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Trumps tax issues we are seeing pictures on at the moment. Hello to you. We are covering all the latest developments here in britain and globally. First, as the number of covid 19 depths heads towards 1 million, news today ambitious plans to transform the way we test to see who has the disease. The World Health Organization plans to relate a rapid test across over 100 countries. The size of a credit card, it should cost around 5 and show results within 15 minutes. The who has over extensive testing from the beginning of the outbreak is a way to control the virus, has called for extensive testing. But has been difficult for many countries. These tests provide lab results in approximately 15 17 minutes, rather than hours or days at a lower price with less sophisticated equipment. This will enable the expansion of testing, particularly in hard to reach areas that do not have Lab Facilities or enough Trained Health workers to carry out pcr tests. This is a vital addition to their testing capacity, especially important in the areas of high transmission. The head of the who there, of course. We can speak to carolyn jones, aim board memberforthe developing country ngo delegation of the global fund board. I know you have been involved in the development of this. It could be a game changer, couldnt it . It could be a real game changer. It could be the difference between control and moving us towards ending the epidemic, in conjunction with all of the other members of our measures we are taking, but if we can test, get results quickly and safely, we can control, we can get people to isolate, we can know who to treat, we can stop the spread. That is very exciting to be pa rt that is very exciting to be part of it. There is and if in your answer, of course. What needs to happen for this to be a game changer. What does it rest on . Well, we need to be able to ramp up production. We have had expressions of interest, the royal Health Organisation is in the process of certifying. What we need to do now is to get them to people. We are ramping up production because we are looking at huge volumes. At the moment we can secure access to about 20 million persons perma but im hoping this will become bigger and larger per month. That still does not ensure the very poorest that may need it most get access, so there are initiatives to try and secure some of that volume to be distributed first to procurement mechanisms throughout the course of funding. But we need money to support that process for the most vulnerable, the lower and middle income and low Income Countries across the world to make sure they have access. So that everybody is having access to be able to control this disease, because if somebody cant, then nobody will. We will get the test properly rolled out and people train, that will take a little bit of time, but with that working we have a rare opportunity here. And on top of all of that, doctor, testing will only make a difference if people respond to the test by taking precaution and self isolating 7 yes, sir, there is a whole range of public measures and with all of the things we have been working with, some countries have had only that to work with, they have not been able to afford the expensive testing to control the population. But there are countries that understand what this can do and the need for it. There is support and a test that will allow you to monitor rapidly and ensure we are doing the right thing. Doctor gomes, thank you very much for your time. Thank you, mr amberly. One of the companies behind the new testis the companies behind the new test is an american firm. President trump has announced that the white house plans to release more than 150 million tests in the United States. He says they will make a huge difference. Today i am pleased to report we are announcing our plan to distribute 150 million rapid point of care tests in the coming weeks, very, very soon. This will be more than double the number of tests already performed, and here is our land 50 million tests will go to protect the most vulnerable communities, which we have a lwa ys communities, which we have always promised to do, including 18 million for nursing homes, 15 million for assisted living facilities, and million for home health and hospice care. So, how do the rapid tests were7 we got a demonstration on how easy they are to use. How easy they are to use. How do the rapid tests work7 the rapid tests work . This is generally done by a Healthcare Provider but it can be done supervised, it is easy. One, two, three, four, five. Into the test. Twist it three times. The adhesive is pulled off, then you wait 15 minutes. And thatis then you wait 15 minutes. And that is the test. Volu nteers volunteers in china have been given a second dose of a potential vaccine for covid 19 six months after getting the first one. There are four potential vaccine is going to the last age of trails in china. Controversially they have really been given to hundreds of thousands of the general public before the results are even known. Experts have raised questions about the speed of this emergency rollout. Doctor diego silva has been speaking about his concerns. Well, i think the first thing is this idea of consent. What type of informed consent are these individuals giving to receive the vaccine outside the trial7 but the other issue is assuming that that is ok is that usually it is part of the informed consent process, you are given an understanding of the risks associated with a particular drug or vaccine. But it is precisely those risks and the notion of efficacy or effectiveness that is currently not understood and is currently being tested in phase three. So, it is a bit id to give a vaccine a bit odd to give a vaccine a bit odd to give a vaccine through emergency use protocols, as china is doing now. So i think the main issue is the risk benefit ratio, the risk benefit balance as well as this idea on how informed is the consent individuals are giving to partake with the vaccine. Doctor diego silva there. The number of deaths from the virus in spain has given to 31,400, according to the latest figures. Daily dates from over 19 another highest since may does make daily deaths from covid 19 daily deaths from covid 19. Another monday in madrid and another set of restrictions comes into place. Today, movements on social activity that were introduced in many parts of the activity a week ago have been extended to eight new areas. In total, around 1 Million People are now affected. The district of Garfield North that this is among the latest to join the lockdown. My family has been infected. I think the political measures that have been implanted here in madrid are great. My whole family has been affected. It is better to have a lockdown for several months and completely control the pandemic than have this situation for years and years. I know a of people who have beenin i know a of people who have been in this area and being infected, i have also had it. This has been a disaster. The policy restricting only those areas with the highest infection rates, which tend to be poorer, has drawn an angry response from psalm. These protesters see the local governments measures as discriminatory and insufficient. The conservative local government which has its offices here in central madrid has also been receiving criticism from the leftist national government. In recent days, that disagreement has turned into something of political storm. Central government says the measures now in place are too little, too late, and has called for a change of strategy. The local government has responded by saying that madrid is being singled out for unfair treatment. Thousands of spanish flags were planted in this park on sunday to commemorate those who have died from the virus. But the political sentences on how to control a pandemic in the capital still appears to be out of reach political consensus. Guy hedgecoe, bbc news, madrid. Thats kind of some of the main news for you. There have been protests in barcelona after spains eyes got held up an 18 month ban highest court held up month ban highest court held up an18 month month ban highest court held up an 18 month ban. The decision could trigger a snap election if the Regional Parliament does not vote for a candidate in the coming days. The british cabinet minister, michael gove, said parts of the controversial internal market will, which the European Union wa nts to will, which the European Union wants to remove, will remain in the bill. It overrides parts of the bill. It overrides parts of the brexit deal signed last year and ministers have admitted it breaks international law. Mr groves described thoughts in brussels as constructive. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come a pledge for nature. The plan to save wildlife under threat from climate change. Leaders from climate change. Leaders from 65 countries have signed up from 65 countries have signed up to it. In all russias turmoil, it has never come to this. President yeltsin said the day would decide the nations destiny. The nightmare that so many people have feared for so long is playing out its final act here. Russians are killing russians in front of a grandstand audience. It was his humility which produced affection from catholics throughout the world, but his departure is a tragedy for the catholic church. This man, israels right winger ariel sharon, visited the religious compound, and that started the trouble. He wants israel alone to have sovereignty over the holy sites, an idea thats unthinkable to palestinians. After 45 years of division, germany is one. In berlin, a million germans celebrate the rebirth of europes biggest and richest nation. Welcome back. Very glad to have it with us and it news. The latest headlines for you. What Health Organisation in the us have announced plans to roll out a rapid new covid test that could transform the Global Response to the pandemic. The second wave of coronavirus cases hitting europe stop thousands across the continent are rejecting new lockdown measures. Just over 24 hours and hours of the first televised debate of the first televised debate of the 2020 us election. President trump now under sustained pressure over his tax affairs. An investigation by the New York Times claims he paid just 750 in federal income tax in 2016. Here, he was elected the year he was elected president. Claims he was heavily indebted, some he was personally liable for. He has responded to it saying it was fa ke responded to it saying it was fake news, but it will view the debate. Jon sopel has this. Theres nothing quite like it. One to one combat, the red and blue corners, two fighters looking to land a knockout blow. And Donald Trumps taxes and what he did and didnt pay have opened up again as a line of attack. On the eve of this televised debate, his tax return is once again a burning issue. Its totally fake news. Made up, fake. Maybe hes not as rich as he says. Four years ago, Hillary Clinton thought she had him pinned down on this very topic. Or maybe he doesnt want the american people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he has paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody has ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino licence, and they showed he didnt pay any federal income tax. That makes me smart. And when youre in the ring, do you stay cool under pressure or do you start to sweat under the lights . Back in 1960 John F Kennedy was expected to take a pounding from richard nixon. Instead, jfk was unfazed and it was nixon who ended up on the ropes. When youre in a race, the only way to stay ahead is to move ahead. Boxing is governed by the queensbury rules. No punching below the belt, no holding, break when i say break. But for the past four years, donald trump is played by no rule book. Its just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. Because you would be in jail. Secretary clinton. Look at how he followed Hillary Clinton around the room, almost stalking her. Donald trump revels in the image of prizefighter. He controversially tweeted this mock video of him beating up a critical news network. It has just got worse with this gentleman. I use the term loosely. Joe biden at the start of this year looked as though his best days were behind him, but his corner are confident and bullish that hell go the distance. The two people who will be lacing up their gloves on tuesday have a combined age of 151 years. Probably, neither will float like a butterfly nor sting like a bee, but its likely to be brutal and compelling. Jon sopel, bbc news, cleveland, ohio. Lets get more on the tax issue now in particular. Good to talk to you, thank you for your time. There may well be voters saying it is pretty smart to avoid taxes as much as you can, avoid taxes as much as you can, a lot of Business People try to do it but the problem with debt is that it leaves people vulnerable to pressure. We have learned a lot about Donald Trumps finances in addition to how he just has avoided certain taxes, we have learned more about the income that trump has received from foreign business, weve learned more about what he has paid on foreign business interest previously we didnt have these exact announcements so it is giving at least some peak into those potential conflicts of interest. It is bound to be a question at the debate, isnt it . Something along the lines of tax returns showing that he has to repay 421 million in loans in the next four years. There is bound to be an issue about who he borrowed that money from into the guarantors are. There are a lot of questions that have yet to be answered and is the big issue, that while we do now have at least reporting of two yea rs of have at least reporting of two years of tax returns, trump is the first president in who has refused to release any of his tax returns, so we havent actually seen the documents themselves and we dont have Financial Information on the other years other than from personal Financial Disclosures with the office of government ethics which dont go into the same level of granular detail as tax returns. The New York Times promises more revelations, again, which im sure the president is bound to reject. Do you think we are ever going to get the kind of detail you are talking about . We can hope. I think the level of detail would be necessary to get the tax returns, notjust of these two years, but trumps time during the presidency, the campaign, there are just so many missing pieces and this gives us a glimmer that there is so much else we have yet to know. What is your particular worry hair7 know. What is your particular worry hair . What we dont know, i think, really is. Certainly with the business interest, a wealth of potential conflicts of interest, both with his businesses internationally and domestically where we are seeing special interests, foreign governments spending on trumps businesses and very Little Information about how much is being spent, what they are spending on disclosed, and it has really become a new back doorfor it has really become a new back door for creating influence within the administration. Perhaps more light will be shed on tuesday. Thank you very much. And we will of course have live coverage of the president ial debates here on bbc news. The first one kicks off in cleveland, ohio on tuesday evening and two further debates will be held on october. David attenborough has commended china for pledging to become Carbon Neutral by 2060. He also said it is crucial that the Younger Generation is engaged with climate change. He has been speaking to louise minchin. My name is David Attenborough and i have been appearing on radio and television for the past 60 yea rs, television for the past 60 years, but this is my first time on instagram. And i am making this move and exploring this new way of communication to me, because as we all know, the world is in trouble. Congratulations, you are the fastest person to get1 million followers on instagram. I dont know if you know that. A red some papers. So why instagram and why now . Well, im so old, its difficult to teach an old dog new tricks, and im not a great user of social media, and i havent used instagram before, but the message that im concerned about is so important, i would use any medium to get it across. In 2050, if we carry on this path that we all are on, how bad will it be . Well, one of the things that will happen is that the world will get hotter and hotter and hotter, and thats not news. That has been happening for a very long time, and deserts are spreading. Happening for a very long time, and deserts are spreadingm theres one choice to make today, what choice would like people to make . Dont waste. Dont waste anything. Dont waste electricity, dont waste food, dont waste power. Just treat the Natural World as though its precious, which it is, and dont squander those bits of it we have control of. In the face of huge countries like china or brazil or the United States doing something entirely different, it seems irrelevant, sometimes. Well, we have to do what is in our power. We cant take that as an excuse for doing nothing. We must do everything that all of us can do and must do, and china is taking very big steps in many directions. It is a huge country with an immense population and they are starting doing things sorting out the climate from the weather which have caused them such problems. The Younger Generation, seem to be many of them are on board, how does that make you feel . That is a great hope that is the most important hope, and the most important hope, and the most important place where there should be hope. Its their world, and its there tomorrow. I wont be there, they will be. Its there is. Of course its very important that young people should be concerned about this, and they are, in increasing numbers. Is extraordinarily touching, and a feel privileged that they should listen to what an old bloke like me is talking about. David attenborough speaking to louise minchin. Leaders from 65 countries have signed a pledge for nature, a plant is a wildlife and habitats in danger because of climate change. And england, national parks, areas of outstanding Natural Beauty and other protected areas covered just a quarter of all land although the Prime Minister has promised a big increase within the next decade. Peaceful, picturesque, many of us have looked to the countryside as an escape from at least some of the anxiety that this year has brought. Even in the most scenic, rural, predicted places like this site on the west Pennine Moors that belongs to the wildlife trusts, many species are in decline. We are losing biodiversity in this country. A quarter of native uk birds and mammals are now under threat. So environmental groups have welcomed the announcement by the Prime Minister that 400,000 additional hectares of english countryside, equivalent to about 400,000 football pitches will be protected, set aside for the recovery of nature. Like so many 2020 meetings, the biodiversity summit today when Esther Johnson spoke about his plan was held virtually. We cant afford to that and delay because biodiversity loss is happening today, it is happening today, it is happening at a frightening rate, and if left unchecked, the consequences will be catastrophic for us all but while this commitment is seen asa while this commitment is seen as a positive step, conservationist say it takes much more than space to restore habitats and let species bounce back. Having more land set aside for nature is really good and it is a step or that we have been waiting for for yea rs, have been waiting for for years, but that is just one step forward stopping a lot of our wildlife wont survive if you just let the land go. The majority of it will turn to woodland and of course a lot of our species are grassland species and species like a mixture of everything, so all our species would disappear if everything was just woodland. While the environment as a devolved issue, the government has pledged to work with scotland, wales, Northern Ireland and landowners across the uk to increase the amount of protected land. In england, protected areas currently make up protected areas currently make up 26 of land, so the governments pledge will increase that amount byjust governments pledge will increase that amount by just 4 by 2030. But with many of even those protected sites in poor condition, it will take much more than that to make the land not just green more than that to make the land notjust green and pleasant, but healthy and biodiversity. Much more for you on all the news, national and international any time on the bbc website and on our twitter feeds. Thank you so much for watching. Hello there. A window of fine weather awaits many today not all, but for most, there will be some good lengthy spells of sunshine and light winds, and it will feel pleasa ntly warm for late september. The reason, well, weve got a ridge of High Pressure moving in behind the cold weather front, which hasnt brought much rain but it certainly brought cloudier skies southwards through the night and some drizzly rain, which will stick across Eastern England for a time before finally clearing. The ridge of High Pressure towards the north ensuring a pretty cold start to the day again, with temperatures close enough to freezing to give us some grass frost. The other thing we need to be aware of in northern and Western Areas is some patchy fog of course, it lingers through the rush hour this time of year. Now, we have got the cloud, the low cloud, the drizzly rain with our weather front as well in the south, really rather great start for parts of Eastern England. As you can see, with time through the day, its starting to pull away, the skies will brighten. Also, just the outside chance of a few showers in north west scotland, possibly Northern Ireland. Its more likely the cloud will thicken towards tea time here. With light winds, despite temperatures a little lower than they were on monday, the north will still feel very pleasant, and approaching 18 19 in southern areas, rather where they should be for the time of year. But that ridge of High Pressure is a brief ridge of High Pressure, because by the night, as you can see, and tomorrow, we have got more rain rushing in. And its a slow moving band of heavy rain. Some parts of southern and western scotland could see 40 60 mm before this rain finally clears away. You can see, it continues to fall throughout tuesday night and wednesday. Strong, potentially Gale Force Winds with it. Ahead of it, some drier weather, and this mild air at least, but it will be a fairly wet affair wednesday for most parts of the uk. Then a brief respite again, potentially on thursday, little ridge of High Pressure, still some showers around. Now comes the uncertainty. Where will this deepening area of low pressure come to lie . Potentially southern areas, bringing us increasingly windy and wet weather and lasting into the weekend as well. It certainly looks a lot more unsettled by that stage. So, yes, definitely feeling autumnal, and feeling quite chilly as well after the fact that weve had some sunshine and its felt quite warm. Look at the temperatures really dipping down by the end of the week. As i say, perhaps a little respite on thursday, but some very unsettled weather as you can see in the outlook. As ever, theres more on our website. A very warm welcome to bbc news, with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. The World Health Organization and the us have announced plans to rollout a rapid and new covid test. It could transform the Global Response to the pandemic. It should cost as little as 5 and show results within 15 minutes. A second wave of coronavirus cases hits europe and thousands across the continent are rejecting new lockdown measures. A day ahead of the first president ial debate, donald trump has dismissed claims he paid just 750 in income tax the day he won the presidency does make the year he won the presidency and is substantially in debt. The New York Times say he avoided paying his fair share of federal income tax for several years

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