Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170127

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newsday. glad you could join us. eight a.m. here in singapore and seven in the evening in washington, dc where donald trump began his day by pushing mexico's ottens a bit over who will pay for his border wall. after a few hours, the mexican president pushed back saying that he will not come to the us next week to attend a meeting with mr trump. not to be outdone, mr trump then good in front and said that any visit would be fruitless unless mexico agreed to foot the bill. he has now threatened to impose a tax on mexican imports to impose a tax on mexican imports to find the border wall. we have more about this spat. donald trump's new executive toy, his first ride today an air force one. but potent symbol of us presidential power. the hull was the cancel travel plans of the mexican president that were at the centre of a diplomatic storm. this plane will stay grounded after a summit between the two leaders, scheduled for washington next week was abruptly called off. the mexican stand—off is over the great totem of the trump presidency, the wall he is determined to not merely build and also to get mexico to pay for. in an angry speech last night the country's president said he would not foot the bill. shortly for leaving the oval office this morning donald trump decided to conduct his diplomacy by tweet. by the time he spoke in philadelphia, the mexicans had announced the summit was off, and that earned a public scolding from president trump. the president of mexico and myself have agreed to cancel our planned meeting scheduled for next week, unless mexico is going to treat the united states fairly, with respect, such a meeting would be fruitless and i want to go a different route. almost a week into his term in office it's already becoming clear that donald trump is changing the presidency more than the presidency is changing him. on prime—time tv last night, the former property tycoon gave a tour of the country's most prized piece of real estate and it was vintage donald trump. i don't want to change too much. i can be the most presidential ever, other than possibly the great abraham lincoln, all right? but i can be the most presidential person. he's still obsessed with the crowd size that his inauguration. but in a new interview with fox news, he turned his attention to the group calling itself islamic state, saying its fighters were sick and demented. the people we are going against, they don't wear uniforms, they are sneaky, dirty rats. and they blow people up in a shopping centre. and they blow people up in a church. these are bad people. the presidency is travelling at a hurtling pace. the late—breaking news tonight, that is now calling for a 20% tax on mexican imports to pay for the wall. donald trump is clearly revelling in his seat of power, whether it's in the oval office, or at 30,000 feet. beautiful, great plane. nick bryant, bbc news, washington. it is hard to believe that this time last week we were on the eve of the inauguration. at the end of a busy day in washington, exactly where are they with the plans for the border wall? my colleague brings us up today. you ask a very good question. just today i learned that there have been many developments. first we have this twitter wall between them donald trump and the mexican president which, by the way, a former president of mexico way union and using the f—word to say that they will not pay for that wall. and then we had the cancellation of the visit and donald trump saying they decided not to hold the meeting. who knows who scripted stock and we have the white house saying that the wall will be paid for with a 20% tax on goods coming from mexico into the united states. and then they walked back and said that is just one of the barfailure of back and said that is just one of the bar failure of options. back and said that is just one of the barfailure of options. it back and said that is just one of the bar failure of options. it is a super confused teen —— super confusing. —— at said it isjust super confused teen —— super confusing. —— at said it is just one ofa confusing. —— at said it is just one of a variety of options. donald trump said the mexico will pay for the wall, mexico says they will not and now he needs to find another way to make it seem as if they are paying possibly through a crippling tax for to pay on their imports. we are watching president trump of a relationship with mexico free at the seams but we are watching also another relationship, a special relationship being built because the british prime minister is right now in the united states and she had this to say. our two countries together have a responsibility to lead. because when others step up as we step back, it is bad for america, for britain and the world. the british prime minister there. she is in the united states. was that... she needs the united states and she needs a trade deal, especially given what is going on with brexit. but what is going on with brexit. but what she having a go at president trump? i think she was politely and elegantly reminding the americans, as she said earlier, that the post war world of nato in the united nations was built with the leadership of america in the united kingdom and now was not the time to retreat because otherwise others will step up and she spoke about the russians and the chinese being left democratic governments not committed to liberty in the same way. so at a time of political turmoil in both countries with the brexit vote and the unexpected election of president trump, three of may is trying to craft something from the ashes at the time that there are worries that president trump could retreat from america's traditional leadership in the will world with his talk of america first. but theresa may is strongly making the case of britain is not retreating from the world even though it is leaving the eu and that it even though it is leaving the eu and thatitis even though it is leaving the eu and that it is british and american leadership which is key, be it on nato, syria or on... and this got the biggest round of applause, if it is on defending democratic allies in what she called tough neighbourhoods, referring clearly to eastern europe and most likely to the ukraine surrounded by russia. she will meet with donald trump tomorrow, the first foreign leader tomorrow, the first foreign leader to do so. apparently she will give him a scottish friendship cup. his mother, of course, is that of scottish descent. there we are monitoring all of the event. letter looked out some of the other news of the day. the philippines has now reversed its stance on american bases. it has announced that the us will now operate and advanced facilities on bases in the country because, as you recall last year, the president said he wanted us troops to leave the country and called for an end to alljoint military exercises in favour of building closer ties with china. the new president of gambia has flown back into the country. he had gone to set a goal while his predecessor had tried to remain in power. he said that the west is now over and he was happy to be home. australians have celebrated australia day in the usual style but the national holiday has brought about controversy. the country's deputy prime minister has criticised people calling for the national day to be changed, saying they should crawl under a rock and hide. the day marks the arrival of the british but many see it as the beginning of the oppression of indigenous australians. i will bring you these pictures from central poland. a city where dense fog has led to this 76 car pileup. two pile ups in fact on the same highway. a number of people had to be taken to hospital. some of them had been seriously injured. the accident happened around a0 minutes of each other and apparently visibility at that time was limited to just 50 metres. visibility at that time was limited tojust 50 metres. that visibility at that time was limited to just 50 metres. that is visibility at that time was limited tojust 50 metres. that is in poland. and now let's return to american politics and the new world order following a blizzard of executive orders and talk about trade deals. to find out how donald trump osmond moves to find out how donald trump osmond m oves a re to find out how donald trump osmond moves are seen in to find out how donald trump osmond moves are seen in asia i'm joined now in singapore by chris from the research and risk advisory firm like peat group. great to have you with us. peat group. great to have you with us. the first week of office of the us president, how would asia assess it? we would assess with trepidation. it has been a busy week and a sense that perhaps a lots... there was a lot of bluster pre—election and a lot of campaign promises made that would not be kept. i think this week has put that myth to bed. the fact is that we have had an awful lot of executive orders. the two that affect asia the most yea rs orders. the two that affect asia the most years the tearing up of the tpp which everyone expected that the comments made. but we rarely hear criticism from the president about the one china policy. it came from his cabinet. rex tillotson mentioned that america wanted to protect its right to its position in the south china sea. that is lighting the touchpaperfor china. china sea. that is lighting the touchpaper for china. the white house spokesperson came out and made an unfortunate comment about protecting, making sure that international rights in the south china sea are protected. this happened, should have happened under the obama administration. the ship has sailed. these are unhelpful comments. when do you think president trouble seriously start looking at asia and making comments directly at china? he has plenty on his agenda. he is very domestically focused and that is his agenda. he wa nts to focused and that is his agenda. he wants to make america great again. if he think hard about it, met part of making america great again is making sure the manufacturing takes off again in the united states. china is one of the biggest markets for american products so he needs the chinese economy and the chinese economy needs the united states. they both need to understand that thatis they both need to understand that that is the position. they need to enter into a constructive relationship. i suspect they would love relatively soon. before the inauguration we saw the president meet up with two asian billionaires, one from japan and one from china. this could really be a prelude, basically, of what it would be like in terms of relations, bilateral relations between americans and the chinese and japanese. indeed. trump isa chinese and japanese. indeed. trump is a businessman first and foremost and he likes to do deals, he likes to negotiate. he likes to be involved in. he lacks the and he likes to be seen with successful people. i think that is an indication of the way that negotiations will be struck with the likes of china and other economies. he is going to look for personalities and he is going to look to try to build relationships. whether that works in context of the chinese communist party remains to be seen. thank you so much for your insight. let's turn out to myanmar and the latest on the rohingya ethnic minority. a government appointed commission is due to deliver its final report into claims that many soldiers raped and killed civilians. the conflict area has been locked down and as our correspondent reports, they are refusing to allow independent journalists in to for themselves. it is at 630 in the morning and i am ata it is at 630 in the morning and i am at a very terminal and we are waiting to get on board a ferry to go to the northern rakhine state. up until now all independent observers and journalists have been prevented from going there. this was different. this time we had been given official permits. and we travelled four hours up the river, north towards the conflict zone. as our boat docked in the town it became clear that there was a problem. we were met by police and security officials. we have been told that our trip has been cancelled and we cannot go any further. we cannot go into the areas where there have been violence over the last few months. clearly there are still things they don't want journalists looking into, things they do not want people finding out about. things like scores of rohingya women testifying that they had been raped and looted by burmese security forces. all video of unexplained piles of charred bodies in places where rohingya have clashed with the army. there is even footage to buy the police themselves of officers assaulting rohingya prisoners. before being turned back, we insisted that someone address the allegations on camera. translation: we have nothing to hide. the government is releasing all of the true facts about the situation. the teachings of our religion does not allow rape. it is all rumour. the burmese government has set up a commission to investigate and it is due to report back before the end of the month. but it is led by the vice president who is a former general and seems aimed at proving that the military has done nothing wrong. this is a glimpse at the commission of work. interviewing a rohingya woman through translators. incredibly, the footage was broadcast on state tv be without subtitles. to prove that rohingya claims of rape are false. the leader, seen here meeting boris johnson, has asked for time to solve the problems of rakhine. if, as many suspect, the burmese army is exonerated by the commission, it will be clear that establishing the truth is not part of her solution. you are watching newsday. still to come. . . you are watching newsday. still to come... we say good buy to the year of the monkey and hello to the year of the monkey and hello to the year of the monkey and hello to the year of the fire brewster. drawing on polynesian heritage on the hip—hop moves. the shuttle challenger exploded soon after liftoff. there were seven astronauts on board, one of them a woman school teacher. all of them are believed to have been killed. by the evening, tahrir square, the heart of official cairo, was in the hands of the demonstrators. they were using the word "revolution". the earthquake singled out buildings, and brought them down in seconds. tonight, the search for any survivors has an increasing desperation about it as the hours pass. the new government is firmly in control of the entire republic of uganda. moscow got its first taste of western fast food as mcdonald's opened their biggest restaurant in pushkin square. but the hundreds of muscovites who queued up today won't find it cheap, with a big mac costing half the day's wages for the average russian. hello, everyone and welcome back. you are watching newsday. our top stories this our colin the white house says president trump may imports 20% tax on imports from mexico to pay for his wall. time for the us to renew its relationship with the uk— theresa may will be the first foreign leader to meet president trump. looking at some of the front pages from asia. reports that shinzo abe could settle on negotiating their own trade deal with the us. it is the first time that the japanese prime minister has acknowledged a new path following donald trump's dismissal of the transpacific agreement. the south china morning post, a story on the declining birth rate. the country is facing a shrinking labour force and a rapidly ageing population. the china daily looks at the president's message ahead of the lunar new year. he called for people to love their families and friends and for the country to roll up their sleeves and to work harder. those are the lead stories. a tornado and a bust up of sparking discussions online? yes, it is like something out of the wizard of oz. this woman was inside her home when a tornado struck in texas. she had to take shelter in the past which is normally one of the safest places but the tornado lifted her right through the roof. the moral is that maybe your bath tub isn't a lwa ys that maybe your bath tub isn't always your safest place when a tornado hits. thank goodness she is 0k. tornado hits. thank goodness she is ok. most famous for her video of justin bieber, this musician has gone to become a hit. her take on hip—hop is inspired by her polynesian background. bews vick. i guess you could say i was born to dance. sometimes i think, how did i get here. it is kind of crazy but every little step counts. as soon as i could walk i was dancing. i grew up in a household with a lot of music. we know how to have a good time. the justin thejustin bieber the justin bieber project thejustin bieber project ended last year. i will never forget that experience because, at the time, it was actually impossible. if i get this done, it is a miracle. i am looking at this project and thinking how didi looking at this project and thinking how did i do that but it is through confidence. it is because i trust my gut so much of the bay think that when i believe in something i will stand by it until the end. the lunar new year is upon us. we see art their year of the fire monkey which is full of mischief and unexpected outcomes and we will be ringing in the year of the fire brewster. i talking about the chinese zodiac. if you thought 2016 was bad, according to astrologers to thousand 710 will be of revolution, destruction and change. but white? every year, the two elements. the brewster is a metal element, fire is metal so... clashing. what is positive about the rooster? the fayed part, ithink. it represents positive about the rooster? the fayed part, i think. it represents a i°y fayed part, i think. it represents a joy and optimism so we could see a kind of optimistic five for the first half of the year but when you consider both elements together, it isa consider both elements together, it is a clashing relationship according to the fire element theory. you add that to the current soup of global world affairs and it is not quite a nice picture. there are basically twirled zodiac elements. who would the rooster team up with the best?‘ good friend of the rooster is that the dragon and the other two trends and allies are the ox and the snake. these are... what we say for annual lark. they come out and enjoy alliances. so much uncertainty in 2017 between the chinese and the americans and the europeans. how do you think the relationship will be of the americans and the chinese? this year, the two elements of fire and metal suggest to me pride and ego so because it is a place of relationships, other parties have to be very wary of the battle. it is a very proud year. with the current state of things, it is not good to stay stubborn to 1's personal egos. what does this do, the singing will? the roster of being a metal element, it is very nice pleasing sound so with all this conflict around us, i wish all viewers will be able to find inner peace. and you have been watching newsday on the bbc. from me, cash and the fire brewster, thank you for watching. yes, we will have much more on shares and google —— in google. happy new chinese year to you. thank you for watching newsday. some of us were shivering on thursday, for others, especially scotland, it was mild. this weekend, most will turn less cold. a bit of breeze, sunshine and a bit of rain. we are losing the continental feed which brought cold air from the atla ntic which brought cold air from the atlantic and hence the rise in temperature. we started the day with a hard frost. the odd shower as well which could cause icy stretches. it should be a dry start across wales. for across the high ground but that would lift as will the temperatures. knocking on the door of the west of the province of northern ireland. a largely dry day here with sunshine. damp and cold with a hard frost and freezing fog patches for sure so watch out for those. i mention the odd shower in eastern counties for a time in the morning. temperatures are slowly rising above freezing down across southern england and on to the south—west which will be above zero. a dry start but some showery rain lies in wait out west. the rain will push its way slowly eased across the island into the far south—west of england and perhaps wales. across southern england as well in the afternoon. further east, it stays dry. two degrees in newcastle. milder across southern and western areas. through the evening and night, it gets a bit messy. there will be areas of rain pushing north. some will be heavy. snow up over the higher ground of scotland, in particular. temperatures could dip late and close to freezing. almost a frost free start to the weekend. saturday sta rts free start to the weekend. saturday starts with cloud and patchy rain. behind that, it turns brighter but also with some showers. one or two could be wintry on the high ground. it will not be as cold as it has been. double figures in a few southern areas. on sunday, an area of rain pushing through. how far north it gets is open to question. best of the brightness will be further north. across the uk milder. i'm kasia madera with bbc world news. our top story. president trump may impose a 20% tax on imports from mexico to pay for his border wall. the proposal will deepen a diplomatic divide with mexico. president enrique pena nieto has cancelled a meeting with mr trump in washington next week. meanwhile the british prime minister has made an impassioned plea to the united states to renew what she called its special relationship with her country. she will be the first foreign leader to meet president trump. and the year of the rooster is trending on it's the eve of the lunar new year. and this is considered to be the largest human migration in the world, as people travel home to be with their families. that's all from me now. stay with bbc world news. now on bbc news, it's time for hardtalk.

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Hello , Rooster , Feng Shui , Eve , Bbc World News , Studios , London , Singapore , Newsday , Us , Seven , Eight A M , Eight , President , Donald Trump , Pushing Mexico , Border Wall , Washington Dc , Bit Over , Ottens , Meeting , Trump , Tax , Imports , Visit , Bill , Front , Power , Hull , Spat , Ride , Executive Toy , Symbol , Air Force One , One , Plane , Summit , Leaders , Storm , Travel Plans , Centre , Mexican Stand Off , Two , Presidency , Wall , Totem , Speech , Country , Office , Mexicans , Tweet , Diplomacy , Philadelphia , Of Mexico , Respect , Public Scolding , Term , Route , Tour , Property , Tv , Piece , Tycoon , Real Estate , Person , Inauguration , Fever , Abraham Lincoln , Interview , Crowd Size , People , Group , State , Wear Uniforms , Fox News , Fighters , Rats , Don T , Islamic , Demented , Attention , News , Church , Shopping Centre , Hurtling Pace , 20 , Seat , Bbc News , Feet , Oval Office , Beautiful , Nick Bryant , 30000 , Plans , Colleague , Up Today , Which 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Rock , Oppression , Beginning , Pictures , Fact , City , Fog , Number , Central Poland , Highway , Pile Ups , Car Pileup , 76 , Visibility , Some , Accident , Each Other , Hospital , American Politics , 50 , Executive Orders , Osmond M Oves , Blizzard , Trade Deals , The New World Order , Moves , Asia , Research , Risk , Firm , Advisory , Peat Group , Would Asia , Chris , Lot , Sense , Trepidation , Lots , Promises , Campaign , Bluster , Everyone , Orders , Myth , Bed , Tpp , Yea , Comments , Criticism , Position , Cabinet , South China Sea , One China Policy , Touchpaperfor , Rex Tillotson , Comment , Spokesperson , Touchpaper , Rights , Protecting , China Sea , Ship , Administration , President Trouble , Obama , Agenda , Part , Manufacturing , Markets , Making America Great Again , He Wa Nts , Need , Economy , Thatis , Products , Billionaires , Prelude , Japan , Relations , Deals , Foremost , Businessman , Terms , Japanese , Trump Isa , Indication , Economies , Negotiations , Relationships , Myanmar , Works , Context , Personalities , Insight , Chinese Communist Party , Commission , Government , Conflict , Minority , Area , Latest , Civilians , Soldiers , Journalists , Correspondent Reports , 630 , Observers , Northern Rakhine State , Ferry , North , River , Conflict Zone , Town , Boat , Permits , Four , Areas , Police , Trip , Officials , Problem , Security , Violence , Things , Scores , Rohingya , Places , Women , Video , Piles , Army , Bodies , Security Forces , Footage , Nothing , Officers , Someone , Translation , Back , Rohingya Prisoners , Camera , Allegations , Rape , Teachings , Rumour , Facts , Situation , Religion , Vice President , Led , Military , General , Glimpse , Interviewing A Rohingya , Translators , Work , State Tv , Subtitles , Claims , Boris Johnson , Suspect , Problems , Truth , Solution , Rakhine , Burmese Army , Fire Monkey , Fire Brewster , Hip Hop Moves , Heritage , Drawing , Liftoff , Shuttle Challenger , Evening , Revolution , 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Ringing , Outcomes , Chinese Zodiac , 2016 , Elements , Astrologers , Destruction , Change , 710 , Element , Fire , Fayed Part , Clashing , Ithink , It Isa , Positive , Ai , Joy , Half , Optimism , Y Fayed , Five , Soup , Picture , World Affairs , Zodiac Elements , Fire Element Theory , Friend , Dragon , Best , Rooster Team , Trends , Snake , Ox , Alliances , Lark , Uncertainty , 2017 , Europeans , Parties , Metal , Ego , Battle , Singing , Egos , Do , 1 , Sound , Viewers , Roster , Peace , Cash , Shares , Google , Shivering On Thursday , Cold , Bit , Most , Rain , Odd Shower , Air , Frost , Temperature , Feed , Sunshine , Breeze , Rise , Atla Ntic Which , Atlantic , Temperatures , Ground , Stretches , Door , Wales , Province , Fog Patches , Northern Ireland , Counties , Southern England , South West Which , Zero , Island , South West Of England , East , Afternoon , Newcastle , Particular , Snow Up , Rain Pushing North , Weekend , Start , Showers , Cloud , Saturday Sta Rts , Figures , 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