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Coming up, the government sees off calls for an end to cuts to Public Services and the Public Sector pay cap. The ayes to the right, 309, the noes to the left, 323. Theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn clash at their first Prime Ministers questions of the new parliament over whether council cuts were a factor in the grenfell fire. When you cut local Authority Budgets by a0 , we all pay a price in public safety. The cladding of tower blocks began under a blair government. And the governments told to rethink its approach to trade after we have left the eu. The governments Brexit Policy is one of trying to fill a Swimming Pool with a teaspoon. But first, after a couple of months away for a general election, which produced a result few had predicted, it was time for theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn to face each other for the first Prime Ministers questions of the new parliament. Much as happened since mps last met, including Terrorist Attacks in manchester and london and the fire at Grenfell Tower, which is thought to have claimed at least 80 lives. Add in the aftermath of the Tower Block Fire Which dominated the exchanges between theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn in the session. Pmqs was coming just ahead of the fifth day of debate on the queens speech, where labour had down an amendment calling on the government to end the Public Service pay cap and to recruit more police and fire officers. Theresa may began with an update on cladding tests. As of this morning, the cladding from 120 tower blocks across the country in 37 local Authority Areas had been tested, and had failed the combustability test. Jeremy corbyn said local authorities had had their budgets cut by a0 . Under her predecessor, Fire Safety Audits and inspections were cut by a quarter, fire Authority Budgets were cut by a quarter. Can the Prime Minister give an assurance to the house that the further 20 cuts to the fire Service Planned by 2020 will now be halted . Can i say to him that in his reference to the Building Regulations, i think he has missed part of the point which is it is not a question of what laws you have, it is how those are being applied, and that is the issue. We have the Building Regulations about compliant materials. The question is, why is it that despite that, we have seen, in local Authority Area after local Authority Area, materials being put up that appear not to comply with those Building Regulations . When you cut local Authority Budgets by 40 , we all pay a price in public safety. Fewer inspectors, fewer Building Control inspectors, fewer planning inspectors, we all pay a price. And those cuts to the fire service have meant there are 11,000 fewer firefighters, the Public Sector pay cap is hitting recruitment and retention right across the Public Sector. What the tragedy of Grenfell Tower has exposed is the disastrous effect of austerity. I urge the Prime Minister to come up with the resources needed to test and remove cladding, sprinklers, properly fund the fire service and the police, so that all of our communities can truly feel safe in their own homes. Mr speaker, this disaster must be a wake up call. The cladding of tower blocks did not start under this government. It did not start under the Previous Coalition government. The cladding of tower blocks began under a blair government. That is why i say to the right honourable gentleman, this should be an issue that, across this house, we recognise is a matter that has been developing over decades, is a matter that has occurred under governments of both colours, under councils of all political persuasions, and is something i would hope we would sayjust come together and ensure that we get to the answers of why this has happened over many years. What has gone wrong and how do we stop it from happening in the future . A Labour Backbencher turned to policing. Britains four most Senior Police officers, the commissioner of the met, heads of counterterrorism, the National Crime agency and the Police Chiefs council, all wrote to the government saying the Counterterrorism Policing and protecting Security Grant is being cut by 7. 2 . We have protected Counterterrorism Policing. We have put money in. We have also put money inforan uplift in armed policing, and the commissioner of the metropolitan police has made the point that the metropolitan police are well resourced and have a wide diversity of tools they can use in countering terrorism. Theresa may. Well, when pmqs was over, it was onto the debate on the queens speech, where labour had down that amendment demanding an end to 1 pay cut for Public Sector staff and an end to cuts in the police and fire services. The Question Ministers have the answer is this. How long are they going to continue to peddle hard line austerity when their own targets for closing the deficit received ever further away, raising the question as to whether savage cuts are not counter productive in terms of encouraging growth, and how long are they going to pursue austerity when any parent who has a child at school, anybody that uses an accident or emergency department, anyone who has an elderly relative in need of social care, can see for themselves that cuts have consequences and that there is a human price to pay for tory austerity. The Home Secretary tackled claims about cuts to Essential Services and the response to the grenfell fire. The fire crew was on the scene at Grenfell Tower within six minutes, and over 200 firefighters responded. Can the shadow Home Secretary really suggest the numbers were inexcusably low . We should also a member that the number of Fire Incidents has halved in the last decade, but the number of firefighters had fallen by less than 20 . She said Police Budgets had been protected since 2015. The real point is that the Party Opposite have cut budgets not since 2015, but since 2010. He is right there were cuts between 2010 and 2015, but i would say to him, we must look at what the outcome is, and crime fell by a third during that period. She is presumably not wholly taken in by the shadow Home Secretary posturing as a defender of peoples safety when, in 1989, she famously signed an early day motion calling for the Scrapping Of M15 and the metropolitan Police Special branch. I want to hear the outcomes, and i know that recently one of the outcomes for West Midlands police was that as Police Officers are pulled away onto Anti Terrorist alerts and more high alert policing, the call outs on other crimes have to be downgraded and one of the things that was downgraded and outcome of it not being police the West Midlands was call outs on domestic violence. I would say to her that the past three months have seen on our police, an extraordinary series of attacks that have put pressure on our police, and generally they have dealt incredibly well with it by having mutual aid coming from different areas to support them. We recognise there has been a particular struggle. I dont think her point holds water that we need to operate at this level as if there were this level of attacks every three months but i do recognise and i will be engaging with police and Police Chief Officers to find out whether they have the support we expect them to have, despite the additional work they need to do. We in the snp we believe that they have sufficient power that their disposal, and the real issue the government should be looking at is whether the police and Security Services have sufficient resources to fight terrorism. It is already a crime to incite violence. People suspected of Terrorist Activity can already be stopped and searched, and people who Aid Terrorists are already imprisoned and those convicted of plotting an attack can be locked up for life so we have the powers. Somehow the government can find £1 billion to support Northern Ireland and to support the government keeping its ownjobs, but cannot support the Additional Resources that the police and Emergency Services need to support theirjobs at this difficult time as well. A conservative turned to a different policy. Apart from the immense complexities and difficulties and grave uncertainties of the brexit negotiations, this country has more than its fair share of major issues with which the government has got to close. What is it in our system that seems to mean that we cannot arrive at a sane national plan, like denmark, the netherlands orjapan, that deals effectively, humanely and decently with care for the elderly in all its complexity . I say to the government, just get on and do it and work across all the parties and all the considerable expertise that this country has to get this done. Sir nicholas soames. Well, at the end of the evening, mps voted on labours amendment to end the Public Sector pay cap, and end cuts to the police and fire service. The ayes to the right, 309. The noes to the left, 323. The government winning that first vision of this parliament by 1a votes. Mps will hold their final day of debate and vote on the queens speech on thursday. Youre watching wednesday in parliament with me, alicia mccarthy. Talks to restore the devolved government in Northern Ireland are continuing as the deadline for a deal approaches. Meanwhile, the implications of an agreement between the democratic unionists and the conservatives to ensure the government has a majority At Westminster are becoming clearer. The dup have secured over £1 billion in funding, in return for their support to enable ministers to get key legislation through. The dups leader At Westminster, nigel dodds, was anxious to explain that the £1 billion of Public Spending would be spent in areas such as Mental Health. Isnt it time people recognised this is delivering for people all across Northern Ireland, all sections of the community, and it will help some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Northern Ireland . And people should get behind it and welcome it. He makes a very important point on this. It is the case, as we said in the agreement, that we recognise the particular circumstances of Northern Ireland that have arisen as the result of Northern Irelands history, and as he says, there will be Mental Health issues that arise as a result of that. Earlier, the Northern Ireland secretary was questioned about what some see as conflict of interest. We are in a odd position where each dup mp is worth more than ronaldo. Laughter does the Secretary Of State agree that it is now impossible for the uk government to be evenhanded in Northern Ireland . No, i dont. James brokenshire. A deal between the conservatives and the dup, which will see an extra £1 billion go to Northern Ireland, still rankled. The new leader of the snp At Westminster at Prime Ministers questions, asking what the Scottish Secretary, david mundell, had known about the deal. The Scottish Secretary insisted scotland would see increased funding if the dup secured money for Northern Ireland as part of a confidence and supply deal saying, i am not going to do a deal that could be structured as Back Door Funding to Northern Ireland. Did the Prime Minister receive any representation from a Scottish Secretary about the dup deal either before or after it was signed . Of course, when we look at what has happened in terms of funding for the rest of the united kingdom, in the autumn Statement Last year my right honourable friend the chancellor that aside an Infrastructure Fund of £23 billion. Were putting more money into our nhs, more money into our schools and there is an impact on scotland as a result of that autumn statement. £800 million extra spending is going to scotland. As a result of the budget, £350 million extra going to scotland. Back then you didnt see the honourable gentleman complaining about more money going to Northern Ireland. But of course he is a nationalist and not a unionist. A labour mp turned to brexit. People have no confidence in the ministers in charge of the brexit deal, and fear that our country is going to be deeply damaged in terms of our economy and our role in the world if we do not get our act together. I have to say to the honourable gentleman that the brexit negotiations have now started formally, the formal negotiations negotiations have started. And there was a very positive start to those negotiations, with my right honourable friend the Secretary Of State for exiting the eu and the appointed negotiator, we have set up three working groups dealing with key issues initially, including citizens rights, im very pleased about that, and started a dialogue on the issue of the border between ireland and Northern Ireland, which is important for Northern Ireland but also for the whole of the united kingdom. We have published, we have set out our objectives, we have published our white papers, we will bring our repeal bill before this house, we know the plan we have got, the part that doesnt know its plan for brexit is his party. A new Conservative Mp raised Jeremy Corbyns history on trident. I was deeply alarmed to hear a report made by the opposition at Glastonbury Festival that in power, he would abandon trident and utterly undermine the security and safety of our country. Would my right honourable friend the Prime Minister agree that it is only her government and the Conservative Party that can provide the safety and security our country needs . Can i first well, honourable friend, in this house, i am sure he is going to be a fine representative of the fine people of the aldershot constituency. I can ijoin with him in saying that i think people were shocked to hear that in public, the leader of the opposition appeared to support trident, but in private, said he wanted to scrap it. Its only the Conservative Party. Only the Conservative Party that is clear about retaining our Nuclear Deterrent and in the case of the leader of the position, it appears he says one thing to the many and another thing to the few. Theresa may. Well, the session had started just after the news broke that six senior figures will be prosecuted over the 1989 hillsborough disaster. 96 liverpool fans were fatally injured in a crush at the fa cup semi final. Today, the Crown Prosecution Service announced charging decisions in relation to hillsborough. I know from working closely with the families when i was Home Secretary that this will be a day of mixed emotions for them. But the house will understand that i cannot say anything further on matters that are not subject to a criminal prosecution. This prosecution, the enquiry, and this development only happened because of the incredible work done by the Hillsborough Justice campaign, andy burnham, Steve Rotherham and other colleagues around this house. And i think. I think we should pay tribute to all of those that spent a great deal of time trying to ensure there was justice for those that died at hillsborough. Jeremy corbyn. Securing trade deals after brexit will be like filling a Swimming Pool with a teaspoon, one of the governments top Infrastructure Advisers has said. Labours lord adonis, the head of the National Infrastructure commission was moving an amendment to the queens Speech Regretting that it contained no plan for britain to remain in the Customs Union and the Single Market. If we are leaving the eu, we should notjeopardise our trade with the eu because upon it depends the jobs and prosperity of tens of millions of the british people. In total, more than 60 of, 60 of our trade is with the eu or third countries where we enjoy free and preferential access by virtue of the Customs Union and Single Market membership. My lords, the governments Brexit Policy is basically one of trying to fill a Swimming Pool with a teaspoon. It is an interesting and very challenging idea, but dont jump in for about three centuries. Laughter. Taking back our own control over our own affairs, includes regaining control of our borders and setting our own immigration policies. It is also clear that to respect the referendum outcome, we cannot end up being half in and half out of the eu. So, my lords, we will be leaving the Single Market and Customs Union. Blue i would approach herjob with immense trepidation. She is carrying an invaluable ming vase across a rather polished floor. In the governments hands is the future our economy and thus the well being of our people. How the government negotiates our future with the eu will have immense consequences for the nation. 0ur businesses, workers, consumers, young people, trade unions. And for generations to come. Every time the Minister Attacks those who ask questions about the details of brexit as unpatriotic, people on the continent as well as here become more suspicious that the government still does not know the answers. To those who want to stop brexit, and i heard one or two speeches that seem to say they would like to, we must listen to the democratic decision of the people. I was particularly struck by lord adonis, who made a very good speech, but it seemed to me that he was ignoring the fact that we had a referendum. The public recognise the need to control our borders. Not least at a time when you publish an increased last year about 580,000 people. Of course we will still, with control, be able to import into this, have come as immigrants into this country people with the necessary skills or the necessary unskilled people to fill certainjobs. But the public have made it very clear that they wanted tighter control of our borders. Once one has accepted that, once one has also accepted free trade, the logic is inescapable that one must leave the Single Market. What i believe, and my nose which is close to the ground, is that in the future there will be blood on the streets because at the level that we are, we cannot give the benefit of the doubt, we cannot go to people who we know are not doing as well as we could and say to them, lets work together. And when it was said earlier that in fact the poor are going to pay for brexit, i say, ok. How can the House Of Lords and House Of Commons stop the poor paying for brexit . Back now to the commons, where labours Dame Rosie Winterton has been elected as one of the Commons Deputy speakers. Shelljoin Labour Mp Lindsay Hoyle and conservative Eleanor Laing in deputising forjohn bercow. Meanwhile, new mps have continued making their first or maiden speeches. There are 84 brand new mps, heres a smattering of those who spoke in the queens speech debate. A new conservative used to teach medieval history. I come to this house with no gilded lineage, but as a child of immigrants. My mother, Born In Britain but grew up in nigeria, became a pharmacist. My father, Born And Bred in nigeria, now an nhs doctor. Both came to this country in the 1980s in search of a better life. In particular, mr deputy speaker, they believed that a good quality education is the key, not just for giving a child, an individual, a decent start in life, but being the foundation for the future health and prosperity of our society as a whole. As a family doctor, everyday, i have seen too many people who have been left behind. People battling Mental Health problems, besieged by loneliness and people with Learning Disabilities who have preventable illness. This holds people back and it drains their potential. Not only is it unjust, but it is damaging to all of us. When a Persons Health becomes so poor that they cant work, or someones father dies a premature death, we all lose. Eye remained true to the promises i made last month to stand up from the views of my constituents. That while the overwhelming preference is to remain at the heart of the eu, we will have no truck with independence andi will have no truck with independence and i have determined that that will bea and i have determined that that will be a part of this united kingdom. Gordon is an outward looking constituency. A confident area, an area of optimism and growth, ready to embrace opportunities, including brexit. Through the democratic process, gordon has fiercely defended its place in the united kingdom. Madam deputy speaker, i would suggest to the honourable members opposite, this country needs to talk up its opportunities, talk up its position in the world and be positive about the road that lies before us. A new conservative used to teach medieval history. I see a great many resonances between that period and our own. You might want to take the peasants revolt, 1381, which started on the high street in bre ntwood. A rebellion against vexatious taxation, levied by a distant, overbearing government. I would warn the house that my constituents attitude to taxation has changed very little in the intervening 636 years. And thats it from me for now, but do join us at the same time tomorrow for another round up of the day here At Westminster. But for now from me, goodbye. First there will be a particularly disappointing day with dampness in the airfor the disappointing day with dampness in the air for the western side of wales and down into the south west of england. The rain eventually spreads away from the eastern side of Northern Ireland to cover all parts as we get on into the afternoon. Dry affairs of the south and east midlands, parts of east anglia In The South East but even here the odd showery burst of rain. A bit of brightness, 20 degrees underneath cloud wind and rain you could be locked at 12 or 13. Miserable to say the least. Rainfall totals are mounting up. We could see 80 millimetres in the north east of scotland, quite easily. Not a cold night by any means at all but not the brighter start to friday. Again, across much of scotland, Northern Ireland, North England western england down into wales, rain is an ever present threat is not a reality. Into the south eastern quarter, a mixture of sun and again sharp showers. Temperatures could boost to around 23 but chilly fare further north. Welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in North America and around the globe. My names mike embley. Our top stories 0ne of the worlds most senior Roman Catholic cardinals, george pell, has been charged with multiple counts of child sexual abuse. Tough new Security Measures unveiled for flights into the United States but theres no ban on laptop computers. Hong kong Police Arrest democracy activists hours before president xi arrives to celebrate 20 years of chinese rule. The policeman who took on the London Bridge attackers tells us about the moment he faced them alone. Ijust had one voice in my head saying, dont go down, dont go down. And all i know is that i was swinging all over the place

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