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Assistant to the us president. Ivanka trump attends a womens summit in berlin in herfirst engagement after her father took office. How moderate exercise after the age of 50 is the best way to keep your mind sharp. Good morning. Its tuesday, 25th april. Im joanna gosling. Welcome to bbc Newsroom Live. Labour have set out their vision for brexit if they win the General Election. The party has been criticised by, among others, the former The Shadow Brexit secretary keir starmer promised labour would unilaterally guarantee the rights of eu residents before talks begin, and prioritise jobs eu residents before talks begin, and prioritisejobs and eu residents before talks begin, and prioritise jobs and rights of people at work. He said no deal with the eu would be the worst possible deal for the uk, and cause huge damage at british businesses and trade. The proposals are scrapping the Prime Ministers current brexit plan, which was outlined in a white paper in february, which envisages leaving the Single Market and Customs Union. Instead, labour say they will focus on a deal that retains the benefits of both the eu and the uk. A key pledge from labour is that they will guarantee the legal status of the 3 million eu nationals living in the uk on its first day in office. And similarly seek a reciprocal offerfrom eu nations on britons leaving abroad. And finally, replace the governments proposed great repeal bill, which would scrap the 1972 European Communities Act And Transpose myriad existing eu laws applying to the uk into domestic law, with an eu rights and protections bill. We can now talk to our assistant Political Editor, norman smith. Norman smith was watching the speech from keir starmer. Is this effectively as close to remain as labour could be . I think its slightly more simple than that, its an attempt to provide some sort of clarity for voters about where the party stands on brexit and to try and drawa party stands on brexit and to try and draw a line under the issue on which, frankly, they have taken a pummelling for months because of the ambiguity in their position. Pummelled by the tories for not being committed enough to brexit, pummelled by the Liberal Democrats for not being tough enough in mrs mays brexit. Today we got there a statement. Interestingly, it has come ahead of their manifesto, it is almost an attempt to clear the decks, defuse the brexit issue so they can get off the hook of being in no mans land of the brexit, its ha rd to in no mans land of the brexit, its hard to see how they will be able to put over other policies. They have got to clear the decks on brexit, thatis got to clear the decks on brexit, that is what we got from sir keir Starmer Today. We got clarity on a number of areas, Starmer Today. We got clarity on a number ofareas, i Starmer Today. We got clarity on a number of areas, i think. Labour saying, yes, they do except brexit. No, they will not hold a second referendum. They also signalled they would rule out walking away from the negotiations without any deal at all. They said that as the worst possible option. They they would guarantee the rights of all eu nationals on day one of a Labour Government. They indicated they would press for what they called a strong transitional process, which means we wouldnt actually leave the eu until roundabout 2022. And they said they wanted to retain as far as possible the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union. Sir keir starmer contrast that with what he called theresa mays rigid, inflexible approach, ruling out membership of the Single Market and the Customs Union. If theresa may gets another five years in power, she will take it as a green light to sideline parliament, ignore opposition, and drive through a reckless tory brexit. A rigid brexit. She will isolate us from our nearest partners. And strike trade deals with any country that will talk to us, no matter what the consequences for workers rights, environmental protections or our place in the world. The only way to stop that and to build a Fairer Britain is to elect a Labour Government. Now, i said we got some clarity, we also got some ambiguity. We know that labour want to be as close as possible to the Single Market, but were not possible to the Single Market, but we re not really possible to the Single Market, but were not really clear what that might entail or how that might be achieved. We didnt get specific there. We know that sir keir starmer wa nts there. We know that sir keir starmer wants brexit to have to get a vote by mps in parliament. Raising the question that if he is unable to secure that vote, does that mean that we would then remain in the European Unions and crucially, on theissue European Unions and crucially, on the issue of integration, well, we got a clear indication from sir keir starmer that labour, yes, Excepts Freedom Of Movement would have two end. Why that is interesting is because at the start of the year, Jeremy Corbyn refused to say that. He said labour was not wedded to freedom of in movement, but he did not rule it out. Today, however, sir keir starmer was explicit. Freedom of movement had to rent. On freedom of movement had to rent. On freedom of movement had to rent. On freedom of movement i have been absolutely clear. Freedom of movement will have two end as we leave the eu. It is an eu rule and law, and it ends as we leave. And we negotiate, we negotiate on the understanding that the rules on immigration will have to change. Now thats the basis of the negotiations, and that has to be the negotiations, and that has to be the approach to the Single Market and the Customs Union. So, an attempt by labour to fashion a coherent narrative, a coherent position on brexit. But in the heat and fury of a general Election Campaign, you wonder how the rather more nuanced approach is going to cut through with voters when we know mrs may is articulating a very simple, some might argue crude approach of no, to the Single Market, no to freedom of movement had no to the European Court of justice. Norman, thank you very much. We are going to be speaking to keir starmer at half past 11. And just after 11 30am on the bbc news channel, well be speaking to keir starmer, labour shadow brexit secretary. And you can send in your questions about labours Brexit Strategy to bbcaskthis, or by texting 61124. Theresa may is campaigning in wales today to try to win over traditional labour heartlands. She is going to be buoyed by some pretty positive polls for the tory party about the position for the party in wales . Yes, thats right. She comes at a timei yes, thats right. She comes at a time i think when what happens in wales next month is proving to be all that will prove to be one of the more fascinating areas in terms of how the General Election pans out. It is of course after labours fortu nes it is of course after labours fortunes in scotland, where ritter is often described as the last bastion for labour, it is just worth reminding people it still has local government, and even though labour still is not as strong as it once was, there is a labour Welsh Government at the National Assembly here in cardiff, and it still has 25 out of the a0 mps in wales belonging to the labour party. But you referred to that polling, which we had yesterday from yougov on behalf of Cardiff University and itv wales, some produced on a showing results. We should have the usual Health Warnings applicable to polls. It is just one poll. We still have the campaign, albeit a relatively short one, to run through. But it put the conservatives ten Percentage Points ahead of labour. Something that nobody has seen in modern political history across wales. And if you translate that, again there are issues in the process of doing that, the conservatives could end up with 21 mp5 the conservatives could end up with 21 mps across wales. That was the analysis, the prediction that they came to after that poll, in comparison with 15 for labour. Today theresa may is coming to south wales, she is expected to go to a number of constituencies which currently belonged to labour. It is very much to May Parking Tory tanks on labour ones. 0ne very much to May Parking Tory tanks on labour ones. One of the single m essa 9 es on labour ones. One of the single messages that she will make to people is to abandon what she calls tribal politics. In other words, the message going to people is, do the unthinkable and lets not forget, it is unthinkable to many voters, particularly in some of the former industrial areas, to consider voting conservative. But that is what she is doing at the moment. And i guess the question is, a combination of factors of her being, pushing and advocating a lees vote, when wales voted to leave in the eu referendum, the combination ofJeremy Corbyn, corbyns popularity not holding a particularly strongly in the polls at the moment, whether that combination can come together for it to have some effect for her. Thank you, nick. Nick correctly pointed out, it is one poll actually that has indicated the tories or in a strong position in wales, it is a yougov poll. Just after 11 30am on the bbc news channel will be speaking to kearse starmer, labours chad on brexit secretary sir keir starmer. And just after 11 30am on the bbc news channel, well be speaking to keir starmer, labour shadow brexit secretary. And you can send in your questions about labours Brexit Strategy to bbcaskthis, or by texting 6112a. Sir eltonjohn has cancelled a series of shows in America Afterfalling ill with whats been described as a potentially deadly bacterial infection. The singer, whos 70, spent two nights in Intensive Care after contracting the illness while on tour in chile earlier this month. Hes now out of hospital and recovering at home, as Simon Clemison reports. Ever the showman, sir eltonjohn has instead been in the hands of doctors over the last fortnight, having been taken seriously ill. He was on his way back from chile when he was struck down by what his medical team quickly identified as a rare and potentially deadly bacterial infection. He was admitted to hospital in the uk, where he spent two nights in Intensive Care. Sir elton, whos 70, wasnt able to go home for some time, but its emerged he was discharged a few days ago. Its meant he has had to cancel tour dates at Caesars Palace in las vegas. In a statement, the star spoke of how he was fortunate to have the most loyal fans, and he apologised for disappointing them. He said he was extremely grateful to his medical team for looking after him so well. Its a little bit funny. The singer is expected to make a full recovery, and is already planning a return to the stage injune. Until then, the rocket man will be taking it easy. Simon khan is, bbc news. With me is our entertainment correspondent, lizo mzimba. What more do you know about what he has had . Very little detail we have actually at the moment. We know he has had a potentially deadly bacterial infection that they now think he has made a Recovery Committee has come out of Intensive Care, which underlines how serious his illness is. He came back from south america, where he contracted this, but they are not telling us any more details about his condition, what he was treated for, where he was treated or any more updates until i suppose we expect to see him back performing injune. He is of course one of the worlds ha rd est is of course one of the worlds hardest working musicians. He might be 70, Retirement Age for many, but he is still out there pouring co nsta ntly, he is still out there pouring constantly, playing the music that he loves. This will have been a real blow both to him and his fans around the world. We dont have many more details to speak of at the moment. But we will be the bigger nigh on how things are going, and hoping to make his first appearance following this illness. How gruelling is his touring schedule . He is 70 years old, obviously he flies around in luxury compare to many of us but he still has to get out there and perform four hours every single night and go to different places. Slightly easier when he is doing a las vegas residency, but he does travel well. He has just las vegas residency, but he does travel well. He hasjust finished the south american tour. He was going off to california, nevada, then back to the uk. At that kind of age, im sure it does tend to be gruelling to an extent, travelling around the world. But i think that again speaks about the kind of musician he is. You know, he has so much money over the years, he sold more than 200 million records, but still he loves touring, he loves performing for his fans, he loves recording and playing music. So i think this will be coming you know, a very big blow for him. He loves being out there and performing and having to stay at home, confined for the next month and a half or so, will be a very big deal. 0ne like him who loves being our best bike but he will be back Onjune The 3rd for someone like him. The two candidates in frances president ial election, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, attended a ceremony today to honour the policeman shot dead in paris last week. It comes after ms le pen temporarily stood down as leader of the National Front last night to try to widen her support. The final vote takes place in less than two weeks time. Lets go to oui than two weeks time. Lets go to our correspondent hugh chauvel, who is in paris. What impact has her standing down from the National Front likely to have . On the face of it it is a dramatic move, but it is entirely symbolic and intended to send out a message to voters from other parties, basically. It is not the first time Something Like this has happened in french elections. And it really doesnt mean that she is somehow not part of the party, farfrom is somehow not part of the party, far from it. What is somehow not part of the party, farfrom it. What she is doing is doing what candidates do in between the two rounds of an election in france, which is to send out signals to people who dont necessarily vote for the National Front or necessarily like them, and say to them, look, iam now moving, transmogrified from being a party leader to being a national leader. I am leaving behind the platform which projected me to where i am now, and iam becoming projected me to where i am now, and i am becoming this figure who is capable of representing all of you out there. Thats the sort of transformation which political leaders in france are expected to do in between the two rounds of the president ial election. That is what she is doing. She knows in particular that her party, the front nationale, as a sort of toxic brand among many voters. Nationale, as a sort of toxic brand among many voters. So she wants to park that to one side and move and become just park that to one side and move and Becomejust A Park that to one side and move and become just a woman, a park that to one side and move and becomejust a woman, a president ial candidate in her own right. But one shouldnt read too much on the list. It doesnt mean in at all that she is leaving behind the front nationale or what it stands for. It isa nationale or what it stands for. It is a tactical move to send out that signal. As france now focuses on the two candidates, one of whom will be president in two weeks, how are things settling . Well, we are about to enter the sort of meaty bit of this part of the campaign. You know, the vote was on sunday, yesterday was everyone kind of coming to terms with what had happened. We waltzed out cooling off against you. Renee le pen was out today early at the market outside paris. Marine le pen. I expect her to come out and hit very hard and very quickly. She gave an interview yesterday, she is giving another one today. What she wa nts to giving another one today. What she wants to do is immediately to set out the grounds of this debate, which for her should be ideological about the nation versus globalisation. She wants to betray herself as the patriot, and Emmanuel Macron is somehow this sort of modern supranational mr Global Davos Man who has no real interest in the interests of the people of france, but just you manage interests of the people of france, butjust you manage the in general. That is the debate that she wants to have because she thinks she can win that. She thinks there are plenty of people out there who broadly share her view that the nation needs to be protected and boosted at this time. Thats what she has come out doing with some very tough language, saying yesterday for example that bo was not one iota of love of france in Emmanuel Macron. That is the kind of language will be using from now won. He is slow off the mark, contemplating how to hit back, whether he should come Back Fighting or let her last of all of this team before coming back into the fray with his more reasoned tone and his sort of charming eloquence which, you, has been very effective so far. Thank you very much, hugh. The headlines on bbc Newsroom Live. Labour promises it will guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in this country if it went the General Election, as kier starmer accuses theresa may of pushing through a reckless brexit. Theresa may has taken her campaign to south wales today, hoping to win seats in traditional labour heartlands. The french president ial candidates have attended a ceremony in honour of the policemen killed in the attack last week in paris. Coming up in sport mike eoin morgan will beat a 15 man england squad in maples might one Day Internationals in the Icc Champions Trophy in june. Day internationals in the Icc Champions Trophy injune. Durham bowler mark wood is back after injury. Newcastle united can make their plans for premier League Football next season, after being promoted last night. They beat preston a 1 in front of over 50,000 at saint james park. Preston a 1 in front of over 50,000 at saintjames park. Ronnie 0sullivan is struggling in his World Snooker championship quarterfinal at the crucible. The man from china has gone into a 2 0 lead. Ill be back with more at 11 30am. President trump has demanded new International Sanctions over north Koreas Nuclear and missile programmes. It comes as the communist state prepares to celebrate the 85th Anniversary of its armed forces. In a rare move, the entire us senate is being summoned to the white house to attend a briefing on north korea tomorrow. 0ur soeul correspondent steve evans has been following the story. The big question is whether President Trump is contemplating military action. And that we simply dont know. The reports about Artillery Fire in north korea have come from a south korean news agency, and are yet to be verified. The submarine in port in busan, in the south of south korea, american submarines often visit south korean ports, its part of the alliance. So what may be happening now is all kinds of disparate events which are normally unreported are being reported and feeding into a heightened atmosphere. Whether that heightened atmosphere, which is felt everywhere apart from south korea, is justified, really depends on what President Trumps intentions are. And that, we simply dont know. Hes calling in all of the senate, 100 senators, to lay out how serious he thinks the problem is. But that seriousness is a little bit new in the sense that north koreas moved on week by week towards having an Effective Nuclear arsenal, but there is no dramatic change in the seriousness of the problem in recent weeks. Only in the signalled intention to attack north korea from President Trump. Stephen evans. Ivanka trump will embark on her First International trip later today, in her official role as assistant to the us president. Shell arrive in berlin to represent america at the women focused w20 summit, after being invited by german chancellor Angela Merkel. Jenny hill is in berlin for us. Damian mcguinness is in berlin. Tell us more about why Angela Merkel invited ivanka trump . From the german perspective there two main aims. 0ne it is about, as you said, this conference, Empowering Women, thatis this conference, Empowering Women, that is an issue in which ivanka trump has expressed an interest. It is also an issue in which Angela Merkel is very end is dead, how to get more Women Leaders is very interested. For mrs merkel, there is a wider geopolitical aim, about establishing a back channel to donald trump. That is because obviously ideological it mrs merkel and the american president diverged really on a lot of issues, whether it be nato right through to migrants and refugees. But mrs merkel seems to have identified a way of establishing a Working Relationship with donald trump through his daughter, who as you say is now officially an assistant. The two women, mrs merkel and ivanka trump, do seem to get on well. They have already met in washington. They joined hosted a Business Meeting in washington, they sat next to each other. Now mrs merkel seems to think that by establishing a good Working Relationship with ivanka trump, that will also help dealing with washington. Because, for germany, america is incredibly important, from trade right through to security. This israeli being seen here in germany as quite a canny move by mrs merkel to get closer to the american presence of this is really being seen here in germany. A Donor Conference is being held in geneva to raise funds for people in yemen, which is on the brink of famine after two years of armed conflict. The United Nations says about three quarters of the population is in need of assistance, and 2 million children are acutely malnourished. 0nly15 of the 2 billion aid target has so far received funding. The us state of arkansas has executed two prisoners on death row after the Supreme Court rejected their last minute appeals. It is the first double execution on the same day in the us for 17 years. The convicted men, jackjones and marcel williams, were both sentenced to death for rapes and murders committed in the 1990s. David campa nale reports. The legal authorities in arkansas say the two prisoners were executed by Lethal Injection after final legal appeals were rejected by the courts. The first to die was jackjones, who was convicted over 20 years ago of raping and strangling mary phillips, and attempting to murder her 11 year old daughter. A local reporter was witness to his execution. Jack jones was strapped to a gurney, had a sheet on him from about the neck down. His head was kind of clamped, i guess. He spoke for about two minutes. All we could really see was him breathing a little bit, and then, you know, it took him about 1a minutes to pass. The second man, marcel williams, was convicted of the 1997 kidnapping, rape and murder of stacy errickson. Williams was already in the Death Chamber when a Brief Stay Of Execution came through. Lawyers pointed to complications in the first execution. They said it had taken workers a5 minutes to unsuccessfully insert a central line injackjoness neck. But the court ruled that the execution could proceed. The state of arkansas had originally wanted to put to death all of these eight men before the end of the month. An unprecedented rate of executions. And the reason for the rush is that thats when the expiry date on supplies of this sedative used in the Lethal Injections runs out. All this has brought protesters out onto the streets, and action in the courts, with lawyers arguing the rush to execute amounted to cruel and unusual punishment. But the legal manoeuvres have only succeeded in halting for the planned executions. Last week, ledell lee was the first of the other four to be put to death. The authorities in arkansas insist what they are doing is right. The state governor said family and friends of the victims of the two executed inmates had seen justice carried out. David campanale, bbc news. A work permits system for eu citizens, similar to one operating in sweden, should be introduced after brexit, according to the federation of Small Businesses. Its done a survey which found that over half of small firms that employ eu workers are concerned they wont be able to find skilled workers after britain leaves the union. 0ur Industry Correspondent john moylan reports. From building sites, to hotels and restaurants, and farming, around one in five small firms currently employs staff from the eu. But now, a leading Business Group is warning of dire consequences. Firms cant continue to pick the best workers when we leave the European Union. According to the research, more than half of Small Businesses are worried about accessing people with the right skills post brexit. The majority have no experience of using the uks points based system to recruit from outside the eu. And it suggests a work permit based Immigration System, to ensure firms can meet their skills needs. What we need is a very simple system. Whether it is work permits, whether its some other sort of visa system, there is no doubt that Small Businesses need the option of access to the skills and labour that they need from the eu, and that is what the government needs to look at. We also think that there should be a transitional period of at least three years, after brexit, to give businesses plenty of time to get used to the new system. The report found that if brexit makes it harder to recruit eu citizens, some firms would consider moving abroad, or even closing down. The government says that brexit will mean leaving the Single Market and ending the Free Movement of people, but it has yet to set out how our future Immigration System will work. People over the age of 50 could improve their Memory Skills by doing moderate exercise several times a week. A study in the britishjournal of Sports Medicine has found that aerobic activity and muscle strengthening exercises are likely to keep our brains in top working order, even if theyre already showing signs of decline. Philippa roxby reports. Regular exercise has a range of Health Benefits. And it can also have a positive effect on Brain Function as we age. A review of 39 previous studies by the University Of Canberra supports the idea that taking up exercise at any age is worthwhile, especially when it raises the heart rate. So, which workouts benefit the brains of the over 50s . Both aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises, performed at moderate intensity, aa5 minutes per session, on as many days per as possible. Brain tests show that thinking skills were significantly improved by regular aerobic exercise. Well memory, planning and organising functions were boosted by regular muscle strengthening exercises in adults over 50. The researchers said that activities like tai chi were recommended for people who couldnt manage other more challenging forms of exercise. Uk Public Health experts say that every ten minutes of exercise provides some benefit to physical and mental well being. 0n provides some benefit to physical and mental well being. On 150 and mental well being. 0n150 minutes of physical activity per week cut the chances of depression and dementia by one third. We will bejoined we will be joined by sir keir starmer shortly for your questions on labours position on brexit as the Election Campaign is underway. Do get in touch if you have got any questions. A couple more minutes to get them through to us. Lets get the weather, with phil avery. Good morning. Im not sure how to couch my phrases about the weather at the moment. For some of you, a glorious spring day, although a bit on the cold side. Some of you have seen a few watery showers this morning, that is through west wales into the far south west of england. Elsewhere, my word, a real shock of winter. As advertised, it has to be said, many of these showers across northern and Eastern Scotland have been really quite wintry in nature, urged along by winds that at times have been pushing on towards gayle. Dont think you are going to get away with it completely across the midlands and down towards southern england, it will feel quite cold, especially picking up some showers during the course of the afternoon and evening. They will largely become confined either to the far east of the British Isles with a few more drifting down through the irish the flow into west wales by far south west. High pressure beginning to topple in tomorrow. Killing some of the showers across the west, they will keep on coming across is then parts. Some are wintry in nature. Cloud and rain in the north west of scotland. And Northern Ireland. To finish off your day. This is bbc Newsroom Live. The headlines Labour Pledges to scrap the governments great repeal bill if it wins the election, and replace it with a bill to guarantee the rights of eu citizens in the uk. The premise is campaigning in wales today ahead of the General Election where she stressed the need for strong leadership to see the country through brexit and beyond. The two candidates in frances president ial election Attend A Ceremony in paris to honour the police man who was shot dead in the city last week. Sir eltonjohn is recovering at home after spending two nights in Intensive Care with a bacterial infection. He had to cancel several gigs in las vegas and california. Now a sports update. Durham fast bowler mark wood has been named in englands one day squad. He has been out with an ankle injury. Stoke will be playing in the indian premier league. He helped them to a narrow when against the mumbai team. Chris woa kes will when against the mumbai team. Chris woakes will be back for englands matches against south africa. Newcastle have made an immediate return to the premier league after beating preston a 1. They needed a win to follow brighton and secure promotion. They got a 2 1 lead before the break and their task was made easier when the goalkeeper handled the ball on the line. The championship is so physical and so difficult to play two games a week, three games in eight days, sometimes. It is not easy on players coming back from the premier league. People dont realise that it is totally different, the conditions. We need to change half of your squad. So do these things and to win and to keep all the fans behind the team, i think has been a fantastic season and we have to enjoy a couple of it. Serena williams says the comments about her unborn child ra cyst. The captain has been suspended and bounced making remarks about williams. Williams responded that she was disappointed. About how these comments could be made. Great britains ice hockey players won their second game in their group beating estonia 5 1 in belfast. When the sum of rod stewart scored his First International goal. They are hoping to eventually make a top tier of the 2019 world champions. Lewsey missed and has been speaking the controversy in cycling surrounding t u es. Its important the system isnt abused she says. Its a controversial issue. Ive been lucky i havent had injuries or illnesses that have required one. There are insta nces that have required one. There are instances where they are required but the Governing Bodies need to make sure there is no area, grey area, where they can be abused and it has to be a Black And White system. Fivetime champion Rollin O Sullivan is battling back after about start. These are live pictures from the crucible. The man from china took the first three frames before the five time champion 0sullivan on the last before the mid Session Interval, and he has just taken the one after the interval. He is 3 2 behind. John higgins leads on the other table. That is all the Sport Forjust now. The founder of wikipedia is launching a service aimed at tackling the spread of fake news. Jimmy wales says his new website wikitribune will employ professional journalists but the agenda will be driven by its readers. Mr wales told our media editor amol rajan it was important to offer quality journalism paid for by readers, rather than Attention Grabbing stories paid for by advertisers. What were trying to do is to bring together Genuine Community control with professionaljournalists to create something new in the news space something that we really havent seen before. Is your sense that the rise of fake news and general misinformation online proves we need trusted news sources more than ever before . I think it absolutely does. I mean, what weve seen in the last few years is a real decline in the quality of many news sources and i think it has been driven largely by the rise of programmatic advertising. So, i dont know about you, but everywhere i go on the internet i see the same adverts, because they are tracking the person not buying the brand, and so it becomes a race to the bottom to get the most clicks, the most views. So thats why we see click bait headlines, fake things being circulated and so forth, and i think its time to step back and say hold on a second, that models not working lets see what we can do to change things. One of the things that you do with wikipedia is you got a very engaged and active community of users. What evidence do you have that a very engaged and active community of users are now going to be interested in making sure theres good quality news . Think the evidence of people being super interested in news is really everywhere,. If you look at places like reddit, huge communities discussing the news, online comments and so on. Now those communities arent always healthy communities, lets be clear about that. So i think the real challenge is not being sure that people are interested in doing this, its thinking about how we get the best people involved, how we have the right kind of controls, the right kind of social environment, that the best rises to the top. And one of the things that youre trying to do with wikitribune is restore the connection between quality journalism and paying for that qualityjournalism, because your model is monthly subscriptions. Yeah. Why do you think that Financial Investment and that financial connection is necessary to create high quality and politically neutral news . One of the problems we have had, we used to always worry about advertising being a problem in the sense that maybe the corporate advertisers will lean on the newspapers to slant the stories. Thats not really the issue were facing now. The corporate advertisers have no conversation with the stories theyjust run their ads everywhere, in all kinds of things, which means its all been aboutjust clicks, clicks, clicks. What i want is, at the end of the day, for you to have read something with us and go, wow, that is important, that is worth paying for. Karlene has never lived in a house that is fully accessible. So, this is my front door. I would love to be able to get in there but i cannot. Born with cerebral palsy, she can live independently with the right setup. But some of the features in her house make it impossible for her to look after herself. The Biggest Issue is my kitchen. That is completely inaccessible to me. I have to rely on external support. Ive been on the accessible housing register for ten years and as to this day i have still not seen a fully accessible property. The Biggest Issue is my kitchen. That is completely inaccessible to me. I have to rely on external support. Ive been on the accessible housing register for ten years and as to this day i have still not seen a fully accessible property. In england, an estimated 300,000 disabled people are living in unsuitable properties. Those behind the report urged the government to change the law so that Disability Access is not seen as a nice to do. Seen instead as an essential when building new homes. The government states the council should involve all sections of the community when addressing Housing Needs and that Building Regulations require minimum standards of accessibility for all new dwellings. Latest figures show that 93 of homes in england are inaccessible. Services are being held in turkey and across asia to commemorate anzac day the date that forces from the australian and new Zealand Army Corps landed at gallipoli. 11 thousand anzac soldiers died during the eight Month Campaign in world war one. 0ur sydney correspondent phil mercer has this report. For many australians and New Zealanders, anzac day commemorates a terrible battle that forged their nations character and spirit. In sydney, thousands lined the streets to remember the sacrifice of the australian and New Zealand Army call on the Distant Shores of the Ottoman Empire at gallipoli more than 100 years ago. It was also an opportunity to remember servicemen and women who fought in more recent wars, and those currently deployed in iraq and afghanistan. We come and pay our respects to the people that have died for our country and show our support for the survivors, for what theyve done for us. The commemoration of of all wars, actually, not only gallipoli the first war, the second war, korea, vietnam, afghanistan. So its not only gallipoli. But it was in gallipoli where they first made, i suppose, their sacrifice. At gallipoli, the deaths of more than 11,000 anzac troops have been remembered at a sombre service at dawn, when the original landing took place, over a century ago. Tens of thousands of turks died in the eight Month Campaign and other allied soldiers also suffered mass casualties. Here, at gallipoli, australians and New Zealanders made a name for themselves that shines for ever. Soldiers from other parts of the empire looked on in awe as these soldiers from new nations proved themselves in the fire of battle. As dawn breaks we pay tribute to the courage, sacrifice and loss of those who have served our country. To the anzacs who lie asleep in these hills, we see salute you. Thank you for your sacrifice. Rest in peace, our brave sons. You live on in us. The fighting at gallipoli, in modern day turkey, was some of the bloodiest of world war i. The last of the anzacs died a decade and a half ago, but in australia and new zealand their legend burns as bright as ever. Phil mercer, bbc news, sydney. In a moment a summary of the Business News this hour, but first the headlines on bbc Newsroom Live labour is promising it will guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in this country if it wins the General Election. As it accuses theresa may pushing through a rape reckless brexit. French president ial candidate Marine Le Pen and macron are attending a ceremony in the reisman killed in the attack in paris. In the Business News public borrowing figures for march have just been published by the office for national statistics. But for the 2016 17 Financial Year as a whole, borrowing decreased by £20 billion to £52 billion making it the lowest level since the financial crisis. Well have more on that in a moment. Whitbread owner of costa coffee and premier inn hotels reported profits up over 6 chief executive Alison Brittain reckons there is room for more hotel rooms in the uk but 20 of their staff are from the eu with Brexit Concern building ms brittain called for an open and Flexible Labour source meanwhile carpetright has also expressed concern about the year ahead both Companies Shares are down. The motor industrys fight back against growing opposition to diesel has moved up a gear with a strong defence of commercial vehicles. The industrys trade body, the society of Motor Manufacturers and traders, has warned people not to ignore the Essential Role Diesel Commercial Vehicles play in keeping the uk economy moving. While borrowing dropped for the 2016 17 Financial Year as a whole, the drop is unlikely to last, says scott bowman at capital economics. It sounds good but the government watchdog have forecast that borrowing would be slightly lower at £51] borrowing would be slightly lower at £51. 7 billion. Lets get more on this. Joining me now live from Aberdeen Asset management is lucy 0connell, Chief Economist at Aberdeen Asset management. Just to clarify, this is money the government has borrowed to top up the revenues and taxes . Yes. So when we talk about the 52 billion, 22 billion less than last year, however they manage that . It is quite a reduction. It is good news, but i would give two notes of caution. 0ne is that there are a number of one off gains that meant the government was able to make this reduction. Those wont materialise next year. Without those games we are likely to see a pick up in borrowing in next Financial Year. The second note of caution is that actually in the most recent months data the figures published today we re data the figures published today were perhaps a little disappointing in terms of income tax brought in and the value added tax all Consumption Tax brought in, and it could be that means a slowdown in attacks economy and a slowdown in tax revenue. The governments Budget Watchdog had Forecast Borrowing would be even less. By about 0. 3 billion. Is that significant . Choosing the government will be pleased with this on . choosing the government will be pleased with this on . I think they will have been very pleased overall. Small differences in the numbers are not significant. When you think the government brings in hundreds of billions of pounds in tax revenue and spends hundreds of billions of pounds on Public Services, tiny differences are not material. The overall story was positive, the government will be pleased, but as i say there are some reasons for caution to. Some borrowing we are talking about, that is the deficit. The difference between the money they bring in and the money it spends. There is a thing to do with the debt. The debt is the amount we have the deficit to every year. At what point do think we could begin to think about bringing down the debt . You are right. The debt and deficit are two Different Things the deficit are two Different Things the deficit adds to the date year on year. It looks as though that debt will peak in the next Financial Year, 2017 into 2018. That is the expectation. All being well we should see that peak occurred next year. But there are also do things that can come along and knock you off course as governments in the past have found out. Thank you for your time. A look at the markets, now, and the cac a0 in paris was up a yesterday today its just holding the ftse is up ever so slightly. The dax is flat. Whitbread, which owns costa coffee and premier inn, has reported a 6 rise in profit to just over £560 million. Their share price is down, partly over Labour Market concerns. The carpetright share price is also down after the retailer said its full year profits would be at the lower end of forecasts. Thats all the Business News. Welcome to the bbc ask this today looking at the labour brexit secretary, following the speech from keir starmer earlier this morning. With me now is keir starmer The Shadow Brexit secretary. We can go now live to Westminster Andjoin Keir we can go now live to westminster and join keir starmer. Thank you joining us. I would like to start with a question from a viewer on the Single Market specifically. If we aim to keep the benefits of the Single Market, we wont or cant fully leave the eu. Is not this a backhanded way of overturning the result . No. I accept the Referendum Result . No. I accept the Referendum Result as does the labour party. We will leave the eu. And that means freedom of movement will have to change. The point i was making this morning is a point a lot of people have made, is you have two fight against terrorists, against Customs Bergen is that will cause us difficulties, you have to make sure we can trade with alec eu partners. That is essentially what the Single Market is. Lets keep options on the table. Lets go to our partners, argue for that, it will not be easy. Accept we are leaving but let us make sure the pledge to business is straightforward, we to make sure businesses can succeed in the future in the way they have in the past. What we cant get through negotiations, we may not get everything, we need to replicate at home through primary legislation to make up the deficit. The roseate hard. We might challenge to the premise is that she has taken practically every option off the table before negotiations start. That means we are in a fixed position where we are likely to get the worst deal. We are in a general Election Campaign. The people to have a clear choice then is to be clarity of positions. The tories are saying they would take us out of the Single Market and immigration would be cut, freedom of movement would not remain as it is. The Liberal Democrats say the opposite. You are somewhere in between. Is there enough clarity for voters . Theresa may would say she is very clear, but she is clear in rigid, inflexible, reckless way. She says she is clear taking all the options of the table. We say you need be smart and flexible in these negotiations. That means setting out clearly what you wa nt to means setting out clearly what you want to which even, rather than arguing about things, what we want to achieve in terms of tariffs and customs and regulations, because Thatis Customs and regulations, because that is the central question. How we achieve it is secondary. For heaven s sake dont start removing options before you start that exercise. So one viewer says if access to the Single Market is only available with freedom of movement, would you still allow freedom of movement from the eu to the uk to keep Single Market access . Eu to the uk to keep Single Market access . We have said friedman of movement has to go. Not all freedom of movement because businesses would go bust. We have to negotiate and a great position. The benefits of tariff free access, but accept it has to change. It will be difficult. Anyone who suggests there is an easy a nswer anyone who suggests there is an easy answer is not being honest about the negotiations ahead. I think it is important to have clarity about what were trying to achieve and the approach we are going to take. And the tone. In the end i dont think it matters much as to whether you view this as reform Single Market membership and membership of the Customs Union weather you start from scratch and have an eu, uk arrangement. What matters to business is make sure that what matters to them is delivered. Are you talking about Cherry Picking . Thats exactly the thing that has been ruled out from the beginning with in europe, an option for the uk to effectively be in a better position out of the youths and it was inside, by getting all the benefits and none of the downsides. We have to start the negotiations with clarity about what we want. I accept the eu will say in response, you cant have everything. That is the Negation Nature of negotiation. We need clarity, keep options on the table, and commitment that if we dont get everything we want the next question is what with the Labour Government do back in the uk to make up for the fact that we havent got all the benefits of the Single Market that we wanted . So that overall benefits are preserved. It isa that overall benefits are preserved. It is a sensible approach. It is one that businesses want us to take. You said at the end of 2018 you would have a parliamentary vote and if mps voted down the deal go back to the negotiating table. What is the eu says no . We have to cross each bridge when we come to it. At low and we have a premise and who says she will bring back a deal and if we dont like it bad luck she will not go back and negotiate further. We are saying involved parliament in the process throughout so they can have confidence in the deal, therefore it is not sprung on them, hopefully that means we will get the right deal, with confidence of parliament, but in the event that does not happen, be willing and open to saying we will try to negotiate further. Simply to say when youre talking about the future of the country, i just would talking about the future of the country, ijust would go back, is not the right approach. 0bviously there has to be a limit to that exercise, but this is about involving parliament properly in the process , involving parliament properly in the process, because in the end getting this right will matter for generations to come. Jeremy corbyn has previously had a different position from the one you are outlining on freedom of movement. Easy complete you signed up to this . The Shadow Cabinet has agreed that the reasonable management of migration, moving away from freedom of movement, has to be a part of accepting the Referendum Result and therefore everything i have said todayis therefore everything i have said today is consistent with the Shadow Cabinet position. Yes, he has. Is it commitand to cabinet position. Yes, he has. Is it commit and to reducing immigration . You also talk about businesses wanting to maintain a level of freedom of movement. On freedom of movement, we have to take out of the equation refugees, because we have International Obligations to them. And i would take out of the equation International Students because i think we should encourage an International Students who are bright and want to come here. But that does leave the question of what the numbers or Direction Of Travel should be on other immigration. I have said a number of times that i think one of the main drivers of immigration is that employers, businesses here recruit from abroad because they cannot get the skills in this country. They all say that. And therefore i would like to see thatis and therefore i would like to see that is reduced because if that is a driverfor immigration that is reduced because if that is a driver for immigration that is not a good state of affairs. I think we should set a Direction Of Travel to reduce and combine it with a real commitment on a skills strategy. And also of course many people come to this country in conditions where they are exploited under the pays. I would like to see that reduced as well. The president of the European Parliament has suggested the uk would be welcomed back by the new if after this election britain changed its mind. What you think about that . The labour party is clear, we campaigned passionately to stay in the eu, but we accept the result and if you accept the result you have to face the future and carve out and shape a future relationship. That is why what i was saying today is we will leave but we must maintain a partnership that is based on collaboration and cooperation. We talked about trade in the last few minutes but there is science, technology, medicine, counterterrorism, where we want to of course collaborate with eu partners. We are focused on what does a new partnership looked like, not looking backwards and trying to rub out the result of the referendum. Keir starmer, thank you for joining referendum. Keir starmer, thank you forjoining us. The headlines are coming up on the bbc news channel. First we leave you with for a look at the weather. 0n the balcony is phil avery. A wintry scene. Further north it is a different season. Very wintry across northern and eastern parts. There will be a scattering of showers and obese are prized if some of these further south will be a little wintry, given that the atmosphere is cool, add the strength of the wind, that is how it could feel with you in this afternoon. The showers will keep coming through the evening. Dont bank on it being dry. Some of the showers will continue to be wintry throughout the night. Across the British Isles. A touch of frost. Temperatures having a different distribution through the course of wednesday. High pressure comes in killing many of the showers. To the east still plenty of showers. To the east still plenty of showers with wintry nurse. That will cloud things over across the North Western quarter. A bit of rain to finish the day. This is bbc news, and these are the top stories developing at 12pm labour sets out its brexit plans if it wins the General Election, guaranteeing the rights of eu citizens and promising to protect jobs and the economy. If theresa may gets another five years in power, she will take it as a green light to sideline parliament, ignore opposition and drive through a reckless tory brexit, a rigid brexit. Theresa may takes her general Election Campaign to wales, hoping to win seats in traditional labour heartlands. French president ial candidates Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron Attend A Ceremony in honour of the policeman killed in an attack last week in paris. Sir eltonjohn has to cancel gigs after two nights in Intensive Care with a bacterial infection. Also. Businesswoman, first daughter and assistant to the us president. Ivanka trump attends a womens summit in berlin on her First International trip since her father took office. And, fitness after 50 how moderate exercise several times a week is the best way to keep your mind sharp. Good afternoon. Its tuesday, 25th april. Im joanna gosling. Welcome to bbc Newsroom Live. Labour have set out their vision for brexit if they win the General Election. The shadow brexit secretary keir starmer promised labour would unilaterally guarantee the rights of eu residents before talks start, and prioritisejobs and rights of people at work. He said no deal with the eu would be the worst possible deal for the uk, and cause huge damage to british businesses and trade. Lets take a look at labours proposals the party would scrap the Prime Ministers current brexit plan, which was outlined in a white paper in february, which envisages leaving the Single Market and Customs Union. Instead, labour say they will focus on a deal that retains the benefits of both the eu and the uk. A key pledge from labour is that they will guarantee the legal status of the 3 million eu nationals living in the uk on its first day in office. And similarly seek a reciprocal offerfrom eu nations on britons leaving abroad. And labour would replace the governments proposed great repeal bill, which would scrap the 1972 European Communities Act And Transpose myriad existing eu laws applying to the uk into domestic law, with an eu rights and protections bill. We can now talk to our assistant Political Editor norman smith, who was watching the speech from keir starmer. What do you think, norman . Well, joanne, kier Starmer Today sought to provide clarity on labours position on brexit after months, really, when they have been on the defensive. Pummelled by both the pro brexit supporters and by pro remain supporters and by pro remain supporters for not having a clear position. Today, sir keir starmer sought to end that by saying that labour accepted the result of the referendum, there would be no second referendum, there would be no second referendum, and, crucially, suggesting that there would be an end to Free Movement, something whichJeremy Corbyn has not said so far. Hes simply said that labour is not wedded to Free Movement. Elsewhere, however, the Labour Position remained slightly more nuanced. He suggested labour would envisage a transitional process whereby written might not leave the eu until 2022. Whereby written might not leave the eu until2022. Britain whereby written might not leave the eu until 2022. Britain might not leave. He did however say that label the first day it came into power would guarantee the rights of eu nationals to remain in the uk labour on the first day. If theresa may gets another five years in power, she will take it as a green light to sideline parliament, ignore opposition, and drive through a reckless tory brexit. A rigid brexit. She will isolate us from our nearest partners. And strike trade deals with any country that will talk to us, no matter what the consequences for workers rights, environmental protections or our place in the world. The only way to stop that and to build a Fairer Britain is to elect a Labour Government. There remain uncertainties, questions still out there. What would labour in visit instead of freedom of movement . How would the party insurer retaining the benefits of the Single Market . What would happen if mps blocked a final exit hell . It will be those sort of ambiguity is that the brexit secretary David Davis Homed in on. Confusion and incoherence, frank lee. Keirstarmer is confusion and incoherence, frank lee. Keir starmer is the man who almost one year ago resigned from the Shadow Cabinet. Why . Because Jeremy Corbyn could not provide the strong leadership necessary to negotiate brexit, the most important negotiation of modern times. The public are going to decide in the selection between theresa may, strong, stable leadership, and the confusion and incoherence ofJeremy Corbyn. But on brexit, labour say, like you, there will be no second referendum and there will be an end to Free Movement. This is the first time that we have heard this clarity on Free Movement. Unfortunately for bothjeremy on Free Movement. Unfortunately for both Jeremy Corbyn and keir starmer, many on the front bench, do not agree with him. Diane abbott and others. This is a key moment for the labour in the Election Campaign, significant that they have made this Brexit Statement Head of their ma nifesto. Brexit Statement Head of their manifesto. They know that unless they managed to clear the decks as it were on the issue of brexit they are simply not going to get a hearing on some of the other policies they want to focus on, around social care and the nhs. The difficulty for them is that it is very late in the day to be trying to clarify your position on brexit, on top of which the rather more nuanced approach adopted by sir keir starmer contrasts with what is a very blunt approach by theresa may, where she has simply said that there will be noted the Single Market, note of freedom of movement, and note of the European Court of justice. Freedom of movement, and note of the European Court ofjustice. Thank you, norman no to European Court. Theresa may is campaigning in wales today to try to win over traditional labour heartlands. We can now speak to martin shipton, Chief Reporter at wales 0nline. A poll has suggested a surge in support for the tories which could see them replace labour as the Largest Party in wales. We can now speak to martin shipton, Chief Reporter at wales 0nline. Hes in our cardiff studio. This poll will be giving a boost to theresa may as she heads to wales. Tell us more about how the land is looking according to that poll . Tell us more about how the land is looking according to that poll7m really is absolutely astonishing. For as long as anyone living can remember, labour has been the dominant party in wales. It is not since 1931 in a General Election that labour failed to get an overall majority. And we are actually going back to the pre democracy times of the 1850s when the conservatives last got a majority of seats in wales. So this poll that came out yesterday, it is worth making the point that it is a proper opinion poll which has been carried out by yougov, it is not one of these silly self selecting polls, it is actually a proper poll, showing the conservatives are ten points ahead of labour and they will be taking ten seats in wales from labour. Now, about one week ago, we ran our own poll which was looking at whether people bought that jeremy poll which was looking at whether people bought thatJeremy Corbyn should resign as leader of the labour party. And what we found was that quite a high proportion of people in heartland labour areas thought that he should go. And i think that this is partly reflected in the new poll which has come out, putting the conservatives ahead. 0ne thing that has always saved labour in the past when there has been a dip in their supporters the fact that opposition in wales has been quite fragmented between a number of parties, including plaid cymru, the welsh nationalist party. But what seems to have happened on this occasion is that in certain seats, the opposition to labour has been galvanised, and people are heading in the direction of the conservatives. What has been going on . If this poll is an accurate reflection, what has damaged labour and what is boosting the tories . think it is a couple of things. What we have to remember of course is that wales, despite getting a lot of European Union aid money, voted against staying in the European Union. In fact, against staying in the European Union. Infact, 17 against staying in the European Union. In fact, 17 of the 22 local Authority Areas in wales voted for brexit. And in wales, the labour party, led by the First Minister ca rwyn party, led by the First Minister carwyn jones, has party, led by the First Minister carwynjones, has accepted the referendum. But it has been calling for wales to remain in the single European Market. And for the uk to remain in the single European Market after brexit negotiations. But the narrative that has been coming out from the conservatives and theresa may is i think this afternoon going to make a speech to this effect, is that labour and plaid cymru are trying to somehow watered down brexit. And in a country which has seen a lot of people vote for brexit, that seems to be getting some traction. Added of course to the fact thatJeremy Corbyn is not a popular leader of the labour party in the community as a whole, although he does have his pockets of support. Martin shipton, thank you. The french president , francois hollande, has called for unity in what he said will be a long and difficult fight against terrorism. He was speaking at a ceremony today to honour the policeman who was shot dead on the Champs Elysees in paris last week. The two candidates in frances president ial election, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, also attended the event, which comes after ms le pen temporarily stood down as leader of the National Front last night to try to widen her support ahead of the final vote, which takes place in less than two weeks time. Earlier, our paris correspondent High Schofield said Marine Le Pens move was an attempt to distance herself from her party and show she is capable of stepping up to the challenge if she becomes president. 0n the face of it, it is a dramatic move, but it is entirely symbolic and intended to send out a message to voters from other parties, basically. Its not the first time Something Like this has happened in french elections. And it really doesnt mean that she is somehow not part of the party far from it. What shes doing is doing what candidates typically do in between the two rounds of an election in france, which is to send out signals to people who dont necessarily vote for the National Front or necessarily like them, and say to them, look, i am now moving, transmogrifying from being a party leader to being a national leader. Im leaving behind the platform which projected me to where i am now, and i am becoming this figure who is capable of representing all of you out there. Thats the sort of transformation which political leaders in france are expected to do in between the two rounds of a president ial election. Thats what she is doing. She knows in particular that her party, the front nationale, has a sort of toxic brand among many voters. So she wants to park that to one side and move and become just a woman, a president ial candidate in her own right. But one shouldnt read too much into this. It doesnt mean at all that she is leaving behind the front nationale or what it stands for. It is a tactical move to send out that signal. Lets go to burley where ivanka trump has arrived for a g20 womens summit. She is sitting there alongside christine lagarde, the International Monetary fund, and also the german chancellor angler merkel. They are going to be discussing support for Women Entrepreneurs Angela Merkel. We will have more coverage of that little bit later. Sir eltonjohn has cancelled a series of shows in America Afterfalling ill with whats been described as a potentially deadly bacterial infection. The singer, whos 70, spent two nights in Intensive Care after contracting the illness while on tour in chile earlier this month. Hes now out of hospital and recovering at home, as Simon Clemison reports. Ever the showman, sir eltonjohn has instead been in the hands of doctors over the last fortnight, having been taken seriously ill. He was on his way back from chile when he was struck down by what his medical team quickly identified as a rare and potentially deadly bacterial infection. He was admitted to hospital in the uk, where he spent two nights in Intensive Care. Sir elton, whos 70, wasnt able to go home for some time, but its emerged he was discharged a few days ago. Its meant he has had to cancel tour dates at Caesars Palace in las vegas. In a statement, the star spoke of how he was fortunate to have the most loyal fans, and he apologised for disappointing them. He said he was extremely grateful to his medical team for looking after him so well. Its a little bit funny. The singer is expected to make a full recovery, and is already planning a return to the stage injune. Until then, the rocket man will be taking it easy. A little earlier i spoke to our entertainment correspondent, lizo mzimba, who gave us this update on sir eltons condition. We know he has had a potentially deadly bacterial infection that they now think he has made a recovery, he has come out of Intensive Care, which underlines how serious his illness is. He came back from south america, where he contracted this, but they are not telling us any more details about his condition, what he was treated for, where he was treated or any more updates until i suppose we expect to see him back performing injune. He is of course one of the worlds hardest working musicians. He might be 70, Retirement Age for many, but he is still out there touring constantly, playing the music that he loves. This will have been a real blow both to him and his fans around the world. We dont have many more details to speak of at the moment. But we will be keeping an eye on how things are going, and were hoping to see him back performing in twickenham Onjune The 3rd, which is when he is expected to make his return following this illness. How gruelling is his touring schedule . He is 70 years old, obviously he flies around in luxury compared to many of us, but he still has to get out there and perform for hours every single night and go to different places. Slightly easier when he is doing a las vegas residency, but he does travel well. He hasjust finished the south american tour. He was going off to california, nevada, then back to the uk. At that kind of age, im sure it does tend to be gruelling to an extent, travelling around the world. But i think that again speaks about the kind of musician he is. You know, he has so much money over the years, hes sold more than 200 million records, but still he loves touring, he loves performing for his fans, he loves recording and playing music. So i think this will be, you know, a very big blow for him. He loves being out there and performing and having to stay at home, confined for the next month and a half or so, will be a very big deal for someone like him. Because he loves being out there. The headlines on bbc Newsroom Live. Labour promises that it will guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in this country if it wins the General Election, as it accuses theresa may of pushing through a reckless brexit. Theresa may will ta ke reckless brexit. Theresa may will take her general Election Campaign to south wales today hoping to win seats in traditional labour heartlands. French president ial candidates Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron Attend A Ceremony in honour of the policeman killed in the attack last week in paris. Lets catch up with the sport with tim. Good afternoon. Durham fast bowler mark wood has been named in englands one day squads for a series with ireland, then south africa and the subsequent Icc Champions Trophy. Wood has been out with an ankle injury. Ben stokes will miss the two games against ireland to play in the indian premier league. Stokes was great form for rising pune supergiant yesterday helping them to a narrow win against the mumbai indians. Stokes, along Withjos Buttler and chris woakes, will be back for englands matches against south africa, as well as the icc trophy. Kyle edmund has been knocked out of the second round of the barcelona 0pen. The british number two was beaten in straight sets by the world number nine austrias dominic thiem. Lizzie armitstead says extremely difficult personal circumstances led to her missing a drugs test last summer. It was her third missed test in a 12 month period an offence that could have led to a four year ban. The Court Of Arbitration For Sport decided that the authorities were to blame for the first missed test, and armitstead went on to compete at the rio 0lympics. Im entitled to a personal life and the private life. And the circumstances surrounding my third strike were very personal, very traumatic family experience. And its not something that i feel necessary to share with people, and i hope that people will respect that. You know, the first strike that. You know, the first strike that was taken away was uk anti dopings fold, and the second was my responsibility. Sometimes life happens, and, yeah, ithink was my responsibility. Sometimes life happens, and, yeah, i think it is important that im open and honest, and thats what ive tried to do. Five time champion ronnie 0sullivan is battling back after a bad start in his World Snooker championship quarter final against ding junhui. The man from china took the first three frames, before 0sullivan took the last before the mid Session Interval and then the next two to level it at 3 3john higgions is level with kyren wilson 2 2 on the other table. 0n the last couple of moments he has just lost the second frame on a re spotted black. You can watch the action live via the red button and on the bbc sport website. Thats all sport for now. Ill have more at 1 30pm. Thank you, see you later. Donald trumps daughter, ivanka, is attending a womens summit in the german capital, berlin, on herFirst International trip in her official role as assistant to the us president. She will be taking part in a Panel Discussion about Women Entrepreneurs, along with the german chancellor, Angela Merkel, who invited her during a visit to the white house last she is sitting there alongside christine lagarde, the head of the International Monetary fund, amongst others. We can talk to the White House Reporter for the Associated Press live from washington. Thank you forjoining us. How is this visit is seen in the us . It is seen as just like visit is seen in the us . It is seen asjust like any visit is seen in the us . It is seen as just like any other visit that any other white house official would ta ke to any other white house official would take to a foreign country on behalf of the president of the United States. Ivanka trump is now formally an assistant to president donald trump, so hertrip an assistant to president donald trump, so her trip is seen in that vein, albeit with a bit of a twinge from the fact that she happens to be the president sdaughter, of course. And what about that role is now formally being an assistant to President Trump . What is the view of what that role should be and how much influence she will have . Well, it cuts both ways. She has been for a long time interested in these issues of Empowering Women and girls, helping women in the workplace. And she is trying to sort of lay the groundwork and help move her father of lay the groundwork and help move herfather in of lay the groundwork and help move her father in that direction. Sorry to interrupt you, darlene. There are some people who are unhappy with the fact that the president. Daughter. Ivanka trump hasjust been asked that question, lets hear what you says. The opportunity to have an elevated platform, to be able to sit here on the stage, thank you, chancellor, for your very gracious invitation, i am chancellor, for your very gracious invitation, iam humbled chancellor, for your very gracious invitation, i am humbled to be here with so many formidable readers to engage in dialogue, to learn, to bring the advice and knowledge back to the United States, back to both my father and the president , and hopefully that will bring about incremental, positive change. That is my goal. This is very early for me. Im listening, im learning, i am defining the ways in which i think that i will be able to have an impact, iam think that i will be able to have an impact, i am seeking the council, to use your word, of informed and thoughtful women and men. And im really striving to think about how best to empower women in the economy, both domestically and across the globe. Because its all interrelated. So its been wonderful today, and ive no doubt that coming out of this trip i will be all the more informed. In the Financial Times today, you wrote, we know what works regarding women in byjust about business. If we know what works, why dont we do it . Are you sure that what works for you will also works for every woman in the world . Also works for every woman in the world . No, i think also works for every woman in the world . No, ithink we also works for every woman in the world . No, i think we represent 50 of world . No, i think we represent 5096 of the population, so there is no one size fits all when you think about women in the workplace or women as drop creators. And then you have the cultural overlay, which differs from country to country, region to region within countries. There are enormous problems. I feel fortu nate there are enormous problems. I feel fortunate in america that those problems are less than in other areas of the world when we think about gender and equality. We still have formidable problems. When you think about the fact that 30 of us privately owned businesses are women businesses, that leaves the tremendous potential for growth. When you think about the potential women have both to expand as entrepreneurs and to become more robust employers in the economy, its incredibly exciting. There is a lot of wood to chop and were not there yet. And i think one of the interesting things is the problems are writing to five double. We know what they look like are identifiable. They are the same across the globe, just with varying degrees of severity. The solutions and the practical means to get to the right outcome will differ. And i think one of the great opportunities we have as we travel and as we talked and morals to as we talk to knowledgeable and informed people is to find out what has worked in their countries and cultures. I know that just last march, their countries and cultures. I know thatjust last march, Chancellor Merkel Pass On Equal pay legislation to promote transparency and to finally narrowed the gender pay gap, thatis finally narrowed the gender pay gap, that is something we should all be look at, the efficacy of that policy as it gets rolled out. There is a robust dynamic and ever moving discussion. Its a political discussion, its policy oriented, as we think about paid leave. Sadly the United States is one of the only countries in the world, the only developed country in the world, that doesnt have a paid leave policy for the benefit of families. So that is something im very, very prud the benefit of families. So that is something im very, very proud of my fathers advocacy, long before he came into the presidency, but during the campaign, including in the primaries, hes been a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive. In the new reality of. You hear the direction from the audience, sol reality of. You hear the direction from the audience, so i need to address one more point. Studio lets go back to the White House Reporter for the Associated Press. She has effectively been described as being a bridge between chancellor merkel and donald trump. Is that a fair way to describe this mission . Thats one way to describe it. For some time, mission . Thats one way to describe it. Forsome time, Ivanka Mission . Thats one way to describe it. For some time, ivanka trump has been interested in these issues on her own. So her being there, i see thatis her own. So her being there, i see that is just an outgrowth of her own personal interest in these issues. Of course she is now an Assistant To The President , who happens to be her father. And she has been trying to sort of pushing in the direction of promoting some of these issues affordable childcare, maternity leave. Pa rt of affordable childcare, maternity leave. Part of what she is doing over there can be described as a Fact Finding Mission of sorts. And she will come back to the white house and share what she has learned over there. And use that sort of room for whatever policies he may put forward on those issues. So all do sort of informed. Chancellor merkel was at the white house just a few weeks ago. She had theories of meetings with President Trump. And soi meetings with President Trump. And so i dont think the president really needs ivanka trump to be a bridge to chancellor merkel she had a series of meetings. He told the Associated Press in an interview last week that he has a pretty Good Chemistry with the chancellor. How much influence does ivanka trump have an donald trump . She is widely viewed as having a lot of influence over him. He is a man who depends greatly on his three adult children, ivanka and her two brothers. They worked with him in the trump 0rganisation, running the business. Now she is here at his side at the white house, thought of trying to help him along as well. She is seen as somewhat of a moderating influence on him. And thats one of the roles that she is performing there. Darlene, thank you for joining us. Thank you. The Olympic Cycling Champions Jason and laura kenny have been to Buckingham Palace to receive their cbes. Jason kenny won six 0lympic titles, while laura kenny has won four. They have both been named in the latest Great Britain Cycling Squad in preparation for the Toyko 0lympics squad in preparation for the Toyko Olympics in 2020. Earlier this year, mrs kenny announced she was pregnant with their first child. Lets joint Tomasz Shafenaker for a weather update. Hello, the weather is beautiful across the country right now, a lot of clear blue skies. But the wintry showers, sleet and hail continue. Most of them across scotland. This dramatic picture from aberdeen, lots of heol there. But also some spring shots coming in as well. Lot of heol. These showers are making their way down. Further south, some are forming ahead of them. We are anticipating showers to develop across the sunny areas that we have had so far today. Wintry showers most likely across north these than scotland, northern england, maybe one or two hailstorms further south with cracks of thunder. It feels on the chilly side. Tonight further showers continue, further ones on the eastern areas, on the hills it will settle. Frost in western areas. Tomorrow it is the eastern counties and central areas, East Midlands for example damaged the south east. Again, a chance of the odd hail shower, thundering and lightning may be. Already the weather is stunning to improve across the west. Is starting to improve. Blur this is bbc Newsroom Live. The headlines Labour Pledges to scrap the governments great repeal bill if it wins the election to replace it with a bill to guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in the uk after brexit. If theresa may gets another five years in power, she will take it as a green light to sideline parliament, ignore opposition and drive through a reckless tory brexit, a rigid brexit. The Prime Minister is campaigning in wales today ahead ofjunes General Election where she will again stress the need for strong leadership to see the country through brexit. Donald trumps Daughter Ivanka is attending a womens empowerment summit in berlin on herFirst International trip since her father took office. And sir eltonjohn is recovering at home after spending two nights in Intensive Care with a bacterial infection. Hes had to cancel several gigs in las vegas and california. The founder of wikipedia is launching a service aimed at tackling the spread of fake news. Jimmy wales says his new website wikitribune will employ professional journalists but the agenda will be driven by its readers. Also, itll be crowd sourced through monthly subscriptions, and provide politically neutral journalism. Well, Jimmy Walesjoins Me now. On. Why do you want to do this . Ive been released and is the last couple of years about what i see as the rise of, theres fake news but there is also low quality news sources are proliferating. And i see an opportunity to bring the wiki Style Community model into the newsroom. And you have Journalist Community members working together side by side. Members working together sidebyside. Its a fun new adventure. What impact using fake news and poor quality news are having . I think its a substantial impact. Just in terms of the rise of divisiveness in society, to the extent that we no longer have a shared basic set of facts or truths we can agree upon, then the more debates become pointless and fruitless and so forth. I think particularly in the us we have had this real bifurcations where two sides do not even talk will listen to each other. They dont trust each others sources. So lets try something more open, more transparent, lets hope people can trust the information. So it is important that it is politically neutral. Very much. In the same way wikipedia has always worked hard to try to stay as neutral as possible. We are human so it is not easy. But we try to do that. How would you ensure it on this new platform . There is no magic to it. You are at the bbc, you know how it goes. You have to constantly check yourself, co nsta ntly have to constantly check yourself, constantly listen. For us in a Community Environment it is about making sure people are treating each other with respect and that if somebody comes in with a different viewpoint you pause and listen and try to accommodate as best you can. Asi try to accommodate as best you can. As i say, there is no Magic Solution but it is about having values that are but it is about having values that a re really but it is about having values that are really important. You point out, here at the bbc. 0bviously people will make complaints about lack of partiality sometimes, but the core of bbc news is impartiality. And fairness. And there are other organisations out there doing the same. So why the need for Something Else . What is interesting here is to say lets try something different. Bringing in Community Members so you can really get a different guidance in terms of what you are doing, what journalism, what you are covering. I imagine communities of interest, for example, feel underserved by the traditional media coming in and getting enough subscribers that we can hirea getting enough subscribers that we can hire a journalist to cover, lets see, the dog breeding beat. I know its a huge area and there are a lot of people involved and maybe they want more journalism in that area. Those are the kind of things i think are an opportunity. Area. Those are the kind of things i think are an opportunitylj area. Those are the kind of things i think are an opportunity. I was about to ask you how you see the committees of interest who are not well served. You said Doctor Reading also maybe the bit coin community. Its a very technical topic, a lot of news, very act to community who are passionate about understanding it, and they may feel underserved and feel they would like to support getting more journalism looking at the bit coin world. How to stop, then, is becoming the echo chamber that some social media is described as . And i think as we see in the wikipedia world it is about being thoughtful about your social rules, requiring mutual respect, working hard to accommodate different points of view, having as a central value of the community neutrality. It does not guarantee it of course, but most online communities do not have Neutrality Asa communities do not have neutrality as a central premise, just affinity. I think that makes a difference. You talked about divisiveness that you believe is partly down to fake news, not Strong Enough news. Do you think people are well informed enough and if not why not . It is incumbent on everyone, isnt it . It on the media, to do good porting and on people to inform themselves. It is, and i think that we cant have too rosy a view of any period of history. Always people are uninformed or not as informed as they could be. But we have seen very a various elections settled on lies. And that is u nfortu nate settled on lies. And that is unfortunate and having as many people working in a trustworthy way. For example, if we ask about immigration policy, it is a valid question, countries have the right to settle their immigration policy, but i think everyone, at least, in public, if they want to be repaired as respectable person, would say we should make the decision based on a clear understanding of the facts. And i dont feel like people have that right now. They have competing narratives, very driven ideological narratives, very driven ideological narratives, and there is not enough pulling back to say here are the basic facts that we need to agree upon before we can debate immigration, for example. Thank you very much. The labour party has promised to uphold the rights of eu citizens living in the uk after brexit, if it wins the General Election. The shadow brexit secretary, sir keir starmer, says the unilateral move would set the right tone for the forthcoming negotiations with the eu and help british nationals living abroad get similar guarantees. Earlier, sir keir starmer joined me for a bbc ask this, starting with a question from a viewer spurge in liverpool asked if we aim to keep the benefits of the Single Market we wont cant fully leave the eu so isnt this a backhanded way of overturning the Referendum Result . no, its not. Iaccept no, its not. I accept the result, the labour party accepts it. We will leave the eu. And that means freedom of movement will go and have to change. The point i was making this morning, you have to do fight against terrorists, against customs burdens that will cause us difficulties, you have to make sure we can trade with our eu partners by making sure the regulations are line. That is accentuate the Single Market is and what i am saying is keep options on the table, lets go to our eu partners, argue for that, it will be tough, not easy, and accept it will be tough, not easy, and a cce pt we it will be tough, not easy, and accept we are leaving but lets make sure. The pledge to businesses is straightforward. We do make sure businesses can succeed in a future in the way they have in the past. What we cant get through negotiations we need to replicate back at home through primary legislation to make up the deficit. So negotiate hard full stop my difficulty and challenge to the Prime Minister is she is taking practically every option off the table before negotiations have started and that means we are a fixed position where we are likely to get the worst of all deals. We are ina to get the worst of all deals. We are in a general Election Campaign. For people to have a clear choice thatis for people to have a clear choice that is the cat clarity of positions. The tories are saying they would take is out of the Single Market and immigration would be cut, freedom of movement would not remain. The Liberal Democrats say the opposite. You are somewhere in between. Is there enough clarity for voters . Between. Is there enough clarity for voters . Yes, theresa may would say she is clear but she is keirin 0rigi way and a reckless way. She says she is clear, in a way that she is taking all the options away. We say you need to be smart and flexible in these legacy asians. And that means setting out clearly what you want to chief, rather than arguing about Single Market, Customs Union, what is it we want to achieve in terms of customs and regulations, that is the central question. How we achieve it is secretary but dont start removing options before you havent started the exercise. Which it in newcastle says if access to the sigel market is only available with freedom of movement would you then still allow freedom of movement to keep access . We have said it has to go. We dont mean no movement because businesses would go bust quickly. So we have to negotiate and agree a position that gets us the benefits of tariff free access, reduces customs impediment, but at the same time accepts it has to change. It will be difficult. Anyone who suggests otherwise isnt being honest about the negotiations ahead. But i think it is important of clarity about what we want to achieve and the approach we will take. Add in the end i dont think it matters as to whether you view this as reformed Single Market membership and membership of the Customs Union or whether you start from scratch and have an eu uk arrangement. What matters to business is just make sure that what matters to them is delivered. Arent you talking about Cherry Picking . Thats exactly the thing that has been ruled out from the beginning within europe. An option for the uk to effectively be in a better position out of the eu than it was in the eu, by getting all the benefits and none of the downsides, the freedom of movement. We have to start negotiations with clarity about what we want which eve. I accept the eu will say in response you cant have everything you would want. That is the nature of negotiation. I am saying keep clarity keep the options, and then the commitment that if we dont get everything we want in the negotiations, the next question is what would the Labour Government do back here in the uk to make up for the fact that we didnt get all the benefits of the Single Market. So that overall the benefits are preserved. It is an approach that businesses are crying out for us to take. You have said that at the end of 2018 you would have a parliamentary vote and if mps voted down the deal go back to the negotiating table. What is the eu said no . We have to cant cross each bridge will become to it. At the moment we have a Prime Minister who says she will bring back a deal and if we dont like it bad luck, shes not prepared negotiate any further. We are saying involved parliament in the process throughout so they can have confidence in the deal, therefore it is not sprung on them, hopefully that means we will get the right deal with confidence of parliament, but in the event that does not happen, be willing and open to saying we will try to negotiate further. Simply to say ijust to saying we will try to negotiate further. Simply to say i just wont go back is not the right approach. 0bviously go back is not the right approach. Obviously there has to be a limit to that, but it is about involving parliament properly in the process because in the end getting this right will matter for generations to come. Keir starmer talking to us earlier. The us state of arkansas has executed two prisoners on death row after the Supreme Court rejected their last minute appeals. It is the first double execution on the same day in the us for 17 years. The convicted men, jackjones and marcel williams, were both sentenced to death for rapes and murders committed in the nineteen nineties. David campa nale reports. The legal authorities in arkansas say the two prisoners were executed by Lethal Injection after final legal appeals were rejected by the courts. The first to die was jackjones, who was convicted over 20 years ago of raping and strangling mary phillips, and attempting to murder her 11 year old daughter. A local reporter was witness to his execution. Jack jones was strapped to a gurney, had a sheet on him from about the neck down. His head was kind of clamped, i guess. He spoke for about two minutes. All we could really see was him breathing a little bit, and then, you know, it took him about 1a minutes to pass. The second man, marcel williams, was convicted of the 1997 kidnapping, rape and murder of stacy errickson. Williams was already in the Death Chamber when a Brief Stay Of Execution came through. To those that hurt, im sorry its not enough. Williams was already in the Death Chamber when a Brief Stay Of Execution came through. Lawyers pointed to complications in the first execution. They said it had taken workers a5 minutes to unsuccessfully insert a central line injackjoness neck. But the court ruled that the execution could proceed. The state of arkansas had originally wanted to put to death all of these eight men before the end of the month. An unprecedented rate of executions. And the reason for the rush is that thats when the expiry date on supplies of this sedative used in the Lethal Injections runs out. All this has brought protesters out onto the streets, and action in the courts, with lawyers arguing the rush to execute amounted to cruel and unusual punishment. But the legal manoeuvres have only succeeded in halting for the planned executions. Four of the planned executions. Last week, ledell lee was the first of the other four to be put to death. The authorities in arkansas insist what they are doing is right. The state governor said family and friends of the victims of the two executed inmates had seen justice carried out. David campanale, bbc news. The headlines on bbc Newsroom Live labour promises that it will guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in this country if it wins the General Election, as it accuses theresa may of pushing through a reckless brexit. Theresa may will take her general Election Campaign to south wales today hoping to win seats in traditional labour heartlands. French president ial candidates Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron Attend A Ceremony in honour of the policeman killed in the attack last week in paris. A work permits system for eu citizens, similar to one operating in sweden, should be introduced after brexit, according to the federation of Small Businesses. Its done a survey which found that over half of small firms that employ eu workers are concerned they wont be able to find skilled workers after britain leaves the union. 0ur Industry Correspondent john moylan reports. From building sites, to hotels and restaurants, and farming, around one in five small firms currently employs staff from the eu. But now, a leading Business Group is warning of dire consequences. Firms cant continue to pick the best workers when we leave the European Union. According to the research, more than half of Small Businesses are worried about accessing people with the right skills, post brexit. The majority have no experience of using the uks points based system to recruit from outside the eu. And it suggests a work permit based Immigration System, to ensure firms can meet their skills needs. What we need is a very simple system. Whether it is work permits, whether it is some other sort of visa system, there is no doubt that Small Businesses need the option of access to the skills and labour that they need from the eu, and that is what the government needs to look at. We also think that there should be a transitional period of at least three years, after brexit, to give businesses plenty of time to get used to the new system. The report found that if brexit makes it harder to recruit eu citizens, some firms would consider moving abroad, or even closing down. The government says that brexit will mean leaving the Single Market and ending the Free Movement of people, but it has yet to set out how our future Immigration System will work. Tom hardy are confirming. Police are confirming that tom hardy performed a citizens arrest. They say to people went through a red light on a motorcycle and crashed. 0ne light on a motorcycle and crashed. One was detained by tom hardy. They we re one was detained by tom hardy. They were taken to hospital with non life threatening injuries. They are appealing for people with footage of the incident to come forward. He was described in one newspaper as having switched into superhero mode. So police want you to get in touch if you saw that all have footage. People over the age of 50 could improve their Memory Skills by doing moderate exercise several times a week. A study in the britishjournal of Sports Medicine has found that aerobic activity and muscle strengthening exercises are likely to keep our brains in top working order, even if theyre already showing signs of decline. Philippa roxby reports. Regular exercise has a range of Health Benefits and it can also have a positive effect on rain function as we age. A review of 39 previous studies by the University Of Canberra supports the idea that taking up exercise at any age is worthwhile. Especially when it raises the heart rate. So which workouts benefit the brains of the over 50s . Both aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises performed at moderate intensity for a5 minutes per session on as many days per week as possible. Rain tests show that thinking skills were significant lee improved by regular aerobic exercise. While memory, planning and organising functions were boosted by regular muscle strengthening in adults aged over 50. The researchers said exercises like tai chi were recommended the people who could not manage other, more challenging forms of exercise. Uk Public Health experts say that every ten minutes of exercise provides some benefit to physical and mental well being. And 150 minutes of physical activity a week cuts the chances of depression and dementia by a third. The government is being urged to do more to make sure all new homes are suitable for disabled people. A committee of mps says many houses, workplaces and public spaces are no go areas for those with disabilities, as our disablity correspondent nikki fox reports. Karlene has never lived in a house that is fully accessible. So, this is my front door. I would love to be able to get in there but i cannot. Born with cerebral palsy, she can live independently with the right setup. But some of the features in her house make it impossible for her to look after herself. The Biggest Issue is my kitchen. That is completely inaccessible to me. I have to rely on external support. Ive been on the accessible housing register for ten years and as to this day i have still not seen a fully accessible property. In england, an estimated 300,000 disabled people are living in unsuitable properties. Those behind the report urged the government to change the law so that Disability Access is not seen as a nice to do. Seen instead as an essential when building new homes. The government states the council should involve all sections of the community when addressing Housing Needs and that Building Regulations require minimum standards of accessibility for all new dwellings. Aid agencies in lebanon are warning that camps set up to house Syrian Refugees are posing a Serious Health risk because they are infested with rats. The lebanese government admits Public Services are struggling to cope. Lebanon has taken in more syrians per head than anywhere else in the world. 0ur reporter benjames reports from a camp in the bekaa valley, close to the syrian border. These kids have escaped from the war in syria, but they still have sleepless nights. Their refugee camps got a problem with rats. Crawled over your face last night . Really . Did it wake you up . His name is ali. He says a rat crawled over his eye and then ran off. And hes not the only one. Sheha is a granny from aleppo. She shows us into the kitchen, where the rats come every night. And this is her grandson, ahmed. Translation i was sleeping on the cushions with my granny when i felt the rat on my face. He bit me here on my face and then ran away. I was scared. I couldnt sleep after that. I thought he might come back and bite me again. When it walks, it goes like this, because its so big. Azeezs daughter shema also got bitten. Translation my daughter was sleeping and it was dark. I heard her crying and then i saw her face was covered in blood. I saw she was bitten here on herlip. It came back another time and bit her brother. Another time, it bit her here, on her cheek. The rats come all the time. Its the most important problem that needs solving so that our children can sleep safely at night. All of the kids here have a story to tell about the rats. What noise do they make . Children hiss. But this is also a story about the strain on a country thats taken in up to 1. 5 million refugees from the war next door. There are simply not enough rubbish bins here for a population of 700 people. Theyre only collected once a month as well. All of that means the rubbish collects by this standing water, this ditch that goes down the side of the camp. What the people who live here tell me is that thats why they are plagued by rats. Its the local councils job to collect the rubbish around here, so why cant they do it more often . Partly because they say their population of 5,000 has been overwhelmed. Translation there are between 10,000 and 15,000 Syrian Refugees living in houses and makeshift camps in this district. We do have the manpower to collect garbage. The problem is that we dont have a truck and we dont have resources and money to buy one. Collecting rubbish is a big political issue in lebanon. When a landfill closed in 2015, rubbish piled up in the streets and there were protests across the country. But when you live in a tent, the consequences are worse. Its a common problem in camps across lebanon. Some organisations see the need for education. This one is running classes to help sheha and her neighbours resist the rats. They get advice on how to store their food and waste and keep things clean. When he was asking for International Help recently, lebanons Prime Minister said Public Services arent designed for this influx, something thats pretty obvious around here. Ina moment the news at one, but first the weather. Many of us work to clear blue skies this morning. And also a beautiful sunrise. It has been snowing for the second day on and off across some parts of scotland and northern england. Through today the clouds will increase further south and some of the showers will move southwards, developing inland. The forecast across the south, where the weather has so far been beautiful, the clouds are increasing, most of these hit and miss showers will be of rain but there could be some sleet, some hailand but there could be some sleet, some hail and thunder as well. The risk of hailand hail and thunder as well. The risk of hail and thunder is probably further north. 0ne of hail and thunder is probably further north. One or two affecting Northern Ireland as well but it is the northern, North Eastern portion of scotla nd the northern, North Eastern portion of scotland into the borders, and the north east of england where there will be most of the wintry showers. Some of the snow falling across the hills will settle through the evening and overnight. More eastern areas tonight get the wintry showers. Further west, clear skies and a frost around as well. Mostly out of town. Tomorrow, another chilly day, particularly in the east. I pressure builds in to kill off the showers but it will take a long time. It will be a slow process , long time. It will be a slow process, so mostly northerly winds on wednesday and risk of wintry showers particularly across these eastern counties. Possibly in london as well. Western areas, tomorrow, much brighter, beautiful weather in wales. But showers as well across parts of Northern Ireland. Here is thursdays jet stream. It is still pushing weather systems from the north so still not warming up in a hurry on thursday. But it will start to feel a little bit warmer, because we are starting to entrain slightly milderairoff we are starting to entrain slightly milder air off the atlantic. By the time we get to friday a much weakened jet stream, we are starting to see milder air pushed in by this arm, so certainly by the time we get to friday, perhaps not clear blue skies, afair to friday, perhaps not clear blue skies, a fair bit of clyde, but mid teens again in the south. Labour says eu citizens could still come to britain after brexit if they have a guaranteed job offer. Election, saying labour would also protect the rights of eu citizens already in the uk. 0n on day one of a Labour Government wed immediately guarantee all eu nationals currently living the in the uk will see no change in their legal status as a result of brexit. Day one, big commitment. The Prime Minister theresa may will be out campaigning in labour heartland seats in wales. Well have the latest on the days campaigning. Also this lunchtime. The two rivals in the french president ial election Attend A Ceremony to remember the Police Officer murdered last week in the Champs Elysees

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