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4,000 level. Not far from the ridiculous heights of 2000. Its simple. On the endless record setting days like today, the smart money is angry. Yes. The smart money is furious. Oh, they are mean, mad, angry. [ booing ] why . They are jealous of the dumb money thats buying stocks and the stocks are going higher. All sorts of stocks. Its infuriating to people who do it for a living, the pros. They hate whats happening now in this market. Its not supposed to happen. Let me give you five reallife examples of things that shouldnt be happening according to the socalled smart money. Starting with amazon. It hit an alltime high and nothing aggravates them more. Amazon is despised by brilliant people who know better. They know much better than bezos. They refuse to acknowledge the incredible run the i company isnt making money. We deal with merchants stuck if they embraced the business model. It excuses behavior. Amazon is threatening to do sameday food delivery forever but they havent. Maybe they cant do it on a large scale without losing money. And other companies would be slammed. Amazon gets away with tinkering until they get it right. If thats not galling enough lets the talk about whats propelling amazon right here. The weather we are featuring the weather every day today. Big storms all over the place. So big it might impact big friday, the shopping day in america. What have we learned when we are shut in because of bad weather . We shop on amazon. The Retail Investor is coming back after a dozenyear absence. They buy what they like. What fools the Retail Investors be. Actually no. This is a Winning Strategy now. The intelligentsia argue that its wrong, stupid, shouldnt count, but it does and its working. Amazon is going higher. How can that be wrong is this thats what we are looking for. Sometimes they get me so angry. I think we are looking for stocks to go higher. What are we supposed to do . Should i recommend stocks to go lower . How about slowly . How about stocks that do nothing . Those must be loved. I applaud people who look for stocks that go higher. The goal is to make money, not feel smart. Do you know who the wise people remind me of . Charlie the tuna. The debonair, urbane tuna fish with fabulous taste. The starkist didnt want tuna with good taste. It wanted goodtasting tuna. These super brilliant investors have fabulous taste. Do you know what i say . Sorry, charlie. This isnt about good taste. Its about what tastes good. Thats amazon. The incredible gains it gives you. I find them mouthwatering. Second example, netflix. Weather is bad. Dont see catching fire. Its too wet, too cold, too whatever. So stay home and watch netflix. Go ask your kid ifs they love netflix. No one wants to ask his kids anything. What do they know about security analysis . I say we are in a buy what you like environment. Im helpless to stop it. Can we acknowledge thats whats happening and maybe try to profit . Whats wrong with that . Oh cramer is gaming the process. The smart money types are gaming a process that says the stocks are overvalued. Its a game. But that game isnt as good as the one with im watching. The pros are watching the redskins lose to the 49ers game. Me, i watching the patriots beat the broncos. Better game. Tune in. Third, nothing freaks out the geniuses whole called the trillion dollar t shots more than when Retail Investors buy stocks that make warm weather clothing when its cold though they are up a lot. They are ap plek tick about deckers. They cant believe you can make money on companies that make north face and uggs. Trading the weather is too pedestrian for them. Prosaic. This is about degrees are difficulty. They are doing belly flops and making money. Its ridiculous. They havent done the work. They will meet the same fate as poor fools who bought lions gate at the opening of the hunger games. This isnt about louganis. Its possible that the stocks might be are you ready, skidaddy attractively priced. To the skiers out there, im sorry. This mere entertainer thinks he does good stocks. My bad. For example, the work day. Someone is not a retail name. Work day is worse. Its a cloud play with accelerated revenue taking share from the cheap solid lovable or rack, the brilliant witty, well schooled charlies school, charlies, fish. Work day is worse than the stock salesforce. Com that cramer likes. Of course the stock is up 800 since i liked it. Why do they hate workday . It doesnt play by the rules. Its going off the cloudbased Human Resources system better than oracle that only sells at 12 times earning with a ton of cash, dividend. Workday has none of that. Just revenues when the cloud market is revealed as a fraud. I dont blame the wise and wonderful ones. I had to study workday before i sat down with neil last week. Give me a break. What does this company have over paychex . Growth that can stretch for years with ceos who invented the software. It got hit with with a hostile take over bid. Its reasonable that the work day can capture them back. What can i say . After doing the homework and visiting with management, i understand why the longs could be right versus the shorts who are choking. This stock rallied more than 10 today because it was shorted. The big growth mutual funds lapped it up. Sorry, charlie. Finally haines celestial. Its growing too fast for bears who were convinced irwin simon is hiding something with the acquisitions in the Natural Organic space. Hes not moving fast enough in my mind. He needs to dominate every aisle of the supermarket. They are craving natural and organic and hes got it. Hes got to dominate. In the meantime a price war is the best news for hain. Smart money had it at 30, 50, 70 and now 82. They detest it. Why . Arent they more right . In their intelligent, twisted way, i guess so. For a dozen years we had a market where it was taboo to make money this way. They want to tell you that when you play with fire like this, someone gets burned and it will be you. That when you have this good a time someone always gets hurt to which i say, listen, we have been eating good tuna all year. We arent stopping now. Sorry, charlie. How about cory in new jersey. Caller hey, jim. Hows it going . Are you from around the block . Caller yeah i am. Really . Caller yeah. Zulilly, earlier this month gained 2 in the ipo. I wonder if you think it is a buy and could be a growth stock like amazon. Com or if you think thats just overvalued. It is not my fave. If im going to buy overvalued im going for the container store. Let me be clear. Overvalued on near term numbers, not the out years. I value on the out years. I think by that take the new crop of stocks arent as good as not as good as five below which is one of my favorites or lets get down to it. Costco. Can i go to paul in california . Paul. Caller hi, jim. Paul from california. How you doing . Couldnt be better. Happy thanksgiving. Caller you, too. I talked to you before about illinois true works. There is news about them today about private equity firms and the Industrial Packaging unit and a bidding war. What do you think of that short and longterm . Nothing. What will do something is the earnings stream they have. The packaging is important. This is the kind of company thats doing well now. Its an International Company based many the United States with worldwide operations that are just killing it. I say stay long itw. There are lots of snobs on wall street. Many are guys you think you, the Retail Investor, the little guy arent smart enough to figure out what makes money in the market. How is that working for them . Why dont we stick together . See you later, charlie. Mad money will be back. Announcer coming up, Heated Exchange . When the wall street big shots square off on a stock it can open opportunities for home gamers to profit and sparks are flying now over alcoa. So is it your chance to buy into a solid story . Or could it melt away . Later, go, go gadget. The all out assault on apple kept its stock flat for most of the year. But is the onethe time titan of the touchscreen finally about to break out as the extreme shopping season gets into high gear . Or should it be left on the shelf . Plus, golden goose . Investors have all but given up on the shiny stuff. Down over 25 this year. Could it be about to glisten . Cramer is searching for signals when he goes off the charts. All coming up on mad money. Dont miss a second of mad money, follow jimcramer on twitter. Have a question . Tweet cramer, madtweets. Send jim an email to madmoney cnbc. Com or give us a call at 1800743cnbc. Miss something . Head to madmoney. Cnbc. Com. Twins. I didnt see them coming. I have obligations. Cute obligations, but obligations. I need to rethink the core of my portfolio. What i really need is sleep. Introducing the ishares core, Building Blocks for the heart of your portfolio. Find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. Ishares by blackrock. Call 1800ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Read and consider it carefully before investing. Risk includes possible loss of principal. Who do you believe . Who do you trust in this business . Its so hard to know they cant blame anyone for worrying about stocks they own. The case can always be made for either side. Im not kidding. I could make it face to face for this one or that one. Take last night. We had irwin simon on, the man behind hain celestial. 2,400 including a 52 gain this year. A Public Company that went from 3,000 to 2 million in a 20year span. Its gone from being a small player in a small aisle to the dead aisle to being the largest provider to whole foods and costco and now walmart as everyone embraces organic and natural foods. This is a success story. Or is it . A dow jones publication slammed them for making acquisitions that suggest the company is ripe for a fall. What are they doing that we should worry about . The argument says they are stocking the shelves of Distribution Channels including walmart in the hopes that Middle America will cotton to health care after the channel fill is ov over. So its now being cited as a nigz. No matter that the ceo of costco said organic and natural is here to stay. Hain figures into every Cash Register in every store that sells food. Nope, according to this story, the channel stuffing walmart to get shortterm results. How about the fact that the stock is up 33 since the publication trashed them with a cover story about how they are hiding. Amazing. Time to make a series of smaller acquisitions. Hes getting knocked silly by the press. Last year campbells soup bought bolthouse farms and shows a hideous quarter with no real growth from the acquisition. Thats worthy of criticism unlike the integration by hai, in. Oh, 57bd at what point does simon get the benefit of the doubt for what he built . Maybe never. How about this. Herbal life. You have a Big Hedge Fund manager. He intendses to take it to the end of the earth. Why . He thinks herbalife is a business about not selling anything, just recruiting people to recruit others with the Nutritional Supplements as a side show. And then there is the former chairman who brought 6. 3 and wants to help the Company Bring up value. Bill sears is to food but now that Warren Buffett holds heinz that may not hold up. Herbalife is waiting for a clean opinion on the financials because of acquisitions that audits the books. It has nothing to do with herbalife. Once the audit comes back clean and there are no allegations by anyone that says it wont they will try to unlock the value in the company. Whos right . Is herbalife a fraudulent scheme or cheap stock being kept under a cloud by a henl fund that wants to make the quarterly numbers . This is simple. If akman can convince them it is a fraud maybe he can get the business shut down and he wins. But the company gets 80 of sales from overseas or if they miss the numbers he could win. Not going to zero with that. If it gets a clean bill of health they make a killing. Same thing in Green Mountain coffee. Its been brought to my attention by herb greenberg. The bulls insist the business is growing and the bears say it is a step from the grave. The fundamentals seem to have turned dramatically in favor for the better. Green mountain announce add 10 billion buy back and a decent dividend. Like hain the bears say the earnings were low quality while the dividend and buyback masked weakness. For the life of me i dont know how that could be the case. But the case is made that the beauty is skin deep. I took heat when i said on squawk on the street that what should matter is that the keurig Green Mountain model is coming on well. And it is a sign of health. Little did i know these are signs of ill health according to the bears. They say, jim, do your homework. Finally alcoa. They were at 8. 11. Deutsche bank put it to a sell. The downgrade assumed the efforts to make itself into less of a commodity play werent working and the company could be worth more if it breaks up. But the split isnt viable based on the analyst projections. He was wrong about the sensitivity to the price of aluminum and the dollar and that the stock is up 18 since the downgrade. You have an indictment of the job that the ceo is doing to turn the company around. He thinks the company is worth more dead than dead. Then the 11 target from goldman sachs. It was a more accurate depiction of what happened. Many initiatives are paying off. I admit to being biased in favor of all four battlegrounds. Growth in hain is unimpeded. Im tt not going to think buy bax and dividends are dodges and i would not sell alcoa. Buy it. But reading both sides and getting comfortable with the risks and rewards you are making yourself a better investor. My bottom line is simple. You cant be sure who to trust except for you yourself. The bears reports cause you to worry to the point where you will dump your position next time you hear the same attack. Dont buy. If you are certain in your conviction it is repetition of the negativity gives you a better price to buy more. Know thyself. Thats how the best investors triumph regardless of direction for or against a stock. Justin in connecticut. Caller a big connecticut husky booyah, jim. I like that. We have huskies fans on the staff here. Theyre rabid. Whats up . Caller whats the longterm outcome on slw . Poor mans gold . I have enough problem owning rich mans gold. I dont like silver wheaton. Many people said why not and the answer is it keeps going down and i dont think its worth money. To don in california. Caller mr. Cramer, happy holidays tr from myself, my wife patrice and our cat crumbles. We watch your show every day. [ barking ] caller my question is regarding sqm. It used to be the lithium play. The stock tanked since january of this year. Last Quarter Results werent so good with the loss of revenue and shrinking margins. Forbes says the stock is oversold. I want to get your opinion. I think youre right. Its a Decent Company but i dont like that sector right now. If i had to buy it i would actually buy deere which is undervalued now. I have been saying deere has been overvalued but the last quarter seemed good to me but they made projections so conservative no one wants to own the stock. Hard to know who to trust except for yourself. Listen. If you have conviction, put on the blinders and do some buy, buy, buy. Stay with cramer. Announcer coming up, gadget. The assault on apple kept the stock flat for most of the year. Is the onetime titan of the touchscreen about the break out as the extreme shopping season getses into high gear or should it be left on the shelf . Im jim cramer. Welcome to my world. Announcer one man, one mission. I just want to make you money. Announcer eight years. You need to get in the game reporter tens of thousands of miles traveled of. This new black gold rush is just getting started. Its the sound of american industry roaring back to life. Announcer hundreds of ceos. My life story can be yours. Announcer thousands of callers. Caller booyah, jim bo announcer millions of emails and tweets. Mad money thanks cramerica for being with us for over 2000 episodes. [ male announcer ] this december, experience the gift of exacting precision and some of the best offers of the year [ ding ] at the lexus december to remember sales event. This is the pursuit of perfection. You can fill that box and pay one flat rate. I didnt know the coal thing was real. Its very real. David rivera. Rivera, david. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. Simple, flat rate shipping the reliability of fedex. You knew the move apple would happen just when no one was paying attention, didnt you . Isnt the lack of attention why the stock would go up nine points in one session . No fanfare, no scrutiny under the radar. Remember when apple was on everybodys lips . You remember how the company lost its way and wasnt using cash creatively. We hung one as carl icahn played with tip cook. It went from a failed Product Store to a failed Financial Engineering store in record time. Cook let down the apple enthusiasts and the financial engineers. It got so bad out there, so bad for the apple that when it reported better than expected kwar ters the analysts were negative. Who lost china, they asked . Why isnt apple buying back stock . Why doesnt it do a carl icahn once . The stock now isnt because of Financial Engineering but real engineering. It is innovating, creating new products. They are now more software than hardware oriented. People love them. The stock is rallying the way it used to when the reviews came out about the operating system. They were not only laudatory but glowing. It leaped over samsung. The new tablet is best t at anything imagined a year ago. We are beginning to hear from companies who make corrugated boxes and who shop Holiday Gifts and retailers who sell hard goods that its beginning to look like an apple christmas. Can it be as good as two years ago . I dont know. Still a ways from here. The fact that the stock went this high without raising price target nonsense good news. Is fact that it is not done on upgrades and price target nonsense and table pounding tells me the run has staying power. I know apple isnt giving me a credible social alternative to go with mobile. It didnt buy pandora because it thought it uh could beat it. Not yet. I wish it could give me something omg, something i didnt dream about but in six months i could say, i can want live without it. That doesnt mean apple is sitting still. Its a giant step toward apple creating something to react to motion like the best part of oh xbox. We dont know how they can win the battle for the living room without the Cable Companies but maybe they can make the cable box less of a hardship and your remote less of a relic. It offers a decent dividend that can go higher and the biggest buyback on earth. Apple may be one of the best places to be going into the home stretch. A gaining momentum story with with a low price to earnings multiple. All done without analyst support. Who knows what will happen when the wall street promotion machine jumps on the bandwagon in the last days of 2013. John in north carolina. John. Caller booyah, jim. Whats going on . I dont know. How about you . Caller i have had better days. I put a lot of faith in nuance communications. Yeah. Thats a t battleground stock. People keep thinking apple will buy it. Theyre not. Herb greenberg had good things to say on it on street signs. I dont want to be there. It will bounce tomorrow. Sell it. Just when you thought everybody forgotten about apple, sneaking up on you, inch by inch. Its looking to be an apple christmas. Without analyst support, no price tag the boost, none of that, just wait until they get on board. There is no stopping apple now. Stay with cramer. Announcer where can an investor be a name and not a number . Scottrade. Ron im never alone with scottrade. I can always call or stop by my local office. Theyre nearby and ready to help. So when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. Because i dont trade like everybody. I trade like me. Thats why im with scottrade. Announcer ranked highest in Investor Satisfaction with selfdirected services by j. D. Power and associates. It is time. It is time for the lightning round on cramers mad money. A special thanksgiving edition. I tell you to buy or sell. Play this sound and the lightning round is over. Are you ready . Time for the lightning round on mad money starting with amelia in new jersey. Caller hi, jim cramer. I had the good fortune to participate in the fifth anniversary show. Loved you then, love you now. You are the master of the stock universe. My grandson chris thinks youre cool. My fiance is delighted to profit from your wisdom. What do you think of vale . Let me thank you for the compliments. Stephanie and i went back and forth. I was suicidal about it. It was a brazilian stock. Any other country this would have bottomed. Honestly, i will say i dont want to sell it or buy it. Thats how i feel about vale. Its too low to sell. I cant take the pain to buy something. Can i go to lee in alabama . Lee. Hey, booyah. Roll tide. Roll crimson. Caller roll tide you bet. Caller question for you. You know with the increase in crude production and the availability will it benefit yes. The veds are terrific and i think the tsi is good to buy. I think alabama goes all the way as much as i like them. Jude in new jersey. Caller hi, jim. How are you . Real good. Caller thank you for the help in helping me make money. Im doing it right. Caller do you think matell is a good investment . I do. Its inexpensive and people are worried about the holiday season, but im not. Brett in texas. Caller booyah from the san antonio riverwalk. Wow. Second san antonio call this week. I love it. Beautiful there. Whats up . Caller youre the only eagles fan we love in texas. Really . Thank you. We could have used the giants to get a win. Go ahead. Caller well see. It comes down to the last game of the season, eagles giants. The playbook, my friend. Go ahead. Caller does dell eta airlines keep flying high . Yes. I think it breaks out. 20 just a few weeks ago and still going hard. Joe in florida. Caller bbbooyah from sanibel island, florida. Im a member of action alerts plus and 100 this year thanks to you. Yes. We had winners. Thank you very much. Caller my stock is h. A. , hawaiian holdings. You know, i know the company very well. Its always been a poor second to the last but its coming back well. I like the airlines and i have embraced that one, too. Frank in norg, please. Frank. Frank . Caller frank, yeah. Hi. How are you . Caller good, good. Hows everything . Good. You . Caller okay. Thank you for taking my call. Of course. Caller my concern with e eli lily. I think its just okay. I like them so im reluctant to slam the company. It doesnt have the growth of johnson johnson. I want you to sell, sell, sell lilly and buy j j. Richard in massachusetts. Caller hi, mr. Cramer. Thanks for taking my call. My pleasure. Caller giant interactive, g. A. Oh, chinese play. It does have momentum, but im not going there. I recommend bidu. I reiterate that i like yahoo . Why . Its got the alibaba stake and i think that will be gigantic. Chris in new york. Caller hey, jim. How you doing . Good, chris. You . Caller good, good. I acquired pxd at 185. Let me spend time for a second on the independent oil companies. A lot of people feel they are over it. We know oil could fall further. The stocks are ahead of the commodities. They have come down a lot. I like pioneer but lets understand. I like e. O. G. More than pioneer. I think e. O. G. Will have better prices than pioneer t at these levels. Larry in ohio. Caller yes, cramer. Yeah. Caller i want to know what you think about i bought some facebook. Facebook had a big run. My Charitable Trust rang the register today. Why . Because we have been greedy. We have made a lot of money from my Charitable Trust for action owners trust. Com. We dont like being greedy. Bulls and bears make money, hogs get slaughtered. That is the conclusion of the lightning round. [ buzzer ] announcer the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. Announcer coming up, golden goose . Investors have all but given up on the shiny stuff. Down over 25 this year. Could it be about to glisten . Cramer is searching for signals when he goes off the charts. Be . Like, really big. Then expanded . Or their new product tanked . Or not . What if they embrace new technology instead . Imagine a companys future with the future of trading. Company profile. A Research Tool on thinkorswim. From td ameritrade. A reso, if youre sleepingswim. In your contact lenses, what you wear to bed is your business. Ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable theyre approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. Serious eye problems may occur. Ask your doctor and visit airoptix. Com for Safety Information and a free onemonth trial. Ya know, with new fedex one rate you can fill that box and pay one flat rate. How naughty was he . Oh boy. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. Simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. Losing thrusters. I need more power. Give me more power [ mainframe ] located. Ge deepsea fuel technology. A 50,000pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. Our Current Situation seems rather extreme. Why cant we maximize our. Ready. Brilliant. Lets get out of here. Warp speed. Okay, who helps you focus on your recovery . Yo, yo, yo. Aflac. Wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. Pays you cash when youre sick or hurt . [ japanese accent ] aflac. Love it. [ under his breath ] hate it. Helps you focus on getting back to normal . [ as a Southern Belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. Uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. Youre on in 5, duck. [ male announcer ] when youre sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. Find out more at aflac. Com. With the recent plunge in the price of oil in the United States, a 17 decline in west texas intermediate crude its worth asking when the pain will end. When will oil bottom . Carly garner is author of traders first book on commodities and my colleague t t at real money. Com. Garner believes that the pain is not yet over. She thinks it could stop in a couple of weeks. Until early december she see it is price of oil going lower. First lets look at the weekly chart of the west texas the intermediate crude. We care t t not about the price action. I put it there. But the lines at the bottom that represent the commodities futures wokely commitments of traders report known as the c. O. T. Report. This commitment of traders report is a fabulous resource. Three different groups of futures traders. The large speculators, big institutional investors, the one we care about. Small speculators, little fish and commercial speculators who own the futures for the purpose of hedging. In other words, they will be shorting the hedge because they own the oil. Shorting oil futures because they own the oil. When you see large speculators getting bullish that should set off warning bells, particularly in a situation like you have now where you have a lot of people betting on a commodity like oil. Thats too many bulls. They spoil the t pot. If everyone and their mother is long oil nobody is left to buy which means your upside is exhausted and you are at risk of losing money at the hands of a mass liquidation which hasnt happened where the bulls turn bearish and dump their position because they cant take the pain. With oil garners actually surprised at how tenaciously the bulls are hanging in there. Near the peak large speculators were net long 360,000 futures contracts which is close to a record high. According to the latest report after the 17 decline in the price of crude the big boys are net long 313,000 contracts. It doesnt make sense. Garner is pointing out we are in a position where tons of investors are betting on oil, not against it. There are bulls and they could stampede toward the exits if things get painful. The mass liquidation that could rapidly knock down crude is still very much on the table despite the decline. Check the this out. This is a detailed weekly chart of west texas crude. One of the things happening here is garner believes we could see a major seasonal selloff in the coming weeks. Look at the behavior of oil prices in the last 25 years. In the wake of a negative november you get a seasonal low in early december. In a couple of weeks garner thinks oil will have a seasonal floor but until then she thinks oil will be pounded. She sees wti dipping to floor support near 90. Possibly 86 before the decline ends. I dont know anybody thinking that negatively. She says you should be a buyer. Look t at the monthly chart of west texas oil. The recent gradual measure decline in crude has been bizarre. Normally when oil goes down we get more pain, more panic until we get a vicious panic move lower. Consider the williams oscillator as a bottom. Developed by larry williams. That works well. Right now west texas crude futures are are near 35 on this indicator. Thats low. But amazingly its still not technically oversold. That wont happen until the reading drops below 20. Its got ways to go. Before oil can rally in the United States garner says we have to see real pain. We havent had it yet. Seems to occur when prices pull back to 90 or target price 86. Garner sees it happening in the next couple of weeks so be ready to turn bullish on oil when the price gets low enough people start to panic. I didnt think it could go that low. This is at odds with my world view. Enough about black gold. Lets talk real gold. This was a fabulous year for precious metals. It seems nearly everyone has given up on the shiny stuff. Garner thinks this could be a smart time to buy it. Having too many bulls can create the conditions for a sell off and too many bears can make it ease ser yr a commodity to rally. Garner likes gold here. The fact that it is hated only makes her like it more. Look at the weekly chart of oh gold showing the commitments of traders from the cftc. We are talking the cotton report. According to the latest report large gold speculators are holding a net long position of just 40,000. When i saw it i said, man, this has to be a bottom. Thats minuscule. Garner says the well capitalized traders are moving on, turning their back on gold creating the opportunity. Check out the more detailed weekly chart of gold. When you look t at the williams percentage r oscillator we use for oil you can see by any measure gold is oversold. Thats what we didnt see with oil. The williams percentage oscillator is at 12, the lowest reading since the collapse in gold on june 28. If you remember after gold plummeted in june it bounced back from 1,180 on a ounce to 1,430 in august. Garner thinks we could see a similar move now. The fact the chart is making Double Bottom only makes her more confident. One bottom, two. Wow. We havent reached lows for gold but garner can see the precious metal rebounding before it runs spo resistance. She thinks gold will break through and trade to 1,425 which is where the most recent wave of selling began. If shes right you want the gold, gld and coal options on rangold, the stock we talked about last night. It has tons of pros pecks coming to fruition. Bottom line. Too many bulls should make you worry. According to carly garners reading of the charts thats the situation in oil. She thinks crude could be hammerford a couple of weeks before it turns around. Too many bears and you could have a terrific buying opportunity which is what garner sees with gold. Holy smokes. Two very contrary, very bold calls. Stay with cramer. Announcer coming up, its electric. Its one of the tickers top performers today. Whats driving Paloalto Networks move and can the Network Security play help connect you with ones and zeroes . Cramer has the exclusive fresh off earnings. Ya know, with new fedex one rate you can fill that box and pay one flat rate. How naughty was he . Oh boy. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. Simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. When you do what i do, iyou think about risk. I dont like the ups and downs of the market, but i cant just sit on my cash. I want to be prepared for the long haul. Ishares minimum volatility etfs. Investments designed for a smoother ride. Find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. Ishares by blackrock. Call 1800ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Read and consider it carefully before investing. Risk includes possible loss of principal. [ male announcer ] this december, experience the gift of unsurpassed craftsmanship at the lexus december to remember sales event. Some of the best offers of the year. This is the pursui of perfection. Some of the best offers of the year. announcer at scottrade, our cexactly how they want. T with scottrades online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login. To easily move my money when i need to. Plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. Because i dont trade like everybody. I trade like me. Im with scottrade. announcer scottradeproud to be ranked best overall client experience. Lets talk about hewlettpackard. This is this another quarter toward the rebuild and reconstruction of hewlettpackard. When you look at Revenue Growth you wont be excited. When you look a the cash generation and debt pay down you will recognize they are on the right course. They are still not able to break out, but wait until dell is hobbled by all the debt. Then they go head to head. I think hewlettpackard will take it. Buy the stock. There is always a bull market somewhere. I promise to find it for you on mad money. Im jim cramer and i will see you tomorrow. Less than five days to go before the deadline, and the obama care website nowhere near ready. Insurance Companies Still have no way to be sure who is really enrolled. Total enrollment numbers are still woefully low. And can you say death panels . Yeah, they are back. President obama laughed off even the suggestion of them, but respected political reporter and coauthor of the game change bestseller Mark Halperin is talking about them now, and hes going to join us tonight. And we know the deal with iran is bad. We know the obama team is still defending it, but what does israel do now . Were about to ask a top israeli diplomat if his nation will strike and strike soon. All

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