Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170104

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whether republican—led u.s. in london and seven in washington whether republican—led us congress was expecting to have a ceremony backin was expecting to have a ceremony back in 2017. instead, it was full of action to stop republicans have ditched a plan to strip the office of congressional ethics. it was prodded by a public outcry and a dressing down from donald trump. as the brand—new congress convenes on thursday, instead of celebrating, lawmakers were the centre of the debate. it is over their behaviour is policed in the name of avoiding corruption. 0n is policed in the name of avoiding corruption. on monday night, republicans in the house of representatives tried to cut the independence of the office of congressional ethics. by bringing it under the control of the house committee, putting an outcry from democrats and government watchdogs. despite the row, it looked like a done deal. until donald trump took to twitter, saying, with all that congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the independent ethics watchdog then number one act and priority? republicans had to decide whether they wanted to cross mr trump before he had even taken the oath of office. some had staked out their positions before the tweed. office. some had staked out their positions before the tweedli office. some had staked out their positions before the tweed. i voted yes in this particular amendment because of the oversight that i thought was ambiguous and needed further clarification. others were defiant. i think we should have gone fired. —— forward. i am going to push the abolishment of the 0ce because they are based on the wrong principles and no one should have to be subjected to public criticism thatis be subjected to public criticism that is generated by an anonymous accusers. the outgoing administration seized on the opportunity to election republicans. republicans in congress had revealed a lot about their priorities when the first action they took was was to vote in a secret. donald trump mounted a hostile takeover of the republican party to become the nominee. now he has had to remind lawmakers he was elected on a per on to drain the swamp. with an ambitious agenda ahead, the repeat —— relationship between the new republican congress and the president—elect has got off to a shaky start. congress wasn't the only thing that donald trump was busy tweeting about, he also took on general motors, criticising the car company for importing compact cars to the us from mexico, threatening a big board attack. a short time later, ford announced it was to council plans that may cancel plans to $6 billion plant in mexico in favour of further investment in america. the committee's ceo explained why. we look at a lot of factors when we announce decisions. the $700 million investment here in michigan and adding 700 jobs, one of the fact is we put into that was the more favourable us business environment that we see under president—elect trump and some of the pro— growth policies and reforms, whether it is tax or regular tory. this played positively and a vote of confidence —— confidence. —— redwood tree. there is one place still a minty ‘s tweets. let's look at his once he has posted about suspected terrorists at one time obey. he described them as dangerous and said they should be no further releases. in response to that, a spokesperson for the white house said they expect more prisons to be transferred for the camp before january 20. that being the day that donald trump is officially taking the oath to be president of the united states of america. also making you the sour. 0ne one of the key people in brexit negotiations has resigned. sir ivan rogers, the british ambassadorfor the eu has resigned after he warned the eu has resigned after he warned the eu, uk trade deal might take up to ten years to finalise. his writ —— decision received a varied reaction. now seniorfishers half now senior fishers half also been attacked as they have been for weeks. —— officials, orsimply listed in brexit doc muscle stop thatis listed in brexit doc muscle stop that is a dangerous trend. senior officials are there to provide fearless objective advice not to sign up to the ideology and dogma. here's part of the establishment that hasn't happened —— accepted the result. i'm sorry to say, it is stuffed with these people from top to bottom. they are taking britain into wrong direction and i hope sir ivan's departure is followed by many, many more. japan has renamed its place in taiwan to officially include taiwan. japan's top representative says relations between the top two countries are at their best. it has been called the interchange of japan since the 19705. interchange of japan since the 1970s. taiwanese japan's largest trading partner and has the second—largest number of foreign tourists. the convicted massmurderer charles manson has been taken to hospital. us media reports that manson who is in his 80s has been moved to a hospital about one hour away from california's state prison. he is currently being held. an unnamed source said the la times that manson is seriously ill and it is serving a life sentence with his role from the murders of several people including one unburned child in the 1970s. yesterday, we were reporting about a right that broke out in the brazilian prison. a few people that broke out have been posting photos on social media breaking about the risk rate. —— bragging about their escape. let's ta ke let's take you back to washington and the twitter watch on president elect trump. the soon—to—be president often tweets several times a day and his actions haven't gone unnoticed or run criticised by his democratic opponents. making america great again requires more than 140 characters. with all due respect, america cannot afford at twitter presidency. i asked if donald trump was now setting the agenda through his twitter feed. he most certainly is. if you think about it, in the last 24 hours, he has tweeted about north korea, general motors, guantanamo bay and he has ticked off most consequentially perhaps today politically, his own party. it is because republicans, even though they know donald trump was elected ona they know donald trump was elected on a promise to drain the swamp here in washington and end business as usual, they somehow managed to make their very first order of business last night voting to remove themselves from an independent ethics office which monitored their behaviour and instead take back control of it themselves. a public outcry followed and many members of public called up their congressional offices to register their disapproval but it was donald trump turning to twitter and reminding them all that he was elected on a promise to drain the swamp which sent lawmakers into action and they reversed themselves. yes, this is how it will be. he will keep his twitter account. i am sure after he is sworn in. everybody will fill his wrath and have to respond. -- feel. it doesn't seem good start to the new year 01’ a good it doesn't seem good start to the new year or a good start in terms of his relations with his congress? right, which is puzzling. today should have been a big celebration for republicans. they control the senate, the house of representatives, and in a couple of weeks' time they will have the presidency. they have an ambitious agenda and want to repeal president 0bama's health—ca re agenda and want to repeal president 0bama's health—care reform and they wa nt to 0bama's health—care reform and they want to have tax cuts, they want to cut business regulations, they have this whole gender in place. instead, the first day there is a huge clash over something that the public is not remotely interested in which is a question of ethics and how congressional ethics are governed, members of congress fill strongly that the independent ethics office was unfairand that the independent ethics office was unfair and singled them out so they made it a priority. you can see there will be a clash between the populist president and those lawmakers who haven't quite adjusted to the new environment. and away from politics as well, this is impacting the business world. 0bviously, he has also sparked a row through one of his tweets with general motors and its manufacturing office in mexico. tell us more about that. that is right, exactly. general motors got into trouble with president trump because it makes ca i’s president trump because it makes cars in mexico and bring them over the border to the us which is not an activity that you hear —— that he approves. he wants all manufacturing to ta ke approves. he wants all manufacturing to take place in the us are not outsourced. also, board announced yesterday that rather than build a factory in mexico, it will reinvest money here in the us. —— ford. the question as to whether this is good manufacturing or whether this is corporate america not wanting to ta ke corporate america not wanting to take a hit on their share price and have the president—elect tweet at them, quite how this will play out, we don't know. it is fascinating to see. what we do know is that all the power lies with the president—elect and his twitter feed at this point. it will be interesting to see what else he has to say because we just have news coming in from reuters and 80 newsagency that donald trump will have his first news conference on january 11 as president—elect. you remember remember that he hasn't yet held an official news conference to journalists that have gathered since he won the presidency back in november. this will be interesting to see what he will address in that. it comesjust a to see what he will address in that. it comes just a couple of weeks before he will be officially inaugurated on january 20. before he will be officially inaugurated onjanuary 20. he will hold his first news conference. the main suspect in the new year terror attack in istanbul which left 39 people dead is still on the run. turkish people have detained more than one dozen people so far. 0ur turkey corresponded mark lowen has been it allowed into the club with the massacre took place. three days ago, this place was full of joy, of life, of celebration. today, reina nightclub is a crime scene, scarred by terror. we were the only british media allowed in, briefly. a rare glimpse of where 39 people were killed on new year's eve. imagine the horror as 180 bullets were sprayed here. people jumping into the freezing bosphorus to escape. the owners of reina say they will open the nightclub again. it is a sign of the defiant mood here. yes, people are sombre and fearful but turks have lived with a terror threat for decades, albeit on a smaller scale, and they are determined not to let it defeat them. watch the right—hand side of this footage from the attack. a manjumps over a low fence outside the nightclub to avoid the bullets. then the gunman runs up to the door, shooting his way into reina. that man on the right of the video was the nightclub manager who had a miraculous escape. translation: i felt bullets explode next to me. i threw myself over the fence but tripped and fell. the bullets went centimetres over my head. when i fell, he must have thought he hit me so he went inside and i heard terrible sounds. the suspect still hasn't been caught. new pictures show him at a bus station in the central city of konya before travelling to istanbul. so—called islamic state called him their brave soldier. the turkish authorities have given no more information about him. raids tonight in a part of istanbul from where he is thought to have travelled to the nightclub. no arrests were made. security is being tightened amid fears is could strike again here in revenge for turkey's operations against the group in syria. there have been others detained including two foreigners at istanbul airport. it's not clear what link, if any, they are thought to have had with the attack. those tired of terror went to the scene of the massacre today, a quiet commemoration. tributes were laid and thoughts gathered about how their country can rebuild and how the net generation can regain a sense of safety. i don't want to cry anymore while i am watching the news, you know? it makes me really sad. and i don't want my daughter to grow up in this kind of environment, you know? with this news, the background and everything. i want her to be happy. and so a nervous wait to see if those who protect this country are really closing in on the man who brought horror to new year's eve. mark lowen, bbc news, istanbul. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: as yemen's war drags on, we gain exclusive access to the shifting frontline, where civilians are paying the highest price. the japanese people are mourning, following the death of emperor hirohito. thousands converged on the imperial palace to pay their respect when it was announced he was dead. good grief. after half a century of delighting fans around the world, charlie brown and the rest of the gang are calling it quits. the singer paul simon starts his tour of south africa tomorrow, in spite of protests and violence from some black activist groups. they say international artists should continue to boycott south africa until majority rule is established. teams were trying to scoop up lumps of oil as france recognises it faces an ecological crisis. three weeks ago, the authorities confidently assured these areas that oil from the broken tanker erika would head out to sea. it didn't. the world's tallest skyscraper opens today. the burj dubai has easily overtaken its nearest rivals. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm sharanjit leyl in singapore. i'm babita sharma, in london. our top stories: there's been drama on capitol hill on day one for the new us congress. a public bust—up with donald trump prompted a republican u—turn on ethics changes. the manhunt is intensifying in turkey for the gunman who killed 39 people at an istanbul nightclub on new year's eve. let's take a look at some front pages from around the world. the south china morning post leads with the news that hong kong's former chief executive donald tsang has pleaded not guilty at the start of his corruption trail. also on it's front page, an agreement between hong kong and shenzhen to jointly develop an innovation and technology park, ending a long running dispute over the land. good news from singapore on the front page of the straits times. the economy grew at 1.8% in the final quarter of 2016 — the fastest growth for three years. that boost means that the papers is already looking ahead to the budget, due to to be delivered by finance minister heng swee keat, on february the 20th. the china daily reports on the continued problem of air qualify, with officials saying that more needs in the long term to solve the problem of smog. its main picture story is the news that young golfing talent is being rewarded, with big increase in sporting scholarships to the us for chinese boys and girls. babita, what stories are sparking discussions online? take a look at this video, one of the most watched online. it shows a chest of drawers toppling over as these twin toddlers in the us climb up on it playing. two—year—old brock gets trapped underneath the dresser and, after assessing the situation, his brother springs into action. the video captured on a baby monitor was released by their parents to highlight the dangers of unsecured furniture like this. thanks to his twin brother, brock manages to crawl free. extraordinary footage. there's been more fighting in yemen, with 11 civilians, including five members of one family, reported to have been killed in clashes between pro government forces and rebels. the rebels are known as the houthis. they managed to take over the capital, sanaa, in 2014. a coalition led by saudi arabia began an air campaign against them in march 2015. the rebels retain control of large parts of yemen, but the front lines shift constantly. nawal al—maghafi has been to the country and reports on the danger for civilians caught in the middle. this is where the battle to retake the capital begins. the mountains ahead are all that stands between the army and the cap of sanaa. their commander is taking us higher into the frontline positions. he tells me that the rain makes it a natural fortress for the houthi rebels and his men are always exposed to death. it is the first time an international broadcaster has visited these areas. they are just 70 kilometres from the capital, but because of a push into the mountains the heart of the fight becomes. translation: every we make some progress. we attack and we retake land. people are lost but at least the land is liberated. the rebels are retreating on a daily basis. but both sides have reached a stalemate. despite arms brought from the saudi coalition, these fighters from the national army haven't made any major games. —— major games. and as they fight for ground the situation in yemen has deteriorated drastically. as the frontline shift, landmines have been left behind. the army says the houthi rebels have exploded tens and thousands of them. yemen is one of the worst affected countries in the world. despite a lack of training, the army says they have disposed of over 1300 mines in the past year alone. locals say all of their sam dwyer —— farmland was mine. this is one of the areas the houthis had control of. the national army and the people pushed them out and as they were doing so the houthis planted landmines all over the fields. this man and his family fled once the fighting started. they thought it was safe to return home. translation: my wife was praying here in the room and my son and daughter were sitting with her. they had lunch and my wife asked my son to pass in a blanket. as she did so there was a huge explosion. the mine planted in his home killed his wife, 22—year—old son and a dual daughter. it hurts to remember what happened, he says. —— eight—year—old daughter. we just want to forget. the houthis' leader uses landmines in civilian areas. they say the only target military vehicles and accuses the coalition of cladding their own minds. regardless of who is responsible, the prospect of a solution remains in the distance and the yemeni people stuck in the middle continue to pay the price. 18 people have drowned in nsw in just 18 days. —— in the last ten days. paramedics have dealt with a further 225 drownings or near—drownings in the past two months. the victims include two—year—old twins who drowned in a backyard pool. phil mercerjoined us from sydney and i asked him to explain these tragic statistics. it has been a terrible festive period for many families in australia. when you consider that mainland australia has a coastline of more than 35,000 kilometres, the beachis of more than 35,000 kilometres, the beach is key to the australian culture. authorities are warning people to take extra care and officials are also saying that there have been more drownings in inland waterways, in lakes and rivers, then on the coast and that's because rivers, for example, can be deeper, colder, than coastal waters. currents can be hard to read and there can be obstacles hidden in the murky waters. so it isn'tjust dangers on the coast that swimmers are warned to be wary of, they are also urging extra caution in inland waterways as well. what about the situation as we described in our introduction of the family affected when two—year—old twins drowned in a backyard pool? clearly there are incidences of drowning in the home that are on the rise as well? once again, authorities are calling this the season of destructions. they say it only takes a moment also for harassed parents to lose sight of their children in their backyards. and those twins that you mentioned, a horrible story that has been making headlines here in australia, if memory serves me rightly a little boy and a little girl who died later in hospital. another toddler also died ina in hospital. another toddler also died in a backyard pool in australia. there are very strict rules concerning fences in backyard pools, but again authorities warning pa rents pools, but again authorities warning parents and carers not to take their eyes off their children in backyard pools, even for a moment. in the us, fox news anchor megyn kelly has announced she's leaving the channel after 12 years. ms kelly challenged now president—elect donald trump on his statements about women during the first republican debate last year. mr trump then refused to participate in her shows. ms kelly's contract with fox was due to end later this year. the lawyer—turned—journalist willjoin nbc to host a daytime news show. you have been watching newsday. stay with us. we will be taking a look at what the year ahead could hold for india's economy after last year's sudden crackdown on illegal cash. and a reminder of our main news this hour: republicans in the us congress have withdrawn a controversial initiative to strip an independent congressional ethics watchdog of its powers. the plan, which also drew criticism from the president elect, donald trump, who said it was not a priority. he suggested that tax reform and health care were more pressing concerns. stay with us. alp temperatures are seesawing around at the moment. 0ne alp temperatures are seesawing around at the moment. one day relatively mild, but next a cold and it is the turn of the north of the uk to have a slab of cold air working in behind. the weatherfront of the next few hours, tightly packed isobars affecting shetland. have gusty winds of 50 mph. but the winds will gradually ease. the cold airwill be winds will gradually ease. the cold air will be wafting in across scotla nd air will be wafting in across scotland and a good part of northern england as we start the day. that's where the lowest temperatures will be. there could be the odd pocket of frost in sheltered parts of the highlands of scotland. this is wednesday morning. across england and wales we have a cloudy is that the day for many areas. the weak front will bring patchy outbreaks of rain southwards across wales, the midlands and into parts of eastern england. it is patchy and some areas will get much nothing. to the north of this front, across northern england and to a degree northern ireland and scotland, the cloud will break up. the best of the sunshine in scotland. here, a few wintry showers across shetland and leaving the coast of aberdeenshire, with strong winds are still around. the winds will fall through the day. showers will be blown down the north sea, but thanks to the direction of the wind most showers will stay offshore, coming off eastern parts offshore, coming off eastern parts of norfolk. the mild air to the south—west. it will turn colder across northern england, northern ireland and scotland and overnight, as the cloudy skies continue to clear a way, we are skies. a sharp frost this coming night. temperatures in the towns and cities getting well below freezing. in the countryside we could see those getting down to —6, minus seven. so it will be a freezing cold start to thursday, with a sharp frost, may be icy patches. through the day there will be barely a cloud in the sky for many. despite the sunshine it will feel cold, with temperatures fairly widely between 2—5 celsius. it is all change towards the end of the week. this athletic system will gradually sink southwards on friday. there is a little wad of less cold aircoming there is a little wad of less cold air coming southwards along with a band of cloud and rain, risk winds as well. temperatures will be lifting. 0n as well. temperatures will be lifting. on friday, through the afternoon, reaching a high of about 10 celsius towards the south—west, maybe 11 for belfast and ten. wait, 8-9 maybe 11 for belfast and ten. wait, 8—9 typicalfor parts maybe 11 for belfast and ten. wait, 8—9 typical for parts of england and wales. this weekend it will stay cloudy. rain at times, especially in the north—west. also some brighter spells. in washington where republican—led us congress was expecting to have a ceremony back in 2017. instead, it was full of action to stop republicans have ditched a plan to strip the office of congressional ethics. it was prodded by a public outcry and a dressing down from donald trump. the main suspect on the new year terror attack in istanbul which left 39 people dead is still on the run. turkish police have detained more than one dozen people and their investigation so far. this video is trading. it is the tale of toddler heroism after twin boys in the us toppled a chest of drawers. 0ne heroism after twin boys in the us toppled a chest of drawers. one of them was trapped underneath until his brother sprang into action and succeeded in pushing the piece of furniture of his two—year—old brother. waverley, neither was hurt. —— thankfully. more to come on bbc world news. iam back i am back in half an hour. first on bbc news, it is hardtalk.

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Singapore , Newsday , Washington , Bbc World News , In London , Seven , Us Congress , Action , Plan , U S , Ceremony Back , Republican , Office Of Congressional Ethics , Ceremony Backin , 2017 , 2017 Instead , Donald Trump , Outcry , Dressing , Policed , Lawmakers , Corruption , In The Name Of , Behaviour , Debate , House Of Representatives , Centre , Name , On Monday Night , 0 , Row , Control , Independence , Government Watchdogs , Saying , Deal , House Committee , Democrats , Priority , Number One , Act , Ethics Watchdog , Weakening , One , Some , Ethics Office , Trump , Tweed , Mr , Positions , Others , Oversight , Amendment , Clarification , Oath Of Office , 0ce , Principles , Abolishment , Criticism , Lot , Election , Priorities , Opportunity , Accusers , Administration , Secret , Takeover , Nominee , Uper , President Elect , Swamp , Agenda Ahead , Start , Thing , Republican Congress , Has , Congress Wasn T , General Motors , Ford , Attack , Big Board , Mexico , Cars , Tweeting , Council , Car Company , Investment , Plant , Plans , Decisions , Favour , Committee , Factors , Ceo , Michigan , 00 Million , Billion , 700 Million , 6 Billion , Business Environment , Jobs , Policies , Reforms , Fact , 700 , Place , Confidence , Tax , Minty S Tweets , Vote , Redwood Tree , Tory , Terrorists , Response , Releases , Spokesperson , Prisons , Oath , President Of The United States America , Sour , Camp , White House , January 20 , 20 , People , Ivan Rogers , 0ne One , Eu , Trade Deal , Writ , British , Brexit Negotiations , Ambassadorfor , Ten , Officials , Fishers , Decision , Reaction , Half , Brexit Doc Muscle Stop Thatis , Orsimply , Part , Doc Muscle Stop , Trend , Dogma , Ideology , Objective , Establishment , Advice , Brexit , Hasn T , Ivan S Departure , Direction , Result , Bottom , More , Relations , Japan , Countries , Many , Representative , Taiwan , Two , Best , Charles Manson , Trading Partner , Interchange , Tourists , Number , Taiwanese Japan , Massmurderer , 19705 , 1970 , Hospital , Source , State Prison , La Times , Us Media , California S , 80 , Reporting , Child , Life Sentence , Role , Murders , Right , Ta Ke Let , Prison , Escape , Posting , Photos , Risk Rate , Social Media , Let , President , Times , Haven T , Twitter , Elect Trump , Opponents , Making America Great , Characters , 140 , Presidency , Agenda , Feed , Respect , America Cannot , It , Party , Consequentially , North Korea , Guantanamo Bay , 24 , Promise , Business As Usual , Ona , Order Of Business Last Night Voting , Ethics , Public , Members , Offices , Disapproval , Account , Everybody , Doesn T , Terms , Wrath , Feel , 01 , Couple , Celebration , Senate , Clash , Health Care Reform , Ca Re Agenda , Business Regulations , Something , Tax Cuts , Gender , To 0bama , Question , Unfairand , World , Environment , Politics , 0bviously , Manufacturing Office , Tweets , Trouble , Manufacturing , Activity , Border , Factory , Money , Power , President Elect Tweet , Hit , Share Price , Know , First On Bbc News , News Conference , Reuters , Newsagency , He Hasn T , Point , 11 , January 11 , Journalists , It Comesjust , Suspect , Istanbul Nightclub , Terror Attack , On The Run , Turkish , 0ur Turkey , Onjanuary 20 , 39 , Terror , Massacre , Media , Crime Scene , Reina Nightclub , Mark Lowen , Life , Club , Joy , In , Three , Bullets , Reina , Owners , Horror , New Year S Eve , Bosphorus , Glimpse , 180 , Nightclub , Turks , Sign , Mood , Scale , Terror Threat , Yes , Video , Man , Way , Gunman , Footage , Fence , Side , Manjumps , Door , Translation , Nightclub Manager , Miraculous Escape , Head , Sounds , Authorities , Islamic State , Bus Station , City , Soldier , Information , Raids , Pictures , Konya , Group , Fears , Operations , Revenge , Security , Arrests , Any , Foreigners , Link , Syria , Istanbul Airport , Country , Thoughts , Commemoration , Generation , Scene , Safety , Sense , Tributes , Daughter , Kind , Wait , Everything , Yemen S War Drags On , Bbc News , Programme , Horror To New Year S Eve , Access , Civilians , Thousands , Death , Shifting Frontline , Price , Mourning , Japanese , Emperor Hirohito , Paul Simon , Gang , Palace , Grief , Fans , Rest , Delighting , Charlie Brown , France , Oil , Activist , Artists , Groups , Tour , Majority Rule , Spite , Protests , Violence , Crisis , Teams , Lumps , South Africa , Areas , Burj Dubai , Skyscraper , Sea , It Didn T , Tanker , Rivals , In Singapore , Sharanjit Leyl , Stories , Day One , Bust , U Turn , Babita Sharma , Capitol Hill , Look , Turkey , Pages , Manhunt , Istanbul Nightclub On New Year S Eve , Ethics Changes , South China Morning Post , Around The World , Donald Tsang , Agreement , Page , Hong Kong , Corruption Trail , Land , Running Dispute , Shenzhen , Innovation , Straits Times , Technology Park , Economy , Heng Swee Keat , Growth , Budget , Papers , Boost , China Daily , 1 8 , 2016 , February The 20th , Story , Air , Problem , Term , Picture , Needs , Smog , Increase , Golfing , Scholarships , Discussions , Talent , Chinese , Boys And Girls , Toddlers , Most , Dresser , Chest Of Drawers , It Playing , Toppling , Parents , Situation , Dangers , Furniture , Brother Springs Into Action , Baby Monitor , Yemen , Brock , Fighting , Thanks , Twin Brother , Five , Family , Rebels , Capital , Houthis , Clashes , Government , Air Campaign , Forces , Coalition Led , Sanaa , Saudi Arabia , March 2015 , 2014 , 2015 , Parts , Middle , Reports , Danger , Lines , Battle , Nawal Al Maghafi , Army , Commander , Mountains , Cap , Stands , Rain , Frontline , Time , Broadcaster , Men , Fortress , Fight , Heart , Push , 70 , Basis , Progress , Retake Land , Coalition , Games , Fighters , Ground , Sides , National Army Haven T , Stalemate , Arms , Landmines , Shift , Tens , Training , Farmland , Lack , Locals , Sam Dwyer , 1300 , Fields , Son , Wife , Home , Room , Mine , Lunch , Blanket , Explosion , Civilian Areas , Leader , 22 , Eight , Prospect , Minds , Military Vehicles , Target , Distance , Solution , Nsw , 18 , Twins , Backyard Pool , Drownings , Phil Mercerjoined , Statistics , Victims , Paramedics , Sydney , 225 , Warning , Mainland Australia , Care , Beach , Families , Coastline , Beachis , Culture , Kilometres , 35000 , Coast , Rivers , Waters , Currents , Lakes , Example , Inland Waterways , Swimmers , Obstacles , Caution , Incidences , Waterways , Drowning , Introduction , Rise , Children , Backyards , Sight , Destructions , Season , Toddler , Little Girl , Boy , Memory , Qina , Making , Pa Rents Pools , Carers , Eyes , Rules , Fences , Backyard Pools , Kelly , Megyn Kelly , Channel , Contract , Statements , Fox News , Women , 12 , Stay , News Show , Journalist , Nbc , Willjoin , Watchdog , News , Powers , Crackdown , Cash , Initiative , Reminder , India , Elect , Tax Reform , Concerns , Health Care , Temperatures , Seesawing , Alp , Cold , North , Turn , Weatherfront , Isobars , Slab , 0ne Alp , Shetland , Cold Air Working In Behind , Winds , Northern England , Scotland , Wafting , Odd Pocket , Scotla Nd Air , Cold Airwill Be Winds , 50 , Frost , Front , Cloudy , Rain Southwards , Eastern England , Outbreaks , Wales , Highlands Of Scotland , Midlands , Showers , Sunshine , Nothing , Degree , The Cloud , Northern Ireland , Wind , Coming Off Eastern Parts Offshore , North Sea , Aberdeenshire , Skies , Coming Off Eastern Parts , South West , Norfolk , Countryside , Cold Start , Cities , Freezing , Towns , Patches , , Cloud , End , Sky , Athletic System , 5 , 2 , Wad , Risk , Band , Afternoon , Cold Air , On Friday , Belfast , North West , 10 , 8 , 9 , Spells , Trading , Tale , Police , Investigation , Boys , Toddler Heroism , 0ne Heroism After Twin Boys , Brother , Underneath , Piece , Brother Sprang Into Action , Waverley , Hurt , Special Report , Car Manufacturing , Heroism , Spotlight , Light , Studios , Double Trouble , Drama On Capitol Hill , Robert Lee , Brotherly , Trump Card , Hardtalk , Siam ,

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