Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170125

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donald trump has reignited several major environmental disputes in the us. he's flexing the powers of the presidency, using executive orders to sign into action moves to re—launch some controversial oil pipelines. they'd been held up by the obama administration out of concern for the environment and native american lands. mr trump says the projects will create jobs, particularly in the us steel industry. our north america editor jon sopel reports. i am, to a large extent, an environmentalist, i believe in it. but it's out of control. the key word there seems to be "but", as another day brings another set of executive actions that aren't exactly music to the ears of the green lobby. from now on, we're going to start making pipeline in the united states. we build it in the united states. we build the pipelines. we want to build the pipe. we're going to put a lot of workers, a lot of steelworkers back to work. and from former vice—presidential candidate, sarah palin, this tweet, "drill baby, drill." these two pipelines will each stretch over 1,000 miles, one going from canada, in the north, down to the gulf coast in the south. the other would stretch across four states to illinois and will create thousands ofjobs along the way and be a major boom for the oil industry. when barack obama was president there was a huge amount of prevarication and hand—wringing over what to do about the keystone xl pipeline, the president then trying to balance his green credentials with his desire to providejobs. for donald trump, in his second day in office, no such qualms. for him, everything is about putting americans back to work. but criticism has been swift. president trump's decision today to green light these dirty oil pipelines proves one, that over the next four years he will side with the oil and gas industry over public health, the environment and every day americans. and the move is certain to upset native americans whose opposition to the dakota pipeline was strenuous and, ultimately, successful last yea r. they object to it, saying it will contaminate water supplies and disturb ancient burial grounds. and though this executive action has been signed, this is probably going to end up in the courts and so, in the short—term, this move is likely to create more jobs for lawyers than construction workers. jon sopel, bbc news, washington. protests over the pipeline plans have already begun, with demonstrators gathering in new york and washington dc, including actress jane fonda, who was vocal about both the danger of oil spills and the president himself. among the hundreds of people gathered at the protests were representatives of the indigenous environmental network, which says it will continue to orchestrate civil disobedience in defence of native american rights. i call him that the predator in chief and i said we must never normalise scene, we must never legitimise him. he did not win the majority of the american vote and it was an election that was interfered by russia and there was a lot of fa ke by russia and there was a lot of fake news and he should not be legitimised. several prominent us republicans have rebuked president donald trump for repeating his assertion that he lost the popular electoral vote to his rival, hillary clinton, because nearly three million people voted illegally. the speaker of the house of representatives, paul ryan, said the president should drop the unsubstantiated claims. but his spokesman, sean spicer, reiterated that mr trump continued to believe the allegations. the republican senator, lindsey graham, said mr trump's comments were inappropriate for a president to make without proof. i was not that but if the president of the united states is claiming that three and a half million people voted illegally, that shakes confidence in our democracy. he needs to disclose why he believes that. i do not believe that. it is the most inappropriate thing for the president to say without proof. al gore walked away based on 500 — 600 votes. richard nixon lost a very close election. we are talking about a man who won an election and seems to be obsessed with the idea that he could not have possibly lost the popular vote without cheating and fraud. there's been strong criticism to the announcement by israel that it plans to build 2,500 more settlement homes in the occupied west bank. the israeli defence ministry says that most of the new homes would be in existing settlement blocs, including ariel and givat zeev. however, a government breakdown of the plans shows large portions of the new homes will be built outside existing blocs. the defence ministry said the move was in response to housing needs. with more, here's our correspondent in jerusalem, mark lowen. this is the second time in the space of a week that the israeli government has announced more building in settlements, 2,500 homes to be built in occupied... ..the occupied west bank and over the weekend there was an announcement that over 560 new homes would be built in settlements in occupied east jerusalem. both of these announcements coming after the inauguration of donald trump. a feeling here that the israeli government is feeling emboldened, even encouraged by the new administration in the us to build more in the settlements after the relationship between israel and the us under barack obama plummeted partly over the issue of settlement building. mr obama was fiercely opposed to the settlements, he allowed a un resolution to pass last month condemning israeli building in the settlements but donald trump, his son—in—law, and his pick for us ambassador to israel have all donated to the settlements and clearly are going to take a much more pro—israeli policy. but there's also a feeling this is being done partly for domestic political consumption because the prime minister here, benjamin netanyahu, is facing a big challenge here from the far right. so he's trying to burnish his right wing credentials by choosing an issue that will go down well with nationalists, ie settlement building. now, the issue of settlements is so contentious because it violates international law according to the un and it's being built in areas that the palestinians want for a future state that are going beyond israel's borders according to the 1967 border demarcation. so the palestinians have reacted furiously, a spokesman for the palestinians saying this would foster extremism and terrorism and calling on the international community to take a stand against israel and against the issue of settlement building. that was mark lowen. the un considers the settlements to be illegal. and a spokesperson for un secretary general, antonio guterres, has released a statement saying: a spokesman for the palestinian president said the move would promote terrorism and extremism. palestinian officials said the plans undermined the hope for peace. translation: we consider all settle m e nt translation: we consider all settlement illegal and they have to be removed. there are clear international resolutions by the security council most recently stating the settlements are illegal with international support. we never agree to this government to continue its crimes and aggression towards the palestinian people. new us president donald trump has previously indicated he will be more sympathetic to settlement construction than former president obama. but the white house press secretary wouldn't be drawn on whether mr trump supports this latest expansion. israel continues to be a huge ally of the united states. he wants to grow closer to israel to make sure it receives the full respect of the middle east. we will have a meeting with prime minister brexit and we will discuss that. —— prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in other news: the uk's supreme court has ruled that the government must consult parliament before triggering the procedure to leave the european union. a referendum injune produced a narrow majority for brexit. ministers have promised this ruling won't delay the process and will introduce a bill within days. christian fraser reports. democracy, said abraham lincoln, is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. the statue outside the supreme court, they were debating that very issue. the ruling, when it came make the other court was not trying to frustrate the process to leave the eu but whether government could start the process without parliamentary consent. today, by a majority of 823, the supreme court rules that the government cannot trigger article 50 without an act of parliament authorising it to do so. the government then defeat at but the ii judges also had to decide whether westminster could take this decision alone. or whether scotland and northern ireland should also have a say. on the devolution issues, the court unanimously rules that they are not legally compelled to consult the devolved legislatures before triggering article 50. the verdict was welcomed by the former attorney general, who told me, this was a good day for parliamentary democracy. i always took the view that the idea you could trigger article 50 without a vote in parliament was an extraordinary thing to do because it would defeat so thing to do because it would defeat so much legislation parliament itself had activated. i am not surprised by the decision which seems to robust the stand—up for our historic liberties. the ideal solution for the prime minister to this ruling would be to putjust a single line of draft legislation before the parliament to be rubberstamped. difficult for posing and peace to amend except government lawyers have been advising the prime minister that if she schemes on the details out, she could be exposing herself to future legal challenges and down the line. nonetheless, the government is going to take that risk, confident that now mps will support the timetable they set out. this will be a straightforward bill. it is not about whether or not the uk should leave the european union — that decision has a ready benmac—... in exchange, the opposition will wa nt in exchange, the opposition will want guarantees of a meaningful vote at the end of the process. scottish nationalist did not rule out a second referendum on independence. the decision is looming for scotland. we prepared for a future to be dictated by a westminster government going down a path the majority people in scotland want to go. the westminster parliament is sovereign, says the court. only parliament can change the law. ultimately they have underscored the foundation of britain's constitution and as abraham lincoln would say, this principle is our inflexible. stay with us on bbc news — still to come... after a huge row last year, the oscars gets a lot more inclusive. we look at the films that make it the most diverse nomination list for a decade. the shuttle challenger exploded soon after liftoff. there were seven astronauts on board, one of them a woman school teacher. all of them are believed to have been killed. by the evening, tahrir square, the heart of official cairo, was in the hands of the demonstrators. they were using the word "revolution". the earthquake singled out buildings, and brought them down in seconds. tonight, the search for any survivors has an increasing desperation about it as the hours pass. the new government is firmly in control of the entire republic of uganda. moscow got its first taste of western fast food, as mcdonald's opened their biggest restaurant, in pushkin square. but the hundreds of muscovites who queued up today won't find it cheap, with a big mac costing half the day's wages for the average russian. this is bbc news, i'm mike embley. the latest headlines: president trump has signed executive orders to relaunch two controversial oil pipeline projects in the united states, saying they would create a lot ofjobs. the un secretary general has expressed concern over israel's decision to build 2,500 new homes in the occupied west bank. this year's oscar nominations are the most racially diverse for several years, with seven of the 20 candidates in the acting categories from ethnic—minority backgrounds. leading the way with 14 nominations, equalling the record for a single film, is the critically—acclaimed musical la la land. our arts editor will gompertz has more. # someone in the crowd could be the one you need to know #. there is nothing hollywood likes more than a film that puts it centrestage. so no great surprise la la land, the musical about two wannabes making their way in tinseltown, has 14 nominations, including damien chazelle for best director and ryan gosling and emma stone in the best actor and best actress categories. # look into somebody‘s eyes #. it will get a run for its money from moonlight, barryjenkins' coming—of—age drama, which gets eight nominations, and sees mahershala ali getting a nod as best supporting actor and a crack—addled naomie harris one for best supporting actress. some boys chased him and they cut. he's scared more than anything. i'm trying to explain it to you the best way i know how. she will be up against viola davis, who puts in a powerful performance in fences, directed by and starring denzel washington, who is nominated in the best actor category. i've got a life, too. who the hell is private darce? along with american—british actor andrew garfield, as the heroic conscientious objector in mel gibson's hacksaw ridge. well, that's some of the runners and riders. kate muir, you're the times film critic. pick us some winners, starting with best picture? has to be la la land. it's completely in a league of its own. it's glorious, it's romantic, it's dancing on air, but there's also the cinematic craft there. ok, best actor? has to be, i think, casey affleck in manchester by the sea. it's a real nuanced performance. he's like an unexploded bomb. so not andrew garfield? no, hacksaw ridge is not our thing, i don't think. ok, best actress? i would really like to see natalie portman win this forjackie. i think it's a cool, elegant, clever performance. meryl streep‘s not going to get it, then? absolutely not. ok, best supporting actor? i would like to see mahershala ali win this for moonlight. he's playing a drugs kingpin, but against all odds, he's tender, he's fatherly. it's quite a surprise. best supporting actress? i would like naomie harris to win this for britain, for moonlight. she's usually miss moneypenny. here she is playing a crack—addicted mother. it's a great surprise. i think it will be viola davis. and then, finally, best director? damien chazelle really, really deserves this for pulling all the stops out on la la land. last year's awards were dominated by the oscars so white campaign. the 2017 shortlist is more diverse, but we can still expect politically charged speeches, with the name donald trump likely to crop up. will gompertz, bbc news. let's get more on all the nominations from peter bowes, who joins us from los angeles. hollywood loves movies about hollywood. it does, and it is certainly the local favourite. you can probably see why. it is an escape is an movie. a lot of people around here are saying everybody has been a bit depressed recently. last year wasn't a fantastic time for some people. let's just year wasn't a fantastic time for some people. let'sjust go year wasn't a fantastic time for some people. let's just go to the movies and have a good time, and this is undeniably a fun movie. it is quite a light, romantic story, boy meets girl, the story is busy giddy deep, there are some great music in it, and there is of escapism as well. it is a modern day backdrop of los angeles harking back to the golden days, the more simple days, shall we say, of hollywood from the 1950s and 1960s. and one or cheering people i think wishing that the times today could be a little bit more like they used to be a few decades ago. and they really did shut every way for real, and he really did learn to playjazz piano for realjust quickly as well, meryl streep, another record for her, whether she wins or not. yes, florence fosterjenkins is the film she is in. she is nominated now for the 20th time. she broke the record that was previously set by meryl streep. she was already the most successful actor of all time in terms of oscar nominations, so she 110w terms of oscar nominations, so she now has her 20th. it is a great performance in this film, and a difficult task she had, and that was to play an opera singer who was the tone deaf and couldn't sing, a really awful singer. true story, the really awful singer. true story, the real icing didn't know she was so bad, and meryl streep just absolutely nails it. it is not that easy to sing badly when you actually can sing. peter, diversity of course the big issue again this year, but hats at least in a good way. how much is this to do with the academy being substantially revamped since last year? well, i think it is a little bit to do with that. it is difficult to say. and we really need to look at this long—term. we can't just say in one year, because we have these seven actors and actresses now nominated in these key categories that everything is ok. and if you think about it, the films that have been nominated this year we re that have been nominated this year were already being made last year, some have been on the cards for several years. so they were already in production. so yes, the fact that the voters are a little bit more diverse at the motion picture academy might have helped some of those actors and actresses get nominated, or maybe not. let'sjust see what is happening in five or ten yea rs' see what is happening in five or ten years' time in terms of diversity, the kinds of roles that are created for black actors and actresses, and for black actors and actresses, and for other ethnic minorities as well. and peter, you must have known you would be asked for your oscar tips. who are your little man going to? well, if i were an oscar voter, and iam not, well, if i were an oscar voter, and i am not, i would choose lion. this is the film that dev patel stars in, the british actor. i think is a fantastic film. it is about a young british boy who gets lost in calcutta, thousands of kilometres away from his home. he gets adopted by an australian couple, the mother played by nicole kidman, she is is quite a ride, and i think people have been to see this movie, not quite expecting how it would affect them emotionally. and the fact that it isa them emotionally. and the fact that it is a true story, that the human being actually went through the character portrayed by dev patel portrays, i think, character portrayed by dev patel portrays, ithink, is character portrayed by dev patel portrays, i think, is quite extraordinary. i have to tell you, i agree. thank you so much. an annualfestival where people buy miniature representations of their hopes and aspirations has been taking in bolivia. the festival in la paz sees people from the aymaran tradition come and buy doll—sized houses and cars, in a hope that the god of abundance will help make their dreams come true in the coming year. catriona renton takes up the story. the ideal home, with a luxury car and money. lots of it. at the festival in la paz, the aymaran people are dreaming big, buying miniature versions of all the things they would like to have in the coming year. these codes, symbols of wealth, and roosters. some women believe they will bring them a husband —— toads. once they have bought what they hoped for, they are then blessed by priests, and make offerings of cigarettes and alcohol to the god of abundance, in the hope that these symbols may one day become reality. translation: i have a lwa ys become reality. translation: i have always received this blessing from the father. may he bless me with a house, money, work and good health. originally, when the festival began, people exchanged symbols representing good harvest and food. now it has evolved. this year there isa now it has evolved. this year there is a new lucky charm, tiny water tanks, as bolivia has been suffering its worst drought in 25 years. translation: this is the little fortune house here, made of wood and glass. this house has a small water tank because, in bolivia, we are suffering water shortages. we ask the god of abundance and the virgin that we may have water in these ta nks that we may have water in these tanks in our houses. people will keep these symbols of their wishes in their homes all year, as a reminder. but, it is said, for the blessing to really work, you can't buy anything for yourself. instead, you must receive diminishes as gifts. japan has named its first home—grown sumo grand champion in almost two decades, in a boost to the traditional wrestling sport. 30—year—old kisenosato was promoted to the topmost yokozuna rank after his win in the first tournament of the year. mariko oi has more. there is some flash photography in her report. sumo is japan's national sport, dating back hundreds of years. wrestlers are ranked, and the ultimate goal is to become a yokozuna. but there hasn't been a japanese wrestler to reach the sport's highest rank in nearly two decades, until this guy. kisenosato becomes the 72nd yokozu na in history, joining three others who are actively competing in tournaments. translation: i am physically fit, and i'm eager to go further. i feel i will get stronger and stronger, as i consider this a new start. the head of the sport's association, which decides about the promotions, says it is a deeply emotional time. translation: we felt that kisenosato would continue to do well, and therefore is fit to become yokozuna. in the last 19 years, five wrestlers, one american samoan and four mongolians, were promoted to be yokozuna. the hope is kisenosato's promotion would boost the sport's popularity. a reminder of our top story: president trump has signed executive order is intending to relaunch two controversial oil pipelines in the united states. the keystone xl pipeline was rejected by barack obama in 2015 after years of protest. construction on a second project, the dakota access pipeline was halted in december, with complaints it threatened water resources and sacred native american sites. protests on both of those have restarted in new york and washington, dc. much more on all the news any time on the bbc news website. thank you for watching. hello. wednesday will start quite windy across northern and western parts of the uk, and continue that way. whereas into parts of southern england, the midlands, east anglia, it is troublesome fog once again. some freezing fog patches at that, dense in places. and that could be having an impact on travel again, so check the situation before you head out, you can see the fog showing up here. but, if you are in scotland and northern ireland, you can see the wind arrows indicating a strong, quite gusty wind in places, keeping the fog at bay. that is also into the far west of wales and the far south—west of england. where we have the thickest fog is where we have the frost as well, and that could be giving the icy stretches on untreated surfaces. look at the strength of wind, though, into the far south—west, into the western parts of wales. could be a few fog patches into the welsh marches, into a few spots in yorkshire. it is a windy picture through scotland and northern ireland, north—west england, too. plenty of cloud around, could be quite drizzly in places first thing. now, as we go on through the day, the fog will gradually lift into low cloud, but a cloudier, colder—feeling day into east anglia and the south—east compared with tuesday. some brighter skies, though, into much of south—west england, wales, parts of northern england, keep a fair amount of cloud in northern ireland and scotland. a largely dry picture, but the outbreaks of rain coming into northern ireland and scotland late in the day, and gusty winds. 11 degrees in stornoway, ten in belfast. just six, though, in london. now, as we go through wednesday night, there will be a frost developing again for many of us. and just a subtle shift in the wind direction, connecting with colder air freezing continental europe, means we draw in some colder air to the uk for thursday, and quite brisk south—easterly winds, so it is going to feel quite raw. there could be a few snow flows around the beginning in some spots, a few icy stretches, too. many of us will improve the sunny spells. it won't help the feel of the weather on thursday in that brisk south—easterly flow, as temperatures for some will struggle to get above freezing, and if you add in the impact of the wind, it will feel like it is below freezing, for that raw feel on thursday. not quite so chilly on friday, but still chilly, definitely, down the eastern side of the uk. towards the south—west we bring in more cloud. the risk of getting a few showers as we go on through friday. it is a bit of a change heading into the start of the weekend. a weather disturbance coming our way. still a lot of uncertainty about the detail, but that could bring some heavier downpours into parts of england and wales at the start of the weekend. sunday, at the moment, looks quieter, more of us dry. so a risk of some showers, at least to start the weekend. some sunshine around. less chilly at the weekend, but still the scope for getting some overnight frosts, and some fog patches around too. that's it, bye bye. the latest headlines from bbc news. i'm mike embley. president trump has signed executive orders to relaunch two controversial oil pipeline projects in the united states, saying they will create a lot ofjobs. the schemes were both blocked by barack obama. environmentalists and native americans have reacted angrily and vowed to challenge the decision. the israeli government has approved plans to build 2,500 new homes in the occupied west bank. it's the second announcement of new construction in occupied territory since president trump took office. a spokesman for the palestinian president said the move would promote extremism. the british government says it will begin the formal process of leaving the european union by the end of march, despite losing a supreme court case over the role of parliament. the court ruled that mps must have the final say on triggering brexit, bringing a seven—month legal battle to an end. now on bbc news, tuesday in parliament.

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Nominations , La Land , Winner , Shortlist , Barack Obama , President Trump , Pipelines , Us , Executive Orders , Oil , Presidency , Administration , Concern , Action , Disputes , Powers , Environment , Jobs , Jon Sopel , Extent , North America , Lands , Environmentalist , Projects , Native American , Steel Industry , Word , Out Of Control , Music , Actions , Making Pipeline , Aren T , Ears , Lobby , Set , Lot , Pipe , Workers , Steelworkers , Candidate , Tweet , Drill Baby , Sarah Palin , States , North , South , Stretch , Other , Thousands , Gulf Coast , Canada , Illinois , Four , 1000 , Two , One , Way , Amount , Oil Industry , Over , Keystone Xl Pipeline , Boom , Prevarication , Criticism , Office , Everything , Credentials , Desire , Qualms , Providejobs , Swift , Decision , Oil Pipelines , Health , Industry , Gas , Green Light , It , Move , Opposition , Water Supplies , Burial Grounds , Dakota Pipeline , Yea R , Bbc News , Courts , Executive Action , Construction Workers , Lawyers , Washington Dc , People , Demonstrators , President , Hundreds , Protests , Jane Fonda , Pipeline Plans , Vocal , Oil Spills , Danger , New York , Defence , Representatives , Rights , Civil Disobedience , Indigenous Environmental Network , Predator , Scene , Majority , Vote , Election , Fake News , Republicans , Assertion , Russia , Fa Ke , Sean Spicer , Claims , Allegations , Rival , Republican , Paul Ryan , Hillary Clinton , Speaker Of The House Representatives , Senator , Three Million , Proof , Comments , Lindsey Graham , Democracy , Half , Confidence , Three , Thing , Al Gore , 500 , 600 , Idea , Man , Votes , Popular Vote , Cheating , Lost A , Richard Nixon , Israel , Homes , Settlement Homes , Announcement , West Bank , Most , Settlement Blocs , Fraud , Defence Ministry , Ariel , Givat Zeev , 2500 , Plans , More , Portions , Blocs , Response , Mark Lowen , Housing Needs , Correspondent , Space , Government Breakdown , East Jerusalem , Government , Settlements , Weekend , Building , Both , Feeling , Announcements , Inauguration , Relationship , 560 , Issue , Un , Settlement Building , Son In Law , Resolution , Consumption , Policy , Ambassador , Pick , Prime Minister , Benjamin Netanyahu , Challenge , Nationalists , Wing , Ie Settlement Building , State , Law , Borders , Palestinians , Areas , Border Demarcation , 1967 , Extremism , Terrorism , Stand , Community , Secretary General , Antonio Guterres , Statement , Saying , Translation , Hope , Peace , Settlement , Officials , Resolutions , International Support , Security Council , Trump , Wouldn T , Crimes , Aggression , Expansion , Ally , Settlement Construction , White House Press Secretary , Respect , News , Brexit , The Uk S Supreme Court , Meeting , Middle East , Westminster Parliament , Process , Ruling , Bill , European Union , Referendum , Ministers , Procedure , Injune , Court , Supreme Court , Statue , Christian Fraser , Abraham Lincoln , Consent , Trigger , Cannot , Supreme Court Rules , 823 , Article , Scotland , Act Of Parliament , Westminster , Judges , 50 , Say , Northern Ireland , Devolution Issues , Legislatures , Verdict , View , Attorney General , Legislation Parliament , Stand Up , Draft Legislation , Difficult , Ideal Solution , Line , Liberties , Rubberstamped , Schemes , Challenges , Government Lawyers , Details , Down The Line , Risk , Mps , Timetable , British , Exchange , The End , Guarantees , Benmac , Opposition Will Wa , A Westminster , Nationalist , Path , Independence , Parliament , Stay , Principle , Row , Foundation Of Britain S Constitution , Films , Oscars , Astronauts , Liftoff , Shuttle Challenger , Nomination List , Seven , All , Official , Hands , Revolution , Woman School Teacher , Evening , Heart , Earthquake , Tahrir Square , Cairo , Buildings , Control , Search , Desperation , Survivors , Moscow , Fast Food , Western , Won T , Restaurant , Republic Of Uganda , Pushkin Square , Hundreds Of Muscovites Who Queued Up , Taste , Mcdonald S , Mike Embley , Wages , Russian , Big Mac , Headlines , Oil Pipeline Projects , Lot Ofjobs , Record , Categories , Backgrounds , Candidates , 20 , 14 , Film , Someone , Arts Editor , Crowd , Will Gompertz , Actor , Surprise , Best Director , Wannabes , Nothing , It Centrestage , Musical , Damien Chazelle , Emma Stone , Ryan Gosling , Tinseltown , Money , Best Actress , Mahershala Ali , Run , Somebody , Eyes , Drama , Moonlight , Barryjenkins , Eight , Viola Davis , Anything , Actress , Naomie Harris , Boys , Nod , Performance , Denzel Washington , Hacksaw Ridge , Andrew Garfield , Darce , Hell , Fences , American British , Directed By , Best Actor Category , I Ve Got A Life , Conscientious Objector , Mel Gibson , Some , Riders , Winners , Runners , The Times Film Critic , Kate Muir , Air , Craft , Best Actor , Best Picture , League , Dancing , In Manchester By The Sea , Casey Affleck , Meryl Streep , Bomb , Cool , Natalie Portman , This Forjackie , I Don T Think , Against All Odds , He S Playing A Drugs Kingpin , Moneypenny , Mahershala Ali Win , Fatherly , Mother , Awards , Campaign , 2017 , Name , Speeches , Peter Bowes , Movie , Escape , Favourite , Movies About Hollywood , Los Angeles , Story , Bit , Light , Movies , Let S Just Year Wasn T , Let Sjust Go Year Wasn T , Everybody , Wasn T , Backdrop , Escapism , Harking , Boy Meets Girl , 1950 , 1960 , Times , Real , Cheering , Playjazz Piano For Realjust , 20th Time , Florence Fosterjenkins , Yes , True Story , Oscar Nominations , Terms , Singer , Opera Singer , Task , Couldn T Sing , Tone Deaf , 110 , Diversity , Course , The Real Icing Didn T , Hats , Academy , Actresses , Actors , Cards , Fact , Voters , Production , Motion Picture Academy , Let Sjust , Ten , Five , Kinds , Minorities , Roles , Oscar Tips , Oscar Voter , Siam , Little Man , Dev Patel Stars In , Lion , Home , Young , Kilometres , Calcutta , Australian , Nicole Kidman , Character , Ride , Human Being , It Isa , Dev Patel , Ithink , Bolivia , Abundance , Festival , Houses , God , Annualfestival , Hopes , Representations , Aspirations , Cars , La Paz , Dreams Come True , Aymaran Tradition , Ideal Home , Car , Lots , Catriona Renton , Symbols , Women , Things , Wealth , Roosters , Codes , Versions , Dreaming Big , Toads , Cigarettes , Alcohol , Priests , Offerings , Husband , House , Blessing , Reality , Father , Lwa Ys , Charm , Water Tanks , Food , Isa , Drought , Harvest , 25 , Water , Water Tank , Water Shortages , Glass , Wood , Virgin , Fortune , Reminder , Tanks , Nks , Wishes , Yokozuna , Old Kisenosato , Mariko Oi , Japan , Sumo Grand Champion , Wrestling , Win , Flash Photography , Tournament , Gifts , Boost , 30 , Sport , Wrestlers , Sumo , Report , Dating Back Hundreds , Goal , Hasn T , Others , 72nd Yokozu Na In History , Wrestler , Rank , Tournaments , Guy , 72 , Head , Stronger , Start , Promotions , Association , Promotion , Popularity , American Samoan , Mongolians , 19 , Executive Order , Protest , 2015 , Project , Water Resources , Complaints , Sites , December , Website , Fog , Places , Parts , Impact , Freezing Fog Patches , Travel , Southern England , East Anglia , Midlands , Wind , Strong , Bay , Situation , Wales , Stretches , South West Of England , Frost , Well , Strength , Surfaces , Western Parts , Cloud , Picture , Fog Patches , Spots , Cloudier , Plenty , Marches , North West England , Yorkshire , Cloud Around , Skies , Outbreaks , Rain , Northern England , South East , Shift , Many , Stornoway , Gusty Winds , Belfast , London , 11 , Six , Wind Direction , Snow , Easterly Winds , Continental Europe , Freezing , Raw Feel , Weather , Spells , Temperatures , Flow , Showers , Side , Detail , Weather Disturbance , Uncertainty , Downpours , Sunday , Frosts , Sunshine , Scope , Bye , Environmentalists , Angrily , Construction , Territory , Case , Role , Triggering Brexit , March , Viewers , Globe , Oil Pipeline , Stories , Country , Ban , Jobs Trump The Environment , Grave Concern , My Name , End , Tuesday In Parliament , Battle ,

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