Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170621

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the latter. — — overcome them. we will seek to do the latter. —— the test for all of us. we'll have reaction to the queen's speech, and the latest on theresa may's attempt to strike a deal with the democratic unionists to support her government. also tonight: a funeral for the first victim named in the grenfell tower disaster — a syrian refugee who'd been studying engineering. the duke of edinburgh — enjoying royal ascot yesterday — is in hospital tonight recovering from an infection. and it's been the hottestjune day since the summer of 1976, but there are storms on the way. good evening. the queen's speech, listing the government's plans for the new parliament, is dominated by the brexit process. the speech is also notable for the absence of some major policies which featured in the conservative manifesto. let's start with what's in the programme. there are 27 bills in total — eight of those are linked to brexit. there's a bill to tackle domestic violence in england and wales. and a bill to approve the second part of the high speed 2 rail link. among those policies left out was theresa may's promise to create new grammar schools in england. the controversial reforms of social care will go out to consultation. and there's no mention of mea ns—testing the winter fuel allowance. labour said the programme did not tackle the crisis in britain's public services, as our political editor, laura kuenssberg, reports. nothing normal this time. a sense of occasion but a political year like no other. despite the grandeur, beefeaters still have to get the bus and she for now, she still has the prime ministerialjaguar. your first and last queen ‘s speech, prime minister? the music and the marching still happened. yet, with the election held in a hurry, no time for the queen's horses to practice. so the royal bentley had to do. bugle sounds the queen arriving for the 64th time. her son, not her husband alongside. get your skates on. first race is 2.30! after all, with royal ascot on, this was not the queen's only business of the day. she was here to lay out the plan for this government. the political situation even more awkward than the small talk between these two. my government's priority is to secure the best possible deal as the country leaves the european union. my ministers are committed to working with parliament, the devolved administrations, business and others to build the widest possible consensus on the country's future outside the european union. brexit the priority but a promise the government will work more closely with rivals as well as supporters. a bill will be introduced to repeal the european communities act and provide certainty for individuals and businesses. this will be complemented by legislation to ensure that the united kingdom makes a success of brexit. but grammar schools, gone. plans to change pensioner benefits, gone. the government's social care idea, gone. controversial tory manifesto ideas have simply disappeared. this wasn'tjust westminster‘s big day out, for the prime minister a vital occasion to reassert herself. knowing that as the power balance around here has transformed, so must she. the election also showed, as it faces the big challenges of our future, our country is divided, red versus blue, young versus old, leave versus remain. the test for all of us is whether we choose to reflect divisions or help the country overcome them. with humility and resolve, this government will seek to do the latter. we will do what is in the national interest and we will work with anyone in any party that is prepared to do the same. but an energised labour will use every trick instead to make political trouble. people chose hope over fear, and they sense an unequivocal message, mr speaker, that austerity must be brought to an end. we are a government in waiting with a policy programme that enthused and engaged millions of people in this election. in the weeks ahead, with no tory majority, every vote, every mp, every party will count. she hasn't been able to put forward her headline pledges from her manifesto. if theresa may can't put forward a queen's speech based on her manifesto, how will she negotiate brexit? this is a queen's speech lacking in any content. no attempt to tackle underfunding for schools, hospitals or police. the prime minister lacks vision on where she wants to take the country. more than that, the government is dependent on the unionist northern irish mps to get anything done. will it be forthcoming? the discussions are ongoing, we will have further meetings this evening and we are confident we can get an agreement on the confidence and supply basis before the votes of the queen's speech next week. the speech was emptied of many of the prime minister's ambitions that went away with a majority. what remains is the biggest task of all, getting brexit through parliament. before that can begin, the prime minister must pass a more profound test, showing that she has enough clout to govern at all. crowd chants: 0h, jeremy corbyn. police say 300 people turned up to a planned protest outside parliament. but in or out, resistance to the weakened prime minister could come from all directions. so, the legislative programme ahead will be dominated by the major challenges surrounding britain's departure from the european union. in the debate following the queen's speech today, theresa may said the government would try to build a wide consensus as the brexit legislation makes its way through both houses of parliament. but the government is likely to face determined opposition on some fundamental points, as our deputy political editor jon pienaar explains. it was a brief visit, very brief, but long enough for the queen to leave behind a new course for her country. laws and borders made and managed by britain alone. the setting never seems to change, but laws passed and stored here for decades and built to follow the rules of the eu club must go. now, a government weakened by the election is reaching out to other parties and across the country before scrapping the law that took britain in and planning a future outside. the law that took britain in and planning a future outsidelj the law that took britain in and planning a future outside. i think it will be tough, but on the other hand, there is a consensus that we are leaving the european union, and there will be discussion about what that means, so we have to discuss how we can achieve consensus on the actual rules that engage, and there isa actual rules that engage, and there is a lot of legislation to get through. a clutch of eight bills make up the legal framework for brexit. the repeal bill means that parliament can replace the authority of eu law. the fisheries bill and agriculture bill will take back control of those areas. there will be talks about who controls what. the international sanctions bill allows britain to impose on the trade sections, to tackle money—laundering and terrorist financing outside the eu. the nuclear safeguards bill will ensure that the uk meets international safeguards. a customs bill would help establish new rules on trade and customs. mps and parties disagree about whether and when to quit the customs union, which means no duties between eu members but bans no duties between eu members but ba ns states no duties between eu members but bans states from making their own deals outside. it works pretty dam good just now, so why would we tinker? we are saying clearly that as part of this deal we must remain in the customs union and single market. it is nonsense. the jewel in the crown is for us to have trade deals with the united states and our many trading partners which would increase trade, jobs and investment. finally, there is an immigration bill, but how do ministers broke any agreement between those who want to continue to welcome the migrant workers company say they need and a government target to cut net migration to less than 100,000?m is important to stick to it because it is what people voted for, and politicians are the servants not the masters of the people. we ought to do what the electorate tell us to do. theresa may knows she cannot make it but they keep promising it. we have to look after the economy. when the economy goes south, people lose theirjobs, when the economy goes south, people lose their jobs, and when the economy goes south, people lose theirjobs, and if we need people to help our economy going, then we will bring them to the country. the brexit negotiations looked tough before the election, now they look tougher still. any final deal could struggle to get approval in parliament, a tough one for the uk could fail altogether. it is an historic moment for britain. as for what lies beyond, right now, thatis as for what lies beyond, right now, that is anyone's guess. john pina, bbc news, westminster. barely a month has passed since theresa may outlined her vision for this new parliament in the conservative manifesto. but as we've seen, many of her policies have been abandoned or diluted. in a moment, we'll hear from our education editor branwenjeffreys on what's happened to key pledges on education in england, and our business editor simonjack on the commitment to cap energy prices. but first, our social affairs correspondent alison holt on what's happened to those radical plans for social care in england. the government's promise of consultation on how we improve care for people who are older and disabled comes with no details, but the language is of building widespread support and of a public debate on how we pay for social care. there's no direct mention of a cap on the highest care costs, the issue that proved so toxic for the tories when it was left out of their manifesto launch, we're told though that will happen. but at a time when the social care system is under such pressure, the big question is, how quickly can consultation be turned to action? because there is fear that too much talk is one way of kicking a difficult issue into the long grass. it was in education that theresa may hoped to put her personal stamp on politics. she promised the first new grammar schools in england for a generation, selecting some children through tests to go to highly academic schools. always controversial, even with some tory mps, it's now firmly in the political dustbin, she doesn't have the authority to push it through. also ditched, the plans to take away free school lunches from england's youngest primary school children. now, that was meant to free up more than £600 million, so somehow, somewhere, some money is going to have to be found for schools because rising bills mean they've got less money per pupil to spend in real terms, and the government still wants to press ahead with plans to share out money differently across england with a new funding formula. putting a cap on energy prices was one of the most eye—catching things in the conservative manifesto, mainly because it's not a particularly tory thing to do. remember, the tories criticised a similar proposal by labour in the last election to freeze energy prices. nevertheless, there it was in the manifesto, a cap on energy prices. in today's speech the word "cap" is missing. the government said it still wants to protect consumers who are not getting a good deal, but it wants to consider the best way to do this. now, that could mean passing a law or could mean asking the regulator to do it. in fact, the government wrote to 0fgem today to ask them to explore options. so this looks like the government's preferred choice. our business editor, simonjack, ending that series of reports. let's go straight to westminster... a speech notable for what was in it as much as what was left out. the government is well aware they face a difficult and choppy time ahead, not just in terms of keeping their own party together, but also in terms of answering for their plans and giving detail about what they really want to do. for example, the foreign secretary, borisjohnson, had a bit ofa car secretary, borisjohnson, had a bit of a car crash interview today when he was quizzed on the plans that have been put forward today and, clearly, this is in general not a happy place for the tory party to be. they have had to notjust ditch much of the manifesto that they put to the country, just a few short weeks ago, but also theresa may has had to make a promise about working differently. a promise to listen to other people, not just differently. a promise to listen to other people, notjust her political opponents on the opposite benches in the house of commons, but also her private critics inside the party. this is absolutely the opposite from what she hoped for when she went into this election. can we talk more about the stability or otherwise of this government, laura? the prospects of this deal with with the democratic unionist party, where are they on that? viewers will remember that for theresa may to have what might even be approaching something looking like a stable government she wa nts to looking like a stable government she wants to be able formally to rely on support from a small group of northern irish mps in the dup. number ten has, for quite some time now, been trying to get to the stage of having a formal deal with them, not a coalition, but a binding promise where they will support the government on big votes. getting this queen's speech through and getting future budgets through. broadly, on both sides, it is in their interests to get things done, but it feels more shakey tonight that it has done for the last few days. it's been suggested to me that the dup is, frankly, pushing it in terms of what they are actually asking the government to agree to. there is a suggestion they've been throwing their weight around too much. 0n the other side, there is a sense from the dup that they are not being taken seriously enough. now, again, the incentive is there for the dup to have the massive influence for them to be part of this. there is incentive from the government side to make sure they have something that makes them feel on firmer ground. it seems unlikely the dup would take steps that could threaten theresa may staying in number ten. but clearly the fact this is dragging on and on, when there had been early hopes of getting it sown up within 48—hours after the events of the election suggests on both sides there is not that same confidence there of getting it done, despite what they said in public. 0n getting it done, despite what they said in public. on both sides too there doesn't seem to be the kind of trust being built that would be required to get this kind of arrangement firmly in place in the long—term. arrangement firmly in place in the long-term. all right, laura. thank you very much indeed. laura kuenssberg there, our political editor at westminster. among proposals mentioned today that don't require immediate legislation is the government's commitment to review its counter—terrorism strategy in the wake of recent attacks in london and manchester. it's also decided to establish a new commission for countering extremism. but senior police officers are still raising concerns about thier budgets and resources as our security correspondent, gordon corera, tells us. four terrorist attacks in four months have pushed security up the agenda, raising questions about what government can do. after the london bridge attack, just days before the election, the prime minister promised action. but it is time to say, enough is enough. when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change. but in the queen's speech today there were no new laws proposed, nothing on deportation or detention without charge. safeguard national security. instead, there was a broad commitment to review existing counter—terrorism powers, including looking at tougher sentences for terrorism and creating a new commission to counter extremism of all forms, including online. defining extremism in law has proved a challenge in the past and the overall approach was welcomed today by the man who reviews terrorism legislation. by in large, looking at the resources and the ability to deploy the powers that the police and security services already has, that is the way forward, as opposed to simply writing a new statute. police and the security service here at mi5 have not so far been pushing for new legislation. there's little sense that broad new powers in themselves would have been enough to detect or disrupt the recent attacks. the real debate though may be about resources in the face of what they say is an unprecedented threat. armed police stood guard at westminster today, spotters on the roof. the demands of protecting the public and investigating attacks has, it's said, left the counter—terrorism network stretched. the metropolitan police commissioner today said it meant officers had been pulled from other duties. we are shifting resources and people across the met. this does have an impact on other, for example, investigations. we've had to pause some, we've had to slow down on some and that's just a necessity. the legacy of the last four months and concern over further attacks will make tackling terrorism and extremism one of the defining issues in the coming parliament, whether or not new laws are on the agenda. gordon corera, bbc news. in the past hour, the iraqi military is reporting that so—called islamic state have blown up one of the most famous landmarks in the city of mosul. the grand al—nuri mosque is where the is leader abubakr al—baghdadi proclaimed a "caliphate" in 2014. it's stood there for eight centuries. tonight's reports have been denied by is, they say the damage was caused by us aircraft. the prime minister has apologised to all those affected by the grenfell tower fire in west london saying the immediate help for displaced and bereaved families hadn't been good enough. theresa may told mps she took responsibility for the failures of the state, both at local and national level. mrs may's apology came as the first of the funerals for the victims took place as our correspondent, elaine dunkley, reports. they came to say farewell. mohhammad alhajali's family arrived from war—torn syria to bury their son in a country where he came to seek refuge. he was a loving and caring person. always showing support and solidarity with his friends and family stuck back in syria. he never for got to tell us how much he loved us. for got to tell us how much he loved us. his very last words to us were how much he missed us. mohammed lived on the 14th floor of grenfell tower with his brother 0magh, as fire crews tried to evacuate the building they came separated. his brother spoke to us days after his death. i called him i said, "where are death. i called him i said, "where i. death. i called him i said, "where are you?" he said, "i'm in the flat" isaid, are you?" he said, "i'm in the flat" i said, "why didn't you come. i'm outside. why aren't you with us?" he said, "no—one brought me outside." he said, "why you left me?" hopped was studying civil engineering with the hope of one day returning to syria to help rebuild his country. a dream which, like so many others, ended on that horrific night in g re nfell tower. ended on that horrific night in grenfell tower. mohammed was living ina warzone. grenfell tower. mohammed was living in a war zone. it's absolutely terrible. you have the brutality of assad and the terror of isis. when he came here he came here seeking for safety. he thought he was safe. we thought he was safe. he ended up ina very we thought he was safe. he ended up in a very tragic event. so it will ta ke in a very tragic event. so it will take us a really long time to go through this other deal as well as deal. funerals the families will also have to endure inquests. today the death of five victims complained and reordered. coroner said to the bereaved families, "i cannot imagine your agony." there was also this apology from the prime minister. the support on the ground for families in the initial hours was not good enough. people were left without belongings, without roofs over their heads, without even basic information about what had happened and what they should do and where they could seek help. that was a failure of the state, local and national, to help people when they needed it most. as prime minister, i apologise for that failure. for those displaced by the fire, there was also a promise that 68 flats purchased in this new development in kensington will be used as social housing. at last, for those who have lost so much, an apology and action. elaine dunkley bgs bbc news. as we heard earlier, the duke of edinburgh didn't accompany the queen at the state opening of parliament. buckingham palace announced that after attending royal ascot yesterday, the duke was admitted to hospital to treat an infection. 0ur royal correspondent, nicholas witchell, is at the king edward vii hospital, in west london. nick, what is the latest bulletin there? huw, i don't think anyone think it is's a serious health incident iechl don't think anyone expects the duke to in hospitalfor a couple or a few nights. he was admitted last night, brought by road from windsor as a precautionary measure for the treatment of an infection which is linked to a preexisting condition. that's thought possibly to be a reference to 2012 when he was twice admitted to 2012 when he was twice admitted to hospitalfor to 2012 when he was twice admitted to hospital for the treatment of a bladder infection. that was successful. the following year he had adoomal surgery. he recovered after a couple of months. in recent times his health has been good. however he is 96 now. he is stepping back from public life, as we know, in the autumn. today though has been in good spirits. the fact the queen carried on with her programme. at royal ascot, inindicates there is no cause for concern. nick, many thanks for the latest there, nicholas witchell, our royal correspondent. doctors say that three—quarters of babies who were stillborn or suffered brain damage in the uk in 2015 could have had a different outcome if they'd received better care. more than 700 babies who died or had brain injuries were included in the study by the royal college of obstetricians and gynaecologists. the uk has the second worst infant mortality rate in western europe, the only country with a higher rate is malta. 0ur social affairs correspondent, michael buchanan, reports. i'm not comparing ella to maddie, but we always wonder, you know, what colour eyes madison would have because we never saw her with her open eyes, have we? no. ella and alfie never met their older sister, madison. ten days overdue, in february 2013 katie went to hospital for a planned induction. when she got there however the labour ward was full and she was put in a side room. they checked and they said i was just about two centimetres, but they had to wait for a bed to become available to do the popping of the waters and no bed became available, did it, until we found out madison had passed away. staff at the royal shrewsbury hospital wouldn't break katie's waters in the side room, saying there was risk of infection. for three days, they promised to find her a bed, but didn't. at one point, she was left unmonitored for 15—hours. by the time a midwife did check, madison was dead. she should now be four years old. she's got a niece about the same age as maddie as well, so it's tough that way for her as well, you know. seeing little mia go off to school and starting all the little school uniform. you know, we can see madison doing the same thing. the shrewsbury and telford trust has apologised and said practices were changed, but madisonjackson is one of at least nine avoidable baby deaths at the trust over a three year period. the health secretary has ordered a review. this local scandal is part of a national shame. hundreds of babies each year could be saved or protected from harm, says today's report, if maternity services were improved. it's not a single factor that is going to cause a poor outcome, it's an accumulation of factors and we have to look at the whole picture in a holistic way in order to improve care, and that's what we're determined to do. the review calls for a better monitoring of babies in labour and closer co—operation between staff and maternity units. registering your daughter's birth and death at exactly the same time, it's... oh, yeah. yeah. we had to register her birth and death. it doesn't happen to you, does it? a babies death leaves an indelible mark, a burning sense of injustice. too many families have personal experience of that crushing loss. michael buchanan, bbc news, powys. a brief look at some of the day's other news stories: the prince of wales has visited the scene of monday's terror attack outside the mosque in finsbury park, in north london. police are still questioning a man who's being held in connection with the attack in which a van was driven at worshipers. prince charles has relayed a message from the queen, sharing her thoughts and prayers with the victims. tesco says it's closing its customer service centre in cardiff with the loss of 1,100 jobs. the supermarket chain blamed what it called the "unprecedented challenges" it was facing. tesco said 250 extra posts would be created at its other centre in dundee. unions described the move as "devastating" for the staff involved. the bank of england's chief economist, andy haldane, has said he may vote to increase interest rates in the second half of this year. rates have been at a record low of 0.25% since august 2016, when they were lowered amid signs of a slowdown following the brexit vote. mr haldane's comments signal a split among the bank's eight policymakers, three of whom voted to increase rates last week. the founder of the online taxi firm uber, travis kalanick, has resigned as chief executive. the company has faced allegations of harassment, discrimination and corporate misconduct. in a statement, mr kalanick said he'd agreed to investors' requests to step down because he didn't want to be a distraction. king salman of saudi arabia has redrawn the kingdom's line of succession, replacing his nephew with his son as heir to the throne. mohammed bin salman has been driving major reforms of the country's economic and energy policies and has overseen saudi arabia's war in yemen. our world editor, john simpson, has this assessment of the significance of today's appointment.

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Horses , Royal Bentley , Bugle , 64 , Administrations , Race , Plan , Situation , Ascot On , 2 30 , Priority , Talk , Two , Consensus , European Union , Others , Ministers , Rivals , Legislation , Businesses , Supporters , Individuals , Certainty , European Communities Act , Pensioner Benefits , Success , Wasn Tjust Westminster , Idea , Manifesto Ideas , Tory , Big Day Out , Challenges , Power Balance , Leave Versus , Red Versus Blue , Young Versus Old , Resolve , Humility , People , Tory Party , Anyone , Fear , Hope , Same , Interest , Trick , Trouble , Message , Speaker , Austerity , Policy Programme , End , Millions , Waiting , Mp , Vote , Tory Majority , Pledges , Headline , She Hasn T , Police , Schools , Vision , Hospitals , Content , Underfunding , Mps , Discussions , Unionist , Meetings , Anything , Northern Irish , Agreement , Confidence , Votes , Supply , Basis , Task , Ambitions , Many , Majority , Clout , Resistance , Protest , Directions , Crowd Chants , 0 , 300 , Debate , Queen S Speech Today , Departure , Jon Pienaar , Opposition , Points , Houses Of Parliament , Visit , Course , Laws , Parties , Rules , Setting , Club , Law , Outside , Discussion , Hand , Planning A Future Outsidelj , Repeal Bill , Lot , Lisa , Clutch , Framework , Authority , Fisheries Bill , Talks , Areas , Bill , Nuclear Safeguards Bill , Money Laundering , Trade Sections , Sanctions , Terrorist Financing , Uk Meets International Safeguards , Customs Union , Trade , Customs Bill , Customs , Members , Duties , Deals , Bans , Dam , Ba Ns , Jobs , Partners , Trading , Investment , Market , The Jewel In Crown , Immigration Bill , Mmigration , Migrant Workers Company , Target , 100000 , It , Politicians , Electorate , Servants , Masters , Economy , South , Theirjobs , Negotiations , One , Approval , Bbc News , Beyond , Parliament , Guess , Thatis , John Pina , Commitment , Education , Energy Prices , Alison Holt On , Business Editor Simonjack , Education Editor Branwenjeffreys , Care , 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Hopes , It Done , 48 , Kind , Trust , Public , Arrangement , Editor , Proposals , Iechl Don T , Extremism , Commission , Attacks , Police Officers , North London , Concerns , Wake , Strategy , Manchester , Resources , Security , Agenda , Terrorist Attacks , Security Correspondent , Questions , Gordon Corera , Four , Terrorism , Attack , London Bridge , Powers , Charge , Deportation , Detention , National Security , Challenge , Forms , Sentences , Man , Services , Terrorism Legislation , Approach , Ability , Statute , Security Service , Mi5 , Armed Police , Threat , Face , At Westminster , Roof , Spotters , Other , Some , Investigations , Officers , Network , Necessity , Metropolitan Police Commissioner , Impact , Met , Concern , Issues , Legacy , Tackling , City , Landmarks , Islamic State , Mosul , Iraqi Military , Abubakr Al Baghdadi , Caliphate , Grand Al Nuri Mosque , 2014 , Damage , Aircraft , Families , Apology , State , Victims , Funerals , Help , Elaine Dunkley , First , 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