to change her behaviour. it was the lead on the friday _ to change her behaviour. it was the lead on the friday morning - to change her behaviour. it was the lead on the friday morning on - to change her behaviour. it was the lead on the friday morning on the i lead on the friday morning on the news channel. once it is that prominent, you can see why people think that is giving it a message. there is a prominent debate. at the time, _ there is a prominent debate. at the time, about— there is a prominent debate. at the time, about three quarters of petrol stations— time, about three quarters of petrol stations in— time, about three quarters of petrol stations in england were having some problem _ stations in england were having some problem with deliveries and supply to the _ problem with deliveries and supply to the consumer. there are all sorts of layers _ to the consumer. there are all sorts of layers to — to the consumer. there are all sorts of layers to the story, like consumer behaviour stories but also stories— consumer behaviour stories but also stories about government preparedness and resilience in the just—in—time supply chains and supplies— just—in—time supply chains and supplies to supermarkets and retail outlets _ supplies to supermarkets and retail outlets so — supplies to supermarkets and retail outlets. so quite a lot of layers to id outlets. so quite a lot of layers to go into _ outlets. so quite a lot of layers to no into. ., . . go into. you are a driving instructor— go into. you are a driving instructor yourself. - go into. you are a driving instructor yourself. howl go into. you are a driving i instructor yourself. how are go into. you are a driving - instructor yourself. how are you affected by the way the story developed over the days. ht affected by the way the story developed over the days. it was instant. i have _ developed over the days. it was instant. i have no _ developed over the days. it was instant. i have no problems- developed over the days. it was| instant. i have no problems with receiving, — instant. i have no problems with receiving, filling _ instant. i have no problems with receiving, filling my— instant. i have no problems with receiving, filling my car- instant. i have no problems with receiving, filling my car up- instant. i have no problems with receiving, filling my car up until| receiving, filling my car up until last friday— receiving, filling my car up until last friday morning _ receiving, filling my car up until last friday morning when - receiving, filling my car up until last friday morning when this . receiving, filling my car up until. last friday morning when this new story— last friday morning when this new story broke, — last friday morning when this new story broke, and _ last friday morning when this new story broke, and literally- last friday morning when this new story broke, and literally i- last friday morning when this new story broke, and literally i had - last friday morning when this new story broke, and literally i had toi story broke, and literally i had to stop work—

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