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To claim their second trophy at wembley in a month. A decent day on our hands. A little bit cool to start and never that warm throughout the day but a lot of dry weather to be had, sunshine, maybe a passing shower. I will tell you who gets what, where and when in a few minutes. Its sunday 30th august. Our top Story University students should stay at home and study online until after christmas to prevent a second wave of coronavirus. Thats according to the union which represents lecturers. More than a Million Students are due to return to campus this term, but the university and College Union warns this could be a recipe for disaster. Universities insist theyve spent months planning for a safe start to the new term. Heres our education editor bra nwen jeffreys. It has been quite on campuses since march but within weeks, students are due to return. More than a million gcioss due to return. More than a million across the uk. The University Lecturers union is that should be put on hold. They want students to stay home, study online, unless they are doing a practical course. And one full reopening could prompt a crisis. We are really worried that we could see universities becoming the care home of the second wave of covid 19 in the uk. The sheer amount of people that were asking to move gcioss of people that were asking to move across the country then congregate in large numbers, when we dont think there are sufficient Safety Measures in place stop were looking at residential bubbles and looking at students potentially mixing outside of those. As we say or track test. Universities say they are making campuses are safe. More cleaning, partitions, face coverings. Most offering a mix of online and face to face learning. Universities say they expect students to be responsible. Every student signs a contract at that university and this year, those contracts to be amended to include particular rules around social distancing and following the guidance in place at that time. The vast majority of our students are very responsible young adults. Any small mire at small minority that dont obey the contract, we have adjusted our procedures and we will deal with them under those procedures. The government says it is right for universities to reopen. It is going to update its advice in england. Many students cant wait to start but student life this year wont be quite the same. The education secretary has warned that parents who dont send their children back to school risk putting a dent in their future life chances. Gavin williamson has written an open letter to parents, as children in england, wales and Northern Ireland prepare to return to the classroom this week. Were joined now by our Political Correspondent Tony Bonsignore did he say anything particularly surprising . Not surprisingly. Clearly there is nervousness within government. The message to parents is simple. I know some of you are worried, he says, but it is safe. And in fact, the bigger danger is that pupils dont go back to school, given everything we know about their Long Term Health and social development. There are two parts of the message. On one hand he says look at the Scientific Evidence, listen to the four chief medical officer is of the uk, they all say it is safe. Scientific evidence says there is a vanishingly small risk of Serious Health implications for children. On the other end, he says, even given that, schools have put in place huge protections for pupils so things like cleaning controls, extra hygiene. Ppe, protective equipment in case there are outbreaks. Tests for those who have symptoms. This extra money for those who have to travel by public transport. Given all that, clearly, it is notjust the parents who are worried with just days to go, clearly the government is desperate to get this one right. Theres also talk of potential tax hikes in todays papers, what are they predicting . It is as a result of all the things the government has had to put in. There are more than two months to go till the budget in november but clearly, given everything thats happened, given the state of the economy, the high levels of uncertainty over coronavirus, but speculation is a ready starting about what the treasury might be considering at a couple of papers today, the sunday times and the sunday telegraph, have some detail about measures that are being discussed within the treasury at the moment. For example, the government is considering increasing corporation tax, increasing Capital Gains tax, perhaps to come in line with income tax, increasing parity pension, simplifying inheritance tax. It is way too early for decisions to be made but the treasury will be starting to work now and even though there is uncertainty at the moment, i think the speculation serves a couple of purposes will stop on the one hand it floats ideas to see how they go down with the public and of course mps, but it prepares us all what the government knows is all for what the government knows so i think there are some things to come. New Research Shows that care homes in england had the largest increase in excess deaths at the height of the pandemic, compared to the rest of the uk. The study, which was led by the university of stirling, also shows that care home residents have accounted for 40 of all coronavirus deaths in the uk. Professor david bell led the research, he says more information needs to be collected to avoid the impact of a potential second wave on the care sector. There are, for example, many more ca re there are, for example, many more care homes than there are hospitals and there is a lot that goes on around care at home that we dont really know about. But i think the past few months have been a wake up call, that really some more effort has to be put into this area because without the data and the evidence, we cant know whether the policies we cant know whether the policies we are putting in place are working. The Un Refugee Agency says hundreds of migrants whove been rescued in the mediterranean must be granted a place of safety. Theyre still at sea having been rescued by three boats included one which has been paid for by the graffiti artist banksy. Simonjones reports. Brought to sure and to safety. Brought to shore. 49 migrants who had initially been rescued by a ship belonging to banksy, the Louise Michel. They were taken to lampedusa by the italian coast guard. These are the lucky ones. The fate of hundreds more people still on the water remains unclear. The Louise Michel had picked up more than 200 people at sea. It became dangerously overcrowded and stranded off the coast of malta. Some of the migrants had to stay on life rafts, floating alongside the boat. The crew said nobody in the International Community was willing to help. Everyone that has been rescued is deeply traumatised. Well keep trying to contact the european authorities to be assigned a port of safety. One ship did come to help another rescue vessel, the sea watch 4. It was already carrying around 200 migrants. After taking on board those from the Louise Michel, the sea watch crew tweeted we now have around 350 people on board who need to disembark in a safe port as soon as possible. The Louise Michel added its not over. We demand a place of safety for all survivors, now. The Louise Michel had only recently gone into service as a rescue ship, complete with its own banksy artwork. The artist has accused the eu authorities of ignoring distress calls from non europeans. The Un Refugee Agency says a solution must be found and saving lives is a humanitarian imperative. Simon jones, bbc news. President trump will visit kenosha in wisconsin on tuesday, the city which has been at the centre of protests since a black man was shot in the back by a Police Officer last weekend. The white house said mr trump would meet police and survey damage from recent riots. The shooting left jacob blake paralysed from the waist down. If you are waking up with a slightly thick head this morning, dont worry, you are going to see a flying car. This is the test flight for a car thats been developed by a company injapan. It is not that amazing, they had a flying car in harry potter, didnt they . Its four metres long, and stayed in the air for about four minutes, so still a way to go if you want to take it to the shops. The designers are pretty ambitious about when it could be properly in service though, they reckon itll be ready by 2023. When does it stop being a car and start being a drone or a helicopter . Im not seeing enough here, there are no wheels. You would certainly turn a few heads if you went down the high street to buy a pint of milk. It certainly beats the morning commute. Its a really big week for millions of children in england, wales and Northern Ireland as they say goodbye to home schooling and head back into the classroom in the next few days. While teachers try to make things as normal as possible, there will be some new rules for pupils to follow. So how is everyone feeling about it all . Our wales correspondent tomos morgans been to meet two families who are preparing to return to some kind of normality. It has been quite hard, homeschooling, because there are so many distractions. Sofia spent locked down like most other families, making the most of the good weather outdoors with her sister. Overall, ive enjoyed it. Its been a bit more relaxed than usual because usually we are rushing around all the time. Pupils in wales we re around all the time. Pupils in wales were able to go back for a brief period before the summer break but like most 11 year olds, sofia had to miss out on that crucial transition from primary to high school. Jumping from primary to secondary school is quite daunting at the best of times and the fact they havent spent time at the school or met the teachers, i think has made it a bit more scary for them. And high school will look and feel a fair bit different for the for the foreseeable future. You limit what we have done here is separate the schools into different zones. Separate the schools into different zones. Schools like this will be split into Year Group Zones and classes will stick to themselves as much as possible, keeping to that bubble to minimise the risk of transmission. The lack could have a detrimental effect but we have to balance it out with the risk of transmitting the virus against education. When we last saw evan, before the summer break, he was enjoying time spent at home, working and playing alongside dad jason. But as much as quality time at home with dad has been great, he is desperate to get back in to see his mates again. It is going to be good when i can see my friends again. Primary School Children in wales will not have to socially distance but effo rts have to socially distance but efforts are being made to reduce classroom and contact across campuses. A little bit of staggered time outside the school, obviously, so time outside the school, obviously, so all the parents not congregated. Starting a bit earlier, finishing a bit earlier. But in high school, social distancing needs to be maintained outside the classroom and face masks have been recommended for use by the Welsh Government when two metres cannot be maintained for over 11 s, metres cannot be maintained for over 11 s, leaving the decision with local authorities and schools, with some already deciding to make masks mandatory in communal areas. After a few turbulent weeks, this has been criticised by some unions. Has put a strain on your relationship with those unions who have criticised your decision . No, not at all. That is their right. To take a different view. As i said, there are other unions who are fully supportive of the stands we have taken are recognising the diversity of welsh education and empowering leaders in schools to make decisions that are right for their particular school. But even with all those precautions in place, for sofia and evan and all the other children across wales going back this week, the main thing theyre looking forward to is just seeing their friends again. Good luck if that is you heading back to school. A lot of parents looking forward to have their children back at school but we will talk more about it throughout the morning. It was a beautiful clear night when i got up this morning. It was dark. I could see the stars and it was cold as a result, philip . Was dark. I could see the stars and it was cold as a result, philip7m is like a six but miniseries, ijust got in the car and got on with it. Rachel, you are right. The beauty of this time of year is to get to see a little bit of light and a decent day in prospect. It is feeling cool to start with and it will remain on the cool side as well, all thanks to the area of High Pressure suddenly dominating central and western parts of the British Isles. The remnants by the way of cloud and showery bursts of rain in east anglia and the south east, as indeed the strength of the wind. Still around 40 strength of the wind. Still around a0 miles an hour in law here. The wind coming from somewhere out the north. Hence the temperatures. 19 at best but we should manage some play, england versus pakistan. The first one was rained off after england did pretty well with the bat. The developing through the day. Where the skies remain clear, the romantics among you look at the stars, but Cool Conditions if you are out stargazing. If your mind is swinging towards the bank holiday monday, that High Pressure will still be doing it stuff for the greater part of the British Isles. I have to say here straightaway, the cruel viewer reminding us last year we got to 33 degrees. Well, nothing like it. Dry, fine, quite a bit of sunshine to start, dont worry too much about the weather front over the atlantic because it will not make an awful lot of progress towards us but forget 33, it is hello, somewhere in the upper teens. The middle part of the week, seeing something with a little bit more energy about it. We slip into autumn. I know im going to get a stick this, but we did light a fire. I knew you would give me that face you like your fire and you like your by, you like your fire and you like your rugby, i know this about you after all the years i have worked with you. Iam all the years i have worked with you. I am a man of simple pleasures. We lit a fire as well. Autumn has arrived. Lets take a look at some of todays papers. The telegraph reports on treasury plans to raise taxes in an effort to plug the holes in public finances. According to the paper, the move could allow the exchequer to raise at least £20 billion a year, but the proposals have been met with stiff opposition from no 10. The observer features our top story on its front page a warning from the uks largest Academic Union that its too dangerous for face to face teaching to resume at universities. Were going to talk to all sides involved in that story. Particularly student starting university this year have already gone through the a levels year have already gone through the a levels shenanigans so it is u nsettled a levels shenanigans so it is unsettled for them. The express reports on the race to find a vaccine, saying a best Case Scenario could see one by mid october. Most experts saying it is more likely to be in the new year. And the independent, like many others this morning, carries tributes to black panther star, chadwick boseman, who died on friday at the age of a3 from cancer. Absolutely tragic story. One paper suggesting he married his long time girlfriend privately relatively recently as things were not looking great for him. The sunday express here, a plan in part of the east midlands, a tory lead counsel in nottinghamshire looking at banning fireworks. This is a move to protect people who do not like the sound of fireworks, animals and pets who were disturbed by them, to try and create silent fireworks. Facemasks have become part of our lives. Fashion icons. Exactly. This was designed asa icons. Exactly. This was designed as a statement mask for the pandemic bride. While were talking about that, this is something that annoys a lot of people. Facemasks being discarded. Billions could end up in landfill if people do not stop using them. More than 12a,000 tons of nonrecyclable material could be dumped each year unless a greener alternative is found. Can the same person not use it more than once . People have also quite successfully wash them. This is of the sunday express as well. The pig given a bionic rain stop on microchip implanted could be the first step in reinstalling movement in people who have been paralysed. It quite often gives hope to people but there is maybe a long way to go but nonetheless, people involved in this, elon musk, the billionaire entrepreneur, said it is like putting something in your skull. We will be talking later about the big beach cleanup which has been delayed because of covid i9 for it will be the big september beach cleanup. What they are finding loads of his childrens plastic toys and that is what they are focusing on. We will meet people involved in it. You found some stuff on the beach on your holidays . I didnt find them but my daughter was given by metal detectors, something from when the americans were there during the d day era. Little treasures that you found, we would love to hear from you as well. Any little joy is that you as well. Any little joy is that you have picked up. A diamond ring. Ora you have picked up. A diamond ring. Or a discarded rubbish that was meaningful to you. Do get in touch with us. Bbc breakfast at bbc. Com. You can find us on social media as well. Do not tell us if you found something disgusting. But we will take a look at them during the course of the programme. Have you ever seen markings or carvings on trees and wondered what they mean . Well, a projects been started in the new forest to track historic graffiti and try to figure out what it all means. The project team have already found some fascinating examples ranging from witch marks to more modern messages from the swinging 605. Shelley phelps reports. Digging deep into the history of the new forest, fading records of a summer of love, which marks to ward off evil spirits and records of personnel stationed here during the second world war. These are some of the historic graffiti uncovered as pa rt the historic graffiti uncovered as part as researchers attempt to find out how our ancestors use the area. The trees themselves are fragile, they can be damaged by gales and lightning. By having these fantastic photographs and put into a database, archive them and allows researchers to explore them into the future. Archive them and allows researchers to explore them into the futurem isa to explore them into the futurem is a Citizen Science project with visitors to the new forest can get involved. They have had hundreds of some visions and by encouraging people to still take part. If you see markings like this on a tree, they want you to send in to the National Parks website. The kings parkis National Parks website. The kings park is among the most common, used to identify trees in use for shipbuilding. Some remain untouched and still bear them out. The park is keen not to encourage people to carve a new graffiti into the trees today. We will stress that this is purely for historic graffiti. Please, do not make any new marks on the trees. They are very precious. We have some fantastic specimens they go back up to a thousand years and we need to protect them for future generations. At this point, archaeologists are still interpreting what they found but they hope the project will play an important part in preserving our past lives. Shelley phelps, bbc news. Some beautiful trees. New forest is a beautiful part of the world. Whats the best thing you achieved during lockdown . I have cleared out one cupboard. I have cleared out one cupboardlj did i have cleared out one cupboard. did bakea i have cleared out one cupboard. did bake a bit more. What is your signature dish . I am quite fond of carrot and banana cake. Bringing in next time we are on and i will be thejudge. Next time we are on and i will be the judge. Bring next time we are on and i will be thejudge. Bring it in. Next time we are on and i will be thejudge. Bring it in. This story is amazing. Ia year old hamish from jersey turned to music when his mother died in 2018. He started piano lessons at the end of last year, but then coronavirus came along. He spent lockdown learning online, and has just achieved the highest piano grade possible. He did it, in part, with a piece of music he composed in memory of his mum. It was 2018 when i lost my mum. That was at the same time i was discovering music and really flourishing in it that so i think i put a lot of emotion and my feelings into that. It was not as sad almost because i had something to focus on, drive which i could almost think every day after coming home from school, this is what i am going to do and i am going to do it really good. She was really great, really great cook and really great, really great cook and really great, really great cook and really great music tastes like eva cassidy and all that. I have lots of different styles of music inspiration from my dad and my mum andi inspiration from my dad and my mum and i am trying to soak in as many different genres as possible. I think, once you get something so ingrained in your muscle memory, no matter what it is, if it is Music Production or piano, once everything is there and you can just go for it. Playing by ear as well i find that a bit easier is more than playing by music. Playing with feeling, almost. Music isjust music. Playing with feeling, almost. Music is just an instinct to me rather than the reading or the theory. It is morejust rather than the reading or the theory. It is more just a feeling that it invokes in people like someone place tennis or rides by, will have that thing and we just have to find it almost. There are not many hits of tv that you watch and you just. It is almost jawdropping. You watch and you just. It is almostjawdropping. What a talented quy almostjawdropping. What a talented guy. All the best to him. His mum would be so proud. What a talent. Well done, hamish. The headlines and sport coming up injust well done, hamish. The headlines and sport coming up in just a well done, hamish. The headlines and sport coming up injust a moment. Hello, this is breakfast with rogerjohnson and Rachel Burden. Good morning, heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. Universities are being urged to scrap plans for face to face teaching until after christmas, in order to prevent a second wave of coronavirus. The university and College Union says it isnt safe to have more than a Million Students return to campus this term. But universities insist they have worked hard to bring in new Safety Measures. The education secretary says parents risk putting a huge dent in their childrens future life chances if they dont send them back to school. Gavin williamson has written an open letter to parents, as children in england, wales and Northern Ireland prepare to return to the classroom this week. In it, he says the health risk to children from covid 19 is extremely low. A rescue ship in the mediterranean thats been paid for by the street artist, banksy, says its transferred the migrants on board to a larger vessel after becoming overcrowded. The Un Refugee Agency says that almost a00 refugees and migrants have been rescued by a total of three ships in the med. Theyre still at sea, and the agency has called on European Countries to grant them a place of safety. The return of live cricket to the bbc this afternoon for the First Time Since, well, for the last century. Also, arsenal, once again, another trophy within the space of a month. Already them picking up two pieces of silverware it might feel like deja vu for liverpool, beaten in the Community Shield on penalties for the second year in a row. This time it was arsenal, with that man Pierre Emerick aubameyang proving just how important he is to this side, as they picked up their second piece of silverware at wembley in the space of a month. The gunners took the lead early in the first half thanks to this spectacular finish from piere emerick aubamanyang, his fifth goal at wembley for arsenal. Liverpool were back on level terms in the second half. Subsitute Takumi Minamino with the finish to force penalties which was settled by aubamanyang. Remember they won the rescheduled fa cup on august 1st so thats two trophies for arsenal at the home of football in a month well, it was a double header at wembley in the early kick off, chelsea made a statement in the first womens Community Shield. The wsl champions beat Manchester City 2 0. After missing a host of chances in the first half, chelsea finally got themselves in front midway through the second and from an unlikely source england defender millie bright scoring in spectacular fashion. The victory was sealed right at the end of the match. Scotland international Erin Cuthbert doubling the scoreline. Both those matches were behind closed doors, but elsewhere, fans made their return to a premier League Stadium for the First Time Since march, with around 2,500 spectators allowed in to brightons amex stadium for yesterdays pre season game against chelsea, with fans having to follow social distancing and hygiene protocols. The game finished 1 1. You wonder just how much noise they made. Rangers hit a milestone yesterday as they moved three points clear at the top of the scottish premiership. Steven gerrards side were 2 0 winners at hamilton. Their sixth consecutive clean sheet equalling a 11a year defensive record. Celtic face motherwell this afternoon. Lewis hamilton will be hoping to extend his lead in the formula one drivers championship at the belgian grand prix this afternoon. It was another flawless performance for him during qualifying, beating his Mercedes Team mate Valtteri Bottas by half a second to claim his sixth pole at the circuit and 93rd of his career. Afterwards he paid tribute to black panther Actor Chadwick Boseman who passed away on friday. At windsor yesterday, hollie doyle made history by becoming the first woman in British Racing to win 5 winners on the same day. At odds of nearly 900 to one the highlight of doyles achievement was this Group Victory on extra elusive to confirm her place as one of flat racings biggest talents. It is not the first time she was breaking records. She was breaking records last year. She said in an interview just a couple records last year. She said in an interviewjust a couple of days ago that she wanted to prove it wasnt a flu ke. That she wanted to prove it wasnt a fluke. She is certainly doing that. It is incredible. Remember that name, hollie doyle. More news and sport to come, but now its time for weather world. This time on weather world, coronavirus, our climate and the changes to our atmosphere and the air that we breathe that no one would have thought possible at the start of the year. Im at the bbc Weather Centre, where i will be investigating what part weather, climate and the seasons could be playing in the spread of the disease. And i am in bbc weathers climate check studio, where i will be reporting on lockdowns and a sudden drop in Carbon Emissions. And finding out whether there could be any long lasting impacts for our climate. Also on weather world, crisis at the poles. Unprecedented heat, and why the earths extremes are bearing the brunt of global warming. The temperature has hit 38 centigrade in the arctic circle, which is completely unprecedented. And really, it doesnt feel normal. And i will show you a quick and easy way to make your own rain gauge, so you can measure the weather where you are. Welcome to weather world, and this, the bbc Weather Centre in london, which produces forecasts which can be seen all around the world. Now, like any workplace, the virus has affected the way we work too. More people are working from home. Those of us who are here are keeping socially distanced. But alina is over there, shes presenting today. Hi, alina. And sarah and i are also keeping our distance because she is in here, our climate check studio. Thanks, nick. One of the main stories that we have been covering in our climate check reports is the increasing Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere, one of the main drivers of global warning. But the coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdowns have led to a dramatic drop in Carbon Emissions, one that no one would have thought possible at the start of this year. And of course, thats down to that huge reduction in travel and business. In april, india saw its co2 emissions fall for the first time in a0 years, according to the environmental website carbon brief. And the improvement in air quality there is clear in these pictures taken before and during the lockdown. Inevitably, where lockdowns have eased, emissions have risen once again. In fact, in china, in may, co2 emissions surged to above pre pandemic levels. And despite any falls in Carbon Emissions injune, the Mauna Loa Observatory in hawaii recorded the highest ever daily concentration of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere. A18 parts per million. So, how can that be when multiple sources indicate that we are living through an unrivalled drop in carbon output . Well, think of our atmosphere a little bit like this bathtub, gradually filling with water. Since widespread industrialisation, the taps have been on with a steady flow. The current pandemic has meant that those emission taps have been turned down a little, the bath isnt filling as quickly as before. But crucially, the carbon concentration, the water level, is still rising. And the bath isnt emptying because Carbon Dioxide stays in our atmosphere for up to 200 years. And those natural carbon sponges, our oceans and plants, can only absorb about 50 of what is produced. Joining me now is corinne le quere, professor of Climate Change science and policy at the university of east anglia. Corinne, how significant is this drop in Carbon Emissions . The drop in Carbon Emissions itself is the biggest drop weve seen ever, as far as we can tell, on record, so a 17 drop in daily emissions at the peak of the pandemic. But this, even though the drop is really large, is very small in terms of how it affects Climate Change. Because its temporary, and Climate Change is affected by long term emissions. And what do you think will be the impact of that drop in emissions on co2 levels in our atmosphere this year . In terms of total emissions, it depends a lot what happens to the rest of the year. But it could be somewhere between a and 7 , depending. A if we go quickly back to pre covid levels, and 7 if the confinement measures linger around for the whole of the year over all of the countries around the world. So, this gives you about an idea of the size of the drop this year. Will things just go back to the pre pandemic normal over time . There is a big risk that things go back, things in terms of emissions go back to pre covid levels because the drop in emissions is not structural, in the sense that we still have the same cars, the same roads, the same houses, industry and everything. So, really, nothing has changed except the behaviour. What really needs to happen to reverse this longer term trend in Carbon Emissions and co2 in our atmosphere . The governments incentives, they need to take Climate Action into account. So, they need to be aligned with the Green Economy of tomorrow. So, for example, encouraging walking and cycling in cities where thats possible. Encouraging Car Companies to produce only electric cars as quickly as possible. And, of course, making it safe to use public transport again as quickly as possible. Because transport is what has changed the most. Before the pandemic and that drop in Carbon Emissions, australias devastating record bushfires were pumping out millions of tonnes of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, in what became the countrys second hottest summer. Second only behind their previous summer. But then, a sudden change with the arrival of heavy downpours and flooding, as parts of south east australia went on to have record autumn rainfall. More extreme weather this year injapan, as seasonal rains reached unprecedented levels injuly, with some places seeing over 1,000 millimetres of rain in just one week. The same weather pattern also inundated parts of china and the korean peninsula. In may, amphan became the first super cyclonic storm to form in the bay of bengal in more than 20 years, going on to hit east india and bangladesh. It was followed by the annual monsoon rains, which hit nepal, North East India and bangladesh hardest, producing some of the worst flooding in a decade. In late august, an already record setting atlantic Hurricane Season accelerated further, as Tropical Storm laura powered through the caribbean, joining marco in the gulf of mexico. No m named storm has ever formed this early. Theres been snow where its rarely seen. Here in the iraqi capital baghdad in february. All the more remarkable as it was followed in july by whats thought to be a new all time record high in the city of 51. 8 celsius. But could this place have set a new world heat record . The usa and californias death valley, where in august, the temperature hit 5a. A celsius. If verified, that could be the highest temperature ever reliably recorded on earth. As the searing heatwave continued, wildfires broke out in the west of the usa, with california seeing some of the biggest in the states history. These fires can generate their own weather and winds, including so called firenadoes from huge pyrocumulonimbus clouds. And as if 2020 hasnt been bad enough, locusts, huge swarms, the worst in decades, devastated crops in east africa with a link, scientists say, to changing rainfall patterns caused by Climate Change. Earlier on weather world, we heard how changes to the way we live, work and travel, caused by the virus have changed the air and the atmosphere around us, most noticeably with reduced Carbon Emissions. But what, if any, impact could weather and climate have on the virus . Well, im able now to talk to doctor rachel lowe, from the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine, who has done some research on the seasonal cycle of coronaviruses. Rachel, good to talk to you. We were told at the start of this process that heat humidity in the summer, coronavirus will be gone. Thats clearly not happened. Do we know anything about how weather and climate may be impacting this coronavirus . With this particular new coronavirus, its a new pathogen in humans. No one has any previous immunity to the disease, so its very much driven by the susceptibility of the underlying population. So, any role that warmer or more humid conditions may have on the virus is likely to be modest in comparison with other factors such as not only our immunity, but also government lockdowns and any measures that have since been taken to try and slow the spread. Explain to me how viruses might be impacted, though, by climate, by seasons. Because, of course, we often hear that the flu season is in the colder months. Why might that be . How do they operate that way . Well, the mechanisms are still not fully understood, were not sure if it is a direct impact on the virus itself and how that feeds through into infection rates, or if itsjust through the way that we behave. During the winter months, we tend to crowd more indoors, which of course is more favourable to the spread of respiratory viruses. So, that may create concern Going Forward, then, into those winter months. You know, with regular flus that we know about and this coronavirus. Absolutely, as we move into the Northern Hemisphere winter, we will have to be very aware of how cold this winter may be and how that may impact not only this coronavirus, but also all the other pathogens that we have in winter, how this may impact asthma. Also, accidents caused by cold weather. Because this whole package could potentially overwhelm the emergency services, if were not well prepared. Doctor rachel lowe, thank you for talking to us on weather world. Thank you. Now, some of your weather watcher pictures, starting with these, from the uks wettest february on record. Three named storms hit the uk that month, causing severe flooding. In fact, february was the fifth wettest of any calendar month in records going back to 1862. But the weather made a sudden swing from one extreme to the other in spring, which was not only very dry, but also the uks sunniest spring, shattering a record that had stood since 19a8. And although summer brought the return of some rain, there were also several bursts of extreme heat, including in august, when the temperature exceeded 3a celsius for six consecutive days. Still to come on weather world, why fewer planes in the sky could be affecting your weather forecast. So much about the world we live in has changed because of coronavirus. But one constant in our climate check reports has been extreme heat, with 2020 being on course to be another one of the hottest years ever recorded. And from what weve seen so far this year, it is the earths extremes, the poles, which have been bearing the brunt of global temperature rise. Injune, in the russian town of verkhoyansk, a temperature of 38 celsius was recorded, the highest temperature ever recorded north of the arctic circle. And this wasnt an isolated event, but part of an ongoing heatwave in the region. A team of climate scientists concluded that Climate Change made this event about 600 times more likely. The Siberian Arctic experienced exceptional heat for several months, and data from the eus climate Monitoring Service copernicus suggests that june 2020 there has been the hottest on record. Its not unusual to see wildfires north of the arctic circle. Last year was the worst on record for arctic fires. But in terms of emissions, 2020 has already topped that. The sentinel 2 satellite captured what is thought to be the most northerly fire in recent years. So called zombie fires can reignite from deep smouldering embers in peatland, releasing not only particulate air pollution, but also more carbon in 18 months than in the past 16 years. Higher temperatures near the poles also have huge implications for permafrost. Think of permafrost a bit like the worlds deep freezer, locking millions of tonnes of carbon and methane within frozen organic matter under the earths surface. When permafrost thaws, that matter starts to decompose, a little bit like frozen food would decompose if you take it out of the freezer, and it is this process that releases Greenhouse Gases into the atmosphere, accelerating Climate Change globally, so that what happens in the arctic doesnt stay in the arctic. Another impact of those higher temperatures has been on sea ice. Now, this graphic shows sea ice extent in the arctic during july, which was the lowest on satellite record for the month. Notice particularly the extensive ice free waters around the east siberian and kara seas. And mirroring whats happening in the arctic scientists have found that at the south pole, temperatures are warming at an incredible three times faster than the global rate. And earlier this year, a temperature above 20 celsius was recorded for the first time in antarctica. Temperature rise varies a lot across antarctica and the influence of Climate Change is less discernible than in the arctic. A vast cold ocean and strong winds tend to isolate it from any of these warmer air intrusions and natural climate cycles here may obscure some of the effects of human induced change. But what is clear is that the ice sheets and ice shelves are losing mass. Billions of tonnes of ice has been lost from antarctica in recent decades and its future responses to a warming world could have global consequences. So, why is it that the poles are warming so much quicker than other parts of the globe . That is a question i put to professor martin siegert, the co director of the Grantham Institute of Climate Change and environment at Imperial College london. There are a number of reasons for why that might be and an obvious one to consider is the change in the amount of snow and ice in the arctic is going down. And as that happens, a very white and reflective surface, which is the snow and ice, which bounces the suns energy back out into space, is being replaced by a dark surface, which is the land and the ocean, which absorbs the energy from the sun. As warming continues, as the ice and the snow recedes, so we get more absorption, solar radiation than we otherwise would, which causes locally enhanced warming in those places. It occurs widespread across the arctic and in some parts of the antarctic. The arctic is a very unusual place. Its a deep ocean, surrounded by several continents. And in parts of those continents, we traditionally do get quite warm weather. And its not uncommon for places in northern norway to hit the 20s and for the Siberian Arctic to get into those type of temperatures as well. But what were seeing in the Siberian Arctic this summer and actually, for quite a long time as well is enhanced warming, at a level that we havent really seen. Its been in the news that the temperatures hit 28 celsius within the arctic circle, which is completely unprecedented and, really, it doesnt feel normal. The coronavirus pandemic has had a huge impact on the aviation industry, with significantly fewer people travelling by air. This was frankfurt airport, in germany, in april. This visualisation of air traffic over the uk compares march 2019 with march this year, and it reveals a huge reduction in flights, and this has led to an unexpected impact on weather forecasting. You may not know it when youre travelling in them, but these planes, when theyre flying, collect weather data. In fact, before covid, 700,000 readings of air temperature, wind speed and wind direction every day. The World Meteorological organisation says in europe alone, these readings fell by up to 90 . All this data feeds into the supercomputers that churn out weather forecasts. And although other sources are available such as satellites and weather balloons some studies have suggested that since the pandemic began, some aspects of weather forecasts have become less accurate. Weve got a thermometer and measuring humidity with this gauge. Well, thats me from five years ago on weather world, at one of the many weather stations we visited over the years. The way we record weather is mostly digital, automatic, instant, but it wasnt always that way. Back in 2017 on weather world, we visited armagh in Northern Ireland and looked at handwritten manual weather records going back all the way to the end of the 18th century. But as valuable an archive as this is, not all historic Weather Information is so well loved. Many, like these rain records, are tucked away in filing cabinets and need rescuing, and thats exactly what happened earlier this year. The rainfall rescue project asked for volunteers to transfer these into digital spreadsheets. It was the idea of Reading University climate scientist professor ed hawkins. So, we had 66,000 pieces of paper which needed transcribing. We had images of those paper records and we built a website, we put them all online, and we asked volunteers to help us transcribe those individual observations from the paper records to digital format. We had over 16,000 volunteers step forward. And what i was expecting to take about 16 weeks actually took about 16 days. We transcribed five million weather observations in just 16 days, using the power of those volunteers. And of course, timing was such a big issue, because we know this was just at the start of the uks lockdown and then suddenly all these people had much more time on their hands to do this. Thats right, people had lots more spare time during the lockdown and they wanted to do something useful with that time. So, this project came along at the right time. In the uk, we love talking about the weather, we Love Learning about the weather, and these Historical Documents gave people an opportunity to learn more about our weather and then about the history of the people who took these observations. Tell me why it matters that these observations are available and in a format to be used today. We can see the winters are getting wetter in the uk, and having longer and more detailed records tells us more about where and why its getting wetter across the country. Another reason we want to learn more about the rainfall and spatial patterns and the details is to understand the variations in our weather. We live in a part of the world where the weather is very variable from year to year and month to month, and what we want to learn about is how wet could it be in a particular month, or how dry could it be . Our Water Companies want to know about weather, what risks there are of extensive droughts, so if we get a series of dry winters in a row, that would cause problems for our water supply. And this project is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Ed says there are hundreds of millions of weather records out there waiting to be rescued, and that means many more weather rescuers will be needed in the future. Well, ive left the climate check studio and am doing what many of you have been doing over recent months, working from home. And for me, like for lots of you, that means juggling parenting and working from home as well. So, making his weather world debut is my younger son, oscar. Hi. Today weve been hearing about the importance of keeping accurate rainfall records and were going to show you how to make your own rain gauge. You can spend lots of money on expensive weather recording equipment, but what were going to show you isquick, easy, cheap and a great way to get started on keeping your own weather records. A few bits of equipment we need. Right, what we we need . A ruler. A marker. A marker pen. Some scissors. Jelly thats not frozen yet. Jelly, the most important ingredient. But make sure its still wobbly. Yes. Plastic bottles. And some sellotape. So, you need to find a plastic bottle thats got nice straight sides, without too many dimples, for recording rainfall. The first thing we want to do, if you take the marker pen, oscar, mark a circle around the top of the bottle about a quarter of the way down from the top. Excellent. So, when you have your line around the top of your bottle, you take your scissors. Ill do this bit, shall i . And we cut the top of the bottle off. This is the grown up part. Yes. So, when weve done that, we have the base of our rain gauge and we have a funnel. That sits on the top. Excellent. The reason we have a funnel in the top of the rain gauge is so when it rains, it doesnt evaporate, all that moisture inside gets trapped within the rain gauge. The next thing we need, we need a flat bottom on our rain gauge, so well pour the jelly. Great. So, when youve poured yourjelly into your rain gauge, you put that in the fridge for a couple of hours and let it set. And this is one we poured earlier. The next thing we do is attach the ruler to the rain gauge, so thats the ruler which starts at the top of the jelly. Take the sellotape. And attach the ruler to the rain gauge. Pop it on there. So, put the top back on. You should easily be able to put the funnel on. And there it is, your complete diy rain gauge. When it comes to where you should put this in your garden, its quite lightweight plastic and it can get blown around quite easily, so we need a steady base. The best thing you can do is find a spot in your garden and dig a hole about three or four inches deep, then you can put your little rain gauge down into the hole, and it should keep it nice and steady. And dont forget to record how much rainfall has fallen every single day in your own weather record. Finally, weather you can eat like this dusting of chocolate snow on a car in switzerland after a fault at a sweet factory. Well try to cook an egg. And it may well be the hottest place on earth, but this reporter at death valley will have to try harder if hes going to be a weather chef. Its not working well, thats it for this time on weather world, but theres more to see online. So, for the clips from our previous programmes, go to bbc. Co. Uk weatherworld. But from me, goodbye. And its goodbye from us. Dont forget to look out for the bbc weathers monthly climate check report. But until the next weather world. Goodbye good morning, welcome to breakfast with rogerjohnson and Rachel Burden. Our headlines today calls for University Students to stay at home and study online to stop the spread of coronavirus. A union says campuses are at risk of turning into the care homes of the second wave. Not going back to school could put a huge dent in childrens future life chances according to the education secretary. European countries are urged to offer a place of safety to hundreds of migrants, rescued by ships in the mediterranean, including one paid for by the graffiti artist banksy. Picking up where they left off. Aubemaeyang shines again as arsenal beat liverpool on penalties in the Community Shield to claim their second trophy at wembley in a month. A decent day on our hands. A bit cool to start and never that warm throughout the day but there is a lot of dry weather to be had, some sunshine, too, may be a passing shower. I will tell you who gets what, where and when injust shower. I will tell you who gets what, where and when in just a few minutes. Its sunday 30th august. Our top Story University students should stay at home and study online until after christmas to prevent a second wave of coronavirus. Thats according to the union which represents lecturers. More than a Million Students are due to return to campus this term, but the university and College Union say that could be a recipe for disaster. Universities insist theyve spent months planning for a safe start to the new term. Heres our education editor bra nwen jeffreys. Its been quite on campuses since march but within weeks, students are due to return more than a million across the uk. The University Lecturers union says that should be put on hold. They want students to stay home, study online, unless theyre doing a practical course, and warn full reopening could prompt a crisis. We are really worried that we could see universities becoming the care home of any second wave of covid 19 in the uk. The sheer amount of people that were asking to move across the country and then congregate together in large numbers, when we dont think there is sufficient Safety Measures in place. So were looking at big residential bubbles, were looking at students potentially mixing outside of those, and as we say, no real way to trace or to test. The National Union of students agrees, but universities say theyre making campuses safe. More cleaning, partitions, face coverings, most offering a mix of online and face to face learning, clear rules in student accommodation. Universities say they expect students to be responsible. Every student signs a contract with that university and this year, those contracts have been amended to include particular rules around social distancing and following the guidance thats in place at that time. The vast majority of our students are very responsible young adults. Any small minority that dont obey the requirements of that contract, we have adjusted our procedures and we will deal with them under those procedures. The government says its right for universities to reopen. Its going to update its advice in england. Many students cant wait to start but student life this year wont be quite the same. Branwen jeffreys, bbc news. The education secretary has warned that parents who dont send their children back to school risk putting a dent in their future life chances. Gavin williamson has written an open letter to parents, as children in england, wales and Northern Ireland prepare to return to the classroom this week. Were joined now by our Political Correspondent Tony Bonsignore. Tell us a little bit more about what is in Gavin Williamsons letter. Good morning, roger. The message from the education secretary is to pa rents. From the education secretary is to parents. I know some of you are worried but it is safer for your children to go back to school. In fa ct, children to go back to school. In fact, the real danger, he says, is if they dont go back to school now. In terms of the way they are traitors he is trying to persuade pa rents, traitors he is trying to persuade parents, there are two parts. The first one is, listen to the experts. He points to the fact that the four chief medical officer is of the United Kingdom also it is right and safe for children to go back and he points to the Scientific Evidence Scientific Evidence as well who says there is a vanishingly small risk to children from coronavirus but even with all that, he says, look at the measures that schools are taking to protect students. For example, increased hygiene and cleaning. Look at the protective equipment that is being sent to schools in case there is an outbreak. Test if people, if staff or children start to display symptoms. Look at the extra money for transport, he says, who have no other choice but to take public transport to get to school. All that he says should give some reassurance to parents although reading this, it shows that it is notjust parents that are nervous, the government wa nts to that are nervous, the government wants to get this right. There is another story in the paper talking about how eventually we will have to pay for the cost of the lockdown and all the effects of that and they are talking perhaps unsurprisingly about tax changes. The start of the speculation around the budget. It is more than two months away but already suggestions about what the government might be considering to try and plug this massive hole in the public finances. The sunday times and telegraph today saying there is a raft of measures including increasing corporation tax, Capital Gains tax, perhaps to bring it in line with income tax. Reducing pensions tax reliefs or simplifying the interrogated rush inheritance tax system. Simplifying the inheritance tax system. As far as the government is concerned, this speculation serves two purposes, one floating ideas to see how it goes down with the public and also tory mps but also it helps to prepare us for what are likely to be some pretty difficult times to come. New Research Shows that care homes in england had the largest increase in excess deaths at the height of the pandemic, compared to the rest of the uk. The study, which was led by the university of stirling, also shows that care home residents have accounted for a0 of all coronavirus deaths in the uk. Professor david bell led the research, he says more information needs to be collected to avoid the impact of a potential second wave on the care sector. There are, for example, many more care homes than there are hospitals and there is a lot that goes on around care at home that we dont really know about. But i think the past few months have been a wake up call, that really some more effort has to be put into this area because without the data and the evidence, we cant know whether the policies were putting in place are working. The Un Refugee Agency says hundreds of migrants whove been rescued in the mediterranean must be granted a place of safety. Theyre still at sea having been rescued by three boats including one which has been paid for by the graffiti artist banksy. Simonjones reports. Brought to shore and to safety. A9 migrants who had initially been rescued by a ship belonging to banksy, the Louise Michel. They were taken to lampedusa by the italian coast guard. These are the lucky ones. The fate of hundreds more people still on the water remains unclear. The Louise Michel had picked up more than 200 people at sea. It became dangerously overcrowded and stranded off the coast of malta. Some of the migrants had to stay on life rafts, floating alongside the boat. The crew said nobody in the International Community was willing to help. Everyone that has been rescued is deeply traumatised. Well keep trying to contact the european authorities to be assigned a port of safety. One ship did come to help another rescue vessel, the sea watch a. It was already carrying around 200 migrants. After taking on board those from the Louise Michel, the sea watch crew tweeted we now have around 350 people on board who need to disembark in a safe port as soon as possible. The Louise Michel added its not over. We demand a place of safety for all survivors, now. The Louise Michel had only recently gone into service as a rescue ship, complete with its own banksy artwork. The artist has accused the eu authorities of ignoring distress calls from non europeans. The Un Refugee Agency says a solution must be found and saving lives is a humanitarian imperative. Simon jones, bbc news. President trump will visit kenosha in wisconsin on tuesday, thats the city which has been at the centre of protests since a black man was shot in the back by a Police Officer last weekend. The white house said mr trump would meet police and survey damage from recent riots. The shooting left jacob blake paralysed from the waist down. And the tweet which announced the death of the black panther Actor Chadwick Boseman has become the most liked ever on twitter. He died on friday from colon cancer at the age of a3. The tweet has been liked 6. 3 million times. The social networking site said it was a tribute fit for a king. Lets return to our top story this morning a warning that students returning to university could cause untold damage from increased coronavirus cases. That warning comes from the university and College Union which says students should stay at home until christmas. Millions of students should be heading back to campus in the next few weeks, and universities say theyve been planning for their safe return for months. Werejoined now byjo grady, the general secretary of the ucu and larissa kennedy, from the National Union of students. I thinkjoe first of all, jo, you made strong comments, including the suggestion that students going back might be the care homes of the second wave. We are talking about young people who are in no way at risk to the same extent that older people in care homes are so how do you explain that . The parallel we are drawing is the extent we could see a silent avalanche, if you like, of infections. This the extent to which people are going to be encouraged to return before it is safe to do so and the extent to which as a result, those locations could become Transmission Hot spots of coronavirus and the extent to which we have the science and the knowledge and the time right now to prevent that happening. But we know that many universities have put extensive measures in place. We are not looking at a situation where stu d e nts not looking at a situation where students will be packing into small rooms. It is going to be blended learning, potentially some face to face in large lecture halls where it can be managed but it is going to look very different. Why do you not have confidence that this is, ok, risk, but it is a managed risk . Think there is far more of the risk . Think there is far more of the risk than the general public has appreciated. Many universities are now having to deal with thousands more attending than they had previously stand for because of the a level fiasco but generally, what were talking about the mass migration of over a Million Students. Students potentially going from a high high risk area, to a low area. Ora from a high high risk area, to a low area. Or a high from a high high risk area, to a low area. Ora high risk to high risk was up manchester which has a form of local lockdown is expected to welcome over 100,000 students. Leicester, a0,000. Birmingham, 80,000. There is no track and trace or mandatory testing upon their arrival and no plans for uk wide testing subsequently while students stay there. We could be looking at a situation where campuses, as they are in the us, going into lockdown from the beginning of term and we are calling upon the government now to use this weeks before term starts in england and wales and Northern Ireland, it is sooner in scotland, to prevent what could be a Public Health disaster in the future. Larissa, lets bring you in to get the students perspective. Do you agree what you have just heard from jo or as the student s view lets get on with it because our education has a ready been disrupted . get on with it because our education has a ready been disrupted . I think what jo has a ready been disrupted . I think whatjo and has a ready been disrupted . I think what jo and i has a ready been disrupted . I think whatjo and i share is an understanding that the government really needs to get a clear view on how we prioritise students and staff safety was up we might have come to different conclusions about what that solution is, the problem remains the same. For the National Cabinet union of black students, we need mass testing. Students. We need to refrain from testing unless it is necessary for students to be in studios. Refrain from going. We are awaiting clear guidance and that could be putting out guidance and that could be putting our minds at ease to make sure that is being done safely and prioritising students, staff and. So what you said was refrain from in person teaching unless it is necessary . Effectively what you are saying is you are happy with Remote Learning . We need more investment to ensure that Remote Learning is as accessible as possible. I think we need to do that really quickly. But yes, i think that Remote Learning is the way forward and recognising that campuses are not only places of learning but students homes so i cant stop students from building new households but guidance on how to do it safely in the coming weeks. What we do know is that where there has been a rise in cases, it has been driven by younger people, many in their 20s. Are you saying fundamentally, jo, that you cannot trust students to socially distance . No, not at all. This is the most migration of a Million People. Putting these people in large groups is going to lead in an increase in transmission particularly if they are asymptomatic, which can happen with young people. This is not disparaging towards young people at all but pointing out the Serious Problems with this plan. From the student perspective, i am sure you would acknowledge it is notjust about being in the lecture theatre but being engaged in the local community, taking part in town or city life and there is a real danger that that broader sense of a Students Experience will be missed if people are learning from laptop in their bedroom at home. if people are learning from laptop in their bedroom at home. I think this year will look really, really different so we need to be putting systems and processes in place so that students can have the learning and social experience they desired. Student unions have been engaging in digital forms and i will like to see that continuing anything coming weeks. Thank you very much to both of you. You can get in touch with us. I ought to read the statement from the department for education the welfare of education students and staff is our priority. It is important to continue to open education settings wherever it is safe to do so and we face to face teaching only where possible and if safety guidelines are followed but they say we are keeping our guidance under constant review. Lets bring in professor carl heneghan, who is the director of the centre for evidence based medicine at the university of oxford. Ina in a University Setting and also with an inside into the medical background. Thank you forjoining us. I do not know how much of the previous conversation you were able to hear but are the fears that lecturers and indeed some students have well founded or is a risk minimal . I think there is a lot of anxiety now the people who have been out of the workplace for some time, going back to school, going back to work and business. Right now, it is as safe as it has ever been to go back. I am with the department for education here. We have to go back and create an experience of our stu d e nts and create an experience of our students and what were doing is taking a certain approach. When it is appropriate to do face to face teaching, using social distancing and a clear message for students, right now we should get about our business and provide that experience. I think what people have to do is not try something is obvious or this is where we are now. If the issues change and it becomes more risky or there are problems, thatis more risky or there are problems, that is a time when we reeled back. If you look at somewhere like america, they were not in the teaching areas, they were either the fraternity and outside, with a significant amount of mixing going on. There was a study done in america at Cornell University that found that, although the average student might share a class with only a of their peers, one step removed from that, 87 is the contact rate. This is what our gas from the College Union said. There isa from the College Union said. There is a mass migration of people coming into social contact with a full the reason obvious. There will never be zero risk. There will be a Million People going back to london into the business environment. Large lectures i agree will not take place but what were doing in the blended approach is flipping the classroom, providing great lectures and content on line but then do smaller seminars because there is something about in the current moment you have face to face interaction and the teaching really goes on. We have to reprioritise our education because it is important goes forward because it is so linked with healthcare and well being. I am looking for this pendant we are also offsetting that with work colleagues reducing the amount of contact time in the offices so that offsets when we do face to face teaching. That blended approach is what i am seen from universities and providing a key m essa g e from universities and providing a key message to students. Encouraging social distancing which can back down into the evening and outside the classroom and that is the key area just a vigilant. Estate vigilant. If there is too much remote teaching, it will take away the experience. Why pay £9,000 a year to a university that you can do foran on line year to a university that you can do for an on line course for quarter of the cost. Some universities are already in trouble and some could find themselves teetering on the brink. That is absolutely correct. The right resources and world class teachers but you are right about the experience. In the winter, one of the things we are thinking about, and we do something over the summer, summer school, something fostering in the corridor moment, the great face to face experience especially when the risk is even lower. I encourage universities to think flexibly about that because we need to maximise that experience and in some courses, like humanities, the face to face experience is very low a nyway face to face experience is very low anyway so i think if they do not get the personal approach, that could be detrimental and could be really bad for universities. Some of them Going Forward will find it financially difficult to be viable. Thank you very much for talking to us this morning. A couple of tweets. One says my daughter starts back at lancaster and she has a ready paid for accommodation. That is significant. She has been home because of strikes and lock down. Tuition fees and accommodation fee so that is a consideration. And this one, what is the difference between stu d e nts one, what is the difference between students travelling around and people moving around for holidays . My people moving around for holidays . My daughter has set up two weeks early and if there is a lot doubt she is now more set up. Let us know your view. Lets have a look at the weather forecast. Heres phil avery with a look at this mornings weather. A nice sunrise for this morning. Indeed it is. The weather pretty straightforward for the next couple of days. Some sunshine for many of us but it will feel cool and especially across east anglia and the Eastern Shores because the isobars are more pinched. Remnants of the low pressure that bugged us during the course of the week. That is topping away to the continent. Income is the High Pressure and that is why we have that quiz through the English Channel and some parts of the north sea, up to a0 Miles Per Hour gusts. That is the exception. It was a west, High Pressure nose in from the atlantic and that is why those winds are much lighter underneath the influence of the hive. Much of the wind from the north which means never warm direction. The good news is, to that High Pressure, i think we will get a0 overs out of the second t20 as opposed to a few days ago when the match was abandoned. This is a situation overnight. We will end up with another cool night, maybe not as cold as the night passed. Temperatures into single figures. An opportunity for another lovely start to the new day on what could be bank holiday for some of you, not scotland. We will not be back last year when many have commented on the fa ct we year when many have commented on the fact we were up to a record 33 degrees while this time, as you will see, nowhere near it. Having said that, if you want to get out and about, plans for the outdoors, do not think the weather will get in the way. It will clear things up in Northern Ireland later in the day and some cloud developing but forget about 33, we are much closer to 13 and 19 at the very best. Through the middle part of the week, the tail end of the weather front moves across the British Isles. We have a speu across the British Isles. We have a spell of witty wet and windy weather painting in too many parts of the British Isles for the middle part of the forthcoming week. No great heat wave though maybe a slight tick up in the temperatures and we may be up in the temperatures and we may be up in the low 20s but nowhere near 33 degrees. Back to you. Last year people were thinking of heading to the beach for the bank holiday. Or heading to the shed. Shade. Take your plastic beach toys home with you. Thats the message from keep britain tidy, after more than 130 plastic toys were collected from one beach near blackpool in just three months. As well as looking untidy, there are concerns that if the toys are just left on britains beaches, they will be swept into the sea and cause harm to marine life. Our reporter luxmy gopal is on st annes beach, just south of blackpool. A beautiful morning it looks like . It absolutely is. Good morning everyone. It is a beautiful morning here on saint and beach but it is definitely more ski jacket weather than swimsuit weather and as you been hearing, it is not your typical august Bank Holiday Weather but it is typical in terms of letter. Our volunteer litter because are hard at work. He was a question for you, when you go to the beach and you have one of these bucket and spade, what do you do at the end of it . Do you take it with you . The Charity Keep Britain tidy sate to many of us arejust keep britain tidy sate to many of us are just living it behind. Keep britain tidy sate to many of us arejust living it behind. Piles and piles of letter. Lets speak to emily from keep britain tidy. Piles of letter. Lets speak to emily from keep britain tidym piles of letter. Lets speak to emily from keep britain tidy. It is an enormous issue the amount of letter that gets behind. Another issueis letter that gets behind. Another issue is items which could be still put to good use, like these buckets and spades. How long did it take to accumulate this pile of toys . 133 ties collect by one volunteer group injust three months. One day ties collect by one volunteer group in just three months. One day a week bistros are being picked up and tha nkfully bistros are being picked up and thankfully we have been able to put them into a second life as we have donated them to a local charity but if you think about how many are being left for the other days of the week it is shocking. Your message is not to throw them away but to actually reuse them because for how long it takes for the plastic to disintegrate. Absolutely, theres no reason those items to go into bins. They have plenty of life left in them. Do not throw them away but passed to another family, take them home and save them or possible to a local charity if you can. Lets speak to one of the letter picus, michael, i will take you away from your duties. Why do you feel it is so important for you to give up your time to clean up the beach . M so important for you to give up your time to clean up the beach . It is a beautiful beach and it is being ruined by people just leaving their plastic on the beach and some of it is going back into the sea and it is causing problems all over. The bags of letter that you and the other volu nteers of letter that you and the other volunteers have been collecting, thatis volunteers have been collecting, that is just from this morning . Volunteers have been collecting, that isjust from this morning . Yes. On the weekends, it can be very bad with the amount of tourists coming. A lot of people are taking their rubbish but a lot are not. What is the worse you have seen it . Full time the normal amount on some weekends with the amount of people. And it seems to be growing. And it does not dissolve, people have to go and pick it up. What is your message to people was make please, take your letter i am. Absolutely and that is an important message. And the message from keep britain tidy is leave only footprints. Thank you very much. Anna some people do that. Your daughter was given a bauble to bullet from a beach in devon. A viewer says hes an experience mental detection is and he once found alive grenade on the beach. found alive grenade on the beach. found almost a brand new pair of crocs. But flip flops often end up on beaches. One here from kim who says, it sounds like something out ofa says, it sounds like something out of a movie but i was on a boat and stopped for a snorkel. Popped by town down and up props is very pretty watch, complete working order. Julie said, this man is a hero to many. This is an article about mark crane he was 60 and for almost 50 years he has been reuniting people with lost things. He says, to see the look on their face is incredible so well done mark crane. Anything else you have found on the beach, please let us know. Stay with us, we have the headlines coming up. Hello, this is breakfast with Rachel Burden and rogerjohnson. Good morning, heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. Universities are being urged to scrap plans for face to face teaching until after christmas, in order to prevent a second wave of coronavirus. The university and College Union says it isnt safe to have more than a Million Students return to campus this term. But universities insist they have worked hard to bring in new Safety Measures. Parents risk putting a huge dent in their childrens future life chances if they dont send them back to school according to the education secretary. Gavin williamson has written an open letter to parents, as children in england, wales and Northern Ireland prepare to return to the classroom this week. In it, he says the health risk to children from covid 19 is extremely low. A rescue ship in the mediterranean, thats been paid for by the street artist, banksy, says its transferred the migrants on board to a larger vessel after becoming overcrowded. The Un Refugee Agency says that almost a00 refugees and migrants have been rescued by a total of three ships in the med. Theyre still at sea, and the agency has called on European Countries to grant them a place of safety. President trump will visit kenosha in wisconsin on tuesday, thats the city which has been at the centre of protests since a black man was shot in the back by a Police Officer last weekend. The white house said mr trump would meet police and survey damage from recent riots. The shooting left jacob blake paralysed from the waist down. A brilliant story for them from the world of horse racing but you will start with football . First bit of silverware of the new season, and its arsenal simply picking up where they left off a few weeks ago. Their second trophy in the space of a month after their fa cup win. This time they beat liverpool on penalties in the Community Shield, with Pierre Emerick aubameyang again proving just how important he is to this arsenal side. Alex gulrajani was watching. New season, same message. While sport in the United States temporarily stopped, those in england continue to show their solidarity. Liverpool looked to start the new season with a flourish. Virgil van dijk prevented from doing so by the off side flag. A promising start, undone i arsenal and Pierre Emerick aubameyang. With his future still in the balance, a timely reminder to his current employers and potential suitors to his abilities. Arsenals very own superhero. Liverpool have had a few of those last season, van dijk but they couldnt level before the match and after it. Again coming up short was up Juergen Klopp and after it. Again coming up short was upJuergen Klopp called the reinforcements and Takumi Minamino delivered what was required to force penalties. Rhian brewster came on just in time to take one. He didnt make it count. It fell to aubameyang to seal victory and a second arsenal win at wembley in a matter of weeks. Well, it was a double header at wembley. In the early kick off, chelsea made a statement in the first womens Community Shield. The wsl champions beat Manchester City 2 0. After missing a host of chances in the first half, chelsea finally got themselves in front midway through the second, and from an unlikely source england defender millie bright scoring in spectacular fashion. The victory was sealed right at the end of the match. Scotland international Erin Cuthbert doubling the scoreline. I was so surprised. I came off really well but i got injured and credit to the medical staff. They have been outstanding to get me back and get me back fit as well. The goal is definitely for them. Wembley, no fans, shame we cant celebrate. Hopefully we will get them back as soon as possible. Elsewhere, fans made their return to a premier League Stadium for the First Time Since march. Around 2,500 spectators allowed in to brightons amex stadium for yesterdays pre season game against chelsea, with fans having to follow social distancing and hygiene protocols. The game finished 1 1. You wonder just how much noise they made. Rangers hit a milestone yesterday as they moved three points clear at the top of the scottish premiership. Steven gerrards side were 2 0 winners at hamilton. Their sixth consecutive clean sheet equalling a 11a year defensive record. Celtic face motherwell this afternoon. Lewis hamilton will be hoping to extend his lead in the formula one drivers championship at the belgian grand prix this afternoon. It was another flawless performance for him during qualifying, beating his Mercedes Team mate Valtteri Bottas by half a second to claim his sixth pole at the circuit and 93rd of his career. Afterwards he paid tribute to black panther Actor Chadwick Boseman who passed away on friday. I wanted it to be perfect today. I wa nted i wanted it to be perfect today. I wanted it to show strength and be honest and upfront on my own. To make it significant, to make it important and patfull because, to be able to dedicate it to chadwick, honoured to be able to do that. In rugby union, sale ran rampant beating bristol a0 points to 7 to leapfrog into second place on the premiership table with the bonus point win. The pick of the tries came from denny solomona. In super league, leaders wigan came from behind to beat castleford tigers 30 points to 22. Joe bullock crashed over with the winning try to cement wigans place at the top. Elsewhere leeds thrashed salford 50 12. After a two month delay due to the pandemic, the Tour De France got under way in nice yesterday. There were fewer fans at the roadside, with masks being worn and social distancing in operation. Norways Alexander Kristoff sprinted to win stage one to claim the first leaders Yellow Jersey of the tour, and take his place on the podium. At windsor yesterday, hollie doyle made history by becoming the first woman in British Racing to win 5 winners on the same day. At odds of nearly 900 to one, the highlight of doyles achievement was this Group Victory on extra elusive to confirm her place as one of flat racings biggest talents. Live english cricket returns to the bbc later today for the First Time Since 1999. Englands second t 20 match against pakistan will be shown on bbc one, coverage starts at 1 a5. The first t20 match was abandoned on friday because of heavy rain, with england 131 for 6 after 16. 1 overs. Funny thinking back to 1999. I will make you feel really old now. To put it in context, in the current england squad, you have ollie pope, sam kern, they were all one years old and 99. How old were you in 1999, holly . Lets just old and 99. How old were you in 1999, holly . Letsjust sayi old and 99. How old were you in 1999, holly . Letsjust say i can barely remember it was a very every time. One thing i do remember is, lets put it this way, cricket has changed massively for england. England would not have been on course to win a world course, that was a worns time. Tune in today and you can probably enjoy english cricket a bit more than you would back then. I was in Primary School back then. I was in Primary School back then. Back then. I was in Primary School back then. Oh, back then. I was in Primary School back then. Oh, rubbish. I hadjust started at the bbc. I had been here a while by then. Interesting, this bbc game, back in the day, holly, you wont remember this but the sunday league cricket, you would have peter west of ted graveney sitting at taunton or somewhere just chatting away,. Sitting at taunton or somewhere just chatting away,. You would think they were just rattle through it. Make them play on. There could be a significant financial windfall for thousands of teenagers next month, as the first of the uks Child Trust Fund babies turn 18. The tax free savings accounts were set up by the Labour Government to encourage families to save for their childrens futures. Depending on how much has been saved, they could be worth as much as £70,000. The finance and Consumer Rights journalist Felicity Hannah is here to remind us how it works, and, most importantly, how to access the cash. To have any idea how many 18 year olds wont be able to access this money when suddenly it is released . It is estimated that in september, 55,000 people turning 18 will be able to get hold of this cash and after that, up to around 800,000 per year come of age and will then be able to access their money if they know about it. A surprisingly high amount will not even be aware they have this money saved for them because if their pa rents a re saved for them because if their parents are set up their account and forgot about it, it might not be that they are aware of it. That if their parents didnt set up an account then it was done on their behalf so it might be the parents dont know there is this cash and the kids dont know either. So critically, if you were not aware of this account, how can you find out about it and how can you find out how much it has grown . This is the most important thing, tell anyone you know who turns 18 in the next nine years to find out. You want to know exactly where your money is and whether it is being held in cash or investments and you can get an idea of how much it has grown and get an idea of how much it is. Hmrc has a really handy tool. If you go to the. Gov website and search. You as a pa rent. Gov website and search. You as a parent can use the tool and you will need their Child Trust Funds number and National Insurance number. If you are the child, all you need is your insurance number and plug it into the jewel and within three weeks it will give you the information, who it is held with and then you can contact them and find out how much cash it has got to stop if you are 16 or 17, you can start managing the money yourself and if you are 18, yes, you can choose to do what you want with it. Excellent and at the very minimum, even if it wasnt invested in the stock market, it will have accrued a bit of money, wouldnt it . If you have the original 250 and then there was a further 250 payment, wasnt there . How much is that likely to be worth now . There was a further 250 payment at age seven for some of the holders of Child Trust Funds but the amount began to vary a bit so towards the end when they were being wrapped up, it was as little as £50 per person so dont get overly excited if you are one of the younger Child Trust Fund recipients because it might not be as massive. One of the largest Child Trust Fund providers in the country, it holds about a quarter of all Child Trust Funds, it says the average account value with its customers is just over £2000 so it could be a wide range will because be anything from a few hundred pounds to up to about £70,000, depending on how much has been saved, whether it was saved in investments, whether parents, grandparents, friends and family added to it. There will be a wide range but i think it is nice for any 18 year old to get a bit of a windfall. I remember at the time the criticism being actually, this benefited the children of wealthy families in particular who had the extra bit of cash to put away and it didnt perhaps target the children who really needed it nonetheless, as you say, oh almost every 18 year old will have something out there for them. Is the suggestion that they will splurge it . Do we have any idea . When this was first launched, that was the biggest criticism. They will turn 18 and have a month long party. That was something i think that parents perhaps would have been a bit concerned about as they were putting money into the account but only their child would have control over. But it doesnt seem to be working that way so although we havent seen what the Child Trust Fund account holders have done yet and we wont know until september, we have seen what children or young adults have done with theirjunior ices. They get access to senior accou nts ices. They get access to senior accounts and we have seen people coming of age and accessing that cash and so far, people have been pretty remarkably sensible. There has been quite a lot of evidence that todays teenagers are moving that todays teenagers are moving that money and i continue to savour it. They would have a Rainy Day Fund and of course in the current climate, it is quite difficult to go ona climate, it is quite difficult to go on a very good weekend because the nig htclu bs on a very good weekend because the nightclubs are all closed. If people do not hear about this, the money is not going to go anywhere and will be there to access down the line . It absolutely will be and it is important to spread this message to as many people as we can that they may have this cash but if that they may have this cash but if that were not axis it immediately, dont panic. Most accounts will keep its tax free status and the money can continue to grow. Some may be moved into adult accounts. It depends on what the provider agreed with the parents when the account was set up but we do not want in 20 yes time to have dominant child accounts. People need that cash, perhaps more than ever. Tell any teenager to find out if they have this cash coming down the line. It isa this cash coming down the line. It is a good news story. There may not be many 18 year olds awake at the moment but if you are, get out and find out where yours is. moment but if you are, get out and find out where yours is. I have to apologise, i was talking about the cricket and i was talking about tom graveney. Heres phil avery with a look at this mornings weather. Have a look at this picture this morning before you take me to task anymore. A beautiful shot of the sunupin anymore. A beautiful shot of the sunup in lancashire. Talking about letter on the beach earlier. But i have had my knuckles rapped because of getting the name wrong in a cricket. Dont even get me started about cricket or litter. I was on the street and another 2. 5 bags. It ta kes the street and another 2. 5 bags. It takes about 20 minutes to pick up a bag. It is not bright and sunny everywhere but there are some sunny spells to be had. On the cool side particularly in Eastern Shores. The a nswer particularly in Eastern Shores. The answer but still pinched with High Pressure settling in nicely. The breeze is still there and quite a bit of a cloud in the south eastern quarter. The odd spot of showers. An odd one in Northern Ireland this afternoon and maybe one floating with the far west of cornwall but the wind speeds easing off, certainly across the west where High Pressure dominates but all the wind is coming from the north and that is why i am offering you temperatures around the teens. A full session of england versus pakistan unlike what happened the other evening. Fine and settle to take us through the latter pa rt settle to take us through the latter part of the afternoon and through the evening. Overnight skies clearing in some location and it is that sort of time of year with one or two spots with sub zero temperatures last night. Below freezing in Northern Ireland last night. And also across Northern Britain as well. This is the start of bank holiday monday, bar scotland, but it will not provide us with this sort of heat we had last year. Just to remind you, 33 degrees Late August Bank Holiday 2019. The cloud begins to bubble up as the day continues but i think the veil of cloud comes over the top of Northern Ireland later in the day, particularly in the west. See what i mean. Looking at the temperatures. The remnants of that weather front dress across mid week and it is about this particular system. I think we will close out the week with a spell of wet weather and certainly those turbines will be going because the wind will be a factor. More news and sport to come, but now its time for click. This week, another chance to see click live 2019 in scotland, enjoy. Trying to give spencer direction. 0k, well set back up the top, please. We just did a stagger through which is about three hours behind schedule. Hopefully its all going to work out in the end when we go live at 5 oclock. No pressure. Fingers crossed its all going to happen. Im just changing bits, i hope he doesnt mind. Like that . Yeah. Are you pleased with that rehearsal . Kind of, yeah, ijust want these to be in. It was quite nerve racking at this point but im excited. Theres a bit of a buzz, isnt there . Been looking forward to it for weeks. Why are you guys here tonight . Ijust want to learn, really, and see all the new stuff going on. Are you sure we shouldnt be there already . Trust me, were going to get there on time. But dundees 500 miles away. The trains going to take hours, even a flights going to take too long. There is no way. Seriously, i had a word with a guy, he knows a guy and he said theres a shortcut. All we need to do is use this. You need to get out more. We just need to press start. Goodness, spencer, are you ok . Yeah, just, just, just go with it. Go with what . What the. . Right, follow me. Ok, this is weird. Come on. Are you sure this is the most direct route . Pretty sure, yeah. Can we at least stop and ask for directions . No need, ive got a map, itll be fine. Over here. Ah, um, oh. Oh, you had it upside down, didnt you . Little bit, yeah. Ok, this is more like it. Ah, dundee, we should only be a couple of blocks away now. Blocks nice, i see what you did there. Yep, there it is. V a dundee. Here we come announcer from v a dundee, this is bbc click live. Please welcome your hosts, Lara Lewington and spencer kelly. Yes, its that time of year again where we leave the comfort of the click offices and go live to the world, or at least to a crowd of very eager tech fans. V a dundee was the spectacular location for a show that took in everything from Artificial Intelligence to facial recognition. The museum not only celebrates the past but also looks to the future. Most peoples idea of robots are shaped by the robots they see in science fiction, so in a film or tv or video games or music. But robots are a bit more real than what we think. So most children now will grow up with siri or alexa or some kind of smart helper in their life and i think in the future thats just going to increase. Were going to have more robotic helpers helping our children and helping us and increasingly more and more in an everyday basis. Currently on display is the exhibition design between human and machine. So rather than robots coming in and replacing us and replacing our jobs, i think the future is a bit more of an optimistic one. Weve got an amazing Structure Commission thats being specially built here for v a dundee and this is all by the idea of humans and robots collaborating together to create something amazing and wonderful, and i think thats a bit more what the future will be like, so, slightly less pessimistic than what we imagine. I hope. In recent years, dundee has become something of a digital powerhouse. Its synonymous with video games like lemmings, grand theft auto and yes, minecraft. Dundee has the honour, we believe, of being the city in the world with the highest per capita volume of games developers. Thats come around for a number of reasons. It started off back in the 1980s, there was a lot of us programming away on sinclair spectrums that happened to be made in the city, so you could always pick one up ex factory when they went slightly wrong for less than they cost in the shops. Some amazing video games came out of the city at that point and that gave a lot of us the inspiration to set our own companies up. The worlds first video games degree was offered here by Abertay University all the way back in 1997, so we thought wed check out some of their more recent work. All in the name of social interaction, of course. Why is Abertay University so hot on gaming . So at abertay, all the staff have either previously made video games or we currently make video games and we are all part of a research lab called Abertay Game Lab that make really fun, experimental games that push the boundaries of Computer Gaming in different ways. So youve got some other students playing some other of your games over there. That game was created by dr mona bozdog who sloped on with lara. Now, mona, there are a lot of different games here, all telling interesting, different stories. Can you tell me a bit about what youve created here. Yes, so, the game you see is called assembly. Were all in dundee and the year is 1981 and theres thousands of women in the timex factory assembling the first ever computers, so the zx81 and the zx spectrum. These computers changed the face of games. Thats basically a recreation of the assembly line. So we have the women workers trying to assemble the Zx Spectrum Computers from populating the boards to actually packaging and shipping the zx spectrums. This is a actually a bit of social history here as well, isnt it . Yes, it is. It is what we usually call herstories. Because theyre the alternative histories, theyre the Hidden Figures of the video Games Industry and the video games history, and it was the women who assembled, they were tremendously skilled and they basically brought us the first computers. Robotic voice speaking. At. Professor Annalu Waller has dedicated 30 years of her life to researching technologies to improve communication for those who have difficulty speaking. Its very much like the predictive text on your phone, but, as we saw when we invited her onto the stage. Robotic voice . Words. It can be a very slow process. Actually telling a story in real time is laborious, time consuming. A lot of our focussed communication aids only type 8 10 words a minute. How on earth do you conduct a real conversation in that speed . Annalus team, in partnership with cambridge university, has created a new system that remembers what youve typed before and offers up whole sentence chunks in one go. Its hard to find whole sentences to use as i speak. Applause as humans we always tell stories. As humans we always retell stories. So what im telling you now, ive told many people before. And this is where it gets even more clever. A Body Worn Camera observes where annalu is and who shes speaking to. It can then suggest sentences that are relevant to that situation. So, this is the Computer Vision brain behind our system. The camera ive got in my right hand here is the one the person wears around their neck, so the camera can see what they can see. And it can see the person, they are speaking to, so at the moment it sees me. And you can see on the screen it picks out my face to identify whether im a known person, whether im a friend, and if it knows me, who i am. It takes a guess from the whole environment it can see to say where are we . Are we in a cafe, at work . And this information we then use to predict the right sentences i might want to say in this environment with this communication partner. The more annalu uses it, the more it learns and the faster the system becomes. And the system might think were in a museum, im talking to a person ive never met before. That might be an opportunity to talk about my work, so it will bring up sentences ive used before to talk about my work so i can access them timely. Stories are really important because they provide the fundamental essence of being human. We are our stories. We are all very talkative people. Laughter i mean i know people who repeat themselves over and over again. We all do i mean i know people who repeat themselves over and over again. Laughter we all do laughter and applause three, two, one. Push back inside, and a click live show wouldnt be a click live show without waving, and generally getting a bit overexcited. All that remains is to thank everyone who turned up to see us live and of course you at home for watching. Go, go, go yes, yes, yes theme music good morning, welcome to breakfast with rogerjohnson and Rachel Burden. Our headlines today. Calls for University Students to stay at home and study online to stop the spread of coronavirus. A union says campuses are at risk of turning into the care homes of the second wave. European countries are urged to offer a place of safety to hundreds of migrants rescued by ships in the mediterranean, including one paid for by the graffiti artist banksy. Building a sand castle at the beach is as british as disappointing summer weather but the charity says too many are leaving plastic rubbish behind and it is ruining the seaside and sea life. Picking up where they left off. Aubemaeyang shines again as arsenal beat liverpool on penalties in the Community Shield to claim their second trophy at wembley in a month. Good morning. A decent day on our hands, a little bit cool to start, never that warm through the day, but dry, sunshine, passing showers, i will tell you who gets what in just a few minutes. Its sunday, 30th august. Our top story. Universities are being urged to keep students away from campuses until christmas, to help prevent a second wave of coronavirus. More than a Million Students are due to return to campus this term, and universities say months of planning mean itll be safe when they arrive. But the university and College Union say it could be a recipe for disaster. Heres our education editor, bra nwen jeffreys. Its been quite on campuses since march, but within weeks, students are due to return more than a million across the uk. The University Lecturers union says that should be put on hold. They want students to stay home, study online, unless theyre doing a practical course, and warn full reopening could prompt a crisis. We are really worried that we could see universities becoming the care home of any second wave of covid 19 in the uk. The sheer amount of people that were asking to move across the country and then congregate together in large numbers, when we dont think there is sufficient Safety Measures in place. So, were looking at big residential bubbles, were looking at students potentially mixing outside of those, and, as we say, no real way to trace or to test. The National Union of students agrees, but universities say theyre making campuses safe. More cleaning, partitions, face coverings, most offering a mix of online and face to face learning, clear rules in student accommodation. Universities say they expect students to be responsible. Every student signs a contract with that university and, this year, those contracts have been amended to include particular rules around social distancing and following the guidance thats in place at that time. The vast majority of our students are very responsible young adults. Any small minority that dont obey the requirements of that contract, we have adjusted our procedures and we will deal with them under those procedures. The government says its right for universities to reopen. Its going to update its advice in england. Many students cant wait to start, but student life this year wont be quite the same. Branwen jeffreys, bbc news. The education secretary has warned that parents who dont send their children back to school risk putting a dent in their future life chances. Gavin williamson has written an open letter to parents, as children in england, wales and Northern Ireland prepare to return to the classroom this week. Were joined now by our Political Correspondent, Tony Bonsignore. We have had these messages from the education secretary himself, anything new in this . Not particularly. Going over pretty familiarground. Particularly. Going over pretty familiar ground. But becoming particularly urgent given that for large parts of the ukjust particularly urgent given that for large parts of the uk just days to go before students return to school. The message from Gavin Williamson todayis the message from Gavin Williamson today is to parents, i know some are worried, but you shouldnt be, it is safe for your children to return. There are two parts to the message. Number one, look at what the experts are saying, the four chief medical officers of the United Kingdom say it is safe to return to school, the Scientific Evidence suggests there isa Scientific Evidence suggests there is a vanishingly small risk to children from coronavirus, and he also says look at the measured schools are putting in place, bubbles for primary children, extra cleaning and hygiene, personal protective equipment sent out to schools, tests, extra money for transport for the peoples who have to ta ke transport for the peoples who have to take public transport. Full students. That should give you reassurance. Dont forget, there is a bigger risk if you do not send your children back to school in terms of what it means for their future chances. But you have to say, not just parents future chances. But you have to say, notjust parents are nervous, the government as well are desperate to get this right given everything that has happened in recent weeks. Education has been dominating the headlines in recent days and weeks, but away from that, a couple of other papers focusing on potential tax hikes to come to pay for the support being given because of coronavirus. Any details . No details as yet. We are getting the start of the speculation in the run up to the budget. The butter is more than two months away but already today the papers, the sunday times, sunday telegraph, full of stories about what the government might be considering to plug hole in public finances created by coronavirus the budget. A number of ideas are being floated, all of them aimed at increasing taxes on the better. Some ideas in the papers today, increasing corporation tax, reducing pensions tax relief on the better off. A long way to go. But it floats ideas to see how they go down with individuals and tory mps and it also serves the purpose of preparing us all for what are likely to be pretty difficult times ahead. Many thanks. The Un Refugee Agency says hundreds of migrants whove been rescued in the mediterranean must be granted a place of safety. Theyre still at sea, having been rescued by three boats, including one which has been paid for by the graffiti artist banksy. Simonjones reports. Brought to shore and to safety. A9 migrants who had initially been rescued by a ship belonging to banksy, the Louise Michel. They were taken to lampedusa by the italian coast guard. These are the lucky ones. The fate of hundreds more people still on the water remains unclear. The Louise Michel had picked up more than 200 people at sea. It became dangerously overcrowded and stranded off the coast of malta. Some of the migrants had to stay on life rafts, floating alongside the boat. The crew said nobody in the International Community was willing to help. Everyone that has been rescued is deeply traumatised. Well keep trying to contact the european authorities to be assigned a port of safety. One ship did come to help another rescue vessel, the sea watch a. It was already carrying around 200 migrants. It took on board those from the Louise Michel. They are being given treatment. They treated. They treated. The Louise Michel added, it is not over, we demand a place of safety for all survivors now. Louise michel had onlyjust gone into risky ship. The artist banksy has accused the authorities from ignoring distress calls from non europeans. Un Refugee Agency says a solution must be found in saving lives is the imperative. President trump will visit kenosha in wisconsin on tuesday, thats the city which has been at the centre of protests since a black man was shot in the back by a Police Officer last weekend. The white house said mr trump would meet police and survey damage from recent riots. The shooting left jacob blake paralysed from the waist down. And the tweet which announced the death of the black panther Actor Chadwick Boseman has become the most liked ever on twitter. The tweet which first announced the news has become the most liked ever on twitter, the like as a way of people paying their own tribute rather than actually liking the content. He died on friday from colon cancer at the age of a3. The tweet has been liked 6. 3 million times. The social networking site said it was a tribute fit for a king. Sunday morning, bank holiday weekend, the weather in a moment, looking bright and dry, if a little cold. First of all. Lets talk about care homes, because new research has shed a bit more light on just how badly affected they were at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. Researchers have found that care homes in england had the higest increase in excess deaths compared to the rest of the uk. And that People Living in care homes accounted for a0 of all coronavirus deaths in the uk. Were joined now by professor david bell from the university of stirling. Hes the lead author of this study. We can also say good morning to nandra ahmed, whos chair of the National Care association. That start off with you, professor david bell. Specifically, what do you think is the most significant bit of information to come out of this study . I guess in a way having the study at all is quite interesting. It was quite difficult to bring together the data from the four parts of the uk. I think different parts of the uk come out differently. Scotland lost the highest proportion of its care home population to covid 19. Northern ireland had the highest share of its covid 19 deaths in care homes. But this issue of excess mortality is perhaps most important and that was well we compare the deaths that was where we compare the gas in the first part of 2020 and the last five yea rs first part of 2020 and the last five years and we were able to bring together all of the data from the different parts of the uk on that score different parts of the uk on that score deaths. England schools worse with a 79 increase in mortality compared with the previous five years england fares worse. We are comparing the different home nations and across the board it is pretty shameful and there are clearly lessons that need to be learned. But you say there is still an awful lot of data you dont have that you need in order to understand why Sun Care Homes were affected particularly badly in some parts of the country some care homes. Particularly badly in some parts of the country some care homes. Our first task was to try to figure out how many care home places that are in the uk and that is not an easy thing to do. Even at the start. In bringing together all of the data on testing, and on deaths, it proved pretty difficult. We had i think real experts from each of the home nations contributing to this study. And it was quite difficult to bring this all together and it is a lesson for the future. Thats when you and, from the care homes association, nandra ahmed. Is this report helpful . I think any data should add to the challenges we have faced. I think it is welcome. Any form of coloration by independent experts is useful for us. What is really obvious is that a lot of this information is already in the public domain. We know there have been excess deaths. We also know some of the reasons why that happened. So, i think, you know, the report does indicate it needs to be better funded. We have been saying that for probably over a decade, that social ca re probably over a decade, that social care has been ignored. But also, we know at the start of the pandemic that it was chaotic and some of the excess deaths, we dont know if they we re excess deaths, we dont know if they were because of covid. We know primary Care Services shut down, so people who needed attention for other Health Conditions were not able to get that and i could have led to death as well. I think there are a numberof led to death as well. I think there are a number of things, a number of factors we need to consider around this. I hope your phone is ok. Just quickly, dont worry, that is looking back, we are talking a lot and we have heard a lot about education, schools, universities, ca re education, schools, universities, care homes are not being talked about so much, going into the autumn, the winter, how well prepared are autumn, the winter, how well prepa red are care autumn, the winter, how well prepared are care homes if we see the virus back with any kind of force . See the virus back with any kind of force . I think what has happened is ca re force . I think what has happened is care homes have learnt for themselves what needed to be done because we could not wait for government guidance at the start of this. We have learned quite a lot about not taking people out of hospitals without tests. Testing is the key to all of this. We have also learnt quite a lot about the Infection Control measures that may need to be applied in greater depth and people are being very careful about making sure they have enough p p about making sure they have enough p p including face mask. We have learned quite a lot about managing the condition better ppe. It means the providers will take the decisions before any government guidance comes out and they will be safeguarding the people they look after. They will not be waiting around to get any chaotic guidance again. That is important. But also, what we do know is we have got to be within the comprehensive spending review, we have got to be looking at how government is going to make sure there is parity with the nhs in our access to preventative measures, but also the funding issue is addressed, and quickly. Some of the key factors at play, professor david bell, these will be familiar to anyone who has followed the story, hospitals discharging patients without testing, ppe being diverted to the nhs and a lack of testing of staff and residents. Is it possible to identify which of those is the most important factor in preventing a second wave causing another catastrophe in our care homes . think it has to be on the nation of them all. We have been learning as we have been going along a combination of them all. People did not realise the size of this sector. Three care home places for every hospital bed. It was really a difficult situation to resource, all of the ppe, perform all of the necessary testing, but i think we have learned a lot, so, hopefully, Infection Control will be better Going Forward, but it has been a very difficult period for care homes. Professor david bell, nandra ahmed, thank you. Now we say goodbye to viewers on bbc one. Thank you for staying with us or flicking over to the bbc news channel. What a good choice you have made. I think the weather is all right, we will not disappoint too much. I had taken a bit of a midpoint with this picture behind me because out to the western side of the British Isles, pictures of virtually blue, blue skies, central parts of wales to the south west, and in the east, some pictures from the east coast where it is great, great, still quite windy as well. Grey, grey. Sunny spells, feeling a bit cool because there is a breeze coming down through the eastern side of the High Pressure. Out towards the west, the High Pressure is coming in, trying to settle things down nicely. But the wind is still noticeable on the Eastern Shores. Some of the class this morning about a0 miles an hour. Still speckling up showers, some on the yorkshire coast and scotland some of the gusts. All of the breeze is coming from the north, not a warm day. Moving over to the evening and overnight, some of the cloud that has built up begins to dissipate, another chilly one, some spots were sub 0 last night, may be notjust as cold as that, but still on the ghoulish side. High pressure drifts a little bit towards the east, just in time for the bank holiday on the cool side. Frontal system working its way in from the west. Dont worry about that, the veil of cloud getting into Northern Ireland later on in the afternoon, but for many, decent dry day. If you have a plan to get out and about, i think we have the weather to suit you. The remnants of the weather front stagger their way across the British Isles in the course of the night on monday into tuesday, just depends where you are. If you are seeing rain associated with the capitals in the middle part of the week, a bit more of a humdinger, more active fronts, the wind will be a feature working their way across the British Isles in the middle part of the second half of the week, but not a write off. You will notice the temperature is staggering back to low 20s which is where we would hope they would be at this time of year. Thank you. Its a really big week for millions of children in england, wales and Northern Ireland, as they say goodbye to home schooling and head back into the classsroom in the next few days. Imight i mightjust do a jig. I mightjust do ajig. There i mightjust do a jig. There are differing opinions. Believe me, i have heard them all on five live, massive debate. I am kind with you. Lets dance around the studio. Teachers will try to make things as normal as possible and they will be new rules for students to follow. Our wales correspondent tomos morgans been to meet two families who are preparing to return to some kind of normality. Its been quite hard, home schooling, cause theres so many distractions. Sophia spent locked down like most other families, making the most of the good weather outdoors with her sister. Overall, ive enjoyed it. Its been a bit more relaxed than usual because usually were rushing around all the time. Pupils in wales were able to go back for a brief period before the summer break, but like most 11 year olds, sophia had to miss out on that crucial transition from primary to high school. Jumping from primary to secondary schools quite daunting at the best of times, and the fact they havent spent time at the school or met the teachers, i think that has made it a bit more scary for them. And high school will look and feel a fair bit different for the foreseeable. So, what weve done within this school is separate the school into different zones. Schools like Ysgol Maesydderwen in the swansea valley will be split into Year Group Zones and classes will stick to themselves as much as possible, keeping to that bubble to minimise the risk of transmission. The lack of interaction with children could have a detrimental effect on their development but weve got to balance at this moment in time the risk of transmitting the virus against education. When we last saw evan before the summer break, he was enjoying time spent at home, working and playing alongside dad jason. But as much as quality time at home with dad has been great, hes desperate to get back and see his mates again. Its going to be fun when i can see my friends again. I can annoy the girls. Primary School Children in wales will not have to socially distance but efforts are being made to reduce classroom and contact across campuses. A little bit of staggered time outside the school, obviously, so all the parents not congregated. But theyre starting a bit earlier, finishing a bit earlier. But in high school, social distancing needs to be maintained outside the classroom and face masks have been recommended for use 11s leaving the decision with local authorities and schools, with some having already decided to make masks mandatory in communal areas. After a few turbulent few weeks, this is a decision that has been criticised by some unions. Has it put a strain on your relationship with those unions that have criticised your decision . No, not at all. That is their right, to take a different view. But as i said, there are other unions who are fully supportive of the stance that we have taken, recognising the diversity of welsh education and empowering leaders in schools to make decisions that are right for their particular school. But even with all those precautions in place, for sophia and evan and all the other children across wales going back this week, the main thing theyre looking forward to is just seeing their friends again. Tomos morgan, bbc news, ystradgynlais. One thing we should acknowledge, while we are looking forward to our children going back to school, for pa rents children going back to school, for parents with children who may be vulnerable or adults who are vulnerable, it is a worrying time, i totally understand that. Going back totally understand that. Going back to the story we were covering about ca re to the story we were covering about care homes and the number of deaths and the fact england seemed to fare the worst but if you look across the board, the numbers do not make for good reading at all, and they have been looking at the data and what we can learn from that. We have had various statements from different departments including those from the department of health and social care in england. They say, throughout the coronavirus response, we have worked with the care sector and Public Health experts to put in place measures to reduce transmission and save lives. We are testing residents and staff, we have provided millions of items of ppe, funded a care home support package worth 600 million and made a further 3. 7 billion available to councils to address pressures caused by the pandemic. That includes adult social care. That includes adult social care. That is from england. Scotland government said it is the greatest Public Health challenge we have faced in our lifetime, scottish ministers have also confirmed there will be a Public Inquiry into all aspects of the impact of the handling of covid 19, including in ca re handling of covid 19, including in care homes. And this from wales, they say, as evidence has evolved, we have updated our approach to testing, introducing large scale testing, introducing large scale testing at care homes to prevent and manage outbreaks. We made the point to the care homes association, the focus has moved to schools, and we we re focus has moved to schools, and we were just hearing, and focus has moved to schools, and we werejust hearing, and maybe focus has moved to schools, and we were just hearing, and maybe that is a good place to pick up with the daily gp chat this morning. This morning, its dr rachel ward. Good to see. From newbury. Schools first of all, some parents are concerned and rightly so. How you reassure them . Of course. I think we have been in strange times. Some children have not been to school since march. A long time. However, i think we have to keep coming back to the fact we know children are very low risk when it comes to coronavirus. And we know children are better off in school. This is for the education, their well being, their mental health. And i would encourage parents next week to get children back to school. I really believe it is the right thing to do. Take bit of Research Done this week published in the bmj, i spoke to a professor who was one of the authors at the end of the week, he also made the point from their research that in terms of transmission, transmission from children to adults, therefore from students to teachers, it is also very low risk in his view. Well, there have been so many studies done across the world and i think what is difficult is, if you want to prove a point when it comes to school, you will be able to find data that shows it, and thatis able to find data that shows it, and that is what has been difficult for people because we are swamped with information and swamped with opinions. However, ithink, yes, it does seem to be that we can see that children are certainly not super spreaders and we do think that the chance of children transmitting to adults is relatively low and also very reassuring, we look at the risk across the world and in the uk of how teachers have been affected, so far, the data has been reassuring that compared to some other professions, such as health care workers, retail workers, transport drivers, teachers, thankfully, do not seem to be affected in the same way, so it is all good news, encouraging. In terms of universities, domains to make a story this morning, the union is saying there is a risk in mass migration of a Million Students back to university our main story this morning. They say of the better to continue with Remote Learning until after christmas. What reassurance would you give to young people heading off to university in some way, shape or form heading off to university in some way, shape orform in the next few weeks about the kind of things they need to do to manage the risk . This isa need to do to manage the risk . This is a huge challenge for the universities. They have so many things to consider, whether it is people, foreign students coming in and quarantining, how to handle outbreaks in shared accommodation, dealing with so many logistics, but i think we have to remember certain facts. The majority of students go to university are very low risk. Of course, there will be some, mature students, those with underlying Health Conditions, they will have an increased risk, but that will not be the majority. You have to remember, our universities are our intellectual powerhouses, we need them to function. Very recently, it was Oxford University that made a huge breakthrough with coronavirus treatment. Universities need a lot of support and it is not going to be an easy time, but i think keeping them going and viable is crucial. Just a final thought, we are going into the winter now, i heard a rumour, no more than a rumour, maybe people think the virus could be weakening, i dont know if there is any evidence to support that, are you concerned going into the winter season he might start to see more of a problem . Yes, what we have seen re ce ntly a problem . Yes, what we have seen recently is we are getting a slight increase in numbers of cases it can but the numbers of deaths and people in hospital and any it continues to full. There are a lot of theories as to why that is, whether it is increased testing, younger population being affected, some people think the virus has become less severe, others disagree with that. Certainly, as we approach the winter, there is a lot of concern. We know looking across the world that people tend to get more severely affected in the colder months. Again, lots of theories as to why that is. We are also coming into flu season and a period where there is always pressure on hospital beds, pressure on the nhs, so as health professionals, we are very concerned that if we get an increase in numbers, how will we deal with it . The messages, continue to stick to the rules, social distancing, wearing a face mask where you need to, washing hands. Yes. Put to speak to, washing hands. Yes. Put to speak to you. We are grateful, dr rachel ward joining us from newbury. Hello, this is breakfast with Rachel Burden and rogerjohnson. Youve been sending your views on our main story about concerns over the return to university for students. It is because the university and couege it is because the university and College Union have come out and said they dont think students should be back doing face to face learning before christmas, which if it was followed through with hugely disrupt the plans of thousands of students across the country, many of whom have moved back to University Towns or paid money for accommodation. We have to say that University Leaders have to say that University Leaders have all said we are happy with the arrangements we have in place, we consider them to be covid 19 secure, they are limiting face to face learning, doing blended learning. Some of your responses to that. Are the unions trying to kill universities as well, says matt. My daughter has gone back and is desperate to claw back some university experience. Anything less than a full experience will be devastating. Mark says, there is a lwa ys devastating. Mark says, there is always a risk, it is the mitigation thatis always a risk, it is the mitigation that is important. If we stop everything that introduces different risks. The poker should be on returning to normality with mitigation in place and then he says politically motivated unions are not helping. When we spoke to the unions, there was a genuine concern about the Mass Movement of millions of stu d e nts about the Mass Movement of millions of students and how it could be problematic. The way to contact us will be on the screen. Lets catch up with the sport. We are going to talk about arsenal and after waiting so long for a bit of silverware, two in the space of a month. Like a bus, to come at once. This is the key thing at the minute for their captain, they are trying to convince him to stay at arsenal right now with his contract expiring eczema. How about two trophies in the space of a month . They claimed the first bit of silverware of the season by beating liverpool on penalties in the Community Shield. It was abamayang who shone giving them an early lead in the first half with his fifth goal at wembly all of them coming sincejuly liverpool were back on level terms in the second half as subsitute Takumi Minamino forced it to penalties and who else to step up with the decider the captain again. So arsenal add the Community Shield to their fa cup victory earlier this month. Perhaps enough to persuade aubameyang to sign on the dotted line. Well, it was a double header at wembley. In the early kick off, chelsea made a statement in the first womens Community Shield. The wsl champions beat Manchester City 2 nil. After missing a host of chances in the first half, chelsea finally got themselves in front midway through the second. And from an unlikely source. England defender millie bright scoring in spectacularfashion the victory was sealed right at the end of the match. Scotland international Erin Cuthbert doubling the scoreline. Do you know what . I was so surprised as soon as it went in, i have had a tough pre season. I got injured and ididnt tough pre season. I got injured and i didnt think i would be able to make the game, so credit to the medical staff. I think they have been outstanding to get me back and get me back fit as well, the goal is definitely for them. But as soon as it went in, i felt like crying. It isa it went in, i felt like crying. It is a shame we can celebrate with the fans, but hopefully we will get them back as soon as possible. You are missing the fans at those matches in wembley. Both those matches were behind closed doors. But elsewhere fans made their return to a premier League Stadium for the First Time Since march. With around two and a half thousand spectators allowed in to brightons amex stadium for yesterdays pre season game against chelsea, with fans having to follow social distancing and hygiene protocols. The game finished 1 1. You wonder just how much noise they made. Im sure they give it a good go. Rangers hit a milestone yeterday as they moved three points clear at the top of the scottish premiership. Steven gerrards side were 2 0 winners at hamilton. Their sixth consecutive clean sheet equaling a 11a year defensive record. Celtic face motherwell this afternoon. Lewis hamilton will be hoping to extend his lead in the formula one drivers championship at the belgian grand prix this afternoon. It was another flawless performance for him during qualifying. Beating his Mercedes Team mate Valtteri Bottas by half a second to claim his sixth pole at the circuit and 93rd of his career. Afterwards he paid tribute to black panther Actor Chadwick Boseman who passed away on friday. I wanted it to be perfect today, i wa nted i wanted it to be perfect today, i wanted to show strength and i wanted to be out front on my own. That is what i chose, to make it significant and importantand what i chose, to make it significant and important and impactful because todayis and important and impactful because today is a special date to be able today is a special date to be able to dedicate that to chadwick. I feel very honoured to be able to do that. After a two month delay due to the pandemic, the Tour De France got under way in nice yesterday. There were fewer fans at the roadside, with masks being worn and social distancing in operation. Norways Alexander Kristoff sprinted to win stage one to claim the first leaders Yellow Jersey of the tour, and take his place on the podium. Quite enjoying the yellow face masks. Quite enjoying the yellow face masks. At windsor yesterday, hollie doyle made history by becoming the first woman in British Racing to win 5 winners on the same day. At odds of nearly 900 to one the highlight of doyles achievement was this Group Victory on extra elusive to confirm her place as one of flat racings biggest talents. This remarkable, what an achievement from her. We have some cricket to look forward to this afternoon. It is all on the bbc. We were talking earlier about the last time bbc one was able to show live pictures of the cricket, 1999. It is making me feel very old this morning. How about you . I remember it well. We have to hope the weather holds i think it is ok, it is cold but it looks dry. Fingers crossed that should be ok. Tune in. We were talking earlier too about how different it was in 1999 compared to now. We didnt even have t20 cricket back then. Hard to believe. Still as radicalfor some. Waters off the west coast of scotland could be amongst the most important areas on the planet for the second largest fish in the sea the basking shark. Its long been thought that they travel to scotland just to feed. But new Research Using an underwater robot camera suggests that they might also breed there too. Lucy hawkes is a senior lecturer in physiological ecology and was part of the sharkcam research project. And lucyjoins us now. I dont know if you can see the pictures we were showing, but i was trying to identify where the camera was. Can you describe the setup . Good morning. The camera is actually, as you mentioned, a fantastic high tech robot owned by the Oceanographic Institution and we ta ke the Oceanographic Institution and we take the short or something called a beacon, which is basically like a device that says im over here, follow me. The robot can find that beacon and therefore the shark and film it. We have done that work because since 2012 we have been following the movement of these sharks and we know them to be a fantastic british species. We dont typically think of having massive sharks in our waters but we have the wells second largest in our tracking has showed they remain around the waters of the British Isles, but we didnt really understand why. It was important for us to see what the shark can see. That is why we have this fantastic opportunity working with the environment or regulatory industry in scotland to get this amazing softwa re in scotland to get this Amazing Software to film charts for the first time. While you are speaking, we are looking at pictures with the shark swimming with its mouth wide open. Presumably feeding. Originally the idea was that is why they came here, to feed. But actually know you have changed your view and maybe it is to breed . Yeah, remarkably, we have hundreds of years of expertise in science here in the uk and as i mentioned, these sharks are very british but we dont know where they breed, in fact nobody does. One person once thinks they saw them breeding but otherwise it remains a modern scientific mystery and we we re modern scientific mystery and we were surprised when the ocean robot discovered they spend little time feeding and instead they seem to be hanging out in groups, sometimes early in the morning is spending a lot of time down on the sea bed. We havent actually managed to film them breeding, it is a behaviour, but a lot of what we have seen a suggestive that they may be hanging out on the dance floor and buying in chiller drinks. It looks pretty superstitious. I hope this is not toojuvenile a question, but how does a basking shark breed . M toojuvenile a question, but how does a basking shark breed . It is quite violent or at least we think it is, based on other sharks. The male shark will buy onto the female sharks finn. I dont think i even understand it, but carry on anyway. Some of ourfemale understand it, but carry on anyway. Some of our female sharks have a notable bite mark on the back of the pectoral fins which means they have been mated with. We have seen evidence of sharks that have mated but we havent yet got them on camera, but the evidence we have now is really strong to suggest that scotla nd is really strong to suggest that scotland is the breeding ground for them. If it is, it may be the only place in the atlantic that is true and that makes it extra special. One of the great things about the waters off the western coast of scotland is they are incredibly rich in Marine Wildlife and there is a big marine protected area that has been imposed by the scottish government, and this evidence is helping to strengthen the case to make that a reality. Where are they the rest of the year . Where are they the rest of the year . Where do they go . This is what our tracking has been investigating up until now and surprisingly, they remain around the British Isles, so most of the time they are travelling around the celtic sea, may be making around the celtic sea, may be making a lap of ireland. One or two sharks goa a lap of ireland. One or two sharks go a little bit further, we had some good down as far as the canary islands. Lovely place to spend the winter. But most of them remain on our part of the atlantic. The main thing is we have some tacit wildlife on our doorstep, it is ours to protect and find out more about. And they are not dangerous . Not at all, i have happily got in the water with them. They are plankton eating sharks. I would get into the water with meat eating sharks as well, because i love Marine Wildlife. You are very because i love Marine Wildlife. You are very brave. They are ten metres long, formidable beasts. Imagine a buy could film them breeding that would be something they look such graceful creatures but clearly they get a bit feisty when they get fruity. You have learned something this morning, well done. Whats the best thing you achieved during lockdown . Ive done a bit of baking, actually. I have yet to see the evidence. But and carrot cake is on the way one day. This is a lovely story though. We played a couple of hours ago and once people responded to it. There cant be many whove mastered a musical instrument. This is also about dealing with the grief of losing a parent. 1a year old hamish from jersey turned to music when his mother died in 2018. He started piano lessons at the end of last year, but then coronavirus came along. He spent lockdown learning online, and hasjust achieved the higest piano grade possible. He did it, in part, with a piece of music he composed in memory of his mum. It was 2018 when i lost my mum. That was sort of the same time i was discovering music and just really flourishing in that, so i think i put a lot of emotion and my feelings into that. It was not as sad almost because i had something to focus on, a drive which i could almost think every day, after i came home from school, right, this is what i am going to do and im going to do it really good. She was a really, really great, really great cook and really great music tastes as well, like eva cassidy and all that. Ive got a lot of different styles of music and inspirations from my dad and my mum, and im really just trying to soak in as much different genres as possible. I think, once you get something so ingrained in your muscle memory, no matter what it is, if it is Music Production or piano, once everything is there and you can just go for it. Playing by ear, as well, i find that a bit easier than playing by music. Playing just with feeling, almost. Music isjust an instinct to me, rather than the reading or the theory or that. It is more just a feeling that it invokes in people, like, when someone plays tennis or when someone rides a bike i think we all have that thing and weve just got to find it almost. That is just a really affecting story and we wish him shall the best. We suspect he has a brilliant career in music ahead of him. Heres phil avery with a look at this mornings weather. Good morning. Thank you very much, good morning to you. I dont think the weather is going to get in the way either today or indeed tomorrow, extraordinarily for a bank holiday. For some, not for scotland. This was the scene earlier on. Some sunny spells around, a pretty chilly start, when two temperatures, sub zero. Particularly in Northern Ireland. That came as a theory of High Pressure comes to dominate. We have still got quite a lot of isobars across the south east quarter. Some of the gusts around a050 quarter. Some of the gusts around a0 50 miles an hour. Those winds are going to fade away, but not that quickly. They will moderate through the day. Elsewhere, a passing shower coming off an odyssey into the yorkshire post. One or two more across the north of scotland and into the west of cornwall. There is not too much of wind. We stop squeeze between the low and the high. We have breeze coming from the north. On the east coast, 12, 13, 1a perhaps be over further west, north. On the east coast, 12, 13, 1a perhaps be overfurther west, the scheduler are going to love me because you will get a full afternoon of cricket on bbc one. The weather will not get in the way there. And then in the evening, cloud has developed through the day and that will dissipate, allowing the temperatures to fall away as they wince for light across the whole of the British Isles, because the High Pressure should drift. The High Pressure should drift. The winds fall light. Maybe not as cold last night but we will see. It will give us a grey start to the new day, thanks to the area of High Pressure which is a dominant feature. The pessimists will probably look to the west and say what is this . Another weather front bringing wind and rain, thankfully stays out west. But were not going to the best, this was last year. 33 degrees, which was a record breaker. We may in fact go the other way. We may go for a record breaking cool bank holiday weekend, because despite the presence of the sunshine which gets somewhat obliterated as car develops during the course of the day, although that is not too much on the of breeze, this is a temperature range that we are offering. 13 18. If we are on the 18 mark, that is where we start getting into record territory, certainly in england. The rate weatherfront d rifts england. The rate weatherfront drifts eventually. More as a band of cloud, and then that is more than a band of cloud, it is a wet and windy speu band of cloud, it is a wet and windy spell of weather in the middle part of the week for many parts of the British Isles and the latter part of the week, it looks drier but it will still be pretty windy. That is the weather. Back to you skies. Thank you very much. If youre heading to the beach, it isa if youre heading to the beach, it is a case of wrapping up for sure. Take your plastic beach toys home with you. Thats the message from keep britain tidy, after more than 130 plastic toys were collected from one beach near blackpool in just three months. As well as looking untidy, there are concerns that if the toys are just left on britains beaches, they will be swept into the sea and cause harm to marine life. Our reporter luxmy gopal is on st annes beach just south of blackpool. It looks like a lovely morning. It looks like a lovely morningm is absolutely gorgeous here and the sun is stunning, as you can see, however it is a bit deceptive because this is my beachwear. It is definitely ski jacket weather rather than swimsuit weather, it is not your typical august Bank Holiday Temperatures but what is also typical that you might see on a beach, sadly, is litter. We have our tea m beach, sadly, is litter. We have our team of litter pickers here behind us, hard at work as they have been throughout the morning. I have got a bit of a question for you, so if you go to the beach and you are building sand castles and you get one of these, what do you do with it afterwards . These, what do you do with it afterwards . Do you take it with you or throw it away . The reason im asking is because the Charity Keep Britain tidy say far too many of us leave them behind and it builds up with other piles of plastic beach toys which cause damage to the life and make our seaside look messy. Lets speak to emily who is a volunteer and who works for keep britain tidy. How big an issue is it . It is a huge issue, unfortunately our beaches are littered with rubbish which should be ina littered with rubbish which should be in a bin but this is becoming a real significant problem, plastic toys that have plenty of life left with them that are just being left behind after a day at the beach. And you want to think you want people not to throw them away, because they are in perfect working life. Because there are so cheap, people may be dont value them but we are trying to encourage people to realise these have life left in them, either take them on, pass them onto another family or donate them a charity. Thank you, lets speak to one about letter pickers. Im going to have to ta ke letter pickers. Im going to have to take you awayjust for a moment, ruth, otherwise known as rubbish ruthie and women that the best possible sense. We mean that in the best possible sense. possible sense. We mean that in the best possible sense. I am passionate about where we live and i am always talking rubbish. How important is it for you to give up your time to do this . It is very important for people to come and see a lovely, clean place but also for the little animals, the wildlife, wrs are the things drowning and starving on plastic. What is your message to people who might be coming along to the beach later today . Have a fabulous time, and really enjoy it but when you go, leave only footprints. A very good message, thank you. It is notjust about taking your plastic away with you in clearing up litter. There is a message about getting together and volunteering to help with a litter pick. I am joined volunteering to help with a litter pick. Iamjoined by volunteering to help with a litter pick. I am joined by richard too is a deputy chief executive of the charity. Tell me about the Campaign Starting later this week. Our spring clean runs later this year. We had to cancel earlier due to covid 19 and postponed, we are now running through the whole month of september. If you go online and google Great British september clean or go to our website, you can find all the resources you need. Every year, thousands of volunteers go out and litter pick in the community, day in, day out. It is an opportunity to bring those people together plus some people who might wa nt together plus some people who might want to have a go for the first time. It is notjust about picking up time. It is notjust about picking up litter or pushing back on the wave of waste we are seeing, it is about demonstrating that people do ca re about demonstrating that people do care enough to give up their time and come and claim up that i clean up and come and claim up that i clean up the places they love. That is the message, do come and join in. Someone saw what we were doing and decide to sign up as a volunteer. You can do that as well, but dont forget, leave only footprints, to call your litter and those plastic beach toys away. Thank you very much indeed. I told someone of the other day because i saw them through a plastic bottle out of a car window. Pulled up at a set of lights, they looked a bit shocked. I bet. Lots of people are working hard over the country to keep our beaches tidy and we salute you. These pictures are from becky, mel and seven year old evie, whove collected more than 22 bin bags full of rubbish from the sand dunes at fistral beach in newquay over the past two weeks. Becky emailed us to say this has been the worst year for rubbish in the area. Theyve taken it upon themselves to tidy the beach up because they say they cant stand to see their beautiful environment spoilt. Absolute credit to you and i hope other people who are not so responsible get the message. And thanks to everyone else for letting us know about things they found the beach, someone said their sister found a watch that under the beach, they handed it into the police station, the owner reclaimed and brought her a present to say thank you. And a police diver found a set of keys on the bottom of a well, the chap was packing up and it was thrown into the well by his girlfriend. That was lucky by now, most of you will be familiar with the brilliant achievements of tony hudgell. Hes the 5 year old who raised more than a Million Pounds for the hospital that saved his life, after being inspired by captain tom. Well hes now got a new fan, a royal one no less, after receiving a letter of congratulations from the duchess of cambridge. We will speak to tony and his mum paula in a moment but first lets fantastic, well done. And we can speak now to tony and his mum pauline. You morning to you both, thank you for talking to us. How did you feel when this letter arrived from the duchess of cambridge . Oh, very, very surprised. At how wonderful a letter from our future surprised. At how wonderful a letter from ourfuture queen. Tony was surprised. At how wonderful a letter from our future queen. Tony was very excited to receive this from kate. What did she say in it . She said that they are all extremely proud of him and his efforts, and that she was surprised he carried on after finishing his 10k, but he walked further and the amount of money he raised. You have had a busy, old summer at the two of you and tony, it is billing to see you again, what has been the best thing about your summer without your fundraising . Whats been the best thing . With all yourfundraising. Whats been the best thing . With all your fundraising. Going to race cars. He got his car on friday. He got a beautiful hand controlled electric car, i think that has been the best. He didnt stop when he reached a target, that wasnt the end of it by any means. No, the amount is still rising and we have had some wonderful messages. There is lots of things coming up in the pipeline as well. Recognition for what he has done. It has been amazing. You must be really proud of him. Extremely proud. He has loved every minute of it. Every day he says, what can we do today . Tony, you go back to school this week. What are you thinking about going to school, i look forward to going to school . What are you looking forward to doing at school . Going outside and playing. There is the best thing about going to school when you are five. I think there will be a lot of going outside and playing. Physically, what sort of tool has taken on tony. It is what sort of tool has taken on tony. Itisi what sort of tool has taken on tony. It is i quite a challenge. Yeah, absolutely beneficial to him. His walking is amazing now, he is off his crutches, it has opened up so many different places for him to be able to access now rather than just ina able to access now rather than just in a wheelchair. He has loved it all, confidence has grown and he is just having a good time. Looks like he isa just having a good time. Looks like he is a chelsea fan, is he feeling confident with the new season . Hopefully, he was just watching a bit of match of the day and said, oh, when can we go . So hopefully it wont be too long when we can get to see some football. Thank you both very much. Thank you for talking to us this morning. Well done to tony and congratulations on your royal recognition, both of you. Thank you very much. He is gorgeous, it is lovely to catch up with them again. Thats it from us. Dan and louise will be back at 6 oclock tomorrow morning. Enjoy the rest of your day. Goodbye. This is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. Calls for students in the uk not to go back to university in case it sparks a second wave of coronavirus. We are we a re really we are really worried that we could see universities becoming the care home of any second wave of covid 19 in the uk. European countries are urged to offer a place of safety to hundreds of migrants rescued by ships in the mediterranean, including one paid for by the street artist banksy. More opposition protests expected today in belarus, as the government there is accused of cracking down on foreignjournalists. And take your plastic beach toys home with you the message from clean up campaigners warning of possible

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