Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170411

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there is growing international pressure on russia to abandon its support for syria's president assad, in the wake of last week's chemical attack. but there's little sign russia will risk its strong military interests in syria. western foreign ministers from the g7 group — the uk, the us, japan, italy, france, germany and canada — have been meeting in italy, trying for a co—ordinated response — which could include new sanctions on moscow and damascus. from lucca — our diplomatic correspondent james robbins. contemplating italy's past glory and syria's present horror, boris johnson and america's secretary of state rex tillerson are in lucca to turn up the international heat on president assad and his russian backers. this morning, rex tillerson very deliberately started his day at a memorial to a nazi atrocity in 1944, the massacre of local villagers, and he drew a direct parallel to the gas attack last week. we will rededicate ourselves to holding to account any and all who commit crimes against the innocents anywhere in the world. so when president trump's foreign minister, who will speak to the russians this week, sat down with the foreign secretary who cancelled his visit to moscow to be here instead, they talked of ways to win the widest possible international support against vladimir putin's present path. immediately afterwards, boris johnson to be pressing for new sanctions against russia. will be pressing the server —— further sanctions on some of the russian military figures who have been involved in toward a meeting the syrian military efforts and who of course are thereby contaminated by the appalling behaviour of the assad regime. the russians are mocking you for not going to moscow. rex tillerson were apparently happy for you to go. why did the prime minister not want you to go? i think it's very important in these circumstances for the world to present a united front and for there to be absolutely no ambiguity about the message and the message that we're sending to the russians is very, very clear. do they want to stick with a toxic regime? do they want to be eternally associated with a guy who gasses his own people or do they want to work with the americans and the rest of the g7 and indeed like—minded countries for a new future for syria. but president assad's major backers, iran and russia have warned of military retaliation if president trump repeats last friday's cruise missile strikes. although the iranian president, seen as a moderate, seems to contradict his own hard—liners today, saying change in the assad regime should go hand—in—hand with fighting his opponents. translation: terrorism in syria should be eradicated and some reforms should be implemented within syria, within the syrian regime. this evening g7 ministers, all but one of them nato members as well, are starting to explore new pressures they could apply, knowing full well that russia has so far stuck firmly with president assad and his regime. also on monday, the us defence secretary claimed the us missile attack on a syrian airbase last week damaged or destroyed 20% of the government's operational aircraft — although the base has been in use again. james mattis also said fuel and ammunition sites had been hit. live now to robert hunter, in washington dc. he was an american ambassador to nato under president clinton. thank you for your time. welcome. what chance do you think common ground ona what chance do you think common ground on a unified approach to the situation? i think the countries of the g7 will come up with a unified approach. under american leadership. because americans are doing the running. nobody is great to want to look like they are caving in to mr putin but whether that has upped anything more than just some sounds and diplomatic talk is another matter. in fact, and diplomatic talk is another matter. infact, i and diplomatic talk is another matter. in fact, i really don't see what they can come up with that is going to lead to a fundamental change in russian behaviour. because russia has such strong military interests in syria and the region? well, i think that mr putin might be willing to deal but that's not what he wants is up he wants to be taken seriously which the last two administrations didn't do. he wants to retain a significant position in the middle east and become a broker for whatever happens and he would like to see the sanctions imposed upon him because of the seizure of crimea and other things that the russians and the supporters of russians and the supporters of russians have done in ukraine are to be reduced so he is in a position thatis be reduced so he is in a position that is indeed the west pushes him that is indeed the west pushes him that hard, blaming, he is great bargain very hard i'm not so sure that we have the western side, or the americans, have the leveraged to get him to budge. when rex tillerson was appointed, there was quite a lot of nervousness about his strong links to russia. could they not pay benefits at all? well, i don't think this is about people, whether it is about mrtrump and this is about people, whether it is about mr trump and mr putin or tillotson, it is about national interests. —— rex tillerson. the russians have a lot to achieve. united states wants to see the fighting rundown but we have, as a nation, under the last two administrations, i think they got it fundamentally wrong by supporting the ambitions of the sunni arab states and israel who would like to see assad removed without any plan for how to protect who would be left there without any plan on how to bring this to an end so in fact, i'm not even sure why rex tillerson is going to moscow. in other news: a teacher and a child have been killed in a shooting inside a primary school classroom in california. the gunman — believed to be the teacher's husband — is also dead. another child was wounded. local police are treating the shooting, in san bernardino, as a murder—suicide. the hungarian president has ratified a new law on foreign institutions in higher education, despite days of protests. opponents say the law is designed to destroy the central european university, funded by the american—based billionaire george soros. he has been strongly critical of the nationalist prime minister viktor orban. the new law means the university will not be allowed to award diplomas because it's registered in new york. the gha naian—born stylist edward enninful has been appointed the first male editor of british vogue. he will replace alexandra shulman in august. it's the first time a major fashion publication has appointed a male and a black person as editor. the american carrier, united airlines, has been heavily criticised after one of its passengers was dragged off a flight in chicago. the airline had overbooked the plane, and when no—one volunteered to leave, they selected the man and his travelling companion, at random. when he refused to get off the flight, he was dragged down the aisle by security guards as our correspondent neda tawfik reports. these are the disturbing moments that have now travelled around the world. several smartphones record as three police hover over a man who is being forced to exit the aircraft. the situation quickly escalates, after one officer manhandles him out of his chair. screaming and shouting. oh, my god. oh, my god! all three officers then drag him bloodied and injured from the cabin. no, this is wrong. oh, my god! look at what you did to him! the incident began when united airlines asked for volunteers to give up their seats for additional crew members. when none were found, they chose passengers at random, but this man refused. one passenger said he claimed to be a doctor who had patients he needed to see. good work, way to go. ten minutes later, in unexplained circumstances, the man, clearly sha ken, ru ns back on the plane. united airlines in a statement, said: that's what makes the world's leading airline flyer friendly. the airline has been criticised for its handling of the situation that some say clearly contrasts with its claim to fly the friendly skies. earlier, an anonymous passenger who was sitting next to the man ejected from the plane spoke to the bbc‘s phil williams. a guy that came from, i don't know who he was, and airport authority, was very calm about it, wasn't rude, wasn't even forceful. i think he was just there to intimidate and say look, you need to come off but he didn't use of force. there was another officer that came on and then another man who you see in the video, the one with the hat and the genes, he had a badge but it's probably helpful to say who you are as an authority figure before you start yanking people out of seats and he didn't do that. —— jeans. start yanking people out of seats and he didn't do that. -- jeans. the man who yanked him out of the seat, dipsy —— did he say anything to him? "get off". that's it. he wasn't cooperating with the two authority figures and as soon as he got on, he said "get off". the passenger didn't wa nt to said "get off". the passenger didn't want to be named. gary leff is the author of view from the wing dot com — an aviation blog. hejoins me on skype from austin, texas. overbooking is very common on this, isn't it? airlines has algorithms on this. what you think happened here? here we had a full flight where the airline realised they needed to take some crew and send them to louisville to fly the next morning so they had people that were going to work on another plane but if they didn't have the crew there, the plane would be delayed or cancelled so all of a sudden they had four more people that needed to be accommodated on this aircraft and there were seats are they began by asking if there were any volunteers who would take compensation. they offered 400, they offered 800. there we re offered 400, they offered 800. there were no takers. finally, they said, ok, were no takers. finally, they said, 0k, we have four more people who we need to take some people off the aircraft and they have a procedure for that. it appears that they followed it but one of the people who they had asked to leave wouldn't do so. it is surely yet another pr disaster for united, isn't it? do so. it is surely yet another pr disasterfor united, isn't it? and it looks particularly bad that they did all this to let some of their own people on board. well, it's their own people but these are people that had to operate another flight, people that had to operate another flight, not for leisure. they would have inconvenienced a whole lot of other passengers as well. it was a difficult situation all the way around. that united seems to have followed their proper procedures although they certainly want to look at what those procedures are. u nfortu nately, at what those procedures are. unfortunately, where this really escalated was when the passenger wouldn't leave and then the chicago police didn't handle it gingerly, so to speak. it didn't seem to have affected their share price. what about the consumer reaction? everyone is furious. there is the blame for the passenger who didn't follow it instructions, there is blame for the chicago police who may not have handled things very well with the passenger. united was in a difficult situation and each step of the way, there probably wasn't a win for them and they couldn't have anticipated how badly this turned out. thank you very much. stay with us if you can. much more to come on bbc news, including there. the us, canada and mexico bid for the football world cup in nine yea rs for the football world cup in nine years time. it will be the first time three nations have staged the competition. pol pot, one of the century's greatest mass murderers, is reported to have died of natural causes. he and the khmer rouge movement he led were responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million cambodians. there have been violent protests in indonesia where playboy has gone on sale for the first time. traditionalist muslim leaders have expressed disgust. the magazine's offices have been attacked and its editorial staff have gone into hiding. it was clear that paula's only contest was with the clock and as for a sporting legacy, paula radcliffe's competitors will be chasing her new world best time for years to come. quite quietly but quicker and quicker, she seemed just to slide away under the surface and disappear. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: foreign ministers from the g7 group of countries are meeting in italy to discuss the war in syria, and russia's role in the conflict. smartphones capture the moment a passenger is forcibly dragged off an overbooked united airlines flight. the firm issues a sort of apology but there is outrage online. the oil company shell has admitted that they dealt with a convicted money—launderer when negotiating access to a vast oil field off the coast of nigeria in 2011. shell went ahead with the deal even though they were on probation for their involvement in a separate corruption case in nigeria. our business editor simonjack has this report. nine billion barrels of oil — the prize for the company who could secure the rights to a lucrative field, called 0pl245. but doing deals in nigeria is one of the toughest challenges in the oil business. the building behind me is shell's uk headquarters. it's the most valuable company on the london stock exchange. if you have a pension, you almost certainly own some shares in shell. they've been operating in nigeria for nearly 60 years, so they have the size and the expertise to meet that challenge. in the way was this man, who acquired the field while he was oil minister. for the first time tonight, shell acknowledges they did engage with him to do the deal. shell and the italian oil company acquired the field in 2011, paying $1.3 billion to the nigerian government. that's more than nigeria's health budget, but it didn't go on public services. more than 1 billion of it was passed to another company, controlled by atete. from there, according to documents filed by italian prosecutors, nearly half was forwarded to the then president and members of his government. shell have always said they only paid the nigerian government. today shell has changed its tune and they're now saying they engaged with danatete, a former oil minister and convicted money lawneder. so what prompted shell to change its position? well, e—mails obtained by witness show shell representatives negotiating with mr atete a year before the deal was finalised. atete can smell the money. if at nearly 70 years old he does turn his nose up at 1.2 billion he is completely... that e—mail was forwarded to the chief executive, showing this went right to the top. 0ther emails showed millions would be paid to the president, in an e—mail from july, the strategy was: a spokesperson for goodluckjonathan described the allegations as a false narrative. atete didn't respond. this deal was done just months after shell had paid $30 million to the us department ofjustice to settle previous allegations of bribery in nigeria and elsewhere on condition of future good behaviour. shell having been investigated over a previous deal you would think they would be cautious. but instead of walking away from a deal that was clearly problematic from a corruption, potentially bribery stand point, they doubled down and attempted to sanitise the deal. shell's partners said there was no credible evidence that any of its staff were involved in wrongdoing. shell still maintain the deal with the nigerian government was legal and that any political payoffs were done without their knowledge. but today marks an important concession in a huge deal mired in controversy for years. president trump's first nominee to the us supreme court has taken the oath of office. neil gorsuch replaces the long—serving judge antonin scalia, whose death last year led to months of congressional wrangling. his appointment tips the court back towards a conservative majority. i am humbled by the trust placed in me today. i will never forget that to whom much is given, much will be expected. and i promise you that i will do all of my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the constitution and laws of this great nation. thank you. the funeral of pc keith palmer, who was killed in last month's westminster attack has been held at london's southwark cathedral. thousands of police officers from all over the country lined the route of the funeral cortege which set off from the palace of westminster. here's our home editor mark easton. at the gates of the palace of westminster, police constable keith palmer's coffin paused, at the very spot where he was killed 19 days ago. the place where, unarmed, he moved towards a man brandishing two knives, where he put himself in harm's way, to protect parliament to protect our democracy. police officers from every force in the country lined the route. thousands of men and women who did not know keith palmer, but know what it means to wear the badge. you never really know what you're going to face when you go out there. so it is with incredible bravery that he did that. i think it brings home what the job is about, the risks that you take. it shows what a family we are, really, that we all look out for one another and we all do the same thing at the end of the day. the global police family came together in london today, including officers from new york's police department. we have had so much support from officers around the country, around the united states, as well as from other places in the world when we have had officers die in the line of duty, so we have feel a need to be supportive back. as the cortege headed across the river, police officers paid tribute in the air, on the water, and along the route. two of pc palmer's colleagues spoke of the friend they so admired. if you could paint a picture of a perfect policeman, you would be painting a picture of keith palmer. he sounds like a pretty extraordinary man. he was, he was so down—to—earth and so normal. he came to work because he had a family to support. he was a fantastic dad and a fantastic husband. and... he is going to be missed so much. as the coffin passed through the capital, london stopped what it was doing to remember all those who lost their lives on that appalling day, pc palmer and the four men and women killed on westminster bridge. pc palmer symbolises the public service and sacrifice that underpins our society, the debt we owe to all those who put their lives on the line defending ourfreedoms. but he was also a husband, a father, a family man, and so today is about both national reflection and private grief. pc palmer's wife asked that the family's privacy be respected inside southwark cathedral. but the sound of the service was relayed to the streets outside. keith laid down his life for each one of us here. each one of you who have lined the streets and filled the bridges of this city today. in her first public engagement in her new role, metropolitan police commissioner cressida dick honoured a fallen colleague. an amazing life. he was clearly very kind, very good—hearted, very hard—working, a very, very talented police officer. police constable keith palmer's name has been added to the national police roll of honour. the grief will lessen. his bravery will endure for generations to come. mark easton, bbc news, southwark. the united states, canada and mexico have announced a joint bid to stage the football world cup in 2026. if successful, it would be the first time three nations havejointly hosted a fifa competition. at a news conference, the president of the us soccer federation said president trump's controversial comments about mexico wouldn'tjeopardise the bid. we have the full support of the us government. the president of the united states is fully supported and encouraged us to have destroyed it. he is especially pleased that mexico is part of this bid and that in an last few days that we've had further encouragement in that. we aren't at all concerned about some of the issues others have raised. we looked at bidding alone and decided we wa nted at bidding alone and decided we wanted to bid with our partners in north america and we have strong encouragement from president trump to the very end. they might only be children, but britain's prince george and princess charlotte are to have very important roles next month, at the wedding of their aunt, pippa middleton. kensington palace has confirmed the duke and duchess of cambridge's children are to be page boy and bridesmaid at the ceremony in berkshire, england. miss middleton, who was bridesmaid for her sister kate in 2011, is due to marry her fiance, james matthews on the 20th may. prince william and kate, as well as prince harry, will also be attending. and finally a weird, wet view that could disorientate even the strongest swimmer. the pool at market square tower in houston, texas is 150 metres above the street. but it also has a glass bottom. so even though you're swimming a long way up, you can see all the way down to the ground. there's eight inch thick glass at the bottom of the pool which may be reassuring to some, but paddlers of a nervous disposition might be best advised to sit safely on the side. more on all the stories on the bbc website. thanks for watching. good morning. sunday was the warmest day of the year so far, with 25 degrees, 77 fahrenheit recorded, so whatever the weather on monday, it could have been a little bit disappointing, or was it? 0n the whole, not too bad across the south coast, as you can see from this weather watchers picture, and temperatures peaked at 16 celsius, which, with the sunshine, still felt reasonably pleasant. different story, though, in the highlands of scotland, a grey, bleak day and it looks like we're likely to see more cloud and outbreaks of rain into the north—west today. the wind swinging round to a bit more of a westerly, so that will take the edge off the feel of things as well but with some sunshine, not too bad on the whole, cloud and rain continuing out into the far north—west of the great glen in particular. top temperatures of around 11—16 degrees. as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, we'll see a series of weather fronts slipping their way steadily south and the winds pivot round more to a north—westerly, that will make it feel that little bit fresher on exposed coasts, especially as the winds will strengthen gusting to gale force wind in the far north and west. with those weather fronts slowly slipping their way south it will bring showery outbreaks of rain, nothing particularly heavy but a bit of a nuisance. top temperatures of 10—16 the high. so that's the story through wednesday, but with clearer skies through the night we could in rural spots sea temperatures into low single figures. a touch of light frost not out of the question for thursday morning but some sunshine in central and eastern areas before cloud and showery outbreaks of rain gather again from the north and west. so there's a bit of a theme developing as we head towards easter weekend. the jet streams slicing the country into two and always coming from a north—westerly direction so a colder source, low pressure out to the east, high pressure to the west and the settled weather is likely to be in south—western areas. but, with that north—westerly flow, the chances are temperatures are going to dip a bit into the easter weekend and perhaps just below where they should be at this time of year. but we could be heading for that classic case of sunshine and april showers, so if you catch the sunnier moments, the sunshine is quite strong and it will feel reasonably pleasant from time to time. so on good friday, another weak weather front making its way slowly south across the country, sunny spells and scattered showers following on behind, 7—15 the high. into saturday, the start of the easter weekend, well, again it's predominantly cloudy, but a good deal of dry weather in the story, but that cool north—westerly breeze as well. take care. the latest headlines from bbc news. i'm mike embley. there is growing international pressure on russia to abandon its support for syria's president assad, in the wake of last week's chemical attack. foreign ministers from the g7 group have been meeting in italy, trying for a co—ordinated response — which could include new sanctions on moscow and damascus. the american carrier, united airlines, has been criticised for having one of its passengers dragged off a flight in chicago. the airline had overbooked the plane, and when no—one volunteered to leave, to let some of united's staff on board, they selected the man and his travelling companion at random. the oil company shell has admitted that they dealt with a convicted money—launderer when negotiating access to a vast oil field off the coast of nigeria in 2011. shell went ahead with the deal even though they were on probation for their involvement in a separate corruption case in nigeria. now it's time for hardtalk.

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Keith Palmer , Police , Nigeria , Pc , Thousands , Funeral , Westminster Terror Attack , Streets Of London , Pressure , Support , Interests , Us , Attack , Italy , Russia , Ministers , Wake , President Assad , Syria , Sign , G7 , Japan , Group The Uk , Meeting , Sanctions , Response , James Robbins , Moscow , Glory , Damascus , Canada , Lucca , France , Germany , President , Boris Johnson , Rex Tillerson , North America , Secretary Of State , Horror , Heat , Backers , Villagers , Memorial , Massacre , Russian , Nazi Atrocity , 1944 , World , All , Gas Attack , Crimes , Parallel , Innocents , Anywhere , Trump , Foreign Secretary , Foreign Minister , Visit , Ways , Path , Vladimir Putin , Sat , Server , Some , Figures , Course , Efforts , Russians , Prime Minister , United Front , Circumstances , Behaviour , Assad Regime , People , Guy , Message , Regime , Ambiguity , Rest , Who , Gasses , Countries , Future , Military Retaliation , Iran , Change , Hand , Opponents , Cruise Missile Strikes , Moderate , Hard Liners Today , One , Reforms , Translation , Terrorism In Syria , Members , Evening G7 Ministers , Nato , Them , Pressures , Defence Secretary , Monday , Aircraft , Government , Robert Hunter , Missile Attack , Sites , Use , Base , Airbase , Fuel , Ammunition , Hit , James Mattis , 20 , Ambassador , Washington Dc , Clinton , Situation , Ground , Approach , Ona , Putin , Nobody , Leadership , Anything , Sounds , Running , Caving , Matter , Fact , Talk , Russian Behaviour , Infact , Region , Position , Atete Didn T , Administrations , Broker , Seizure , Middle East , Two , Things , Supporters , North West , Position Thatis , Crimea , Ukraine , Side , Bargain , Hard , Leveraged , Lot , Links , Nervousness , Benefits , Tillotson , Nation , Fighting , Plan , States , Ambitions , Israel , Arab , Child , Shooting , Teacher , News , End , Classroom , California , Primary School , Family Man , Murder Suicide , San Bernardino , Hungarian , Protests , Law , George Soros , Institutions , Education , The American , Central European University , Time , Editor , University , Edward Enninful , Diplomas , Fashion Publication , Nationalist , New York , Viktor Orban , British Vogue , Gha Naian Born Stylist , In August , Alexandra Shulman , United Airlines , Carrier , Person , Sha Ken , Flight , Airline , Plane , Passengers , Random , Leave , Travelling Companion , Chicago , Smartphones , Security Guards , Correspondent , Aisle , Neda Tawfik Reports , Three , Officer , Chair , Shouting , Officers , God , Cabin , Passenger , Volunteers , Seats , Doctor , Crew Members , Incident , Patients , None , Statement , Work , Way To Go , Ru Ns , Ten , Airline Flyer Friendly , Contrasts , Handling , Say , Claim , Friendly Skies , Anonymous , Bbc News , It , I Don T Know , Airport Authority , Phil Williams , Wasn T Rude , Wasn T , Force , The One , Video , Hat , Badge , Jeans , Dipsy , Authority Figure , Genes , Authority , Say Anything , The Passenger Didn T Wa Nt , He Wasn T , View , Author , Overbooking , Texas , Gary Leff , Wing , Dot Com An Aviation Blog , Hejoins Me On Skype , Austin , Crew , Airlines , Isn T , Louisville , Four , Takers , Compensation , 400 , 800 , Wouldn T , Pr Disaster , Procedure , 0k , Leisure , Pr Disasterfor , Way , Procedures , It Didn T , Wouldn T Leave , U Nfortu Nately , Blame , Everyone , It Instructions , Share Price , Consumer Reaction , Wasn T A , Win , Bid , Football World Cup , Mexico , Stay , Nine , Nations , Competition , Pol Pot , Murderers , Natural Causes , Staff , Magazine , Offices , He Led , Deaths , Leaders , Movement , Sale , Disgust , Cambodians , Khmer Rouge , Playboy , Indonesia , Muslim , 1 7 Million , Paula Radcliffe , Competitors , Contest , Hiding , Clock , Sporting Legacy , Surface , Role , G7 Group , Headlines , Conflict , War In Syria , Shell , Sort , Outrage , Apology , Firm , Deal , Money , Launderer , Corruption , Negotiating , Oil Field , Case , Coast , Probation , Involvement , Business Editor Simonjack , Report , 2011 , Company , Soil , Field , Rights , Barrels , Prize , Called 0pl245 , Nine Billion , 0 , Oil Giant Shell , Deals , Headquarters , Building , Challenges , Oil Business , Shares , Pension , London Stock Exchange , 60 , Oil Minister , The Field , Challenge , Expertise , Size , Oil Company , Italian , Health Budget , 3 Billion , 1 3 Billion , Documents , Prosecutors , Half , Atete , It Didn T Go On Public Services , 1 Billion , E Mails , Tune , Money Lawneder , Danatete , Witness Show Shell Representatives , 70 , 1 2 Billion , E Mail , Chief Executive , Top , Millions , 0ther , Allegations , Spokesperson , Strategy , Narrative , Goodluckjonathan , July , 00 Million , 30 Million , Bribery , Condition , Elsewhere , Department Ofjustice , Evidence , Partners , Bribery Stand Point , Walking , Wrongdoing , Payoffs , Controversy , Knowledge , Concession , Nominee , Antonin Scalia , Neil Gorsuch , Led , Death , Wrangling , Us Supreme Court , Oath Of Office , Much 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Tjeopardise , Comments , Us Soccer Federation , Encouragement , Part , Children , Roles , Issues , Others , Prince George , Wa Nted , Princess Charlotte , Bridesmaid , Miss , Wedding , Aunt , Ceremony , Page Boy , Duke , Fiance , Duchess , James Matthews , Prince William And Kate , Middleton , Kensington Palace , Pippa Middleton , Cambridge , Berkshire , England , 20th May , 20th May , Harry , Swimmer , Weird , Pool , Bottom , Street , Glass , Paddlers , Glass Bottom , Tower , Houston , Market Square , Eight , 150 , Stories , Watching , Disposition , Website , Thanks , Bit , Weather , Sunday , Whole , 25 , 77 , Sunshine , Temperatures , Story , South Coast , Highlands Of Scotland , Which , Celsius , 16 , Rain , Cloud , Wind , Outbreaks , Westerly , Edge , Feel , Great Glen In Particular , Series , Pivot , 11 , Weather Fronts , South , Coasts , Winds , Nothing , Gusting To Gale Force , Thigh , Skies , Nuisance , Sea , Touch , Light Frost , 10 , Areas , North , Theme , Question , High 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