Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170117

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the extremist group that calls itself islamic state claimed it was behind the attack. the latest from our correspondent in turkey, mark lowen. this was the culmination of a huge nationwide police manhunt that appears to have finally apprehended a 34—year—old man, uzbek national, abdulkadir masharipov, believed to be the main suspect behind the istanbul nightclub attack. in the aftermath of the attack he managed to escape, to flee the scene. there were fears he could have even left turkey, managing to get to areas controlled by so—called islamic state, which said it was behind the attack, but that wasn't the case. he was arrested tonight in a western istanbul suburb of esenyurt along with his four—year—old son and others. they were reportedly hiding in an apartment belonging to a kyrgyz man in istanbul, so there will be questions of course over his support network that he managed to have. and questions over whether he had support and accomplices for the attack itself, in which he is thought to have killed 39 people. most of them were arab tourists, some of them were turkish nationals. people jumping into the freezing bosporus to escape. the photographs show him very heavily bruised, being held by his neck wearing a grey t—shirt and bloodied. he's been transferred to police custody now. the turkish authorities will be hugely relieved by this capture but the greater challenge for turkey going forward is how to secure this country, how to prevent the wave of terror attacks that is engulfing turkey from continuing, and how to step up intelligence so as to reassure a country that frankly feels very shaken at the moment. some of europe's political leaders have hit back at donald trump after he accused chancellor merkel of making a catastrophic decision to accept hundreds of thousands of migrants, people he called illegals. he also threatened high tariffs on german car imports. mrs merkel responded by saying that europe would continue to fight for its own identity. and president hollande of france said europe did not need outside advice as our diplomatic correspondent james robbins reports. they have rehearsed the inauguration in washington with a stand—in for donald trump but no one knows what to expect at friday's ceremony, still less what his first 100 days could bring. the president—elect continues to amaze, now accusing germany's chancellor merkel, more than 11 years in office, of a very catastrophic mistake with her open doors approach to migrants.” catastrophic mistake with her open doors approach to migrants. i think it's not good, i think it was a big mistake for germany. germany's chancellor did not return fire, except to argue that genuine refugees cannot be sacrificed in the fight against terrorism. translation: i would separate this from the task of helping refugees. the majority of refugees have left syria because of their oppression by assad. here's the latest trump on president putin. we can make good deals with russia, he says. 0ne president putin. we can make good deals with russia, he says. one good deals with russia, he says. one good deal could involve reducing both sides' nuclear arsenals, but at what cost? some fear mr trump easing sanctions against russia. there's talk of an early summer in iceland's capital, echoing the famous reykjavik encounter between reagan and gorbachev 30 years ago. that some it may have failed but it did open the way for arms reduction. now mr trump's pic for arms ambassador to the eu says history can be repeated. i think there will be a summit in reykjavik even, which is quite interesting. not unlike the summit between reagan and gorbachev some decades ago where people were equally pessimistic and yet what resulted, frankly the end of the cold war. and we need an end to this cold war. and we need an end to this cold war. and we need an end to this cold war. but nato remains worried. donald trump is still calling the western military alliance obsolete. so what could that mean for america's new deployment of heavy armour to poland to deter any russian threat? could it be reversed? russian threat? could it be reversed ? tonight france's russian threat? could it be reversed? tonight france's president hollande expressed his frustration. translation: europe will always be ready to pursue transatlantic corporation but it will be determined by its own interests and values. europe doesn't need outside advice to tell it what it has to do. those are staging friday's inauguration might be anxious to learn lessons from their rehearsals but signs 0ur learn lessons from their rehearsals but signs our world leaders remain worried about the real president trump, how will he translate sometimes baffling words into action? james robbins, bbc news. china has also reacted strongly to mr trump's latest pronouncements. state media in beijing said china would take off the gloves and take strong action if mr trump continued to provoke beijing over taiwan. 0ur correspondentjohn sudworth reports from beijing. not everyone in china is taking donald trump too seriously. his inauguration this week comes just ahead of the chinese new year of the rooster. and this factory is making, well, giant trump lookalike chicken balloons. the orders are flowing in, we can barely cope, the boss tells me. but increasingly mr trump is becoming a target of anger... ..rather than a figure of fun. mock—ups of taiwanese ships provide shooting practice at this chinese military museum. just across the taiwan strait. while us presidents have long avoided challenging beijing's claim to sovereignty, the so—called one china policy, mr trump says he might. "china's military, especially our navy, is growing stronger, we don't fear us provocation", this man tells me. "we want peace, but if they cross our red line we have to take measures," this woman agrees. last week, in a move seen by some as intended to make that very point, china sent its aircraft carrier through the taiwan strait. and china's communist party run newspapers have issued a stark warning, telling mr trump that if he changes us policy, beijing will have no choice but to take off the gloves, and that china will mercilessly combat those who advocate taiwan's independence. these chinese workers make luxury marble products for the us market. for them, the biggest fear is not rising military tension, but a trade war. their american boss believes mr trump's threatened tariffs will do nothing to change the basic market reality. hiring one worker in the states, that could hire five to six in china. so moving our business to the states would impinge into our margins which would then reflect on consumer pricing. and it would be very difficult to run a business that way. the world is about to find out whether one of the most vital and complex bilateral relationships is to undergo a profound change. before his election, china could simply dismiss donald trump's rhetoric as the overinflated blast of the campaign trail. not any more. and china is making it increasingly clear that while it has a lot to lose, so, too, does america and the wider world. john sudworth, bbc news, beijing. in other news: police in the united states have arrested the wife of the gunman 0mar mateen, who killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in orlando lastjune. reports say noor salman will be charged with obstruction ofjustice. police interviewed her after the attack, believing she may have been aware of her husband's plans. in venezuela new larger denomination bank notes have been issued against a back drop of spiralling inflation. the first three new notes have entered circulation with the largest being a 20,000 bolivar note. they were meant to be released in december but it was delayed causing chaos as people queued for days to exchange their old bills. the chinese president xi jinping has arrived in davos for the world economic forum. he is the first chinese president to visit the alpine event bringing together some of the world's richest and most powerful players. mr xi is expected to push the need for greater global trade in the wake of a more inward—looking new us administration. the inquests into the deaths of 30 british tourists who were killed in tunisia 18 months ago have started here in the uk. they were shot dead by a gunman at a beach resort near sousse. it was the deadliest terror attack on britons since thejuly the seventh bombings in london in 2005. the inquest has been told that some of the victims might still be alive had local security forces acted more quickly. 0ur correspondent daniela relph reports. for them the inquests matter so much. for them, the inquests matter so much. the families of those killed, still looking for answers. as the hearing began, the names of those who died were read out followed by a minute's silence. the inquest heard they had needlessly lost their lives. shouting mobile phone footage shows the chaos and confusion during the attacks. the families watched it in court. listening to the sound of gunfire and the sense of panic. gunfire the gunman was seifeddine rezgui, a 23—year—old who was eventually shot dead by the security forces. but he'd been intent on killing tourists. cctv footage has traced his movements that day. an unknown person dropped off by car near the hotel. as he walked away he hid the gun beneath a parasol under his arm. the sounds of gunfire were heard, those on the beach run for their lives, confused about what was happening. 0n the beach was rezgui, shooting systematically at western tourists. he can then be seen inside the hotel, roaming around, looking for his next victims. at no point do the police or security guards appear to try to stop him. samantha leek qc, counsel to the inquests, referred to a statement from a tunisian witness. she told the court: this map of the gunmen‘s movements was put together by a british police team. the red arrow indicates where rezgui started shooting near the sun lounges before moving to the terrace and outdoor pool area and into the hotel. he killed everywhere he went. this 3-d hotel. he killed everywhere he went. this 3—d graphic was also shown to the inquest. the name and photo of each victim marks the place where they were attacked. there was also evidence today from a senior diplomat at the foreign office. she said at the time of the killings tunisia was ranked at high—risk with attacks possible. but at that stage british tourists were not advised to avoid the country altogether. it has been a difficult day for the families, but they want to know how their loved ones came to die in such a horrifying way. daniela relph, bbc news, at the high court. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: we look at barack 0bama's legacy on race, and how the first african—american president will be remembered. day one of operation desert storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait has seen the most intense air attacks since the second world war. tobacco is america's oldest industry, and it's one of its biggest, but the industry is nervous of this report. this may tend to make people want to stop smoking cigarettes. there is not a street that is unaffected. huge parts of kobe were simply demolished as buildings crashed into one another. this woman said she'd been given no help and no advice by the authorities. she stood outside the ruins of her business. tens of thousands of black children in south africa have taken advantage of laws, passed by the country's new multiracial government, and enrolled at formerly white schools. tonight sees the 9,610th performance of her long—running play, the mousetrap. when they heard about her death today, the management considered whether to cancel tonight's performance, but agatha christie would have been the last person to want such a thing. this is bbc news. good to have you with us. the latest headlines: turkish police say they've captured the main suspect in the istanbul nightclub shooting. 39 people were killed in the new year attack. donald trump casts a long shadow across the atlantic as europe and china hit back at his latest foreign policy comments. the power—sharing executive in northern ireland has collapsed, and new elections have been announced for the 2nd of march. under the power—sharing deal, both sinn fein and the democratic unionists must rule together. sinn fein has refused to nominate a new deputy first minister following the resignation of martin mcguinness. gavin hewitt reports. for ten years power has been shared in northern ireland. it was one of the foundation stones of peace. today that power—sharing government collapsed. i propose that a draft 0rder in council be brought forward shortly to set an election date of thursday the 2nd of march. no—one should underestimate the challenge faced to the political institutions here in northern ireland and what is at stake. the trigger for the breakdown was a row over a controversial green energy scheme drawn up by unionist minister arlene foster. but the bitter arguments over the scheme exposed growing tensions between nationalist and unionist politicians. i think it's both parties, personally. i find it very disappointing and very, very sad. it's the tribal politics, you know, i feel like we're back in the ‘80s and i was really hopeful that for the future generations that they would have a different story. there's no appetite for a return to any sort of violence at any stage or form in the near future. i think that possibly what will happen is we will be led through another couple of years of political insecurity. at stormont, the northern ireland assembly depends on unionists and nationalists sharing power. today both main parties were asked to submit a name for one of the two top posts. first up, the democratic unionist party. mr speaker, i very readily... and they backed their current leader. ..nominate arlene foster to be the first minister. next up, sinn fein. there can be no return to the status quo. if something is broke, you stop and you fix it. that is the sinn fein approach. but they refused to put forward a name, so ending the power—sharing government. what does all this mean? uncertainty for northern ireland. without an executive, key areas of government will be stalled and then, most importantly, there's brexit. where will be the northern ireland voice when crucial decisions are taken? we are in a very grave situation going into this election and the timing of it when northern ireland has no budget agreed, when we are facing brexit and when we are also coming to the end of the financial year, is possibly the worst time that we could be entering into this kind of disarray. recent years have changed northern ireland, but the shadows of the past still make compromise difficult. a turkish cargo plane has crashed into a residential area close to the main airport in kyrgyzstan. local authorities say at least 37 people have been killed. the boeing 747, operated by act airlines, was en route from hong kong. it crashed into houses near manas airport in the kyrgyz capital bishrek in thick fog. abdul—jalil rasulov reports. the tragedy happened early morning. some were getting ready for work. many were still sleeping. the plane crashed and hit the buildings of the village, putting them on fire. translation: i heard a strong noise and the nearest houses were shaking. everybody got frightened and started to run out of the houses into the street. nobody understood what was going on because there was a fog. the weather was not good. rescue workers arrived at the scene to help the survivors. there are children among the injured. 0ne the survivors. there are children among the injured. one woman is reportedly pregnant. doctors fear she may lose her baby. this accident shocked many in kyrgyzstan. grief and sorrow were in the eyes of the emergency workers as they pulled out dead bodies from the rubble. no one from the crew survived the crash. the plane was operated by a turkish company, act airlines, which flew under the name of a cargo airline. even though it was a foggy day, authorities say the conditions for lending were good since other flights did manage to successfully land prior to the crash. a special committee has been set up to investigate the accident. it's martin luther king day here in the us, and this year it takes on added significance, as the nation's first african—american president prepares to leave office. one of barack 0bama's last official acts was the creation of three national monuments linked to the civil rights campaign of the 1960s. aleem maqbool went to alabama, and has this report. there were civil rights battlegrounds across this country, but few as crucial as those in this state. in one of his last acts as president, barack 0bama has designated certain sites in alabama important for the civil rights movement as national monuments, including this motel, which was used as the headquarters for a time for martin luther king. around the corner stands a church that was bombed by white supremacists at one of the people to moments of the civil rights struggle. president 0bama has now made this a national monument as well in honour of the four young girls who were killed. 11—year—old denise was one of those who died in the bombing. an event that sparked national outrage. churches are supposed to be your sanctuaries, server that to happen a church, i think those that may have been on the side of segregation had to ta ke been on the side of segregation had to take a second look. during his presidency, barack 0bama paid tribute to the historical events that helped pave his own way to the white house. that included inviting the mcnairfamily white house. that included inviting the mcnair family to washington. he hugged me in a big bear hug when i walked into the room, and then he hugged me later on when we were leaving. but it is for other reasons lisa feels strongly he has lifted up african americans over the last eight years. for so long, the perception was black was bad, but people are not smart enough, but people are not smart enough, but people are not kind enough, and he dispelled the myth of all of that —— black people. he was highly educated, kind, respectful. they could not have been a betterfirst african—american president. could not have been a betterfirst african-american president. of course, many others here have been counting down the days until barack 0bama leaves office in donald trump ta kes 0bama leaves office in donald trump takes over. barack obama is the most divisive president in well over a generation. why? i believe he played the race issue. iagree with generation. why? i believe he played the race issue. i agree with doctor king, history was that men would be not addressed by the colour of their skin but the content of their character, but president 0bama kept reminding people of the colour of skin and forcing it to be a racial issue. it has been very negative for our country. brian is one of the most prominent civil rights lawyers in america today. he is perplexed by that kind of sentiment. in america today. he is perplexed by that kind of sentimentlj in america today. he is perplexed by that kind of sentiment. i think he tried really hard to counter the idea that he was there just for people of colour. his policies were for everyone. you can point to many things he did that would be racially divisive —— you can't. we have police shootings being the most dramatic, and a polarising to people, but i can't find much that he did that any other democrat would not have done. many of us think he encountered hostility and resistance and obstacles and challenges that you might not have encountered. many others fill barack 0bama was not given a chance by some simply because he was black. for a lot of african—americans, it is important that race is constantly being brought up in this country. but it was also the main transportation source. . . was also the main transportation source... despite of the inspiration barack 0bama source... despite of the inspiration ba rack 0bama may source... despite of the inspiration barack 0bama may have provided, such practical inequalities remain. the last man to walk on the moon has died at the age of 82. the american astronaut gene cernan was a member of the apollo 17 mission in december 1972, the last manned space flight to the moon. catriona renton reports. this is dane and i'm on the surface. 0n the 14th of december 1972, gene cernan was the last of a dozen men to walk on the moon. we believe as we came, and god willing as we shall return. we hope for all mankind. and with these words, the commander of apollo 17 chased his nine—year—old daughter theresa don's initials in the dust and headed back to earth. he was born in 193a in chicago, a qualified naval aviator. in 1963, nasa selected him into its third group of astronauts. he went into space three times, one of only three people to fly to the moon twice. 0k, your pictures are coming in. in all, he logged 566 hours and 15 minutes in space, more than 73 hours of them on the moon's surface. as he and his tea m on the moon's surface. as he and his team returned from their last mission, little did they note that was to be the final manned flight to the moon. he retired from nasa in 1976 and went into private business. he wrote and talked about his time in space. when i look back at the earth from a quarter of1 million miles away, the beauty, the puffiness, the logic of the earth for the last three days, the last trillions of use, if i could have had every human being in the world standing next to me at that point, i truly believe the world would be a different place to live in today —— perfect nest. his footprints remain on it today. nasa says it is saddened by the loss, and the kennedy space centre said i'd astronauts gene cernan to the stars. they are used to alligators in florida, but this one was spotted going for a stroll. he has been nicknamed humbug. the video was posted on certain media —— social media. we are going to need a bigger boat. —— humpback. thank you for watching. good morning. we got some topsy—turvy weather conditions across the country yesterday. last week's snow still just about lying on the tops of high ground in scotland. a lot of cloud around, but look at the temperature. 12 degrees, incredibly mild for this time of year. a different story further south and east. brief glimpses of sunshine across the kent coast, but it was cold. four orfive generally in the south—east corner. that is because the nearer the area of high pressure and the cold air coming from the near continent, at the same time, winds coming from a south—westerly direction in scotland driving in this milder air. there will continue to be quite a lot of cloud, thick enough for drizzle. not a cold start to the day, but in the south—east corner, temperatures hovering around freezing. it will be a mucky start to the day through scotland and northern ireland. a lot of cloud around with hill fog and bits and pieces of showery rain through eastern scotland down across the borders towards the isle of man and north—west england. further south, maybe cloud thick enough for the odd spot of drizzle, but nothing especially significant. it will be mild. through the isle of wight up into east anglia, here it will be cold and frosty. i suspect we will see more in the way of sunshine through tuesday. clear skies and a beautiful day developing for many of us. further north and west, cloudy and murky close to the coast. but it stays incredibly mild. with eastern scotland brightening up into the afternoon, we could see highs of 12 degrees. generally around 10 celsius through scotland and northern ireland. into that south—east corner, despite the sunshine, it stays cold — four or five. for the fa cup third—round replays, it will be cold at wimbledon, but burnley and barnsley looks as though it will stay with a little more cloud and not quite so cold there. with the clear skies through the day, that will allow for temperatures to really fall away overnight tuesday into wednesday. perhaps the coldest of the nights through the week. we could see lows down to —2, “11 in rural spots. —1 close to towns and city centres. elsewhere, it will be cloudy and rather mild. that theme, what a surprise, continues into wednesday. once we lose the frost, it will be a glorious day across much of southern england, but it looks as though it will stay rather cloudy. but double digits again in the far north. 10 degrees the high. things become more uniform thursday into friday. not quite as sunny in the south, and not quite as warm in the north. take care. the latest headlines from bbc news, i'm mike embley. turkish police say they've captured the main suspect in the istanbul nightclub attack at new year. 34—year—old abdulkadir masharipov, an uzbek national, was arrested after a police raid at a housing complex in the city. he was reportedly found with his four—year—old son. european governments have hit back at donald trump, saying unity is the best response to his controversial foreign policy statements. china has also hit back saying it will take the gloves off and pursue strong countermeasures if the us president—elect continues to provoke it over taiwan. the last man to walk on the moon, gene cernan, has died at the age of 82. the american astronaut was one of only three people to go to the moon twice and the last man to leave a footprint on the lunar surface in 1972. nasa said it was saddened by the news of his death. now it's time for monday in parliament.

Related Keywords

Gene Cernan , Age , Man On The Moon , 82 , Attack , Police , Nightclub , Suspect , Western Istanbul , Injured , Shooting , 70 , 39 , Extremist Group , Turkish , Manhunt , State , Correspondent , Culmination , Mark Lowen , Uzbek National , Man , Scene , Istanbul Nightclub Attack , Aftermath , Abdulkadir Masharipov , 34 , Turkey , Areas , Fears , Islamic State , Suburb , Wasn T The Case , Esenyurt , Questions , Course , Son , Others , Support , Apartment , Support Network , Attack Itself , Accomplices , Kyrgyz , Four , People , Tourists , Some , Nationals , Most , Bosporus To Escape , Challenge , Custody , Capture , Grey T Shirt , Neck , Photographs , Authorities , Country , Terror Attacks , Continuing , Intelligence , Wave , Donald Trump , Europe S , Chancellor Merkel , Hit Back , Migrants , Decision , Tariffs , Leaders , Thousands , Illegals , Hundreds , Car Imports , Identity , France , James Robbins , President , Advice , Hollande , President Elect , Inauguration , Stand In , Ceremony , Friday , No One , Washington , One , 100 , Foreign Office , Mistake , Doors , Germany , 11 , Refugees , Translation , Chancellor , Terrorism , Majority , Fight , Task , Fire , Deal , President Putin , Deals , Russia , Trump , Sides , Assad , Oppression , 0ne , Nuclear Arsenals , Syria , 0 , Mr , Fear , Sanctions , Capital , Cost , Easing , Talk , Famous Reykjavik , Iceland , 30 , Way , History , Summit In Reykjavik , Arms Reduction , Eu , Pic For Arms Ambassador , Summit , Gorbachev , North America , Cold War , Deployment , Nato , Western Military Alliance Obsolete , Threat , Interests , Frustration , Corporation , Rehearsals , Lessons , Values , Europe Doesn T Need Outside , China , Bbc News , Gloves , Words , Action , Beijing , Signs , World Leaders , State Media , Pronouncements , Everyone , Advocate Taiwan , 0ur Correspondentjohn Sudworth , Chicken Balloons , Making , Factory , Rooster , Orders , Giant , Target , Anger , Fun , Figure , The Boss , Presidents , One China Policy , Ships , Mock Ups , Sovereignty , Practice , Taiwan Strait , Chinese Military Museum , Military , Peace , We Don T Fear Us Provocation , Woman , Point , Move , Measures , Red Line , Aircraft Carrier , Policy , Newspapers , Warning , Choice , Communist Party , Workers , Market , Products , Independence , Nothing , Military Tension , Trade War , American Boss , Business , Margins , States , Worker , Market Reality , Five , Six , World , Change , Consumer Pricing , Relationships , Lot , Election , More , Campaign Trail , Rhetoric , Blast , News , Wife , John Sudworth , Gunman 0mar Mateen , Reports Say Noor Salman , Plans , Denomination Bank Notes , Husband , Back Drop , Orlando Lastjune , Obstruction Ofjustice , Venezuela , 49 , Xi Jinping , Chaos , Notes , Inflation , Bills , Circulation , Being A 20000 Bolivar Note , 20000 , Three , Davos , World Economic Forum , Inquests , Event , Xi , Deaths , British , Players , Tunisia , Need , Administration , Wake , Greater Global Trade , 18 , Inquest , Victims , Gunman , Security Forces , Terror Attack , Britons , Bombings , Sousse , Beach Resort , Thejuly , London , 2005 , Families , Names , Answers , Hearing , Daniela Relph Reports , 0ur , Minute S Silence , Attacks , Gunfire , Seifeddine Rezgui , Lives , Court , Footage , Sound , Confusion , Listening , Panic , Sense , Mobile Phone , 23 , Hotel , Person , Sounds , Cctv Footage , Movements , On The Beach Run , Intent , Car , Arm , Parasol , Gun , Rezgui , Western Tourists , 0n The Beach , Samantha Leek Qc , Statement , Security Guards , Tunisian Witness , Gunmen , Map , Sun Lounges , Red Arrow , Place , Everywhere , Name , Area , Terrace , Victim , Photo , Pool , Graphic , 3 D , 3 , Diplomat , Killings , Evidence , Risk , High Court , Loved Ones , Daniela Relph , Barack 0bama , African American , Race , Air Attacks , Day One , Legacy , Stay , Second World War , Operation Desert Storm , Kuwait , Iraqis , Tobacco Is America , Street , Report , Industry , Biggest , Smoking Cigarettes , Buildings , Parts , Another , Kobe , Ruins , Help , Tens Of Thousands Black Children , Government , Death , Performance , Play , Laws , Schools , Mousetrap , Advantage , South Africa , 9610 , Thing , Management , Agatha Christie , Hit , Shadow , Atlantic , Headlines , Nightclub Shooting , Northern Ireland , Elections , Foreign Policy Comments , Sinn Fein , Power Sharing Deal , Power Sharing Executive , 2nd Of March , 2 , Power , Unionists , Deputy First Minister , Resignation , Martin Mcguinness , Gavin Hewitt , Ten , Council , Draft 0rder , Foundation , Stones , Thursday The 2nd Of March , Trigger , Stake , Institutions , Breakdown , Unionist , Arlene Foster , Politicians , Tensions , Scheme , Row , Arguments , Green Energy Scheme , Parties , Generations , Politics , 80 , Story , Return , Northern Ireland Assembly , Appetite , Stage , Violence , Form , Sort , Insecurity , Couple , Stormont , Nationalists , Posts , Speaker , Democratic Unionist Party , Up , Two , Leader , First Minister , Something , Status Quo , Power Sharing Government , Approach , Executive , Decisions , Uncertainty , Voice , Situation , Brexit , Timing , Budget , The End , Kind , Compromise , Shadows , Airport , Disarray , Turkish Cargo Plane , Act Airlines , Boeing 747 , Manas Airport , Hong Kong , 747 , 37 , Tragedy , Work , Rasulov Reports , Kyrgyz Capital Bishrek , Abdul Jalil , Plane , Houses , Many , On Fire , Village , Noise , Survivors , Children , Everybody , Rescue Workers , Weather , Fog , Nobody , Accident , Doctors , Baby , Eyes , Sorrow , Grief , Emergency Workers , Crash , Company , Rubble , Bodies , Crew , Committee , Cargo Airline , Flights , Conditions , Foggy Day , Lending , Rights , Monuments , Acts , Nation , Significance , Creation , Martin Luther King , Aleem Maqbool , Alabama , 1960 , Few , Headquarters , Motel , Sites , Civil Rights Movement , Church , Corner , Honour , National Monument , White Supremacists , Server , Girls , Churches , Bombing , Sanctuaries , Denise , Outrage , Events , Segregation , Presidency , Side , Look , Ta Ke , Family , Hug , Room , Reasons , White House , Mcnairfamily , Mcnair , To Washington , Big Bear , All , Enough , African Americans , Perception , Black , Myth , Eight , Betterfirst , Generation , Kes 0bama , Race Issue , Barack Obama , Ta , Iagree , Kes 0 , Colour , Men , Skin , Issue , Doctor King , Content , Character , Brian , Sentiment , Sentimentlj , America Today , Lawyers , Things , Idea , Policies , Police Shootings , Polarising , Resistance , Dramatic , Hostility , Democrat , Challenges , Obstacles , Chance , Source , Transportation , Transportation Source , Inequalities , Moon , Ba Rack 0bama May , Surface , Mission , Astronaut , Space Flight , The American , Member , Apollo 17 , Catriona Renton , 17 , December 1972 , 1972 , Last , God , Mankind , 14 , 14th Of December 1972 , Commander , Theresa Don , Initials , Nine , Nasa , Back To Earth , Dust , Chicago , Naval Aviator , 1963 , 193 , Space , Times , Astronauts , Group , Pictures , 0k , 566 , 15 , Team , Little , Flight , Tea M On The Moon , 73 , Earth , Logic , Beauty , Puffiness , 1976 , Footprints , Human Being , Trillions , Nest , Use , Stars , Alligators , It , Loss , Kennedy Space Centre , Video , Media , Social Media , Stroll , Florida , Nicknamed Humbug , Scotland , High Ground , Stops , Humpback , Snow , Boat , Weather Conditions , Topsy Turvy , Cloud Around , 12 , Sunshine , Air , Coast , East , High Pressure , Glimpses , Continent , Kent , Cloud , Drizzle , Direction , Driving , South , Pieces , Borders , Bits , Showery Rain Through Eastern Scotland , North West , Southern England , Hill Fog , Isle Of Man , Odd Spot , Clear Skies , East Anglia , Isle Of Wight , West , Highs , Afternoon , Eastern Scotland Brightening , 10 , Replays , South East Corner , Barnsley , Wimbledon , Fa Cup , Burnley , Coldest , Temperatures , Skies , Lows , , Theme , City Centres , Frost , Towns , Elsewhere , Surprise , North , High , Digits , Take Care , Mike Embley , Nightclub Attack , In The City , Foreign Policy Statements , Governments , Response , Housing Complex , Unity , Police Raid , Countermeasures , The Last Man , The American Astronaut , Nightclub Shooting , Globe , Viewers , Stories , Collapses , My Name , Footprint , Monday In Parliament ,

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