Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170222

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for life. and coming up in sportsday on bbc news. testing times for the champions leicester, this time in europe, as they faced the spanish side sevilla in the last 16 of the champions league. good evening. the fiance of the children's author helen bailey has been found guilty of murdering her and dumping her body in a cesspit under their garage in hertfordshire. ian stewart, who's 56, drugged ms bailey over several weeks before smothering her in april last year, in the hope of claiming a multi—million pound inheritance. the couple had met through an online bereavement group. it's emerged that detectives are now re—examining the sudden death of mr stewart's first wife in 2010. our home affairs correspondent june kelly reports. police recorded ian stewart's arrest at his home. i'm arresting you on suspicion of the murder of helen bailey. you're joking! he was stunned he'd finally been caught out. for three months he'd been living with the body of his wealthy partner buried under the garage. my name's helen bailey and i'd like to introduce you to my new book, which is called when bad things happen in good bikinis. helen bailey was a successful author. as well as murdering her, stewart also killed her dachshund, boris, whom she doted on. ooh, that wasn't supposed to happen! after her husband's death, helen bailey began blogging about her sense of loss. and it was through a facebook bereavement group that she met ian stewart, whose wife had died. but while she was planning their wedding, he was planning her murder. ian stewart's sons were in court to see their father convicted of killing the woman who was about to become their stepmother. last spring, helen bailey suddenly vanished from the home she shared with them and their father in royston in hertfordshire. it took ian stewart five days to report her missing. hertfordshire police, how can i help? hello there, my partner has been missing since monday and has not contacted anyone. three months after helen bailey's disappearance, police began searching the garage, which was at a distance from the house. this laser imaging illustrates how, underneath the hatched door there, there was a well with a cesspit. the police started probing, and it was here below a layer of sewage that they saw an arm. they had found helen bailey's body and buried with her was her dog, boris. there was even a possibility, because she had been drugged, that she could have been alive when stewart put her down here. cctv shows how within hours, ian stewart drove to a rubbish tip to dump a duvet. was that duvet taken to the tip because it had helen's blood on it? in police interviews, stewart said nothing. he probably smothered helen bailey after drugging her over a long period with his sleeping pills. his motive was money. he was set to benefit massively from her £4 million fortune. if helen had written a book of this story, you wouldn't believe it. he probably planned it all from the day he met her. and in hindsight i don't think he loved her at all, but helen definitely loved him. this is ian stewart's late wife, diane. police are now re—examining her sudden death. she'd suffered from epilepsy and was said to have died from a fit. diane stewart died of natural causes in 2010, it would only be right and proper that we re—looked at what the causes might be. but, of course, it would be part of our enquiries, moving forward from this conviction. at the family home in bassingbourn, in cambridgeshire, diane stewart collapsed suddenly. diane was a very fit and healthy person. the whole of bassingbourn was in shock, i think. you could not believe it could have happened because there was no sign or prior knowledge that there was anything wrong with diane whatsoever. after his wife died, ian stewart was seen with other women before he began his predatory pursuit of helen bailey. as a writer, she was used to studying human behaviour, but she never learned the true character of the man who was closest to her and who she thought she knew best. 0ur homes affairs correspondent, june kelly, is in royston. the police are coming in for some criticism for taking three months to find helen bailey's body underneath the garage. that's right, it took them three months to carry out a detailed search of the property and locate the cesspit. during those three months, ian stewart went on holiday to spain, came back, and all that time, helen bailey's body was buried under the garage. hertfordshire police have defended the way they conducted the investigation. they say that ian stewart at that point was seen as a witness rather than a suspect and this was a missing persons enquiry as far as they were concerned. they said they followed normal procedure and had no plans to refer themselves to the police watchdog. tonight at the heart of this story are two families and today, helen bailey's brotherjohn said that both had been left devastated by what happened here. ian stewart will be sentenced tomorrow. fiona. june kelly, thank you. a political row has erupted over the compensation paid to the british fighter with so—called islamic state. ronald fiddler was formerly a detainee at guantanamo bay and is reported to have died in a suicide bombing in iraq. lord carlile, who reviewed terror laws for ten years, said fiddler should never have been paid a penny. tony blair has defended himself from attacks that he was responsible, saying the decision to award the compensation was taken by the mainly conservative government. 0ur deputy political editor john pienaar reports. the face of a fanatic, a briton, about to die an is suicide bomber, detained then freed and reportedly handed £1 million compensation in taxpayers‘ cash. why? that's now a bitter dispute. jamal al—harith, born ronald fiddler, was among the suspected terrorist detainees held here at guantanamo bay without charge until, following british government pressure, he was freed, to discuss his time behind bars. i was, i was angry, very angry, actually. first, when they told me, i was scared, because i'd been in a cage for so long, i didn't want to leave, strange as it might seem. you didn't want to leave? yeah, my first reaction was, "i don't want to go". tonight, his family insisted he'd been radicalised by what they called the mental cruelty and inhuman treatment, and his compensation was far less than £1 million. it's been hard for us, you know? he's gone now and ijust hope that between him and his maker, he's, you know, done whatever he wanted to do. today, papers and some tory mps condemned labour's role in government. utter hypocrisy, according to tony blair. the critics had demanded the detainees' freedom. are you to blame for this, mr blair? but mr blair has hit back. he said in a statement, "he was not paid compensation by my government. the compensation was agreed in 2010 by the conservative government. the fact is, this was always a very difficult situation where any government would have to balance proper concern for civil liberties with desire to protect our security and we were likely to be attacked whatever cause we took". it is just a matter of fact that compensation was decided by the conservative government, by kenneth clarke, the justice secretary, and not by a labour government. but according to this intelligence assessment, on wikileaks, fiddler was a suspected terrorist associated with al-qaeda and yet he was compensated. there was intelligence against these people. but the only way that the actions could have been defended is if the intelligence and the sources of intelligence had been brought out in open court. and that would have been to undermine the whole of the efforts of the intelligence and security agencies. the immediate circumstances that forced the government to give him money no longer exist, because the law of disclosure in civil claims has been tightened up. but we do need some assurance from the attorney general that this is the case and that someone like him would not receive a million or however many pounds of public money in the future. intelligence can now be used in court, without compromising sources, after a change in the law. but hundreds of britons have travelled to iraq and syria as jihadists, and one former minister told me they are believed to include some who have been monitored, perhaps even detained and compensated in the past. yeah, is that the stock market? there may be more like ronald fiddler. security forces can only try to keep up their guard in future. john pienaar, bbc news, westminster. for the first time in its 188—year history, london's metropolitan police force will be run by a woman. cressida dick said she was "thrilled and humbled" to be taking on the "great responsibility" of the post of met commissioner. ms dick will succeed sir bernard hogan—howe next week. but as our home affairs correspondent tom symonds reports, her career at the met has not been without controversy. a new new scotland yard, the metropolitan police's new headquarters and now it has a new commissioner, cressida dick, flanked by the the home secretary and the mayor of london. it's beyond my wildest dreams, an extraordinary privilege. i'm very humbled. i adore london. i think it's the world's greatest global city and i love policing and i love the met. i know she cares about the priorities that are also my priorities, about the terror threat in london, about vulnerabilities in this city and i'm really looking forward to working closely with her to make it a great success. a lot of people have helped me along the way from the moment i was first a police constable, over 30 years ago at hendon. where all those men made up the rank and file, but she left them behind. if you think it is the thing for you, then, really, go for it. she ran the trident team, fighting london's gun violence. if??? "if e ffff". t’ff §4 2005, this happened. cressida dick was in charge of the plain clothes officers who shot dead, not a terrorist, butjean charles de menezes, an innocent brazilian electrician. his family and their supporters today said her appointment to the top job was shameful. that post has to have trust and integrity. the person has got to be responsible for the highest standards of professionalism, has got to ensure the police act within the law and here we have somebody who's forever going to be tainted with the death ofjean charles de menezes. but this is the log of cressida dick's decision that day, her order at 10.0aam, "stop him". she has always insisted not "shoot him". ajury laterfound she'd done nothing wrong though management of the operation was criticised. her new in—tray will be full of difficult decisions, many of them focused on two of her biggest challenges — the met‘s squeezed finances and the changing nature of crime. this is quite a moment for british policing, as with cressida dick's appointment, the three most senior operational police officers in britain are now women. tom symonds, bbc news at new scotland yard. a brief look at some of the day's other news stories. the government has indicated there could be more support announced in next month's budget for companies in england and wales that are facing a steep rise in business rates. the government's come under strong pressure from its own mps to soften the impact of the revaluation. the supreme court has upheld a controversial rule that prevents british citizens on below—average incomes from bringing their foreign spouses into the country from outside europe. the judges rejected an appeal by families who argued the threshold of £18,600 a year breached their human rights. police in northern ireland say an improvised bomb has exploded outside the home of a serving police officer in londonderry while army specialists were trying to defuse it. detectives described the device, discovered under a car, as more intricate than a pipe bomb. they believe it was planted by "violent dissident republicans. " there are no reports of any injuries. the bbc is to create a television channel for scotland. it will broadcast from 7pm until midnight and will cost around £30 million a year. for scotland on bbc one, but this was rejected in favour of a scottish news hour on this new channel. 0ur scotland editor, sarah smith, is in glasgow. what's been the response to this announcement there? the announcement took everybody by surprise here. since then, it has been broadly welcomed by the snp and scottish government, who had been arguing fora scottish government, who had been arguing for a separate scottish tv channel 4 years. you mentioned the idea of a separate scottish six o'clock news and that has become something of a totemic political struggle in scotland of yate and people who have been pushing for that say they are disappointed they have not got it. —— in scotland wait. they wanted an hour—long news programme presented in scotland with an exhaust scottish, international and uk news, they are getting at 9pm on the new channel. there's soon to be a lot more bbc in scotland. responding to demands for more spending and more dedicated news, tony hall came to glasgow to announce a whole new channel. does this mean you feel what bbc scotland's been offering so far hasn't been giving audience what is they want? no, i want to give audiences in scotland more choice and i really believe the excitement of saying — we have a new channel for scotland, what's that going to be? how are we going to schedule it? how are we going to shake sure that we get dramas and comedies, programmes of journalism, talk shows and, at the heart of it, this one—hour news from scotland, that's a really exciting proposition for viewers in scotland. the new channel will run programmes like the adventure show, along with drama, comedy, factual and entertainment programmes made in scotland, for a scottish audience. 0n airfrom 7.00pm to midnight every day, but why does scotland need its own dedicated channel? at the most basic level, scotland is it a nation, it's not a region, like lancashire or whatever. it's important also that you understand that scotland has already separate areas of its civic and public state, its education system, its legal system, its artistic communities and whatever, all of which are befitting of a small, modern nation and they're not being well reflected just now through the bbc. the new channel will have a budget of £30 million a year. there will be an hour—long news programme, at 9.00pm every night, and it's due to launch in the summer of 2018. the long—running debate about whether scotland needs its own separate news programme at 6.00pm on bbc one is now over. viewers in scotland will get a scottish nine on the new channel instead of a scottish six, which doesn't satisfy everyone. obviously, i welcome newjobs and new investment in bbc scotland. iam, however, disappointed that the bbc has decided not to go ahead with the separate scottish six on bbc one because i think that this is exactly the time for the launch of that new programme with all the political developments we know. two—and—a—half minutes until we're on hour. nothing the bbc does will ever please everyone and as the corporation has to make cuts elsewhere, viewers in other parts of the country might wonder why scotland deserves special treatment. already, politicians in wales are complaining that they're being shortchanged compared to the deal scotland's been given. sarah smith, bbc news, glasgow. a serious case review into the murder of an 18—month—old girl has concluded that she became "almost invisible to professionals" after she was taken into the care of the woman who later killed her. keegan downer was murdered by 34—year—old kandyce downer, in birmingham, less than a year after being appointed as her legal guardian. the toddler had over a 150 injuries. the report said if there had been greater supervision, her death could have been prevented. sima kotecha reports. keegan downer died in september 2015, she had suffered a catalogue of injuries and had 153 scars and bruises. kandyce downer, a distant relative, was given custody of keegan earlier that year. last may, she was convicted of the toddler's murder. today, a serious case review concluded that keegan‘s death could not have been predicted, but it said she had been "invisible to professionals" after being placed in downer‘s care, that insufficient discussion had taken place between involved agencies and that there was too much focus on kandyce downer‘s wants rather than the child's needs. an 0fsted report released last year, said children's services in birmingham were still failing to protect vulnerable children. they have been rated inadequate since 2008 and have had 28 serious case reviews over the last decade. can you, genuinely, put your hand on your heart and say that children in your care are safe? so we have still got an inadequate rating for safeguarding, so they're not safe enough. they're getting safer, we're making the system stronger, but we've got some way to go. we want to be outstanding. last year, the bbc highlighted concerns around some special guardians not being vetted properly. today's report said kandyce downer‘s assessment had been flawed and incomplete. vetting is absolutely key. we need to be absolutely certain that the person who's applying to be a special guardian is suitable, that they're going to make an appropriate guardian for that child and of course, crucially, a safe guardian for that child as well. the council says, as a result of cases like this one, it has made the vetting process more robust, but downer‘s assessment has been label today as "superficial" and has cost an 18—month—old her life. sima kotecha, bbc news, birmingham. is there life out there in space? it's a question frequently asked and now scientists, writing in the journal nature, say they may be a step closer to the answer. astronomers think that seven planets in a newly discovered solar system may have the right conditions for life. the new worlds — a0 light years from earth — lie in the so called ‘goldilocks‘ zone where temperatures are sufficiently temperate to allow water to form. here's our science editor, david shukman. an artist's impression of a startling discovery deep in space, around a faint and distant star, much weaker than our sun, is a collection of planets that are surprisingly similar to earth. in all, seven of these worlds have been spotted and astronomers think it may change the way we look at the night sky. the discovery gives us a hint that finding a second earth is notjust a matter of if, but when. an array of telescopes kept watch on one point in space and what the scientists were looking for were tiny clues about the light of a particular star becoming dimmer, on a regular basis, as planets orbited in front of it. they can't see these new worlds, but they know they're there. we are extremely excited. this is the biggest amount of planets that we've found in one go and that look like the earth in composition, size and mass. all seven are close enough to the star and far enough to the star that they could host liquid water, and that's just incredible. this is the latest revelation in a wave of discoveries over the past 25 years of new worlds that exist in solar systems beyond our own. the total of these distant planets now stands at well over 3,000. what makes this discovery so unusual is the sheer number of new worlds spotted in one go, seven in all. crucially, they'rejust the right temperature for liquid water to exist at the surface. three of them are in what's called the ‘habitable zone' which raises the tantalising possibility that they could conceivably host life. but we won't be getting there in a hurry, they're a0 light—years away. to reach them, using the rockets we have now, would take something like 700,000 years. there's so much to find out about these worlds, whether the artist's impressions are right, whether it's possible that the conditions for life do exist and astronomers say they'll be a huge effort to try to find out. the more we look, the more planets we find and the more earth—like planets we find, but this is especially exciting because this, sort of, ultra cool star that we've discovered, they're quite populous throughout our galaxy and it's the first time we've had planets going around a star like this and we've found seven of them. the best hope lies with huge new telescopes that'll come into service soon, improving the chances of getting a really close look at these alien worlds to see, for example, if they do have oceans and maybe, just maybe, discover if there are some hints about life. david shukman, bbc news. as france heads towards its most unpredictable election in decades, politicians are preparing to visit the annual agricultural show in paris this weekend. it's a key event in the election calendar, with the french countryside still an influential part of the national identity. as the more mainstream candidates fight not only against each other, but also against the rise of the far—right front national, it's an important election battleground as our paris correspondent, lucy williamson, has been finding out. the rural idyll is france's national brand. governments might change, but the countryside, so the story goes, does not, and, at election time, every politician wants to be the farmers' friend. the small town of chatillon sits in a corner of burgundy, with its grand heritage of food and wine. chatillon has had a centre—right mayor for 22 years now but, since 2010, the far—right front national has doubled its share of the vote. the mayor puts that down to a lack of support for the rural economy which, he says, is creating a two—tier france with jobs and people moving to the cities. translation: there's a big feeling of disappointment, people feel abandoned. we've seen one government after another and none of them have reversed this trend. people don't believe they have a future in the countryside and this has an impact on their vote because they say they're fed—up and they don't believe in the traditional parties. philippe has been a dairy farmer here for 25 years and his parents before him, but with growing competition over milk prices, he's been running at a loss for years and he says some here are quietly turning to the fm for answers. translation: if there's one idea that sparks interest, it's the idea of turning inwards, the nationalist spirit — closing of borders, protectionism, limiting the movement of people. you don't see many fn voters, it's a vote that appears in the ballot boxes, but it isn't openingly expressed. rural votes are a key battleground in this election, especially in right—wing areas like this. a crisis in french farming, dwindling public services and now a financial scandal in the centre—right republicans party is pushing some voters to the front national. that's true even if you travel west from burgundy to some of france's left—wing areas. the town of tulle, where president hollande was once mayor, it's so attached to the socialist leader they wanted him to run again. even so, the fn got 20% of the votes in the last regional election and it's not hard to find people who understand why. translation: it would be a good thing to regulate immigration, it would help. we take care of immigrants who are just arrived here better than our own homeless people in france. translation: there's good and bad things with marine le pen, with her rediscover a france worthy of its name. but marine le pen scares people, a little, so let's see. these days old french traditions don't stay in the villages, accordions made here find their way to china. globalisation is now the great dividing line in french politics, seen as stealing or delivering france's future. translation: we sell to china even though our accordions are taxed at 35% because they want to protect their market. i say yes to globalisation because we have to compensate for shrinking sales in france. farmers here say that politicians like their countryside traditional, but want the benefits of globalisation, too. marine le pen's chance of victory is still slim, but to some her message is alluring — that europe is the problem and france's model doesn't need to change. lucy williamson, bbc news, karez. she was renowned for her style and elegance and now some of princess diana's dresses are to go on display at her former home, kensington palace. the exhibition coincides with the 20th anniversary of her death. the collection will feature 25 of her best known gowns. it will also feature an ink blue evening gown she wore when she danced with the actor john travolta at the white house in 1985. david bowie has been named best british male solo artist at tonight's brit awards, just over a year since his death. the singer, who died of cancer last january, at the age of 69, also won british album of the year for blackstar. this time last year, leicester were on their way to becoming the unlikeliest champions of the premier league. but today, they sitjust one point above the relegation zone, and out of the fa cup. so tonight's champion's league tie against sevilla had been billed as a chance to turn around their season. so, how did they get on? joe wilson reports. everything is drawn back down to earth, isaac newton knew that in the 17th century, but leicester's rapid descent has shocked. they were in sevilla as champions of england, remember. yes, but in sevilla, having just lost at millwall. this season there's been so much of this. penalty, obviously. but did the young man taking it, correa, look confident? no, he wasn't. commentator: correa, schmeichel saves! 0—0, but not for long. the only thing better than this cross was the header. commentator: sarabia! the spanish side are european experts, not a place for leicester's big defenders to look frail. correa scored, his confidence restored. leicester searching for their lost fearlessness. now, how did they do it last season? well, drinkwater gets the ball, looks up and finds, him. commentator: in by vardy! just the time forjamie vardy to rediscover the goal because it's 2—1 and a home leg to come, gravity can wait for a while. joe wilson, bbc news. newsnight is coming up on bbc two. here's evan davis. tonight, we're coming from stoke—on—trent, a city that has been in the spotlight thanks to a by—election here tomorrow. we're with a local audience and a panel of politicians and commentators and we'll ask whether cities like this have been let down by governments in london. join us now on bbc two. here on, bbc one, it's time for the news where you are.

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Investigation , Ian Stewart , Police , Compensation , Fighter , Death , Row , British , Guantanamo , Seven , Woman , Planets , Politicians , By Election , Conditions , Job , Farmers , French , Battle , Scientists , Life , Sevilla , Testing Times , Leicester , Champions , Side , Sportsday On Bbc News , Europe , Spanish , Champions League , 16 , Helen Bailey , Children , Cesspit , Author , Body , Garage , Fiance , Hertfordshire , 56 , Bereavement Group , Wife , Stewart S , Hope , Sudden Death , Detectives , Pound Inheritance , Couple , 2010 , Murder , Home , Suspicion , Correspondent , Home Affairs , June Kelly Reports , Arrest , Book , Partner , Things , Bikinis , My Name , Three , Loss , Wasn T , Dachshund , Blogging , Sense , Husband , Boris , Facebook , Ooh , Court , Father , Sons , Wedding , Missing , Stepmother , Royston , Five , Hertfordshire Police , Disappearance , Anyone , Distance , Well , Laser Imaging , Door , Arm , Sewage , Layer , House , Possibility , Rubbish Tip , Dog , Cctv , Helen , Nothing , It , Duvet , Police Interviews , Tip , Blood , Sleeping Pills , Drugging , Story , Money , Motive , Fortune , Â 4 Million , 4 Million , Hindsight , Diane Stewart , Epilepsy , Course , Causes , Fit , Person , Family , Part , Whole , Enquiries , Conviction , Shock , Bassingbourn , Cambridgeshire , Diane Stewart Collapsed Suddenly , Women , Knowledge , Writer , Anything , Sign , Diane , Pursuit Of Helen Bailey , Man , June Kelly , Character , Human Behaviour , 0ur Homes Affairs , 0 , Criticism , Property , Search , Spain , Way , Point , Suspect , Enquiry , Witness , Missing Persons , Plans , Families , Heart , Police Watchdog , Procedure , Both , Brotherjohn , Two , Born Ronald Fiddler , Detainee , Islamic State , Fiona , Tony Blair , Government , Decision , Attacks , Lord Carlile , Suicide Bombing , Iraq , Terror Laws , Penny , Ten , Suicide Bomber , Briton , Face , Political Editor , Taxpayers , Cash , Fanatic , John Pienaar Reports , 0ur Deputy , 1 Million , Â 1 Million , Terrorist , Jamal Al Harith , Detainees , Charge , Pressure , Dispute , Bars , First , Reaction , Cage , Leave , I Don T Want To Go , Treatment , Cruelty , Us , Ijust , Mps , Critics , Maker , Role , Papers , Hypocrisy , Freedom , Labour , Scottish Government , Fact , Statement , Hit , Matter , Situation , Concern , Liberties , Desire , Security , Kenneth Clarke , Labour Government , Intelligence Assessment , Justice Secretary , Fiddler , Wikileaks , Al Qaeda , People , Intelligence , Sources , Actions , Open Court , Law , Exist , Assurance , Attorney General , Disclosure , Efforts , Security Agencies , Circumstances , Claims , Case , Britons , Change , Someone , Hundreds , Compromising Sources , A Million , Some , Stock Market , Jihadists , Minister , Syria , One , Bbc News , Cressida Dick , Metropolitan Police Force , Fighting London S , Security Forces , Guard , John Pienaar , Westminster , 188 , Met , Post , Commissioner , Home Affairs Correspondent , Bernard Hogan Howe , Dick , Career , Responsibility , Ms , New Scotland Yard , Controversy , Tom Symonds Reports , Mayor , Beyond My Wildest Dreams , Headquarters , Home Secretary , The World S Greatest Global City , City , Priorities , Lot , Terror Threat , Vulnerabilities , Success , Thing , Men , Police Constable , Hendon , Rank And File , 30 , T Ff , Gun Violence , Team , Trident , E Ffff , 2005 , 4 , Butjean Charles De Menezes , Officers , Supporters , Electrician , Clothes , Brazilian , Integrity , Appointment , Professionalism , Standards , Police Act , Trust , Somebody , Log , Order , Aam , Ofjean Charles De Menezes , Stop Him , 10 0 , Management , Many , Decisions , In Tray , Nature , Operation , Challenges , Crime , Finances , Shoot Him , Ajury Laterfound , Policing , Police Officers , Senior , Tom Symonds , Support , Impact , Budget , Rise , Companies , England , News Stories , Wales , Business Rates , Revaluation , Country , Citizens , Supreme Court , Incomes , Rule , Spouses , Judges , Human Rights , Police Officer , Threshold , Appeal , Army Specialists , Bomb , Northern Ireland , 18600 , Â 18600 , In Scotland , Injuries , Television Channel , Reports , Pipe Bomb , Device , Car , Violent Dissident Republicans , Favour , 30 Million , Â 30 Million , 7 , Channel , Response , Announcement , News Hour , Everybody , Surprise , 0ur Scotland Editor , Glasgow , Sarah Smith , Idea , Something , Channel 4 , Totemic Political Struggle In Scotland Of Yate , Six O Clock News , Arguing , Tv , Snp , Six , News , News Programme , Scotland Wait , 9 , Bbc Scotland , Audience , Demands , Offering , Hasn T , Tony Hall , Audiences , Saying , Excitement , Choice , Viewers , Programmes , Dramas , Talk Shows , Comedies , Comedy , Proposition , Journalism , Drama , Entertainment , The Adventure Show , Nation , Level , Region , 0n Airfrom , Lancashire , 7 00 , All , System , Communities , Areas , State , Education System , Small , 2018 , 9 00 , Everyone , Scottish Nine , Investment , Debate , Doesn T Satisfy , Scottish Six , 6 00 , Nine , Programme , Launch , Developments , Siam , Parts , Does , Corporation , Elsewhere , Cuts , Special Treatment , Girl , Deal Scotland , Case Review , Given , Shortchanged , 18 , Care , Keegan Downer , Guardian , Kandyce Downer , Professionals , Birmingham , 34 , Toddler , Report , Supervision , Catalogue , Sima Kotecha Reports , 2015 , September 2015 , 150 , Scars , Bruises , Custody , Relative , Last May , 153 , Invisible To Professionals , A Serious Case Review , Place , Child , Discussion , Agencies , Focus , Services , Needs , 0fsted Report , Reviews , Hand , 2008 , 28 , Safe , Safeguarding , Enough , Rating , Assessment , Concerns , Guardians , Vetting , Council , Cases , Vetting Process , Result , Label , Superficial , Sima Kotecha , Astronomers , Space , Solar System , Step , Journal Nature , Answer , Writing , Question , Earth , David Shukman , Artist , Zone , Impression , Water , Temperatures , Goldilocks , Collection , Worlds , Discovery , The Star , Sun , Telescopes , Hint , Night Sky , If , Array , Front , Light , Basis , Clues , Dimmer , Liquid Water , Composition , Amount , Mass , Size , Discoveries , Systems , Revelation , Wave , Total , 3000 , 25 , Number , Temperature , Surface , They Rejust , Habitable Zone , Host Life , Rockets , Hurry , Away , 700000 , More , Effort , Impressions , Time , Star , Galaxy , Ultra Cool Star , Alien Worlds , Chances , Service , Oceans , Example , Hints , Election , Show , Event , Paris , Front National , Countryside , Identity , Calendar , Mainstream , Candidates , Each Other , Lucy Williamson , Governments , Battleground , Politician , Brand , Finding Out , Rural Idyll , Town , Burgundy , Friend , Food , Wine , Corner , Heritage , Chatillon , 22 , Vote , Cities , Share , Which , Lack , Economy , Jobs , Translation , Disappointment , Feeling , Another , None , Philippe , Competition , Parties , Dairy Farmer , Trend , Running , Fed Up , Milk Prices , Parents , Turning Inwards , Interest , Answers , Fm , Spirit Closing Of Borders , Votes , Voters , Movement , Ballot Boxes , Isn T Openingly , Farming , Crisis , Scandal , Centre Right Republicans Party , Hollande , Of Tulle , Leader , 20 , Marine Le Pen , Homeless People , Immigration , Immigrants , Worthy , Accordions , Name , Traditions , Little , Stay , Villages , Old French , Let S See , Globalisation , Politics , Dividing Line , Stealing , China , Sales , Market , Countryside Traditional , 35 , Doesn T , Chance , Problem , Message , Benefits , Victory , Karez , Display , Style , Elegance , Dresses , Princess Diana , Kensington Palace , David Bowie , John Travolta , Gowns , Evening Gown , Exhibition , White House , 20th Anniversary , 1985 , Singer , Died Of Cancer Last January , Best British Male Solo Artist At Tonight S Brit Awards , Blackstar , Album Of The Year , 69 , Champion , Relegation Zone , League Tie , Premier League , Fa Cup , Season , Down To Earth , Everything , Descent , Joe Wilson , 17th Century , Isaac Newton , 17 , Correa , Commentator , Penalty , Yes , Millwall , Sarabia , Header , Cross , Defenders , Experts , Schmeichel , Finds , Ball , Confidence , Fearlessness , Forjamie Vardy , Drinkwater , Goal , Newsnight , Gravity , Home Leg , Bbc Two , Evan Davis , 1 , 2 , Commentators , Thanks , Spotlight , Panel , Stoke On Trent , Website , It S Time ,

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