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The way we buy tickets. The age of the selfie and the scientists who made it possible they win the worlds most prestigious engineering prize. And coming up in sportsday later in the hour on bbc news. Englands cricketers collapse, losing eight wickets for eight runs, to hand india a hatrick of series victories. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. The people had their chance last june, now its parliaments turn. In an hours time mps will vote on a bill that will give theresa may the power to start negotiating britains exit from the European Union. With labour backing the governments bill it is likely to pass. But britains former ambassador to the eu issued a warning today, saying once the talks begin they will take place in what he called a feisty atmosphere which could descend into name calling. Heres our Political Editor laura kuenssberg. Are you in a muddle over brexit, Prime Minister . Departing from the eu is the biggest thing theresa may will do at number ten. Passing laws that will take us all out the most major decisions that this parliament will make. Tonight the commons will support for the first time the bill, article 50, that pushes the button. George osborne. Many well known faces who will back it do so with a heavy heart. The government has chosen, and i respect this decision, not to make the economy the priority in this negotiation. The European Union is not prioritising the economy either. We do not want to give the sense that people having voted for brexit because they felt they had been ignored, are being ignored once again. On a wet wednesday afternoon the debate might not felt like it is about the countrys destiny, but history hangs over. A quiet revolution, the Prime Minister called it. Brexiteers proudly manning the referendum barricades today. For the first time in a0 years the way british parliamentary democracy is meant to work will actually be able to work. This was the nationwide referendum of the british people and the british people spoke. Does the Prime Minister know what shes doing . But in the unlikely event it was news to anyone, our former top diplomat in brussels, now out of his job, warned mps of bumpy times ahead. Is the government going to make a failure of brexit . Fistfights, feisty talks and potentially appeal of billions to get out of the european club. A bill. This is going to be on a humongous scale. We are going to have enormous amounts of business running up various different channels the total financial viability as they see it. It might be the order of 40 60 Billion Euros on exit. I think that is a predictably hard line coming from the commission and some of the European Parliament and from some member states. That prospect and principle means some labour mps have quit the commons top team. Rather than obey Jeremy Corbyns order to vote for the bill. They say no. This decision has not been easy. It has been a haze of conflicting emotions as we decide what to do in the labour party. And there will be resistance. The honourable Memberfor Rushcliffe yesterday compared it to Alice In Wonderland but alice only took herself into the hole. This Prime Minister is taking virtually all of the tory party, half the labour party and the entire country into the hole. No one in this government, no one in this house, no one in this country has any idea what the deal the Prime Minister will negotiate with europe will be. It is completely unknown. How then can anyone pretend that this undiscussed, unwritten, Un Negotiated deal in any way has the backing of the british people . Donald trump, no brexit, no racist eu exit still noisy, but fewer in number. After decades of debate in a few short weeks, the process of britain leaving the European Union will have begun. Laura joins me now. This is a daybed will be remembered asa this is a daybed will be remembered as a historic occasion. In a funny way i think today has felt not like one of those spectacular days in the Commons Chamber is. Not much soaring rhetoric on display, not the kind of lines that will be remembered and quoted by grandchildren or be inscribed of any statues in westminster. But it is a profoundly important moment. In exactly one hour mps will be scurrying through the central lobby, voting bells will be ringing as they walk through the Voting Lobbies and we expect in a very chunky majority to approve the beginning, the very beginning of the process of taking us out of the European Union. This isjust the first of many votes. This whole idea has got to go down to the House Of Lords before it is approved and of course this is also only the first piece of legislation that we have to go through. Probably there are years of negotiations ahead. Butjust remember that about a year ago few people around here thought we would even have voted to leave the European Union. So much has changed. And tonight it is the first really Concrete Sign that parliament is going to enact what people decided in the summer. A coroner investigating the deaths of 30 british tourists who were killed in an islamist Terror Attack in tunisia in 2015 has praised the courage of a 16 year old boy who lost three members of his family in the attack. The hearing was told that Owen Richards held his grandfather in his arms, trying to shield him from the gunman. Daniela relph reports. For every family these inquests are deeply upsetting. But for Suzanne Richards and her son Owen Richards are suffering has been unbearable. It was a holiday that tore a family apart. The trip to tunisia was described as a jolly boys outing. This photograph taken on the flight there. Grandad pat evans, his Grandson Joel and his son there. Grandad pat evans, his grandsonjoel and his son adrian. The following day they would all be killed. In a Statement Read to the court the sole survivor of the group, Owen Richards, described how they all ran trying to escape as they all ran trying to escape as they heard shooting. Cctv footage shows the Gunman Walking into the hotel, past the lifts. An animation shown to the inquest illustrates the route it is believed that he took. Into the indoor Swimming Pool area where he murdered three members of the same family. Owen richards said he heard his brother shouting no, no. As the gunman attacked. He lay on the floor hugging his grandfather. But when he looked down there was a gunshot wound. Pat evans told his grandson, he got me. Oh and then sort that his brother and his uncle had also been killed. An incredibly moving scene in court and when Owen Richards had read a statement the coroner said it seems to me that owen acted with extraordinary courage in trying to protect his grandfather. Whens mother suzanne lost elder son, her brother and her father. Today mother suzanne lost elder son, her brother and herfather. Today she read tributes to them all until inquest, that fatal horrific morning destroyed my family. We are broken and everyday is a colossal struggle. She went on, im determined to give owen the best life can. What this mother and son have been through is ha rd To Mother And Son have been through is hard to imagine. Suzanne richards told the inquest today, how can for people go on holiday and only one of them come home. Donald trump has nominated a conservativejudge, neil gorsuch, to fill a vacancy on the us Supreme Court, the highest judicial authority. If confirmed by the senate, his appointment could have far reaching consequences for some of americas most contested social issues, from abortion to gun control. Heres our north america editor, jon sopel. Forget the humdrum way a Supreme Court choice is normally announced. This is the Donald Trump White House and all geared for prime time television. Every network taking the announcement live, Tension Building through the day. Now it was showtime. Was that the surprise . Politicians come and go but neil gorsuch, a conservative with impeccable credentials has just been handed a job for life to the most bovo caught in the land. Standing here in the house of history i am acutely aware of my own imperfections. I pledge that if confirmed i will do all that my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the constitution and laws of this great country. Last night there were protests against his appointment outside the Supreme Court. This will become a political dogfight for sure. Not least because the vacancy came up a year ago but republicans refused to even meet the barack obama nominee. Now democrats are promising to be equally belligerent. I have serious doubts Thatjudge Gorsuch is up to the job. In the meantime the Supreme Court nominee is on a charm offensive, touring the capital gladhanding, offering reassurance. And donald trump is impatient to get things done quickly. He had this advice for the Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. We have had gridlock in washington for longer than eight yea rs, washington for longer than eight years, a washington for longer than eight yea rs, a lot washington for longer than eight years, a lot longer in fairness to president obama. The Supreme Court gets the vote on all the most contentious issues in american society, gun control, abortion, gay rights and maybe soon Donald Trumps controversial immigration ban. For many voting republican last november it was not about donald trump, he was a means to an end. The end being keeping the Supreme Court in conservative control. And it could become even more conservative. Two of the more liberaljustices are now quite elderly. Justice breyer is 78, judge ginsberg 83. If President Trump gets to choose their replacements the political complexion of the Supreme Court will have changed dramatically. And that in turn could result in massive change to the social fabric of america. Here the Prime Minister defended her dealings with donald trump today accusing labour of insulting the uks most important ally. Labours Leaderjeremy Corbyn attacked mrs may over her response to mr trumps immigration crackdown. Our deputy Political Editorjohn pienaar watched the exchanges. Anger this week on the us travel ban on mainly muslim countries. Angry too at theresa mays hesitation before adding her voice to the criticism. But today the Prime Minister made her disapproval plain. We wouldnt do it. In six years as Home Secretary i never introduced such a policy. We believe it is divisive and wrong. She insisted she wasnt told about the ban or its effects on british travellers before meeting trump. But labours leader wanted the invitation to a state visit cancelled. Just what more does the President Trump have to do before the Prime Minister will listen to the 1. 8 Million People who have already called for the State Visit Invitation to be withdrawn . Theresa may wasnt giving way on that, just the opposite. Lets just see what he would have achieved in the last week. Would he have been able to protect british citizens from the impact of the Executive Order . No. Would he have been able to lay the foundations of a trade deal . No. Would he have got a 100 commitment to nato . No. He can lead a protest. Im leading a country the attacks, the mockery of opponents calling her theresa the appeaser might have been blunted had she come down harder against the travel ban from the start. Getting close to donald trump and avoiding the odium that he attracts is a fine balancing act. Its a safe bet shell have future opportunities to work on her balance. Others dont mind critical reviews for defending the president. Nigel farage least of all. Trump is motivated by protecting the United States of america from Islamic Terrorism whereas what has happened in this room and in governments around europe is you have welcomed these people into your own homes. Here mps can only wait for the next cause to condemn or defend donald trump. No one expects a long wait. John pienaar, bbc news, westminster. Our top story this evening. Mps will vote on starting the negotiations over britains exit from the eu in less than an hour. And still to come. Nice view. Best seat in the house. Thats one club, but what about the other stadiums lagging behind on disabled access . On bbc news we will look ahead to tonights me in the matches, including Manchester United hull city. One of britains Biggest Builders says being able to use some of the countrys greenbelt land, would help solve the Housing Crisis. 4 million acres around major towns and cities in england are designated by local authorities as green belt, with strict controls over their usage. The conservatives have pledged to build one million new homes across the uk by 2020. Last year, up to november, 190,000 had been added. A major announcement on House Building is expected next week, as our economics editor, kamal ahmed, reports. Britains Green And Pleasant Land. Precious to many, and long controlled by a Planning System that some criticised for putting the interests of Not In My Backyard ahead of those looking for somewhere affordable to live. For House Builders its a debate we need to have. This is crowthorne in berkshire, a development by one of britains biggest House Builders. For the chief executive, reforming the Green Belt Land close to towns and cities where people want to live is vital. The size of the green belt has doubled in the last 20 years. Its 4 million acres right now. Even freeing up i , which is 40,000 acres, would create half million to a million new homes. Weve got to have a much greater critical assessment of what is green belt and what is brownfield sitting within the green belt. Britains beautiful green belt. And not many people are arguing we should be building on field like this. But lets just take a little walk about 200 metres up this track. Well, you get here, still green belt, but very different. And its these type of areas that Housing Developers say could be used for building new homes. Campaigners argue start unravelling the green belt, and Valuable Countryside will be lost. How do you respond to the critics who say that really weird too precious about the green belt and that frankly, a lot of green belt isnt that green . Well, look, its the countryside near where people live, we are an incredibly crowded country, we have stopped towns merging into each other and this is a hugely important resource for people and for nature and for the whole country, really. Pressure on the green belt is growing. In 2012 there were proposals to build 81,000 homes on Green Belt Land in england. By 2016 that figure had risen to 275,000. This year the rise is even steeper, 360,000 applications, a record increase. For england, read wales, scotland, and Northern Ireland where clashes over green belt have caused local controversies. Barking in east london. Not a lot here yet but this is a site run by l q Housing Association, a charity which builds houses for purchase and rent. Some people are calling this barcelona on thames. Its leader says yes, release more land, but there are other options. How about more of that rather Old Fashioned idea, Council Houses . Theres so much to do that we dont have to put all of our eggs in that Housing Association basket, or the House Building basket. We all have a role to play. If local authorities has been able to build, as we can, over the last three decades, we would be talking about Housing Crisis in the past tense. Later this month the government is set to announce its plans to revolutionise House Building in england. Planning laws could change, expect more government backed House Building. This Green And Pleasant Land needs to provide Affordable Homes for all. A prolific paedophile is facing years in jail after he admitted 45 sex offences against children in britain and abroad. Retired english teacher mark frost, formerly known as andrew tracey, pleaded guilty at the old bailey to a catalogue of abuse against nine children in thailand between 2009 and 2012. Now, how do you know if youre getting the cheapest fare when you book a train ticket . Rail operators have admitted the system can be baffling and are going to try out simplifying it on some lines. The trial is aimed at making sure passengers get the best fares available. Ticket machines will be simplified to make them more userfriendly. And theyll put an end to whats called split ticketing. Thats when a single ticket can be more expensive than buying multiple tickets for the same journey. Our transport correspondent, richard westcott, is at kings Cross Railway station. Richard, this is a pilot project. What chance that things will really change . It is an important step but a small step. It could be some years before many benefits are felt by the vast majority of people around britain. There is such a lot to untangle. For years people have been going on about what it is the Rail Fa Re System going on about what it is the rail fare system is. Let me give you an example of how absurd it can be. Split ticketing, you are talking about it. Rather than buying one macro ticket, youd buy a series of singles for chunks of the journey and added up they will be a lot cheaper. A ticket to sheffield could cost £911 full fare. If you split the ticket, it could be as little as £14. 50. The same service, the same train but that much cheaper. That is what they are trying to get rid of. I have been speaking to transport focus and they have been saying, be careful. If anyone is getting the cheapest fair, there is less money coming into train companies. Is there a danger it could put fares 7 there a danger it could put fares up . Some winners and possibly some losers. We will have to wait and see. Several Premier League clubs are missing their targets for improving Stadium Access for disabled fans. Today the League Published an update on the progress being made by some clubs, as some campaigners insist many should be doing much more. Our sports correspondent, katie gornall, has more details. I got my first Season Ticket at highbury in1990. I got my first Season Ticket at highbury in 1990. Following arsenal is anthonys passion for the he makes this trip most weeks. When he is here he feels just like any other fan. Away from home, it has been a different story. This is how it should be. Three years ago he was pa rt should be. Three years ago he was part of bbc investigation over disabled access in the Premier League. We revealed a number of issues. Away fans being made to sit in the home end. The vast majority of clu bs in the home end. The vast majority of clubs fell to provide enough wheelchair spaces. Just because you cannot walk, stand or c does not make you less of a Fan Ban Someone who can do those things. Too often disabled people tell me they do not have a good experience when they go to football grounds. Three, four yea rs to football grounds. Three, four years on, that is still not right. After yea rs of years on, that is still not right. After years of complaints, the Premier League said all clubs with Meet Minimum Access Standards by the start of the season. There are fears that at least three clubs will miss the deadline. Bournemouth say they face challenges because they do not own their stadium. Watford says they are ata own their stadium. Watford says they are at a point where all known demand from disabled supporters has been met for the chelsea has stated they will not fully meet the guidelines until they get a new ground. For years, constraints guidelines until they get a new ground. Foryears, constraints of old stadium has been given as a reason for failing to meet the guidelines. Todays extensive report from the Premier League does not draw any conclusions on that was it shows an awful lot of progress has been made in this area. For some, it is still not enough. And the equality and Human Rights Commission says there will be consequences. Those clubs who are not meeting responsibilities, the commission can and will take legal action against those clubs. The Premier League says Rapid Progress has been made several clu bs, Rapid Progress has been made several clubs, including Manchester United, are undertaking major structural work to improve access. But campaigners, it cannot come soon enough. It is absolutely wrong that young people with disability have not been to their home stadium to see their teams will stop absolutely wrong on any level. That need sorting. It cannot go on and it should not. Right now the wait goes on for the right result. There is hope on the horizon. Its become part of our every day lives. The Digital Camera has transformed the way we take photos and what we do with them. Lets face it, without them there would be no such thing as a selfie. And today the four inventors of the Colour Digital camera were awarded with the highest International Engineering prize the Queen Elizabeth prize. Our science correspondent, pallab ghosh, has the story. We have seen the beauty of distant planets. Marvelled at natures intricacies. Captured the wonders around us. And celebrated our most treasured moments in selfie. All these images have come from Digital Cameras. We snapped them, upload them, and share them. They have transformed our view of the world around us. Now, the engineers who invented Digital Cameras have been awarded the biggest prize in engineering. The Digital Camera was developed in the early 19705 by a british re5earcher will stop his camera look5 british re5earcher will stop his camera looks like a shoe box, rather than equipment which started the technological revolution. This was the very first coloured digital picture of his wife, margaret. 40 years on with her husband and the camera he used and she remembers the moment. It is fun. They took the photo and it came out and was all pretty fuzzy compared with a regular film photo at that time. The light comes in here. Doctor thomson wa5 5urprised comes in here. Doctor thomson wa5 surprised how his invention caught on. Certainly we had no idea these things would become as small and ubiquitous as they have today. Digital cameras now fit into Mobile Phone5 because they were miniaturised. I dont think i phone5 because they were miniaturised. I dont thinki really had any idea of the impact it would have. I thought it would be useful for many things. The impact is just amazing and surprises me, astonishes me, almost on a daily basis. Like it or not, the Digital Camera has changed our world and the selfie i5 here to stay. Time for a look at the weather. Heres helen willets. We have been hearing about all these 5torm5. February is really starting on a ferocious node. We had some rain today, nothing too exceptional. In the atlantic you can see storm clouds lining up. This is todays range. This is the low pressure for tomorrow. Possibly 5evere gale5. This is the storm that george is alluding to. We are concerned about where that will track. Even with all of this talk of storms, this is looking over Lake Windermere in amble5ide. Heading up through this evening, some patchy rain around. It will diminish a5 evening, some patchy rain around. It will diminish as we head north eastwards. It will be mild for the majority except for the north east of scotla nd majority except for the north east of scotland where it could be cold enough for a touch of frost. There will be brightness tomorrow morning but foremo5t will be brightness tomorrow morning but foremost a drab start to thursday with Gale Force Wind5 pushing the Rain Northwoods and eastwards. In part5 pushing the Rain Northwoods and eastwards. In parts of Northern Ireland and western parts of england and wales a5 ireland and western parts of england and wales as well. There will be brighter weather later on and 5howers. It will not be cold. With the wind, probably not feeling that great. Then we moved to friday. The Computer Model is not certain at this stage whether the storm will head acro55 france or into the 5outhern head acro55 france or into the Southern Half of the uk. Were every hit5, Southern Half of the uk. Were every hits, it does look as if it will cause some ferocious weather. There could be Storm Force Wind5 cause some ferocious weather. There could be Storm Force Winds and rain. We are most concerned about the wind5. Another lot of rain on top of what we are seeing today and tomorrow is not good news. We will keep you posted as it is likely to cause keep you posted as it is likely to cau5e disruption. There are warnings in force on the website. I will be back tomorrow with more. A reminder of our main story. Mp5 are set to begin voting on a bill to give britain power to begin to execute the new. Three generations of one family were killed in the tunisian Terror Attack. Thats all from the bbc news at six. Hello. This is bbc news. The headlines. Mp5 are making their final pitches in a momentous debate, On Whether There5a May should begin the formal process of taking britain out of the eu. The government has chosen, and i respect this decision, not to make the economy the priority in this negotiation the inquests into the deaths of 30 british tourists killed in a Terror Attack in tunisia, have heard a statement from a teenager who survived. He described the scene as his brother, uncle and grandfather were shot dead in june 2015. Four people, involved in fraudulently selling puppies kept in poor conditions at a travellers site in essex, have been given 5u5pended sentences. Lets go back to the house of commons now we are hearing that the shadow Environment Secretary and the shadow the Qualities Minister has resigned from the Labour Front Bench in order to vote against articles 50 against the three line whip. Lets talk to our chief political correspondent. More trouble for labour. You

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