is still in charge around here. waiting for vladimir putin, 2500 soldiers and guards. having survived it a time to say thank you. translation:— it a time to say thank you. translation: ., ., h, ., translation: you have saved our motherland — translation: you have saved our motherland from _ translation: you have saved our motherland from upheaval. - translation: you have saved our motherland from upheaval. in - translation: you have saved ouri motherland from upheaval. in fact, you have stopped a civil war. in you have stopped a civil war. in fact, the reality was rather different. the wagner soldiers, who had been cheered on the streets of rostock, had only stopped the rebellion out of the kremlin did a deal promising not to press charges against them and their leader yevgeny prigozhin. still, kremlin spin is present in this is a triumph for their leader. the reason it was