. Science has taken a political beating, it has been drawn into a realm where we have to stand up into a realm where we have to stand upfor into a realm where we have to stand up for the necessity of science in informing public policy, contributing to advancements in technology and health and potentially averting the Global Crisis we have seen in environmental and Climate Change. We are going to cancel the paris climate agreement. Mit is one of the leading science universities in the world. Feelings among the staff and students are running high, they are worried about what the Trump Presidency might mean for science and concerned about a white house they feel has little regard for evidence when it comes to policy making. More than 600 mit professors signed an open letter opposing Donald Trumps presidency just before he took office. Nancy helped organise the petition. The President Elect has appointed individuals to positions of power who have endorsed racism, misogyny and religious bigotry. Science is not a special interest, it is not optional, it is a foundational ingredient in how we as a society analyse, understand and solve the most difficult challenges we face. We are paying billions and billions and billions of dollars, we are going to fix our own environment. This professor is a Brain Researcher and she is angered by the president s statement that Climate Change is a hoax, and the Setting Up Ofa Change is a hoax, and the setting up of a commission to investigate whether vaccines cause autism. This is the most frightening and serious threat we have faced in my lifetime. The political tactic of denying scientific fact is a huge threat to the health of our people and to our planet. And stop all payments of the United States tax dollars to un Global Warming programmes. United states tax dollars to un globalwarming programmes. President trumps supporters say the academics are an out of touch elite. The people in the heartland of america who make stuff, dig up stuff and grow its tough. A living elected grow its tough for a living elected donaldj grow its tough for a living elected Donald J Trump as grow its Tough For A Living Elected Donaldj Trump as president. The People Living in new york city and working in the University Towns across america, they did not vote for him. They lost the election and will have to get used to it. There is no sign of that happening though, as scientists all across the country are planning a march on washington in april. That is 100 days from bbc news. From jon sopel in washington, and me Christian Fraser in london goodbye. Hello, this is bbc news, the headlines the House Of Lords is debating the legislation that would give theresa may the authority to begin brexit negotiations. Theres to be a big rise in Council Tax Bills across england, as local authorities grapple with social care costs. Most households could be charged 5 more from april. Police are digging in a garden at a property, thought to be a former home of christopher halliwell, the murderer convicted of Killin Becky Godden and sian ocallaghan. An update on the Market Numbers for you. Heres how london and frankfurt ended the day. And in the the United States, this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. Mps have been debating whether President Trumps proposed state visit should be stripped of the trappings of a State Occasion in order to avoid causing embarrassment to the queen. The debate comes after a Petition Calling for the visit to be downgraded gained more than 1. 8 million signatures. They are also considering an alternative petition, backed by almost 312,000 signatories, demanding the state visit goes ahead. The former snp leader, alex salmond, criticised the Prime Minister for Holding Hands with donald trump during her visit to washington. I think its difficult to know whether to uphold the morality of this Invitation Orjust be astonished at the stupidity of the invite. As an example of fawning subservience, the Prime Ministers Holding Hands across the ocean visit would be difficult to match. To do it in the name of shared values was stomach churning. What exactly are the shared values that this house, this country, would hope to have with President Trump . Exemplifying what shared values are, the Prime Minister when she was Home Secretary tried it, she said there are things like democracy, a belief in the rule of law, tolerance for other people, equality and acceptance of other peoples faith and religion. Which of these values as outlined by the pm has President Trump exemplified in his first 30 days in office . Conservative mpjames cartlidge, however, said the uk needs to be as close as possible to the us administration, adding that if the State Visit Offer is rescinded then the uk will gain nothing. In my view we need to focus on strategic point, theres two pastor that. The first is the recognition we need to be as close to this administration is possible. If we have concerns, we should

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